Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 20, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    picv vnr.B
rE four.
Pastor Russell's Sermon
Evarpta Made Prominent In
the Scriptures.
fatter Rutttll 8tyt 8tott nd Ptrtits
Art Nowhrt Rteogniztd In Holy
Writ Thtrt It but Ont Church, tnd
Jttut It Itt Httd 8tctrin Di-
. vitiont Arott From Ntgltct and Lom
f Ftith An Addrttt to Biblt 8tu-
. dtnta.
Washington, D.
C, July 14.-Ulble
ttady must be
coming quit Into
vogue If we tuny
Judge by the inter
est manifested by
the thousand
gathered here for
a ten-days' Con
vention. Nothing
boisterous or In
dlcrous bus mani
fested ItHelt All
dny. and every
day. appear to be spent In searching
tlie Scripture and In Uh't, spiritual
rejoicing In tlie promises found there
In. The testimony of our citizen Is
that we never lief ore hail such Con
vention In our uildst.
The people ure from inn middle walks
of lite poor rather than rich. They
Have no oulwurd badge of special
clothing, but seem to be adorned with
a uieck and iilet spirit The entire
Bible I their creed mid they truly
walk In It light, wtilcb they toll us
1 growing dally brighter as we near
the Morn of the New Dispensation of
Christ' Kingdom.
A peculiarity of thoso Ulble Student!
1 that during the entire series of the
meetings. In which more than forty
peiiker bav participated, no appeal
hs been made for money; It ha not
ven been mentioned from the plat
form. Ask.il why thl l. the answer
wa that acta trie to give to the serv
tr of the Truth what he I able ac
cording to bin ablllty-a unto the Lord.
Ami no fur a la known there In no
lack, because the expenses of the prop
agandn are kept within the limit of the
offering The Convention close to
day Extracts from l'iitr ItnssellV
Sunday address follow Ills text whs.
"But yo a re come to the lieneiul
Assembly and Church ir the l-'lrst-born,
which ere written In Ili-men'
tIJebrewi ill, !Kl.i He said Hi purt
The oneness of the Church of Christ
1 everywhere made prominent In the
ISIble. Sects and pintles are nowhere
recognised. Nowhere Is It Intimated
that Christ has rnrlous Churches for
Instance, the lloimm Catholic, tho An
gll. an. the Ureck, rresbytorliin, Con
greKatlonul. Lutheran, etc. On tho con
1rrv, there Is but the one "Church
whirl) Is the iiody of Christ." and that
KikIv nf I'lirlst has but the olio Head.
We not only And that Christ and the
AiHi-ile established but the one
Chun li. but we munot think of any
rt'HM'ii why these should have estnh
listutl more lliuu one Nothing It plain
r I him I tin t our suctui'lau divisions
rose from our neglect and loaa of "the
nidi onre delivered unto the saints.
Unite 8.1 A the divisions came la,
the error cam iu with them: aim, at
the errors go out, to also will sectarian
Ism pass away.
Th Central Assembly of the1 Stints.
'As we are assembled here today, not
Hih-r any human or sectarian name,
and not divided by soctarlau creeds,
toil nulled as one peopl through our
rmiws-ratlon to the Lord, through our
desire to know Ills will by the study
f Ills Word, w well represent the
:rrlptuml or Ideal Church of Christ
lieraitlliws of nationality, language,
taste and of all sectarian creeds and
Umihigi, we ire here simply and sole
ly as children of (Jod. and lllble stu
lcnu Id the School of Christ, to If am
f 1 1 1 m to lie fitted and prepared for
glorious Jnlnt-hiilrshlp with lllm In
Ills coining Kingdom, and meantime to
learn at ills feet the lessons necessary
for great a coming service
Is-! Die correct myself and say rather
thnt our little home classes .very tit
tlacl.T represent the lord's Church
It wn In the days of Jesus and the
ApoHtte. Aud our Assembly here to
day. far away from those classes. In
thm beautiful gmund, I a picture
rather of what the Apostle descrllies
In our text, namely, "The Ceneral As
emblj of 111 Church of the Klrst
tore," -from every quarter, aa It will
.r l and by, but gathered ou the
heavenly plane by the change of the
1-lrxt Resurrection.
