Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 13, 1912, Second Section, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10

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    G2 TWO.
Fzstsr Russell Warns Mankind
gainst Selfishness.
Ood ForgotUn In the Sorambla For
Wealth World la About to Laarn a
' Great Laaaon on tha Sin of Avarica.
Than tha Maaalanlo Kingdom Will Ba
Inaugurated and a Raign of Lova and
Rightaouanana Eatabliahad Thou
aanda Oathar to Haar Paator Ruaaall.
Toronto, Can.,
July 7. Pastor
Russell addressed
two audiences bere
today, one In the
Royal Alexandra
Theatre bat ore
several thousand
persona. About a
thousand of those
In attendance at a
Convention of the
International Bible
Students Associa
tion, which was In
avxalon here during the week and ad
journed yesterday, decided to remain
and bear both discourses by Pastor
Rtisaell today. We report ojie of his
Addresses from the text: "80 Is be that
layeth up treasure for himself, and la
not rich toward CJod." (Luke ill, 21,)
lie said In part:
Ours is the day of wealth. Nothing
to compare with It has ever been
known In the world's hlntory, and the
wealth la Increasing. Not merely have
we discovered rich deposits of gold and
silver and precious stones; not merely
are these being mined In a provident
and successful muiiuer, with which
nothing In the past could compare, but
additionally the world Is growing rich
In every conceivable way. Our cltlei
are growing In size and beauty, In san.
ttary conveniences, In spacious parks,
in (food, paved streets, and boulevards
all the world over.
Furthermore, machinery perfocted
within the last fifty years Is being
'multiplied and turning out articles of
convenience and value which add to
the world's comfort and material
wraith not merely In porlshable arti
cles, aurh as clothing and bric-a-brac,
but vast libraries, public and private,
are being acquired; and many of these
In itirlea are becoming cheap, because
of the facility with which they can be
produced. These all, however, consti
tute riches, one glance at which would
anuixe our ancestors.
Kut are we as a raco growing rich
toward Ood, as our text Intimates
would lie the proper thing? Is not the
wy reverae true: namely, that faith
and godliness are on the decline? la
It not true that within the last fifty
years the love of money, which the
AMstle declares Is "a root of alt evil,"
has Intensified? Is It not true that
financial greed has become so strong
' and so persistent as to make necessary
nr recently passed I'ure food l,aws
for the protection of the lives of the
people because life and ttr nil b were
In Jeopardy?
In It not true that although we are
all better housed, belter fed and better
rhrihed than were our forefathers,
there Is a general unrest, because of
the trust In riches? Is It not true that
even with all the modern safeguards
of illce and detective systems, and
the telegraph, telephone, etc., still tin
man lives and pnierty are In peril,
hernuse of the everywhere prevalent
huntrer for wealth?
-Whose Shall Theae Things Ba?"
Our text la a ponton of one of our
lonl's psmhles In It Ho pictures a
mint whose line were fallen In pleas
au( iiUitm. The smiling sun nnd grulnl
alio era prusKred hl undertakings
and his wealth grew. The opportunity
sine to him for helping his frlemlt
and neighbors and relatives less fa
vnrfd-the opiHirtunlty for turning lil
material wealth to n good account In
tin- cultivation of the generous trulls
f his character, and thus to develop
inoiv and more the IMvltie character
I Cot Ood sratlers Ills lileoslncs. the
rntn and the siiiiililne, upon the evil
ami nHin the gooili
Hot Instead uf becoming rich through
iim- cultivation of the noble qualities
if tile character, he allowed selllslincs
tu dominate lie pulled down Ills
twrna and built greater, lie nccuunl
latitl Instead of dispensing the wealth
which Divine providence permitted to
flow luto bis lap Are there not mini)
iMlnf who are patterning after the
rhHisctor which the Lord portrayed In
ttii pA.rable?-iuany who are saying
tn themselves, "I will accumulate
wraith and then say to my soul, You
have plenty: 'eat drink and be merry?"
Think not particularly of jour less fa
ired brethren or neighbors, nor of the
miserably poor, live for yourself
th r It not appear that the Lord has
here drawn a picture of practically ev
try man In the world, some of whom
n really doing these things, anl otn
era only longing for the opportunity?
