inn am Will CAPITAL JOrSUAt, 8A1K1, 0BE9OS, SATURDAY, AUClUST 8, 1818. PACES StVtV Salem, Oregon, August 6 Afternoon and Evening KIT CARSON'S Pastor Russell's Sermon Children Cry for Flatcher's vV CHIEF OR FIRST RESURRECTION Pastor Russell's Address to Bible Students. PASTOR SPEAKS IN GLASGOW. The Rast of the Daad Lived Not Again Until tha Thousand Yaara Wara Finiahad" Explanation of Doo- trina That Haa Proved Puuling to Many Baliavara and Unbelievers. Glasgow, Scot land, July 28th. Bible Btudents of tills vlclulty num bering hundreds have held a three days' convention. Today's session, attended by sever al thousand, was addressed by Tas ter Knssell twice. We report one of his discourses, bas ed on Revelation 4 A v VLj. k.jH xx, 5. It was announced that next Sunday lie will address a similar con vention In London, lie said: The resurrection of the dead seems to be the most difficult thing In the Bible for the worldly-minded to grasp by fulth. This must be because the hu man mind Instinctively ' realizes the majesty of the Power and Wisdom necessary to the reproduction of the same Individuality which lived and thought centuries ago, before passing Into the silence of the tomb. The Bi ble makes no denial of the stupen dousness of the resurrection miracle n fur hi-vnnd the wildest fllchts of human liuiiKlnatlon It confesses this and culls upon us to exercise faith In the erent Creator, the Omnipotent One, whose greatness we can but feobly sense uud surely cannot comprenena Hence, the doctrine of the resurrec tion of the dead, from Its first an nnnm-pment In the Scrlotures. has call ed for the strongest faith on the part of believers and bus excited the gen eral resentment of unbelievers, who seem to Uud It easier to believe any thlnit pIkp resnectliiE the dead. Un doubtedly tills Is the reason why so many who give evidence or general in telligence accept the ubsurd theory that when u dog dies he Is dead, but when a man dies lie Is more alive than ever, These nrnnorlv Hnlm to hone for everlnstli'iB life, hut nut having faith enough to believe lu the IMvine power tn nerforni the resurrection or the dead, they are driven to the theory of Plato. Indeed, who has not heard Plato quoted by ministers and other learned men when dlHcussiug tue iu ture life? They do not quote Jesus and the Apostles, because the explana tions of Jesus una the Apostles are an tn the enutrurv. Droving that the dead are dead, and that the only hope of a future existence In by u resurrection. Jeaua' Answer to the 8adduceea. Note the answer of Jesus to the Sad' ducees of His day, who, we are told, sneelnllv denied the resurrection of the dead. Jesus answered, "That the innd r Ito bel raised was shown to Moses at the burning bush," when God's message was, "I am the God of thv fathers, the God of Abraham ana the God of Isaac and the God of Ja mb." mark xll. 20; Acts vll. 32.) Jesus commented that God would not flpclnre Himself to be their God If they fiend In the absolute sense that brutes die. Jesus' argument was that th fnnt that God still recocuized them as persons while dead Implied that their souls merely slept and will be frrniitPil n resurrection of the aeaa, in God's due time and in better bodles nnder more favorable conditions than thiB under which they died. We remember that St Paul's letters abound in references to the dead. We call to mind his great resurrection chapter (I Corinthians vi in which he declares that "As all die in Adam, so all shall be made alive tn Christ every man In his own or der." (Verses 22, 23.) He does not m that every man i alive, but that they shall be made alive in the resur rection. The Intermediate Btnte he oe- ptnrpit Ih fl sleen. from which, by DI vine arrangement through Jesus, tbey h-iii nil he wakened In the rcsurrec Hon morning, at and after the second cumins of Christ. We remind you afresh of his positive .tntement that It there De no resur riw.Hnn nf the dead, then all whom we have supposed have fallen asleep have nnrlMhed iVerses 10-18.1 Hut mat God Is able to raise all the dead he declares Is demonstrated by the fact that He raised un Jesus from the aeaa on the third day; and so likewise on the Third Pay of a larger scale the third thousnnd-yenr day from the time Jesus was nilsed-God will raise