Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 06, 1912, Second Section, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10

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mb two
Outings in Oregon
Pastor Russell's Sermon
Ezra Logical Than Ilia Trinity
of tiie Creeds,
, - t. ,s (
I'-Wg gli?Mllj
Pastor Russsll Shews tha Bibla 8tu
dant How to 8k th. Mind of the
Lard on Important Bubjacta and
Aota aa a Ouida In Halpiny to Salvo
Our Man-mad. Myatariaa.
Syracuse, N. I,
June 80. Pastor
Russell addressed
two largo audi
ences hero today,
one In tbe Empire
Theatre. We re
port one of bli dis
courses (roai this
text: "To us there
Is but one God,
tbe Father, of
whom are all
things, and we in '
IIIin;nndone Lord
Josns, by whom are all things, and we
by Him. Uowbult there is not In ev
ery man that knowledge." I Corluthl
nu Till, 6. 7.
For long centuries God's people bare
own confessing a Divine trinity, taught
by tbe creed, which was. Incompre
hensible; and invniitlme they bare
been neglecting the trinity taught by
the Illble, whlcb Is more reasonable.
If tbe trinity of the creeds was ques
tioned, boly liandd were lifted In hor
ror, and the questioner wus told that
the subject was a inyatcry, wblcb he
roil Id not possibly understand, but to
doubt It would uienu his damnation!
Therefore ho must profess to believe
what he did lint understand, and there
fore could not lielleve,
The mysterious proposition was
souietlroos put In one form and some
time In another. Borne stated It to
lw 3 l I In one. But other stated It
differently, 1 I 8 Is one. No wonder
If corns of the more Intelligent speci
mens of our race declared themselves
Incapable of understanding sncb math
malic, and loo honest to confess and
prufusa what they could not believe.
Many of these honest souls have boon
forced by their candor lo remain out
Ide the various denominations of
Under sncb preMiire It should not
surprise na that there Hun sprung up
10 equally iinscrlptiiriil theory, styled
I'nlversallMii, .IcMlrluit to worship God.
ret too honest ami mtno'lc utlnii to
take false prel elisions of faith. These
have been driven to uu antagonism of
tbe popular theory of the trinity to
the extent of Ignoring the Divinity of
our Lord Jesus Christ, and the teach
ing of the llllile to this effect. In l
word, (he great Adversary, during the
Dark Ages, succeeded In swinging the
pendulum first to one eitreme and
then to the opposite eitreme, while
the very Truth, whlcb the Ulble pre
sents. Ilea midway between them. As
tlllile students, let us seek to know
Ihe mind of the Lord on tbli subject,
ss well as on other subjects, assured
Ihit the Wlmlmn which conies from
atxx'e Is alone cspnhle of Riving us
pnM-r instruction and guidance, and
of solving our niao-mnde mysteries,
i Consider Now Our Text.
Note tbe simplicity of the Bible
statements our text being an exam
ple Not once from Genesis to Reve
lation does the word Mails occur. Not
Mice is there any hint of such trinity
is (be creeds dtscrlh-icpt in the
Mte text-1 John v, 7-whlcb all schol
irs, Including trlultarluus, agree Is
rpurlniie not found In Greek menu-ei-rlpta
of au earlier date than the
srvunlh century-evldeutly "doctored"
fey Koine trlullarlno Doctor of Divinity
10 meet his lung felt want. Our He
lse! English Version omits the In
tcrNiinted parts f this text Intro
diuiMl a Unit the seventh century to
iipsrt the trlnltarlao theory si
:lniiMb the revisers all profess to be
iritiltnrlana. When one's attoutloo Is
rall.-tl to this Hpurlous piiHsage, the
iHiiigllng character of the addition to
the .HiHtle's words Is quickly discern
isl St. John Is thereby iiuido to say
ItiNi the Knl her, Ihe Hon and the Holy
fpint are going aliout heaven testify
him tn the angels that Jesus Is the Hon
f :). Rven a child mind ran dls--vre
the absurdity of this statement,
rt orclr the nncels knew that Jesus
m-i tlie Ron of God before tie came
into the world and during Ills earthly
Nilnl-iry end since, without any neces
H r for a testimony to this effect from
the I til her. the Hon and the Holy Spirit
The Testimony of the Bible.
