DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1912.- Page Three n Light on Heat and Health OK COURSE you are Interested In Retting most heat and test heat for the least money. In a booklet "Twlce-a-Day" given free at our store there are plenty of reasons why the family health de pends on the rlfjht heat, and why Campbell's Winter-Chaser Furnace will answer all your needs. We can install this Furnace, in 21 hours, and we guarantee satisfaction, or you pay nothing, nnrnnnri i will heat your homo at all times; In all weathers; north rooms as well as south no matter how th wind hlowi. Remember, cokK and evilH that come with the breaking uoof winter are of tun ature is Daoiy nately A clear waste p mot tt It Pays the Photographer to Use and Handle Seneca Cameras They are unequaled In simplicity of operation, in durability and In results. Have many marked Improvements not found on any other Camera. Made on Honor Sold on Merit, Not in the Trust Our line is exceptionally complete, consisting; of many styles and sizes, enabling every one Interested In photography to secure Just the Camera tbey want. SENECA CAMERAS will please your customers, and pay you a good profit. WRITE TODAY FOB HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOG. SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. Largest Independent Camera Manufacturers In the World. THE SEASON IS ON AT Delightful Newport ON YAQUINA BAY AND THE PACIFIC Join the crowds, whether you want rest and quiet or clean, wholesome lively fun. You will find either at Newport Wealth of natural scen ery. Splendid fishing, boating and bathing. Delightful drives. Pretty trails through the woods or along the beach. Abundance of sea food oysters, clams, crabs, rock cod, groupers, sea bass, etc. Plenty of fresh, palatable vegetables and table' supplies. Inviting nooks for campers. Reasonable rates In rooming houses, cottages and hotels. All modern conveniences. 1 SPECIAL LOW ROUND-TRIP, SEASON AND WEEK-END hAKtS From Salem, Season Tickets, $5.15 Week-End, Saturday to Monday, $3.25 Call on our agent for Information rel ative to train schedules, etc. Ask for Illustrated literature and our special folder, "Vacation Days in Oregon." JOHN M. SCOTT, General Fassongcr Agent, l'ortlnnd, Oregon, WHEN YOU THINK OF GIFTS ALWAYS THINK OF BARR'S Whenever you find It necessary to purchase a gift for a wed ding, a birthday, or for any other occasion, always remem ber that It Is to your Interest to come to this store where you will get the largest collection of gifts, and the greatest range of prices. We make It a business to supply every taste and every pocketbook. Remember that we carry the largest stock of Diamonds, Silverware, Sterllngware, Gold Jewelry, Cut Glass, Brassware, etc., In the Wlllametter valley. Cer tainly you should be able to buy your gifts here. Barr's Jewelry Store 70 WINTER-CHASER Q FURNACE caused by uneven heutlne d-.irinir the changeable weottier ot early sprlnir. Tho Crlppe (ierm thriven where the temper regulated; where oursti ot hcut ana cola alter emu una bake, study of Winter-Chaser construction will mnke It to you why you can save no tjiuch In fuel no no clinkers. Note the bin reservoir. Initurinir air; the large jacket with entrance door for clean in if. Made ot thick steel; no cement; no escaping gas or odors. Let us tell von about the heln to vou In Camnhell servlc anil their (iuarantee. This mean actual protection of the family health and your pocketbook. It's well worth In vetltratinnr. The WlnterChser I made by The Campbell Heating Co ot Des Moinet, Iowa. BADERTSCHEB & FULLER Phone COO Sulcin, Oregon - A.X SUNSET lOGOlNiSHASTAJ RQUItS A Vision of Bread that Is always light, white and tooth some, that every one will eat and en Joy, Is the dream of all good house keepers. You can realize that vision by trying our bread. Once you use It on your table you will never want to be without it Why bother with bak ing when we can do better. CAPITAL BAKERY 411 Court BtrMt Pboms) 114 Cowardice Court By GEORGE BARR MXDTCHEON Copyright, IW. Dodd, Mead ft Co. SYNOPSIS Lord Baielhurst'e servants, ordered to throw Randolph Bhaw Into a brook mark ing tha boundary llnea between the Bhaw and Bazelhurst estates, art thoroughly ducked by Bhaw hlmaelf. Lord Bazelhurst, Incited by hla III nit tured American wife, Invadea Shaw'a land, but rune when Bhaw appeara. Bhaw, mora In jeet than earnest, eject from hla premlaea Penelope Drake, Lord Bazelhurat'a alater. Penelope admiraa him vary much. They meot frequently and become Inter ested In onch other, Bazelhurst's serv ants shoot Shaw'a dog and slightly wound Bhaw. This