DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEX, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 15, 1912. PAGE FITE. 20 to SO Per Cent Discount on Men's Clothing Take advantage of this excellent oppor tunity to clothe your self in this season's smartest garments at these greatly re duced prices, Our suits are all wool, of excellent materials, and they fit as though they had been tailored for you LET US SUIT YOU Men's Trousers, 20 Per Cent Less IF YOU EASE UP YOUR STOMACH YOU WILL FEEL FINE IMMEDIATELY 1 You don't have to deny your stom- ach anything It craves, that is if your i stomach is as it should be. You will not feel the slightest effect of indi gestion or will you have to fear that Lour food will ferment or Bour on If you will take Cooper's New Dis coverybefore each meal It will ease up yo.ur stomach and make you feel fine. Eat what you please and feel satisfied that your stomach will stand what you eat. It matters not what you believe may all you, if you are continually having sick headaches, sluggish mind, bad taste in the mouth, belch ing dizziness, poor digestion, souring of food, a lax and sluggish feeling, if when you get up In the morning you feel juBt as tired as when you went to bed, then it Is a case of a bad stomach. Don't delay but go to your druggist, and get a bottle of Cooper's New Discovery, take three doses one before each meal and if you don't think its the best medi cine you have ever used, your money will be refunded. After taking a full bottle you will feel like a new per son. Get it at J. C. Perry's. HE SWIPED NEAR HALF A MILLION HOY OK 17 WALKS OFF WITH $500,. 000 WORTH OF CHECKS BELOXi 1(J TO CIGAR TRUST HE WANTED TO BE A COWBOY. UNITED FltqpS LEASED Willi!. Buffalo, N. Y. July 15. Seventeen- year-old Joseph McCarthy, of Jersey City, undersized who really looks about 14, Is locked up In the local sta tion, awaiting the arrival of New York cificers. The child he Is that only in years and intelligence Is alleged to have stolen half a million dollars worth of checks and $200 In money from the United Ciga Stores company the retnil cigar trust. The police say that Joe admitted his guilt. They say he told thein when he was sent to the bank in New York Saturday to deposit the checks and money the sight of the large amount of cash and checks dazzled him. He decided he wanted to see the worldl and went to tho station and bought a ticket to Kansas City, where he hoped he might become a cowboy. As he did not want the checks to get lost he said he left tho train at Albany and carefully hung up the bag containing the money. Later it was recovered and turned over to the po lice. They have since been turned back to the New York office of the company. Joe had $99 of the stolen money left and this the police are holding. INTERURBAX EXTENSIONS. (Continued from Page 1.) celved this matte" and framed that threat before even counselling with me either took me for a weakling, a man who could be frightened into acting against his best judgement or ho Is bereft of those finer feelings of humanity which require that we should look upon our fellow man, whether in office or out of office, as possessed of equal rights and feelings akin to ourselves. That second res olution I take as a down right Insult. I have solicited, as, you know, the wishes and opinions of the league, but I did not expect the league to preface their demands with a vile threat. It Is bad enough to menace one with "the big Btick" after the answer Ib received. I hope you will read this letter In open league as I feel that an apology Is due me. Very truly, B. T. Rigdon, Alderman 2nd ward. Results "the Day Afier." Crowing out of the disturbance on the streets of the city Saturday night, caused by assaults made on a number of young ladies by some Greeks who took undue liberties, the city recorder today Imposed fines of $5 each against D. Raymond, Jack Rose and Malssln Cosslno. Two combatants in a street melee were fined $25 each for their fun. In all fines of about $100 we're Imposed and collected in the recorder's court this morning from those taken Into custody Saturday night. GREATEST BUILDING an CLAIM PRESIDENT INFLUENCED TIIJE VOTE ONITltD PRESS L(ABED WIKH.) Washington, July 16. An echo of the Lorlmer case was heard in the senate this afternoon In the Introduc tion by Senator Bailey of Texas of a resolution hinting that President Taft had unduly Influenced senators to vote against the Illinolsan. The preamble to the resolution de clared that senators alone are the Judges in cases involving