Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 18, 1912, Image 1

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    if nil JIW--U a mmfA
O ' " 1 1 .. , ,, aaaaasa sua WMWMIWWI
Dili GUIMllIll GALLED TO 01 0
by mm msm at m
T. W1D Mil! BP
Whole Afternoon Was Devoted to Wrangling Over the Selec
tion nf a Tpmnnrarv Chairman Even Point. Sn Far. Has
U VI I V w - - j - w" J WW vi MW
Been Won by Taft Men, and it Looks as Though Root
Would Be Named If He is it May Mean a Bolt Then,
Though it is Probable This Will Not Come, if at All, Until
May AtUud Ball Gum.
Washington, June 18. AI-
though President Tuft and Sec-
retary Knox have planned to at-
tend the ball game between the
Washington and Philadelphia
American league teams today,
events at Chicago may demand
Taft's presence at the White
House in direct touch with his
lieutenants at tlw convention.
Uk Is lureful. But it was announced It will
have to be a very Important sit-
Tuna 18 Tho i.,ot J. 4. .....I i. I i X
v.,uu .u, Aua inuDv t uatiuu w ivecy uuu uuiu nenug -r
careful man In Chicago and per- , In action, the team which has
naps the most Interested In the set a world's record by winning
Nicholas Long- 16 consecutive games.
"big fight" is
worth. representative
Ohio, in President Taft's dls-
trlcts, and son-in-law of Roose-
velt. He always thinks twice
when he says anything to his
oldest and most confidential
friends. "Nick" never Indulges
In secrets.
"How's this fiehtine eolne to
asked a delegate
Chairman Roncwater ruled that all
proceedings were out of order ex
cepting the reading of the temporary
roll. Hartley at once appealed from
tlie decision of the chair.
Watson moved to table the motion.
Rosewater ruled both motions out of
order and Rosewater then said that
all he could do was to present the
name of Hon. Ellhu Root, for tem
porary chairman.
"I now Invite other nominations,"
lie said.
Rosewater here recoenlzed Henry
you will seat unlawful delegates.
And I say as a man from the great
Btate of Kentucky that that great
Mate will never sink so low as to
accent moral advice from Francis J.
Here the Pennsylvania delegates
started a chorus of "lorlmer" and
Bradley, livid with rage, shaking his
fingers directly at Senator Fllnu,
shouted: "Lorlmer, Lorlmer, Lorl
mrr let me say something back
liar, liar, liar."
"We don't want any of this rough
riding business," shouted Bradley
end. Nick?"
After much deliberation, the
congressman replied in wills-
pers, "1 dunno It's mighty hard
to tell."
f'nnhnma. nf Wisconsin, who shouted:
"I present the name of the bril- an(1 wa3 jeere(i aga;n ami agaln by
llant, impartial and fearless governor tne Ttu0SeVelt forces,
of my state Francis E. McGovern." i "steamroller," shouted a Pennsyl-
There was a general stir through- 'vana delegate.
out the room, and. then Job Hedges, ' "Steamboat, did I hear you say?"
of New York, was recognized to sec-' veiled Bradley. . "Why, Teddy
nomination, comum Rosoevelt ran tne steam rouer uvci
me eight time and still 1 voted the
It anneared from tiie outburst of
end the Root nomination, contained
in Rosewater's statement.
An Acrimonious Debute Followed
Governor Johnson, of California,
and applause during the af-
.... . ., . n ,... ' cheers
seconded the nomination oi uuio, , - nortPs
WcGovern." Johnson said, "I want .wrnoon u - u .
to say to you that on the roll call were nearly solidly p o- aft On
California will cast 26 votes for Mo the door, however it seemed to be
. t .. iirf ttv even y d hided between tne
C.cverri. and here and now I serve. liiy '
,. . i rivnl fact ons. Both Taft ana Koofce
notice that on any question that con- mai tactions.
V ... ne velt forces apparently had regular
cerns that state, we win cam ,-- - , the
. , cheer leaders distributed among tne
luies iroin our suue.
J. E. Wood, a negro delegate from
mer tutor of the Roosevelt children,
and a Roosevelt delegate at large
from the Bay State, seconded the Mc
Govern nomination.
Walter L. Hauser, the campaign
manager of Senator, La Folette, then
got the floor. He aeciarea:
"Senator La Follette refuses now to
be forced Into an alliance with any
candidate. I say to you now the Wis
consin delegation voted decisively not
to present a candidate for temporary
chairman of the convention. I state
this history of Senator La Follette'
campaign, so this convention will be
keDt straight, Bnd he shall not be held
resnnnsible for this attempt to torce
him Into an alliance with a candiuate
with whom he has nothing in com
This repudiation of McGovern on
behalf of Senator La Follette caused
a sensation among the Taft men.
