Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 08, 1912, First Section, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ah.t cinui mvxsau sales, oszgo. Saturday, june s, 1913.
Great June White Sale
If it's White the price is reduced. This is a great saving opportun-
. ity. Be sure and take advantage.
I Continued tram pas 1.)
All of our
Suits for Women
Reduced Prices'
$1.25 Table Damask
' 98c
(Beautiful patterns)
MM Napkins
$1.09 Bedspreads
$3.48 .
$4.50 Bedspreads
$1,50 Values ..$1,19
The Famous
Leona Combination
$1,50 Garments $1,19
$2.00 Garments $1,39
$2,50 Garments $1.93
$1.75 to $2.25
Corset Cover
75c Corset Covers 5Cc
35c Corset Covers 29c
$1.75 Crepe Gowns
$1.50 Muslin Gowns
Saturday's Special Saturday Only
Handkerchiefs for Women good quality, values O
to 20c, limited to 12 to a customer . OC
Men's 75c
White Night Shirts
Men's White -Dress
Buy the BIG i SOX
4 pairs for 50c
When your child has whooping
cough bo careful to keep the cough
loose and expectoration easy by giv
ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as
may be required. This remedy will
also liquify the tough mucus and
make it easier to expectorate. It bus
been used successfully In many epi
demics and Is safe and sure. For sale
by all dealers.
Per Acre
V We have just listed the biggest
snap In the valley, right in the hear!
of the prune belt at $50 per aero;
! easy terms; will take $4000 to $0000
. property as part pay; 320 acres, 120 nn
' der cultivation; 100 acres of the fln
; est big fir timber, the balance timber
, and pasture, some easily cleared; fair
buildings, only 3 miles to town; ah
,' street furnished showing a perfectly
clear title, This Is a rare bargain;
only a chance In a lifetime to securo
;. ft good farm for $50 per acre. This Is
: well worth $100 per acre Act quick,
as this ofrer Is only good for 10 days.
347 State St.
Sole Agents
The poet's exclamation: "O Life! I
feci thee bounding In my veins," is a
Joyous one. Persons that can rarely
or never make It, in honesty to
themselves, are among the most un
fortunate. They do not live; but ex
ist; for to live Implies more than to
be. To live Is to be well and strong
to arise feeling equal to the ordi
nary duties of the day and to retire
not overcome by them to feel life
bounding In the veins. A medicine
that hns made thousands of people,
men and women, well and strong, has
accomplished a great work, bestow
ing the richest blessings, and that
medicine Is Hood's Sarsuparilla. The
weak, run-down, or debilitated, from
any cause, should not fall to take It.
It builds up the whole system,
changes existence Into life, and
makes life more abounding. We are
glad to say these words In Its favor
to the renders of our columns.
Jioflre to Irrigators.
Ordinance No. 484 makes It unlaw
ful for any person or persons to use
water for irrigation during the exist
ence or continuance of any fire to
which the fire department of Salem
may be called. Any person or per
sons violating this ordinance shall bp
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall he pun
ished by a fine of $2.50 for the first
offense and $5.00 for each subsequent
Immediately upon the return of the
fire department to its quarters, a long
blaBt of the fire whistle will be given
to indicate that the fire is ont and
that Irrigation may be resumed. This
must be strictly adhered to.
Each age of our lives has It Joys
Old people should be happy, and they
will be if Chamberlain's Tablets are
taken to strengthen the digestion and
keep the bowels regular. These tab
lets are mild and gentle In their action
and especially suitable for people of
middle age and older. For sale by
all dealers.
Makes the Nation Gasp.
The awful list of Injuries on a
Fourth of July staggers humanity.
Set over against It, however, is the
wonderful healing, by Bucklen s Ar
nica Salvo, of thousands who suffered
from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet
rounds or explosions. It's the quick
neater or uoiis, ulcers, eczema, sora
lips or piles. 25 cts. at J. C. Perry's.
Children Cry
luxuries and dessert could be produced In the state.
It was a lesson to tbe hotel keepers of the whole state, when they con
sider that they are probably sending out thousands of dollars for sunnlles
I fhnf nra mnrin tiftrA At hnma
It Is the home merchant and the home manufacturer who makes It possi
ble for tbe Oregon hotel man to succeed In business.
Many Oregon business men are stockholders In Oregon hotels, and to them
you owe your first allegiance.
There is no time in the year when Oregon hotels cannot put oh a better
bill of fare entirely made in Oregon than any state In the Union.
Put on your menu card some article made v grown in your own commu
nity, and then make up the rest of your bill of fare from Made in Oregon
products, and watch the result.