Hear the Lard's Estimation,
If the Iord declared that the man In
flla psrable was a fool, what may we
tnpp" a Ilia estimate of the masses
f Mm world Imlay-hlossed as men
er before were blessed, privileged
.a uiea never before were prlvtienea,
and therefore responsible as men sev
er hefora were responsible In the t)
f uionyf Alsst Wa fear that the
l.r,r& te nut wU pleased with tha
p, b t' acramhla for weultb, wlv
nessed todny on every hand. In our
text Oods people of today have the
reminder that the massei have the op
portunity of becoming rich toward
God because they have the opportuni
ty to cultivate the Christ-like spirit
through generosity, helpfulness and
Not to the world, however, does the
Lord address Ills reproof and admoni
tion, but merely to His Church the
consecrated few. The world is about
to learn a great lesson along this very
line of selfishness. Having sown to
the wind the seed of sclllshness, It is
about to reap a whirlwind of trouble,
the fruitage of selfishness, in which
the Interests of the rich and poor will
clash In the great conflict between
capital and labor, between those who
have secured wealth and those who
will strive to take the weultb from
them "a tine of trouble such as nev
er was since there was a nation."
Are any so blinded as not to see the
awful growth of anarchy, which Is
gradually settling down upon the high
est civilization to which the world has
ever attained? And are there any so
blinded as to be unable to see that the
conflict will lie along the lines of self
ishness desire on the one part to hold
and on the other part to acquire? But
God Is not appealing to the world, and
Indeed an appeal would be useless, so
Intense Is the spirit of avarice.
God, therefore, Is allowing the world
as a whole to learn Its great lesson thnt
aolflaliness is no Integral part of sin, as
love and benevolence are Integral parts
of righteousness. We cannot doubt
thnt by the time the lesson of selfish
neas and Its results shall have been
fully learned by the world It will be
ready to cry out for Divine assistance.
And by that time, too, God'a assist
ance for the poor world will be ready.
The Messianic Kingdom will bo Inau
gurated and a reign of love will be es
tablished which will contrast sharply
with tho present conditions In all Us
blessed results of peace, joy, love and
good will amongst men. And we may
reasonably assume that there Is no bet
ter way than tills for teaching the
world Its needed lesson on this subject
The Lesson to tho Church.
God's lessons are for the Church-
not for tho church nominal, which Is
merely a more civilized section of tho
world but for the Church real, for
God's sulutly people In nnd out of the
various sects and parties, and In every
nation, kindred and tongue. These, anx
ious to know nnd do tho will of God,
receive specinl Instruction such as the
world Is not prepared to receive. To
these saintly footstep followers of Je
sus, the Lord says, Let not your riches,
your treasures be of au earthly kind.
Ita flier, go to the opposite extreme and
spend nnd. bo spent In the Interests of
others. In the service of God, In the
service of His message of love; and
thus, along the lines of the Divine
promises, seek for a share with the
great lledcetucr In tho sufferings and
self-denials of tho present life, and In
the glory, honor and Immortality of
tho life Hint Is to come.
"Therefore, take no thought for your
life I soul) what ye shall cat, neither
for the body what ye shall put on. The
soul Is more than meat, and the body
more than raiment" "Your Father
knoweth what things ye have need of "
Then-fore, "seek llrst Ichlelly the
Kingdom" and the righteousness which
M demands and nil needful things shall
be supplied according to your Father's
wisdom. "Kcar not, little flock, for It
Is your Father's good pleasure to give
you the Kingdom. Sell that ye have
and give ulms, provide yourselves bags
which wax not old, a treasure In the
heavens which fudetli not awny, where
uo thief approRYhoth, neither moth cor
rupted!: for where your treasure Is.
there will your heart be also."-Luke
ill. 32 -34.
"Charge Them That Ba Rioh."
We are not for n moment to suppose
that the Apostle referred lu the world
ly rich when he wrote to Timothy,
"Charge lliein thnt are rich lu this
world 1 hut they be not high-minded,
lior trust In uncertain riches, but tn
the living God who glveth us richly all
things to enjoy." (I Timothy vt. 17.1
Most evidently the Asstle refers to
some of the consecrated people of Ood
as having wealth: they are to consul
er It a stewardship, and not their own
-not to be disposed of according to
their own vorldly caprices, and surely
not to be dlsiHixi-d of according to the
dictum of their friends mid neighbors
and relative
If they are the Lord's, nil they have
mint have liceti coumc ruled to Klin,
ehe they were not accepted as Ills dls
clples as He said The charge which
the Apostle directed to be given to the
brethren possessing wealth Is stilted,
"that they do good, that they lie rich
In good works, ready to distribute tfor
the necessities of nlhersi, willing to
coiiiniunlcnte" 1 Ills-rally; willing to share
with others of the brethren ns mem
hers of a coinmutiliy, somewhat along
the lines of Christian communism).