oruel act makea Bhaw furious and also angers Penelope, who declares that Bhaw la coming armed to the teeth to visit Bazelhurst. CHAPTER V, "1 ahall go tonight." ORD BAZELIIUnST visited his wife's room later In the ulgut, called there by a peremptory summons. Cecil had been tak ing time bv the forelock In anticipa tion of Shaw's descent in the morning and was Inclined to Jocundity. "Cecil, what do you think of Penel ope's attitude townrd Mr. Bhaw?" she asked, turning nwuy from the -window which looked out over tho night In the direction of Sbaw'slilnee. "I didn't know she had an attitude," replied he, trying to focus his wavering giizo upon ber. "She meets him clandestinely and she supports him openly. Isn't that an attitude, or are you too drunk to see it?" "My dear, remember you are speak ing of my sister," he said with One dignity but little discrimination. "Bo sides, I am not too drunk. I do see it It's a deinmed annoying attltudo. She's a traitor, un'stand me? A trni-to-tor. I Intend to speak to her about It." "It is better thnt you should do it," snld his wife. "I nm ufrald I could not control my temper." "Penelope's a disgrace nn nbsoluto disgrace. How ninny logs did Ilodder suy she'd she'd broken?" "Oh, you're disgusting!" cried Lady Evelyn. "Go to bed! I thought I could talk to you tonight, but 1 can't You scarcely can stand up." "Now, Evelyn, you do me injustice. I'm only holding to this chair to keep It from- moving 'round tho room. See that? Course I c'n stan up!" he cried triumphantly. "I am utterly disgusted with you. Oh, for a maul A man with real blood In his veins, a man who could do some thing besides ent and drink at my cost I pay your debts, clothe you, feed you house your ungrateful sister and what do I get in return? This!" Lord Bazelhurst's eyes steadied be neath this unexpected assault, bis legs stiffened, bis shoulders squared them selves in a pitiful attempt at dignity. "Lady Baielhurst, you you" and then be collapsed into the chair, burst tug into maudlin tears. She stood over by the dressing table and looked piti lessly upon the weak creature whose hiccoughing nobs filled the room. Her color was high, her breathing heavy. There came a knock at the door, but she did not respond. Then the door opened quietly nnd Penelope entered the room, resolutely, fearlessly. Eve lyn turned her eyes upon the intruder and stared for a moment "Did you knock?" she asked at last "Ves. You did not answer." "Wasn't that sufficient?" "Not tonight Evelyn. 1 came to have It out with you and Cecil. Where is he?" "There!" "Asleep?" with a look of amazement "1 hope not I should dislike having to call the servants to carry him to bis room." "I see. Poor old chap!" She went over and shook him by the shoulder. He sat up and stared nt ber blankly through his drenched eyes. Tlgm, as If the occuslon called for a supreme ef fort, he tried to rise, ashamed that bis sister should have found him In his present condition. "Don't get up, Cecil. Walt a bit and I'll go to your room with you." "What have you to say to me, Pene lope?" demanded FJvclyn, a green light In her eyes. "1 enn wait I prefer to have Cecil -understand." she snld bitterly. "If It's nliout our nnulr with Shaw It won't make any difference whether Cecil understands or not. Fins your friend saked yon to nlend for him? Does he expect me to take lilm up on your account and have hlin here?" "I was Jesting w hen I snld he would come tomorrow," said Penelope, ignor ing the thrust and hurrying to Irer sub ject. "I couldn't go to sleep tonight If 1 neglected to tell you what I think of the outrage this morning. You and Cecil liml no right to order Tompkins to shoot nt Mr. Shaw, lie Is not a trespasser. Some one killed his dog to day. When he pursued the coward a second shot wus fired nt hlin. He was wounded. Do you call that fair fight ing? Ambushed, shot from behind tree. I don't care what you and Cecil think' about It, I .consider it despicable. Thank Cod, Cecil was not really to Liu wo. It Is about the only thing I con say to uiy brother's credit." Lady Bazelhurst was storing at her young sister-in-law with wide eyes. It was the first time In all ber petted, vnlu life that any one bad called her to account. She was at first too deeply amazed to resent the sharp attack. "Penelope Drake!" was all she could sir. Then the fury in ber soul began to search for an outlet "How dare you? How dare you?' " dont mean, to hurt you.,.1 am only tcnlE? "yotTlliuT yout way of freoT lng this affair is a mistake. It can be rectified. You don't want to be law less; you don't understand what a nar row escape from .murder