TAGE TWO. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALES. OntUOs FRIDAY, JUKE 7, 1012. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFER, Editor and Proprietor R. M. HOFER, Manager Independent Newpaper Devoted to American Principles nd the ProgrMi nd Development of All Oregon PnhlUhed Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably In Advance) Daily. PJ Carrier, per year ...$5.20 Ter month.. 45c Dally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 85c Weekly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Six months . 50e FULL LEASED WIHH TELEGRAPH REPORT MAKE GROUNDLESS COMPLAINTS. The ladies of the Salem Humane Society have been caused a great deal of annoyance and useless work by thoughtless or ir responsible persons who, for unknown reasons, phone com plaints to them which, when investigated, prove groundless. The ladies who are caring for this work in Salem deserve great credit, for they are laboring under many difficulties, and do not receive the hearty support they should. In the larger cities, such as Portland, the Humane Society is -a powerful organization and prevents untold suffering among the dumb animals that are unable to help themselves. Strange as it may seem, cruelty to animals is much more prev alent in the smaller towns and in the country than in the large cities. There are probably two good reasons for this. The city man knows that it pays to have hi3 stock in good shape. He also knows that a case of cruelty will be reported to the Humane Society, and that the action resulting therefrom will give him publicity which is not of the best character, to say tho least. Let us hope that unscrupulous persons will not further an noy our local ladies,, who are doing so much to organize a strong Humane Society in Salem. r SCHOOL REFORMS. Commenting on increasing nervousness and mental disorders in the public schools, a writer in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal states that the prevention of these disorders calls loudly for reform. He makes a number of suggestions along the line of reform which are worthy of consideration by teachers and school au thorities. Among these are: vi Tiie abolition of all competitive work; ('2) of all rewards for. excellence in school work or attendance; (3) elimination of special examinations for promotion; () the making of promotion solely dependent upon the capacity shown by the individual child; (5) elimination of a fixed standard of grades for arbitrarily fixed ages; (6) elimination of all report cards sent to pairents; (7) abolition of commendatory or lauda tory certificates and the substitution therefor of personal con tact with the parents and the home; (8) in certain cases the in stitution of special instruction in very small classes; (9) the abolition of afternoon sessions for all grades below the fifth, or the entire devotion of the afternoon session to educative play without restraint; (10) the assignment of the easiest studies for the afternon sessions for all grades from the fifth upward : (11 the reduction of the time during which the concentration of the attention of the pupils is required for any one subject; (12) the abolition of home lessons requiring mere abstract reasoning or routine memory. o BUTER PRODUCTION. . There were 1,0)20,706,000 pounds of butter, valued at $405, 000.000 produced on farms and factories in the United States during the census year 1909. Of the grand total reported, the ouantitv produced on farms was 99G,001,000 pounds, valued at $225,544,000. Factories produced 624,705,000 pounds, valued at $179,510, 000. Putter manufactured by farmers' co-operative creameries is included in the figures for factories. Among the states, Wisconsin ranked first in total production, with 131,049,000 pounds, valued at $36,628,000. It was first also with 103,885,000 pounds valued at $29,547, 000 produced in factories. The difference between the figures given, which is 27,105, 000 pounds valued at $7,081,000 represents Wisconsin's farm production. In total production Iowa ranked second, Minnesota third, Pennsylvania fourth, Michigan fifth, Ohio sixth, Illinois seventh New York eighth and Texas ninth. Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan. Illinois and Indiana show a much greater farm production than factory output, and rank in the order written. Minnesota, Iowa and New York, in the order named, rank after Wisconsin in showing a factory production much larger than credited to their farms. One by one the doubts as to women's competence to take an active part in politics are being dissipated. For instance at the meeting of the county central committee of the woman's party of Illinois at Chicago, the police had to be called to restore order It's just awful the way the profit is being knocked out of Pol itics. Now they say that the hnrd-working members of election boards must pay their taxes before they can have their pay vouchers cashed. THE ROUND-UP Villon opened Its big livestock allow yesterday with big crowds In attendance. There will he some fine raees today and tomorrow, nnd It. Is expected there will be 10,000 In at tendance. Gcorgo Winglleld. the (loldlleld miner, In to visit the new mining camp nt Pino Creek. TIiIh Indicates there limy bo a real mining camp there. Lebanon Is having a three-day Blrnw berry fair. "Yesterday, today nnd to morrow. The Pneltlc. CoaHt Nurserymen's association nt Its session In Bait Lake, ending yesterday, elected Al bert Ilrownell, of Portland, presi dent and selected Portlnnd for next year's meeting. At the meeting of the representa tives of the livestock exchanges In Portland next week, Hrnm that In the aggregate represent 11,300,000,000 will he 1'cprenented. You Can Get Rid of Stomach Trouble in Short Order If Yon Will Use a Little Cooper's New Discovery Your stomach Is your best friend or your worst enemy, as you prefer. To have good health, It la absolutely necessary to have a good stomach. If your stomach Is out of order, bad health must necessarily follow. The American people of today neglect their stomachs. They ent too fast, work too hint, live too fast and are generally ft bunch of nerves. Bunio thing gives way, generally the stoni iwh. Then follows nervousness, In dignation, kidney or stomach trouble j and various other nllments. If you fiel sick, tired, run-down; have a bad tasto In tho mouth,, coated tongue, feel distressed nfter eating; If you are constipated and have fre quent headaches, your Btomiich Is out of order and you need a stomach medicine. Cooper's New Discovery will help digest your food, put the stomach In a healthy condition and you may eat anything your stomach craves, with out fear of Indigestion. Get a bottle today at J. C. Perry's drug store. THE RIGHT r,1AN KILLED THIS TIME ONITID PRESS U18ED WIRE. Budapest, June 7. After a vain at tempt to assassinate Count Tisza, the Hungarian premier, in the chamber of deputies, M. Kovacs, an opposition deputy fired two bullets through his own brain, dying Instantly. Kovacs and bis assistants were excluded from the chamber May 31, following an election riot. It Is be lieved that he brooded' over the hu miliation until his mind became af fected. Kovacs suddenly entered the cor respondents box today and fired three times at Count Tlsa, but his bullets went wide of the mark. Tlsza re mained perfectly calm under the fire, and did not even leave his seat. rTirestonei Non-Skid Tires Supreme by test of hardest service, are the one positive security against skidding on any kind of road, at all seasons of the year. Deakn yl ot the year. rv iT'llfe. .. Sold By AH Duln . j LOUIS HILL ROASTED GRABBERS PAID A HIGH TRIBUTE TO THE HOME SEEKER, BUT GAVE THE LAND GRABBERS, WHO HE BLAMES FOR KEEPING SET TLERS AWAY, ROAST. Seattle, June 7. Today promises to be the most important, ns well as the most Interesting of the four-day ses sion of the Northwest Development Congress. Besides an address by Gov ernor Edwin L. Norrls, of Montana, W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon Agricultural College, and President S. B. L. Penrose, of Whitman College. the election of officers and the adop tion of resolutions are on the pro gram. Louis W. Hill, of the Great North ern railway, took land speculators to task In his Bpeech last night. He paid a high tribute to the home seeker and declared that the growth of Washing ton and Oregon has been retarded be cause land grabbers have kept the real builders away. Members of the Women's Comercial Club of Seattle have arranged a big flower show In honor of the visiting delegates. Thlrty-Thlrd Annual Session of Port land, Oregon, Classls. The Portland, Oregon, classls of the Reformed church In the United States met Thursday evening In the German Reformed church, Capitol and Marlon streets. After the opening services, conducted by the retiring officers, Rev. Wm. I.lonkainper. of Salem, was elected president: Rev. E. Wyss, Portland, vice-president; Rev. G. t'lrlch, Wllsonvllle stated, clerk; Rev. P. Schlld, Qulncy, Wash, correspond ing secretary. The reading of the annual reports, submitted by the pastors, shows a healthy growth of the various churches. Four new churches and five parsonages were built during the past year. The members of the classls (conference) were pleased to note that the church at Salem, which for a number of ye..rs had suffered losses, Is looking forward to a bright and useful future. The title to the property, corner of Capitol and Marlon streets, had been disputed. Since the courai have set tled nil doubts as to the nronertv. home seekers from the East, who are members of the Reformed church have settled at or near Salem. Several substantial families have followed Rev. Llenkamper to Salem, and the old, as well as the new, mem' bers are rejoicing