Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1912, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Children Cry
v, 1 m u ; n if .
The Kind You Have Always Boaglit, and which has lea
In uso for over 30 years, has borne the Blgnutnre of
Sltf and has been made under his per-
jCJ&JJi1-. B,,nal BuiM-Tvlslon since its infancy.
&CV. JCUsA4Zz, Allow no one to deceive you in tli is.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and " JuNt-as-good " are but
lixnerlnients that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience oguinst Kxperlnient.
What is CASTOR1A
Cnstorla is a harmless snbstltute for Cantor Oil, Parc
Corlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
eubxtancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays FcverlNlincsn. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind t'ollc, alt Teething Troubles and
Dlurrliocn. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
nsNlmllates tho Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
iBeare tbe
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
ure to please
Iways an .
and delightful drink,
ends strength to
wearied physique,
ffects a soothing cure for the
nervous ills
akes life more pleasant and
IVI cheers the
rings good fellowship to all
who partake in moderation.
ilivens the spirit
cast and disheartened.
pndows existence with hopes
L and aspirations
estores man
strength and
To and from Portland, Daily
Leases Sulem 8:35 a. m. LeaTes I'ortlaud 5:00 p. m.
Arrives Tortlond 10:10 a. m. Arrives Sulcm 6:35 p. m.
This train will be found a great convenience for business and 'so
cial engagements.
Leaves Salem 8:40 p. m. Leave Portland 0:00 a. m.
Arrives rortland 6:10 p. m. Arrives Salcni 10:35 a. m.
Both trains carry observation parlors and flrttt-class coaches.
S I IiuctmI I Trains leave Salem dally at 8:35, 10:35 a. m.,
r ' Y 4-20, 6:35, 11:30 p' m' Coat connectloiiB at
East Independence on daylight trains.
Through tickets are sold to Spokane, Pugct Sound points and the
Oregon' Electric Railway trains enter the North Bank Station, Port
land, saving transfer of passengers and baggage.
Fares, schedules and details on request
C. E. ALBIN, General Agent, Salem, Oregon.
W. E. COMAN', General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
for Fletcher's
Signature of
the lovers of a
invigorating, pure
the weak and
of life.
heavy heart.
of the down- '
to fulness of
A Vision of jBrcad
that Is always light, white and tooth
some, that every one will eat and en
joy, Is the dream of all good house
keepers. You can realize that vision
by trying our bread. Once you use It
on your table you will never want to
be without it Why bother with bak
ing when we can do better.
Ul Court ItTMt FkoM HI
Copyright. 100. Dodd. Mead ft Co.
IJen'r thb'rrvCT rrnrrsne camo upon
the man, but ho paid no heed to her
approach. Ho sat with his faco In his
hands, and she could not believe her
eves and ears ho was sobbing bitter
ly. For an Instant her lips curled In
tho smile of scornful triumph, and
then something lllte disgust came over
her. There was nioeUery In her voice
as she called out to htm:
"Have you stubbed your toe, little
IIo looked up, dazed. Then ha
rose, turning bis back while he dash
td his hand across bis eyes. When he
glanced back at her he saw that she
was smiling. But she also saw some
thing In his fnce that drove tho smile
iway. Absolute rago gleamed In his
"So It Is real war?" he said hoarsely,
his face quivering. "Your pitiful cow
ards want It to be real, do tboy?
Well, that's whnt It shall be, hang
Ibeui! They shall have all they waut
of It. Look! This la their way of
flghttng, Ib It? Look!"
He pointed to his feet Her bewil
dered eyes saw that his hand was
bloody and a deathly sickness camo
over hor. Ho wiis pointing to the out
stretched, Inanimate form of tho dog
that bad been his friend and comrade.
She knew that tho beast was dead
and sbo knew that her brother's threat
had not been an Idle one. A gient
wave of pity and horror swept over
her. Moisture sprang to bcr eyes on
tbe moment
"He he is dead?" she exclaimed.
"Yes: and killed by some cowardly
brute whose neck I'd like to wring.
