Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 13, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    not FOUB.
n.T cawiai nxnaiu balm, ozegoi, ti esdat, august is, 1012.
Newport, Or., Aug 11. This has
iteen a groat season nt Yaqiilna Day.
The crowds came earlier, were larger
nnd are staying longer than ever be
fore. The city Ih Rereading to the
north. Cottages peer through the
pines on both Hides of Monterey nnd
there are forty new houses going up
nnd planned for erection thin year at
Capo Foulwcathor. The Agate Bench
Iind Co. Is gelling from three to five
lots a day. Clair Iniuan, of Salem,
vas over last week and picked out a
lot. Thore are from 300 to BOO people
a day on the beach here. The bathing
is perfect, with no undertow and no
current north or south. Ilathcrs are
in from morning till night nnd It is
f!ne In any tide.
There is the best and smoothest
Kind of rond from Salem to Newport
for autos. We drove through In six
nnd a half hours and took It easy
with a Flanders. Carry plenty of lu
lirlcnnt und hnvo your brakes In good
order. To Again Bench go north on
top of the hill nt Newport. It Is three
n.lles anil rond up and down from the
beach Is plunked. Plenty of gasoline
nt Nowport and free garage at the
Agate Ilench hotel.
For natural beauty (he summer re
porter finds tho scenery here at Agale
Peach wonderful. Three miles of surf
extend south past the Newport bar and
produces a silvery effect on the at
mosphere The great white way to the
w ii Hi Is dotted with people nnd wlilz
xlng automobiles are plenty.
At times tho great cape proceeds to
put on bridal nrray with the greatest
deliberation. Whlto ribbons of fog slip
up the draws nnd nre crossed on the
breast of the hills and a gauzy mnrrl
agevell la thrown over Its head far to
the north beach and comes clear over
to where tho waves klHS her feet on
(.he south. The mountain looms up
prcud of lis festal decorations. The
two Immense rounding breasts on the
headland nro almost hidden under the
miHt wreaths now trailing out to sea.
Then It all vanishes like a melting
mirage of unappreciated beauty and
at night her only ornnment Is the
searchlight In the lighthouse tower.
At times the ocean Is in a happy,
lnaghlng mood. Great glassy spaces
mllo nnd beckon under the brilliant
sunlight overhead. It goes shimmer
ing away to the west conscious of Its
heauly and Immensity, nnd Is caught
up In the mists and sheens of the
Claiming horizon.
I love the companionship of the sun
and tho sen, tho air nnd the sky, tho
woods nnd tho winds, the hills nnd the
benches. They possess unfading beau
ties consolations of color combina
tion! that nil tho wealth of the world
ennnot buy or put Into pictures or
move away from here.
8. K. 0. Chanco Is building In a nice
sheltered corner a cottage to cost
about $r00. Ills son, Lloyd Downs,
also expected from North Bend, Wash.,
this week with a team.
1). A. Ilenman hna been hero about
seven months nnd helped build the big
hotel. He has four healthy looking
children nnd will build on bis lot next
year. Tho lleiiinnns came from Kan
Men With
Bank Accounts
It was good business ncnsc
thai suggested (he wording
of a recent want ad
as follows:
WANTED Young mnn
with bank account for
a responsible position.
A bank account Is pretty fair
evidence .that .a .man .Is
"making good"! the kind of
maa whose serviced are In
This hank Invites young mea
to open personal aermiiits In
both Commercial and Snv
Infra Department
sas and were at Park City, Utah, for
six years.
Near my house Is what I call the
Egyptian cottage, occupied by a lady
nnd her daughters who have traveled
cn tho Nile and their sensldo home Is
decorated with Egyptian embroideries
nnd needlework, I look for them to
appear In long dresses and Numidlun
veils. I gee them In the surf every
day, and there Is nothing Egyptian
nhout Hint.
I never henrd of an Egptlan taking
a bath.
I have been mixing mortar, tending
niuBon, handling brick nnd mortar,
idling lumber and doing nil kinds of
manual labor from slashing brush to
nailing on shingles. Spruce is the
great box lumber nnd I am building a
box bungalow. The lumber for my
house wns cut right here at Agate
Uracil. II. II. Cook runs the snwmlll.
