Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 31, 1912, Image 8

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    Pnice Six
Pastor Russell's Sermon
ft. a, X 'M. Aim.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
Pianos and Organs Edison, Victor and
Why a Savior and a Redemp
tive Work Are Necessary.
Borlpture Teachee That Humanity
Would Hava No Hop of Everlaetlng
Llfa Excapt Through Divina Meroy.
Why God Provldad a Salvation For
Mankind Through Jaaua' Sacrifice.
Tha Only Baala of Raoonolllatlon.
S(ocl;liolm, Aug.
25. 1'ostor Itus
ell of London
Tubcrnnclo arriv
ed from Flnlund
tills morning. IIo
addreBsod two
largo BwedlHli con
gregations be re
mid leaves tonight
for Coponbngen,
Kiel, HriisRols and
London. We report
ono of Ills ad
dresses from I
Tlnmlhy II, .", (I: "There Is one God,
mill one Mediator between God and
iiicii, tlif Mini ClirlNt JeHiis, who riivo
J I i i i mi ' I r a ItiiiiHiun for nil, to be tostl
llcd In duo Unit'." IIo mild:
Mn u j- full lo understand why B
Snvlor mill n redemptive work nro nec
essnry. They nsk, Why wns It noces
snry fur .lesus to conio Into the world?
How did lilt dciiUi lulliieneo Ood to
the forgiveness of limnim sin? And
why wiid thn better snerlllco of Johuh
typified liy tlio snerlllco of bulls end
gouts under the Jewish Law Covenant?
A right iinderHliindlng, n correct undor
stnndlng, of these mutters Is (ba very
essence of true theology, and niosti
neiprui 10 ns nil.
'J'ho Iilvlno arrangement proposes
that everything In accord with Ood
oiiiHt I io nbsoiutoly perfect. Both an
gels ii nil iiioii wero created perfect, "In
Cod's bunco." And tbo Dlvlno Lnw,
In tbo Interest of all, ctitB off from fel
lowship and blessings nil who delib
erately go Into hIii, and fcllowtmlpsonly
such ns nro perfect. Hence the sen
tence upon I'n I her Adam for bis dls
ohrdlence cut bin) olT from Dlvlno fel
lowship mid favor under tbo sentence,
"Dying, thou shall dlo" (Genesis II, 17)
not, "doing to eternal torment, thou
shalt roust."
True, Adam's children wero never
thus condemned, but, born In sin nnd
"Hhapen In Iniquity" (I'snlm II, B), un
der the laws of heredity they nevor
wero perfect, never wero fully In the
Imago of Clod, never wero, therefore.
In harmony with Cod, but always nbar
kI Father Adam's alienation nnd con
demnation. They wero "children of
wrath" (Kpheslans II, IDJustly shnr
Ing their Father Adam's penalty of
deiitb, because Imperfect not worthy
of life uniler the Divine nrrangemoiit
Reconciliation a Naoaaaity.
Whoever Bees clearly theso facts of
Scripture must peivelvo that Immunity
would have no hope of everlasting life
except through IH vino mercy forgive
ness. Hut Home ono will say, Why
should there bo any necessity for the
7iio) io leave heavenly glory nnd be
nindo flesh and then to dlo, "tbo Just
for the unjust," to nialio posslhlo our
return to Divine favor? Why should
not Cod forgive the sins of Adam nnd
bis nice even as we nre directed to for
give those who trespass against us?
Cod's attitude towards sin very prop
erly Is different. "Ills work Is per
fect." (Deuteronomy xxxll, 4.) He
created Adam In Ills own Image. We
sinners nre not Cod's creation direct,
but have merely como Into existence
under laws of heredity. Justice Is un
der no obligation to us. All rights and
privileges granted lo Father Adam
wero forfeited nnd have been abrogat
ed, From the Divine standpoint of
Justice, our race Is n dead one. Moro
than this the great Supremo llulur
mid Judge of tlio Universe, having con
demned us ns unflt for eternal life and
fellowship with Himself, could not
Justly set nsldo Ills own docroe. God
could not, therefore, Justly, righteous
ly, change Ills verdict, for tlmt would
Imply thnt our sentence wns an unjust
Tbo Dlvlno Government refuses to
lie thus compromised, but Instead has
provided u salvation for humanity
through Jesus' death. The mothod
adopted maintains the dignity of the
Divine I.nw to (he full, nnd lit the same
time reveals (he fact that our Creator
Is the very embodiment of sympathy
und love-qualltlos of Ills which uovor
would have been so fully appreciated
by either angels or men unless God
hud permitted human sin, bad provid
ed the penalty Ho did, nnd then pro
vided the Itodcinpllon through the
Lognt- Jesus.
