DAILY CAPITAL JOCEKAU 8ALEM, OBEHW. MOXPAT, JILT 8, 1912. TAOE FOUR Ihrttf , ' " Clearaece Sale f t ) ft f f if 3a is n n 3 Commences Tomorrow Morning Tuesd ay, July 9th if ' if 't 7 it . 4 f 3' 3 3; Special line Dress Shirts Regular $1 to 11,50, 65c EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Suits Regular $10,00 to $12,00 values $6.75 Regular $15,00 to $16,50 values ..$11,90 Regular $18 values $14.25 Regular $20 values $15.75 Regular $25 values $18.75 A genuine clean-up sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing that will be of interest to every man who values dollars. We are going to clear our tables an cabinets of all the season's best lines of clothing and have marked them at prices so low that they will go, and go quickly. No goods carried over. With our big stock of Bishop's Ready-Tailored Clothes you'll have no trouble in making your selection of one of these classy suits, if you come early At Cut Prices That Will Astonish You Read Some of These Specials: Special Lot Suits Sizes 34, 33, 30 Values to $20.00, $. ishop'sjiortd RP Clothes Youths' Suits, Long Pants Values, $10 to $16.r.O, 11.95 Values, $10 to $l.r..r,0, 91.03 EVERY WAT GUARANTIED All Lines, $2.35 Boys' All -Wool Knicker Suits Regular values $5,00 to $6,00, $3.25. MM JV0' n & W"" Special Lot Hats Straws and Felts, $1.20 The Just rigfit SHOE Special on Shoes OXFORDS $4,00 to $5,00, $3.45 Mr " r .At D'OQO Lot No. 2 Novelty Hats, Felts, $1.85 WOOLEN MILL STORE 8 THE SHASTA ' LIMITED III THE DITCH left tho track. The mull car turned over on Kb sltlo. bruising the three dorks on duty. The sleeper remained upright. Passengers were awakened by the Jolting, but were uninjured. Tho track will not be cleared until midnight. All trains will be delayed from 10 to 20 hours. tiOITIlIIOr.M THAIS WltKCKEI) j NEAR CHANTS PANS EAKLV i THIS MOKMSU-THKKK CAIIS LEAVE THE THICK HIT KO ONE IS HI ,'IIT. (tlNITID rH IJE1SSD K1HI.1 Medford, Ore., July 8. The Shasta limited, southbound, was wrecked at an early hour today neBr Rogue river fttxmt eight mile south of Grants runs. Throe cars, the baggage, mall ud one sleeper, left the track. No one was Injured. The wreck was due to a soft piece of trackage. On account of so many BIHH'ial Klk trains traveling north the track had sunk, and slow orders had been put out, Tho Shasta limited, northbound, wns the laal train over heeding the slow signals. The train which went Into tho ditch was run ning "iKiut 15 miles an hour when It SENATOHS DEFEATED. (Continued from Tags 1.) through second. In Salem's half of this Inning Raker went down by a foul fly by catcher. Jones singles, steals 2nd and scores on Smart'Bcr ror In handling Kuy's drive. In the 9th inning with two out, Mclluioa got a two-bngger, steals Sid. Van Northwlck Is hit by pitched ball, steals second. Kinrlck reaches first on Jones' error, but Me llalo and Van Northwlck' are held from scoring, but each scored when C. Dickson got a two-bagger. In Sa lem's half of this Inning, Raker Is hit by pitched ball and advanced to second by walk presented to Jones. Kay strikes out, Ksslck reaches first en fielder's choice In Kelly's catch ing linker at home plate, Portorneld gels ft single, steals second and wheu Keono strikes, out, the melee ends. The llno-up was as follows: Weunas Shortstop Smart; center field, McIIale; third base, Van North wick; catcher, Kinrlck; llrst base, C. Dickson; left Held, Nelson; right mid, J. Dickson; second base and pitcher, Gurvcll and Kelly. finlem First base. Jones; venter field, Kay; right field. Esslck; third base, l'orterlleld; short stop, Keene; pitcher, Raker; second base Hum phreys; left field, West; catcher linker. There will be a game on chell car, which. will be beautifully decorated. The car