I can see the steam from my porch,
and hear the engine puff and the saw
ting Its way through the heart of the
spruce logs, some of them so big they
hnvo to be blasted with giant powder.
L. II. Kit-kelson Is bend sawyer nnd
six of Mr. Cook's sons work with blm.
Mrs. Cook runs the dairy ranch, milks
five flno grade cows, sells milk and
en am to the hotel and ships fifteen
gallons of cream a week to Independ
ence. She has a herd of fifteen cattle
and runs them on tho old Meggeson
ranch that Is pnrt of the Agate Bench
Land Co. property. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cook
cc.me from Stevens Point, Wis., In
11-94, nnd have a family of eight chil
dren. Mr. Conk is one of the few men
In Oregon who can run a saw nnd
planing mill with his own family. He
was a printer for three yenrs at Wo
ncwoe, VIh nnd still has two Job
presses nnd 250 pounds of type and
material. One of his presses printed
the Elk City Vim, edited by A. B.
Clark who gave everybody a lick and
the paper only lasted four months. It
was a 7x13 sheet.
II. J. Wood has built a cottage on
the north side of the Cnpe on the
street that lends to the Punch Bowl.
He cumo from Toniah, WIb., and came
to Oregon three times before he locat
ed, nnd Is now following the trade' of
caipenier nnd builder Is putting up
my bungalow nnd understands his
In slness.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobt. Ryan have a
restaurant nnd confectionery nt Agnle
Bench. Ho Is a good helper around a
building Is nssistlng Mr. Wood. Mr.
Ryan Is a willing, hnndy mnn nnd
Mrs. Ryan sets up a good, square meal
and It Is clean and neat.
W. A. Ilemli-ben has built, a nice cot
tage, lie runs tho motorllno to New
port that iniikes eight ground trips n
day to Agate Beach. Ho carries tho
mail nnd the motor hns only missed
two trips nil summer. It meets nil
trains going nnd coining and mnkes
the trip In twenty minutes.
W. T. Ewlng of Freeport, 111., is n
guest of his cousin, Sum Irwin, of Nye
The Agato Beach Inn Is doing a fine
business. The tables are ns well serv
ed as any on the Oregon beaches, and
there nre none better. Mrs. George,
he i- mother, Mrs. Ilarkelroad, nnd Miss
llarkelroud spare no pains to make It
ph-asant for guests. K. IIOFER.
Tho light plant burning at Sumpter
yesterday that city last night hnd nn
Illustration of 'the light of other days"
The Oregonlnii says "tho world Is
better for those executions In Sing
Sing yesterday." Is it? Tho Oregon
Inn Is heavy on statistics, nnd here
Is nn opportunity for It to Indulge In
Its fuvorlte pastime by calculating the
per cent of improvement of the world
by thoso executions.
Two hundred bull moose nt Portland
last night ratified the nomination of
Teddy. This will add to his ability to
"sleep of nights."
Is Made Special Officer.
For tho purpose of preserving order
at bis theatre, T. H. nilgh last night
wns made, a special policeman by the
city council and as there seems to be
a demand for a like officer nt the oth
er theatres of the city. It Is likely that
treir proprietors will also ask the
ccuncll to designate them or some of
their employes as special policemen.
ruder the present system If any one
enters the theatre and behaves badly
an officer must he called to preserve
order or to exclude the offender, nnd
thnt Is often Inconvenient.
Besides this, there are a number of
ether ordinances applicable to thea
tres of the city which the special offi
cer, being present, can nlwnys enforce.
Among these Is an ordinance provid
ing thnt women shall remove such
headgenr as tends to obscure the stage
from thoro seated behind them nnd
most of the headgear does that. When
cither proprietors or employes call
their attention to It now thev some
times demur, but when It ls realized
thnt he is authorized to enforce the
law It will prove less difficult.
Mayor tachmund last night com
mended the move In the highest terms.