"Bstwaan Ood and Man."
A mediator Is one who standi be
tween two pnrtles who nro nt vari
ance, for tlio purpose of bringing
about reconciliation. The two pnrtles
mentioned In our text nro not God and
the Church but "God nnd the world
mankind In general. Mnu sinned.
God Justly condemned the sinner. The
Mediator's first work In reconciliation
must be to offor a substitute to Jus
tice for Admn'i ln. Our text tells us
that the Man Christ Jesus did this
very thing -tie gnvo Himself to be
Kanmm priic for all mankind. Ill did
this when IIo reached perfect man
hood, nt thirty years of ago, when III
.. i!
r . . .?
. ) i
consecrated Ills life to God-even on
to dentil. He finished this giving of
Himself on Calvary when He cried,
"It is finished." (John xlx, 80.) The
perfect, spotless, uucoututnlnated life
of tho Man Christ Jesus, thus laid
down a voluntary sacrifice, constitutes
a Raniom-price for Adam and bis race.
Tbo word Itnnsoin In our text bns
very strict meaning, nnmely, a oorrct
ponding price. Adam In his perfection
was In God's Imnge "very good." The
Man Jesus, who guvo Himself a cor
responding price, was In God's image
"vory good." IIo corresponded ex
actly to the perfect man Adnm, and
His sacrifice of Himself In death cor
responded oiuctly to tbo penalty
against Adam, which the entire race
bus shared. This great transaction,
accomplished nearly nineteen centu
ries ago, Is not yet generally proclaim
ed, but will be testified to all In due
time, our text declares. As yet only
the fow, guided by the Word nnd en
lightened by the Holy Spirit, can ap
preciate this matter, because Its details
have not yot been fully worked out.
"When all Ita mighty work la seen,
lvalue shall all tongues employ."
Et Taut declares thnt the calling nnd
election of the Church to bocome the
Bride of Christ and Ills Jolnt-belr In
Ills Messianic Kingdom Is a "Mystory"
appreciated by fow. The Mystery la
thnt In the Great Jehovah'a Plun this
Elect Church, now In process of selec
tion, Is to constitute with Jesus her
Heileemer the great Mediator who,
during the Millennium, will media to
tho Now Covenant between God nnd
mankind In general. Tbo foundation
for all that Mediatorial work the all-
essential basis of It was effocted by
our Lord Jesus alone when He, ns the
Man Christ Jesus, gnve Himself a
Ransom-price for all. Ilut tho great
work of reconciliation belongs to the
futuro nnd Is to be shared In by the
Rrldo class.
Well did John tho nnptlst point to
Jesus and say, "Heboid, tho Lamb of
God! whleh tnlieth awny the sin of the
world." (John 1, 20. 31.) In Jesus re
sided tho Itaiisoin-prlec, and not In His
Church; In Jesus' work, nnd not In our
work; In Jesus' sacrifice, and not In
our snerlflcc, wns tlio potency for tho
cleansing away of Adam's sin and the
setting aside of Ills dentil penalty.
Whatever share tbo Church wns grant
ed In tbo great work of the world's
reconciliation wns by grace nnd not by
our merit not by our sacrifice.
Mediation Not Yat Begun,
The Redeemer has not yet begun ITIn
work of Mediation between God and
men. IIo merely provided the basis of
that reconciliation In Ills denth nt Cal
vary. The merit of Ills sacrifice is In
Jehovah's bands, but Is not yet appro
printed for the sins of the world. The
world's sins nre not yet forgiven
Hence God still treats the world ns sin
ncrs, aliens, foreigners, enemies
through evil works.