This paper is going to many of the hotel men of Oregon, and we are
making a personal request of them to look over the Made in Oregon page,
and see if they cannot help Increase the home market for Oregon Made pro
ducts. IV hen yon par out money for hotel supplies call for Made In Ore
gon Pancake flour, made by Albers Bros.;
Bedding, by the Pettlt Feather and Bedding Co.;
Macaroni, by the Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.;
. The Schiller cigars;
Washing Compound, by the Pacific Specialties Co.;-
Crackers, from the Independent Cracker Co.;
Union Meat Co. hams, bacon and lnrd;
Pickles from the Knight Packing Co.;
Chairs and rockers, from Veal & Son, Albany;
Crown flour, from Portland;
Kingcraft chairs for your hotel office, from the Oregon Chair Co.;
Morning Glovy wheat flakes cereal, Columbia Mills, Portland;
Furniture from the Carman Manufacturing Co.;
Matresses and upholstered furniture, from the Portland Furniture Man
ufacturing Co.;
Tea Garden syrups, Pacific Coast Syrup Co.;
Welnhardt's, Columbia and Salem beer.
Eppley's Perfection Baking powder, Salem.;
Gideon Stolz, vinegar, Salem ;
L. M. Reeder, flour and mill products, Salem.
All the above are Made in Oregon products, made at Portland unless
otherwise indicated, and many of them are kept by the local dealers, and
hotel men should call for them from the local merchant, and If he does not
keep these products, ask hi in to put them In stork, and be able to supply
you with them. That is the way to build up Oregon Industries, and the
only way. Money sent out of the state for what can be manufactured
here is not wisely expended, even where you might save a few cents on the
dollar. Your town would not amount to much without the home mer
chants, and your state would not amount to much without the home indus
The Board of Regents of the Agricultural College have recently adopted
a resolution to the effect that in the purchase of all materials and supplies
Made in Oregon products are to have first consideration. This Is an Im
portant act of a body of men who have control of the expenditure of a half
million dollars or more annually. There will be erected this year at least
four new buildings, and all the material Is to be made in Oregon for such
buildings in future. ' The State Board, that let the contract for the Pendle
ton asylum did not have this In mind, and the state funds there expended
have gone largely Into Eastern states. There is not a good reason why all
state Institutions Bhould not be run on the Made in Oregon plan. Tho
taxpayers' money Is good enough to be made In the state, and Is also good
enough to be spent In the state. The building boards and boards of control
of every state, county and city institution Bhould, and every public official
In the state should act upon the Made In Oregon principle. If the men
back of the Oregon industries and the men who pay the state taxes are not
to be given the Oregon business, who Is entitled to It?
At present an Eastern agent Is going over the whole slate of Orogcn
asking the merchant to stock up with a year's supply of Eastern-made bak
ing powder. It Is extensively advertised, and probably two hundred thou
sand dollars worth of It will be sold. Tho Made In Oregon baking powder,
put up at Salem by C. M. Eppley, labeled "Perfection," Is being advertised
by Mr. Eppley through the country schools. He Is sending out to each
country school blotters announcing the Perfection baking powder as
"Made In Oregon," and then the words, "I'se It. En con race Home Indus
try." Anyone can go to Mr. Eppley's factory and see the materials ho
makes his baking powder from tho pure cream of tartar not nitric acid,
as many other powders are made of bicarbonate of soda and starch. Tho
powder Is put hp in glass fruit jars, and they are all of tho most modern
patterns, Just what housewives buy for canning fruit.
A Fine Little Business Proposition
If you have from fifteen hundred to twenty hun
dred dollars to enter a clean, nice litte business
with a good living in it, provided you have a
moderate amount of .ability and horse sense,
come and see us Monday morning. We are not
offering anything that has been hawked around
and banged from one agent to another to get rid
of, and unless you have the money don't pay
any attention to this ad. One customer is all we
need, and if he has the necessary we have busi
ness that will interest him. THE FLEMING
REALTY COMPANY, 143 South Liberty Street
.4,. 4
Hose! Hose! Hose!
1-2-inch and 3-4-inch Rubber and Cotton Hose
50 feet . 1-2-inch rubber hose with couplings. Price $3,75
50 feet 3-4-inch rubber hose with .couplings, Price $4,50
50 feet 1-2-inch, 7-ply rubber hose with couplings, Price.. $6.50
50 feet 3-4-inch, 7-ply rubber hose with couplings, Price.. $7.50
50 feet .1-2-inch warranted cotton hose, Price , $4.50
50 feet 1-2-inch crack-proof rubber hose. Price $9.00
50 feet 3-4-inch crack-proof rubber hose, Price $10.00
This hose wll not kink and is the most reliable hose on the market,
Couplngs, bands, menders, hose nozzles, etc,
During the Hot Summer Months
Are the most inexpensive, and just what you will want for hot weather cook
ing, No smoke, no dust, no soot, no ashes and less heat than any other stove.
Prices are $2.25 and up
Spencer Hardware Company
466-472 State Street Phone 19
We have before us a current number of an Eastorn magazine, which Is
filled with alluring advertlsemeta to get. money out of Oregon.
There could be no objection to this If the advertisements were not for
nrtlrlcs that ncre being made In Oregon.
But when two-thirds of the advertising is for products that can be turned
out as well or better by our own Industries we have a right to ask tho
people to think.
Bead over the following and then try to realize what a state Oregnn
would be without the page of Made In Oregon Industries that appears In
this issue.
A breakfast cereal made at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Soap that floats, made in Chicago.
Star haniB, put up at Omaha.