the right of a colleague to his seat, and that any attempt on the part of the president of the United States to influence sen ators In such a case violated the constitution. STRIKE SITUATION IN LONDON DESPERATE UNITED MESS LIABID WIRE. London, July 15. Following a re port that striking dock workers, many thousand of whom are on the verge of starvation, with their famllht, in the east end, were approaching the point of desperation.. Several com panies of the Irish guards were today sent into the disturbed districts to preserve peace. This is the first time during the nine weeks of the strike that troops were called out. The au thorities were advised of threats of bloodshed againBt the non-unionists, who have taken the strikers' places. TO TAV TRIBUTE TO MEMORY OF TOM JOHNSON Cleveland, 0., July 15. Fifty tHou and persons will unite to pay tribute to the memory of Tom L. Johnson In a park next Tuesday, If expectations of the Johnson memorial fund com mittee are fulfilled. Speeches by Mayor Neyton D. Baker and many others will form the principal part of the memorial program. A Johnson monument Is to be raised In one of the public parks. HELD THAIN FIVE HOURS TRYING TO OPEN SAFE Coffeyvllle, Kan., July 15. Captain Klvitt, of South Coffeyvllle; Al. Liv ingston, automobile liveryman; Harry Bonar, son of a wealthy family of that city, and two other men were ar rested early today, charged with the attempted robbery of the Missouri. Kansas & Texas passenger train last Tuesday night. The train was held up for more than two hours near here, while five highwaymen attempt ed to open the express safe. Being a philosopher sometimes keeps a man so busy that he doesn't think of gossiping about his neighbors. East Will Cool Off. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Washington, July 15. "Cooler weather for the entire eastern half of the continent," was the optimistic forecast made by the weather bureau today. If the St. Swlthen's Day su perstition works out, it will come nenr raining for the next forty days throughout the east. The weather bu leau predicted probable showers all over that section as a part of the cool wave. Italians W hip Turks. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Rome, July 15. Repulsed with enor mous losses, six large Turkish forces from Regdullne and Zoara are today in full retreat before General Garionl, the victorious Italian commander. The fight took place to the west of Tripo li, and resulted in the capture of Sldl Ally, the Turkish commander, accord ing to advices received here today from Garionl. Folding-Bed (Jot Him. UNITED PRVSH LEASED WIRE. los Angeles, Cal., July 15. The aid of six fellow lodgers and the cop on (he beat was required to extricate Roy Banncck from his folding bed. His wife, returning from tho theatre during the rescue, saw the crowd about the bed and fainted. Both sur vived. , U. S. Department of Agriculture WEATHER BUREAU. 14-6 WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief, J' hy- - . v. ) ' h A v.. . WiM' A1 IT rrm it 9" P i 2 v A"" Sam... Salem and vicinity: Fair tonight and Tuesday. Continued warm. ' IJXPLANATOKY NOTl'.H. OhwnrMlnnt tnkon it fj m., T'.th mrrlrtliin tlm. Air prnDure reduced to Intel, lantran tiotitlnorxin llhea) pmtf thmnrt) ftnlnta of txiual lr pressure. Iwiriermi (lolled Hue) pnu lliroutrU polnu ot equal temperature; drawn oulf fur uru, froe.ilnf, uf, end In'. O fl'"; O Prily cloudy; Q cluudr: 0 ruin; Q mow; report mlmlni. Arrowi fir witn the wfnd. Flrrt flfuree, lowest um pcrtture pil 12 noun; second, precipitation of (4 Imb or more for put M bour; third, mexluura wind velocity. r ' LORIiVlER'S SUCCESSOR IfJ DOUBT UNITED r-RKSS LEASER WIRE Springfield, 111., July lo. Governor Deneen today called on Attorney General Stead, and asked for an opin ion as to his power to appoint a suc cessor to Senator Lorlmer, ousted from the senate Saturday. Immedi ately after his conference with the attorney-general, the governor said that he expected to dispose of the matter within the next few days. Former Senator Hopkins, the nominee at the primary before the 1909 legis lature, has made no direct plea to Deneen that he be named, but he Is using all his Influence to that end. GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP IS THE REMEDY UNITED PRESS LEA RED WIRE. Washington, July 15. "The Inter state Commerce Commission's ruling In the express cases, If It goes Into effect, will reduce the cost of living, provided the middlemen do not absorb too mm of the difference," said Chairman Clements, of the