Everything Is In readiness fur t lit
forgiveness of tho sins of tho world:
but tho Redeemer waits until lie shall
have accomplished another feature of
tho Dlvlno Program, namely, tho selec
tion of the Church to bo Ills Drlde; or
under nnother figure, to bo members of
tho Rody of Messiah, under Jesus the
Head members of the llody of the
Mediator, under the lledeemcr's Head
ship.' "For Moses verily said unto the
fathers, A Prophet shall the Lord your
God raise up unto you from amongst
your brethren like unto me Moses;
Illm shall ye bear In all things what
soever IIo shall say unto you. And
tho person Iliat will not obey that
Prophet that Teacher, shnll bo do
stroyed from nuiongst tho people."
Acts III, 22, 23.
This mitltyplcnl Moses, Head nnd
members, has been In process of devel
opment, or raising up, for now nearly
nineteen centuries. Ood raised up
Jesus the very first, nnd Is since nils
lug up us also by Jesus. And through
tho First Resurrection Bhortly the en
tire Rody, (ho Messiah of glory, will
bo changed, made partakers of the dl
vlno nnture. Rovelntlon xx, 0; II Pe
ter I, 4.
Tbo niitll.vptcnl Moses will limugn
rate the New Covenant with Israel and
tho world, even us tho typical Moses
Inaugurated the old Lnw Covenant
with, typical Israel nt Mt. Blnal. As
tho old Covenant had sacrifices of bulls
and goats and was Inaugurated Drat
by a sprinkling of the tables of the
Law, representing a satisfaction of
Divine Justice, nnd secondly the
sprinkling of iiH tho people, represent
lug their reconciliation through the
same sacrifice, so thennlltyplciil Moses,
tho Mediator of the New or nutltyplcnl
Covenant, must first produce "bettor
sacrifices," the nutltyplcnl, nnd then
with tho merit of theso mnko satisfac
tion to Divine Justice nnd reconcile
(ho people all who are willing of the
whole world When Moses slew the
iinlnuils whose blood made effective
tho typical Covenant which ho mcdl
nted, that sacrificing was merely a
preparatory work. The Law Covenant
was not me I la ted In nuy sense of (be
word until the animals wore nil slain
and the blood was sprinkled ou the
tables of tho Law.
So In the untltype, Jesus, the Media
tor of the New Covenant, must first,
after the pattern of Moses, complete
all His sacrificing before He begins
tho work of Mediation. First of all.
ns wo hnvo seen, IIo offered up Him
self without spot unto God, finishing
that work nt Calvary. Since then He
bus been accepting and offering up
ns a part ol His own sacrifice tho incin
hers of (he Church, ns they come unto
tho Father through Him. presenting
(heir bodies to be living sacrifices, holy
and acceptable unto God. (Romans
xll:U This sacrificing of the flesh of
Christ lias been In process for nearly
nineteen centuries. Not until these
"bettor sacrifices" (Hebrews It. 23)
shall have been finished will the real
work of Mediation and Atonement for
the slu of the world lake place.
"Able Miniitere of New Covenant,"
All thoso who uow present their bod
ies to Jesus, desiring to share with
Illin In suffering for righteousness In
this present tlmo, that they may bnve
shnro with Hlin In Ills coming glory
and Kingdom all these ore In Rlhle
Inngungo "able mlnlstors (servunts)
of the Now CoIenuiiL" They nre
serving tbo New Covenant, although It
has not yet boon sealed with tin pre
cious blood. They uro serving In calling
those who have an car to hear, In
showing them tbo privilege of suffer
ing with Christ, that they may nlso
rolgn with Illm. They servo the New
Covennnt lu helping to build one nn
other up lu tlio most holy faith anil In
assisting one nnothor In the narrow
way 'of faithfulness and self-sacrifice
oven unto death.
But specially these, each for himself,
serves the Now Covenant arrangement
by fulfilling the terms of bis "Cove
nant of sncriflce." (Psnlm 1, 0.) Jesus
was the first Minister, or Servant, of
this Covennnt. All of Ills members
are sssoclnted In this ministry. When
tho ministry service of sacrifice shall
bnvo been completed, tbo grander
ministry of this New Covennnt In glory
will begin. Tlio Christ, tho Messiah,
the Mediator In glory, as the Antltypl
ciil Mulclilscdek, will combine tho of
fice of King with Ills other Odlce of
Priest, or Instructor and Helper.
