CAPITII jnVXSAU SALES, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 101912. PAGE EIGHT MM MM MM i ' Pastor SAVED BY FAITH, NOmWOBKS Still We Must Work Out Our On Salvation. PASTOR RUSSELL IN LONDON. Mankind Will Be FUdemtd Through Jtsui' Death and by God' Benign Influsnce and Infinite; Msroy Work ing In Thorn Through tho Inspiring Promim of tho Holy Scriptural. With tho Biblt a Guide Wo Can not Go Wrong In Obeying tho Divino Commando. London, Eng., August 4. Loudon Tabernacle w a crowded both morn ing and evening to hour Pastor Hub hcII. Wo report his evening (Uncoil tho from tho text, "Not of works, lent any man Bhould boast; for we nro Ills workmanship, cro nlcd In ClirlHt Jesus unto good works, which God until before ordained that we should ivnlli In them." (Kpli. 11,0,10.) Evcjr since lirotlier I.ufhor's day and hlB vigorous preaching of JiiHtillcutlon liy fulfil Christian believers have been more or less perplexed In their en deavors to harmonize the Scrlpturnl declaration reflecting faith nnd works as related to salvation. I'nHtor ttus oll believes that In tho clearer light God Is shedding upon tho pathway of Ills peoplo today through tho Ulblo they nro enabled to comprehend with absolute clearness, matters onco foggy. This, ho claimed, does not signify that our forefathers wero less loyal to God, nor Ions logical In the operation of their minds. It does, however, agree with tho Scriptural declaration that we are living In tho time when tho wlso of God's peoplo are to understand Uio Message previously more or less bidden, but now, In duo time, to be rovcnled.-Itevelntlon I, 7. Tho logical thought which appcnls most strongly to every mind Is that good works must bo tho basis of Divine favor and bad works tho basis of dls favor. This led up to the child-summary of preaching, namely, "Ho good nnd go to heaven; he biyl nnd go to - ." Our .Catholic friends, said tho Pastor, carry tho matter of good works to such nu extent that they claim thnt somo have laid up such surplus of good works uud Divine favor therefor thnt they are ablo to appropriate some of theso to others; hence tho claim that they may bo appealed to In prayer nnd may glvo of lliclr merit to others as a bounty or donation. Tho Scriptural proposition Is plain: It Is that no mnn Is perfect, that nil through tho fall nro Impaired In mind and body, so that none can do perfect, works. Their very best works would be unacceptable to God-lmperfoct. In stead of Ignoring their Imperfections God provided n ltedcemer, whoso obo ' dlonce unto death Ilo accepts ns a suc rillco for tho sins of Adam and his raco. Evidently nil Imperfections of word or act resulting from that diso bedience and fall will be completely forgiven. Tho race will tie reconciled to God. Dlvluo blessings will come to humanity and the earth, Instead of tho curee now resting upon them. The ef fort will bo to glvo all mankind tho fullest opportunity for rising up out of sin and degradation, Imperfection, sor row, death, nllenntlou from God, Ig norance, superstition, etc., bnck to the full perfection that Kather Adum pos sessed at first Hut In order to regain nil those bless Ings lost each member of the race will bo required to appreciate the privileges of Ufa eternal nnd Divine favor and will be obliged also to show his ap preciation by striving against sin and co-operating with tho Savior In the up lifting arrangements which will pre rail for a tliousnnd years, during the Mosslanlo Kingdom, Prostnt Ago Salvation by Faith. It Is In the present Age only that nlrntlon Is to bo by faith nnd not by works. True, the world In the next Age will not bo faithless while mnklng their progress In good works nnd being Judged according to their works. They will be full of fultt, but thero will be abundant bnsli for faith. Knowledge will make their pathway clear as day. Demonstration will provo to them such things as God's poop'e In the present time must accept by faith "For we walk by faith and not bv sight" This Gospot Ago, from tho time of Jesus' first advent until the second advent. Is the Age of Faith In con trast with the unsuccessful Age of Works preceding and the to bo success ful Age of works to follow, The Pas tor showed that during the Law Ago, from Moses to Jesus, the requirement was works: "Ho that doeth these things shall live by them." (Leviticus xrlll, f; Romans z, f.) Israel's failure was because of Inability to do things perfectly the tilings contained In the Law given to thtm at Mt. Blnal. The New Law Covenant, which will be Inaugurated by Messiah's Kingdom, will be on exactly the sanm lines ns the old one, namely, works: "He that do atb these things shall live by thou." The difference will be that Christ nim self will be the Mediator of the Now Ijjw Covenaut, both able and willing LIU l'ASI() h'USMIL) Russell's to rentfor all necessary assistance to all who will come back Into harmony with the Father by nim. On tbo other hand, Moses, tho mediator of the old Law Covenant, while ever willing to help bis poople, was not ablo to do so, bo cause his mediation was based upon only typlcnl sacrifices of bulls and goats and not upon the renl sacrifice of