DAILY CAP1TAI JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1911 Children Cry MKOJ.RI a q y v y -v i t. . jr -, , The Kind You Have Always in use for over SO years, - and ' - ' v-w, auow no one to deed v vm. i 7 V All Counterfeits. Imitations and ' j!2KJ Ui?fl I Experiments that trifle with and endaneeti l. w,bu5 Infants and Chlldren-Experlenc "iKS"?' What is CASTORIA Cantoria is a harmless substitute for Castoi nn t goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It taplwnfS contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other ircotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It dcKtrovs v 2 and allays Feveriahness. For more than tWrtyYar8 ! has been in constant use for the relief of Conarii Flatulency, Wlad Colic, all Teethln Tro SuHSi Diarrhoea. It reBnlates the Stomach and itw?a GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS IBears the The Kind You Dave Always Bonght In Use For Over 30 Years thi cimji eewpwr, tt um,r mmr. new yomc citt. lire to please wholesome A Iways an and delightful drink, L ends strength wearied physique, ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, IV3 akes life cheers the B rings good fellowship to all . who partake in moderation, E E ilivens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened, i ' ...iii. i naows existence wnn nopes and aspirations sstores man to fulness of strength and activity, Gifts for June Brides JUNE, THE SEASON OF ROSES AND BRIDES, FINDS US READY TO MEET ALL DEMANDS WITH A I'RILLIANT ARRAY OF BEAUTI FUL AND UjJEFl'L WEDDING JEW ELRY. Wedding Silver THE SILVER YOU Ill.'Y AS A WEDDING GIFT TESTIFIES TO YOU It TASTE AND JUDGMENT. OUR MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF WEDDING SILVERWARE AWAITS YOUR CRITICAL INSPEC TION. KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS IN A WIDE VARIETY OF NEW DE SIGNS. SILVER TEA SETS, SERV ING TRAYS AND ALL THE RE QUISITES OF FINE TABLE APPOINTMENT. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE r-vp fcr Fls I M ID i I If 11 Bought, and which ho- v has i borne flZtt b-Se1 has been oAZXT 01 Signature of the lovers of a beverage, invigorating, pure to the weak and more pleasant and heavy heart. The Jolly Baker Is the successful Uker. Our surceM : I. due to the fact that we dims "v;m damaged ny me recem ,n,u, best bread In town. Our motto la Ural or nobody. The finest flavor, tie most perfect nourishment He In ou bread. 1U moisture lasts longer than any otl,ef- CAPITAL BAKERY Phone Hi LACHMUflD STANDS PAT Oil SEWERS For the mayor to refuse to slgu a sower contract and the council to authorize and direct one of its mem bers to execute the contract is a very unusual procedure for a city council, yet this is exactly what was done last night when Mayor Lachmund an nounced to those In attendance at the council meeting that he would not recede from his former attitude fa voring vitrified pipe as against con crete pipe, which was favored by a majority of the councllmeu. The matter of awarding the sewer con tracts for lateral sewer districts numbered 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 brought on the war between the may or and the council, which upon be ing put to a vote resulted In only one councilman, Townseud, voting for vitrified pipe. Several weeks ago the question of the relative merits of the two kinds of Hewer pipe came up for a lively discussion, resulting In the whole matter being referred to the sewer committee for an Investigation and report. The committee, of which J. N. Skalfe is chairman, made an in spection of the plant of the Salem Sewer Pipe company, where the rela tive worth of the two classes of pipe was put to a tost, resulting in the decision by the committee that ce ment pipe as manufactured In Salem was as good as the vitrified pipe. Tho committee bo reported two weeks ago and the counsel directed the mayor and