AE FOC tf " ' " ' DAILY CAPI Til J0UK5A1, gALM, OREGOX FIUDAT, JT.TfE 7, 1912. 'S FURNISHING Have Your Saturday Picnic Under the Shady Trees hi SILK FLANNEL Outing, Soft Collar and Panama Styles Shirts SOISEITE $1.00,$2.00,$3J0,$5.C9 HIS MOST INTIMATE FRIENDS SAY SO, BUT HE HIMSELF IS SILENT TAFT'S MANAGER INVITES THEODORE 17ILL GO TO CHICAGO S FOR WARM WEATHE 77 T Bsilklisle Underwear POROSKNIT 50c, $1.00, $2.00, $3.(10 Piece Garments iiw THE COLONEL TO BE PRESENT. TTft li Sfflflii Salem's most beautiful residence dis trict. Streets, water mains and side walks in and paid for Choice building lots $300.00 and up Terms to suit everyone Make an appointment by phone or calling at our office, and we will take you over in our automobile and show you the tract Free $15.00 Free In three cash prizes for the best Kodak picture of King wood Park; contest ending June 25, (CN1TEU PRK8B IHASED W1RS.1 New York, June 7 Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt's closest friend here today declared that the former presi dent will go to Chicago Wednesday, and will undoubtedly run for president at the head of a third party, unless snme of his contestants are scuUd by the natloni.l committee. '. was said thsl arrangements frr Rf.onovelt to bolt the convention have been completed. Tt was declared '.hat the colonel is ready 'o fight to the last ditch. When asked personally today If he weie going to Chicago Rooseveit eratcd that he did not know. Ho t:l; luncheon tod with .Tames V.. field, of Ohio. Teldv ' Iiiited. Chicago, June 7. Advices received here today state that State Senator Fllnn, of Pltsburg, Is on his way here as Colonel Roosevelt's special repre sentative. , He, with Walter Rrown, of Ohio, will work among the delegates to the national convention, and will keep them Impressed with Roosevelt Ideas. William H. McKlnley, President Taft's manager, Issued a statement to day "Inviting" Colonel Roosevelt to come to Chicago. SILK Hnsierv A1,Pop COTTON 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c Solid Colors KINGWOOD PARK CO. Gibson & Hill, Selling Agts. 212 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg, Main 2275, THE BRIDGE CONSIDER IT A conforence was held this morning at the court house between the county courts of Marlon and Folk counties and the bridge committee of the city council of Salem, at which It was practically agreed to put a watchman on the bridge to prevent overloading the bridge over the Willamette river here. The report of the experts who examined the bridge about a month ago was read. It showed that there was dangor of overloading, and that loads of over eight tons should not he permitted, especially If confined to a short space on the brldgo. The pur pose of the watchman will be to pre vent such an overload or from speed ing or from morn than a certain num ber of stock being driven ovor the bridge at once. It often happens that a largo number of stock are driven ever the bridge tn a drove, or that much heavier loads than should be permitted are taken over the struc ture, and there Is no one to stop I'. THE SUPREME COURT SUSTAINS THE ORDINANCE f unitbd leased wuif.J Washington June 7. The United State supreme court here today de clared valid tho city ordlnnnce of South Pasadena, Oil., which prohibits public pool rooms Justice Lamar said: "Tho guiie Itself Is not wrong, but It mny be used to encourage Idle ness. It lies within the power of cities to regulate It." All AMERICAN IS MURDERED IN HONDURAS Washington, June 7. Frederick Pierpont Shaw, an. attorney of Chi cago, was assassinated on the Black River, near Trlota, Honduras, ac cording to dispatches received here today by the state department. The assassin was captured. No details of the crime were given. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS ASSOCIATION SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE lishopsiiorcrj U Giotto L GETS BUSY OREGON FIERCE ELECTRIC STORM AT GRANTS PASS THE LIGHTNING STRUCK TRANSFORMER HOUSE, AND PUT LIGHTS AND POWER OUT OF BUSINESS. CNITID FI1EBS LEASED WllUt.J Grants Pass, Ore., June 7. Ths transformer house of the local light and power company was struck by lightning Just before noon today, and 1 the city Is without electric light or power. Three of the six main trans-1 formers were burned out, and the i building and switchboards, were wrecked. The three remaining trans formers will be put In commission as soon as possible, and current fir pow er may be on again tonight , Today's thunder storm was the most severe on record here, the lightning flashes being continuous. No other damage is vet reported. The heavy rainfall was of -great ben efit to erowlng crops. er, Frank Spear. Transportation R. B. Houston chairman, C. E. Albln. Entertainments and parades Dr. II. C. Epley chairman, R. B. Houston, H. E. Bolinger. show aa dparade