Christ, which alone Is able to make full satisfaction for sin. "Wo Walk by Faith and Not by Sight" The Apostle was here discussing tbo terms and conditions by which God Is willing to accept the Church class of this Gospel Age. These, In the Scrip tures, are called the Eloct or select ones of the race. God Is calling and drawing these out of the world for 'a special purpose and under special con ditions, one of which Is that only such as bavo great faith can belong to the select class. Thero aro some so born, under the fallen conditions, thnt they have grent dllllculty In experiencing faith, even a little, and only after a thorough train ing could tlioy exercise grent fultb, by experiencing that transformation of the mind of which Bt Paul tells us. (Romnus xll, 2.) These are not to be blamed for having been born under less favorable conditions than some others. And so God has made pro vision for nil such to come to a knowl edge of tho Truth and not moroly to a faith In It, that they mny be saved. Thero are others more favorably born, so far as their mental make-up Is concerned, who have been unfa vorably born ns respects environment and pluco. Horn In heathen Innds, whoro they benrd nothing of tho Mes sngo of God's grnco, or whore they heard It under such unfavornblo cir cumstances thnt they could not appre ciate It, theso must Indeed lose the spe cial favors of this Age, which go only to thoso who do exercise faith; but tlioy nro not forgotten nor left out of tho Divine I'lnn, but will slniio In the general blessings coming to the world through the Redeemer's Kingdom. "Work Out Your Salvation." The favored class who hear tho Mes sogo of Dlvluo favor, speaking peace through tho sacrifice of Christ, assur ing them of tho Heavenly Father's willingness to forglvo their Bins nnd rceelvo them ns members of the Body of Christ, aro obliged to receive this Message by faith. What is there to provo thnt Jesus died and roso again? This must bo received by faith. What Is there to prove thnt the sacrifice which Jesus made met with Divine ap proval and thnt as a consequence all that como unto the Father through illm ns their Advocate will bo accepted? There la no proof except to the eye of fulth and car or faith. To the natural man theso things nro Imagination, and thoHo who fully and completely trust In them nro accused of bolug rather weak minded. This step of consecration through the merit of Jesus' brings them Into such relationship with tho Heavenly Fa ther that Ilo Is willing to ncccpt them and glvo them the Holy Spirit of adoption into Ills Family. Up to this point they have done nothing mere ly believed - merely accepted God's gifts, favors, Invitation, etc. Here our text applies, "Not of works, lest nny m n u Bhould bonst" ICvery Christian takes these same steps of fulth nnd consecration, or he Is not a Christian. There nre no other steps to take. True, indeed, as we ap proached God we thought to put awny some of the tilth of the flesh; but such endenvor to wash and free ourselves from sin cnunot bo counted good works. A good work Is one that Is done for God or for others. Merely seeking to clennso our thoughts nnd words nnd deeds Is not good works In tho Scrlpturnl sense but, nny wny, uoue has over been ablo to purgo himself, to wash himself, to cleanse himself. Our own righteousness is as filthy rags, in which God could not receive us. Wo can come to Illm only under tho robe of Christ's righteousness, nnd It Is given only as a rownrd of fultb and a consecration of tho heart But whllo there are no works up to that point, nfter Hint point there will be works, else we will never come off conquerors, nor ever gnln tho grent prize which Jesus likens to a "pearl of grent prlco." We can do no works to justify ourselves, but, after being Justified by faith, we are permitted to do works. Yea, we are required to work out our own solvation. Note the difference, howovor. It is, tho old creature, tho sinner, that was Justified. When God accepted him a living sacri fice through faith In Jesus he wns be gotten to a now nature aud became a Now Creature In Christ Jesus a spirit being, though without a spirit body. This Now Creature not only main tains the fulth which brought It Into existence, but In It the faith must work. It must crow by exercise "grow lu grace, knowledge and love," grow In all the fruits nnd grnces of tho Holy Spirit. Under a figure of be getting and birth the Apostle repre sents the New Creature as a foetus developing and getting ready for Its birth resurrection. Again, this Now Creature is referred to by the Apostle sometimes as a balw, snylng, "As new born bnties desire the sincere milk of the Word, thnt ye may grow there by." The milk of the Word repre sents the simplest truths, the simplest dements of Divine Instruction, the first principles of the doctrines of Christ Gradually we grow In grace aud be come strong In the Lord and able to assimilate the stronger food-able to appreciate the deeper truths. As a child requires the exercise of every muscle lu order to become the youth, and as the youth needs exercise In or der to become fully developed, so it is with the New Creature. Ue