That dog my Bonaparte-who knew
no feud, who did no wrongl Your
brother wants war, does ho? Well, I'll
give him all"
But my brother could not nave done
a thing like tills." she cried, slipping
"Accident! Don't come near me."
from her saddle and advancing toward
him quickly. "Oh, no, nol Not thlsl
ne Is not that sort, I know. It must
have been an accident and"
"Accident! Don't come near met
mean It. God, my heart Is too full of
vengeance. Accident? Is this blood
on mv arm accidental? Bah! It was
a deliberate attempt to murder mo!'
"You you, too?" she gasped, reeling
"Yes: they've winged me, too. Oh,
God. If 1 only had been armed. There
would have been a killing."
"Let me see, let me help you!" she
cried, coming up to his sldo, white
faced and terrified. "1 won't stay
away! You are hurt Please, please.
I am not your enemy."
Kor a long minute be held back
savagely resent (pi, glowering upon her;
then his fnce softened and his hand
went out to clasp hers.
"I knew you had nothing to do with
It. Forgive me forgive my rudeness.
Don't be nlnrmed about me. Two or
three scattered shot struck me In the
arm. Tho fellow's aim was bad when
It enme to me. But be ho got tbe flog!
Poor old Bonnpnrtc! It's as If he were
a n brother. Miss Drake. I loved him
and he loved nie."
"You must lot me seo your arm.
will not take no for an answer,
must need attention"
"Believe me. It I nothing. I have
tied my handkerchief nhout It two lit
tle shut, tint's all. The first charge
riddled the dug. But 1 forgot. I am
still on your ulster's Intnl. At any mln
ute I may be shot from behind some
tree. I I couldn't help crying.
Drake. It wits cruel fiendlnh! Now
If you'll permit me I'll take my dead
off of your hind."
"Ston! I must know about It. Tell
me: how did It happen?"
"I can't talk about It to you."
"Why not? Do you think I condone
this outrage? Do you think I can sup
port sucli means of warfare? Yon do
not know me, Mr.. Shaw; you do not
know an Englishwoman's love of fair
"By Jove, do you mean It?" HI:
eyes lighted up. "But after all, you
belong to the other camp." he added
dejectedly. "I I wlnb to henven. Miss
Drake, you were not one of tbemr
"My brother Cecil would not have
permitted this," she tried to apologise,
remembering with a cold heart that
Lordgazelhurat.l!sd j1ven the. vcrj
luOTucTToTiroT-wlIIcn rcirwarihe iS
We can't discuss It, Miss Drako.
Rome one from your sldo of the line
killed my dog and then fired at me. I'll
admit I was trespassing, but not until
the dog was shot. Ho was on Lady
Bazclhurst'a land when be wns shot
It was not until after that that I tres
passed. If you are pleased to call t
u;h. But I wns unarmed, hang the
luok!" Tbe way he said It conveyed
much to ber understanding.
"Tell me, please."
"I've had murder In my heart for
half an hour. Miss Drake. Somehow
you soothe me." ne sat down on tho
log again and leaned bis head upon bin
band. With his eyes upon the dead
dog he went on, controlling his anger
with an effort: "I rode down tho river
road this morning for a cbnnge. intend
ing to go up later on to our trystlng
place through tbe wood." She heard
him call It a trystlng pluce without a
bought of resentment or shame.
When I camo to tbe log there I stop
ped, but Bouuparte, lawless old chap.
kept on. I paid no attention to blm,
for I was thinking of of something
else. He bad raced around in tho for
bidden underbrush for some time bo
fore I beard the report of a gun near
at hand. The dog actually screamed
like a bumsn being. I saw him lenp
up from tho ground nnd then roll over.
Of course, I well, I trespassed. With
out thinking of my owu safety I flow
to whero tho dog wns lying. Ho look
ed up into my face and whined Just as
ho died. I don't remember how I got
off the horse, Tho next I knew I wns
rushlug blindly into tho brush toward
a place where I saw smoke cursing like
a fiend. Then came tho second shot
and tho stinging in my arm. It brought
me to my senses. I stopped and a mo
ment Inter I saw a man running down
along the bank of the strenm. I oh.
well, there Isn't any more to tclL I
don't know who fired the shots. I
couldn't see his fnce."
