AIII CATITAl Mrafil. ALH. 0H9W. WEDNESDAY, JEIT 17, MB. rici TWO. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL . HOFER, Editor and Proprietor R. M. HOFER, Manager ln4pDdcnt Nwapaper Peroted to American Principle! mad tha ProgrnM and Derelopment of All Oregon rafellabfri Krttj FSrenlnt; Except Sunday, Knlem. Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Inrarlably In Adrancc) I'r. PT Carrier, per year ...$5.20 I'er month.. 4Rc Bail, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 35c Weakly, by Mill, per year .... 1.00 Hlx montba.SOc FULL LBAHKD WIRB TEI.KORAI'H RKPOItT (Si OHIO'S NEW CONSTITUTION. Here are some of the features of the new constitution which will be submitted to the people of the state of Ohio for their ap proval or rejection. Legislation may be secured and the constitution amended by the initiative and referendum. Five of the six supreme judges must concur to set aside a law as unconstitutional. Women are given the right tovote. All candidates for state offices are to be nominated by pri maries ; United States senators are to be nominated by the peo ple, and a presidential preference vote is to be taken. All appointive positions are put under civil service rules. The legislature is authorized to remove all state officers, in cluding judges, on hearing. The legislature is authorized to regulate the issue and sale of corporation stock. ' The legislature is authorizedto regulate bill-board advertis ing. Incomes, inheritances, franchises and minerals in situ are to be taxed. The Torrens system of land transfer is to be adopted. (Un der the Torrens system, a land-owner takes proof of his title to an official, who, being satisfied of its validity, registers the land. Thereafter the state guarantees the title and the land can be sold only by recording the transfer on the registrar's book),. ... . Appeal litigation is to be restricted; except in felony cases there may be but one trial and one review. Jurors need not agree unanimously in civil suits. Capital punishment is to be abolished. f.. . o HIS LIFE A DOUBLE SUCCESS. April 26 there died in the city of Chicago one of the very few successful men who have ever lived. Reference is here made to the late Dr. D. K. Pearsons, the fine souled philanthropist, who lived 92 years. ' Having accumulated a fortune of $7,000,000 by real estate investments, he started when 80 years of age to give it away. Ho helped endow more than 50 small, struggling colleges, be cause he believed the small college afforded the poor young peo ple the best chance. He also gave largely to charity and for 50 years aided young men to get an education. Dr. Pearsons gave away every dollar of his big fortune, re serving only a small life annuity to keep soul and body togeth er till death. He was doubly successful. Many men have known the satisfaction of making money. Few have known both the joy and the pride of the victor in making a fortune and the pride and joy of the philanthropist in giving every bit of it away. He was twice successful. , He lived a completed life. Which is a rare accomplishment. Death when it comes to most men finds them with unfin inncd plans, or, if their plans are successfully worked out, there yet remains the problem of the successful administration of their affairs when they shall be dead. They "heap up riches knowing not who will gather it." . They know the lawyers will gather some. And they fear lest the heirs may dissipate the remainder. Dr. Pearson was his own executor. He successfully administered bis estate while living. And he had the pleasure in the disbursement of his wealth, of seeing the good it would do. His money went where he wanted it to go, and for the good of mankind. Successful old man! He went the limit of benevolence. Other millionaires gave away money but not all of it. Some of them cannot keep up with the natural increase and are in grave danger of "the disgrace of dying rich." Giving all, Dr. Pearsons, of all the rich men of his day, was the one successful giver. Success? Success is like a pyramid. r Broad at the base, broad as the thronging millions who live their little day and win or fail. Towering upwards, its form narrows and scattered along-its" nides are the few who have been fairly successful. At its top their bright figures lit up with the pure sunshine of merited fame are the very few who have lived a complete and successful life. Of these the gentle-hearted nona-genarian who died in Chicago was one. BURGLARS AT WORK Iti THE CITY SWIPED 112 AD A GOLD WATCH FROM BOSS COOl'EK, BUT KIND LY LEFT HIM HIS TBOUSERS, SO HE COULD (iET OUT AXD EAUX 80.WE MOKE. ' When Ross Cooicr, the proprietor of the Court saloon, and congenial dispenser of the liquid that cheers, awoke this morning, he found his trousers hanging out through the par lor window In his home, their pock ets turned Inside out and a handsome gold watch and $12 in money gone, for a hurglar evidently