T101 EIGHT. Cherry Ladies'White Muslin Petticoats, less 20 J CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL These white petticoats are In many stylus, lace and enibrold erey trimmed, long and short models. Regular values at f 1.23 to 17.60. Cherry Fair Week Less 20 per cent. Ladies' 50c Black Hose, 37c pair CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL Here is a tine gauze Dale hose with wide garter top, double heel and toe. A good fust black and one of our popular fiOc kinds. Cherry Fair Week 37c a Pair Any Ladies' Oxford $2.50 a pair CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL Think of It any pair of our fine Ladles' Oxfords In any leather priced to $1.50 regu larly and offered as a special during Cherry Fair Week $2.50 a Pair Men'sFine Golf Shirts SPECIALLY PRICED THIS WEEK A large showing of FRENCH FLANNELS With collars to match Included In this special. Regular $1.00 Hhlrls at ....S.lc Regular $l.2r Hblrts at I... 11.1c Regular I1.H0 Shirts at .. 91.15 Regular $:.no Shirts at ..4H.I5 Regular 2.r0 Shirts at ..1.11.1 During Cherry Fair Week CITY NEWS. Tonight mid Saturday At the (irnnd. Fine program of l'uvlng pictures. 10 cents. The Hotel Marlon's Business Lunch Prepared and served In an up-to-date manner, 60o. 6-27-tf Huts w Olllres , Doctors Morse and Robertson have moved their offices to room 3, Mc ConiHck building. 7-8-tf The ( cnlral Labor Council - Will not hold II regular monthly meeting tonight on account of the Cherry Fair. C. M. Anderson, presi dent. Hi owning AniiiHcmi'iit Co. Park Itl.llng Gallery will he locat ed at coiner of Ferry and High streets during Cherry Fair. 7-tl-5t Will Kirliiinge Salem property for an auto. Car must be In good shape and have no Infliited value, 22 V. S. National bank building. 7-ll-:it The) 're All l(oliig"( I'oliiK what Calling at Pomei'iiy's I have their yes examined 11111I tit led to glasses mill getting Hnir watches and Jewelry repaired. 118 t'ciilh Commercial si reel. A YcliTiiu ill the ( 011111111111 We have h veteran of two wars with mi at ll.e Salem Commons this v veiling at 8 o'clock and 1 am nine II I er Hlanillng around all duy, you V ill II lid our nice chairs comfortable Mid the sermon prolltnble. Fuiiltles Dry Cleaning Kretih, dainty dresses are easily kept so If sent to us every little while to be cleaned by method which elim inate cleaning wear practically re store the gown to Us original benu nv. Phone 3ii0, 411 Court street. 6-19-eod fcjLi Tomorrow, the Fair Specials at SALEM'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE See the Auto we are giving away FREE You may get it, if you trade here pi1 IP ll St .Ac mi 50cYokes for Infants' Dresses, etc., 36c each CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL These are daintily hand em broidered in pretty designs and are exceptionally good values nt the regular price. Offered for Cherry Fnlr Week only at 36c Each Business Men's Lunch, Hotel Marlon Excellent service, superior cooking, BOo. . 6-27-tf Don't Forget llnseliiill (Iniiie Sunday, 3 p. In, Winton Six vs. Salem. 7-12-2t Rinding Twine Plymouth twine Is Hold In Sulein by II. Pohlii K Son, 210 S. Liberty, and T. M. Jones, Farmers Feed Yard. Filed IIIk I'crtllicnte- Rev. llusttiv Muiig. pastor of the German M. K. church, has Hied his cerllllcale of the ministerial associa te n Willi the countv clerk. I li'iintl - I Inst the light place lo have glasses I ropeiiv lilted lo my eyes. See C. T I'omeroy ahimt It. US South Com menial street. Will Sucrllice- 50x100 foot lot. streets, water mains anil sidewalks In and paid for, choice locution, pure 5:' and $5 per month bank building. $10 cash down 21 1'. S. National 7-11-31 Fhe-Room lliiiigulow I In Klngwood Park, Just completed, and strictly up-to-dule. In every, re spect. Price $2.-i."ii. Terms $150 cash down, balance $J0 per month. 212 1'. H National Hank building. 