DART CAPITAL JOtRIfAt; SALES, OREG05- WEDNESDAT, JULY 17, 191. FAGK FITi. t JULY CLEARANCE SALE Linen and Linene Dress Skirts One-fifth less Embroideries Values to 35c 21c per yard 00 Mr. RENT PAYER What have you to show af ter a year of rent paying? Just a bundle of rent receipts, No more, But why not buy a . lot in beautiful Kingwood Park and build your own home? It will cost you no more per month than your present rent, and in a short time you have your own home, rather than rent receipts to show for your money, You can buy a sightly building lot for , tLyjtl $10 down, and 2 I O per cent a month . Including graded street, ce ment sidewalk, curb and water main, Attractive inducements to home builders, Lots $275-$600 KINGWOOD PARK CO- OWNERS GIBSON & HILL, Sale? Agents 21 2 II. S. National Bank Building Main 227S Vacation Days Are Heres! Call in and let us show you a full line of RIFLES REVOLVERS CARTRIDGE BELTS HUNTING KNIVES and AXIES OUTING SUITS AND SWEATERS HUNTING BOOTS and FISHING TACICELE That fit, for fishing HAUSER BROTHERS Read the Journal for News TIllflK IT THE DODY OF MURDERER MtOTimMS.LA W IDENTIFIES BODY FOl'ND'lX 1UVKK AS THAT OF SWAKTZ, BUT LATER DE CLARED IT WAS SOT. UNITID P1IE8B lJtiHtD WlnE.J New York, July 17. District Attor ney Whitman was notified today ot the presence at the morgue In Ho- boken, N. J., of a body angering In every particular the description of Nathan Swart?! the boy who his fath er declares, confessed to the murder of 14-year-old Julia Connors. The body was found In the Hudson river. Even the clothing was Identic al with that which the boy wore when last seen. District Attorney Whitman ordered one of the members of his staff -to get Swartz's father and have him view the body. New York, July 17. Belief that the alleged slaying of Julia Connors by Nathan Swartz had been finally con firmed today by the discovery of the body of young Swartz at Hoboken was of short duration. The body was at first identified by Henry Alexander, brother-in-law of Swartz, as that of the missing murderer suspect, but he afterwards declared that the corpse only resembled Swnrtz, but was not really he. The body was found Mon day in the river, and taken to Volk's morgue. Today District Attorney Whitman was notified that Swartz's body had been found. The police were dissatisfied with the the statements of Alexander and asked the father of Nathun Swartz to look at the body. Alexander seemed afrHid to look at the corpse, and the police were not at all sure that he was positive it was not Swartz. HUNDREDS OF TURKS ? DESERTING ONITED TRESS LTABED WIH, Constantinople, July 17 Following the desertion of hundreds of officers and soldiers of the Turkish army to the rebel side and with their country on tho threshold of what is believed to be a general revolt, the Turkish cabinet resigned today, just a week after the resignation of Minister of Var Szcfka Pasha. Rumors are spreading that there is a well defined movement among army oificers and members of the liberal party to deiioee Sultan Mahmcd Roch ad Khan and ulace Prince MeJId Ef fendi, son of ex-Sultan Mourad, on tho throne, The disaffection of tho troops is es pecially strong among those who are fighting the rebel Albanians, to whose tanks there is a steady flow of desertions. IM2 " Arrow COLLAR For Summer Wear. 2 for 25c CiTvtt, Pwihody Comrwmv. Troy, New York MAY HAVE TO INTERFERE IN MEXICO UNITED rRKSS l.HHID WIRO.I Washington, July 17. Wrought up by reports that Patrick Dunne, an American citizen, is In jail some where in Mxlco, under sentence of death, members of congress today dis cussed among themselves the advisa bility of formally demanding, under threat of decisive action, a stronger guarantee for the safety of American citizens in Mexico. The fact that an exhaustive Investi gation has failed to reveal the where abouts ot Dunne has given rise to uneasiness as to the Bafety of other Americans, and a belief that United States citizens in certain parts of Mexico are becoming more and more iu secure. Dunne's family have appealed di rectly to the United States govern ment, and inquiries to the Mexican government have not been answered. The state department and the depart ment of justice at Washington are planning a determined attitude in the matter, it is said. THE DARROW TRIAL TAKES A NEW COURSE MUST STAND BY PROGRESSIVES -OR STEP. DOWN K5I llauy a HUrh Diver. Omaha, Neb., July 17. Reed Fair banks, aged three years, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Fairbanks, of Salt Lake City, fell from the window a fast moving Union Pacific passenger train yesterday, escaping with only slight Injuries. When the train was stopped train men ruBhed back and found young Fairbanks little the worse for his plunge. Journal "Want Ads" Brlna Results. U. S. Department of Ajft icultur , WEATHER BUREAU. Vj.i WILLIS L. MOORE, CliW. 'I V jji. 4- .5-6 TV Vol r la ,5Z il:h mi Salem and vicinity: Fair tonight and tomorrow. Valrable winds. ) i:PLANATOHV Isi-I OTI, OliMTvullom lulu1!) il ft a. m.. "Mb meridian tlmp. Air prcMurt- rwliiow1 In m Mvl. Inlmrt ftyiitlnii(iti llr,) paw thrnnfTi potnti nf fsiuat air prexsure. Uoiticnrift Ulotu-d lines! pas thrmii'li iwlnla of juil wn am piTalur; drawn only (or toro, freexlnff, Vu, and IU1. O clear; Q partly cloudy; cloudy; rain: Q no; report mlliir Ammifly with tho wind. Flrat flcurnt, lowest tern ix'iaiurr fust Vi hours, accond. preclulutlun of 01 lueb or mora tur put X boKiurs; tbtrd. maximum wind velocity. . 