DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, 0REG05. THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1912. PAGE FIYK. JULY CLEARANCE SALE Linen and Linene Dress Skirts One-fifth less Embroideries Values to 35c 21c per yard MEREDITH ANNOUNCES DOG SHOW PRIZES MA"T TROI'IIIKS WILL HE OFFERED AT STATE FAIR AT STATE FAIR W. R. BAILEY, OF SEATTLE, WILL JlIKiE ALL BREEDS -HANDLERS MAY COMPETE FOR CASH PREMIUMS. The premium list for the firBt an nual dog show to be held by the Sa lem Kennel club in connection with the Oregon state fair hag been pre pared by Secretary Frank Meredith and 1b being printed for distribution. Officers of the Salem Kennel club are: U. S. Rider, president; W. R. McAlvin, vice-president; Frank Mere dith, financial secretary and treasur er; Ira Jorgenson, II. W. Hatch, H. S. Carter, Charles II. Withers, Jr., di- y AUTOLOADING Hill RrnlntflM Cub eta look tkrwb lb barrel Mi1 tea Ikat U U cliu ft l .1 i -OB All the advantages or the big game arm with none of its discom forts or annoyances The recoil docs the work of reloading and eiectinri instead of pounding your shoulder. Five shots just pull and release the trigger. Your action stays open and warns you when it's time to shove in a fresh clip. You can never get in a tight place the gun never clogs. Each shot strikes a one ton blow. Simple action simple take-down. Send (or motion picture booklet explaining the Remington-UMC Autoloading Killo'i bi poind. Remington-UMC Metallic Cartridges combine die highest velocity with the greatest shooting accuracy. Made in all calibres for every standard firearm. When Remington-UMC cartridge are used, the arm is guaranteed to the full extent of the manufacturer's guarantee. Remington-UMC iht perlect shootlaf combiution Reminiilorj Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Brmdwnr a New York City ininMiim mum MR. INVESTOR X f rectors; Max Muller, superintendent; Dr. A. W. Korlnek, veterinary sur geon. - W, B. Bailey, of Seattle, will act as judge of all breeds. The club will offer a sliver cup for the best four dogs of one breed ex hibited by the same owner. A trophy will also be given to the exhibitor winning the highest total number of points in all classes and breeds with dogs belonging to the . same owner ship. Several handler's prizes in cash will be given. A cash prize will also be given for the beBt dog or female of each breed. A trophy will be given for the best dog exhibited of the following breeds St. Bernard, Great Dane, Foxhound, pointer, English setter, Irish setter, Gordon setter, IriBh water spaniel, black cocker Bpaniel, other than black Cocker spaniel, collie dog, bulldog, bull terrier, bull terrier pup, Boston terrier, Fox terrier, Irish terrier, Aire dale terrier and Toy spaniel. SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICIALS VISIT THE CAPITAL CITY AND EX PRESS SATISFACTION WITH CONDITIONS HERE ARE HEADY TO W AHEAD WHENEVER THE FRANCHISE IS COMPLETED. President Sproule, General Manager Campbell and Superintendent Stra horn, of tho Willamette Valley Elec tric system of the Southern Pacific company, were In the city today, look ing over tho field of their proposed ex tenslonK. They said all steps had been taken to begin operations on the new electric lino to Portland paralleling the S. P. to New Era, as soon as the franchise was agreed to and approved by the mayor. Tho big three called at the mayor's office, and did not find him in but left their cards. They said the frnncliso was generally acceptable but several matters in It might need amending. The adoption of the amended fran chise for tho Portland, Eugene & East ern has put new life Into all lines of Investment at Salem. All real estate offices are busy, property Interests are looking up. and Salem bids fair to lie the busiest place in the state. There are demands for hundreds of laborers today, and the growth of tho city will now bo continuous. The op ening of the contract, for the im provement of Twelfth street north and south will be the next thing in order. The only trouble with the franchise Is tliat It does not provide adequate dou ble tracking facilities. Farm Bargains fit! acres, all under cultivation, 4.1 acres In Italian prunes, 3 years old, pood condition, a good 8-rooni hoyse, modern plumbing, bath, toilet, hot and cold water; gas plant for lighting; fine barn and outbuildings; fine work team, harness, wagon and Implements, hay In barn, close to good town, rail