1'uge Ten DAILY CAM TAL JOURNAL, SALEM," OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1812. Salem's Big Department Store Is the Style Center . We have anticipated a record business this fall, and have planned and bought accordingly. NEW FALL MERCHANDISE is arriving by every freight and express. Go to Meyers and you will know the latest style tendencies, you will see the newest creations from American manufacturers and from abroad. This store is the meeting place of all the latest and best merchandise from every market. Keep warm and comfortable in one of our SWEATERS That handiest of garments for all ourpose use, Wo show the latest of weaves and colors in the f j: cut collar styles, If you are going to pur chase or just want to see them, visit Meyers, CITY NEWS. Special meeting of Pacific Ixidgo No. 50, A. F. & A. M Sunday at 1:30 o'clock p. m. i to attend the funeral of our late brother, W, D, Hans ford, a late member of Pendleton Lodge No. 52, Pendleton, Oregon. VIs itlng brethren welcome. The Orcgonlnn Restaurant Will serve chicken dinner Sunday. Mnnos Bros., proprietors. Come early. Jonse & Moore Have just recolvcd a nice shipment of all rag rugs, all sizes, that they will close out at exceptionally low prices. Complete home furnishers, Court street. Building Lot 27&- Price Include! graded street, ce ment Bidewalk, water main. Tormi 110 down and $5 per month. Inquire at 212 U. S. National national bank building. 7-16-tf Ladles' Day Sunday, Aug. 18th MoMlnnvllle Tigers, champions of Yamhill vnlloy, vs. Saloin Senators, Salem, 8:00 p. m. The fair Bex will have a chance- to see the best game of the season free of charge, Everybody turn out and help boost for Salem. 8-14-4t Continuous Eye Rest and Comfort Is given by Dr. Mendelsohn's glasses for reading, working or to Bee at a (llslunco; eyoBtralu and headaches,' weak eyes, poor sight, squinting eyes, nervousness; painful, sore, red In' flamed, burning, smarting, Itchy,, twitching and gluey eyea; heavy crust cd or granulated eyelids; floating; spots, cloudiness of vision; watery u'j discharging eyes, feeling like Band 111 the eyes. When the above symptoms appear, consult DR. MENDELSOHN. Having had DO years of practical experience w ith such cases us slated above knows just how to relieve tho same. Wo guarantee satisfaction In every respect We can refer you to nearly 1500 sat isfied patients In this city and vicinity. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn Dr. of Optics lip Offices t 210-211 I'nllcd States National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon ! Ladies' New Coats g Suits It is time to think of that new suit or coat, The State Fair is only a few weeks away and of course we want to look our bes't. Let us show you the latest materials that will be popular the pretty styles and how well they're made, Come in this week,' Don't Forget About the Free Auto Every dollar you spend here gives you another oppor tunity to get it, See the machine in our Shoe Section, F. K. ItellliiH, Watch Repairer 135 South Commercial street. Needlecraft Special Stamped dresser scarfB, whllo they last, for 4!c. The Needlecraft Shop, 291 North Commercial. Salem dun Club Is now getting ready for the weok of the State Fair. Everybody Ib bolcoine to attend their shoot at the club grounds, Have You Seen Our complete lino of rangeB? It will pay you to get our prices before buy ing. Josse & Moore, complete house furnishers, Court street. Over From Corrallls Chief of Police J. I). Wolls, of Cor vnlllB, was In the city yesterday, hnv Ing come down to bring Virgil Taylor, an incorrigible, to the State Training school. He returned over the Oregon Electric In tho evening, Hugged Eour Deer M. P. Duldwln, F. M. MagerB, Dave Pugh and James Inilah returned Inst night from a hunting and fishing trip to Union creek in Douglas county. They succeeded In bagging four deer but the fishing was very poor. Salem Gun Cull) Is now getting ready for the week of the Stale Fulr. Everybody is welcome to attend their shoot at the club grounds. Wauls Pickers to Register Pickers for the Holmes yard are requested to register at once. There will be no tiresome, dusty ride this yenr, aa tho Oregon Electric runs through the yard. Phone 109. T. A. Llvesley & Co. 7-15-tf lienor Men to Return Owing to the fact that the minimum sentences of so many of tho honor men nt the camp near Medford have expired, and that they nro being pa roled tho camp there will be broken up temporarily and the men returned to Salem. There Is quite a lot of work to be done around the Institutions hero, but aa soon as this is done and men are available that camp