7-1 Kit Donning Puck Train From Detroit to the Hot Springs. Dally trips are made. For further I particulars address lieo. P. Downing, Detroit, Orcg. 6-10-eod-lni I A llarttiiln Counter Price It Is understood from good author ity that an auction took place yes- teidny at Die headquarters of the 1 Salem lodge of Elks at the Imperial A Merry Go Round hotel. In which Hon. P. 11. D'Arcy No, not quite; but our meal cutlers wiw sold nt auction, the purchaser are on the Jump walling on the ens iling A handsome daughter of one of toniers, and If you don't believe It, the untlered herd in attendance nt Just drop In. Phone Main 247. The Poiiluiid. the price paid being $1150 Capital -Moat Market, Order your end was by chock. Siindnv meats earl v. Thank yon. -I- UJ-iiV'"" - t M Siff Vaudeville Show Last Day of Ladies' Wash Dresses to $8.50 qualities at $4.98 This Speclul Includes IV JUTE LINGERIE GINGHAMS, LAWNS And TISSCE FABRICS In many dainty models and fin ishes; all the popular colors. Regularly priced to $8.50 Cherry Fair Week. Ladies' New Klosfit Silk Petticoats Regular qualities to $6.00 Cherry Fair Week. $3.89 each These nr in the pqpular colors, green, blue, brown, etc., Very pretty flounces. Only $3.89 each 25c Dress Ginghams 13y2c a Yard CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL A fine assortment of pretty Scotch Plaids in very nice color combinations; 30 Inches wide and regular values at 25c a yard. Cherry Fair Offering. 13!2c a Yard. .Mining Pictures At The Grand. Tonight 10 cents. The Illicit Is On And while In the city come to Pom eroy'H new Jewelry store, 118 South (Vnimeriial street, to select your next wedding present. At the (iriinil Tonight And Saturday night, motion pic tures par excellence. 10 cents ad mission, ' (Jetting Interesting Those Senators are playing better ball every game. The best teams In the valley are getting next, lloost lor Salem. We want the Senil Pro championship. 7-12-21 . , f;m Buys .IOxIOO Fl. Lot Streels graded, cement sidewalks aml water mains In and paid for, I choice district nnd located close to good school. This is a good proposl- tlon for a builder. Terms tlO rush ,,,,. $5 month m s va.)nnl ,milk i,.,,!,,,,,. xr)n 227B. 7-ll-3t YMIIng Old Friends Here L. M. Hoggs, formerly clerk In the store of J. M. Ijiwrence and a son of ;. V. Hoggs, of tills city. Is In the clly taking In the Cherry Fair and veiling old-time fiends. "Jlinmle," as he Is familiarly known, Is travel ing salesman for the Peet llros. soap ompiinv and is meeting with much favor with his employers. F.eiialng HiiKiry The "Carnnao;" Whlp- thut's the whip. saddle and harness man. 187 South Commercial street. Priced from 50c to $1.00; the best whip on earth. the Meyers Ladies' Fine Neck wear, less 20 per cent CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL If you need neckwear or want to present a dainty gift, see this assortment of Reiser's fancy embroidery and lace Jabots. Cherry Fair Week. Less 20 per cent. Ladies' All -Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 79c CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL These are strictly alt-linen and daintily Initialed by hand. A very neat gift package, three In a box. Cherry Fair Special 79c a Box Children's and Misses' Coats Regularly priced at $13.75. Cherry Fair Week at Vt Price Red, navy and cream serge, hairlines and diagonals. Your choice, Cherry Fair Week. Vi Price To $1.25 Dress Goods, 67c a yard CHERRY FAIR SPECIAL Pretty voiles and embroidered batistes In brown, navy, tail and grey. Regularly priced to $1.2.1. Cherry Fair Special, a yard (17c. ' An assortment of Fancy Suiting, grey, tun and brown. Less 20 per cent. Daw The) Are At It - At what? Just handing out the sandwich goods. The best groceries for the money In Sulem, and the busi est place In town. Call or phone Main 06. Prompt delivery and quick ser vice. We can please you. Wanted. Enerirelle Ymiiiir Man To learn the real estate business, "re department took part in the pa ean make $150 and up within a few , rnde, the truck forming one or the months. We start, you on the path principal attractions. trv i M1wkCia ntwl It Km I'nil n Ml!ltira In tu puviiwna (i 1111 t c ;uu v ti u it make fair salary while you are learn ing. 212 IT. S. National bank build ing. 7-U-3t Tlie Sunset (Grocery