you have had. Evelyn, you owe reparation to Mr. Shaw. Hols"- "I understand why you take bis side. Vou cheapen and degrade yourself and you bring shame upon your brother and me by your disgraceful affair with this ruffian. Don't look shocked. You meet him secretly, I know. How much further you have gone with him I don't know. It Is enough that you" "Stop! You shall not say such things to me!" "You came In here to have it out with me. Well, we'll have it out You think because you're English, and all that that you are better thun I. You show It In your every action; you turn "You'd starva If It wera not for ma." up your noso nt me becnuso I am nn American. Well, whnt If 1 am? Where would you bo if It were not for me? And where would he be? You'd starve If It were not for me. You hang to me llko a leech you sponge ou ine you gorge yourself" "That Is enough, Evelyn. You have said nil that Is neccssury. I deserve it too, for meddling in your affairs. It may satisfy you to know thut I have ulways despised you. Having con fessed, I can ouly add thnt wo cannot live another hour under tho satno roof. You need not order ine to go. I shnll do so of my own accord gladly." Pe nelope turned to the door. She wus as cold us lee. "It Is the first time you hnve over done anything to please me. You may go in the morning." "1 shall go tonight!" "As you like. It is near morning. Where do you expect to go at this hou of tho night?" "I nm not afraid of the night To morrow I shall send over from tho vil lage for my truuks." She paused near the door and- then came back to Cecil's sldo. "Goodby, Cecil. I'll write. Good by " Ho looked up with a hazy smle. "U'nlgtit," he muttorcd thickly. Without another word or so much ns a glance at Lady Bazelhurst, Pe nelope Drake went swiftly from the room. The big ball clock struck the half hour after 11. Some one a wo manwas laughing in tho billiard room below. The click of the balls came to he' ears Ilka the snapping of angry teeth. SW did not hesitate. It was not In her imtvm. The room In which she had found to much delight was now loathsome to br. With nervous fingers she threw thai small things she most chorlshcd into a half her purse, her Jewels, her llttlo tretriures. Some how it seemed to ber as if tiho were hurrying to catch a night train, that was nil. With her own strong young arms she dragged the two huge trunks from the closet Hnlf an hour later they were full and locked. Then she looked about with a dry, mirthless smile. "I wonder where I am to go," she murmured, half aloud. A momentary feeling of Indecision attacked her. The click of the halls had censed, tho clock had struck 12. It was dark nnd still, and the wind was crying in the trees. e . "She won't go," Lady Bnzelhurat was saying to herself as she sat. nar row, eyed anil hateful, In ter window looking out Into the night. "Life is loo easy here." The light from the isircli lanterns cast a feeble glow out M'yond the porte cochere and down the Irlve. As she stared across the' circle ihe figure of a woman suddenly cut i din metric Hue through It and lost It elf In the wall of blackness that form ed the circumference. I.Hdy Evelyn darted nnd stared unbelievingly Into Hie darkness, striving to penetrate it ivltb her gaze. "It w as she Penelope," the cried, coming to her feet "She's really gone she meant It." i'or many minutes she peered out lino tlie nlitht, expecting lo see the shallow returning. A touch of auxlous nope possessing Iter, she left tho win dow nnd hurried down the corridor to reneiope's room. What she found (here was most convincing. It was uot s trick of the lanterns. The shadow Dud been real. It must be confessed thnt the kh'v1Ii heart of Lady Buzel liurst bent rather rapidly as she has tened buck to the window to peer anx iously out Into the somber park with Its hooting owls and chnttcrlng night hugs. Tho mournful yelp of a distant dog flouted across the black valley. The watcher shuddered as she recalled lories of panther thut had Infested the great bllU. A small fcejlng of shame and regret began to develop with annoying Insistence. An hour drugged Itself by before she srose petulantly, balf terrified, half annoyed In spite of herself. Her hus band still was sitting In the big chair, his face lo bl hands. Ills small, de lected Ogjire I'Cull,tohet pJJtfor iTe'ffrsf'ffine fif Trie (wo years "Cf"Uiel? association. She realized what her temper had compiled her to say to blm and to his sister. She saw the in sults thnt at least one of them- bud come to resent. "I hope that foolish girl will come back," she found herself saying, with a troubled look from the