How tnauy of u hare during the
week atd with reference to our fel
fcrnthin In spirit wttb the lml. "It li
gwd to be herel Put oh, dear hreth
rra, I n nrt that I voice the wntl
menl of everyone present when 1 tay,
It will he better to be there! oh. so
much bettwt When by Hod's grai-e
we shall reach that Ueavonly shore
and participate Id the Joya of that
greater end better Convention. The
Ceneral Assembly of the Church of the
rirst 110," It will be better than
thr grand Convention; aud I will seek
to ranmnrate om of the reason why
I think II will be ao,
Knl.r Into th Joy f wi Lerd,
(It The Joy of our present Cooveu
tfo art awrtty a frtats of th per
fect glory we will experience when we
enter Into the Joys of the Lord-beyond
the veil. Now we know In part
the wondrous things of our Heavenly
Tathcr' character and Plan, and of
our Redeemer' love and sympathy,
and of each other's love and sympathy;
then we shall know even as we are
known, 1 the guarantee of the Inspired
' Now we ce as through an obscure
glass the things which the natural eye
cannot see nor hear, neither can enter
Into the heart of the natural man, but
which God ha revealed unto u by
III Spirit. Hut they are still more or
less obscure to us. We ennnot weigh
nor appreciate the wonderful glories
which God has In reservation for u,
but then we shall nee niin face to
face, as St. Paul declares.
(2) A we meet here today a New
Creatures In Christ, we seek to know
each other as God knows us. not after
llio flesh, but after the spirit Hut for
all that we experience difficulties. It
Is often difficult for us to entirely over
look the flesh of our fellows, as they
no doubt have difficulty In overlooking
. . . ... r... -1.
our Plcnilsnes in tne ncsn. nm on.
what will It be to be there! All the
Imperfections and weaknesses or tne
esh, against which we must now fight
-all these will then be gone.
Have we not the promise. "We shall
bo like Illtn. for we shall see Him as
Ho la?" Have we not the promise
gain that. Sown In weakness, we
shall be raised lu power; sown In dis
honor, we shall be raised In glory;
aown on animal body we shall be nils-
a spirit body? Have we not the
further promise respecting that glo
rious resurrection change, which ahull
lift us completely out of the humnn
nd Into the divine nature, that "We
must all be changed," "for flesh and
blood ennnot Inherit the Kingdom of
God?" (1 Corinthians xv, f0. 01.1
Further Trials Further Battling.
(3) Another difference between this
Convention and the great one promised
In our text Is that we shall go from
here to our homes to engnge afresh In
arfaro with aln within and without
to continue our warfare as good sol
diers of Jean Christ under the Cap
taincy of our Redeemer. We shnll go
from here realizing that our trials and
testing are not yet ended, that the
cud" which the Father hnth pourea
for n we have not yet drained.
We shall go forth from here remem
bering that we "have not yet resisted
unto blood, striving against sin" and
fighting "the good light of faith. We
hall return to our homes with the
thought that we still have need of the
Scriptural exhortation, "Watch", and
"stand fast"; "Quit you like men"; "Put
on the whole armor that ye may be
ablo to stand In the evil day, and, bav
lng done all, to stand. "
We will go from hero renllang that
In all probability this season of refresh
ment we luivo enjoyed has been a part
of the leather's good providence for us
whereby we slut It be tho slronger, the
more courageous, the bettor prepared
for further trials, besetments, difficul
ties and conflicts with the world, the
flesh and the Adversary.