Henry F. Cochems rose to a ques
rin wmm
a a m k m m m
The galleries were Bhoutlwc
and yelling and many Taft delo-
gates were Jeering, but lleney
kept on.
"This reminds me of Kme of
the actions of th national com-
nilttee. led by 'lllit Steve,' of
Colorado," lleney added.
lielesate Hartford, of New
Hampshire. roHe to a point of
order, insisting that lleney was
not speaking to the question.
As the crowd howled, Chairman
Rosewater rapped for order and
"Oh, lets listen to Mr. Heny."
Then In an nslde, added: "He's
however, that no change will be made
to apply to the present convention
The most that will be done, If any
action la taken, will be a suhmlxMlon
nf the niieHtion to the democrats In
the slates, their verdict to be report
ed to the convention of 1918.
As to candidates, there are seven
having pledged delegates and there Is
ti.ia TiimnP mrc OTaMnC much gossip regarding a few poBsl-
IWU-imnua . k h i,(,.t estimates made
Democratic Convention May
Take Up Dark Horse, as
Neither Wilson Nor Clark
Have Even a Majority.
The First Matter Up Was the Roll Call, and This at Once
Caused a Hot Debate as to the Right of the National Com
mittee to Scat and Unseat Delegates and to Decide a
Question That Properly Belongs to the Convention Itself
After Long Argument the Committee Was Sustained,
a Taft Victory.
1 today of
Kns. of Jlassacluisetls ad
i i nrk votes;
OI .M'n mm, Air """ -
Horses. But if It In Kot WIInou or
the strength of the active
(iajnor, candidates credit Clark with 412
Wilson, 280; Underwood
Harmon, 31; Marshall, 31); Baldwin,
ii- and ltmkn 10. There will be
Clark It Seems Certalu Bryan Will i osg dogates In the convention and
Yt.in Fiirt Will l'rolmlilv Sweep the winner of the presidential nom-
i m- inniinii will have to muster 724 of
(onvemlon ut nrti .ncmin m n
... 1 Unpledged delegates number 207.
- " ' Trading of delegates by party lend-
Baltimoie, Md, June 18,-Over- ers, an Important feature on national
shadowed by the sensational goings conventions for more than half a wi
on In Chicago, Baltimore comes the tury, will be iuIhsIi.r at next week's
Chicago, June IS. A 10:15 th
doors were well manned, and the tick
et holders bran to filter 111. Ths
pressure at ths doors when they were
opened was not great
The only evidence that anything un-
usuul was looked for was ths mass
ing directly In front of ths speakers'
platform, where they commanded the
stairway leading up from the floor
level of 22 of the largest police offi
cers In Chicago.
At 10:45 a scond squad of GO po
lice, most of the members of the traf
fic .Mii..il. filed Into the hull. They
took nlaces at the rear of the plat
form, so that they commanded It on
all sides.
The New York delegation come In
ut 10.40 headed b.v William Himies,
Jr., and James W, Klliworlh. Barnes
..... ..m,,.r n. lm took a sent, which
Iivnn HiiiiiiMn "
he occupied only a fw minutes, lesv
11.. 4J
Danville, Ky., followed Johnson. He
created a furore by declaring that
the negro delegates would obey the
Instructions of their constituents.
This was loudly cheered by the Taft
Former Senntor Willlum Fllnu sec
onded the nomination of McGovern.
Francis J. lleney. of California,
also seconded McGovern.
ri,oino r-,.fl,r Dreeon. ex-
Idalnedj the Oregon primary law by
which the people bind their delegates.
Carey said he personally favored
Taft but he was instructed by the
vote cf Oregon's people to vote for
Koosevelt. lie seconded McGovern's
As Carey concluded, there were re
newed calls of roll call but the chair
recognized Senator Brandley, of Ken
tucky, to second the Root nomina
tion. Hin.Ilev defended the national
ssnlled the
''""iiiiucr: till 1 1 imivij
Roosevelt contests.
"Iii.i ,.,. ..! r., Tni'lmer?" ye
I't'l ,Ull ,UIC IUI IJV.1
811 lllinnia ileli.fiitp "Yes,
the Kentucky senator answered,
'and when I did, I voted for a man
who was 10,000 times better tlmnyo'i
"I warn you that It you ever turn
down the renort of this committee
Governor Vessey, of South IJaKoia,
defended Hcnvy and struck snarpiy
at Senator Bradley, intimating that
his place In Republican politics was
fixed by his vote for larmier.
Representative Henry Allen, of
Kansas, caused a laugh by saying:
"1 congratulate you people of Chi
cago lor the show you have bought."
He then assailed the hotel keepers
r ei,iM fm the high prices anu
expense, a New York delegate adding
to the amusement by siiouuiib, "
Perkins; see Perkins.