What's Your
Liver For
jver stop to think? Know where 1 is
what it does? The liver is a hu
rian filtration plant removing deadly
poisons disease-breeding germs
from the Hood. Lazy livers fail in
Jus henre the accumulation of bac
.eria. These poisons over-run the
lystem reach the stomach, bowels,
icart, lungs, bronchials, kidneys,
serves and brain then the only nat
jral consequence follows: SICK
NESS! All liver trouble MUST be rem
died before the body can regain a
lealthy, natural condition and to sc
:omplish this, in the best, safest,
juickest manner use
Rocky Mountain Tea
Nature's remedy, consisting of harm
less, medicinal herbs, roots, leaves
and seeds. This famous blood-food
goes to the seat of trouble acts on
the liver clears the blood gently
expels poisonous waste, through prop
er channels, nnd quickly puts the vital
organs in a healthy condition.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is
purely vegetable (containing no pois
onous drugs or minerals) and leaves
no ill after-effects. Get it) Use it
accept no substitutes!
The original ami only genuine IIol-
(ister's Rocky Mountain Tea has been
on the market for thirty years, and
has helped thousands of people. One
package makes 105 cups of Tea, and
sells for 33c.
Holllitcr'i Rocky Mounltln Tee Nuerfti for tin
iwr man a cuimumut wtk.iyo Tablet fonu
Vtt thin aplrnftid n-mr'tlr follow tli simple
lintiiuun-iMt well ta LeaUhy ttroug batipyl
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 13. Returning
delegates from the Bull Moobo conven
tion, headed by E. C. Snyder, of Senttle
this morning declared for a third par
ty ticket from governor down to cor
oner In this state.
This matter has been the subject of
nil absorbing Interest among local
progressives, who were divided ns to
whether to put up a full state third
party ticket or not. A compromise
hnd been finally effected to delay
nctlon until the return of tho Chicago
delegates. The question Is now fully
settled, nnd WiishlnKton will' hnve a
complete third party ticket.
The matter will be the subject of de
tailed discussion here this nftcrnoon.
Rock Point peoplo beat tho S. P. out
of five cents fnre by buying tickets to
Oold Hill, and then I r, cents to Mod-
ford, 50 cents. The through ticket Is
55 cents. Another of the mysteries of
railroad rate making.
"I wns cured of dlnrrboea by one
dose qf Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. E
Oehhardt, Oriole, Po. There Is noth
ing better. For sale by nil dealers.
Tho Oregon Electric trnck layers
reached Junction City Thursday after
noon, nnd nre expected to rench Ku
gene In eight or 10 dnys.
Indian Killed on Track.
Near Rochelle, 111., nn Indinn went
to sleep on a railroad trnck and wns
killed by the fast express. Ho pnld
for his carelessness with his life. Of
ten It's thnt wny when people neglect
coughs and colds. Don't risk your life
when prompt use of Dr. King's New
Discovery will cure them and so pre
vent a dangerous throat or lung trou
ble. "It completely cured me, In a
short time, of a terrlblo cough thnt
followed a Bcvcre attack of Grip,"
wrlti-s J. ft. Watts Floydadn Tex..
"nnd I regained 15 pounds In weight
thnt I hnd lost." Quick, safe reliable
and guaranteed. 50c and $1.00. Trlul
bottle free nt J. C. Perry's.
I tiiKiuilln, II ru ilnrlir,
floimuli I'rnuhli'a, Tri ilihi.
lt.ir,e !, j l r troy
-i,t ,"V..,"" "'""' ! I ot
""' T' Biunpl. hH MIKK. .",1,1,.,.
'ilKMutt. A. 3, OLMSTED. Lellor.N.V.
Tuberculosis Medicine
Saved Tills Man's Life
rnttuiunula Ik s tt-rlom disease, and
often Inya the foumUtlon far chroulc
lung troubles ometimes Tul-en-ulol r
ult. Aflr l'm-lmiolila, or any Merlons
ur atubliorn oold, It Is wla to take toll
uinu'a Alterative.
Don't wait to find out whether tha
trouble la setting wurae, but take Eva
tnait'a Alterative In time and arold the
UKUKera of Ulaeaae. Iteatl of the recover
III tlila raae:
XM No. elat ft., rtilladelplila, re.
"(Ii-utli-nien. 1 am lo-ttln long erf
nlreljr and gaining atrenstb all the time.
1 now wvIkIi 1M tHiuuda. a gain aiut-e
Septeinl-er HI na7, of L'S poumH more
than when 1 flrnt atarted to take the
Alterative. I wUh 1 had known of It
two yeare auo ue It would bare MTed
u tnuvb. miner? and dlatreaa.
