Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 24, 1912, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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l'age Seven
Pastor Russell's Sermon
Pianos and Organs f Edison, Victor and f
ATBiiw oTPonT irfillST it. 1912,
Universal Opportunity For Sal
vation Guaranteed.
Acoording to Qod's Plan Opportunity
Fop Etarnal Lift li to Bo Extended
to All Mankind Faith, Obadianoa
and Loyalty tho Qualifications.
Rightly Dividing tho Word of Truth.
Berlin, Aug. 18.
Pastor Russell of
London and Brook
lyn luul a splendid
hearing bore to
day. Tbls la Ills
third visit. He
spoke through on
Interpreter. II 1 s
text was, "IIo lu
the propitiation for
our Bins (tho
Church's sins), and
hut also for
sins of the wholo world." I John 11, 2.
As tho Jews applied all of God's
promises to themselves und left nono
fur. tho Gunllles, until tho end of the
Jewish Age, so wo Christians have
teen Inclined to appropriate to our
selves all of the gracious promises of
tho Bible,. lenvlug nothing for the Jews
aud tho world lu general until now,
la tho ending time of this Ago and tho
dawning of the Millennium, wo are
coming to see God's Word lu a clearer
and nioro beautiful nnd harmonious
light Now wo see special promises
for tho Jews in tho past, special prom
ises for tho Gospel Church, promises
for tho Jows In tho near future, and
still oilier promises and blessings for
every creature And the, more the light
Increases on the pathway tho more rea
aonuble tho Dlvlno Tlan appears to us.
Why should God select ono nation or
people of one religious cult for glory
and make preparation from the very
beginning of creation for tho eternal
torture of oil others? Surely we have
been most Inconsistent In our interpre
tations of tho Divine Message, yet Just
as surely the ull-wlse One knew of our
plight and permitted us to remain in
darkness until now; and no Is able to
overrule our measure of bllndncsa so
that it will be of no injury to us.
rcrhaps, Indeed, the beauty of the
Divine Word and Plan Is much more
perspicuous now because of tho dark
ness lu which we oil were so recently
Involved, and perhaps tho same prin
ciple later on will apply to the whole
world. When nil shall emerge out of
the darkness and Ignorance and su
perstition Into the glorious sun-light of
Dlvlno truth nnd grace, undoubtedly
the contrast will mako the blessings of
the future nil the more precious, and
the more Incline every knee to bow.
After Dlvlno favor had first granted
opportunity to tho Jews to accept the
Redeemer, shedding upon them first
the speclnl light of tho Gospel, then
tho Message was sent forth without
restriction gradually through Asia
Minor, luto Greece and into Rome,
and then favored chiefly tho Germanic
nations and amongst these I Include
tho British people and the larger pro
portion of our American population.
In these peoples, too, tho Reformation
Movement found Its chief adherents.
Tho Message of Christ has made great
In civilization nil the nations it has
touched, lu proportion as they have
received the Message in simplicity and
purity, and In proportion as they have
lived out their Christian profession 08
footstep followers of Jesus.
Lost Favor, Not Lata Worthy.
So far as human Judgment can dis
cern, the Divine records show that these
favored peoples were not superior to
others less favored. Tho Bible shows
us some noble characters amongst the
Gentile nations before tho Redeemer's
day and plainly Intimates that God
Intentionally bestowed Ills favor upon
a stiff-necked rncc, less tractable than
others of that time. We see the same
thing In respect to the oieratlon of
God's grace during this Gospel Age.
Apparently the peoples of ludla and
China were more docile and of much
more likely soil for the Gospel Mes
sage thau the fierce Golhs and Huns
and Franks to whom the Gospel was
more particularly directed. How un
likely It would le that the less-favored
nations should have no provision In
tho Divine I'ian!
On the contrary we perceive that a
speelul eluetlub, or selection, of a saint
ly class was '.iade during the JuwlHh
Age Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and
all the Prophets and saintly Jews.
