AIIT CAFI TAL J0UB5AL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1912. Pastor Russell's Sermon wnen at Portland C "TTT" Go to the LIGOilCEPTIOilS OF THE DARK AGES "Enastlaj of Teeft" Merely E13 Hyperbola SCBIPTOHES MISINTERPRETED r i ' ') ' V;' ...4''. J VU ! ll'Aoiult KU5SElf) , J Pastor Ruasall 8ays the Bible Doae Not Substantiate Horrible Taachinge of Dark Agae Claaaaa tha 8alrit Ma diuma of Today With tha Witchaa and Naoromaneara of tha Past. Philadelphia, Pa., June lC-Pas. tor RuhhcII deliv ered 'two dis courses bere to day. Id one be "chose this text:' "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Proph ets to the King dom of God. and yoo yourselves thrust ut."-Luke till, 28. Bible students In the past, renting under a terrible fear of an eternity of torture after death, were inclined to twist the statements of Scripture Into rapports for their misconceptions, . We are now breaking loose from some of those horrible nightmares of the Dark Ages, finding that the Bible, rightly in terpreted. does not substantiate them. The hobgoblins and demons of torture, cloven hoof, forked tail, malignant glance, pitchforks and tongues of flame came down to us, not from tbe Inspired Word of Uod, but from the pens ot misanthropic poets and tbe brushes of ambitious painters who revelled In tbe portrayal of blood-curdling scenes and endeavored to make them more awful than the tortures of the Inquisition chambers of their own day. tto far from describing Butan and bis demon hosts as torturers of tbe dead, the Bible tells us plainly that the dead are "asleep" and will know nothing of Joy or sorrow until the awakening time In I ho dawning of the Messianic King 1oiii, and that 8ntnn and bis demon hosts of fallen angels are not fur off toklng Hrcs, but nenr by us, "powers of the air." It tells us nlso that these seek to oppose tbe Divine Program and to ensnare our race by personating the dead, using an their channels docelv d spirit mediums as they used witches, wizards and necromancers In the pusL Sstanlo Influance Naar. Hi. I'etcr. so far from believing that Sutan Is fur oil stoking fires, tlcucrlnrd him as a roaring, angry Hon, going about amongst men seeking whom he might devour-deceive. Involve In sin L 1'uul forewarns tin that Siitim and iiis agents are crafty and tire to be ex Jiocted to present theiusulves us migols of light leaders In advanced truth. We are assured that this dreadful, In Jurloua agency has been deceiving the whole world for centuries. The Ul vine promise Is that Messiah's Kingdom ahull hind or restrain Satan for u thou sand years that he may deceive the people no more until Mtwoiiib shall de liver up the Kingdom to tie Kuthcr. The Scriptures specially forewarn us of great activity ou the part of the vll spirits lu the end of this Age, and Intimate that thoy will have much to do with the great Time of world wide Trouble which will precede the Innugu ration of Messluh's Kingdom. It Is time for us to be on the lookout for those wonderful manifestations ot dla Ixilluin which for a time will seem to make iimny ot our poor race mudly In sune, brutal. Inhuman, diabolical. This is the renl danger from the demons in the present life, and not In the future. They will deceive and torture hu manity to tho limit of their permission, when they will be restrained by the King of Glory and the bright shining of the Sun of ItlKhteousuess, which will usher In the New Day of enrtu'i lilomlng and restitution. The words "weeping and gnashing of teeth" represent, not new condi tions amongst men, but those which may be witnessed every day sorrow, heurtuchft, grievous disappointment; and this Is the use of this expression In the Rlble. We should dismiss all thought that the experiences mention d will hit after donth and the result of 'tortures indicted by demons. Jaws' Bitter Dlaappolntment In our text the t.ord graphically pit tores the disappointment of the Jess when they shall find out bow great was their mistake lu the rejec tion of Jesus anil His Message, Thoy will find that tbe glorious opportunity offered to them of becoming members tn the ilrlde of Christ was tbe highest favor mat Divine mercy could olTer them as the children of A lira 1mm Tluv will UK-tune aware of their loss of thw heavenly portion sad also ot the earthly portion of the Dlvlno promhie. They will then come to tin oVrufiiml that the promt tn Abraham flriilt with two seiils, one heavenly tlie other earthly, and that the faithful ones of past Ages, Abrahsin, Isaac jind Jacob Mm! till the holy Prophets And other faithful ones of (heir nil lon. vvlli be rewarded with the filch 1 ioslilona of honor In the esrthiy phaw of Messiah's Jlliigdom, while they, ulut had the opKrtuulty of en n-rlrw the still higher, the spiritual I'ltnue of tint Kingdom, foiled because t tiiireiilliicHS of heart to wotve the J ; -..