will be re-established. It will be only a short time until this Is done. Should He Good Game The baseball game promised for tomorrow- on the local grounds thould be one of the best played this season. The McMlimvlllo team has defeated St. Paul, Sheridan, Hopewell and the Weonns and Is conceded to be the champions of Yamhill county. The game will be called nt 3 o'clock nt the' li eul grounds. There will not bo much iimng In the lineup of tho locals, but the visiting team comes well recommended and Is hopeful of success. The local team la also con fident of winning tho game. -f LADD & BUSH BANK Is moved to the east part of their new office and occupies this portion as temporary quarters while the corner portion Is being remodeled. The entrance of the temporary quarters will be on State street, just east of the present State street entrance, 0A iff.imrYtrfATrn SOME OTHER TRIALS FOR LOS ANGELES Urn Angeles, Aug. 17. With the trial of Clarence Darrow on a charge of corruptly influencing one drawn as a juror gono Into history, further le gal action growing directly out of the arrest and confession of the McNama ra brothers is forecasted for Los An geles, Four nationally known labor lead ers are under indictment by a federal grand Jury chargod with illegal trans location of dynamite. They are Olat Tvletmoe, Anton Johnnnsen, Eugene A. Clancy and J. E, Munsoy. The men were Indicted early this yenr by a special grand jury called to probe matters growing out of the Mc Namara affair. Three true bills were returned against each man, each bill containing four counts. In July all pleaded not guilty and their cases v. ere continued to be Bet at tho Janu ary term of the federal court. Eueh of the men was released on his own recognizance of the three counts of each Indictment.. Each is held on one count under $2000 bonds. Johnnnsen was In court when Dar row was pronounced not guilty today. 1'iimii Work Nrnrfs For Xmas work. Very special at 49c. The Needlecraft Shop. 1), II. Moslior Announces Tho arrival of three hundred and fifty patterns of new full suitings for men and women. 4.16 Court street. Ladles, Attention Mrs. L. O. Curtis, formerly head sales lady of the millinery department of the Chicago store has now her fall showing of millinery, nt 134 North Liberty street. MKXH AN REBELS AKK STILL AGGRESSIVE NognlcH, Ariz., Aug. 17. Dispatches received today from Hermosillo, cap ital of the Mexican state of Sonora, say that the c;ty Is excited over re ports that Htrong bands of rebels are mobilizing In the country districts, (luaymns, a port on the west coast, also Is Included In the campaign plans of the Insurgents. Practically all federal troops In So nora have been called to Chihuahua tJlty, where President Madoro Is massing his strength to meet the threatened lust stand of the rebels. The slate is virtually defenseless. Reliable reports reached here today thai 150 federals sent from Hernioslllo to the southern part of the slate a week ago to disperse a band, of rebels were routed and slaughtered Instead of scoring the signal victory that was chronicled, flut 12 of the command returned to Hermosillo. Our 600th Wednesday Sur prise this week 35c Turkish Bath Towels 23c each These are an extra heavy Turkish weave, large size, 24x44 inches, and some times sell in othe'' stores ct 40c, For Wednesday, 23c each None sold before 8:30 See window d'splay STATISTICAL. HI BORN. GAMBLE. To Mr. and Mrs. 11 It. Gamble, of 1010 MIsBlon Btrect, Fri day, August 10, 1912, a son. DIED. IIAUSFORD. At a local hospital, Au gust 1,",, 1912, W. D. Hansford, aged 66 years. The funeral will be held from the Rlgdon-Rlchnrdsou undertaking estab lishment at 2 o'clock Sunday after noon. The burial will be at Odd Fel lows' cemetery and the services will be In charge of the, Masons. ' " DIED. i ANDERSON At a local hospltul, on Friday, August 16, 1912, Ralph An derson. The remains will be ohlpped from the Rlgdon-Rlchardson under taking establishment this afternoon over the Oregon Electric to Portland for burial. LENGELE At the home, 1726 South High street, this city, at 11:30 p. m Friday, August 16, 1912, Mrs. Phll llplne Lcnegele, aged 92 years. The remains will be shipped to Shelburn, Linn county, for burial. Card of Thanks. The children and brothers of V. G Kightllnger desire to express theilr thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted during the death and burial of our father and brother; nlso for the abundance of beautiful flow ers. Italians Win Victory. lUNlTKI) lnKS8 UtASKD Willi. 