"I vraa Buffering from Tery sarlou!
fttai-eeod luiis, whk-h followed bad
ttai-k of pneumonia. My physician and
aueclallat declared my enae booeleea.
"I cannot hut l-e Tery tlAnkful to yon
nd the Aluilthty liml for the great
hlrsalnn and change of health It haa
brought rue "
"Klnce writing the alwre atatement 1
wlah to eajr that 1 have fully recovered
my health, having beeu cured for over
three year."
tSlitiml AttldBTltl THOS. REILt.T.
K ktuan'a Alterative la elteotlve In limn
chins. Awthtna, liar Fever: Throat and
I.uug Troulilt-a. and In unbuilding the
ayatem. hoes not rontatu iwlson, oplatee
or hablt-fonnlug Orui;a. Ask for bmikb-t
of cured eaten and write to Kckman
laboratory. 1'lilladelnlila. 1'a., for more evi
dence, t or Bale by ail leading drugglata aud
. a Perry.
Forty acres of fine river bottom
land one-fourth mile from Oregon
Electric depot, on good rock rond 3V4
miles from Snlem. Adjoins some of
the beBt hop yards In this district. Is
admirably adapted for hops, garden
Ing, peaches, lognnberrles or any kind
of fruit requiring rich moist laud
Water right goes with the place. All
of the 40 ncres can be Irrigated. This
Is an exceptional buy as there are 23
acres of potatoes which are In splen
did Bhape. . Place is cleared except
three acres enn be used for pasture,
We can show this place at any time,
One hundred nnd forty-eight acres
of fine prairie land, all cleared, close
to school, on good road, In famous
Howell Prnlrle. If you wnnt a good
farm for all around fnrmlng purposes
let us show you this plnce. Price only
$125 per acre-
Two hundred nnd five acres of good
fnrmlng hind, Inrgely cleared, some
braver dam, good buildings, fine or
chard land adapted for fruit, clover,
alfalfa or vegetables. Only $100 per
acre. Will take part In good city
We have beautiful 6-room bungalow
new, modern and convenient In every
vny. Stnnds on a flno high lot closo
to other nice houseB, hns cement
walks all around house ns well as In
fiont. Full cement basement with a
now furnace, wash room, trays, etc.
Beautifully arranged living room, bed
rooms, dining room, kitchen, pantry,
bath and toilet, screen porch, built-in
buffet, in fact a thoroughly modern
reuse, built this year. Price only
$2500.,. There Is a mortgngo of $1000
that can run. Will trade the equity in
this place for a good lot in choice lo
cation or for a piece of good acreage
not too far out. This property Is
priced at the ensh selling price bo
there Is no use offering us nnythlng
nt a fictitious value.
We hnve fifteen acres of prunes, 10
acres In full bearing 5 ncres set out
this yenr. Price $4500. Locnted In
tho Rosedalo district. Will tuke good
city property in exchange.'
We have exchanges of all kinds. See
us If you want to trade your property.
We have listed one of the prettiest
homes in Salem, on a paved street,
close to Capitol building; located a
lot 55x120 feet, covered with hand
some trees and shrubbery, fine lawn;
In fnet, one of the choicest properties
In tho city. House hns seven largo
looms, bath, p'antry, toilet, electric
flxtuns, gas, and all the conveniences
thnt go to make up a modern and com
fortable home. Full cement basement.
Street Is paved, nnd pnld for sewer
pnld for, price only $5250; half ensh,
balance three yenrs, 6 per cent. Or
we can sell the adjoining lot, nlso on
paved street, nil paid for, making a
lot 105x120 feet, for $7750. If you arc
looking for a really fine house, close
In, something to be proud of, then see
Twenty-five hundred dollars will
tnko a new modern bungalow In a
gcod location. There nro five rooms,
will nrrnnged pantry, bnth, toilet,
closets, basement, electric lig:hts. mod
ern plumbing, cement walks, close to
school, two blocks to cnrllne; $500
down, balance $15 or $20 per month.
This is a fine house.
Ixt C.lxltio feet on Court street for
$1750. Assessments paid.
iM 100xlG5'on Capitol street for
$"750. Assessments pnld.
Lot on Cottage near Chemeketn, Gtix
J (15, $;!u.10. Assessments paid.