road. Price $IK) per acre; terms. Fine lot on railroad, suitable for woodyard or warehouse site, cheap. IIECIITEL & ItYNON, 347 State St. Tel. 452 Y.ou are looking for an invest ment that is certian to bring you big returns in the near fu ture, Such being the case it will be worth your while to in vestigate Kingwood Park, Many of . Salem's prominent business men have investigat ed, and as a result invested Just ask us to "show you" why you should invest, and ask us for the names of people who have bought Kingwood proper ty, Lots from $275-$600t in cluding graded streets, cempnt sidewalks, curbs and water mains, Terms $10 down and 2 per cent per month, KINGWOOD PARK CO. OWNCRS GIBSON & KILL, Sales Agents 21 2 U. S. National Bank Building Main 2275 THE CIRCUIT COURT HAS A VERY BUSY DAY In circuit court this morning Judge Kdly denied tho application of W. H. Herman for parole on his sentence of from three to l." years In the 'tii tentlary for assault with Intent to coin mlt highway robbery. The application for parole of Tom Hlley was treated in the same manner, and both men were taken to the penitentiary by Sherlrf Minto this morning. The trial of Long and Hewitt against George Sakulnr and John Koeneke for approximately $700 on a promissory note was concluded, and tho Jury brought In a verdict for the amount sued for. Ella M. La Fore has ltegun suit for divorce against Holiert L. Fore, to whom she was married In Salem, Ore gon. August 19, 1908. There are no children. The Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. haa begun a number of suits against Individuals owning prop erty at the foot of Vnlon street Mrs. W. II. Ileeman, who waa found guilty of larceny In connection with the holdup In Yew Purk last spring, In which she, her husband nnd one A. A. Allison held up and robbed a young man of that community, was sentenced to 60 days In the county Jail, and pa roled by Judge Kelly this morning. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Women's Low Shoes 75c If you can wear size 2 1-2, 3 or 3 1-2 you will find on our bargain table 150 pairs to choose from, These are patent leather, black and tan kid and Rus sian calf Oxfords and pumps, Among them are many welts and some hand turned, The lot was originally priced at from $1,50 to $3,45 a pair! FOR A QUICK FINISH WE HAVE REDUCED THEM TO, PAIR 75c Another Lot of 75 pairs, including all sizes from 2 1-2 to 7, Patent leather, one or two-s1rap pumps and three-button Oxfords, also one strap gun metal pumps, The whole lot was originally priced at $2,65 a pair, To clean them up before fall goods come in, we have marked them down to, pair, $1.50 IT WAS HOT SWEET TO BE AWAKENED BY THE LARK FOIUIKR SALEMHE AND (WriTALIST IN DIVORCE COURT WIFE WOULD NOT ARISE MORNIXiS-FAOER WEDS BK.il' TY AND NOW IS SID-W. K. Ill RKE AND JUS l'HETTV BI T "USELESS" WIFE WILL 1'AKT. A settlement of property rights was effected privately yesterday afternoon between W. B. Burke and Alameda May Burke, the trial of whose divorce suit has been proceeding In Judge Ga tens court for several days, liolh In- ilst on a decree, however, and It will be allowed today, the property settle ment merely relieving the judge of that responsibility. According to Jay Ilowerman, attorney for Burke, the woman will receive the equivalent of bet ween $t.r,00 and $.',000 In real estate and cash. W. K. Ituike, a prominent farmer of "I Take Good Care of My Feet" Society Woiiiiiii'h I'hllOMipliy that You and I and All of I'm Bine Thought of But Meier Put Inlo Words Semi for Free Trial TIZ day. 'tickairc To- Yamhill county, formerly a real es tate dealer In Portland and at one time a member of the legislature from Multnomah county, married Alameda May Mills, noted for her beauty, In 1910. He took her to bis Yanihui county farm, but they failed to get along with each other. Burke de clared on the stand that she was use less as a farmer's wife. She com plained In turn that he was possessed of an ungovernable temper. The tes timony, in short, was such that it was left to Judge (JatenB to decide which has the worst temper. Mrs. Burke declared that Burko had led her to lielleve that she was to live by a standard far above that which governs I ho average farmer's wife and that ho had failed to make good In this regard. Neighbors called by tho husband testified that Mrs. Burke was In the habit of lying In bed till 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning, much to the