believing that Ross was rich beyond the dreams of avarice had made a visit to his home during the night. .The burglar effected his entrance through the parlor window and after ransacking all portions of the home decided to take a peep Into the bed room where Ross and his wife were locked In the embrace of slumber. At the foot of the bed hung Ross' trousers, and gathering them up the burglar took them to the window where he effected an entrance and after extracting all valuables from them turned the pockets Inside out and departed. Rurglars also made a visit lust night to the Kenllworth hotel, and stole a number of trinkets and jewel cry. The two burglars would Indicate that there is a regular gang work ing In the city and the officers are making every effort to apprehend them. DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN TO VISIT WILSON lUHITID rums UAHD WIM.1 Sea Girt, N. J.. July 17. That he probably will be forced to abandon his home here temporarily and seek a se cluded spot In which he will have a chance to finish his speech and let ter accepting the Democratlo presi dential nomination was declared today by Governor Woodrow Wilson, who Ib engaged here In repeated confer ences with the various leaders of de mocracy. Tomorrow the nominee will confer with William McCombs, the newly elected chairman of the Democratic national committee, after which a treasurer and vice-chairman of that comnilttoe will be announced. It is expected that Wllljam McAdoo prob ably will be vice-chairman and Henry Morgenthal, of New York, treasurer. VIce-presldentlal Nominee Thomas Marshall will not come to Sea Girt on Saturday, as planned, but InBtead Governor Wilson will receive all the Democrats In the house of representa tives, who will come from Washing ton. The Deadly Climrvll Taooma. July 17. Fire that Marted front a clgnretto stub yesterday after- ' noon caused a loss of J .000 In the (iramlln Hotel, on (' street, In the heart of the bunlnesit district. The alarm was Hounded shortly uf tef 6 o'clock, and when the engines re- IMindisl the streets were Jammed with peoplo. Several guests of the hotel had narrow escapes. One fireman was Injured. A Host m man lost his leg from the bite of an Insect two years before. To avert such calamities from stings and bites of Insects use Hucklen'i Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent Inflammation, swelling and pa In. Heals bruises, bolls, ulcers, idles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 20c at J. C. Terry's. The desire to be gives the power to do. GET YOUR STOMACH FIXED RIGHT AND YOUR MEALS WILL TASTE GOOD If your meals don't tsste right, or you feel bloated after eating, and you lclleve It Is the food which affects ou; If what lltlo you eat lies heavy on your stomach; If you have diffi culty In breathing after eating, emo tions of sour, undigested food and fin, you run make up your mind that you need something to stop food fermentation and avoid your food from souring. To make every bite of food you nit Id In the nourishment and strength of your body, you must rid your stomach of poisons, excessive acid mid stomach gas, which soufs your entire meal. Interferes with dlseatlon and ransm so many sufferers of stom ach trouble, sick headache, bilious ness, constipation, griping etc. Your case Is no different you are a stom ach sufferer, though you may coll It by some other name; your real and only trouble Is that which you eat does not digest, but quickly ferments end sours, producing an unhealthy condition. A bottle of Cooper's. New Discovery will bring relief and It will only take a few doses to do It Go right to your druggist and se cure a bottle, take three doses one before each meal and If you truly don't feel the Immediate benefits, sim ply return the bottle to the druggist and get your money back. After tak ing a full bottle, there will bo no traces of stomach trouble. For sale by J, C. Ferry. IS U K F1I0M A KI M. Visum THE EAST A. A. Ue, of the Salem Abstract Co., lias returned from a trip In the east. Mr. Lee went primarily as a delegate from Oregon to the Methodist church conference at Minneapolis, at which pine ho spent one month. He then went to Indiana, his former home, where he spent several weeks. Iluv ing relatives and friends in northern Illinois, Indiana uiul Michigan, he spent some time visiting there. When asked about the prosperity and progress of tho country, Mr. Lee stated that the limit of high prices must certainly have been reached. When farm products sell nt the prices they do In the markets of the east, the question of the hlnh cost of living cannot be laid to any other source than that. lu comparison of the climate of the cast ami the west, Mr. said that upon his arrival home, he went to bed without exercising ordinary discretion, for with but a sheet over him for cov er In Oregon, he awakened In tho mid dle of the night cold and shivering. This condition would not cslut In the east. Tho crop prospect Is not very prom ising In tho districts vlr.lted. but with favorable weather the country will produce a fair crop this year. Mall Carriers Win Klj. This Is an ngo of grcu dlscovir'ci Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam's mall ci-pers flybg lu all directions, transmuting mall. Peo ple, take a wonderful interest ill a JlNievery that benflts them, rial's by Dr. King's New l rcovery f r colitis, colds and otder throat and i'li.j disease Is the most opular med icine In America. "It ct.