Can supply you with chicken for your Sunday dinner. JiiBt phone Main 131. Order early as we can rupply everybody. Give us your next biead order. Just try It. h.in mi in Take Notice it you formerly lived In Kunsns. register preliminary to forming a Ht nte society. There are about 500. .loin In, and get acquainted. Regis ter Saturday, at Anderson Furnace 'Co. IhmiiIi In armorv. F. A. Keefover. - Journal "Want Ads" Brln Results - "Cherry Fair" Program ! Ye Liberty !NF.W Pl( Tl RES NEW sot;s I Come to the Cool Places t I Matinees Daily L Jj. il uJta cLJfc tLJ3t Roll f SI'NDAY, JULY 1 SALEM LEAGUE GROUNDS Winton Six OF PORTLAND VS. Salem Senators Anyone who reads the baseball news can tell you what kind of a pedigree "Winton Six" have. They are at present as strong If n,t,1P authorities at Steilacooiu to In- 'stronger than any semi Pro team in 1 Portland. 8:00 P. M. Admission 2'c Grandstand Kc CliAFIfi IS NAMED BY THE DRYS PROHIBITIONISTS N 0 M I N A T E ARIZONA MAN FOR PRESIDENT TOOK HIM FROM VERY DRY TERRITORY. ONITSU PRESS LSABBD WIIU.1 Atlantic City, N. J.. July 12.-Eu- I gene W. Chafin, of Arizona, was nom inated for president on the ballot by the national Prohibition convention here this afternoon. The names of Eugene W. Cliatin. Arizona; Frank W. Emerson, Califor nia; Colonel Andrew Jackson Hou ston, of Texas and Hon- Findlay Hendrickson, of Cumberland, Md., were placed In nomination for presi dent. Atluntie City. N. J., July 12. The entire morning session of the Pro hibition national convention was de oted to finances. Retiring National Chairman Charles R. Jones stated that it would require not less than fir.0,000 to defray the expenses of an energetic campaign, lie announced that, ail the result of the early ef forts, there was $31,000 In the treas ury. Today more than $10,000 more was pledged, and committees were named to aid In raising the amount still needed. It was expected that the nomina tion of candidates for president and vice-president would be reached some time tills Afternoon, New Fire Truck Here The new automobile fire truck has arrived, and Is all that Its manufac turers claim for It. Several exhibi tions were given this forenoon by the new piece of fire-fighting apparatus', nnd it proved satisfactory In every way. Much Interest Is shown In the truck by our citizens, mid all agreed .that It is Just what is needed. Hie , Pioneer Widow Dead Mrs. F.llza Einerick, widow of tho late Andrew Emerlck (G. A. R. veter un). and sister of the late Judge 'llurtwell Hurley, died In Lewlslnn. Idaho, July tith, at her daughter's home, Mrs. C. W. Simon. Mrs. Em erlck was born In the slate of Maine, Dili. Being one of the old pioneers, spending most of her life in Portland i and Salem. She was lit id to rest In I I.e. lie Fir cemetery, Portland. Ore., 'July 9- A man never knows how fleet foot ed he really is until he has occasion to get away from the leap year girl. The Elks herd In Portland up to lust night registered 34.000 In attend ance ct the big meet. - 1 Wexford THREE PirmtES TWO SONUS A "Where Everybody Goes" i MYSTERY OF UldHrrtHnHiiuL IS CLEARED UP bsiibd rums LBissn winu.l Tacoma, Wash.. July 12.-The mys-ten- of the disappearance of Mrs George Griffin who was believed to have been murdered by her husband Wednesday afternoon at the Nnr- . . .. n...l..na .allied rows when nis queei v-fstigate, Has ueen cieaieu. Keel-eyed from weeping and .broken In spirit. Mrs. Griffin applied nt the i.m ci,.,.itr county Jan yesieruay "'"; Longmlre and his deputies were mak ing a frantic search for her. la the padded cell. George Griffin was practically a raving maniac. II.. kept repeating his various delusions about the loss of his young wife and wculd not be quieted. His wife swore to a complaint, charging him with insanity, and he was taken to Steilacooiu asylum. Griffin's mind began to wander Tuesday as a result of heavy drink ing. Mrs. Griffin says. SHE SHOT HIM FOR REFUSING TO MARRY HER UNITED I'MtSS I.B1HB WU1B.1 Portland, Or., July 12. Angered because of his alleged refusal to marry her, Mrs. Susie' Agnes Owens today shot and