must have works la order to his develop ment Lie must work out the good Sermon things which ho takes In ns milk and strong meat. They must bo worked out in his own mind, lu his conduct toward others, In his ministry of spir itual truths to his family, lu the Church and before the world. "We Aro God's Workmanihlp." As we look into the starry sky and learn thnt It contains approximately a thousand millions of worlds, aud per haps many times thnt number, we are amazed at God's workmnnshlp. But still more wonderful Is the angelic cre ation With its vnrlous orders. Then coming down to earthly Ufa as we know it, we see nn Infinite variety of sentient creatures. The grandest of all Is mnn, even In tils fallen condi tion. And we nre amazed ulso nt the endless variety displayed In other earth ly creations fruits, flowers, etc. We say to ourBclvcs, How great Is our Cre ator, that from Ills storehouse of Wis dom and of Power nil this Infinite vnrl ety should cornel But it Is when wo learn of God's work In tho Church as a New Creation that we are more thnn ever amazed. Dlvlno grace, laying hold upon willing henrts of fallen men, first Justifies them through the merit of Christ, and not by works, nnd then begins to work In them for their own development ns a New Creation. We might well ask, What nro the ngencles, whnt nro tho tools, by which Divine grnco operates In this New Creation? The answer of the Hllilo makes the matter all tho more wonderful, for It rovcnls to us thnt God works in us merely by His promises and through our own minds nnd our own wills. Thus St. I'cter declares, God hath given unto us ex ceeding grent and precious "promises, thnt li these we might become "pnr tukcrs of tho divine niiture."-Il Peter I, 4. Christ Has Pro-ominanco. This New Creation had Its start In our Redeemer, Ho who was "tho be ginning of the creation of God," In harmony with the Divine Plan, hum bled Himself, laid aside His heavenly glory nnd wns mnile llesli beeanio the Man Christ Jesus, that He, by the grace of God, might redeem the world. It was In conjunction with this redemp tive work, when lie fully submitted Himself In baptism at Jordan to do the Fother's will, that the Father begun to work In Illm us a New Creature. When Jesus gavo Himself sacrificial ly, when Ills sacrifice was accepted of the Father, then to Illm came the bo getting of tho Holy Spirit ns a New Creature, to be tho "Head of the Church which Is Ills Body." For three and a half years the promises of the (till Testament Scriptures (contained In great measure in types and shadowy worked In the Redeemer to will and In do the Father's pleasure lie was round faithful unto douth-the New Creature growing In grace and Divine favor ns Ho took the various steps even to the cross. When He cried. "It Is finished." It signified that the win-Ill e of t lie flesh wns finished and flint the do vclopment of the New Creature was complete. Then tho work began In respect to nis Body, tho Church, otherwise called Ills Brlilo clnss. Divine energy has Since been working In the Churcli slnce Pentecost Member nfter mem ber has been called and Justified and sanctified, begotten of the Holy Spirit In each tho work of grace goes on. Each, ns our text declares, Is God's workmanship, developing In meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness, love. All these traits and qualities nro being worked out not In tho flesh, but In tho heart, lu tho mind. True, tho flesh does, Indeed, reflect some of tho graces of tho spirit but Imperfectly. Gradually the new mind gains control over tho mortal body. Gradually tho light of God shines out In words and deeds, through tho henrt Illuminated. It Is God working. Created For Good Works. Our text declares that fjls New Cre ation, Christ nnd tho Church, nro God's workmnnshlp crented In Christ Jeans unto pood erorJta tlint a good work mny bo done by nnd through them. What good work Is this which God designs to accomplish through tho Church through Christ snl His elect Bride? It is tho good work of blessing tho non-elect world. It Is the good work which will progress from the time of the second coming of Jesus nnd tho es tablishment of His Kingdom for a thousand years. It Is tho good work which will ultimately uplift or resur rect Adam nnd all his race from death, Ignornnce, superstition, sin, If they are willing up to the full perfection of human nnture nnd Divine favor and evcrlnsllng life. All others, unwilling, disobedient, will be destroyed. When tho blessed work of the thou sand years of Messiah's reign shall have cleansed the world of nil wilful sin nnd wilful sinners ami shall have lifted up mankind to nn earthly lulen and human perfection, thnt will not be the end of the Divine program for the Church. The Apostle, In a verse pre ceding, tells us thnt in Ages to come God will show Ills favor toward tke Churoh-not merely In the one Age In which tho Church will bo permitted to sli nre with her Redeemer His glorious Messianic Kingdom. The work beyond tho Millennium is not clearly revealed, nnd yet "day unto day uttereiii Seech and night unto night showcth knowledge." As the Scriptures declare, God formed