commis sion today. He pointed out lhat the commission's ruling was an order to show cause why the new rates should not become effective. "Necessarily," the chairman Bald, i'the tendency of Iportant teductlonB. such as are proposed, would be In greater or less degree toward a reduc tion of the cost of transporting pro ducts from the producer to the con sumer In all lines ot buulnesa." "Government ownership of express companies Is an Imperative necessity, as shown by the c mmlsslon's ruling,'' said Representative Iewls (Democrat, Maryland,) today. "The order does not reach the farnVrg and cannot be made to do so. In any event It will probably lie held up for years In the courts. The relations of express companies to their truffle is purely parasitic, and rates cannot be made to secure relief. There la but one remedy for human or -transportation parasites, and that Is to eliminate them entirely." Next to the Eiffel Tower, the new Woolworth building in New York is the tallest structure ever reared to the skies by the hand of man. This skyscraper Vlll be fifty-five stories high, totaling 750 feet, and will be head and shoulders above the Singer and Metropolitan towers. To erect this wonderful building powerful electric motors must raise more than 13,000 tons of steel, brick, r.tcne, etc., some of It to the roof. Without electricity it would be dif ficult, If not impossible, to build and maintain such a mighty building. When completed It will be a small city within itself, fully connected with local and express elevators, telephones, electric lights and a dozen other things from huge ventilating fans to push buttons, operated by electricity. Electricity, the master mechanic, Is practically building this enormous structure. To hoist the steel and set it In place are six derricks driven by eighty horse power moters, Four of these followed the course hf con struction to the twenty-sixth floor, the limit of the building proper, after which two proceed with tho tower work as far as the fortieth floor, from which one of the derricks keeps pace with the work. The hoisting engines and motors are seldom mov ed. They remain Beveral floors be low the working level, the cables, of course, running through the struc ture from the drums to the block and tackle on the lifting apparatus Itself. A telephone system supplemented by pull-bell, for the motorman of the derrick acts entirely on signal, just as the engineer of an ocean liner drives his ship entirely by tho bells from the bridge. Only, in tho erec tion of a modern skyscraper the brldgo Is seldom more than a plonk extend ing over the edge of the floor, while the lookout, instead of being in the crow's nest at the masthead,t rldc3 through space on the girder. The work of the hoist Is by no means completed with the safe delivery of the steel at the top floor; It must all be fitted together, and so skilled have the workers become, and so ex pert are they with their signals, that the beams are guided Into their place with little friction and loss of ener gy. Although steel-hoisting is thrilling and to a certain degree picturesque, as it Is watched dally by thousands from the City Hall Park and tho post-office, It is far from being the heaviest part of the work. Seven teen million brick, weighing 42,500 tens, and 7,500 tons of terra-cotta are also used, but they are carried to the brick layers in prosaic whocl barrows, and on every-day hod r.olnts. Six of the hoists are operat ed by 40-horse power motors. Cement and concrete are mixed In the basement, the machines, four In number, being operated by 15-horse power motors. A plumbing system Is necessary, and temporary pipes lead to hydrants and two 15-horse Hivier motors keeping the wnter in circulation, Another motor of 50 horse power pumps rain-water and leakage out of the basement. There are two compressor plants on the work, one for the steam rivet ers and drills and tho other for shooting cement. Soventy-flve horse power are required for the riveters, and nil day long their gattllnggun fuslliide is heard. The electrical In stallation amounts to about 1,200 horso power In motors, 200 arc lights, and about 2,000 Incandescent lamps. A force of six electricians Is kept busy looking nfter the wiring. A1IUESTEI) FOR NVUMU.I.Nfi oi.o 1'oiin.AMi corm: united fvr.nn leased wntr l Sacramento, Cal., July 15 Solomon Alexander, who Is charged with swindling an aged couple of Multno mah county, Oregon, by Ipduclng them to Invest their llfeiC earnings, fl50, In an "arftomatlc roller print ing machine," a fake