Hie Illble seta forth that Jehovah Is
Ihe Almighty God, and that our Lord
Jim Is Ills Hon. Ills offspring, glorl
iMisit exnlted to Ihe Fathers right
ho n t of power, dominion and glory
sit Ills Chief lteire.eiitntlTs and
Alien? Iii all mutters The Father anil
1 1 it. fiiiu. although different persona, are
ne in the Heime In whlcb our Lord
hum suited -one In mind. In purpose,
a, piMtt. lu action. In everything except
.ii iwrson. How clearly the Master
Jtaltil ml to us. and bow atiangely
n owrlooked the foroe of Ills words
ben II prayed for the Church that
iiitubt all ! "on, evrn a Tuou.
Anther, iiti'l I ro onef The oneneas
erf inr Churt li la certnlnly not out
emu r iieriMin. but oneness of faith,
,i(w. imrnunjy. fellowship, oven la
U) r-tima of the father and the Son.
:(! vt the filatr' wwOe at jour
convenience at borne. They are found
In the 17tb chapter of 8t John's Gos
pel As for tbe Holy (Spirit, tbe spirit of
Truth, the spirit of God, tbe spirit of
Christ, tbe spirit of holiness, tbe spirit
of a aound mind It la tbe antithesis,
or opposite of a spirit of error, a spirit
Of vacillation, tbe spirit of Satan, or
opposition to God, a spirit of un
righteousness, or untidiness. These
are not different spirit beings, but
emanations from spirit beings. As the
spirit of Butnn Is a spirit of evil, or an
avtl Influence, mind or disposition, a pow
r emanating from Satan, so contrariwise,
tha spirit of Ood Is a spirit of holiness,
righteousness, truth, tha emanation and
display of lli Divine will, purpose, ener
gy and power. And this Holy Spirit pro
oseds from Ood tha filthy.
And our Lord Jeans Christ, being In the
fullest harmony with th Father, His
Spirit Is th sam spirit of holiness and
truth. And all of God's consecrated peo
ple, to th extent that they have th mind
of Christ, the Spirit of Christ, hav tha
Holy Spirit, and shed forth this holy In
fluence upon all with whom they com In
Thus ws se that there Is a trinity of
th Scriptures very different from th
trinity of th creeds a beautiful trinity.
Befora we proceed to demonstrate the
Itllile trinity and to glv n array of
Scrlptur texts proving It, let us alone
backward and not well tha oondltlons
and circumstances which save lis to th
erroneous theory of th trinity set forth
In our creeds, samely, as stated by some,
that there are three Clods In on person
Ood the Father, Ood the Bon, Clod th
Holy Spirit. Or, as stated by some other
persons. Thero Is on Ood In thre per
sons, or a trinity of Oods with on aim
and object
The Origin of the Error,
It will not b disputed that for mor
than four thousand year there was no
suggestion of a trinity of Oods, nor of
mors than on Ood, amongst th Israel
ites. The heathen nations recognised gods
many polytheism and at least on of
then as having a trinity. But Ood's peo
ple wer warned against all then, being
Instructed In these words, "Hear, O Is
rael, th Lord our Ood Is on Lord Je
hovah. Thou ahnlt hav no other god
mighty ones, rulers before me." (Deu
teronomy vl, 4.) It should bs noted that
our Illble recognlr.es earthly gods or rul
ers, but non of these wer ever to rank
with th great Eternal One, whose Word
and authority must stand supreme with
those who would bs III people. Indeed,
th word tlohlm, as used In the Bible, and
translated gods, signifies merely stents
Jehovah, being the Mightiest Ons of all,
Is frequently referred to by this word
tfohlm. And sometimes, by way of show
ing Ills pre-eminence over other mighty
ones (elonlm), II Is styled th All-
Mighty On. Th word eloMn I slso
used In th Uibls In respect to angels,
became they are mightier than men, es
pecially when they cam to men ss Di
vine agents, bearing th Dlvln massage.
In an butanes th term tloMm, or gods.