up all those who have died because of Ad- ' am's sin Timr Third Great Day. the Mlllen will he the Great Seventh Day or Sabbath. So to speak, our Lord gave Himself a Ransom-price In the Firth Dnv. from which the Seventh would be the Third Day. the day of l, wnrlrt'ii resurrection "the last riiv"-the end of the present Week nf MOO-venr davs In which sin and death have reigned, ushering In the glorious Enoch when God's will shall be done on earth as It Is done in ueaven. The Chief Rtsurrection. The tenor of all the Scriptures to that the Church alone will participate In the First or Chief Resurrection the world in general will buve no share la It. Hearken to Jesus' words on this sub ject, and note their expllcltness of statement to the effect that all who participate in this First Resurrection will be the elect overcomcrs of this Aire, and thev will be the Royal Prlosts. or Priestly Kings, of the next Age, In which the world will be dealt with and, so far as willing, uplifted from sin and death. He says, "Blessed and holy are all tbey that have part In the First Resurrection; on such the Becona riAnth hnth no rawer; thev 'shall be priests unto God, and unto Christ, and shall reign with Ulm a thousand years." Revelation zx, 8. The word in this text rendered flm ilirnlflos chief, foremost, tuocrior. It will indeed bo first In order of time, too; but the particular thought is that It Is superior. Its superiority rests in the fact that all who share in its bless ings will not only attain life, full, per fect and nverlnatlnir. hut nddltlonnllv they will receive life on the highest plane, Doing .maae partakers ol the divine nature, by the "change" which this resurrection will bring to them. II reter 1, 4. The fihnrerH nf this resurrection will not only receive everlnstlne life, but more, they will thereby bo made death- proof immortal In the Bible sense, In which It Is declared that God alone bath immortality. God has also given Immortality to our Redeemer In His resurrection, and has promised the same to the elect Church, the Bride, cue minus Hue, in cms I'irst resur rection. Asldo from these, so fur ns ttm nililn tnnchnn. thin unnclnl lrlml nf Immortality goes to no other creatures in the universe. Even angels, both the holy and the fallen, possess only the ordinary Im mortality known as everlasting life Ail imtnnrtnlltv Or rlpntlilnmpaa la- pondcut upon the Divine plensure and supported by necessary elements of Divine provision. The Church, on the contrary, sharing in this Chief Resur rection, will possess inherency of life, tne same kina or immortality possess tw hv Jehovah Himself. From the context it will tin iteen that none will participate in this Chief Ues iirrecrlnn exepnt such fin fllinll success fully pass their trial and be accounted worthy of jolnt-helrshlp with Messiah in His glorious Kingdom, for It Is dis tinctly stated that they are to "reign with Him a thousand years." Sharing "His Resurrection." From what wn have seen it must be evident to all of us that to gain a share In this Chief. Resurrection is to gain the great Prize held out before us In the Gospel Age the Prize which our Lord referred to as the "Pearl of great price," for which a man would be well justified In selling all that be has that he might purchase It. It will be admitted on all bands that the i?rpnt. Anostle Paul Is represented amongst the loyal ones who sacrificed every earthly interest, aim, hope ana ambition that he might attain the Kingdom blessings and Jolnt-helrshlp with Christ We are tnereiore aeepiy interested In St. Paul's words respect in hla hone, his sacrifice and his an ticipation of attaining a share in this better resurrection, which he styles 'His Resurrection" namely, tne resur rection of Christ The Scriptures continually maintain the thought that Jesus is the "Head of the Church which Is His Body," and that these saintly Elect constitute tne members of nis Body. Carrying out this flcure. the whole Body, nil the members, should share in the same resurrection as that experienced by tue Head the Redeemer. Ana to tins facts agree. More than eighteen cen turies ago our Lord Jesus was raiseu from the dead by the Father's power, st Pnnl declares that because of His obedience in carrying out the Divine Program as our Redeemer even unto death "Therefore God hath highly ex- iitpil nitn. nnd hath Elvcn him-a name fhnnor. station 1 above every name ex cept Ills own He is excepted, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, both of things In lieuven ana things on the earth." (Phlllppians 11, l. 10.) To this end we must all be changed from earthly to heavenly na ture, because "Flesh and blood can- nnt Inherit the KlUL'dOUl. ' It seems a long time indeed between. our Lord's resurrection nnd the resur rection of His Mystical Body, the Church class (Col. 1, 18. 