city recorder to enter Into contracts with the E. W. Gelger Construction Co. to construct sewers in districts 16, 17 and 18 and to make contracts with George Gordon to con struct thoRe In districts 15 and 20. The mayor refused to sign the con tracts unless the manufacturers of the pipe would execute a bond for $10,000 to Indemnify the city In case tho pipe should prove defective which the mayor held was likely on account of the experimental nature of Its manufacture. The mayor stated definitely that he would not recede from his former po sition of refusing to sign the con tracts, but that If the council saw fit lie would be glad if It was deemed le gal that some other person be desig nated to enter Into tho contracts with the contractors. He also Indi cated that he welcomed mandamus proceedings to compel the signing of the contracts. Councllmcn Waring and White spoke championing the cruse of the cement pipe, claiming among other things that as the ce ment piping was manufactured in Sa lem that It would be encouraging home Industries by designating that kind of pipe. A long communication from the manufacturers of the ce ment pipe was read by the recorder In which a plea was made for Us adoption on the grounds of It being a home product and that the plant where It was manufactured omployed several of our own citizens. Mayor Lachmund branded the matter of home industry as a farce and a Joke and until the merits of the pipe had bet'n determined by actual usage, he was not In favor of adopting it. The question as to the legality of a con ttiict sinned by any other person than the mayor was put Ur to City Attorney Rollln K. Page, who ex pressed the opinion that such a pro ceeding would be legal, but he would he sorry to see such an action taken. Upon belnj put to a vote, Alderman IVnnybaker and the city recorder were directed to enter Into the con tracts for constructing all five of the sewers. Two unsuccessful attempts to ad journ were made while matter was tit'der discussion. ARE HOW IIEARLY READY FOR THE CHERRY FAIR A meeting of all the committees of tho cherry fair was held last night nt tho Hoard of Trade rooms at which much progress was reported by those having the fair In hand, Satisfactory progress Is being made by all the committees and the largest anil most siicceasful cherry fair ever lielil in Salem Is promised for July 11, 12 and 13. Much Interest Is be ing shown by cherry growers and from the responses received so fur. the exhibit will exceed that or any former year. An erroneous Impression has Knlm.j (1,deh.e that the cherrlcn bi.t a thorough Instigation proves this to be untrue, as the fruit was not sufficiently advanced to be dam aged by rain. Thursday, the opening day, Is to be d signaled Manufacturers' Day, at whlnti every manufacturer In Salem ud Marlon county li especially In- Ti?.ES ' have an un-V. If if broken ten year M j f record of leader- j rift ship on quality I I j V and service. 7 VVk So,d k " detfs lJv'10 consider Jpfj vlted to attend. As many as possible of those in the city are expected to clcse their places of business on that (Say to give tbolr employees an op portunity of attending the fair. An invitation to the Elks attending the convention in Portland will be extended Thursday so as to be pres ent here Friday, the second day of the fair, at which time the largest crowd Salem has seen for many a day Is expected. A Bpeclal program is being prepared for that day. This is the day of the baby parade and as the number ot entries in this show promise to be larger than at any for mer occasion, a grand parade will be given. In the afternoon the main parade of the fair will be given, Ex tensive preparation is now underway for this exhibition the decorations planned excelling anything ever un dertaken before in Salem. Saturday a vehicle parade will be given and the committee having this In