Is und In referring to men-men placed
In positions of might or authority ths
seventy elders of Isrsel. Exodus lit, i
till, , I, ; Psalm Ixxxll, t.
As we shall shortly show, ths words oi
Jesus and the Apostles fully corroborate
th teaching of tha Old Testament, adding
that Jesus Is tha Son of Ood, and that
th call of this Gospel Age la for tha
gathering of the Church, to be under and
associate sons, "partakers of the dlvln
aatur."-!! Hater 1. A.
It was after th dead of th twelv
Apostles that without Divine authority,
th bishop of th church war proclaimed
to b th successors of ths Apostles, snd
to possess Apostolic authority, aa teach
ers In th church, snd whose words wer
to be taken as of plenary Inspiration. It
was these bishops In council who declared
th doctrln that I x I Is on-tht Ood Is
ons being, of thre personailtle or man
ifestations, all thre being equal In power
and In glory. The question I Why did
they mak such a statomentf Why should
they concoct so unscrlptursl snd so un
reasons))! a proposition? Ths answer Is
that It was dons to combst certain errors
prominent In their day. They flew from
ons extreme to snot her.
As soon as Christianity bream promi
nent enough In th world lo attract ths
attention of th Oreclan philosophers,
they eonfessed soms of Its teachings to be
grand and noble, but they attacked th
thought that Jesus wns mors than a msn
and that Ills death was In sny sens of
th word necessary ss th Atonsment
uric for th sins of th world. In pro
portion as they ndesvord to discredit
th Hetlwiner and to deny Ills prehuman
eilsloncs, proportionately did th oilier
party xalt and xtol Illm, until tney
claimed for Him that which neither II
nor th Apostles ever claimed, namely,
that II wns ths rather ss well ss ths
Bon that It was not only equal to th
Father In power and glory, but was ths
sams In person, etc. eta
Hearken to th Words ef Jesus.
A llttl Scripture I worth far mor ihan
a great dual of reasoning, much more
than all th statements In sll ths ervtuls,
becaus th Word of God I TruSh, and
th testimony of our creed has Ions aero
been proven untrus In many particulars
We will tske the words of Jesus first ol
whom th r'sther said, "This la My be
loved Son, In whom I sm well pleased;'
"Srar ye ll.si"-Miilthew III. 17; Luke Is, 96
Jesus declined. "My Father Is greater
than l."-Jolin lv, SX.
"My Father la greater than sll." John
I. is
"Of Mln Own Self I can do nothing. '
John v, 3U.
"As the Father bath sent Me, so send I
you. "-John xx. 'Jl.
"1 enma not to do Mln Own will, but
ths will of Illm that sent Me"-Julin
Ther I e unity hate nmnlfesied an ab
solute unity of mind snd purtmse, because
th Itedeenier eouuM nut to da Ills own
111, but th Ksthur's will, llenc they
wer one, even ss w will be on with
each other If we as disciples sr In har
mony with th Father will and Word.
and In harmony Willi our ltedemr's
Hear Jesus ssslni After HI death, after
Ills resurrection, when speaking to Mary,
II said. "1 hav not yet ascended to My
Father. 1 ascend to My Father and
lo your Father; lo My Clod and lo your
tlod." tJnhn xx. Il l "Hey y of Him whom
the Father hath snnetlllrd and sent Into
the world, Thou blaephemcst bacaun I
asld, I sm tha Son of Oodr'-John x. N.
Perhaps th alrons-tisi testimony of th
Scripture residing Ihs exalted position
held by the lUMevoiur Is Ihe word of
our lird Jeens lllmeolt, "That all men
should honor th Hon, even ss they honor
th Father" (John v, 19 This Is In
harmony with th thought at th Father
and lh Bon being of on mind on wilt,
on purpose; but It distinctly snows that
they sr separate persons, otherwise w
could not reveranc th on as w rvr-
nr the other
Oor text Is lo the point. It declare lh
faith one dilvev, to th saints, snd
says nothing about lh trinity three
Oisl In one pt-rson "To u ther I on
God, th Faiher." Th context hnw
tbst ths Apostle I contrasting our faith
with th faith of others who rco-nls
gods many snd lords many W Chris
tiana, say th AiKtstl. rvcognis nty
On Supreme Ond of ell (rods "Th Ood
and Father of our l.ord Jwn Christ as
Bt Peter style Him -I Peter t (
Our test deulorea Uusl all UiliMia are f
er proceed from the Fatner. tie la the
Source and Fountain, the Father of mer
cies, "from whom Cometh every good and
perfect gift" Ills great Gift to man
kind was tha Gift of Hla Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, whom Ha aent Into tha
world to be man s Redeemer.