(Hebrews xl, 38 -40.) And since the se
lection of the saintly Jews the calling
of the Bride class, chiefly from the
nations of Europe, Implies that when
tills snlrtt legotten, Splrltunl Israel,
spiritual children of Abraham, shall be
completed, then all uatlons will be
alike favored In the distribution of the
coming blessings declared to be for all
other peoples, kindreds and tongues.
No Pradaatination to Miaary.
While sneaking last Sunday In the
great Victoria Hall of Geneva my mind
naturally went back to the days when
that great and good man John Calvin
cut such a swath In religious sentiment
that It still Influences about one half of
all Protestants. I saw the monument
to Calvin, nnd 1 saw the monument
unveiled this very year by Calvin's fol
lowers to the honor of Servetus, whom
Olvlu to horribly burned to death, at
the stake,' Indeed, 1 am sure that tbo
monument, as It declares, was not so
nni'jh of a tribute, to Servetus as a pro
test against Brother Calvin's ntroclty
committed lu the name of Jesus, the
Bible, and (lie God of I.ove.
We must glvo John Calvin credit for
emphasizing the doctrine of Election,
although we cannot give him credit for
making that doctrine, for of course It
was a Bible ductrluo fifteen centuries
before his birth. Had ho been con
tented with emphasizing tho election
for the Church and hud ho said, "I
know not what will bo the fata of the
non-elect," ho would have deserved to
this day our unstinted pralso. But
aluul to err Is human. Culvln was not
content to leave the mntter thus. Ho
reasoned out his theory, nnd, his head
being Imperfect, his conclusions were
defective when he surmised that nil
of tho non-elect, whether lnfnnts or
gray-headed, were predestinated to
eternal torture. This feature, purely
Culvinlstlc, and strictly unscrlpturnl,
has bceu tho cause of untenable dim
cultles In tho theology of Christendom
from Cnlvln'g day until now.
Tho Kay to tho Problam.
The key which solves tho problem Is
so simple that we wonder that we havo
all so loug overlooked it. Tho key Is
found In tho promise mndo to Abraham
that his Seed was to bo the Elect
Jesus tho Head and the Church His
members-Jesus tho Bridegroom, typi
fied by Isaac, and tho Church His
Bride, typllled by Rebecca, Isaac's
wife. And this Seed of Abraham when
completed, according to Dlvlno prom-
Ibo, is to bo the channel for blessing
all the families of the earth-tho living
and tho dead. The blessing that Is to
come to all Is clearly stipulated by St.
Paul, saying, "God our Savior will have
all men to bo saved (from tho condem
nation that came on them through
Adam) nnd to come unto tho knowledge
of the Trutli."-! Timothy II, 8-0.
Tho basis of the Apostle's argument
Is set forth lu Romans v, 12. Ho there
shows that Adam, and not his race,
was put on trial in Eden that Adam
and not his race was directly condemn-ed-but
that Adam's race wero involv
ed through heredity, by Inheriting the
weaknesses nud dying conditions of
their parent. St. Paul then shows forth
In tho same argument that as condem
nation and death thus possed from
Adam to all of his race, so ChrlBt Jesus,
having become Adam's Redeemer, Di
vine mercy through Illm extends be
yond Adam to all the members of his
race who were Involved with him In
tho death sentence by laws of heredity.
Tho argument is plain. To see it Is to
be convinced, because It Is so logical.
Aud It could not be supposnble for a
moment that God would provide tho
ransom-price for nil mankind nnd fall
to make it operative, because the great
mass of mankind went down to death
without o knowledge of it-many of
them during the four thousand years
before Chrlxt cuuio Into the world to
give Ills life n Ransom.
The explanation Is that all went
down Into the Bible hel'-down to the
tomb, the (leuth slate, lu harmony with
the sentence, "Dying thou shnlt die."
Provision Is made for tho redemption
of all from thtol. (Hosea xili, 11.)