--ed me of a din'iif'.lul cough," wnt'S M b. J. f. Di-.vie Stlckney Ciinoi. Me, "n'ter d' treatnent md all inlie dif failed." Kxc-I:et f,v c.ei:hi. co ri or any bronch. vl affection. I r c? 5o and $1.00. Trial lo;:l-t fr.e .it J. C. ferry's. s TO ELECT TAFT COST $1,615,518 Washington. July lTf-FostuviBter General Frank H. Hitchcock, chair man of the republican national com mittee In 1908, testified today before a senate Investigating committee that $1,655,518 was contributed to Presi dent Taft's campaign. Six hundred and twenty thousand dollars of this total, he said, was distributed to the states, and the rest was used nation ally. The largest contributors, Hitch cock said, were Charles P. Taft, $50, 000; William Nelson Cromwell, $25. 000; Lars Anderson, $25,000; Andrew Carnegie, $20,000, and William Smith Cochran, $15,000. Hltshcock delivered to the commit tee records showing what money had been received and how It was dis tributed. He said General DuPont, of Delaware wished to contribute $20,000 but It was declined. No cor porations contributed. FOUR GAMES TO DE PLAYED WITH ALDANY ManngerxIlaker, of the Salem Sena tors, has arranged a series of four games with the Albany team. The series Is to begin next Sunday with the flrbt game on the Salem grounds. Thereafter the three succeeding Sun days the games will alternate between Salem and Albany. InfoodS Sarsaparilla ., 1 ,,1!orlll Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way build up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual IKiuld form or I" 'ocolate coated tablet called Sarsatabs. ANSWER IT HONESTLY. Are the Statement of Salem Citizens Not Mere Reliable Than Thane of I'tler Strangers! This is a vital question. It is fraught with Interest to Salem. It permits of only one answer. It cannot be evaded or Ignored. A Snlem citizen speaks here, Speaks for the welfare of Salem. A citizen's statement is reliable. An utter strnnger's is doubtful, Home proof is the best proof. A. W. Lobaack, R. F. D. No. 1, Sa lem, Oregon, says: "I was laid up for two weeks by disordered kidneys, caused, 1 believe, by a strain. I tried several remedies but obtained no re lief, and when a neighbor advised me to take Donn's Kidney Pills, I did so. The contents of one box made me so well that I resumed work, Doan's Kidney Pills helped me greatly and I pm pleased to recommend them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents- Foster-Milburn Co., liuffalo, New York, sole agents for the I'nlted States. Remember the name Doan's and lnko no other. Stop That Itch You hnvf no itlca wlint relief you can vH from the skin troubles that hot weather brltiK until yon npply tluit Hoothtiitf, cle:m8liiK wanh tli e JJ. D. 1), I'm Mcrlpllon for, We tan Kive you u good-sized trial bottle lr 25 rnt. The very llrnt drops brint? Instant relief front that turturtnn Itch. We know that P. K D, will do the work that Is why we Rive you a rtKular bottle of this ft rent remedy on uur punitive no-pny Kimrnntee. We always recommend I). P. P. for It alven relief from Hummer skin trou ble (hat nothing cine can. J. C. PERRY. LABOR BILL PASSED BY THE HOUSE Washington, July IV. The bill luihered by Congressman William Sulzer, of New York, which provides for the creation of a ntw department of labor, was unanimously passed by j the house today, Sulzer being given a great 'ovation on completion of the j vote. I The measure creates the position of secretary of labor, who shall be a member of the cabinet. Samuel tam pers and other labor leaders fought hard for the bill. It provides for the transfer of the bureau of labor to the new executive department and au thorizes sweeping discretion to the secretary of labor to offer federal in tervention In labor disputes. Tuft Refuses to Compromise. Washington, July 17. President Taft today Informed Senator Gamble and Congressman Burke, of South Da kota that ha will not compromise with Colossi Roosevelt In regard to presi dential electors In that state. The Re publican electors of South Dakota have announced that they will sup port the Colonel, and a compromise was proposed whereby the electors should support the candidate receiv ing the highest vote in the November election. President Taft InslsU that the Taft electors shull oppose the electors fa voring RooBevelt. I King Does Fine Stunt. UNITED PRESS LftAHCO WII1S. Pampelina, Spain, July 17. Catch ing a runaway horse