Tho first work will ho tho applica
tion of the blood of Atonement, tho
Rnnsom-prlco for tho sins of the whole
world. An soon ns thus presented on
man's behalf, Dlvlno Justice will nc
ccpt It. Forthwith the world will no
longer be enemies of God, children of
wrath, without God and without hope,
but on the contrary, the Runmm-price
for their Bins buvlug been accepted.
the sentence of dentil ngnlnst nil will
be cancelled, and tho wholo world will
bo turned over to tho control of the
Mediator. IIo having mediated to-
wnrds God, nnd hnvlng nindo satisfac
tion for human Bin through tho merit
of Ills own sacrifice, will then pro
ceed to reconcile tho world.
During tho six thousand years of the
reign of sin and death the world has
become so nlleiiatcd from God that the
majority do not earnestly desire recon
ciliation. This, however, is because of
their weakness nnd ignorance. For n
thousand yenrs tho great Mediator will
Instruct thorn, giving chastonliigs where
necossnry nnd In proportion to their
spirit of wilfulness, nnd thus gradual
ly IIo will uplift them out of their Ig
norance, blindness nnd Bin defilement
out of tho tomb nnd out of nil the
weaknesses of tho dying condltlon-
back Into the Image of God, from which
nil fell In Father Adnm.
Tho only exceptions to this rule will
be that such as willfully, Intelligently
reject tbo Divine provision for their
recovery will be punished with ever
lasting destruction. They will perish
like briilo boasts," ns St. Peter de
clares. (II Peter 11. 12.1 The grand
finale will bo attained when "every
creaturo In heaven and In tho earth
and under the earth" shall be hoard
acclaiming praise to Illm that slttctb
upon tbo Throne, and unto the Lamb
forover. Itcvelatlou v, 13
Jaaua tha Church'e Advocate.
From tho foregoing It will be seen
that tlio world's salvation Is to be a
Restitution to human pcrfectlon-an
earthly Kdon lost through Father
Adam's disobedience. It will bo no
ticed nlso that the Church has no part
with tho world In thnt Restitution, nor
In that Mediation for a thousand years
Tho Church will be members of the
Mediator who will confer tho Reditu
tlon blessings nnd privileges on the
ltut tho fact thnt the Church will
not bo numbered with mankind In the
human Mediation, which will take
placo during the Millennium, docj not
mean thnt tho Church now has no
sins, nor that those sins do not need
to bo covered nnd cancelled. It does
mean thnt tho Church Is not to get
back tho human life nnd earlhly rights
forfeited by Adam and to be restored
under tho Mediator's Kingdom. In
stead, the Church Is promised glory,
honor nnd Immortality heavenly nn
turo. As a reward for participation
In the sufferings of Christ she shall be
made sluirer In Ills eternal glories.
What tbo Church needs and has Is
nn Advocate with tho Fntlier Jesus
Christ the Righteous. Thousands of
humanity who nre wenry nnd heavy
laden with sin and desirous of recon
ciliation with God nnd who hear the
Messago of this Gospel Age "nnd no
cept Its terms, present their bodies
living nncrltlces and purpose to be
footstep followers of Jesus. I!ut lie
cause theso are by nature sinners,
children of wrath, under Divine sen
tence, lmcrfeot. their snciitli-es could
not bo accepted of the Father as was
that of Jesus; hence they need an Ad
Jesus has merit In the hands of Jus
tlce, the result of Ills sacrifice, whleh
Is being kept to be given by nnd by to
tho world of mankind. Justifying them
to full Restitution. As the Advocate
of Ills footstep followers Jesus Im
putes a share of the merit of Ills sac
rifice to tbo Church to mnko good her
Imperfections, no, thnt her sacrifice may
In God s sight be holy and acceptable
This Imputation of tho merit of Je
sub' sacrifice wns made for nil of tin
Church nt once long ago when He
"ascended up on high, there to nppenr
in the presence of Cod for us (ns our
Advocate)." The nlrondy consecrated
disciples In the upper room received
tho Pentecoslul blessing ns tlio evidence
that Jesus ns their Advocate had np
peorcd for then) and Imputed of Ills
merit for them, so that their sacrifices
were acceptable to the Father. The
taut principle holds true throughout
tills Gospel Age for this same c'nss,
" 3
Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which has been
in use lor over 30 years, has borne tho sinatnro of
- and has been mado under his per
fs s. sonnl supervision Blnco its Infancy.