will be Bhlpped to Portland by railroad and the Elks will leave nothing undone to have their car the prize winner. Of course It goes without saying, no city In the plate will be nble to produce a com petitor In tho Bame class with Miss Keeton, who Is not only a beautiful young woman but a universal favor ite In tho Capital City. She will ap pear In the Cherry Fair parade in the local 's-nleni on Friday and with her maids will form the principal attraction. Exhibits by Manufacturers. Korlnek Rros. Remedy Co., vcterln- tleld between the locals and the Mt. Angel team July 11th, the first day of the Cherry Fair. This promises to be one of the moHt hotly contested nry. games of the season, as the visiting Hickory Hark Remedy Co., team on that occasion Is a strong cine. Therniodyne Co., medicine. medl- (II K It It 1 KH Will. KILL AHMOHY. (Continued from Page 1.) Geo. L. Schrelber, for a number of years art Instructor In the Salem public schools. Final Count on (Juccn, The official count on thev Cherry Queen contest Is as follows: Jessie Keeton. ir.,4ri; Kmlly Nerod 14,083; Mary Kckerlln, 13,310. Tim "Queen" and her inn Ids will be in the Klk s parade in Portland Thursday. The girls will ride In Mr. Slmoiiton's big six-cylinder Mil- U. S. Department of Ajrrlcultur I vTn WliATHER BURUAU. v- T WILLI L. MOOUIi. u;i. "' ' T A O" W k t ' 'n K A, I. '" II ; ; Vi , V. Palent and vicinity: Fair V 'J tonight and Tuesday. ' ' ' ' Northwesterly winds. V . ' 1 ' I ; X. I UA NATON V NOTI, , , ' Q .mrilriKml): & clomiy: mm: .now, Q r;rt mining. Arn.w. ltb Ui.whxV Tr Scun k. torn 4Tiur. ')." " pmifiutlon of .01 luck r mu.. ,i tux M rv tbit.1. mism m oUi4r. J Salem Rrewlng Association, beer. Gideon Stolz & Co., cider and vine gar. Salem Woolen Mills Store, clothing. Hammond Lumber Co. lumber. Rrown PlnnlnK Mill, mill work. Palem Tile & Merc. Co., tiling. Gleason Co., gloves and mittens. August lluckewteln, cigars. A. J. Darling, furniture. Salem Sewer Piw Co., sewer pipe, James Gregory, vinegar. Frame Shop, picture frames. Falls City Lumber Co., lumber. Angora Rug Co., rugs. Thomas Kay Woolen Mills, cloth. Oregon Sienna Paint Co., paint. Snlrm Iron Works, foundry and machine work. F. U. Schuhlnger cheese. Chan. K. Spnulding Logging Co., lumber and logs. Valley Man. Co., Woodburn. tool handles. L'lllolt Printing Co., printing. Anderson Furnace Co., warm sir furnac", C. y. I pplcy. lakinT powd. I'oitlnnd ly I. & P. Co., light and pewcr. Salem Gas Works, gns. BUSINESS MEN ASKING EXPEDITION The Business Men's League at their noonday luncheon nt the Marlon ho tel today adopted resolutions asking OS expeditious action us possible on the Portland, Eugene, and Eastern luilway franchise. The motion went fuither and asked that a franchise be granted on liberal and progressive terms, and the secretary was In structed to write a letter to the may or and city council to that effect. ARE FIGHTING DESPERATELY WITH BOOZE hundreds already have deserted and crossed to the American side. All night there was an exodus of Mexi cans from Juarez, In fear of general rioting, today. Nearly 1 000 additional rebels have reached Juarez from Suaz. These have been drinking heavily, are in an ugly mood and threaten a campaign of rioting and Uniting. .Mystery In the Tides. (Answers London.) The townsman whose acquaintance with the sea is usually confined to that made during his summer holi days, finds the question of the tides most puzzling. He knows that the tides rise and fall twice In 24 hours, and that they are affected by the moon, and there his knowledge ends. As a matter of fact, tides vary considerably. Round about our own coasts arc to be found some of the most terrible and dangerous tidal l aces and currents In the world; they ore due to