-. oii-r 'J'hry will find tliut some whom tbey esteemed as publicans and sinners and (cuttles, by acceptlug Christ and becoming His disciples, be came belrs of the highest promise made to Abraham became Abraham's spiritual Seed members of the Mes siah, of which Jesus Is tbe Head and the Church His Body. Alas, poor Jews! Our hearts may well go out to them In sympathy In their chagrin and disappointment then tbey shall lenrn tbe truth on the subject, when they shall learn that they have lost not only tbe heav enly glory but also the honorable place of being Messiah's earthly representa tives. Most assuredly there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, and contrition of heart and penitence, we trust, toward God. which will bring them Into tbe right condition to be amongst tbe Brut of humanity to be blessed under the New Order of things. Very soon, we believe, the blindness Is to be turned from Israel Just as soon as the elect spiritual .Seed of Abraham shull be completed, St Paul tells us (Romans xl, 25-33.) Then favor will return to tbe nat ural seed of Abraham: "They shall ob tain mercy through your mercy." Their eyes of understanding will open; men tally "tbey will look upon Ulm whom tbey have pierced." Tbey will mourn for Dim, and the Divine promise Is that God will then pour upon them tbe spirit of prayer and supplication. Other 8imilar Texts. All Bible students will recall several other passages of very similar lan guage to that of our text. But when we get tbe right focus upon thorn we perceive tbat they all belong to ex periences tn the present life, that none of them relate to Incidents beyond tbe tomb. A greater care In tbe study of tbe Bible might have protected us from tbe thought that any of these references apply to the dead, because tbe Scriptures not only tell that they are sleeping and waiting for the morn ing, but they also particularly Inform us that "the dead know not anything;" "their sons come to bonor and tbey know It not, to dishonor and tbey per ceive It not of them;" and tbat "there Is neither work, nor device, nor knowl edge, nor wisdom In the grave (nco" whither all go. Ecclcslastes Ix, S, 10; Job xlv. 21. This expression, "weening and gnash ing of teeth." Is found also In the parable of the Wise and Foolish Vir gins. The context tells us that this parable applies In the end of this Gos pel Age, at about ..the. time for the second coming of Jesna not ns a sin- bearing Sacrlficcr, but as the King of Glory. Ills consecrated, saintly poo pie are likened onto ten vlrglns-tlve wise and Ave foolish. Tbe parable does not relate to the world at all, but merely to tbe saints. Thoy are all virgins, all pure, ull Justi fied, all sanctified "ones." 'The differ ence between them Is "In respect -to their wisdom or unwisdom. Tbe wise saints of God tn the end of this Age. guided by tho Divine Word, will walk very circumspectly, very faithfully, searching tho Scriptures In respect to all they believe nud striving to con form themselves to the Divine will in all that they do nud suy. Becauso of their watchfulness, alert ness, devout nous and loyalty they are wise and will be In a special position of ndvnutiige and knowledge In respect to the things of the Ilurvest time of tills Ago. Tbe Muster, the Bridegroom, will lend these; and gradually, one by one, they shull go through the door ot death Into the niurrlnge. experiencing the glorious change promised, "lu a moment In the twinkling of au eye." They will complete the Bride Class, to which none enn be added, because It Is S foreordained and predestinated num her. With the end of our Age the door to glory and Immortality will close, never to open again, because there Is to be but one Ilrlde and her membership Is limited by foreordlnatlon. The Foolish Vlrfllne. The "foolish virgins" will miss their glorious opportunity by reason of un wlRdom. They will be so overcharged with the cares of this life and the de- celtfulnoss of rlcbes and the attempt to have tbe favor of the world as woll as the favor of tbe Lord that It will binder them from proper Bible study and from faithfulness In walking In the footsteps of Jesus. Because of this they arc styled foolish, unworthy of God's highest fuvor-the divine nature. The parable shows them as finally, In the very close of the Age, obtaining the light which they should have bud sooner had they not been overcharged with earthly cares