Lot on State street, near postofflce,
roxir.o, for jsr.oo.
Choicest lot In KIngwood Talk for
J7."iO. Walks and curbs paid.'
1M on Capitol near Belmont 53x130,
for $G50.
Ixit on Guinea, 51x133, half block
from Capitol, $330. Assessments pnld.
Lot close to Capitol street, near
school, two blocks to cnrllne, $280.
Assessments paid.
347 State Street. Tel. Mnln 452.
A vast amount of ill health ls due
to Impaired digestion. When the stom
ach fnlls to perform Its functions
properly the whole system becomes
deranged. A few doses of Chamber
lain's Tablets is all you need. They
will strengthen your digestion, Invig-
crate your liver, and regulata your
bevels, entirely doing away with that
miserable feeling due to faulty diges
tion. Try it Many others have been
permanently cured why not you?
I-'or sale by all dealers.
Klamath Fnlls ls to have a big box
factory, an agent of the company now
being In San Francisco purchasing
$11,000 worth of machinery.
Are Ever at War.
There are two things everlastingly
at war, Joy and piles. But Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will banish piles. It
soon subdues tho Itching irritation,
Inflammation or swelling. It gives
comfort. Invites Joy. Greatest healer
of burns, bolla, ulcers, cuts, bruises,
ccrema, scalds, pimples, skin erup-
tlcns. Only 25 cents at J. C. Perry's.
19 ill
The above designs are
:w York, Designers and
Casino Lunches and Dances I'oln
Field und Itcach Dresses,
N'nrragnnsett, Aug. 8. Newport mny
be more stately and Impressive, but
there Is nothing there to npproach the
general air of festive gaiety that even
the casual sojourner feels everywhere
at Narragansett. The beach at the
bathing hour Is a picture worth com
ing a long way to Bee, and the bathing
Itself perfect. While bizarre costumes
are the exception in bathing dress, one
. wui.wm re ,lill6 uu
spectacular, tut the rule Is for well
fitted one-piece suits of silk or satin
black mostly, worn over perfectly fit
ting stocking tights, that do not im
pede the motion In swimming. Touch-
cs of color In trimmings and In the
coquettish silk rubber caps relieve the
one-color note. Most of the cans are
In mob shape with a becoming floppy
frill thnt the wind nnd waves toss be-
comlngly. Bathing shoes nre more
orn thnn formerly, some with cross
tuit:icu nuiia unit, rnui luuivuiios
famous get-up.
I'lcliircstnie Groups.
Picturesque groups Beated on the
sand In dnlntiest summer attire, Blind-,
owed by the odd-shaped parasols that
are carrieu tins yenr, ana lovely cnil
urcn in the wnter and out, make a
scene that delights the eyes and at the
Casino afterward one sees no end of
gay lunching parties nnd pretty wo
men In charming frocks, with the well
&et up men for which this plnce is fa
mous. At the I'tiln Field.
The polo field Is nlwnys a center of
Interest here nnd never lacks its gal
lery of onlookers keenly appreciative
of the good plays. The dances, a bit
more Informal than at the "Summer
City" are decidedly livelier and gayer
with no end of pretty girls.
A Notable Costume.
A notable dress, straight from Paris,
as every line of it proclaimed, was of
(.old nnd white brocade so rich that
the thrend seemed to be of bullion,
wns made on simple directulre lines
with a coat of lovely lace, white 'Ven-
Blankets, pair 40c
Blankets, 50x72, pair "5c
Blankets, 58x76, pair 11.00
Bhuikets, 64x76, pair I5
Boys' Plain Overalls So CailVaS GloVCS I Overalls 75c
Boys' Knee Pant. 25c V.dIlVaS UIOVCS Men's 50c Work ShlrU 40c
Boys' Corduroy Pants 50c Made In Salemj good gradest Men's Work Pants $1.00
Children's Rompers 23c H si"! 3 pairs for Men.g gockg
Children's 50c Rompers ....S5c 25c Men's Underwear .... .. .. .':,c
Caps Towels Leather Gloves
Men's or Boys', at 15c Towels 5C Children's Gloves ISc
Corduroy Caps 25e Turkish Towels "... 10c Children's Gloves 23c
60c Caps 85c Huck Towels 10c Children's Gauntlets 23c
Boys' Sweaters 25c Toweling, yard .....oc Women's Gloves 25c
Men's Sweaters 50c Heavv Linen Toweling 10c Men's Gloves o,-,c
Ilopplckers' Gloves
A few Ladies' coats at $1 each, good cloth but
nv The MiCall Company,
Makers of McCall Patterns.
ise" as its only trimming. Brocades
by the way are to be fnddi6h for ev
ening dresses and for trimmings next
stason, and are already consldernbly
worn here, ns Is nlwnys the case with
advanced modes. The woman who
wants to know what is coming can do
no better tha to notice late summer
toilettes at the more exclusive resorts.