1 Rome, Aug. 1". Lieutenant General Cnroti I, commander of Italian troops In Tripoli, has succeeded In establish ing a base nt Zunra, a town about 66 miles west of the city of Tripoli, ac cording to an official announcement here today. The Turks had concentrated their forces In Zuara and stubbornly resist ed the advance of the Invaders. The battle laBted all day, the Turks finally retreating and leaving many dead on the field. The Italians lost bIx killed and 98 wounded. Self reliance is a good thing to have around the house, hut a rich father-in-law la of more weight at the bank. EYESTRAIN' 4 Eminent authorities agree that X Eyestrain Is the root of many X nervous troubles. Remove the Canst by wearing proper glasses and the result will be better X eyesight and less headache. We succeed by successful fitting. " A. McCULLOCH Optometrist X 391 North Commercial Street X (Ground floor) 1 Phone 92S Office hours I to 5 2 PERSONALS. Mllo Rasmussen and Leo 'age have returned from a stay of 10 days at Newport, where they enjoyed the pleasures of the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lane, of the Asy lum farm, hare returned from a trip lo Newport. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell and family, of Portland, were In the city yesterday. Mr. Mitchell resided In Sulom for a number of years, but has been In the metropolis six or eight years, where he Is engaged In the launch business at the foot of Morrl- I son street. E. A. Pero, foreman of the finishing department of the Salem woolen mills, went to Portland and St. Johns tills morning. Ills home is In the latter place. Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Ferrell have returned from 10 duys spent at New port. Mr. Ferrell Is employed on the street cur system here. Miss Marie Bennett, head stenogra pher in the law office of Carson & Itiown, leaves this evening on the Shasta Limited for Los Angeles, where she will visit Miss Ethel May, former ly of Salem. She will be gone about three weeks. Hon. I. L. Patterson, formerly of this city, but now of San Francisco, Is In the city. Mrs. Ella L. Wilson, of North Cot- tuge street, returned today from a vis It of one week at Chemawa. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE 10 acres fine loganberry land, all under cultivation; good road, just 3', 4 miles from Sa'eni Price, $1700; terms. Oregon R.alty Co., 275 State street. 8-17-:;t FOR SALE 2 acres first-claea land; good six-room house; family orch ard, good well, woodshed; Just out side the city. Price, $2000; $500 cash, balance to suit. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State Btreet. 8-17-3t FEMALE HELP WANTED Ladles wishing to add to tholr Income, turn ing spare moments to cash. "Watch us grow," our motto. Write Mrs. Cuzier, care Marion hotel. It FOR SALE New kitchen range, rock era and iron beds. 521 'North Win ter street . 8-17-6t FOR RENT-rFurnlshed house of five rooms, basement, bath, wood in for winter; $25; close to school, one block of carllne. Becbtol & Bynon 347 State street 8-17-3t FOR EXCHANGE Mortgage of $750, payable $15 per month. Want tvro or three cheap lots. This is a good opportunity to exchange your lots for something of merit Bechtel & Hynon, 347 State street. 8-17-3t FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE Squabs breeders throwing large squabs. Par ties buying them could make fine display at State Fair. Phone Main 711 or address Mrs. H. D. Trover, 1880 Water street, Salem. 8-17-3t FOR SALE Dry wood. Phone 1888 or 1419. S-17-3t WOOD-Cl'TTERS and fence-builders wanted. Independent Market. 8-17-2t FOR SALE Horse and buggy. Call at 1321 North Sixteenth Street. 8-17-3t FOR SALE Bartlett. pears, one mile west of Steel bridge on Dallas road. Phone Main 350. 8-17-7t WANTED Colored lady wants work by the day of week. Address 450 North Front street. 8-17-3t FOR SALE Indian motorcycle; 1912 model; single cylinder. Practically new. A snap for cash. A. C. David son. R. D. 4, Lebanon, Or. 8-17-4t AUCTIONEERS. I AM PREPARED to conduct your sales in any part of the country or city. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. C. W. Yannke, 459 State street, Phone Main 1109. 8-17-tf mmas BASF BALL McMinnville Tigers Champions of Yamhill Taller VS. Salem Senators SALEM LEAGUE GROUNDS SUNDAY, AUG. IS, 3:00 p. M. Ladles and kids Free McMinnville has defeated such teams this season as Sheridan, Hoewell Giants, St. Paul, We onas, K. of C. (who beat Al bany), and S. P. & S. of Port land, and are considered one of the best teams In this section. Admission He Grandstand, 15c extra IS W PTHArS SURE EW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS AHD COLDS WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL TROUBLES OF , THROAT AND LUNGS PROMPT USE WILL OFTEN PREVENT PNEUMONIA AND CONSUMPTION PRICE SOc and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY MONEY WANTED I have a place for from $1000 to $5000 that will pay 8 per cent. Security Is gilt-edge. See Jos. Buumgartner, 419 U. S. Hank Uldg. 8-17-5t FOR SALU Good six-room bouse, would lake small house in part pay ment. Inquire on premises. 