Pi fage Four D1ILI CAM TAL JOCCXAL, SALEM, OREGON, T1IIRSDAY, AUGUST ti, mi. STAYTOU MILL TO BE OPERATED joiiji r. wiLiitit nrvs am will OPERATE HTAYTOX WOOLEN MILLS, EMI'LOl'INO MO I'KOI'LE I TO START IN THREE WEEKS. It will be good news to the resi dents of Stuyton and vicinity to learn Unit the Stayton Woolon iiiIIIb huve Jieen purchased by John P. Wilbur, iwho Is a man of thirty-five years ex perience in the woolen mills business. The new firm will bo known us the San Hum Woolen mil 1b, Mr. Wllhnr be ing the president anil general manager of tho firm. Tho mill will now be ro moiloled anil overhauled and will be ready to Btart up within about three weeks. For the paBt two years the mill has been Idle. Mr. Wilbur was at one time ovomoor of tho woolen mill in Salem, and also had charge of the Waterloo mill until It was eon Burned by fire a number of years ago. He Is one of the best and most favor Ably known woolen mills men on the Paclflo coast. The product of the mill will conslBt f high-grade blankets, macklnaws and Chinese export goods, and will employ about 100 peoplo when In full operation. , REWARD OF $2,500 IS OFFERED With the view of stimulating inler 'et and bringing about the apprehen sion of the fiend who murdered Mil dred Green, the lli-yenr-old daughter of Rev. H. 0. Green, of Kugene, Gov ernor West bag offered a reward of $2,100 In behalf of the state of Oregon. He offered tho reward laBt night, ill on being advised that the county of Lane bad offered $1000, and tbnt tho city would offer n like amount. Throughout the state the officers of tho law are keeping a vigilant lookout with the hope of apprehending the fiend. MRS. SCOTT'S SUFFERING OVER Doctors Advised An Opera tion. How She Escaped Told By Herself. -2- J , 7j fj7 Euckncr, Mo. " For more than a year I sutfered agonies from female troubles and the doctors at lust decided there was no help for me unless I went to tho hospital for an oper ation. 1 wub awfully against that opera tion, and as a lost resort wroto to you for speciul advice and I told you just wlmt I Buffered with bearing don pains, backache, shooting pains In my left side, and at times I could not touch my foot to the floor without Bcreaming. I was short of breath, had smothered spells, felt dull and draggy a" the time. I could not do any work, and oh how I dreaded to have an operation, "I received a letter full of kind ad vice, which I followed, and if I hatl only written her a year ago I would have been saved so much sufTering, for today I am a well woman. I am now keeping house again and do every bit of my own work. Every one In this part of tho country knows It was Lydia fc. rinkham's Vege table Compound that has restored me to health, and everywhere I go I recom mend it to suffering women." Mrs. Lizzie Scott, Buckncr, Mo. U you want special advice write to Ljdia E.PInlihnm Medicine Co. (confi dential) Ljnn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woninn and held in strict confidence. DR. M'fJARV ACCEPTS POSITION NEGRO IS ARRESTED AT BEDFORD HARRY SMITH, ARRESTED OX srsnciON of being the muk- DEREK OF MILDRED GREEN, TELLS STRAIGHT STORY. DNITII) rilMS MAHICD Wl'.Ut.l Medford, Or., Aug. Tl. Harry Smith the negro arrested here last night In connection with the murder Monday night In Kugene of 13-year-old Mil dred Green) waa able to tell a clearer story upon awakening In the city Jail this morning and the local pollco are inclined to believe that Smith has a complete alibi. Smith, who had a revolver and extra cartridges strapped about his walBt and a razor concenled in his clothing, now asserts that he left Eugene Sat urday night on the Shnsta Limited, nnd spent tho Intervening time with friends In Itoseburg, who he clalniB will verify his story. Smith will be held on a charge of carrying concealed weapons pending Investigation' of his story. Tells Straight Star)-. Rosoburg, Or., Aug. 22. The negro Harris, arrested here as a suspect In the case of 13-yenr-old Mildred Green, the girl who was murdered and out raged nt Kugene, will be taken to Kugene tonight for examination by Eugene authorities. Roscburg officers expressed the be lief today that Harris In not the man wanted. He told officers a clear story of his actions since the night of the murder and snys he can Biibstnn tlnte It. Doctors were unable to tell whether stains on Harris' trousers were made by bipod or not. A chemical test will be made at Kugene. "FootCarelmportant MOTHER IS as Your Complexion Puffy, Tired, Aching Feet Change the Facial Expression and Arc Often Responsible fur Wrinkles. Send for Free Trial J'lZ Package To. day. IMA- X. J A well-rounded neck and shoulders are not enhanced In beauty when the feet make you look careworn and wrinkled. Tired, aching feet get on your nerves; corns, callouses and bunions take all the sunshine out of life. And