Three Oods, equal In power and glory,
could not be said to send each other;
neither would they pray to each other,
as Jesus prayed to th Father "Who In
th day of His flesh, when He had of
fered up prayers snd supplications with
strong crying and tears unto Him J
hovah that was nbl to save Him from
death, was heard In that Hs feared."
(Hebrews v. 7.) An angel was sent to
comfort Him and to assure Htm of th
Father's love) thut the Father had not
forsaken Him, that He was well pleasing
In His sight and that He should hav a
glorious resurrection by th Father's
power in due time.
Our text proceeds to acknowledge our
Lord Jesus, saying to us, "Ther I ons
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" only on.
"Th Bon of th Highest." our gracious
Redeemer, "The chlefest among ten thou
sand, and th on altogether, lovely" H
who Is to be the Bridegroom, the King of
th future; He who Is shortly to receive
the Church to Himself ss s Urtds and
Jolnt-beir In His Kingdom: He who, as
King of th world and ss Lord of th
world, will reign for a thousand years,
snd, backed by Divine power, will bring
all into subjection to the Divine will.
It Is He who will thus deliver up the
Kingdom to God, even the Father, that
Jehovah may be All and In all, and that
th glorified Christ may be at th right
hand of th Majesty on high next to
the Father and we as Ills glorified Bride
next to Mm, st His right hand.
The Logos "First and Last."
Ths Scriptures very explicitly declare to
us that ths Heavenly Father Is from ever
lasting to everlasting God. But not so
Ills creatures. From time to time He has
exercised Ills Omnipotent Power snd
Wisdom In a variety of creatlona. Neces
sarily, however, these had a beginning
on was first and th Bible most clearly
and repeatedly and distinctly tells us that
that first one, "The Beginning of th or
atlon of Ood," was ths Lugui.
And tha Ulble explains that Jehovah's
Flrst-Born Son was highly honored. In
that the Father used Illm ss th Channel
and Agency through whom all subsequent
creations were 'effectod. He It was who
was glvsn the honorable commission and
privilege of being man's Redeemer, snd
of thereby proving His loyalty to Jehovah,
snd of being exaltedte..the dlvln Hature,
"far above angels, principalities snd pow
ers." From the very beginning He was
above all other creations effected through
Illm; but by this last exaltation Hs at
tained. In Ills resurrection from the dead,
a place far snd sway sbov sll others
next to the Father at Ood's right bend,
where H shall sver remain without s
And, wonderful thought! Th call of
this Gospel Age I to become heirs ol
God, and Jolnt-helrs with Jesus Christ
our Redeemer, by a manifestation of His
spirit of obedience to the Father, snd
drinking ths cup which th Father hath
poured, and thua attesting our loyalty to
Jehovah and to His perfect will In all
things, svsn unto death
The Logos Was a OodT
In the opening of Bt John's onspel w
hav a record of th greatness of th
Low. And It la much mor clear and dis
tinct In ths Greek than In our English.
Th word lotat. I remind you, signifies
th "word," th "siMsnps," snd hence Is s
proper term for a spoctal Messenger In
olden times kings addressed their people.
not directly, hut through such a messen
ger, or loffot, who stood before the king,
th latter being screened behind a lattice
work. Aa the lotos or messenger received
the menage from the king, he uttered or
proclaimed It to the people; hence he was
styled ths logo, th Word.
This Is on of th grandest title given
to our Redeemer. He wns the Father's
lot? o, or Messenger, or Mouthpiece. He
was ths Channel of the Highest In all
His dealings with th angels, and In Ills
creative work; and Inter He became lo
men the Vole of Illm- who speaketh
from on high, for God hath spoken to
mankind peuce, through the blood of the
cross of Christ
Let us rend together the Inspired rec
ord of St John (I, 1-X. 14, 10. Ill; "In th
beginning was the hoyot snd the f.opns was
with ts Ood, snd th Imom was a god.