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All Counterfeits;, Imitations and " Junt-as-good " nro but
Kxpei'iiucnts tliat tiit'lo with and endanger tlio health of
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Diarrhoea. It regrulutes tho Htomuch nnd Uowi In,
iiNslnil lutes tho Food, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's rauacca Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
9n Use For Over 30 Years
ure to please
Ivvays an
and delightful drink.
ends strength
wearied physique.
ffects a soothing cure for the
nervous ills of life.
fl'akes life
cheers tho
rings good fellowship to all
who partake in moderation.
nlivens the spirit of the down
cast and disheartened.
ndows existence with hopes
. and aspirations
ostores man
To and from
Leaves Salem 8:.'I5 o. in.
Arrives Portland 10:10 a. in.
This train will be found a grout
clnl engagements.
I.enves Sulcin 3:40 p. in. leaves Portland 9:00 a. m.
Arrives Portland 5:10 p. in. Arrives Salem 10:35 a. m.
Doth trains carry observation parlors nnd first-clnss coaches.
East Independence on daylight trains.
Through tickets are sold to Spokane, Puget Sound points nnd the
Oregon Electric Railway trains enter the North Punk Station, Port
laud, saving transfer of pnssengers and baggage.
Fares, schedules nnd dotnlls on request
C. E. ALBIN. Goneral Agent, Salem, Oregon.
W. E. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
1,-1 u . ,, J.iaLu
V ' " 1
O V it fS:t mm.'
& taaw III sr j U 1 .J awaT-J lJ.
. M a m -m urn hi v WT -t
Signatura of
iiaiai vnstiW '
the lovers of a
invigorating, pure
to the weak and
more .pleasant and
heavy heart.
to fulness ot
and activity.
Portland, Daily
Leaves Portland 5:00 p. in.
Arrives Salem 6:3." p, m.
convenience for business nnd so- T
iim ii Mi.iw a, v njtnil J
Trains leave Salem dully at 8:35, 10:35 a. m.,
4.20, 6:35, 11:30 p. m. Bont connections at
A Vision of Bread
that Is always light, white and tooth
some, thnt every one will eat and en
Joy, Is the dream of all good house
keepers. You can realize that vision
by trying our bread. Once you use It
on your table you will never want to
be without it. Why bother with bak
ing when we can do better.
111 Court Btrtat Phoma 114
from the cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Sewing Machines
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewing
machines. Sewing ma
shines rented.
When at
Go to the
a c. cs t. , i t " I ,
- " '
T ,: . - i .: f
Is Your Judgment Good?:!
A look at Barr's windows
will soon show you.
Can you pick out the lucky
article? If you can, you
are many dollars ahead.
General Grocery Store
We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints,
drugs and ' stamps. Phone 761
Practically In the city limits of Salem.
This place consists of 26 acres of the best land In tho Willamette
valley, every foot of which is In cultivation:
There nhre 14 acres of bearing prune trees.
There are 2 acres of bearing cherry trees.
There are two acres of bearing apple trees.
There Is a fine vineyard of the best grapes.
There Is a garden. Including berries, etc.
There is a good house, barn, fruit drier and all the necessary out
buildings. There la a team, wngon, all fai m Implements nnd full equipment.
There Is nothing In the Willamette valley thut can surpass this
place and few can ual It Owner must sell nt sacrifice to return
east. Let us show this to you.
Parker & Wareham
21J South Commercial Street Telephone Jfaln 82
Columbia Talking
A full stock of Records.
Latest Sheet Music
Piano and Organ Studies.
Violins, Guitars,
Mandolins and Banjos.
Rates $1,00 up. Break
fast and lunch 50c. Din
ner $1,00. Also a. la
Carte service in grill, One
block from Oregon Elec
tric on 11th and Wash
ington 'Streets. Salem
npnnlo rnrrlinllv lnitrH tn
I fvww vviumni KlflLWVJ IV I
v,l, I U.I. I
formerly with Marion f