that his efficient services have been secured for this community. There will ho services of divine wor ship Thursday and Friday evenings nt S o'clock, Sunday at 105 . ni. and 2:.10 p. m. Business sessions will con tinue during Friday nnd Saturduy. Man roughs nnd Breaks Ribs. After n frightful coughing spell a mnn In Neenah, Wis., felt bad pains in his Bide and his doctor found two ribs hnd been broken. What agony Dr. Klr.ll's New Dlscnverv u-miM Imr. saved him, A few tensnoonfuls ends a late rough, while persistent use routs obstinate coughs, expels stub morn colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure It's a God-send tn linmnn. Ity." writes Mrs. Efflo Morton, Co lumbia. MO., "for I lielliWO t unnt.l hnvo conhumptlon tndny, If I had not hhch hub great remedy." it s guaran teed tn KatlHfv mwl Vfttl nnn ant u f nut trlnl bottle or GO cent or $1.00 size nt J. C. Perry's. It wbh 93 In the shade nt Portland Thursday at R p. m. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought X-RAYS AND SMILES. E. W. Muller, a music dealer, of Klamath Falls, Is accused of forgery. A warrant has been Issued for his ar rent, but he Is In the unknown else where. Victor Rosewater has been chosen chairman of the Republican national committee. His picture In the Ore gonlan Indicates he Is properly named for It Is a weak, perfumed, darling sort of face, though he may deceive his looks and name. John Darling did. The reliability of statistics Is dem onstrated by a census of apple trees in the United States by states recent ly. Issued. This shows that Oregon has not as manp apple trees in bearing In 1910 as there were in 1900, when, In fact, Its number haB been doubled. A smart statistician, with a handy lead pencil, can reach conclusions, and prove them correct, that the com mon, everyday fool of a citizen would never realize without their enlighten ing aid. Dallas city dads have ordered the business streets of the city given a coating of crude oil. You can tell a Dallas man by the smell hereafter. Federal Judge Wnddlll, of a Virginia district, has decided that a newspaper can print and send through the malls anything, nd matter how objection able, If It is part of the testimony In a law suit, but the Judge tersely suggests that editors with good taste will use a decent discrimination. Milwaukee will have a big meeting next Wednesday to discuss schools, school building, purchase of school grounds, and also the purchase of tho local water plant. That meeting should be a real live one, and produce some good stories for the wide-awake reporter. '""jwuasEjFi Tfe CHICAGO STOR Always Stands the Test as Salem's Greatest Bargain Giver OF UP-TO-DATE FASHIONABLE MERCHANDISE. IOC WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED WHEN Ton COME HERE TO BUT. WE HAVE THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE SIGHT PRICES AND A Wov DERFUL ASSORTMENT TO MAKE YOl'B SELECTION FROM. SEASONABLE JUNE WIIITR GOODS SHOWN IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AT LOW, QUICK-SELLING PRICES Each age of our lives hag It joys. Old people should be happy, and they will be If Chamberlain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular. These tab lets are mild and gentle In their action and especially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale by all dealers. PRUNES We have one or the finest large prune orchard propositions to be found at only f!)0 TER ACRE of which there are 24 acres of or chard with 16 acres BEARING The whole ploce Is 155 acres, of which over '60 acres are under plow. Balance In pasture and a lot of GOOD TIMBER It Is located about two miles souKi of Rosedale, part of It facing on the main rock rond. Also about a mile down grade haul to new Oregon Elec tric station. Good house, barn, etc. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. E. HOFER & SONS 213 Investments. S. Commercial Street i i i Bears the 81ffnstnn All patent medicines or medicines ad vertised In this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store Sulcm, Oregou Also Dr. Stone's rOISON OAK REMEDY A snow white medicine, contains no sugar of lead, opium, nor other poi sonous drugs. Applied every hour It at once relieves, and soon cures In flammation of tht skin generally known as Poison Oak. JGo and 60c bottles. Millinery NEW ARRIVALS Just received white whip-cord and crash hats, the big rage; nlso beau tiful trimmed hats, shapes, flowers nnd fancy feathers. Buy your hats here and save money. Small prices. 5.00, (8.50 and $10 Trimmed Hats now only $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 Suits COATS AND DRESSES Priced away down to make selling lively and a quick clearing up of all odd sizes In this department. Bridal outfits and graduating dresses a spe cialty. Come here for the best val ues $15.00 $18.00 and $25.00 Suits and Coats now $6.90 $8.50 $10.50 $12.50 Sillre AND wss 1 1 HO GOODS The Chicago Store is Salem's head quarters for Bilks and dress goods. Come here and see the fashionable, gcods we are showing at small prices Yard, 25c, 35c, i 65c up Domestics The greatest assertment of sum mer wash goods can always be seen at the Chicago Store. Thousands of yards out on the counters and In the shelves, all marked at prices that defy competition. 