Invention, Is be ing held by San Francisco officers un til offldals from Porlfand arrive. A requisition for his return was granted by Governor Johnson today. The coll ide suld to have been swindled by Alexander Ib now tloMltute. SII01M) SETTLE IT WITHIN THE l'AHTV f UNITED riHtKH LB4SFD WIRE. Trenton, N. J., July 15, In a formal statement today Governor Kdward C. Stokes went on record against any third party proposition. The former governor was a Roosevelt supporter, and believes that the fight should be made within the party. Foster & Baker X Groceries t MIXCED OLIVES X I'er Glass, 25c f If I I'll OLIVES X I'er Glass, 2,"(i I ;IIEEX OLIVES In Bulk and Glass T TILLAMOOK CHEESE I'er Pound, 2,o WISC BItICK CHEESE Per Pound, OOo H1INZ I'd It K it BEANS 1'EAM'T BITTER, Etc. WATERMELONS OltANUES LEMONS PEACHES CHERRIES ( ANT VLOI PES (KEEN PEPPERS Per Dozen,2(lc I'NCLE SAM'S BREAKFAST FOOD "The Food for Health" Per Package, 25c SWEET TICKLES SOIU PICKLES DILL PICKLES Prompt Auto Delivery Phone 259 - ' (lllTNfLSI. We Have Hammocks For the picnic or outing take a hammock. They are quickly and easily put'up in cool, refreshing places, There is nothing like them for genuine rest on a hot day at home, We can show you hammocks firmly woven, pretty designs at prices ranging from 75c to $4.90 BLAZER STRIPE SWEATERS It ycu want absolutely the latest creation in Women's Sweaters, get a Blazler Btrlpe with the sailor collar. There Is nol hirf else quite so attractive. Tho colors we have selected are tho most desirable, and we have pi iced thein $4.85 MANNISH SHIRTS, 75c Here Is a chance to get one of the most sensible garments ever designed for women's wear at a price that Is really Insignificant. While these are especially suit ed for outdoor sports they are also very satisfactory around the house, where freedom of action is desired. The regular prices were $ 1 .40, $1.60, $1.85, $2.00 up to $3.00, now your choice 75c s9 . 0- Dysentery is always serious and) often a dangerous disease but It can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured It even when magllgnant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. An Increasing number ot people re port regularly of the satisfactory re sults from taking Foley Kidney Pills and commend their healing and cura tive qualities. Foley Kidney Pills are a carefully prepared medicine, guaranteed to contain no harmful or habit forming drugs. They can have only a beneficial efferft when used for kidney and bladder troubles, for backache, rheumatism, weak back or lumbago. Never sold In bulk. Put up In two sizes, In sealed bottles. The genuine always In a yellow package. Dr. Stone Drug Co. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R I A Women never make fools of men; they merely point the way, and the creatures take to It as blithely ns ducks to water. Instead of Liquid AntiscptlcstrPcroxlde many people are now ualng Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to bs dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hyglenlo uses It Is better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the cgrr;. teeth, remove tartar and f : .. prevent decay. l'Ti, To disinfect the mouth, do- L- stroy disease germs, and I fi purify the breath, I I f keep artificial teeth and X) jrldgework clean, odorless To brldirework To remove nicotine from tho teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathlnr. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, inllamedoyes. Ileitis Horcthnmt, wotmdn ii nd cuts. 23 and SO cts. a box, dnivglstn nr by mall postpaid. Hitinplo I'n'O. tHB PAXTONTOILITOO..BoTO(i.Mfc 4 Women Who Know Good Glass And the decorative possibilities of a single fine piece they're the ones you find impatient of anything but Hawkes Cut Glass You will understand why Hawkes has come to dom inate if you will give a little study to our pollcction of this exquisite ware, Not only is Hawkes Cut Glass more perfectly trans parent, whiter, but the cutting is of a richness and daring unknown to ordinary "cut glass," and the de signs are infinite in their charm and variety, For gift, simple or sumptuous, for an extra touch of t quiet elegance in your home a Hawkes piece is ideal f BARR'S JEWELRY STORE j t Many Varieties Of Bread ore baked here. You don't have to put up with tho same kind day after tluy as Is generally the case where bread Is baked at home. So If only for a change come and try soma oth w kind of brend than that you make. You'll like It became every body docs who tries It CAPITAL BAKERY Ml Court Btrstt I'hoao III