Christ died for nil and, as a result,
there Is to bo a resurrection of the
dead, both the Just and tho unjust.
(Acts xxlv, 1(1.) The Just are the Justi
fied, and are the comparatively few who
have heard of God's graco and have re
sponded and come Into fellowship with
the Father und being approved of linn
are to have share In the better or First
Resurrection, Tho remainder of tho
world, equally redeemed with tho pro
clous blood from the power of tho
tomb, are nil to come forth unto a res
urrection of the dead, "For as all lu
Adam die, even so nil In Christ shall
be mndo alive, each In hie own order."
-I Corinthians xv, 22.
Tha Church'a 8in tho World'a 8in.
How clearly our text defines the fact
that tho Church is a separate and dis
tinct class from tho world-n class call
ed out from the world. As Jesus said,
"Ye are not of the world, even as I am
uot of the world," "for I have choscu
you out of the world." The ordina
tion of the Church Is to association
with the Redeemer lu Ills great work
of witnessing now for tho Truth, show
ing fulthfuluess even unto denth nud
sacrltlclug all the earthly Interests, to
the intent that they with the Redeem
er muy later on be associated lu tho
work of blessing the world as the auti
typical, tho spiritual, Seed of tho Abra
bniulc promise. (Galatlans III, 2!).) All
along we read In our Bibles that "Jo
sus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted
death for every ninu." (Hebrews 11, 0.)
But other texts misunderstood, be
clouded our Judgment and led us to
think that this text meant every man
In Christ. We all know that the Bible
declares that "God so loved tho world
that Ho gave Ills only-begotten Son,
thllt wlloever believed! on Illm
might not perish but have eternal life."
(John ill, HI.) Wo found It dllhYult to
limit tills text to tho Church when It
specifically declares the world. We see
now that It applies to the Church first
and to the remainder of tho world aft
erward. Those who In the present life, dur
ing this Gosel Age, hear of Christ
and have their eyes and understanding
pen to recognize Illm as the Son of
(iod and the Savior of men-these
shall not perish In the Second Death,
but pass Immediately by faith to a
reckoned everlustlng life, which will
be completely theirs when they shall
have exwrlenced the glorious "change"
of the First Resurrection. We are
glad now to tun that the Divine pur
pose still holds on with respect to the
world that was lost aud redeemed.
We perceive now that God Intends to
bring nil men to a knowledge of the
Truth. More thao that. Ho Intends to
give the world the assistance of the
Royal Priesthood for a thousand yeara
for their edification, Instruction aud
uplifting out of sin, degradation,
death, buck to full perfection of the
image of God in the flesh, freely pro
vided for all who will come unto the
Father through the precious arrange
ments then operative.
The same original sin of Adam was
Inherited by nil of his race and there
fore was as much against tho class
chosen as the Church as against the
remainder of tho world. This the
Apostlo declares, saying, "Wo (the
Church) wero children of wrath, oven
aa othors." (Ephcsluns 11, 8.) We
have morely been delivered from the
curse, tho death sentence, lu advance
of tho world as a result of special Di
vine favor enjoyed by us whether
that fuvor consisted In not being so
seriously fallen as some, or whether It
consisted In speclnl opportunities for
coming Into this gsa'ce. And If the
Church has enjoyed some special fa
vor of God In being constituted tho
first-fruits of Ills creatures to be de
livered from tho power of sin aud
death, why should we over have Im
agined that Ha had no grace whatover
remaining for our less fortunato
brethren (tho world in general)? And
how could we think of ourselves of
tho Church as tho first fruits nnd sup
pose that there would be no after
fruits no general harvest for the
world? James 1, 18.