8 l-3c fancy Lawns now yd 4c Percales, now yd.. 5c, 6Wc 81-8c lip 18c Gnlateas now yd 10c, 12c COME HERE AND SATE MONEY SUMMER UNDERWEAR For women misses and children, now marked out at prices that will Eurprlae you. Every class and kind shown. Children's Underwear 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c and 25c Ladies' Underwear 8c, 10c, 12 1-2c, 18c, 25c and up They Put nn End to It Charles Snble. 30 Cook St., Roches ter N. Y., says he recommends Foley Kidney Pills at every opportunity be cause they gave him prompt relief from a bad case of kidney trouble that had long bothered him. Such a recom mendation, coming from Mr. Sable, Is direct and convincing evidence of the great curative qualities of Foley Kid ney Pills. The genuine Foley Kidney Pills are never sold In bulk, but put up In sealed bottles, enclosed In a yellow carton. Ask for Foley Kidney Pills. Refuse substitutes. Dr. Stone Drug Co. Journal "Want Ads" Bring Results. A sprained ankle may as a rule be cured In from three to four days by applying Chamberlain's Liniment anil observing tho directions with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. III I II JIM UilUWWWlMlllllM'U tl'Hf M Ends Hunt for Rich Girl. Often tho hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meets a womnn that uses Electric Hitters. Her strong nerves tell In a bright brain and even temper. Her peach-bloom complexion and ruby lips result from her pure blood; her bright eyes from restful sleep; her elastic step, from firm flee muscles, all telling of the health and strength Electric Hitters give a woman, and the freedom from Indiges tion, backache, headache, fainting and dizzy spells they promote. Every where they are woman's favorite rem edy. If weak or ailing, try them. 60c at J. C. Perry's. To Cure a Cold In One Dny. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. Groves signa ture is on each box. 25 cents. Move on Now! says a policeman to a street crowd, and whacks heads if It don't. "Move on now," says the big, harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffer ing follows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gent ly persuade them to right action, and health follows. 25c at J. C. Perry's. I Klamath Falls will hold a bis farmers' Institute this month. ffJK FRENCH FEMALES U KILLS. flFi, ClRTm Rlt ltr for SUPFIUKSID MlWWWsTT'll. fUVEH IN0WH TO FAIL. P"f' Si-HtW; Utiioti Uun,rnitf-! ut MHnT ftt-rutnlol. that pnT'i1'-f-r ).00 iwt Un. Will nl thorn on insl.t" N r''-tf wtirii rrlfrvrrt. Hiuiiplfi Free. If yrur drugltl J bfvi thui tn& your orderi to tht VWiTCO MfLfCAL CO., JO UfifiiTT. So.'d IP Salem bv Dr. 5. C Swi i ATYOl'K SEltVICE SIX DAYS each week for washing cleanly and Ironing beautifully your Bed Linen Table Linen Personal Linen and Family Wash Better accept our service and try the work done here. It can't be done better! CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 10,-, SALEM BANK & TRUST CO. GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS With our assurance that we are able and willing t0 take care of it, we solicit your Banking Busi ness. Open an account with us, and we will extend you every favor consistent with good bank ing principles. WE PAY FOI K PEIl CENT ON 8AYINUS Csrner State snd Liberty Streets J. L. Ahlors, President W. O. East, Cashier. S. 8 East. Vice President Dr. L. B. Steeves, L. H. Roberts. Directors. AutomobiIeMotor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem APPERSON 8. F. ANDERSON, Also Agent for Reo and Michigan Great Western Uarnge 11? . AUBURN W. S. FITTS, Agent. Also Agent for licit. 418 Conrt Street Phone U BUICK OTTO WILSON Also Agent for the Chalmers Phone 20 Cor. Comercial and COT E-M-F E-M-F MOTOR SALES CO. E. M. F. "30"-Flnnder "20 C. L. Rose, Mgr. 2I 8. Com I St FORD FORD AflENCY, E. II. Whiteside, ttt. Also Agents for It. C. H. and UtM 124 N. Liberty St Phone HUDSON VICK BROS. .... Also Agents for Elmore and IlnpmoDiir Capital (iorage Phone HJ FATniA AT MOTOR WATT 8IIIPP Ammunition, Flshlnff Turkic E'f; North Cominerclul Street Pho w MAXWELL The Car That Always Rim GEO. N. WILLS Canltnl flara Thone i OIITDf A ir 8IM0NT0N MOTOR CO. Phone 1311 151 North High Sti HARLEY-DA VIDSON haiser bros. . MOTOR PYn rc Anto and Motorcycle SiippHf' " mvtVJK l.U,LLb Minneapolis Motorcade VULCANIZING JSaJW MfsS w o-., 'MICIMVI Satisfaction Guaranteed. 19 AUTOMOBILES ro" ' ITI and TOWING Telephone Ml flI1f locomobile Emhry and Company jri lJ and Cars for Hire . Kelly Truck rhone Main 8S8. 2 SUteSt