The effect of so doing, the Astl
tates, would be "laying up In store
for themselves a good foundation
against the time to come. The word
foMinlHtliiN -n-re Is used In the same
sense as when we say thnt a wealthy
man gave a foundation of a million
dollars for a college. His present con
stitutes the foundation er basis for the
carrying oct of the college plans and
Thus a 1'hrlslltin who generously uses
In the Lord's service his financial
stcward-ihlp Is laying a foundation for
the futurea foundation for his splr
Itusl wealth, and the more of lime and
Influence and wealth any of us can lay
up thin lu doing good In forwarding
the Interests of the brethren and the
Lord's work, the more are we piling up
our treasures hi heaven and lessening
those on earth. A- the advantage of
thla procedure la that It helvs to center
our nearta on things aboVe. end to wean
them from (ha things of the earth, fur
where our treasures are tliere will our
beans be also. Ami thus, says the
Apostle, we will be able to "lay bold 00
eternal life," now proffered to us.
Like Unto Your Father,
It helps God's Intelligent children to
follow In the "narrow way" mid to
learn the lessons of the present life, If
they can see the principles Involved,
and how the lessons In the School of
Christ are advantageous. For Instance,
many at first are Inclined to say, "I do
sot see bow It will make any differ
ence to the Lord what I do with my
money, my talents, my influence. He
Is rich, lie needs nothing. Moreover,
if any are needy. He Is quite uble to
supply their needs without in the
slightest degree Impoverishing Himself.
Why, then, should He desire Ills chil
dren, who are fur from rich In the
world's estimation, to use their little
talents of time and money and Influ
ence, and why make this a test for
them, which will determine whether or
not tbey shall attain to the Kingdom at
all, and if they attain at all, whether
they shall be amongst the greatest or
amongst the least in the Kingdom?
What Is the philosophy of It?"
The philosophy Is this: Man as orig
inally created, In the Divine likeness,
waa tender-hearted, sympathetic. It
was after sin entered the world and
the strife for a living began that self
ishness gradually become the predom
inant Influence, producing bard-heart-edness
carelessness of the interests of
others self-love.
Take Away tha Stony Heart
God proposes that during the thou
sand years of McsBlnh's reign the bard-
henrtedness of our race shnll gradual
ly be dissolved. Satan will be bound
and his allurements will be ended.
The curse will be lifted, the earth will
yield Its Increase, the thorns and this
tles wlh give place, and so will the
pests. The stress being lifted from
mankind It will lie easier for him to
lenrn the lessons of love nnd brother
hood, and to rise up out of his present
condition of meanness and hard-heart-
edness, selfishness back to the glo
rious Image of God in which mnn was
created. This will mean the dissolving
of the stony-heartednetis of our race;
or. ns the Scriptures put It, the, Lord
will take away the stony heart out of
their llosh. nnd give them a heart of
flesh-a heart of sympathy. All under
thnt favorable condition who will re
fuse to return to harmony with God,
and to the likeness of God. will be de
stroyed from amongst the people In
the Second Denth.-Acts 111. 10 23.
But while such a restitution under
the favorable conditions of the Mes
sianic Kingdom Is God's provision for
the world. He has a different provision
for the Church, now being culled, test
ed, proven By nature our hearts are
hard and selfish; and. its the Apostle
says, "We were children of wrath,
even as others." The fact that God
bns called 11 to Joint -heirship with
Ills Son In the glorious Kingdom that
Is shortly to bless the world dis-s not
signify that He will accept us In on
present condition of hard hi-nrt edness
and selfishness
On tho contrary. If we are to he the
kings, priests and Judges of the world,
In association with our Lord and Head,
the great King, we can readily see
(hat wo ourselves must get rid of this
condition before we could be properly
capable of helping the world up out of
Its liiird heartediiesH
"Wa Walk by Faith,"
In various respects the Lord's deal
ings with His called Church at the
present time Hre dilTerciit from what
Ills dealings will lie with the world
by and by. This Is because ours Is so
high au honor; and, correspondingly.
It Is appropriate thnt we should mani
fest the more love, the more seal than
will be expected of the world.
To Illustrate: We must walk by
faith and not by sight, and volun
tnrlly accept the lord's providences,
and voluntarily undertake to coop
erate In putting awny the stony heart.
accepting Instead the Spirit of the
Lord, and the Spirit of the ralher-
a spirit of love, kindness, gentleness.
meekness, patience nnd long suffering
toward all. Moreover, during the thou
shiiiI years of the world's recovery
from sin and selfishness and ha I'd
henrtedness, doubtless each Individual
will have several centuries for bts
gradual development, but the Father
sot-ks in the Clin'rett class such as will
manifest so much real for Him, and
such ns will give sin h hoed to His in
st ructions, and show such earnestness
to copy Ills character, that they will
succeed In attaining 11 heart condition
of tenderness, sympathy and love like
unto the Heavenly Father's, lu the
present years of their Christian ex-(H-rlcnce.