-.-oil.,! President Taft and de-
cicred that Kansas accepted him four
years ago on Uoosevena
nieiit. . ,,.
And we believe, in Kansas, he
continued, "that when a person en
Led does not meet his obligations,
ft I. m. to the endorser to make
. , . UnethV
He then launcneu
. . f rinnel Roosevelt, who
1 sa d been declared to be play
relied has. he said, been
ng to the mob. He wanuerea
I did, "is 10 ' illmne impar-
I ,.i-iplAfiT PIHHUUO, J"'",
ZST the Massachusetts U
wt! . .... iifnila nrmiarles.
,j. applauded him. f
i.,rt Hart, ot Laui"-- "
niTY ic a MASS OF BOflTlfJG
t0H fnr the Occasion A Fine
Armory Beautifully Decorated for we est Qm
Program With Addresses by Govemu parrjsh.
and "The Star Spangled Banner oy Tonjght Con.
Hinges A Big Baqnuet and Granaw.
eludes the Ceremonies.
-k- 14 ' ' ' Mf" ' 5,"' 1
b "r Jr . ; z , ;tM
I U - j, :1 '-:T f ' '
.ryt - . .i . :.i. .it.- . , n -.:,.;
I 11 i,. yt. A m MBW
(kit U tn iilrculal tntong the dl"
gates, and shake hands with tin to
whom he was Introduced by his enter
liAiitmiitnt. Victor ltosewstiir, cnair
man of the national committee, about
whom the storm was expected to fen
,.. In nt 1 o'clock, but t'Wik
seat In the rear of the pisiform. He
had a buttonhole boimuet, end said
he was confident that the Tuft men
would control.
I'dinne l Himself.
It. ..A
Senator Penrose, when ne wsis.
,i. i In. idiilfonu to take Ills sent,
was greeted with derisive cheers ny
the 'eiinsjl"?"l delegation, that or
i. a ... ii.a uroiia Mee-
llplwl seals 111 in"" " "
tlons. The big deposed boss or me
Ke alone slate fln"hed, anil his Jaw
. . . jk I li.ln lilH
s"t giimly I'" lM "'"I'l""
This Indication of the leuiper or
the Roosevelt no'll a I'd lo "w''
Chalniain ltoster, mid he sent
down for Rames, nod the pair H-dn-w
to tho n-ai of the stK' I"'
l.rl.'f collfelelld',
i. -i iiii.liiiKa was the
1 1 1 in"
H11)11,,.II.nt ttiut (llslHigni I"-
!, of ths couvelillon whs to l ias
, Immediately after Mml-mMi
ksv-I '"I M "
,,,! ,1 u. mart-to tell the dele
gates that this was the program, Hut
f, w le an! the sitk'hiiI sI ar-ns s be
i ... .,,1 himself heard, end
finallv Home had older ths H,llce
In r.lii' the ulsl'-s
riclures Takeu.
A ineKnplwne-volcwl announcer
then notified the (Jeiis that their
pictures were to be taken. The del
egates wore asked to face the camera
buttery, which they did, amid
round ot laughter,
As the flash went oft, the band in
the gallery started lit "The mar
HpaiiRled llaiiner," end the entire au
dience arose to Us tent. When the
chorus was reached many delegate
tried to slug, but their effort were
somewhat feble. When the muslo
ended the confusion was resumed, s4
again. Hoeewater rapped Blreianindy
for order, while Stone houte4
through a megaphone for order,
Itev. Father Callaghan, of Bt M-
larhl'l rhunh, of llilcntio, iu
heered us he stopped forward and
delivered a very brief Invocation thai
concluded with the lord's Prayer, la
which a minority of the dlegatea
joined. It s 12 21 "",fl th" D""tl"
III! Invocation ended end Heoru'ery
ilayward read the call for the con
vention. llaywsrd concluded th.i reading of
I ha rail at 13: K, i immedlateir
Covernor Dudley, of Mlsonri, wsa
r,.Ui,inwl. He sIimhI on hie chali.
and then pressed forward through the
,,. enclosure to the platrorm. wiwe
the peiinsylVBiilans 'heerl lltn.
Hoseaaler end Ilayward shiroh hsnda
with lladlev, end he etartwl lo read
. ....... iiiu.ii document. As he did
.. . i ..,., Iik anv WIN'
lll,li.'Uf'l ' I" I " I
. . u. ii i,r in
Hll, iiiini
ft and shouted: "Mr. Chalni.ua. i
rise to a hit of order.'