Our text forcefully calls attention to
this double action of Dlvlno grace
first upon tho Church and secondly
upon tho world nnd points us to the
fact that tho salvation of tho willing of
the Church of this Age, and tho salva
tlon of the willing of tho world lu the
next Age-two distinct salvations
both proceed or result from the one re
demptlvo sacrifice of tho Lord Jesus
Christ finished at Culvary. Notice the
statement, "He Is tho propitiation (sat-
lufiictloiil for our sins (tho Church's
sins), and tiof for our only, but olo for
the sins of tho whole world."
Will Truth Injurs?
Many ministers all over the world,
following tho suggestions of the I. B.
S. A. Convention, have Informed their
congregallonB nud the world In gen
eral through the newspapers that they
do not believe In a hell of eternal tor
ture, and that they do not believe that
tho Bible, rightly Interpreted, teaches
this. But there are others who, by
some influence, take an opposlto course.
They denounce tho Bible Students,
and myself In particular, for telling
tho poople tho Truth. These ministers,
generally without much Influence even
In their own congregations, have, I am
told, threatened tho newspapers all
over tho world that' info" publishing my
sermons that they will boycott them
and Influence their congregations.
But tho editors are liuding out that
nnrrow minded people never have
much Influence, good or bad. Hence
the sermons still appear lu nearly fif
teen hundred newspapers In the Eng
lish language nnd are spreading, I nm
told, Into the Gcrmun nnd Swedish.
These brethren claim that the world
is likely to bo Injured and to be turned
nwny from God and tho Blblo by its
proper Interpretation. We answer, Not
so. After the preaching of eternal tor
ment for sixteen centuries the net re
sult is that everybody Is losing faith
In tho Bible, which has been misin
terpreted, nnd inatjy are even losing
faith lu n personal Creator. Is It not
time, even for policy's sake, to discon
tinue tho mtarepresentallon of God and
His character to see If tho Truth will
not accomplish more than the error
bus done? And aside from the policy
question, if we have been slandering
our Creator nud misrepresenting the
Bible for centuries, is It not all the
more Incumbent upou us now to set the
mntter right?
Who will deny tlm fact that Hfo and
property are less secure In so called
Christian lunds, where tho eternal tor
ment has been preached for centuries,
thnu In any other part of tho world?
We assure the door brethren who are
fearful that we have many evidences
to prove the very contrary of their
fears to prove that a better knowledge
of God nnd His love, as expressed In
the Divine IMun of the Ages, Is help
ing many, not only out of Ignorance
nnd darkness, but also out of liulir
ferenco nnd wickedness, Into fellow
ship with God. But anywpy, how dare
wo, as Christian ministers, cither di
rectly or Indirectly, shmder the charac
ter of our God in a way and to a degree
that wo would resent If charged ugalnst
our worst enemy?
Wo fear that s6me of these misguid
ed brethren nro more solicitous for
their own supposed welfare nnd the
supposed Interest of their own church
es than for the glory of God or the
welfare of the people. They ore afruld
to have tho people nee the light of
Present Truth and gain a clenr com
prehension of t,he Bible, possibly be
cause they fear that this Would reflect
upon them as not having properly In
structed the people. They seem to
know that If the s.'oplo will rend they
will be convinced nud If convinced,
they will no longer be sectarian, nor
pny good money to help to misrepre
sent God's clulracter nnd keep the peo
ple In Ignorance of tho true meaning
of Ills Word. Tills accounts for the
wild and fannlleal imd untruthful mis
representations of my teachings! They
give tho people horrible misrepresenta
tions of my teachings to hinder them
from coming to a knowledge of the
Truth. In three different cities minis
ters In this enlightened Twentieth cen
tury have under one pretext or another
collected my books and burned them
after the style of the uutodafe of cen
turies ago. In every case, however,
good has resulted. Baner or more hon
est minds have been lul to investigate
Just ns when, centuries ago, the Bish
op of London bought op aud burned
publicly the Bibles which Tyndale bad
translated and published.
ALCOHOL 3 PER. cv.hv
ling the Sioiuachs antlBowls al'
PromolCvS DigPslionJCkriul
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Ctirtlirtl Sllttir .
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