It was Tompkins," she cried. "I
know It was. He bad his orders" but
she checked herself In confusion.
"His orders? Do you mean to say-
Miss Drake, did your brother Instruct
him to kill me?" She quailed beneath
his look.
"I I can't say anything more about
It, Mr. Shaw," sbo murmured, so pit
eously that be was touched. For a
seemingly Interminable length of time
his hnrd eyes looked Into hers, and
then they softened.
I understand," he said simply. "You
:annot talk about it I'll not ask any
My brother Is weak In bcr bands,"
ulie mnnnged to sny lu extenuation.
"After all, It Isn't a pleasant subject
If you don't mind we'll lot It drop
that is, between you and mo, Miss
Drake. I bone tho war won t break
off our"
Don't suggest It, please. I'd rather
you wouldn't We are friends, after
all. I thought it was playing at war,
and I can't tell you how shocked I
Poor old Bonaparte!" was all bo
said In reply. She stooped and laid ber
hand on the fast chilling coat of tho
dog. There were tears in ber eyes as
sbo arose and turned awny, moving to
ward her borse. Shnw deliberately
lifted tbe dead anhnnl Into bis arms
and strode off toward bis own land.
She followed after a moment of inde
cision, leading tbe horse. Across the
line be went and up tbe aide of tbe
knoll to bis right At tbe foot of a
great tree he tenderly deposited his
burden. Then be turned to find her al
most beside him.
You won't mind my coming over
here, will you?" she asked softly. Do
renohed out) and clasped bor hand
thoughtlessly with his blood covered
fingers. It was not until long after
ward that she discovered bis blood
upon the hand from which she bad
drawn ber riding glove.
"You are always welcome," ho said
I am going to bury blm hero this aft
ernoon. No; plcnso don't come. I'll
bring the men down to help me. I sup
pose they think I'm a coward and a
bounder over at your place. Do you
remember the challenge you gave me
yestcrdny? You dared me to come
over the lino as far Into BnzcIliurHt
land as you bad come Into mine. Well,
dnred last night."
"You dared? You came?"
"Yes, and 1 went farther than you
Imvo gone, because I thought It wns
play, comedy, fun. I even sat upon
your gnllcry Just outside the billiard
room and smoked two cigarettes.
You'll find the stubs on the porch rail
ing If her ladyship's servants are not
too exemplary." She was looking at
him In wide eyed unbelief. "I was
there when you come out on the lawn
with tho Frenchman."
"pid you hear what he was-whnt
wo were snyingr sue nsKcu nerrousiy
and going pale.
No. I was not eavesdropping. Be
sides, you returned to the house very
abruptly. If you remember."
Yes, I remember," she said, a sigh
of relief aecot!iiiin.vlng the warm glow
that came to her cheek. "But were
you not afraid of being discovered?
How Imprudent of you!"
"It was a bit risky, but I rather en
Joyed It The couiit spoke to me as I
left the place It was Unrk. anil lie
mistook me fur one of your party. I
couldn't wait to seo If you returned to
renew the tete-n tete"-
"I did not return." she said. It wns
his turn to be relieved
In Which tho Truth Trapaia.
DOHD nud Lady Bazclhurst with
the inure energetic members of
their party, spent the day In
a so called hunt In exeiirslon
to the hills south of the villa Tnwnrd
nightfall they returned successfully
empty handed and rapacious for
bridge. Penelope, full of sinoldorlim
anger, had spent the afternoon In her
room, disdaining every call of wjclnbll
Ity. She bnd swakened to the truth of
tbe situation In so far she was con
cerned. She was at least seeing things
from Shaw's point of view, lief re
sentment was not against tbe policy
of ber brother, but tbe overbearing.
petulagttyrajipi. other .American sjs-
El RmI Jntny af mm! minm, frawlfa oj
Supntuoo hUk am Uce, Mck and m ll in
tfutaV: Wftm U ikia Moudi without itw WHlrM
mu. IWUmr WimqWiUmt El Rlo av
atar ftftit tnwlh by rtwg dutcttV apoa bS luit
-1 X J U ,.L II. A 1 ri i
ta mm IMM rvttm UKT ft Mpuu mm M u MM CM
ftcoMM i. A ftSaw pwfect mulfc. 1 Kudo it (aanDhW
aMaktl knimm tad aMeaattr naabla.