Wm. Mr GilchrlBt, Jr., chairman, Curtis B. Cross, Mrs. R. P. ' Boise, Mrs. M. L. Meyers, Mrs. B. O. Schucklng. Sports Watt Shipp chairman, Lloyd J. Hauser, Charles Carter, R. H. Wassam, Dr. G. J. Sweetland, John D. Turner. Auditing W. I. Staley chairman, E. T. Barnes, H. O. White. Manufacturers J. F. Vincent, chair man, Fred Voget, Wm. G. Allen. Queen contest Frank Springer, Will D. Evans, O. K. DeWitt. Finance Theodore Roth chairman, Frank Myers, Floyd M. White, James McGilchrist, R. H. Wassam, U. G. Shipley, M. A. Burdlck, A. G. Magers, Geo. P. Fox, John Crowe, M, L. Mey ers, F. J. Chapman, D. R. Yantls, John Graber, J. A. Mills, Claude S. Belle, V. J. Lehman. Journal "Want Ads" Bring Results. Portland, Or., June 7. The United Commercial Travelers' association of the Northwest opened their annual two days' convention here today About 1,000 delegates and families from all parts of Oregon, Washing ton and British Columbia were In attendance. Hard to Get Jury. (UNITED l'RCBH IJllBED WIRE 1 Stockton, Cal., June 7. The task of securing a Jury to try Zollle Clements on the charge of murdering William H. Newman, Is proving tedious. When court adjourned at noon today nine men were in the Jury. box. A new panel was drawn, and It Is expected the Jury will be completed today. WILL HAND CASE BACK TO HANFORD Work on tho Clackiimns Southern, the railroad from Oregon City to tho Molalla valley ,waB begun or rather, resumed, Tuesday. Tacoma, Wash., June 7. J. W .A. Nichols, Attorney for Leonard Olsson, disfranchised from citizenship by 'Judge Hnnford, will secure Olsson's signature to the papers this evening and fllo them In federal court tomor row to try to re-open the case. I Judge Hanford will be nuked to va cate, his decree of disfranchisement, and either dismiss the case or grant n rehearing so that complete testimony may be taken for transcript for an appeal. OFFICERS AND I OMMITTEES SEVENTH ANNUAL CHERRY FAIR VU1I, ORE, UY It, li AND 13 S. C-. Sargent, i nfluent, W S. Walto.i, CvMBiiw f led H. P'.'i l secretary. Re entlon P I ' Arcy chalraman. CI Oswald W.-t, Dr. U Lee SJIcii er. Dr. H. H. Ollnger, J. R. Linn, May or Lachmund, Chas. L. McNary, Gid eon Sotlz, John H. Scott, Thos. B. Kay. Concessions Aug. Huckesteln chair man, H. O. Meyer, Frank Meredith. Publicity C. L. Starr chairman, S. A. Stone, C. N. Long, D. H. Upjohn, Will Kirk, Henry Hanzen. Program F. G. Dcckebach chair man, Russell Catlln, Ben W. Olcott, R. J. Hendricks, E. Hofer. Exhibits C. L. Dick chairman; H. L. Brlggs, Philip Gilbert. Automobiles Geo. F. Rodgers, chair man, John Roberts, Cllford Brown. Decorations G. L. Srhrelber chair man. Mrs. C. U Dick, Dr. H. H. Oltng- U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. v WILLIS L. MOORE, Chltf, 10 30.4- .. . V. t - I r I ' , W V Salem and vicinity: Fair ' p ffjT ' ' 'Q' tonight and Saturday; ,ii cooler Saturday. ) 7.3. jn'"' ' .30.0 K.XI'UANATOKY NOTt. (li.rvnlloiii tnkm lit A. m., 7Mh merlitlitn llmo. Air prwur rcrluml 10 Intel. Itnlmn ttontlunmiii llr.wtl pi lhroi)ii noini nf ihiiiuI lr nifuurii. Iivthrim. (UulU'U lini') pin iliiumb p.Mnu of ihjii! tviuixrulura: dr.wu oulf for iitro, rrnrnnf. df. nil Inf. O clear; Q imnlr cloudy; Q cloudy; rulii: Q mow; (FJ) rrHrt nilnlnii. Arnmt fly with the wind. Flm (WurM, lowoit wra IKTHiuri. put 13 huure; tnonil, prciluitlua of ill lucb or niur for put M hour; third, ntximum wind volocllr. ' MANY PERSONS ARE HURT IN BELGIAN STRIKE STRIKE 111 BOSTON IS A HOT ONE UNITED rilESS LEASED W11IE.1 Boston, June 7. The rioting fol lowing street car strike continued throughout the day. Crowds which gathered in front of the Union head quarters refused to disperse until the police threatened to charge. At neon the company restored some semblance of order. In some Instances the crews left crowded cars between stops and re ported to the union headquarters. At 1 o'clock this afternoon, less than hnlf the usual cars were running be tween Boston and Cambridge. At that hour a total of 40 arrests had been made. united rnrss 1 .eared wire Brussels, Juno 7. Many persons were Injured in the Borlnga district tcday when strikers fired on a body of strikebreakers. The streets and isllroad stations are patrolled by sol diers but the strikers refuse to be cowed. The strike In the Chsrlerol basin Is practically ended. Foster & Baker GROCERIES Fruit Jars The season for fruit Jars Is here, when In need of Jars, caps, or rub bers, como In and see us. Let us have your orders now for berries by the crate to be delivered when you v. ant them. We get the best to be hBil. Sanitary Covered Bacon The choice flavor of this sugar cured bacon Is rotalned by the New Sanitary Covering. It's different than common bacon; try It. HOME MUOW'N PEAS STRAWBERRIES l'hone 859. SAW HIS FIRST PICTURE SHOW LAST NIGHT Tacoma, Wash., June 7. Frank Cosby, a