24), but the pe riod Is long only from our Ilmltea nuniun urnnrlnnlnt not lone from the DHine standpoint, in which a thousand years are as one day. (II Peter ui, s.) tie who brought again from the aeaa our rird Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, will bring us also Ifrom the rton!1 hv TTlm." and wltn Ulm. B mpmhern of His Body. It la to this that St Paul refers Bay ing, I count all earthly things but as loss, that I may win Christ Iwln mpmherslilD in His irlorlfled Bouy in the Klnudom class, thntl might know Him and the power of His resur rection that I might experience that cTent nower of God which In the Re deemer's case lifted Him not only out of death, but to the very highest plane of existence, the divine nature, with its dorr, honor and immortality, helnff made conformable unto His death, that I might share also in His rpHiirrectlon. Phlllwrians Hi. 7-1L Oh, the Apostle gives us the key to hla hnneo; he did not hone that the Heavenly Father, who had required of Jesus a manifestation of His loyalty nntn lonrh before He would crown Him with lmmortnllty at Ills own right hand he did not expect that this same rind would nive him a share In that great glory and honor, except as he should have the mind or cunst ana should demonstrate similarly his loy alty to the extent of his ability lnbe- lng conformed to Christ's fleatn Master's glory If we fall to share Hit Invnlrv. Ills Isnotn nv-to be aeaa witn trim to the world. Its praises. Its am bitions, ts rewards, "it we suner wun nim. we shall also reign with mm. Ami the onlv way to enter Into that reign of glory will be through the pow er of "His Resurrection" tne cuiei Resurrection. "But the Rest of the Dead." Th Htntemont of our text that the rout nf the dead will not live until the thousand years of Christ's reign are finished has proven a stumbling moot to many who have studied too super ficially. Let us not forget that the Rnlrlt does not reveal tho deep things of God, except to those who search for Truth "as men search for Bllver" pa tently, persistently, dolvlng deeply. It Is verv easy for all to grasp the thnnirht that Messiah's Kingdom Is to last a thousand years, and that all who shall be alive at that time, an wno suan bo born during that period, will partic ipate In the wonderful blessings and privileges which it win hring ro ma hnmnn fnmllv. Thev are ready, too, tn admit the reasonableness of giving an equal opportunity to those of our race who have gone aown into ueaui mlfh plthnr no knowledtre of Christ, as was tho case for four thousand yenrB, or with the too limited knowieuge to honpflt them, as has been the case dur ing the nnst two thousand years, and roday, only this text respecting ine "rPRt. of the dead" Btands In their way. t Biinnid ho clad If any such are pres ent hero today, because I know I can relieve them of their difficulty. lea, l shftll be clad if my words through the press shall reach many others who have been perplexed by this scripture. It is not necessary tor us to sei mm Scrlnturo aside, even though all Bible scholars know, or should know, that Hilci nnrtlnn nf TlpVplntlon XX. 4. 