In the presence of a crowd who stood helpless, King Alfonso today saved the life of one of his generals. The king was leaving a cathedral after a public ceremony when a general's horse bolted, throw ing and drugging tho rider. King Al fonso promptly Jumped from his car riage and caught the animal's bridle He was roundly cheered. Snap Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA V " i ' 1 , i' t l fett All patent medicines or medicines ad vertlsed In this paper ara for sal at DR. STONE'S Drug Store Salem, Oregon Also Dr. Stone's HEAVE PROrS Tor the cure of Hemes atlllctlng the horse. A llipild medicine, given on the teed, which tho most fastidious horso will not refuse to eat. From one to six bottles given as directed will cure the most stubborn case. Price, $1.00 per battle or sh bot tles tor 15.00. Large, new tent house, large lot 50xl")0, nil In garden, 3 bearing fruit trees, berries, good barn; $300 cash,' balance 10 per cent per month. Price j $550. I Lot on Paved Street. I Choice lot for $550 cash on a paved street. Sewer and street assesments pnld. Houses sold on Installments. Vacant lots and fruit tracts; easy1 terms. ; Farms, Tho best dairy farm of 3:0 acres, : 120 In cultivation, balance fine tim-! ber and pasture; fair buildings. Price $50 per acre; terms; a real bargain ' HKOlim k BYXOX, 347 State Street Phrmo jv.. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature CHICHESTER S PILLS S0L3 PV DPI r,j'sfs f VrgVttlii WEST SALEM TRANSFER at West Salem for Dallas, Kali, City and Sslcai. Leaves Journal office tor West Salem at 8:40 a. m., la 1:0.1 p. m. an(1 4 p m' T day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Moamouth and McMlnnvllle. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m 100 p. m. and B: IB p. m. Calls t hotelt on request . Te,ePh" or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday. rhnne 82 CAMS MOKE Tim thbpS treetsVlVsTVb1 BAXGED F 0 R I x A DT A XT E. 1 1 . . "derwood. Mgr. OUR Clearance ale Now On-Reduced Prices Read This List of Bargains: Childen's rompers, now 23c Men's $1.00 best overalls, now.. .- 75c Boys' bib overalls, sizes to 31 45c Boys' 50c waist overalls. 25c Children's 50c rompers .35c Boy's 25c waists 20c Men's 25c balbrigga.n underwear 20c Men's 50c balbriggan underwear 40c Men's 50c work shirts ..40c Boys' knickerbocker pants ,25c Boys' 50c wash suits 40c Boy's 65c wash suits 50c Boys' $1.00 wash suits 80c Dress Gloves Ladies' 25c lisle gloves, now 20c Ladies' Kayser's 50c silk or lisle gloves, now ..40c Ladies' Kayser's 75c silk gloves, now 60c Ladies' Kayser's $1.25 Silk gloves, now 75c Ladies' long silk gloves 85c Work Gloves Leather gauntlet gloves, now Leather gauntlet gloves at Plain leather gloves . Hog skin gloves Big Assortment at Reduced Prices. .23c .45c .23c 43c 36-inch Burlap, colors, yard only 1 4c Cotton toweling, yard only ..4c Heavy linen toweling, yard only r...,8 l-2c Ladies' Shirt Waists, values $1.25 to $2, now ...98c Nice, Assortment, Up-ti-date Waists. Girls! Middy Waists, only 50c Men's Fancy Vests, values up to $2.50, now ..$1.00 25c white shoe cleaner, only....: 10c 10c white shoe cleaner, only 5c COTTON BLANKETS 50c pr. cotton blankets, now 75c pr. cotton blankets, now... Size 58x76 blanket now... $1.25 extra big blankets now Pair ...40c ...65c ...85c .$1.00 TABLE CLOTH 25c white tablecloth, yard 70c white mercerized cloth, yard 75c white linen cloth, yard $1.00 white linen cloth, yard ..... $1.25 white linen cloth, yard...!!"!' .. 20c .. 40c .. 50c ...80c .$1.00 Underwear Girls' 38c union suits, now Boys' 50c union suits, now ...!!!!!"" Ladies' 38c union suits, now ..!!!!!!!! Ladies' 50c union suits, now...! !!!!!" Men's 65c union suits, now' .!!!!!!!!! Ladies 10c sleeveless vests, now""" Ladies 15c and 20c sleeveless vests"".". Ladies' 25c long sleeve vests Jap silks ,only, yard 50c silks, only, yard ...!!!!!!! 9-4 good bleached sheeting," only! "yard" ". Our Men's $H all-wool Suits, only Men's Suits at . New Styles-Our $10 all-wool Suits! only ' Boys' $1.00 Khaki Pants Boys' Covert Suits . ' Boys' Khaki Suits 29c 40c 29c 40c 50c 8c .. 12V2c 20c 20c 39c .. 23i2c $10.00 ..$3.95 ..$8.00 50c 90c 75c Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 North Commercial Street In-ort Bile Costs I.e. are a housewife you cannot reasonably hop9 , -Hlfu, by ,, " o ing and doing housework all day Z -"gln.o bed dead tire Olilectiona , Folcv Klilnpv Pin .n in-line. "trengthenlng and tonic, and contain no harmful or habit forming drugs. '. J. Gorham, cashier Dank of Wood ville, Woodville, Ga., recently had an acute attack of kidney trouble. "Th Pnlns In my back and kidneys were terrible, but I bought a bottle of Fo ley Kidney Pills and took them, and cun truthfully say they have entirely relieved me. I Ami nm henefltfrom them tlinn from any other kidney nieuicine I have ever taken." tliem. Refuse any substitute. Tr Stono Drug Co. Journal "Want Ads" Bi;ng Result.