charge assure us that the auto parade, for which there will be sev eral liberal prizes, will be the largest ever seen here. In the afternoon a balloon ascension and parachute Jump will be the attraction. In the evening a free and easy time will be had when everybody will give over to pleasure when tun and noise will reign Bupreme. SOME STREETS ARE ORDERED SPRINKLED A resolution was Introduced at the ccuncll meeting last night by Alder man O. L. Townsend and passed, which provides for the sprinkling at the expense of the city of the follow ing streets: South Commercial, MIs nton to south city limits; Broadway from Mill creek to Hood streot; Mar Wet street from Liberty street to Sixth street; Sixth street from Mar ket street to Fairgrounds road. All of these streets are paved with macadam the sprinkling tending to a considerable extent In preserving the pavements as It eerves as a binder to hold the "gravel together. Sprink ling will also be greatly appreciated by residents on these streets as un der present conditions they are very dusty. Notice lo Contractor. Scaled proposals for the furnishing of labor and materials required for the erection of a two-story and attic frame dormitory building for the Or egon State Institution for the Feeble Minded, located about three miles south of the city of Salem, will be opened by the Board of Trustees at 2 p. m., Monday, July 1st, 1912, at the State Capitol building, Salem, Oregon. Plans, specification, notice and proposal form may be obtained at the office of W. C. Knighton, ar chitect, Cupltol building, Salem, Ore gon. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids, or to waive any Informalities In bids. R. A. WATSON, Clerk of Board of Trustees of Oregon Stale Institution for the Feeblo Mlnded, Salem, Oregon. 6-20-Ct etl,e of Intention lo Improve Mulh Notice Is hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oiegon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve South 17th Btreet from 15 feet north of the south line of State street to tho north line of Ferry street wllh Gravel Concrete Pavement at the expense of the ad- Ijneent and abutting property, within said limits. In accordance with tho plans, specifications and estimates for the Improvement of said South 17th street from IS feet north of the south line of state street to Oie north line of Ferry street as heretofore lu'opled by the common council und on file In the office of the city re corder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed description of said Improvement, and are hereby made a part of this no tice. Written remonstrances against the Improvement proponed herein may be made at any lit. o within ten (10) dnys from the final publication of this notice In the manner provided by the city charier. This notlco Is published for ten (Id) days pursuant to a resolution of the common council and the date of the first publication throf la the 18th day of June, 1912, and the date of the final publication will tie me 29tb duy of June, 1912." f HAS. V. ELGIN', CUy Recorder. MMlt PLAYGROUND TO BE OPEIIED FIRST OF JULY The Salem Playgrounds association starts oft with fifty odd members and $500 In the treasury or to be more exact, $500.75. The first playground will be opened Monday July 1st, and will be open six days in the week from 1:00 to 8:00 p. m. The work will start with the supervisor and three assistants. Paul Homan is recommended as assistant instructor in games and athletics for the larger boys. Miss Hayes, of the Salem schools, will handle the Instruction in sewing and industrial work. Principal WIest, of the Englewood school, will be supervisor, and Miss Foster, or Mlsa Dimick, of Monmouth Normal Training school, will be di rector of games and folk songs and dances. The tennis courts and ath letic grounds of Willamette Univer sity are placed at the disposal ot the children. Following