And If we shall ultimately demon
atrate this fixity of our hearts, the Lord
will own us as His children In the First
Itesurrectlon ami grant ns K-rfect ImhI
U-s oil thcxpliit plane, when It will Is
possible for us to lie absolutely like
film. That Is the glorious condition
for which we are walling, hoping, pray
lug. striving And II Is tvllliln our
reach, for the Lord has not called us
In vain: "Faithful Is He who h.ilh
called us."
So then, dear fellow-Wide students
let us gird up the loins of our minds
determining that with the Lord's help
we will lie rich toward Cod. let
think less and less of earthly t'rhi-s
and more and more prize the King
torn which the Lord has promUsJ to
Ills faithful ones. All who shall al
tnln to It will be rich In the highest
sense, rich toward God Not onlj
will they be rich In the possession f
the highest prlre that God lias to give
-Ills very best-but following the
process and lessons of onr Great Teach
er we shall be rich In Ills character
likeness, rich In exi-erlence. rich In
faith, rich In benevolence, rich In all
that la good and great however fT
we may be in earthly goods, at the
finish of our ronrsa.
Blur capital joukhal, ale. OKtcoa.
Children Cry
56 v.ss.n.vx.n.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
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iaSyy, J-U&JUM Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-grood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanper the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
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has been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation,
flatulency, "Wind Colic, all , Teething- Troubles and
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assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
ure to please
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wearied physique,
ffects a soothing cure for the
nervous ills of life.
'akes life
rings good
who partake in moderation,
ilivens the
cast and
ndows existence with hopes
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estores man
Pianos and Organs
from the cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Sewing Machines
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewing
machines. Sewing ma
chines rented.
i A
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.j. j
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satubpat, jclt 13, 1912.
for Fletcher's
Signature of
the lovers of a
invigorating, pure
to the weak and
more pleasant and
the heavy heart.'
fellowship to ali
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I: Edison, Victor and
X A full stock of Records.
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j; Latest Sheet Music
i Piano and Organ Studies
Violins, Guitars,
Mandolins and Banjos.
Many Varieties
Of Bread
are baked h
nave io
rut up with the lama kind day after
nay as la generally the case wher
bread la baked at homo. So If only
for a change come and try lome oth
m kind of bread than that you
iMke. You'll like it betauaa every
bedy dooa who triea It.
w Cottrt 8lr FVoa Hi
tM ( iitt"
When at
Go to the
Rates $1.00 up, Break
a f v
JSKS2f rrrl
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rr.ee h -1 i-
Low Round
$6.00 Clatsop Beach
Seaside and Gearhart, Oregon, on the Paclilc Oconn. The perfect
sea-shore vacation resort south of the mouth of the Columbia river,
reached directly by "The North Bank Road," Tickets sold dally. Re
turn limit, October 31st.
$7.80 Tacoma, Montamara Festo
Tacoma's great annual carnival. Tickets sold June 30, July 2, 3 4.
Limit, July B.
$2.00 Portland, Elks Grand Lodge
The greatest national convention of the year. A solid week of pub
lic entertainment. Tickets sold July 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Limit, July 22.
$9.50 Seattle, Golden Potlatch
Seattle's splendid annual civic carnival. Tickets sold July 15, 16,
17, 18, 19. Limit, July 22.
Train schedules and details will he furnished on request.
Portland, Oregon General Agent
General Freight and Passenger Agt. Salem, Oregon
To the Beaches
Springs and
If you are looking for an Ideal place to Bpend a portion of the Bum
mer, where you can find rest, health and recreation, the outing re
sorts reached by way of the Southern Pacific are par excellence.
Newport, Yaquina Day, Tillamook County Beaches, Crater Lak!,
Colestln Springs, Shiista Sprlnss, Cascadla, Breltenbush Hot Spring
and many other springs of more or less note. ;
With long limits on sale dally to the above resorts. Our booklet "Va
cation lays In Oregon," describing these and other outing places can
be obtained from any agent, who will cheerfully furnish Information
as to fares, train service, etc., or a postal card to the undersigned will
receive prompt attention.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
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You will understand why Hawkes has come to dom-
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Read the Journal for ".Newt?
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fast and lunch 50c, Din- t
ner $1,00, Also a la J
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