not the earth In rain, but formed It to be in habited, so the same principle, applied to tho stars, tells us that all the thou sands of millions of worlds have been created for a purpose, or are In process es of perfecting for a purpose-not In rain. The human creation on onr plan et Is merely a hint to us of what the Divine purpose Is respecting all those millions of worlds. ALCOHOL 3 PL It CENT. AWgclaLtePrcparallon TorAs similailiiSilicFooiantlRcdiila lingllic Sioiiiachs aiuLUttwdsof PromolcsDigPslionfliftrTuI ness and liestConlalns ikIUkt Onium.Morphjne norMninl. NOT NARCOTIC. IlttytoroHlk&MWmm flimfJim Srta" jUx.Snm AiacStti UilarinullSKk Warm Sred Clotiftett Stfjnr WHtuytw tttmF, AS' Anni-fect Remedy forConsflpi Hon, Sour Stoniach.Dlarrtoea WormUomxilsions.revmsii ness amlLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of no'U L2 . NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, its I IV"1"1?! W Ifli I GaSI S n II 1 1 til 111 ""ii i t , nr - '7ift J U Oil SI 12b NEW LIMITED TRAIN To and from Portland, Daily Leaves Snlem 8:35 a. m. leaves Portland 6:00 p. in. Arrives Portland 10:10 a. m. Arrives Salem 6:35 p. m. This train will be found a great convenience for business and so clul engagements. THE OLD LIMITED CONTINUES leaves Snlem 3:10 p. m. Leaves Portland 9:00 a. m. Arrives Portland 6:10 n. m. Doth trains carry observation Ax m mm mm av as 4 I IuutrkI I Trains Ieare Snlem dnlly nt 8:35, 10:35 a. m., jmiutoj 4.20, 0:35, 11:30 p. m. Doat connections at , East -Independence on daylight trains..' Through tickets are sold to Spokane, Puget Sound points and the . East. Oregon Electric RnPway trains enter the North Bank Station, Port- laud, saving transfer of passengers and baggage. Fares, schedules and dotulls on request C. K. ALMN, General Agent, Snlem, Oregon. W. H. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. 4. iHTTfwnum4 s ure to please wholesome A Iways an and delightful drink, L ends strength wearied physique, fleets a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life. E M akes life more pleasant and cheers tho B rings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. E E nlivens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened. ndows existence with hopes and aspirations istores man to fulness of strength and activity. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought M vr u Signature of - In Use For Over Thirty Years T Arrives Salem 10:35 a. m. -f pjirlors and firBt-class coaches. A . AM aw 0 tmi oitu iun, tons orrr. THF NfiW I.INfi TO ALBANY i i , -w - the lovers of a beverage. invigorating, pure to the weak and heavy heart. Straight From Our Ovens to your home Is the way we deliver our bread. But prompt as wo are there Is always some one Impatiently awaiting our coming. They wouldn't think of having a meal without our bread on the table. They consider It an absolute necessity, as well as a luxury. Try a loaf and you will kno-v why. CAPITAL BAKERY 4SI Court 8tret Phoae IK Pianos and Organs f from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all scwhg machines. Sewing ma shines rented. GEO. c. WILL HTTffWmTrmWtMMMtTMtMfHTTTO When at Go to the BOWERS ! if H see u 1 5. t t F. P. WILLIAMS, -H--H-H-m-f THE SEASON IS ON AT, Delightful ON yAquina bay and the pacific Join the crowds, whether you want rest and quiet or clean, wholesome lively fun. You will find either at Newport. Wealth of natural scen ery. Splendid fishing, boating and bathing. Delightful drives. Pretty trails through the woods or along tho beach. Abundance of sea food oysters, clams, crabs, rock cod, grouperB, sea bass, etc. Plenty of fresh, palatable vegetables and table supplies. Inviting nooks for campers. Reasonable rates In rooming houses, cottages and hotels. All modern conveniences. special low round-trip, season and Week-end fares From Salem, Season Tickets, $5.15 Week-End, Saturday to Monday, $3.25 Cull on our agent for information rel ative to train schedules, etc. Ask for illustrated literature and our special folder, "Vacation Days In Oregon." JOHN IT. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. lhermos Bottles The greatest convenience ever invfintsH fnrthp mm. I I ton or the traveler or picnickers. I f . Boiling hot or ice cold I In one of these bottles. . The ideal way of carrying We carry them in all stvles. aU stas' nnrl nil nrlrps. I i. t I1M nn ' IIUIII Cbl.UU UP' Barr's Jewelry Store SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store We also earry a fuH nne 0f cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugs and sumps. , Read The Journal For News .... 4 I Edison, Victor ana i Columbia Talking! Machines A full stock of Records, t GEO. C. WILL I latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, :: Mandolins and Banjos. :: CEO. C. WILL ji Portland? Rates $1.00 up. Break fast and lunch 50c. Din ner $1,00. Also a la Carte service in grill. One block from Oregon Elec tric on 11th and Wash ington streets. Salem people cordially invited to make our house their headquarters. formerly with Marion f Newport j s - - AV ROUTES I IWI tllW Will I drinks can hf iW for hours .: , , , . , , i food for the baby. P" I 1