is a list of the members ot the playgrounds associa tion: F. G. Deckebaeh, Woman's club, E. Hofer, Miss Cornelia Marvin, Miss Edna M. Hawley, George F. Rodgers, Friend, Statesman Publishing com pany, J. L. Stockton, C. L. Hamilton, E. T. Barnes, John J. Roberts, Jo seph H. Albert, R. P. Bolso, Jr. Mel vln Burdick, R. Catlin, John a. Car son, E. M. Crolsan, W. I. Staley, Dr. B. L. Stecves, Barra Jewelry Store, Theo. Roth, Dr. H. C . Epley, Wil liam Esch, Dr. E. E. Fisher, E. C. Cioss, Mrs. A. N, Bush AuguutKehr- Tergor, F. G. Meyers, B. J. Miles, Louis Lachmund, Cash school collec tion), F. N. Derby, U. G. Shipley, H. W. Meyers, Theo. M. Barr, C. P. Bishop, W. T. Stolz, Joseph Harris, H. B. Thlelsen, D. J. Fry Paul Hau ler, Joe Graber, William McGllchrlst, W. T. Jenks, T. B. Kay, I. Green baum, W. Breyman, W. II. Eldrldge, William Brown. A Card. This Is to certify that Foloy's Hon ey and Tar Compound does not con tain any opiates, any habit forming drugs, or any Ingredients that could possibly harm Its users. On the con trary, its great healing and soothing qualities make It a real remedy for coughs, colds and Irritations of the throat, chest and lungs. H. L. Blom qulst, Esdaile, Wis., says his wife con siders Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound the host cough cure on the market. "She has tried various kinds but Foley's gives the best results of all." The genuine is In a yellow pack age. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and accept no substitute, Dr. Stone Drug Co. PROPOSALS FOR ADDITION TO BRICK BUILDING. Department of the Interior, Oflice of Indian Affairs Washington, D. C, June 1, 1912, Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope: "Proposals for Addition to Brick School Building, Salem Indian School, Oregon," and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,' Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian Oflice until 2 o'clock p. m., July 17 1912, for furnishing materials and labor for the construc tion of an addition to brick school building at the Salem Indian School, Oregon, In strict accordance with the plans, specifications and Instruc tions to biddors, which may be ex amined nt this Office, the ofllces of the Supervisor ot Construction, Den ver, Colo., the Oregonlan, Portland, Ore., the Capital Journal, Salem Ore., the American Contractor, Chi cago, 111., the U. S. Indian Ware houses at Chicago, III., St. Louis, Mo., and Snn Francisco, Cal., the Build ers and Traderi Exchanges at Min neapolis, Minn, and Omaha, Nebr.. and at the School. For further In formation apply to the Supt. of the Salem Indian School, Cbemawa, Ore gon. F. II. Abbott, Acting Commis sioner. 6-ll-10t-eod Honest Advice to Consumpllvcs Holl.t'll"W Ihtltt fxlUlN II VII it BlllOliflt Of hi-pl h imii ii in Hi HHKlltlltjr nf nirli'X rfiimmiitilloii. V Mhiir iiona hut ftLv ml hi Mlurre In whnt wt tiitwrt. If uumclveN Hfflh'tt-il with Tiilrr Iohih. m nliniilil lu jiriTlKvly wlnit w mk olli'M In J -titkt KckiiiMU'l Allrril IIvh promptly mimI fnlilifiilljf. Th Moil v kImmiM thld nri wurriiiU hiiv for fiftklNtr H '"imunipttvm to takn it, In Hint wn linvo iti" reports of tumtf curt-a, Mir ot w!il h follow ar id Hi Hiiut'Uuria Av.. I'tillR., Pi. "Cent li-tiH'ii: Kor two yfiui 1 whi ifflktnl wllli iM'iuorrlintf'N f th lmif, Hie tiiMiih'T tnhilnl tit-urly on iiinlril. Our fiiiutly phyl'ln not IhI ujioiIht HhiiHtH, mm to n-uirtiii wmihl rrtM 11 y l fulid; hmvir, I remit IdihI hih It) rtiniy or liHri. I hh tnki'ii with n Htliwk f iiikihiIh. When I rwovfrrrl miili P'li'ljr lo wiilk nlMiut tli Ikmim I wn left Willi ii frightful liJK'klhpf routfl). nlil'h no iiiflh -In I hn'l ttikn roijUl nlh-vintr. I wiih nt" In mlvliMd to Ko In mother frit rt f llo i-oiintrr. It wn nt IliU lime, Miin-li, thiil I Mrm-il of i; kiiuMi i AHi iMtlro. hi u jttort tlnift tvf I'Hiu'ti Wiih pom1 ii riff I whh