KoHrwat-r pnhl no slienuon -llnines,
and Hartley proceeded, say
Itclmle 0e' lel''Kl',
"Mr chairman, I rise to a question
f order. I desire to fcaoer Wher
, tmniNToruy loll hss been prot-rlf
ft Hilled V
i ., i..n,.,..,i t long dlf!ii".
,... taken P...I Inhr ldr. or, both sUb
wlm (HOleil prereueiu., -
l,Hi.,g cb.ed by Wits. uo, In Hid
ing It, said: . .
.(iovernor ll.rley'a t"t '""" l
;1llM1nd. I. aue refera to S tin
,. ,..,H S no llepuhlbn,, im-lon-
si COIIIIIlHt,-, . ... .
I Mm,. cbee-S her. ln'err..pt.Hl at
son. h ehoiiied:
rtirer ..r ....-laart.
. . ....... .k,,n. not
, ii'ui
I...., -II... 1,1
IM.i,l.., I He lrm .m-m. - -I,,,',,,.,,.,
,..le proves -a...
iinr llr 'uin "''
.,. rln.eft rlulnon.
1:30 Concert
Military band.
2:13 Arrival
on streets,
of Oregon
. vb.lt InK officers
anu iB---
In I Hoard of Trade- d nl(.n
W'"'" . tO VIH"' ..
k:uo - .. .... r'ninna 15
can Feeo i " .,,,
I V i 1.nll I) lUII't'" '
Deelal from Portland. I.miorv liannnet hat'.
, mil Hal '
2:20 PurailB tn armory, led by a
em Military band.
2:3(1 Dedication servloes.
: 00 Post flag presented to Com
pany M by Sedgwick Post, O. A. R-
e:30-Automoblle ride over the city
flr visiting officers and ladle
O a'i"" ... .... .,,,11
g:30-Oranu .ineMat the
Everyt!'"d the -..ram
..n,nn-. and tne v
hi- bin rnvl. "" "'
,lrl.-.i.'S w a.. Kl-al tl. n-rt s
u.r ,,f M,llene eoul.l hear
, so of Hi' b"-' I"1""
IMiil.nKaliy p-ileoMl
...... I...H. . flilef I'lllllller wu.
A,M"""" ' . ... ... u - (enoveollo.l
who romi.lalnert of t "'' ,' . (,B
i I u uls IIilMI 1 'III "
, ,..,,' , , a"-
........I. in n . .i
HI Ml" '
niienil'l to tn 'H
:MK (':'
nloiiir I
V Hler O'll'le
rlnloll of H"l,
ir b' bad I'
f vi2 C.vr nor r"
.i . i.,.i.nrlfr
rflvesilon ' n"'
I ..lid then m"""J
.Dll.il) In fi' "lr '
! (Oottn4 oa Pf '
hlli nelf Ilea"!
"" arrive end of
u i ft l"
-"frr rat .be ,e 'adwm., lf
(InleS. Of "'"" b next Wei'K.
!), balll' tb'ie
,l the lliri'liKlit
. '.,....,!, a nietiaphone. to ral,,lly
trying, in. rn, ,-tiiiKi nni !"--
... i i :eim " '
himself heard.
aeier, , ., , uaV
tit Cwhems nan
.lured that
, renented
Individuals and he
I vote acaiBM
being euro-
end of the ,,, k
l WM 1 ... n.,roiK.lls will be r-auy
Alabama Maryland, n M'
ia rare for tn
I Htronr rivals
t l.for. til
plr ne, wU 11(.,el ana -
because, ne ; t, , MiJ1
.A In the seamn
with the rantliiiuies
. il..
had his way. i , Pf.-renc'S sr
.k. Wlsronsln deleKalee Hi A"''"r .,, Mile, and
. ... .i..i,i niiesttous . . .
McCovern in me - f((1lremenls of two "' " '
tared no
MeCiivcrn and
.. ...liiitri
fundlo.i. S a 'M ' '- ' ""- '
,,,,,.., Lav. In-niHlon- dliert
, ,1,.. neoiile and sr Iminu" -
nfl.nre of the party bo."
-.1.... 1 1. -. t V.-.iu,r William
"'"r. . . .... .....
Sew Vor may ei.ier me
,ely atlr smonl tn
.1 ttMiniitliK
conf-ren,'. are l" y ' f ,!i(l1(1 .
croim'i. . .
bat in be M.. " d
.. v...b . H iii m. ii
ninety ,'"
nur of
has tinned
...... i.i
j urates to make a nomination sm..
re- de!eM",onl . . ..munent
i. a rsaiiiin -'!
rule to
...i.. i.
. . ins iH'1"""-
fivor oi I.I.-.S'
n.alor II. All
(CoaUsued a fe I.I
hereby offer a reward of $20
7oka 'wool buntjng fag, "
6x12 feet, from the
in front of Barnes Cash S ore
during night oUel7,19l2