window. "Where can the poor thing go? What will become of her? Whnt will every oue say when this becomes known?" she cried, with fresh selfishness. "I I should not have let her go like this." Even as she reproached herself a light broke in upon ber understanding; a thought whirled Into her brain, and a moment later a shrill, angry, hysterical laugh came from her lips. "She knew where sbo could go! now simple I am. Shaw will welcome her gladly. She's with hlin by this time bis doors have opened to her. Tho lit tle wretch! And I've been trying so hard to pity her." Sho laughed again so shrilly that his lordship stirred and then looked up it her stupefied, un certain. "Hullo!" he grunted. "What time Is It?" "Oh, you're awake, aro you?" scorn fully. "Certainly. Have I been dozing? What's there to laugh nt, my dear?" he mumbled, arising very unsteadily. "Where's Pen?" "She's gone. She's left the house." sho said, recurring dread and anxiety in tier voice. A glance nt tho dark ness outside brought back tho grow ing shudders, "What-what d'ye menu?" demand ed ho, bracing up with a splendid ef fort. 'She's left the house, that's nil. Wo quarreled. I don't know where sho's gone. Yes, I do know. She's gono to Shaw's for the night. Sho's Willi him. I saw her going," she cried, striving between fear and anger. "You'veyou've turned her out?" gasped Lord Bazelhurst numbly. "In the night? Good Lord! Wby-whv did you let her go?" Ho turned and rushed townrd the door, tears spring ing to his eyes. Ho was sobering now and the tears were wrenched from bis hurt pride. "How long ago?" "An hour or more. She went of her own nccord. You'll find hor at Shaw's," said her ladyship harshly. Sho hated to admit that slio was to blanio. But ns her liunliand left tho room, bang ing the d(sr nfter hlin, she caught ber breath several times In a futile effort to stay tho sobs and then hroko down and cried, n very much abused young woman. She hated everybody and ev erything. CHAPTER VI. In Which Dan Cupid Trespasses. EADY BAZELIIUIIST was right. Penelope was making her way through the blackest of nights toward the home of Itundolph Shaw, in deciding upon this step, nft er long deliberation, she had said to herself: "Randolph Shuw Is tho only real man I'vo seen since coming to tho mountains. I can trust him to help me tonight." It was fully three tulles to Shaw's place, most of tho way over the nar row valley road. She knew sho would encounter but few tortuous places. The last half mile, however, was steep, rugged and unfamiliar to bor. She had ventured no nearer to his homo than Renwood's deserted cottage, lying above and to the south of tho road, al most at tho base of the long hill on whose side Shaw had built bis big borne. To climb thnt hill was no easy task In daylight; at midnight, with the stars obscured by clouds and trcotops, there was something perilously uncer tain In tho prospect. Only the knowledge that patience and courage eventually would bring her to the end made the Journey pos sible. Time would lead ber to the bnven; care Would make the rond a friend; a flout heart wus her best ally. Strength of limb nnd strength of pur pose she hud, in use nnd in reserve. No power could hnve made her turn back willingly. Her anxious eyes were set ahead In the blackness. Her runnwny feet were eager In obedience to her will. "Why couldn't 1 have put It off until morning?" she was saying to hersolf ss sho passed down the graveled drive and udvnnccd to meet the wall of trees that frowned blackly In her fare, 'What will ho think? What win he ay? Oh, he'll think I'm such a silly. romantic fool! No, he won't. He'll understand. He'll help me on to I'liittsburg tomorrow. But will be think I've done this for effect? Won't lie think I'm net mi My throwing uiy- elf at his head? No, I can't turn back. I'd rather die tlmu go bnck to that house. It won't matter what he thinks. I'll lie away from nil of It to morrow. I'll be out of his life, and 1 won't cure what he thinks. England! jooducss! What's that?" She had liirned a tiend In the drive, and Just iihead there was a light. A sigh of re lief followed the question. It came from the lantern which hung to a itiike In the road where the new stone gate posts were being built by work men from town. Bazelhurst Villa was i quarter of a mile, through the park, behind her; the forest was ahead. At the gale she stopped between the hnlf finished stone posts nnd looked 'ihcnd with the first shiver of dismay. Her limbs seemed ready to collapse. I'he flush of anger and excitement left her face. A white, desolate look eumo In lis stend. Her eyes grew wide, and "Ijy blinked