and ambitions. Ai soon as (hey obtain the light they real lie the situation and ask for admission as members of the Ilrlde of Christ, to which they were called; but the an swer Is that It Is complete, that the Bridegroom can know only one Wife and cannot recognlte them thus Tbeu to them will come weeping and gnash ing of teeth, sorrow, disappointment, chagrin, that tbey have fulled to ob tain through their owu rarvlessncsa this highest I'rl.o, to which Divine mercy and love hud Invited them. At that time will be great tribulation In the world, such as never was since then win t nation, and these "foolish virgins" will have their portion In It -with the h.vMx-rltes The "time of trouble"' will I mwlally upon the hypocritical or "tare" class of Chris teiiilom, which has pretended loyalty to God ns Ills Church when In renllty their hearts were far from Him. The "foolish virgins" are not hypocrites but true saints; nevertheless, on ac count of not living fully no to their privileges, thev will fall to gain the t'riie sod he given a portion In the great trouble time irils the hyiwrltps. This I the Muster's own description of the matter A little later on (Iter elation r 1 1 lie tells us more on the subject, that only Bible students my fully appreciate unci ondcrstniid. lie tells ns that after tbe completion of the Church, spiritual Israel, the 144, 000, a great multitude will "come op through great tribulation and wash their robes and make them white In tbe blood of tbe Lamb." These will be honored with a place before the Throne, while tbe "elect," as tbe Bride, will be honored with Immanuel in His Throne. This multitude will be granted palm branches, representing a final victory, but tbey will never be granted tbe crowns of victory, which will belong only to the elect, "wise virgin" class, the Bride opn tbe Throne. The Bride class will be tbe Temple, composed of living stones; but the Great Company, tbe "foolish virgin class, will not be stones of tbat Temple, but will serve God In tbe Temple. An honorable place will thus be granted tbe "foolish virgins," who finally get the oil and finally cleanse their robes In the time of trouble, but never will tbey attain the portion of tbe Bride. ' In Pnalro xlv we have a description of the Church In glory, tbe Wise Vir gin class. She Is pictured as a Bride, all glorious witblu und clothed In rai ment of gold and fine needlework. Tbe Heavenly Bridegroom will present ber faultless before His Father, tbe Great King; and then we read, "The virgins, her companions, shall follow ber; they shall be brought luto the presence of the King." How glad we are that In Divine providence their weeping and gnashing of teeth and sorrow and dis appointment at losing a place tn the Bride Class will eventually work out for them a contrition of heart and a demonstration of loyalty which God can reward with a blessing upon the Heavenly planel Wailing In Outer Darknasa. Another text deullng with "wailing and gnashing of teeth" deserves con slderatlon here. It occurs In connec tion with tbe parable of the Wedding Garment. Tbat parable pictures tbe closing time of this Age, when under Dlvlno blessing God's most saintly peo ple will be given greater light on His Word and be enabled thereby to more fully appreciate the lengths, breadths, heights and depths of His Love and Its wonderful providences. These cousecrnted ones are repre sented as being gathered Into a great banquet ball, riidluutly beautiful. In It tbey tarry, waiting to be ushered luto the bancjuet proper, in un adjoin ing apartment. Tbe light of these apartments Is In the parable vividly contrasted with the darkness that pre vails outside, which darkness repre sents the condition of tbe world und nil of God's people who have not yet come Into the light of "present troth." The parable Is given specially to show tbe necessity of the "wedding garment" tbnt none may enter Into tbe marriage feast axcept be acknowl edges and uses the "wedding gar ment" On such festlvul occasions In ancient times It wns customary that all guests should be furnished by the host with gnrments of white which would cover their own giirmetits. unit for the time being, as bis guests, this plnced them all on the same footing, whatever their ordinary station In lire. Thus we have pictured the Jiistlllcution which all God's people receive as a gift through the merit of their He decmer. Being Justified by faith the consecrnted have not only peace with God. but tbey have access to this tig nrntlve "marriage Biipper." The parable Is laid in the end of this Age and points out that ut this time an Inspection of the Church tuny