337 South Eighteenth street, Salem Or. 8-17-2 wk. SOMETHING NICE 5 room bungalow beautiful ceilings, built In chlna cloBet, column openings, old gold brick fireplace, everything nicely arranged, large lot, close in. $500 down, balance same as rent. Parker & Wareham, with E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial st. 8-lG-3t PHONE NUMBER CHANGED Our phone number is 80. Salem Lumber Company, successors to Capital Im provement Co. 8-14-41 FOR SALE Vetch seed, either clear or ndxed with oats. A. D. Pettyjohn, Route 3, Salem. 8-15-4t VACATION TIME Brings many acci dents. See Homer Smith and get an accident policy. It costs but a few cents a day for a guaranteed Income Room 5 McCornlck building. Phone 96. 7-27-tf WANTED Hop-pickers to roglster at Brown's planing mill, Front street. Phone Main 20. Good clean yard to work in, and good camping accom modations and grounds. 8-3-tf NEW BUNGALOW close In strictly modern, four blocks from business section; $200 down, balance month ly. See Homer H. Smith, McCor nack building. Phone 96. 5-24-tf HOP PICKERS WANTED 1000 hop pickers wanted to pick 400 acres of hops at the Wigrlch ranch, Inde pendence, Ore. Will pay 60c per box or $1.00 per hundred, about four weeks' picking, good hops and the beat of accommodations. Picking will begin about September 3. Fam ilies preferred. Phone or write John Carmlchael, Independence, Or. Phone Farmers 01. 8-7-tf ABOUT 12 MILES FROM SALEM, I JilCE Il.ACKE TRACT, BY OWJiER. 14 acres, all cleared; Just raised a fine crop wheat and oats; this Is splendid berry land or potato land; it is level, black bottom, sandy, grav elly loam; there are a few trees In one corner for building spot; Just 7 feet to water; $100 per acre; some terms. Address or phone H. Gra ham, Aumsvllle, Oregon. Journal "Want Ads" Hrine Results. Sacred Heart A CHARTERED INSTITUTION UNDER THE DIRECTION X OF THE SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND f MARY X Modern Conveniences Domestic Comforts. Noted High School, Music and Art Departments Religion of Pupils is not Inter fered with. Scholastic year begins Sept 16. i ti er book address Sister I Superior. MM OFTEJ IMI1ES A Notice to Whom It May Concern My wife, Lillian Davis, having left my bed and board, I will not be re sponsible for any debt that she con tracts, In my name or her own name after August 15, 1012. STEVE DAVIS, 8-15-3t Route 3, Aurora, Or. W. J. PATTERSON, M. D. V. V e t e r 1 nartau. 0 r a d u ate Mc KIUIp College, Chicago, III., which enjoys largest ' practice In the world. Lameness, dentistry and diseases of tho foot a specialty. Phones: Resi dence, 19C1; office, 27S. Office and feed barn, 420 S. Commercial street WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.C0 for each set of old False Teeth sent us. Highest prices paid for old gold, sil ver, old watches, broken Jewelry and precious stones. Money sent by return mail, l'lillu. Smelting & KcJInlnsCoi established 20 years, 863 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Xo Dentists I We will buy your gold filings, gold scrap, and platinum. Highest prices paid. MONEY TO LOAN T1IOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and BuBh Bank, Salem, Or. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BURGIIAlttDT A MEREDITH Resident Agent I8S State Street WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North Commercial street Phone Main 813. MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate secirlly. BECHTEL A BYNON S47 State Street MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. John H Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1552. AUCTIONEER Henry E. Voorhcis, Michigan auc tioneer. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. R F. D. No. 7, Salem, Oregon. CAROLINE ELINOR HAINES CONCERT: PIANIST Piano Instruction. Write for circu lar. Studio 491 North Cottage Btreet. JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 436 Ferry St Phone Main 2252 Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdon Residence Main 111. RIGDON-RICUARDSON CO. Funeral Directors and Undertaken 252 N. High Street TYPEWRITERS AH Makes BOUGHT SOLD RENTED ' REPAIRED . RIBBONS ,! ROLLERS Hrppi.rva Bee me before yon do anrthin. C M. LOCKWOOD "Mil a. CeamerclaL Salem. Oref.a. Jill (