Hut when wo reach the glorious Con
vent Ion mentioned by the Apostle, all
the fightings and trials and testings
will bo In the past. For us, therefore.
there will bo no nioro sighing, no more
crying, no more dying, no more light
ings, no more crosses, no more suffer
ings, but Instead, life eternal, Joy
eternal, glory, honor and Immortality
at our dear Redeemer's right hand of
favor. Well do I know that this hope
of sharing In the Ceueral Assembly of
the Church of the First-born strength
ens your heart and nerves you to loyal
ty and faithfulness to the Lord, the
Truth and the brethren a the days go
Let n consul ourselve with the
thought that whatever I the will of
God concerning us must necessarily be
for our highest welfare and best Inter
ests. If, therefore, It Is not yet time
for us to pus beyond the veil. It Is
because our Heavenly Father aud Re
deemer have a work for us to do In
tho present lifeeither a work of fur
ther polishing upon our own charac
tors or a work of helping the brethren
for we rcineinlcr the declaration that
the llrlde Is to make herself ready for
that event Ne are to build one an
other up In the most holy faith, en
couraglng. streugtneulng. aynipnthls
lng with and assisting one another In
running the race for the great I'rlie
Another hiiiiifylug thought we
should take with us to our homes
Is tlie Uird's promise, "1 will never
leave thee nor forsake thee." And
again, "My grace Is sufficient for thee,
for My strength Is made perfect In thy
weakness." And again, "We know
that all things work together for good
to those who love the Ionl, to the
called according to Ills purpose."-Ro
mans vlll, SH.
So then, dear friends, w will not re
turn to our homes like au army corps
In retreat, but rather as a company of
good soldier who have been well fed
ami refreshed and encouraged and
stimulated; we will return to our
home full of good courage, full of
Joyful anticipation of the coming Great
Convention of the Church of the First
borns; full of renewed determination
that by the grnce of God. and with
the assistance of our great Advocate,
we will make our calling and election
sure by to running In HI footsteps at
to obtain the great Trite which lie has
offered to n
The Context In Agreement
Let nie detain yon a little longer that
I may point nut afresh that th con
text confirm our glorious hop re
specting thl Great Convention of the
future, aud show that It I nigh at
hand. St Paul picture before us th
fact that God' dealing with Israel.
In bringing them out of Egyptian
boudag and to ML Siual, pictured
th work of thl Gospel Ago, In th
calling of Spiritual Israel out ot the
bondngo of the world tne bondage of
sin and death. The Apostle thus shows
that the giving of the Law Covenant
to Israel at ML Slnal typically repre
sented the giving to theru of the New
Law Covenant In Mt. Zion lu the end
of this Age.
The Law Covenant was given
through a medlntor, Moses, and the
New Law Covenant Is to be given
through a mediator, the Antltyplcal
Moses, Jesus the Head and the Church
Ills Body. It has required all this
Gospel Age to gnther out of the world,
and to try. test, polish and fit the
members of the Rody of Christ, who,
under Ills Ileadshlp. will he the Anti-
typical Moses, who will lie the Anti
typical Mediator between God and men.
-Jeremiah xxxl, 31; Acts ill. 22. 23.
As Motes went up Into the Mount to
commune wltn uod nerore inc inw
Covenant was completed, so the entire
Church must go up Into the Mountain,
Into the Kingdom, with our glorious
Head and Redeemer, by the change of
the First Resurrection. A the time
for Moses' going up Into the mountain
drew near, there were grent manifes
tations of the dignity of the Divine
Government. And Just so In the clos
ing of thl Age. The Apostle Informs
that tho world will have terrifying
experience on a still greater scale.
He says that then the mountain trem
bled and smoked and that the Divine
voice wns heard. Tlie people were so
terrified that they entreated that they
might not hear further, but thnt Moses
nuld act ns medlntor, and he did so.
80 It will be here: There will lie
such manifestations of Divine Justice
and opposition to sin and nil Iniquity
thnt it will cause the "time of trou
ble" mentioned by the rrophct and by
Jesus, "A time of trouble such as never
wns since there wns a nation; no, nor
ever shall bo" after. Daniel ill, 1;
Matthew xxlv, 21.