American Woolen Co., of New York, woolen cloths.
Tar soap, made in New York.
Barrett Manufacturing Co., roofing paper.
Pantasote mohair and "near mohair" fabrics.
Automobile tire protectors, Akron, Ohio.
Clothing made by St muss Bros., N. Y.
Pianos made In forty Eastern cities
Shirts made In Baltimore, Maryland,
Furniture From Chicago and 10 other Eastern cities.
Scars, Roebuck & Co.. furniture, freight paid.
Baked beans from Pittsburg.
Wood dyes and stains from Rnolne, Wis.
Paints from Cleveland. Ohio.
Cigars made In Philadelphia.
Breakfast food made at Grand Rapids, Mich.
Furnaces made In Cincinnati.
Southern cypress lumber and shingles from New Orleans.
Crackers made by the national cracker truBt.
John Huntington, of Lents Is In
the city to organize a camp of Sons
of Veterans, auxiliary to the Grand
Army posts here. The meeting will
jn held at the office of Captain Web
rter this evening at 8 o'clock, and
all Grand Army men are Invited to
attend. Mr. Huntington Is state or
ganizer, was all through the Civil
war, with his father and brother. He
was elected Junior Vice Commander
of the State Department G. A. R. at
the Astoria encampment, and Is one
of the most prominent Grand Army
men In the state. Any son of an
honorably discharged soldier Is eligi
ble to membership In the order ho
represents and all are Invited to at
tend this evening and Join as char
ter members.
A Curd.
This Is to certify that Foley's Hon
ey ind Tar Compound does not con
tain any opiates, any habit forming
drugs, or any Ingredients that could
possibly harm Its users. On the con
trary, its great healing and soothing
qualities make It a real remedy for
coughs, colds and irritations of the
throat, chest and lungs. II. L. Blom
qiilst, Esdalle, Wis., says his wife con
siders Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound the best cough cure on tbe
market. "She has tried various kinds
but Foley'i gives the best results of
all." The genuine Is In a yellow pack
age. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tor
Compound and accept no substitute.
Or. Stone Drug Co.
Children Cry
A letter or telephone message will bring our representative right
to yon
We are Exclusive Agents fcr the Famous
Complete stock of Chlnaware, Exclusive Designs and Monogram Pat
terns a specialty. Complete lines of Beds and Bedding. Send for our
price list of Groceries.
Store occupies entire city block, bounded by Morrison, Alder, Tenth
and West Park Streets.
(From The Beauty Seeker.)
An aged face Is often only a mask
to a comparatively youthful person.
Beneath Is a countenance young and
fair to look upon. It's a simple mat
ter to remove the mask. Ordinary
mercolized wax, to be had at any
drugstore gradually absorbs the
wornout surface skin; in a week or
two the user has the loveliest pinky
white complexion imaginable. An
ounce of the wax usually Is sufficient
to complete tho transformation. It
is put on at night like cold cream
and taken off In the morning with
warm water.
This remarkable treatment is In
variably effective, no matter how
muddy, sallow or discolored the com
plexion. Freckles, moth patches,
liver spots, pimples, blackheads and
other cutaneous blemishes, naturally
vanish with the discarded skin.
To remove wrinkles and flabblness,
here Is a recipe that cannot be too
highly recommended: Powdered sax
ollte, 1 oz., dissolved In '4-plnt witch
hazel. Use as a wash lotion.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind YouHava Always Bought '
Bears the
A sprained ankle may as a rule be
cured in from three to four days by
applying Chamberlain's Liniment and
ebsorvlng the directions with oach
bottle. For sale by all dealers.
To ill know In mfferera of rtieumatlnn, wIh'ui
er muftculir or of tlio Joints aWatka, IuuiUixoh,
ba-knoue, palna Id tho Icldnejra or iwurnlKla
piim, to write to her for a borne In-ntmi'iit
which baa nKatodly cured all of Uiew toriuren,
flli frels tt ber dutr to lend It to all aufTereni
KHKM. You cum jouraelf at home aa tbounaMU
will tPHtlfj no cli tig o of cllmnte bclna; iteecft
arjr. Thl almple dlKeoTcrj hnnlnhoa url acid
fi-um (lie Wood, loownn the atlffened Jotota, pur
ine the blood, and brlghtena the eye, slrlni
rlriKtlcltr awl tone to (he whole KjrNtwn. If the
otwfa w t "renin jrnu, for proof adilrewa
Uri. M..luiimTK, Wot H, Notrt Dame, In
Lines Rods Reels
Tyee Salmon Eggs
.... "'-s''
been beceived. vie would be
pleased' to show you the
. Hauser Bros.
Be Your Own Landlord
Offers Great Opportunities to Home
Builders We Help You Build Your Home
let Us Tell Yeu How
Come Out
and spend the day
in Beautiful King
woodPark.Ourauto is at your disposal.
Call or phone for
an appointment
V Given
in three cash prizes
for the best kodak
pictures taken of
Kingwood Park
Bring your pictures
to the office
Gibson & Hill, Selling Agents
212 U.S. National Bank Bldg. Main 2275