Booll apo no (naa Pkraa MTi
. C. Ul EaaliM Sua, N.w York.
For sale In Salem at J. C. Perry's
Drug Store.
rur-rn-liiW. from the begrmifhg" she
had disliked Evelyn; now she despised
her. With the loyal simplicity of a
Ister she absolved Cecil of all real
hhtme In the outrago of the morning,
attributing everything to tho cruelty
and onvy of tho despot who held the
purso strings from which dangled the
pliable fortunes of Bazolhurst The
llazolluirsts. - one nnd nil ancestors
thrown In swung hack and forth on
tho pendulum of her caprlclonsnoss
Penelope, poor ns n church mouse, was
almost wholly dependent upon ber
brother, who la turn owed his preseut
ollluenco to tho more 'or less luckless
movement of the matrimonial market.
The girl had n smull, Inadequate lu-
come so small that It was almost
worth Jesting about
Hero was Penelope, twenty-two,
beautiful, proud, fair minded and
healthy, surveying herself for the first
tlmo from a now nnd an entirely dif
ferent point of view. Sbo was not
pleased with tho picture. She begau
to loathe horsolf nioro than she pitied
bur brother. Something like a smile
cniuo Into her clouded faco ns she spec
ulated on Randolph. Shaw's method of
bundling Evelyn Uauks bad she fallen
to him as a wlfo. Tho quiet powor In
that man's face signified the presence
of a mnnhood that ah, and Just here
It occurred to ber that Lady Bazolhurst
felt the force of that powor even
though she uever had Been the man.
She bated blm becauso ho was strong
enough to oppose bcr, to Ignore Jier, to
laugh at ber impotence. 1
The smoldering anger and a growing
sonso of fairness combined at length
In the determination to Inko her broth
er and bis wlfo to task for tho morn
ing's outrage, lot tho consequences be
whnt they might When sbo Joined tho
peoplo downstairs beforo dinner there
was a red spot in eneh check und a
steady look In her eyes that caused the
duke to neglect woefully tho conversa
tion ho was carrying ou with Mrs. Od
well. Dinner was delayed for nearly half
an hour whllo four of the guests fin
ished their "rubber." Penelope ob
served tbnt the party displayed varying
emotions. It afterward transpired that
tho hunters bnd spent most of the aft
ernoon In her ladyship's dlstnnt lodge
plnylug brldgo for rather high stakes.
Llttlo Miss Folsom was pitifully unre
sponsive to tho mirth of Mr. Odwell.
She could 111 afford to lose (MX). Lady
Bnzclhnrst was In a frightful mood.
Her cucsts had so far forgotten them
selves as to win mora than $1,000 of
tbo Banks legacy, nnd she waa not a
cheerful loser, especially aa bis lord
ship had dropped an additional $500.
Tho winners were riotously happy.
They bad found the sport glorious. An
observer given to deductions might
have noticed that halt of tho diners
wero immoderately hilarious, the other
half studiously polite.
Lord Bazclhurst wore a hunted look
and drnnk more than one or two high
balls. From tlmo to time be cost fur
tive glances at his wife. Ho laughed
frequently at tbo wrong tlmo and
"Uo's got something on his mind,"
whispered Odwell In comment
"Yes; he always laughs when there
Is anything on his mind." replied Mrs.
Do Peyton. "That's the way ho gets
It o!T."
After dinner no one proposed cards.
The pnrty edged pff Into twos and
threes. and explained .how ljick.hnd
Continued nn Page 8.)
Notice of Assessment for Oak Street
Improvement, Winter Street te
Twelfth Street.