The rcBiilt of this grent time of trou
ble upon the world will be n realiza
tion that they need a Mediator a Me.
dlatorlal Kingdom. And this Is Just
what God has provided for thetn
through the arrnngoment of the New
The Shaking Already Commenced.
Contrasting the experiences at the
Inauguration of the typical Law Cove
nant with those to bo expected at tho
Inauguration of the antltyplcal. the
New Law Covenant St. Paul nys.
"God's voice then shook the earth, but
now He hath promised. Raying, Yet
once mora I shale not the earth only,
bnt also heaven." And the Apostle
explains thnt the expression. "Onrt
more." signifies thnt this second shak
ing will be so thorough thnt no further
shaking will ever be necessary, but ev
erything of Injustice and unrighteous
ness which ought to be shaken loose
will be shaken: and this, says the
Apostlo, Implies everything except the
Church and the glorious Kingdom
which we shall then receive: "Where
fore we. receiving a Kingdom which
cannot be moved, let us have grace
whereby we may serve God acceptably
with reverence nnd godly fenr.
Can we not see the shaking already
beginning? Let us remember thnt this
time It will not be tlie shaking of the
literal earth, ns In the type, but the
slinking of the aymtiollcnl earth-the
shaking of society to Its very center.
Do you not n trend r hear the rumblings
-the rumbling of discontent, anger,
malice, hatred, strife? These forliode
the "great earthquake, which was
ymhollcnl of the great Revolution
wherein the present order of ihlnirs
shall collapse nnd give place to the
New Order of Immnnunr Kingdom
of righteousness. Justice, equity.
And. says the AHistle. God Intends
this time to shake not merely the
earth-the social fabric but nlso the
henven-the eccleslnstlcnl power of
the present time. Not the true Church
will be sunken, but the many systems
which more or less misrepresent the
true Church nnd "the faith once ile
llvered unto the saints."
Do we sec premonitions of this shak
lng? Yea, verily. In all dcnomlnn
tlons there are foretsxllngs of coming
trouble. We may even fear that some
of the attempts at Christian union are
not made with the pnter motive, hut
through a realisation of the shaking
which the Lord Is alsiut to permit to
come upon the ecclesiastical systems
of this present time.
"Wait Yt Upon the Lord."
My dear brethren, in these coining
days of trouble, which may be verj
near, the opportunity nui.i come to you
and to me to be ell her Mnfe-lireedrr
or peacemaker. Let us the wll'
of the Lord lu this mallei, that we are
railed to peace, and that the dot lain
tlou of the Master Is, "Blessed are the
peacemaker, for they shall U- calliil
the children of God."
Let us seek rather to snboue and
calm the passions of uieu in the com
lng strife, and to do nothing to aim
ment them or lo kindle the fires of
passion which we know are IhM to
consume the present social fabiie. I-et
us point out to those with nhoin we
have any Influence that the worst form
of government In the whole world Is
better than no government better than
anarchy, a thousand times. Let us re
mind thetn of the fact that In God'
providence we bave the best of all
earthly governments.
Let u remind them. too. that the
Lord ha told u to wait for lllm and
not lo take matter Into our own hands.
Hit words are, "Walt ye uwn Mo,
t.i it h the Lord, until the day that I
rise up to theVrey; for My determi
nation Is to gather the nation, that 1
may assemble the kingdoms, to pour
upon them Mine Indignation, even all
My fierce anger; for all the earth shall
be devoured with the fin 0 Vy
out). For then will 1 turn to the peo
ple a pur language (Message), that
they may all call upon th nam of th
Lord, to erv Htm with on connenL
-Zepbanlih M, 8. ft,
Two Girls Tell How To
Avoid It.
tom miiiiiMtiimMii
Mr. Investor Mr. Homebuilder
There Is nothing that teaches more
than experience. We therefore quote
from the letters of two girls who suf
fered and were restored to health. The
same remedy is within reach of all.