The Latest Neck Dressing,
Every well turned out woman these
days has a supply of gnmps and
' Dickeys" with high, well-fitting col
lars, which can be worn with collar-
less waists transforming them In a
1(,lclt ,n,0 the fn8llonnbl0 high
Btock cffecU Robe,,erre colllirs
with or without attached Jabots are
similarly transferable nnd adjusted to
different garments. Either style needs
collar suimorters to secure the cor-
.rect effect and non6 of tiHge ls so al.
,.,,;. .n,Hf.1(.,orv , ,,.,
U- v -.a.." ...,, ...i.ii.
. i. wu Anna ouii'i h i n unii
,mve both end3 soUh,mi 80 lat any
L,lcn ,innor0 ,, ,,, , ,
neck Is rendered Impossible. The new
est form of these the "Cushioned K. V.
, yt
which hns both ends crocheted In
silk or cotton Is not only very good
looking, but easy to sew on. These
come three on a card, from 2 to 314
inches in length and enn be found at
tiny up-to-dute notion counter.
Oil Company
and Campers' Supplies
Comforters, each Cic
Comforters, each 75c
Comforters, big ones $1.25
Big stock; little price
twin sick
Wants Other Women to Know
How She Was Finally
Restored to Health.
Louisiana, Mo.: -"I think a woman
naturally dislikes to make her troubles
known to tne pumic,
but complete restor
ation tohealth means
so much to me that
I cannot keep from
telling mine for the
sake of other suffer
ing women.
"I had been sick
about twelve years,
and had eleven doc
tors. I bad dragging-
down pains,
pains at monthly periods, bilious spells,
and wns getting wono all the time. I
would hardly get over one spell when I
would be sick again. No tongue can tell
what I sufFered from cramps, and at
times I could hardly walk. The doctors
paid I might die at one of those times,
but I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound and got better right away.
Your valuable medicine is worth more
than mountains of gold to suffering wo
men." Mrs. Dertha Muff, EOS N. 4th
Street, Louisiana, Mo.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, mude from nntiveroots and horbs,
contains no narcotic or hnrmful drugs,
and to-day holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for female ills we
know of, and thousnnds of voluntary
testimonials on file in the Pinkhnm
Inborn tory at Lynn,Mass., seem to prova
this fact.
If you wnnt special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkhnm Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, road nnd answered by a
woman aud held la strict coiilldcarc.
lliitlnns at (he Side.
Dress closings hnve shifted from
buck to front or sides, in fact the side
closing Is having a great vogue, on all
sorts of dressts, and buttons covered
with the materhil of tho dress quite
rival the crystal and white bone but
tt ns of the moment.
Modish Colors and .Mob Capes.
In light colors ibis, cyclamen, cas
tor, buff and all the creamy yellows
can be depended upon to lust over,
while navy blue, dark Havana brown,
nnd black are the dark tones coming.
Glack and black and white, bo far
f;om being dropped nre ngnln to the
fore in nn endless variety of comblna
tkn. Mob enps on small women take
years from their age, providing they
are less than forty, nnd these are
worn Indoors and out for day wear
nnd evening nccordlng to tha materi
als used. Lingerie styles for morning
wear, net with lace frills for dress
occasions, with usually flower trim
mings cr velvet bows ns garnitures
with these.
C. C. Beekninn, who has beeu en
gaged In banking at Jacksonville, con
tinuously since 1856, is preparing to
retire from business. He is a pioneer
of 1S52.
Odds nnd ends to clean tip
Boys' Shoes, pair
Boys' Shoes, pair i .$1.50
Women's Shoes, pair $1.00
not the latest style
246 Com. St.