scandal of the neighborhood. There was also evidence that dishes were ruthlessly smashed when the quarrels were on. h your leet rule "jour mind? Think about It. Before I used TIZ, my feet were a constant source of fretting and worry; those pesky shoes were blamed. Corns, callous,' and blisters ran, riot and my entire exist ence was centered in feet! How ridic ulous when you come to really think about It! But since using TIZ, I have no aching feet, no puffy feet, no corns, my feet were only human feet the same as your feet, anyone's feet." TIZ Is certainly the most wonderful remedy to draw out the acids and poisons that swell the fi and cause all foot troubles. Be sure you get TIZ only TIZ, TIZ 25 cents a box, sold at all drug rlorcn, department and general stores. Write today to Walter I uther Dodge Co,, 1223 8. Wubaah Ave., Chicago, 11.1 for free trial package of TIZ and en Joy real foot relief. The Flexible Keyboard The Burroughs Visible adding machine is equip ped with either the flex ible keyboard of the safest and most up-to-date design or the fn nioous Biiroughs loci-'ng keyboard at no extra charge to you. Like all Burroughs pro ducts the Burroughs visi ble model carries the Burroughs gunrnntee of mechanical perfection an l continuous service. Free demonstration, any time, anywhere at our expense. Ill' KKOI (JUS ADDINU MACHINE CO. N.D.GBEGG, Bnles Mgr., Commercial Club Bldg., Portland, Oregon. OUR KJ Clearamice ale Now On- Reduced Prices Read This List of Bargains: Childen's rompers, now 23c Men's $1.00 best overalls, now - 75c Boys' bib overalls, sizes to 31 .45c Boys' 50c waist overalls 25c Children's 50c rompers .35c Boy's 25c waists 20c Men's 25c balbrigga.n underwear .... 20c Men's 50c balbriggan underwear 40c Men's 50c work shirts ,.40c Boys' knickerbocker pants ,25c Boys' 50c wash suits 40c Boy's 65c wash suits 50c Boys' $1.00 wash suits 80c Dress Gloves Ladies' 25c lisle gloves, now 20c Ladies' Kayser's 50c silk or lisle gloves, now .40c Ladies' Kayser's 75c silk gloves, now 60c Ladies' Kayser's $1.25 Silk gloves, now 75c Ladies' long silk gloves I.. 85c Work Gloves Leather gauntlet gloves, now 23c Leather gauntlet gloves at 45c Plain leather gloves . 23c Hog skin gloves 43c Big Assortment at Reduced Prices. 36-inch Burlap, colors, yard only 14c Cotton toweling, yard only 4c Heavy linen toweling, yard only 8 l-2c Ladies' Shirt Waists, values $1.25 to $2, now ...98c Nice Assortment, Up-ti-date Waists.' Girls' Middy Waists, only 50c Men's Fancy Vests, values up to $2.50, now ..$1.00 25c white shoe cleaner, only. 10c 10c white shoe cleaner, only 5c COTTON BLANKETS Pair 50c pr. cotton blankets, now 40c 75c pr. cotton blankets, now 65c Size 58x76 blanket now 85c $1.25 extra big blankets now . ffl.OO . TABLE CLOTH 25c white tablecloth, yard 20c 70c white mercerized cloth, yard - 40c 75c white linen cloth, yard 50c $1.00 white linen cloth, yard 80c $1.25 white linen cloth, yard $ 1 .00 Underwear Girls' 383 union suits, now 29c Boys' 50c union suits, now 40c Ladies' 38c union suits, now 29c Ladies' 50c union suits, now 40c Men's 65c union suits, now ...50c Ladies 10c sleeveless vests, now 8c Ladies 15c and 20c sleeveless vests 12i'2c Ladies' 25c long sleeve vests 20c Jap silks ,only, yard 20c 50c silks, only, yard 39c 9-4 good bleached sheeting, only, yard 23i2c Our Men's $H all-wool Suits, only $10.00 Men's Suits at $3.95 New Styles Our $10 all-wool Suits, only $8.00 Boys' $1.00 Khaki Pants 50c Boys' Covert Suits 90c Boys' Khaki Suits 75c Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 North Commercial Street Mall Carriers Will Fly. This Is an age of grMt dlscover'c Progress rides on the air. Soon wo may loo Uncle Satn'a mall carriers flylvg lu ail directions, transporting mall. Peo ple take a- wonderful interest In a Jlticovery that bonflt them. Tnat's by Dr. King's New 1'iKcovery ft,r couiflis, colds and other throat anil I'll, g diseases Is the most ,opular mini Iclno In America. "It cured me ot dreii'iful cough," writ" M . J. p. Bi'.vie Stlckney Ciruor. Mo., "after di rton' treament nnd all uther rei.ie Att failed." Excnliett foi" Coughs, co d or any brooch. al affection. Vc ci BOc and $1.00. Trial hoitJi frj9 at J. C. Terry's. Ono woman sayB that spring house cleaning lucks 2eBt when her hue band Is away because she needs tin stimulation of all his old housoeleun Ing chestnuts. CASTORIA For InfauU and Children. Ttia Kind Ycu Hava Always Bought 8ignotur of (ffi&j!vtt