Brooklyn, N. Y. - " Prior to taking
the first bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound I suffered agony
every month, but Bfter your wonderful
medicine had been taken a while 1 felt a
little better, and after taking seven bot
tles of it I feel that I can truly say 1
have no more pain or inconvenience.
"As I am out in the business world as
a stenographer, I come in contact with
many girls, and when the opportune mo
ment arrives I tell them about the Veg
etable Compound and I know that quite
a few are taking iL" Helen Canet,
6G6 Dean St
Another Girl's Experience.
Tishomingo, Okla. "I am a stenog
rapher and book-keeper, and Lydla E.
Pinkham s Vegeta
ble Compound has
saved iy life. Iam
enjoying the best of
health now.butlwaa
suffering from fe
male troubles and
painful periods,
and would have
backache, headache
and fainting spells.
If any woman would
like to write to mo
1 will gladly answer her letter and tell
her what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done forme." Mrs.
Mattie Copenhaver, Tishomingo, Okie.
First Presbyterian Church.
Church Btreet near Chemeketa St-,
Rev. Henry T. Rnbcock, pastor. Morn
ing service at 11 a. 111., preaching by
the pastor; theme, "Wresting Scrlp
tuics," 2 Peter 3: 16. Music, pliie or
gan, "Renedlctlon Nuptlale," Holllns.
Offertory, "Chant de Uonheur," Le
maroche. Soprano solo by Miss Mar
guerite Flower, "Teach Me to Pray,"
JewltL Young People's chorus, an
them, "Praise Ye the Father," Gounod.
I'nlon evening service in thlB church
at 8 p. m. (Please notice the change
of hour). Preaching by the Rev. P. F.
Schrock. Music, pipe organ, "Vision,"
Dlhb. "Rorceuse," Dickinson- Offer
tory, "In tho Twilight," Ilarker. March
In Kb, Costa. Soprano solo by Mis
Jutld, "Thy Will be Done," Michel.
Y'oung People's chorus, anthems,
"Croasing the liar," Rnrnby and "Je
rusalem," Parker. Sunday school at
10 a. m.; rnlon C. E. meeting at 7 p.
ni.; mid-week prayer meeting at 7:30
p. m. Public cordially Invited to all
these services.
Klrst Methodist Episcopal.
Corner Church and State streets,
Richard N. Avlson, D. D., minister.
10:30 a. tu., sermon by Dr. Hunimonod,
subject, "Tho Supremo Test of a Life."
8 p. 111., sermon by Dr. Hammond,
subject. "The Transforming Vision.
10:15 a. 111., morning prayer, leader
Mr. IVxter Field. 12 m. clitxs meet
ings In the audience, room. 12 tu.,
Sabbath school, Adult and senior de
partments In tho audience room. In
termediate and Junior department In
tho lecture room. 7 p. m., Epworth
league, topic, "Development Under
Religious Instruction." Ixwder, Mr.
Frank Schrain.
I nltarlan Church.
Corner Chemeketa and Cottage SU.,
J. A. Cnizan, piustor. Sunday school at
10 o'clock, with Familiar Tlk to Ad
ults on "The Johannlne Literature,"
with especial reference to the book of
Revelation- Public worship at 11 o'
clock, with sermon on "Ufo and Re
creation." This will be tho last serv
ice bofcr the mid-summer vacation.
Tho church will be closed, until the
first Sunday In September.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
140 Chemeketa street- Service Sun
day at 11 a. 111. Subject of lesson ser
mon, "Life." Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Wednesdny evening Uatlnuminl meet
ing at 7:30 o'clock. Rending room in
the church own each afternoon ex
cept Sunday. All are cordially Invited.
r'ltM Congregational Church.
Corner of Liberty and Center. Perry
Frederick Schrock, minister. Ulble
school at 10 o'clock nnd morning wor
ship at 11. Subject of sermon, "A
Rnsia for Vnlon." Colon service at
Presbyterlnn church at 8 p. m. Ser
mon by Mr. Schrock.