0 which relates to "the rest of the dead not nonln until the thou sand years are finished" Is spurious that It is not found in any of the old Greek manuscripts. It is supposed that It got into the text, not through to eorrunt the same and fnialfv the record, but that In the daya when the manuscripts were copied by pen, some copyist mado this memoran dum nn the marsln of his manuscript as a helpful thought, and that other Mta a nn. nia mnnnRcrinc suu- Wyjf lO.Ot unii,B . --' posed It to be a part or tne original nnd Inpnrnnrntpn It In tne text. However, tho additional woros are in no sense in conflict with the facts, which are these: Adam, created in his Maker's likeness, perfect, was alive In the sense that he enjoyed penec Hnn nf Ufa nnd thnt be bad a right to a life everlasting, except as he should forfeit tho same by disobedience, 'ine moment he disobeyed God's command he came under the sentence of sin, namely, death. From that moment on nnnl he was ludlclally dead, even Hinuirh the dvlne process lasted for more than nine hundred years. Rlmlliirlv all of his posterity, irom tha TUvln.j stnndnolnt are dead, "chil dren of wroth." Jesus carried out this same thought in Ills teaching, snvlncr. "Let the dead bury their dead." Only those who have accepted Him as their life-Elver are even reckoneuiy enn sldcred alive, from tho Divine atnndnnlnt And so. throughout the thousana rnnr nf Messiah's rclcn. "All In their irrnvpo shall come forth." "every man In his own order;" but they will still be, from the Divine standpoint, juai r-iniiir dand without the rlht to ever lasting llfo. The work of the Lord Jesus, as the Great Prophet, priest, King and Judge, and the Church wltn mm. will be the instruction nna as sistance of these for their gradual up- liftlne out of sin and weakness ana Imperfection toward perfection - to ward acceptance with God towara ev. prlnstlnc life. Such as reject the as sistance offered will die the Second nnnth. Such aB avail themselves of the blessed privileges of tbut time will nttnln human perfection. But sun Hipv will not have everlasting life ac corded to them. They will merely be in a cood. suitable and ready condl tlon for God to Krnnt them everlasting life, If they shall stand His tests. The tests for eternal lite win come nt th close of the Messlunlc relgn- when the great Mediator between God and men, having accomplished His work of restitution of the race, shall diillver over everything into tho hands of the Father the hands of Justice. EverinsUiiE life will not be given as a mntter nf mercv. but as a matter of Justice to those who will demonstrate their loyalty and worthiness or ever inqtlnir life. The mercy of God will be exercised In the bringing of them to this condition, where perfection In word, deed and thought will be possible. Tho ereat temntatlon which will then come to all the world, through the loosing of Satan-the temporary per mission of evil in the world will dem onstrate which of these resurrected from the dead God can npprove and consistently grant the great gift of eternal life. All those who fall in their trial will be destroyed with Satan In the Second Death, while all who prove their loyalty will be acknowledged worthy of everlasting life. Thus the rest of the dead, aside from those now on trial, the Church class, will not live In the full sense of Divine recognition as worthy of everlasting life, until the thousand years of Mes siah's reign shall have ended. But, beloved brethren, much ns we are interested In the glorious blessings that the Messlunlc Kingdom shall bring to the world of mankind, the Lord wishes us to be specially Interested In the glorious opportunity and privilege which He has accorded as of bavins; fellowship with our Redeemer In the suffering of this present time, and be ing counted worthy to share with nim In the glory which shall follow-lnto 'si t w i i I am r-f r i r i i y, V "Taw JFf V lri(r 1 It mlr 1 1 Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, M ....... Orfk ar.MC l.n a l rv -n n 4i olirnninan aw1 lmo Iiaam w n I sk. v si . k It I a a 7 All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-aa-good " are but W - 1 4M4'Jk .rllt Awliain-M 41kA llJKaltU nf JIiAH'rlUUCIIvO II1UU IUU null nui vuuuiiva, av,iaf u va. Infants and Children Experience nguuist Experiment. What is CASTORIA sanatoria Is a harmless snbstltute for Castor Oil, Pare i. A.wl u,wi1iltt. Humina. If la vtlAiiannt T contains neither Opium, .Morphine nor other JNarcotio . . . . t.. i . j v.. .1 .. .. i HUDRtlinee. IIS aRO is iu Biiriiw30. n ucnuujj 11 wun and allays Fevcrlshncss. For more than thirty years it lias been in conMunc use ior mo renci or i onsiipuiion, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and i i fit a Cf mil n h anil llfhiva-t la. nsMtmilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST AND , TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION. jar iiiaaaaaaaaaaaTTaaTlTarraTl The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over ou Years Tut ctHT J eewf wr, nainmt stiukt, ncw vobk city. s A' L E ure to please the lovers of a wholesome beverage, Iways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink, ends strength to the weak and wearied physique, fleets a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life. Pakes life more .pleasant and cheers the heavy heart, TENTH TRAKS-CONTINENTAL TOUR. THE LARGEST WILD WEST SHOW OH EARTH COMING DIRECT ON THEIR OWN SPECIAL TRAINS OF DOUBLE LENGTH RAILROAD CARS FROM THE BIGGEST RANCH IN THE WORLD. Menagerie of Trained Wild Animals From all parts of tho Globe. Daring and death defying acts almost beyond the realm of lucid imagination. A COSMOPOLITAN .COLLECTION OP COWBOYS AND GIRLS, VANQUEROt, BENORITAS, QUARDI3 RUKALES, CHAMPIUWS ur inr, i.aii, ROUGH RIDERS, PONY EXPRESS VETERANS, DARINu ATHLETES, COMICAL CLOWNS, THRILLING INDIAN FIGHTS AND WAR DANCES. PRINCE BOTLOINFS TROUPE OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS, The most daring Horsemen tn tha World. BANDS o! SIOUX, CHEYENNE and COMANCHE INDIANS, Fresh from the Camp-fire and Council, making their flrBt acquaintance with pale race civmiation. The Grand Ethnological Performance concludes with the Super Spectacular, Dramatic, Historical raniasy, B E E R rings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. livens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened, ndows existence with hopes and aspirations stores man to fulness of strength and activity, . , -V-5r -s. .V, T- tl.W.MM Mi. . , . . aT.MMri.i .iihiiiiii , ,i,. 1, . "The Battle of Wounded Knee Introducing a vast and motley horde of Indians, Scouts, Trappers and Soldiers tnat actually too active part in ine im crave nana anu uupeicn struggle the noble redskin made for his freedom and rights. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE Afternoon at a. Evening at 8. Doors open One Hour earlier. WATER PROOF CANVAS. CANNOT LEAK. Grand, Cold Glittering Free Street Parade TWO MILES LONG at II a. m. dally on tha main thoroughfarai. ' BIG FREE EXHIBITIONS on Show Grounds Immediately alter (be Parade BRING IN YOUR BAD HORSES ANB MULES Our Cowboys will ride them FREE OF CHARGE. 2S.00 will MM (a mm) him bringing m norma or mult thmf NEW LIMITED TRAIN To and from Portland, Daily Leaves Salt'in 8:S5 u. m. Icnes rortlund 6:00 p. m. Arrives I'ortlund 10:10 a. m. Arrives Salem 6:35 p. in. This train will be found a great convenience for business and so cial engagements. THE OLD LIMITED CONTINUES T-nnvcs Salem 8:40 n. m. leates Portland 0:00 a. m. trriv. i.,riii,mi r,;in n. m. Amres Nuicm iu:30 a. m. Both trains' carry observation parlors and first-class coaches. THE NEW LINE TO ALBANY Trains leave Salem dally at 8:35, 10:35 a. m 4.20, 6:35, 11:30 p. m. Boat connections at East Independence on daylight trains. TWimh urn sold to Snokane. Puget Sound points and tho East Oregon Electrlo UaPway trains entor the North Bank Station, Port land, saving transfer of panscngors and baggage. Fares, schedules and details on request. , C, E. ALBIN, General Agent, Salem, Oregon. W E. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. jHHTfmrWmTTmTmTmTlTTTTTTTTfTTWi There ts s. lesson here for ns. It la which the faithful will be ushered by In vain that we shall hope to share the the power of the First Iteanrrftctlo. Don't Be Offended if we say that no home baking can possibly equal the products of this bakery. Take the matter of practice alone. We bake hundreds of loaves to your one. And as for facilities, no kitchen range can equal our specialty built ovens. Try oud bread for a week and judge. CAPITAL BAKLRY tfti Court Street Phone ti Pianos and Organs Edison, Victor-and i fnlnmliia Ta! Inner from the cheapest to the i best sold on installments Machines and rented. 1 . ,.. d-.j- r iuii aiuuK ui nctuiua. GEO. C. WILL ;i Sewing Machines ;i Latest Sheet Music Genuine needles, oil and ncw parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. GEO. C. WILL GEO. C. WILL Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. GEO. C. WILL SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, palms, drugs and stamps. Phone 7(1 1