yet if you put your feet In a TIZ foot bath all foot troubles vanish, the feel take on a sensation of freshness and glow; your nerves and tired muscles At once relax and your mind thus be comes amiable and your face reflects this in the smile of happiness. Try the TIZ foot bath plan. It drawB out the acids and poisons reduces all puf finees, makes your feet look trim, neat and well-eared for. Do not use some thing else lor you will surely bo dis appointed. For a free trial package write to Walter Luther Dodge & Co., 1223 S. Wabash ave., or go to any drug store, department or general and get a reg ular slz. oox of TIZ 25 cents. INSURANCE COMPANY PI TS I P DEFENSE WITNESS FOR HER SON LITTLE GRAY HAIRED WOMAN SOItltlNGLY TELLS THE JURY FAMILY SECRETS AND HEREDI TARY INFLUENCES THAT SUR ROUNDED HER SON. San Frnnclsco, Aug. 22. Mother love today prompted Mrs. Annabelle Bonner to go on the witness stand here today and lay bare humiliating tr.mily secrets In an effort to save her sen, Charles Homier, aged IS from paying the extreme penalty for mur dering Bernlce Godalr, a 17-ycur-old school girl. In a halting voice, frequently chok ed by sobs, Mrs. Bonner told the Jury of certain paternal and hereditary In fluences to which Charles was sub jected, and on which Attorney Hoff Cook hopes to base an insanity de fense. Several members of the Jury broke down as the little gray-haired mother re'ated details of family history. In his opening remarks, Attorney Cook told the Jury that he expected to prove young Donner's mental Instabil ity. "For God's sake, gentlemen " ylead ed Mrs. Bonner, as she left the stand, "do not send my boy to the gallows. It would kill mo, for I, more than any one else, know that he is irresponsible." Dr. Wilson MeNnry of Portland, who wns yesterday appointed superinten dent of tlio Kastern Oregon branch insane asylum, was in tho city today, and notified the members of the state hoard that. he would accept the posi tion. Ho will assume charge Just as ! soon as ho can arrango his business affairs. Hud Rlcknrd, of Irish lleiid, near CcrvalllR, sold beans to the cannery at that point , which petted him $200 III'. ..Cie. Grants I'iish linil i big gathering Tuesday In honor of Mrs. Arthur Conklln, president of the Southern Oregon Suffrage League. Anyway, tho wise man is less of a fool than the average. Moves Coming Home, esnmi imikmh ihakkd Athens, Aug. George II. Moses, 1'nlteil States minister to Greece, who Is to bo succeeded by President Jacob ! Gould Bchiirmiin of Cornell university, has completed plans to leave hero to day for the United States, where ho expects to arrive about the first of i September. i . . . I'M luck. Is commonly tho result of bad Judgment. FOR WOMEN ONLY. That ii the nature ol Dr. I'icrco'i 1'avorita Trenoripiion the one remedy for women which contains no alcohol and no hubit-formin j druja. Made from native medicinal foreat root a. Dr. Pierce tclli ita every Intfrcdient on the bottle-wrap-lr. Prominent phyaieiana and lome of the beat medical authorities endorae theae infredicnta aa being tlit very beat known remcdica (or ailments and weaknesses peculiar to women. Tills is what Mas, CIknktti K. Cokfkv, of Longstroet, Ky snys: "I feel it my duty to write and tell you what your medicines huvo done for me. I was a great sufferer for six years from a trouble lHvullur to women, but I am thankful to say, after taking four buttles of your ' Favorite I Prescription' I Bm not bothered with that dreadful disease any morn. I feel llko a new woman. When I first wrote you for ml vice I only weighed 115 pounds now I weigh 1M. "I thank ymi very much fur your kindness. You have been as a father to me In advising mo what to do, so may God bless you In every effort you put forth for good. "I hope this testimonial will bo the mentis of somo poor suffering woman seeking health." Dr. Pieroe's Medical Advitcr, newly rcrlaed up-to-date edition, anaweri hoati nt delicate queationa about which every woman ingle or married oujht to know. Mas. Coprar. Huie Wing Sang Co. Big Stock of Goods We have made up all kinds of Wrappers, Kimonos, Waists, White Underwear and all kinds of Silk Goods, House Dresses, Men's and Children's Suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, al I kinds of Ovei shirts, all colors of Sweaters, Shoes, Ladies' and Girls' Fancy Dress, Fancy Neckwear, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Embroidery, Lace, Silk Scarfs, Chinaware, etc. Mattings at Wholesale and Retail All Goods on Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. Buy t Your Goods Here, Remember This is the i Store That Saves You Money. t 325 N. Com'l St. Salem, Oregon REWARD OF $5,000 FOR MURDERS UNITBD rilKSS LRUBKD WtH New York, Aug. 22. Interest In the Rosenthal murder case today centered in the testimony given the grand Jury by "Dig .Tack" Selig, alleged loader of the New York gnnpisters who shot nnd killed Gambler Rosenthal before the Hotel Metropolo here. Sellg, who wns i rrested recently In Providence, al leges that bis arrest is a frame-up, thnt he knows nothing about the mur der and was in no way Implicated with New York pollco officials In alleged graft operations. District Attorney Ybltman today confirmed reports thnt he had re ceived a package of cyanide of potas sium through the malls. He regards the matter as a Joke, but attaches of IiIk office urged hint to an effort to run down the sending of the pnrkage. Spurred to action by District Attor ney Whitman's reward of $.1000 for the rrrest of "I,efty Louie" Rosenberg and Harry Harrowltz. alias "Gyp the Wood" New York nnd up-state towns are being combed by private detec tives. In offering the rewnrd Whlt ivr,n sr.Id- "This reward Is not offered to any member of the New York police de partment. In taking this position I air. not actuated by nny feeling of un klmlness toward the department, bnt it In my belief that If the proper police work had been done these men would now be In custody." San Francisco, Aug. 22. Through its attorney Gavin McNab, the defunct Continental Building and Loan asso ciation here today filed an answer to tho action preferred against It by I'nlted States Attorney-General Webb through complnlnt of George S. Wal ker, the state building and loaa com missioner, to assume control of the In stitution's affairs, asking that Wal ker's complaint be dismissed. The as sociation bases Its plea on the ground that the action Is not within the Juris diction of the superior court owing to bankruptcy proceedings already filed by alleged creditors In the United States district court. LMiOSE KKimUTKS HIS IIKMAXU Or' JIOHMNG WHITE QUEEN ....FLOUR.... Washington, Aug. 'X. At 4 o'clock this afternoon Senator Penrose was recognized nnd 're-offered his motion thnt tho senate committee Investigate his statements regarding campaign contributions by John D. Archhold. president of the Standard Oil com pany.'' Ho said the Culberson resolu tion authorizing the committee to in vestigate contributions covered the case, and that the committee already had the power to summon witnesses. CONGRESS TO ADJOURfJ SATURDAY Washington, Aug. 22. When it seem ed that the senate had repassed the rew "budget bill" today, the tueasure was held up as the result of a fili buster started by Senator Root. Page and McCumber against consideration of a bill creating a new department of lnbor. It Is expected the new bud get bill will be passed by the senate late this afternoon. The "budget bill" as It now stands and as It will be signed by President Tuft, continues the appropriation for the maintenance for the court of com merce only until March 4 next. The house passed over the president's ve to the provision abolishing the court of commerce, but this measure failed tf passage over the president's ob jection In the senate by seven votes. The new bill If passed by the senate j this afternoon is believed to remove the last obstacle in the way of ad journment of congress an Saturday. ThrtfcmgM.041 aiHMtw w AUfOllOADING: ttt For singles trap or field Just toss In shell, pr.s the button and "PULL." The side bolt makes It easy. You don't have to tug at the barrel or watch an on-and-off device. The action stays open alter each stngl shot is fired. It always stays open when the magazine is empty. Five shots three to get the cripples each under absolute con trol of the trigger finger. The recoil reloads for you kicks another shell inj takes tbe Btrain off the gun the discomfort out of the kick all without diminishing the drive behind the Bhou Simple take-down a few turns of the readily handled magazine screw-cap makes cleaning, carrying and inter, change of barrels quick and easy. Send for a motion picture booklet telling how the kick is used how a friction device found only on the Remington-UMC Autoloading Shotgun takes the punishment out of heavy loads. Write to.d.y. REMINGTON ARMS. UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. 299 Broadway 7 New York City James White and William Stelnert with perjury in connection with the arrest of "Big Jack" Sellg were re turned this afternoon by the grand Jury. AI.CHHOI.H WILL TKLL SENATE ABOUT IT CN1TSD TRESS LIAH1CD Willi. Washington, Aug. 22. Chairman Clapp of the senate committee Investi gating campaign contributions an nounced this afternoon that John D. Archhold would appear before the committee tomorrow to testify In re gard to his connection with the funds subscribed to the republican campaign of 1904.. SOCIALISTS Viiy A VICTORY AT SAX DIECO f united rnssa UASsn wire.1 San Diego, Cal., Aug. 22. The last of the street speaking cases to come before the courts here as n result of the recent fight was ended today