the presence of so much .arrow, broken land. Out In the open ocean the speed of the waves is amazing hut nearer land tides travel far more slowlv. Down South, the attraction of the moon raises an enormous wave that courses ; round the world from Cape Horn to the Cape of Good Hope, unbroken by Iniervenlng land. Off tho west coast of Scotland there An increasing number of people re port regularly of the satisfactory re sults from taking Foley Kidney Pills pnd commend their healing and cura tive qualities. Foley Kidney Pills are a carefully prepared medicine, guaranteed to contain no harmful or habit forming drugs, They can have only a beneficial effect when used for kidney and bladder troubles, for backache, rheumatism, weak back or lumbago. Never sold In bulk. Put up in two sizes, in sealed bottles. The genuine always In a yellow package. Dr. Stone Drug Co. The Eagle Valley cannery of Baker county started work this week. U n hlrlPool known as the "Caldron ,,,,,, a ftt of the Spotted Sens," wnere the tide a,ve lst xvet,k, CNITKD WESS LEASED L'l Paso, Texas, July 8. Following a night of rioting during which rebel i-oldlt rs broke Into the saloons w hich uau oecn closed ny uie army omcers, nu re than l.taai rebel soldiers In Juarez are today without onus or ammunition. Early discontent among the rebels over ne iiinure to receive pay threatened to start open mutiny, and the ollliers ol the garrison, with de li.Ha of loyal troops, corralled the. John l'ohl, who escaped from the discontented ones. Today the troops l fn n year and a half ago was are being sent out of town as rapidly caught at Albany, Fridav. He will as possible, but hundreds refuse to i:ow have to serv 11 v,.r .i. Mall Carriers Will Fly. This is an age of pro-u dlscover'ca Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam's mall carriers flyi'.'K lu al! directions, transporting mall. Peo ple take a wonderful interest in a Jifitovery that benfits them. Tnat's fcy Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs, colds and other throat and lung diseases Is the most popular me.d icin'i in America. "It cured me of a dreadful cough," wnt-s M s. J. r Dc.vit, Stickney Cifnof. Mo., "utter ni nors' treament uti'i ali othc:- rewe din failed." Excellent fo. co'iftlis. co da or any bronch.M affection. I'r c j One nnd $1.00. Trial boitl-i too .it J. C. Perry's. races Rt the, speed torrent. On the River Amazon, again, the tide forms a moving wall :of water 30 feet high, and reaching ';tmu bank to bank as it rushes In- ! Innd from the ocean, Wade Mosley, seven years old, ex- Cottflgo so many of a mountain n..,.,0 ,.. w i,... , .,i.f the explosive force of dynamite caps leave until they are paid, nnd other or.ee of a 20-year sentence. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I om-' t -.it Summer colds are hard to get rid of, and frequently lend to asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever. Do not let your cold get a hold on you, but use Foley's Honey and Tar Conv pound for quick relief. W. II. All Chelsea, Wis., says: "We prefer Fo nt's Honey and Tar Compound to other cough medicines because It T quickly cure coughs and colds. It J will ward oil cold 11 tnKon in time. Contains no opiates. Is a.fe for by" Honey and Tar Compound and xoipt no substitute. Dr. Stone Drug Co. T w w ws - - - - CHERR Y FAIR SPECIALS If there Is anything In Oregon pa ; er next w eek except Something i i nnertrd with llie Elks, It will not (.n oliied M news. White Nu-Buck arxs Canvas in all styles for the little tots, and a good supply of white shoes for the ladies. These shoes are especially attractive for the Baby Parade and Lnerry Fair. Just received several new styles for the men. X t I REINH ART'S 444 State Street The Quality Store