be expected. "When the king cunie in he beheld a man who had not on a wed ding garment." The Implication Is that the man bud put on the wedding gar uient, else be could not have gone In at all; and bis appearing inter ou without a "wedding garment" Implies thut he bad rejected the robe provid ed by bis host Thus be represented a class of Chris tluns In this our day who, after be lieving In the merit of Christ's suit) flee, and accepting It us the pnsport to favors and privileges, ultimately reject It and count It common or un Import nut The tumble shows what Is to be expected now, namely, tbut the Great King will command that sueb as Ignore tbe merit of Ills sacrlllee be cast luto outer darkness Outar Darknasa Canaral. But let us note curefully that the "outer darkness" Is not somelbliig lie yond death, but that It prevails every where, all around ns "Darkness cov era the earth and gross darkness the heathen." The only ones who are In the light are the ones whom the Lord has specially received nud specially en lightened and specially privileged ls curse thoy weur the "wedding gHr ment" of Christ's righteousness The casting out of the one without the "wedding garment" Into "outer dark ness" therefore would mean merely that such B one, despite bis struggles and desire to remain In tbe Italic, would by Dltlut providence be furred Into tbe darkness common to the whole world and lose those special privileges which he had enjoyed ns one ot the children or the Unlit and helm of glory. About the time that the futthftil will be ushered Info the niurrlnge the great "time of trouble" will break uihmi tbe world, slid all who are In durkne-s will hnve "weeping nud gnashing of teeth" as they behold the collapse uf those things upon which tbe.v tme set their hearts and affecrloni-the things of the present Order. Tbunk God. their weeping and gnashing of leeili may Ultimately Ih turned Into Joy, Ikh huhb there Is a silver lining to the dark cloud which Is shout to envelop the world! It will he tbe d.irk hour pre ceding the dawning of the New DIs pousntloo and thf blv-udtiK of all the fanilUes of the earth hy Messiah nod nta Bride, to a place In which, hv tbe grite of God. dear bearer, let n strive to nmk cur railing sod rlix-tlnn stir. a i.ii AO 'm 10 k III fl""; rw J ' " , :..lT-:,,;--r- j ALCUMUL 3 s EH CENT. 'AVcgelallePrcpanilionror similalingihcFooffamlRcfJula ling Uic Siomactis andBoweM Promotes DiestionjClieetful ncss and Restlonlatas ncidw OpiumMorphuie norMncral.! 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Elks Convention, Portland, July 8-13. ' Low Fares to all points East Jane to September. . From To Fare Portland Newport $ 6.25 Oregon City " 6.25 Salem " 6.15 Albany " 4.00 Corvallis " 3.75 Eugene " 6.80 Roseburg " 8.75 Medford " 12.00 ABhland " 12.00 M MMM-H Gifts for June Brides IZnlivens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened, ndows existence with hopes and aspirations estores man to fulness of strength and activity, -a--.- tattMMMMi i Pianos and Organs i Edison, Victor and : from the cheapest to ttie best sold on installments l MachinCS nnrl rnntort 1 A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL ;i GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines i; latest Sheet Music Genuine needles, oil and i Piano and Organ Studies. new parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. GEO. C. WILL GEO. C. WILL ? SOIjTH SALE1 'market place POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store W also curry a full lint ot cigars, tobacco, candy, pstnta, drugs and stamps. Phone Til JUNE. THE SEASON OF ROSES AND BRIDES, FINDS US READY TO MEET ALL DEMANDS WITH A BRILLIANT ARRAY OF BEAUTI FUL AND USEFUL WEDDING JEW ELRY. Wedding Silver THE SILVER YOU BUY AS A WEDDINO GIFT TE3TIFIES TO YOUR TASTE AND JUDGMENT. OUR MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF WEDDING SILVERWARE AWAITS YOUR CRITICAL INSPEC TION. KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOON3 IN A WIDE VARIETY OF NEW DE SIGNS, SILVER TEA SETS, SERV ING TRAYS . AND ALL THE RE QUISITES OF FINE TABLE APPOINTMENT. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE IT This entitles ft im imi 'i &3Xi ft a? I huT To One Vote For Queen of the Cherry Fair SALEM, OREGON JULY 11, 12 and 13, 1912 One Cent Per Vote The Capital Journal Contest Closes July 6th, 10:30 p. m. The Jolly Balcer Is the successful bnker. Our iuc" Is due to the Tact that we make tw best bread In town. Our motto I firnt or nobody. The finest flavor, most perfect nourishment lie In bread. Us moisture la l than any other. CAPITAL BAKERY t.', Court etrt FlM8 44.44 4.4.4 4