pron'Miliri'l 'Wf-ir or Yiirfl.' Htinr Unit tfdir 1 htr IhhI two Hi luh t l lurk ii of put'iinioiila tiul I )iv rforll to nu oilier uicIU-ln to "(Ti t u riir. "I him nt pp'M"tit In r'elltrit hffiltll nnil feel Hint n Iomk hh I run iilitiilll Iv-K ton it n Alterrttlv, I lift- no feiir of (on nmpllort I ihihioI whIi Um Illicitly for tlM (too) K Ijiim ill, lie." tHltnr.li llnWAKD I, Kf.OTZ. IVMjiriir Altiiyl' lnefTei ilvr In Krort- hit U, A-tlmin, IWr Kevr; ThroMt fmi'I I in Troulilea, himI In iiplmlMlnjf tli hi it in lioin not coiitNio oloim, iilntr or ti.idlf fuMiiltiK dlfik'S. Ak fr IxMOtlel nf hmI rmM ntit wrlU hi K kin fill 1 nlxii t rr, I'lillmlelphlH, I',, for lor vl-r1iH-, Kor mIc by !! trailing iinM tu4 J. C. Perry. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Last Week of Oar 3 Everything in White reduced iviih exception of contract goods Supply your needs while the prices are low 19c Boys' Underwear 19c Boys' poms knit and balbriggan shirts and drawers, 24 to 34. Regular 25c, Special 19c. $1.29 Ladies9 Silk Hosiery $1.29 Ladies' and misses silk hosiery in black, white and col ors, Regular $1,50, Special $1.29. House Dresses, Dressing Sacquss and Kimonos In broken lines, We wish to clear these up. Regular $1,25, $1,50, $1,75, Special 87c. $ Wednesday Special $ Crinkle Seersucker Petticoats Just the petticoat for that mountain or beach trip, made of heavy seersucker, Regular $1 ,50, Wednesday Special $1.00 Qimlttf 14S-14HTortl MerehuAM Batman Sut Court . HAVE YOU A BAD BACK? Drive away your backache, get to day a package of Mother Cray's Aro matic; Leaf for the kldnoys and cor recting that lame, sore and all un strung feeling of the nerves. If your kidneys act too frequently, or action Is painful and scanty, Aromatic Leaf Ib corrective and the best regulator. At drugglHts or by mail DOc. Sample FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Leltoy, New York. Error has no positive existence. Children Cry : FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 This entitles i One Vote B I For Queen of the Cherry Fair i SALEM, OREGON S JULY 11, 12 and 13, 1912 One Cent Per Vote The Capital Journal I Contest Closes July 6th, 10:30 p.m. Automobile-Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem APPERSON AUBURN BUICK E-M-F FORD rnmtA at motor CYCLES OVERLAND HARLEY'DA VIDSON MOTOR CYCLES VULCANIZING OHIO Loeontnlille and I'll; Track Liberty Street V Slmta, SALEM, OREGON They Pat an End to It Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Roches ter N. Y., says he recommends Foley Kidney l'llls at every opportunity be cause they gave him prompt relief from a bud case of kidney trouble that bud long bothered him. Buch n recom mendation, coming from Mr. Suble, 1 direct and convincing evidence ot the great curative qualities of Foley Kid ney Pills. The genuine Foley Kidney l'llls are never sold In bulk, but put up In sealed bottles, enclosed la yellow carton. Ask for Foley Kldnoy Fills. Refuse substitutes. Dr. Stone Drug Co. Klamath Falls Is putting down lots ot bltulltulo. 8. r. ANDEK80!, Also Agent for lice and Michigan Great W extern (Jurage 117 N. illgk Yt. 8. FITTS, A Kent Also Agent for .Vets, tin Court Mtreet l'hone (II OTTO WH.H0X AN Agent for the Chalmers I'livne t'.'U Cor, Comerclul and Center E-tf-F MOTOR 8AI.ES CO. K. M. f. MS0"Flniiler "iiT C. L. Hone, Mgr. tM H. Coiu'l 8t FORD AtiF.NCT, E. II. Whttelde, Mgr. Alno Agents fur It ('. II. and l.otler (iiiniKc, N. S.",ll Jerry Ktrcct W ATT SHUT Ammunition, Finding Turkic, Kte, North Commerrlul Nlrcet 'hine 11 RIMONTOJf MOTOtt CO. AIho Agent for Mllcliell l'hone Ml) l.'.t Kurtb Hlgii Street IIAI'HKR 1IHOS. Auto and .Motorcycle Supplies ti KlnneapiilU Motorrjcle Rulem Vulmnfulng A Hublier Co. Retreading, Hectloa Work, I'ilrhlng. Hotlslaelloa (Juarinteed. tl9 Center. Emliry and Cnmpsy Cars for Hire rfcoat ulu ls. i gUUSt 431 Court Btreat