9 UNITID PKKSS IJOAKKD WI1IB. AngeleB, July 17. A new trend by tho defense was noted during the examination of Fremont Older. By oceklng to establish through Older that arrangements for the McNamaras to plead guilty were made November 23, almost a week before Bert H. Franklin's bribery of prospective Jur or George N. Lockwood, the defense made It evident that an effort will be made to show that no cause for brib ery from a standpoint of counsel ex isted. Darrow personally questioned Older regarding a conference between him and Lincoln Steffens at which the proposition to have the McNamaras plead guilty was discussed. The story of this conference. It is believed, Is Intended to pave tho way for the pre sentation of testimony regarding an- othor conference between Darrow, Older and Steffens In Harrow's office, the samo day. It was at this latter conference, the defense will try to show, that It was decided that the McNamara brothers would plead guil ty of dynamiting the Times building. When questioned regarding tho first conference by Darrow District Attor ney Fredericks objected to Older tes tifying on the ground that hearsuy testimony had been called for. An ar gument over this olnt was then launched. Los Angeles, July 17. Incensed by a statement issued in Washington by Senator John D. Works, unfavorable to a third party, more than two score Los Angeles "progressive Republi cans" slgrfed a telegram which was dispatched to the senator today, ad vising his Immediate resignation if he "feels out of harmony with the pro gressive sentiment of California." Among the signers of the message are Meyer LIssner, Republican nation al committeeman for California; Lieutenant-Governor Wallace; State Sena tor Lee C. Gates; Kdwin T. Earl; Mrs. Florence Collins Porter, delegate to Republican convention at Chicago, and others who were prominent Iu urging Works for the senatorshlp. The telegram follows: ''We feel that your statement given publicity through reactionary news papers was unnnecessary, unwise, based upon lack of Information and In certain of Its conclusions, false. Be cause of the fact that you owe your place in the United States senate to the support you received from the progressive Republican voters of Cal ifornia, it ill becomes you either to scold or sritlclse them for their deter mination to carry forward the fight along the only lines open to them under the law. "Due to the fact that you are re puted to represent in the United States senate the cause for which we have contended so successfully In California, your criticism can have no other effect than to vn fairly Injure the very movement that you were chosen to foster and promote. To employ the same line of reasoning that you use in your statement, we feel that If you are out harmony vjlth the progressive sentiment In Califor nia that gave you a majority of votes cast In the Republican primaries two years ago, and can no longer work In harmony with that sentiment, then it is your duty to resign and come home, to the end that some one may be chosen who will act In harmony with the progressive sentiment of the greatly preponderating masses of reg istered Republican voters In California.' Joslen Trial Set. DNITRD WIllS IJtASKO WIHI 1 San Francisco, July 17. The. case of Dr. Otto Joslen, of San Francisco, charged with tho betrayal of 16-year-old Ethel Williams, a former Seattle candy girl, was set for trial August C, In Judge Iawlor's court here to day. HERE'S SOMETHING that ought to bring you out in spite of the hot weather We've Loaded Our Bargain Tables with ummer Wash Goods Just when you need them, at ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS IN PRICES TO CLEAN UP THE LINE. You'll find them grouped at, per yard 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Regular Prices were from 10c to 50c per yard Every kind of seasonable summer wash fabrics in neat figured; plain white is included in the auove lots, WE HAVE TOO MANY WASH GOODS ON HAND, THAT'S WHY WE'RE REDUCING PRICES TO CLOSE THEM OUT. Just Received a Large Shipment of Cotton Blankets Suitable for Camping I H A WORD'S METHODS. (Continued from Page 1.) to Anderson, Goldsmith said that It would be unjust to take this matter without first bringing It to the atten tion of the Judge himself; that Judge Hanford had made a great record for himself, and that he presumably went to excess in taking liquors In ordor to keep himself In good physical condi tion, because be always worked hard. Anderson said that he agreed with Goldsmith's position, that the mer chants' committee was originally ap pointed to take up the receivership grievances with Judge Hanford, Ques tioned closely by Representative Mc Coy, Anderson ' admitted that there were sentiments expressed and gen erally understood that to co-operate with the congressional , committee against Judge Hanford would operate Injuriously to the Individual Interests ot those present Summer colds are hard to get rid of, and frequently lend to asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever. Do not let your cold get a hold on you, but use Foley's Ilnney and Tar Com pound for quick relief. W. II. Allen, ChelHea, Wis., says: "We prefer Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound to other cnugli medicines because It quickly cures coughs and colds. It will ward off a cold If taken in time." Contains no opiates. Is safe for children. Remember the name, Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound and accept no substitute. Dr. Stone Drug Co. is In these days of high cost of liv ing, a medicine that gets a man up out of bed and able to work in a few days Is a safe and valuable remedy. John Henth, Michigan liar, Cal.. says: "I had kidney and bladder trouble for nearly six years, and was confined to my bed, unable to turn without help. Soon after I com menced using Foley Kidney rills and was relieved at once." Ills example is worth following. Foley Kidney Tills will do for others Just as much as they bave done for John Heath. Try them. Dr. Stone Drug Co. Have you seen the Imitation Teak Wood Jardineres Pedestals Hanging Baskets and Bric-a-Brac we are now offering? Something entirely new; they are in a variety of styles and in two colors; useful as well as ornamental Prices from 85c to $25:00 Imperial Furniture Company 177 North Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Come, get an Ice Pick free Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA VSk Sii- ffalaaWBfVyil fffAr-i!'