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Salotn, Ore
gon, will at or about 8 o'clock p. ni.,
on tho 2fth day of August, 1912, at
the Common Council chambers in the
City of Salem, Oregon, proceed to as
sess upon each lot or part thereof or
parcel of laud liable for Its propor
tionate share of tho total actual cost
of Improving Oak street from the west
line of Winter street to the west line
of Twelfth street In tho City of Sitlem,
Oregon, made In accordance with the
plnns nnd specifications heretofore
adopted for said Improvement nnd on
file In the office of tho City Recorder,
and In accordance with the contract
heretofore executed for said Improve
ment. All persons Interested In said assess
ment are hereby notified to nppenr at
said time beforo the snld Common
Council and present their objections,
If any they have, to said assessment,
nnd apply to snld Common Council on
or before said 2flth day of August,
1912, to equalize their proportionate
share of the actual cost of making
said Improvement and their snld as
Adopted by the Common Council this
19th day of August, 1912.
Chas'. F. E!gln, City Recorder.
The famous
Onyx Brand
and other
fine Hose
on hand
in complete
ma i m
Whatever your hosiery needs, bring
them here. We are fully prepared to
suit the most fastidious or economical
buyer with our wide range of quali
ties, colors and prices
Children's Hose from 10c to 50c Pair
Women's Hose . . 15c to $2.50 Pair
New Suits and Coats daily arriving.
The latest models are to be found here.
Every department rapidly filling with
new Fall Merchandise
U.G.. Shipley Co.
145-147 North Liberty Street
Batman State and Court Slraati, SALEM, OREGON
$100 Kewnrd, 1100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at leant
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure In all Its stjigos, nnd
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is tho only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional UlsoaBe, re
quires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal
ly, acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of the' system, there
by destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient
Htiength by building up the constitu
tion nnd assisting nature la doing Its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in Its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that It falls to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY CO.
Toledo Ohio.
Sold by nil druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. Children Cry
Whenever you find It necesHiiry to purchase a gift for a wed
ding, a birthday, or for uny other occasion, nlwnyB remem
ber that It Is to your interest to come to this store where
you will get the largest collection of gifts, and the greatest
range of prices. We m.iko It a business to supply every twite
and every pocketbook. Remember that wo carry the largest
stock of Dlumonds, Silverware, Sterllngwnro, Gold Jewelry,
Cut Glass, HraBBware, eta, in the Wlllnmotter valley. Cer
tainly you should be able to buy your gifts hore.
Barr's Jewelry Store
AutomobileMotor Cycle and
Accessory Dealers of Salem
. IVIm h E M. F. "SO" I'landen
C. U Rose, Mgr. 218 S. Com'l fM,
FOItl) AIJENCY, K. II. Whiteside, Mgr
rltlxTl A," Alf''"t ,,,r K" C' mi UtWt
M- (larage No. 6(10 Kerry Street.
INDIA M if2ZPt?e' imainnltll'Ihllg'Tackle, Etv
Ml VLSlr.! T CYCLES North Commercial Street Phone IM
. . j . Slinonton Motor Co, Agt for Mitchell
r)Vfrr A J Tube Vulcanising a Special!.
J V M-lUfkMS pttM m U1 Korth High BtrM
MOTOR CYCLES mnneanolli Kotorcyclt
ft- C
Our well
is a special
of the
Mr. W. 8. Qunsoulus, a farmer liv
ing near Flomlng Pa., says he baa
used Chamberlaln'a Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy In bis family for
fourteen years, and that he has found
It to be an excellent romedy, and takes
pleasure In recommending It. For
sale by all dealers.
With our assurance that we art
able and willing to take care of
it, wa solicit your Banking HubI
nesa. Open an account with us,
and we will extend you every
favor consistent with good bank
ing principles.
Carner State and Liberty Street!
J, L. Ahlert, President
W. O. East, Cashier.
8. B. East, Vice President
Dr. L. D. Sleeves, L. H. Roberta,
Also Agent fur Ilea and .Hlrhtgsa
Slinouton .Motor Co. 151 N. High
W. 8. HTTS, Agent
Also Agent tor Mvts.
414 Court Street Phone 111