Th sum was In th beginning with (fie
God. Uy Him wer all thins ituidr
that were mad, and without Illm was
not on thing msde. And th l.uutm
was msde flesh and dwelt amongst us,
snd we beheld Ills glory, ss the glory ot
th Only Begotten of th Father, full ol
Jrac snd truth." "II was In Ihe world,
nd th world was made by Illm. snd
th world knew Illm not He rum to
HI own (people th Jews end Ills own
received Illm not: but to ss many as re
ceived Him. lo them gave He liberty
privilege) to becom aons of Ood" Ipar
takers of th dlvln nature-1 1 Peter I.
4, even to those who holleve on III
Name, who wer begotten, not of blood,
nor of th will of the flesh, nor of the
will Of man, but of Ood-al Pentecost snd
How beautiful, simple snd straightfor
ward and non-mysterlnus Is Ihe Divine
record respecting the Father, the Son snd
th Holy Spirit, snd their absolute on
ne or liaimonri How different from in
nonsense which for so long we endeavored
to believe, becaus w thought It support
ed by th Ulble! Good Brother Wesley
ws on of thus honest souls who was
seriously troubled on the subh-ct He re
marked thst only the on text. I John
7, oould be used ss s foundation for this
dnctrlns. He knew not that Ihe d.fllrullv
lay In sn Interpolnllon-sn addition in th
Apostle's words. It Is only In cooipina
lively recent years thtt the thn-e orltfiua'
Oretk manuscripts hav neon nrouulil to
light namely, the rtlnnlllc, Vallenii Nu
11X4) snd the Alexandrian
Th Beginning of QoH't Creation.
Let us hearken to tbe Apoeile Paul's
statement reeccttng out ih-m Mt-deeiuer
and Ills glorious station 11 iinen-d not
a word favoring the ahourd llu-oiv tiiat
our Redeemer was Ills own Father nntl
Ills awn Son-one In person He di-vhtict
In harmony with Bt John's Hulrme.it
that our l.ord Jesus wus "ths llesin
nlng of the creation of Ond' lltevela
tlon III, HI Hi Paul declared that Je
sus was "Th Flrst-Born of ver crea
ture, that In all thlnus II might have
th pr-tnlnnc" tCohMislans t !&. ft
And when In one of his stsivments b
pok of our Lord Jsus as thoush Hs
wer th Father, the Apostle piomplly
followed th statement with snoiher. Buy
ing. "It Is manifest that th Fslher
Is excepted (1 Corinthians Iv, 171. in sll
eontitsrlsons, for, as Jesus declared, the
Father Is ahov all
Our Lord Jeau' own testimony Is thst
II Is th First snd th l.nt. "th Alpna
snd th Omega, the Beginning snd Ihe
lt)nd" of th Dlvln crvatlon In othi
words, when th Father created tn Son
M never afterwards dlroetly created sny
other person or thins Ths Law was the
First and lh Last, and by Illm were sll
things mad that wer msd
Let u then honor th Son ss th Son
snd ss th glorious Agent snd Rrpr-srn-stlv
of th Fathrr In sll thlngs-by whom
(through whom) sr all things of th Dl
vln I'lsn; snd let us honor slso lh Fa
ther, as "th Kathr of lights." and Fslher
of mrcl and grac sml truth, "of whom
are all thing" Th testimony ot lh III
bl I twaotirut. honotln lo th Father,
to th H-'a sml I lh Spirit of hnlln.
A th ttrrtpiure dwlarw, "Th words of
th Lord are pur, making win th sle-saT-ltw
L 'i.i
ling Ute Sumachs aMitals ol'
Promotes Didstiotiflifttfiir
ness and festXontains rtcithrr
Opiunt.Morphine nor Mineral.
fioniiut Sfldm
fivmmint -JiOuknutUl
him Sent-
Antrfect Remedv forfonsllin-
Facsimile Signature of
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