seriously wounded Charles Celestlno. The shooting oc curred at the latter's homo where Mis. Owens had gone, according to her story to plead with Celestlno to marry her as she says he promised to do. When he refused, as she asserts, she drew a revolver from her skirt rnd shot lilm through the body. She then rode in an automobile to the po lice station where she surrendered herself. She is 27 years old and Is said to have been recently divorced. Four Sailors Scalded. USITBD TIIKSS I.K.ISRD W1IIK.1 Havana. July 12. Four sailors were badly scalded today by an ex plosion In the boiler room of the miser Culm, recently received from the Cramps ship yard and in use at present in bringing troops hack from Santiago, now that the Internal dis turbances there are over. There's one created thing that a spinster can't see good In Hint's n bachelor. Special the year round i Five per cent off ! on all cash purchases : in Drugs, Medicines and dry Articles lit Sun- Fry's Drug Store Value received aad guaranteed. goods Semi -Professional Championship At Stake in Big Baseball Series During CHERRY FAIR, SALEM S VTI lil Y, .11 LY 13, HOPEW ELL (JAM'S With but three defeats this season One to Sulem, 2 to 1; St. Paul, 3 to 2. and Albany, 6 to 1. Salem XM won 10 out () u g.UHM nnd will ,mike every effort to take thee three strong teams Into camp Seme of the star players In the state will he seen In these games, lianie at 4 : ill) . nii .....uissi,.,,, 2"C t;run.KIn,l Cr1, pi PERSONALS. . Ed. .Averill, who got his first exper ience In the newspaper business on the Capital Journal, and Is now liv ing in Pendleton, is here for the Cherry Fair. C. C. Page, editor of ilie Albany Herald, Is In the city today, accom panied by his brother. The Misses Pearl Swain and Susie M. Smith, of Eugene, are spending a few days visiting at the home of Mrs. .?. C. McElroy on North Front street. Geo. B. Means, Past Exalted Ruler of lodge No. 275 of Poughkeepsle, New York, Is visiting for a few days with G. E. Terwllliger, of the Cot tage Undertaking parlors. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE Up-to-date six room house on car line, east front. Will take good lot as part payment. See owner, Win. Hall, 1785 S. Commer cial street. 7-12-2t MKN WANTED for mill and yard work. Phone 52 or call 349 South 12th street. 6-25-tf NEW BUNGALOW close In strictly modern, four blacks from business section; $200 down, balance month ly. See Homer H. Smith, McCor nack building. Phone 96. 5-24-tf FOR SALE Ten acres of first class loganberry or cherry land all un der cultivation. Good road, Just 5V& miles south of Salem. Price, $1700; $800 cash. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 7-12-3t FOR SALE Five acres of fruit or berry land all under cultivation, some strawberry and gooseberries. Price $900. ' Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 7-12-3t PHYSICIAN'S. DHS. BEAN Will answer phone calls from Farmers 588, out of office hours. 7-12-3t MONEY TdTOAN TIKIS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, Of, I mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BCRGHARDT A MEREDITH Resident Agent 885 State Street WOOD AND COAL in any quantity. Prompt deliver; our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North Commercial street. Phone Main 813. MONEY TO LOAN OX CITY PROPERTY. Call at room 314 United, States National Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate secirlty. DECUTEL ft BYNOX 847 State Street MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. John R Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1552. JAFAXKSE LAUNDRY AJiD DRY CLEAMNG WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 436 Ferry St. Phone Muln 2252 CAROLINE ELINOR HAINES CONCERT PIAXIST Piano Instruction. Write for circu lar. Studio 491 North Cottage street. Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdon Residence Main 111. RIGDON-RICIIAHDSON CO. Funeral Directors and Undertakers 252 N. High Street. TYPEWRITERS All Makes BOUGHT SOLD RESTED REPAIRED RIBBONS ROLLERS SUPPLIES See me before you do anything. C. M. LOCKWOOD