when Kaspar Bauer, prominent acociallst, was set free In the police court, where he had been tried on a charge of dis turbing the peace as a result of a street meeting. He was accused of having used vile language to a police man. The decision is regarded as a slg- nal victory by the socialists Bauer I acted as his own attorney. Ben Selling, republican, and F. W. JIulkey, progressive, both candidates lor the I'. S. senate, were in Coos Bay at the same time and both attended a big picnic where there were many voters. This Will Interest Mothers. MotliRP fJniy'B Swept Powdera fur Child ren, a certiiin relief fur fpvcrlMhnt'HS, head ache, bnd ntomnch, toothing disorders, move nnd repulnte the hnwels nnd destroy worn. They break up colda In 114 limir. They nre no plenHiint to the tastft children like them. i liver iu,nim teHiimoinais. t sea rv moment 1 .. 1 -n 'll,., t,.it U..1.1 t... .ill Rntnnle mailed Fit RIO. 8. OIniHted. I.e Uoy, N. Y. .! 1 vanra I driiKKlstB, 2' Address. Allen New Show Today at the !v ii Bligh Theatre "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" Best Pictures, Refined Vaudeville, Orchestra Music SALEM'S ONE SHOW I (Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever DR. T. FELIX GOl'RADD'S ORIENTAL rDriM ad Mtfirrw RPumnrD Itnnvr4 Tnn, Ptmploi, ! rvckli'. Moth V-tchf, liMll, Klltt Skill IllafV, ma every Difnuo in twttilr, aiid tie flr (Mfctlon, It tlM RbXHt ilia tett of txt ypura, tiid ti to tiMmlfs wt Unle It tobiiurrU tt pmji'ly ntavli. Accfpt noopuntt-r (tit of Hi nj liar tim. Pr. L. a. Pvn nlj to Itvly of tlia feut t n ft pailftitt: " A you IuIIm will uc them," I rcummena iioiirnltd rrnm' u lh !rt hirn.fu. or all thi km prci'Armiiiift." Kt ule hv til dru tnd Fancy UtHMU l)valera in tb l'blll biatta, C'aUaulft and Eurup. fUiD.T.HflPimS.PioKs 37 Great km Slrtrt. XnrTwk TUB GANG MAKES A I'LEA OF 0X Gl'ILTY New York, Aug. 12. Following n perfunctory lniiuest here today, Cor oner Felnberg nnd his "millionaire jury" returned a verdict thnt Gambler Herman Rosenthal, shot down by New York gangsters, met death nt the hnnds of a person or persons un known to tbe Jury. Only five wit nesses testified. Police Lieutenant Charles Ilecker. the central figure In the famous mur der case; Wlllinm Shapiro. "Dago Frnnk" Clrciflro and "Whltey Lewis" were re-arralgned before Judge Crain today In the Indictments returned by the grand jurp. Ileecker waived plead ing to the second Indictments, the others pleading not guilty. Indictments chaging Tatrolman Don't Take Chances On Bad H'eaisng Don't co through another winter with chilly halls, cold floors, iiiul rooms at 50 decrees in ziro weather. There is xitiirniiioi heat ri;;ht at your iioui to bo had for the ordering. By the Campbell System yon can command a temperature of 70 decrees, no matter what the thermometer registers outside. has this enormous advantage that you nn; bound to be satisfied; you run no risk of gettim; the wrung plant. The Campbell Heating Co.', of Des Moines, Iowa, is with us in this plan which insures heat satis faction. We submit to them your personal needs for heating; they make plans and specifications, guaranteed to heat your home with ywj'i, warm, (lean uir up to 70 de UADEKTSCHEIl K FILLER, IS s Wifiter Chaser grees In coldest weather or they will not undertake it at all. Remember Campbell, the ex pert of 25 years experience stands behind us la the guarantee to heat your house or refund the money. To heat it evenly, easily and more cheaply than by any other method. Aren't you interested enough to come and see us? 1'lione GUI), Salem, Oregon This Is ono of the best Hard Wheat Flours made nnd If you ever try It you will continue to use It. We have customers that have used It for years. Certain ly must be good. $1.35 Per Sack This price Is far less than you are paying your grocer. Remem ber the flour Is guaranteed. Special prices In barrel lots. This flour Is made .mm the best Hluestem Wheat and Is old flour. Flour made from new wheat will not be good for bak ing for several months. It will pay you to supply your wants now. Free delivery. D. A. While & Sons .11-it;i Stale SL I'hene Main Kill Suleni, Orcgiu. New B argains in Shoes Daily At The Leader Shoe Store We have decided to close out our present entire stock for less than wholesale cost to make room for entirely new lines of shoes. Here is the chance of your life time. . Why do we have hundreds of eager anxious cash buyers when we put a sale on shoes? Simply be cause you can find a bargain on every pair of shoes that we offer. Come in and be convinced, once our customer always our customer. ! You can always feel at home dealing with us, and we appreciate your trade. We are receiving new goods daily. We just received a new shipment of rubber goods. Repairing neatly done. A. C. DEVOE 263 North Commercial Street MUMS