I. n. 8. A.
The Salem claa of the Internation
al Ulble Student' Association, Brook
lyn. N, Y., will hold their .regular
weekly atmly, No. 439 Court Btreet
1'pstalra, Court street Sunday at 11
a. m. Vndisnomlnational. AU Ulble
studont welcome. No collections.
Reformed Chnrrh.
Corner Capitol and Marlon street,
V. G. Lienkaompor, pastor. Sunday
school at 9:30 a. m. Service In Ger
man at 10:30- Subject, "The One
Thin Needful." Germans are cordi
ally Invited.
Prachlnf at W. C, T. V. hall Sun-
W have a few choice lots left in King
yvcood Park at $275, $10 down and 2
per cent per month, including graded
street, cement sidewalk and water
main These lots are going fast so
in ake your selection at once before
tfee best are chosen. This is an invest
irt ent that will make your money grow
and is worthy of your consideration.
Vct at once! Phone or call at our office
fear an appointment to see the property
GIBSON & HILL, Salec Agents
21 2 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone Main 2275
('.ay, July 21st at 11 a. m.
Dora W. Stone, of the
Church of the Nazarpne.
East State SM-eet lan
Rev. P. H. Schmidt,
day school 9:30 a. m. S
a. m. English services
every 1st and 3rd Sund
by Rev. Mrs.
E. P. Kyle,
eraa Church
Pastor. Sun
ermon 10:00
7:30 p. m.
ly of month.
'O. Schunke, pastor-Sunday services, tor. Sunda, hool at 10 a m C
Everybody invited to attend.
United Etang-eUcal.
Cottage streeL near C enter. G. 1
Lovell, pastor. Divine worship and
preaching at 11 a. m. a.nd 8 p. m.;
Sunday school at 10 a. am.; Christian
Endeavor at 7 J. m.; "W. A Baker,
leader; prayer meeting at 8 o'clock
on Thursday evenlnj.
German IIhiiIM Church.
Corner North Cottmte nd D streets.
10:00. Sunday school: 11:00, preach
lng service; 7:00 p. m., young people's
meeting; 7:30 p. m., preaching ser
vice. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m prayer
meeting. All German speaking people
heartily welcome to all services.
Corner Highland avenue and Elm
treet N. Blanche Ford, pastor.
Sunday Bchool at 10 a. m. Meeting
at 3 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E at 7 p. m.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Pray
er meeting Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. Prayer meeting in South Sa
lem Wednesday at 8 p. m. All art
cordially Invited.
Jason Lob Itemniiul M. E.
Corner of North Winter and Jef
ferson Btreet. W. C. Stewart, pas-
W. P.oberts, superintendent. Epworth
League at 7 p. m. All are cordially
Invited to attend these services.
A fan who is a hard drinker can't
occupy a soft place very long.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Here is an investment will make any man
an independent fortune inside of five years
Located on Great Southern Pacific Interurban
Electric Railway System
Cash, ha lance at 6 per cent interest, long time if
desired, &uys best 55 acres adjoining West Salem.
Property that is bound to increase in value at the
rate of$JO0 per acre every year.
Tivenfry acres in Royal Anne cherries, 4 years old.
Six acres: large bearing orchard, apples and pears.
Two and one-half acres English walnuts.
$4000 of improvements, besides orchards, put in
at $2000.
Right on the line of the new railroad bridge being
built across the river to Salem, and on line of the
Salem and Dayton extension. Has county roads on
three sidles of the land.
Less tJxan ten minutes walk to big steel bridge.
Seven minutes by motorcar from business center
of Salem.
Beautiful, tightly, scenic residence property, of which there is little left
for sale aroawid Salem, and none in so large a tract.
famous Kimball cherry sweepstakes prize orchard, for which
; hat been refused.
Last lar-jie tract on market suitable for acreage or lots.
213lSouZh Commercial Street Salem, Oregon
$1500 an act