life-termer In the federal prison on McNeil's Island, last night saw his first moving picture show and his first aeroplane. He has been In the prison 14 years for murder In Alaska, and has seen neither of the now common entertainments. Tho Bhow was furnished by a local motion picture house, and the con victs have petitioned Warden Hilllgan for a return engagement. V. D. Hlll man, who made millions In Seattle and Puget Sound real estate bubbles, was among the striped-coated persons who filed Into the dining hall to wit ness the show. The Oregon Llectrlc depots are to be beauties. That at Eugene will cost $25,000 and the one at Albany $12,000. A PAROLE FOR RUEF IS HUNG UP Fairmouiit Park Snap If you wish to buy In the coming exclusive district of Salem, see my modern house In Falrmount Park on one of the finest view lots; lookj straight down Commercial street, to that with good field glasses, one cm sit on large airy front porch and watch the moving panorama of the business section of that street. Grand and unobstructlble view ot moun tains, river, "city and valley. Lot It 75x150. Five rooms down-stairs, be sides reception hall and large bath room. Up stairs, large enough tor two good rooms, Is not finished; but floor Is laid and Is uned as bedroom, two 6-foot width windows sweep tbe view. Well built house; no base rient. Good back porch, screened and latticed. Bedrooms and bathroom finished In white enamel; rest ot house hardwood finish. Hot and cold water In bathroom, kitchen and back porch. Wash trays. Good water pressure all summer from Falrmount Park water tank. The Improvement! on this place cannot bo duplicated (or Uss than $2200. Bare lot next door, srme size, held at $2500.( Price for this house and lot, $3,000.' This Is s sacrifice price, but owner must sell, as he Is going east. Call Star Gro cery, Main 145G. 6-4-lmo UNITED TDEHS LEASED W11IF.1 San Francisco, June 7. Superior Judge W. P. Lawler, who sentenced Abe Ruef to 14 years In prison, has taken the position that the time hns not yet arrived to favor a parolo for the former political boss of San Francisco. When a document was presented to Judge Lawlor, stating Hat the signer was unopposed to Ruef's proposed application for re lease on parole, Judge Lawlor de llned to affix his signature making tho foregoing statement. District Attorney Charles M. Flck ert had already signed the paper, at testing to one formal statement that no Indictments remain on the calen dar against Ruef and to another stating that he makes no opposition to Ruef's effort to secure parole. Lacking Judge Lawlor's signature, It Is probable that Ruef's application to the prison board that he be given a chance to present arguments for parole, will not come before that body at Its monthly meeting tonight. Ruef's attorneys stated today that It was hardly probable that the matter would come up, as the case had not been placed on tho prison board cal endar. This was before the Lawlor Incident. Ruef has now served about 15 months of his term. M. J. Anderson, of Grants Pass, Is oiganlzlng a company to control the weters of one branch of the Coipmie and put In an electric plant- It will cost a million dollars, and develop 50,000 horsepower. For Women Who Care Of course you urb an antiseptic in jour family and in the care of yourown per son, and you want the best. . Instead of what you have been uslog 1 such as liquid or tablet antiseptics or peroxide, won't you please try Paxttos. a concentrated antiseptic powder to be dissolved in water as needed. Paxtine is more economical, more cleansing, more germicidal and mjre healing than anything you ever used. S77 ( i 7J J-. ANTISEPTIC The new Falling School at Port land will cost $200,000 which Is a pretty good sum for a Bchool with that cognomen. ' In the iollefr-to cleanse and white! the teoth, remove tartar and preem decay. To disinfect tho mouth,'! disease germs, and purify tho ureal". To keep artificial teeth and bridirewri clean and odorless. To remove nicowe from the teeth and purify the brew after smoking. To eradicate pePw tion odors by sponge bathing. As a modlclnal ngent for I" treatment of feminine ills where pel catarrh, Inflammation and ulcer.K exist, nothing equals hot uJ- Paxtine. For ten years the hyu j" Plnkham Med. t' been WJ advising ttelr patients to use It of its extraordinary cleansing. " and germicidal power. I'.L.t pose alone Paxtine is worth Its In gold. Also for nasal throat, inflamed eyes, cuts nd All druggists, 25 and Ml cents Trial FNx and testimony of women free on n'Oix'1 M tt. rHIPAXTONTOILKTOO..BoSTW The E. C. Skuffer's These are the VENTILATED OXFORDS for men that you've read about.1 We have fhem in all widths and sizes. Only $3.50 a pair in TanLeather.Cravanette andNubuck Pumps and Oxfords for Women. REINHART'S The Quality Shop. Home of Hanan Shoes. 444 State Street.