her Inshes with an awed ineertaiiity that imilcu ill for tho nu bility of her adventure. An owl hoot- d In mournful cadence close by, and she felt her hnlr was going straight on ?nd. Tho tense fingers of one hand gripped the handle of the traveling bag. while the other went spasmod ically to her heart Oh!" she gasped, moving over quick ly to the stake on which the lantern hung. The wind was rushing through the treetoM with increased fervor, the lr was cool nnd wet with the sign of ruin, it swirl of dust flew tip Into her fne the wlh of lesves sinnnled like Continued on Page (.) MAIL Si! iff w GLOVKS VEILING WAISTS I Ji. FA NTS' WEAK KMT UPiDEUVtEAB LINENS C0HSET9 SUITS DRESSES Coats and Suits Were full Coata and Suits evor so manufacturers make our stocks ure to Bhow thum, whethor you r Quality U.CShipley Co. 145-147 North Liberty Street Merchandise Between State and Court $100 Howard, $100. The roadors of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that Bclence has been ahlo to cure in all Ub stngos, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cutnrrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical frntornlty, Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucouB surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation ot the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much fulth in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Just becuuse a man likes to boast about tho way he used to beat the oth er boys klnnlng the cat, don't Imagine he yearns to keep In trim by running the vucum cloaner. Mr. W. S. Ounsaulus, a farmer liv ing near Fleming Pa., says he has ured Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In his family for fourteen years, and thnt he has found It to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure In recommending tt. For solo by all dealers. The cat In a strange garret prob ably thinks the world bus gone and lost Itself again. "Were all medlcmes as meritorious as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, the world would he much better off nnd the percentage of suffering greatly decreased." writes Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For sale by all dealers. AutomobiIeMotor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem APPERSON AUBURN E-M-F FORD I Ami A AT MOTOR IiVXyiii CYCLES OVERLAND HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTOR CYCLES ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Every department is rapidly filling with the latest fall merchandise direct from the style cen ter of the East. JiECKWEAR lIANDKEltCIUEFS IIOSIEHY ail'SLlV UNDEItWEAn SWEATEItS NOTIONS PETTICOATS COATS SKIRTS boautlful? Early deliveries by tho uoarly complete. It will bo a pleas, wIbIi to purchase or not popular 4 Streets, SALEM, ORECON Prices Dr. C. II. Ellsworth, dentist 16 Bald win St Itochestor, N. Y., sayB Foley Kidney Pills gave him Immedlnte re lief and strengthened him wonderful ly. "For some time past I have beeu bcthored with wonk kidneys and blad der trouble. Irregular action, pain nnd dizzy spells all troubled me.. Fo ley Kidney Pills gave me immediate relief and strengthened me wonder fully. I am pleased to recommend their use." Foloy Kidney Pills are specially prepared for kidney and bladdor ailments, and are always ef fective for rheumatism, backache, weak back and lumbago. Dr. Stona Drug Store. Portland hns an auto mystery. Joy riders stole a fine auto, and drove it over a 35-foot bank. There were torn garments and some blood, but no clue to those who were in the car. Woodburn reports strawberries la the market August 23. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A SALEM BANK & TRUST CO. GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of it, we solicit your Banking Busi ness. Open an account with us, and we will extend you every favor consistent with good bank ing principles. WE PAT FOI'R PFIl CENT ON SAVINCIS Center State and Liberty Street J. L. Allien, President W. Q. East, Cashier. S. B. East, Vice President Dr. L. B. Bteeves, L. H. Roberta, Director. 3. F. ANDERSON, Also Agent for l(e and Mlrhtir Klmonlou Motor Co. 151 N. High W. 8. FITTS, Agent. Also Agent (or Mots. 419 Court Street Phone (11 E-M-F MOTOlt SALES CO. E. M. F. "SU" Flanders C. L. Kose, Mgr. l 8. Cons t tt IOIII) AGENCY, E. II. Whiteside, Mtrr Also Agent for It ('. II. nnd Lniirr Guruge No. 5(10 Ferry Street WATT BIIII'P Ammnnltlon, Fishing Tack lis Etr North Commercial Street I'bosv ' Slmonton Motor Co., Agt for Mitchell Tube Vulcanizing Speelult). Phone 1S9 111 North Illch IIACSEB BROS. Alt ttfltflwfl Hum-ties eeeV KJnueaDolIi Motorcycle