FACE EIGHT. . DAILY CAPITA! JOURNAL, SALES, ORF.G03, WLDXESD AT, JOE 5, 1912. MEYERS 11 MEYERS Annnnl Reunion The annual reception for all for mer pupils of Sacred Heart Academy, will be held on Friday, June 7, 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 p. m. 6-3-3t Attend Meyers' Original June White Sale The Sale of the Season. TODAY Our 589th Wednesday Surprise Sale White Madras Waistings 35c Quality Today 19c a yard Here is a nice variety of that popular fabric, Madras Waisting, dainty patterns, washes well and makes splendid waists, children's dresses, etc. A regular 35c grade Your choice today 19c a yard None sold before 8:30 No phone orders Mr, Tom Maplethorp, our shoe repair man, is again in his place and is ready to give the same thoroughness and neatness, which has characterized his work for twenty-two years in Salem. Bring in your shoes and he will repair them right. Supply your needs at Meyers, you may """get the BU1CK. L UaSOBBSBBBt , CITY NEWS. Pay Vour firlgntlon Mil Snir And get Um discount. ti-4 .'t The Hotel Marlon's Business Lnurli Prepared and served In an up-to-date manner, 50c. v 6-27-tf 2.".0 Gallons of II (him Paint To close out at 1.85. - E. L, Stiff & Sun, 404 Conmierclul street. 6-3-3t Limdliidy Wan Frightened A Salem landlady was badly fright ened yesterduy, thinking she would lose her best hoarders on account of poor coffee. Some frjend told her of the Grand I'nlon goods and Hhe tin niedlately phoned Uckwood' at 216 N. Commercial. Business Hen's Lnncb, Ioll Marlon Excellent service, superior cooking, 60c. 6-27-tf Irrhuitior HIIIn Must lie 1'iild On or Ufore June 10th to get the 10 per cent discount. 6-4-fjt Slocks' for Siilo Two thousand shares of Scotia De velopment Co., at '30 cents per share and 11,000 shares Kruppeanof Cop lei Co. at 7 cents. Write to W. R Davidson, 21(1 Lewis building, Portland, re.O 6-4-5t I'lii mi H.cKiil- This evening nt the First Chris tian chinch by pupils of Frank K. Churchill .assisted by Ethel Thomas, reader, and Alice N. Judd, vocalist, adjourned pupils of Prof. Alexander Hull. Public cordially Invited. 4 ..., i ' '' mmfr GAS RANGES Are not all alike. A few moments of your time spent in looking over the NE W IDEA Which is being demonstrated this week at Buren & Hamilton's, will convince you of its superiority over all other GAS RANGES. High Oven, Mica Oven Door, Durablo Finish that needs no blacking, White Enamel Broiling Pans and Gas Saving Burners are only a few of the many ex clusive features of the "New Idea." Dunn,? the demonstraton Mis. Stricklvnr will nmnnm i all kinds of plain and fancy dishes, and will be iuoi;u iu nuoni any iut:;tiiuii&l v.utlilUI taut btalo for every one, All are cordially invited. DEMONSTRATION FROM 2:00 to 5;00 EVERY DA Y THIS WEEK. Don't Waste Time Experimenting but order Ice cream where you know that It la O. K. Made by the Wonder Kandy Kitchen, the home of "Crlspette." Phone Main 999. 371 North Commercial street. Time and Labor Saved By using a Sexto-blade safety raz or, and you have greater satisfaction. You get them only of F. E. Shafer, tho Saddle and Harness man, 187 South Commercial street. We Tan Supply 1'ou With any quantity of strawberries, fresh vegetables,' sanitary kept. They are fine. Phone Main 13i, The Sun set Grocery. llioy ire Gululilg In popularity every day. Why? RecaiiBe nothing but the best of meats, and they cut right, goes over the counter. Phone Main 247, Capi tal Meat Market Hill and Hansen J.roprletors. Ladles' Musical Club- Tonight at the First M. E. church. Commencement recital of the W. U School of Music, at 8:13. Public in vited. . Is Xow nt Home Miss Iyeone Slusser was taken home from Salem hospital Friday May 31, and is able to walk a little now. She is Improving rapidly and will be out again in a very Bhort time. At Salem Common ' The pastors of the city churches are preaching at the Salem commons these beautiful evenings. Tonight Pev. O. A. Stlllman will speak. You should hear him. These meetings are arranged for you. Tore II In Mouth -A cow Ivan Frultt was handling at Chemawa Monday, among other stunts managed to get her horn In Ivan's mouth, and somewhat en larged It, tearing it an Inch or two. The wound was stitched up, and out side of the scar, which will not hurt, no permanent damage will be done. It Is a painful wound, however, and certainly an Inconvenient one, about meal time especially. Glory Ticket Issued Marriage licenses have been Issued as follows: Grover C. Yates, aged 22 years, to Ida B. McFeron, aged 17, both of Salem, The wedding will take place today. Carl Clayton Scott, aged 23 years, to Elsie lllanch Smith, aged 22 years, both of Salem. Wallace C. Griggs, aged 28 years, and Edith Ituth Ianslng, aged 21 years, both of Sulem. Commissioners' Cou'rt Meets The Marlon county commissioners' court opened Its regular monthly ses sion this morning at the court house. A large number of bills will come be fore that body, and other matters of much. Importance will be disposed of at this term of court. It will require almost all of the balance of the week I to dispose of the accumulated busi ness. IniliMrliil Exhibit The manual training and domestic science department of the high school will lie open to the public tonight from 7': 30 to 9. Work of the year, fur niture work In the one and sewing in the latter, will be exhibited. A Rare Operation A Caesareau operation was per formed lately by Dr. A. W. Korlnek, upon Lady Unity, a fine female Hos ton bulldog, belonging to Win. Eagles, of Albany. The operation, which was the second of the kind upon this animal, was a success and the five puppies are doing well, The doctor Is proud of his success as the mother of Hie Utile puppies Is one of the most valuable dugs In the Wil lamette valley. The Dunce Tomorrow Mght A great deal of Interest is being taken In the dance to be given In honor of the Stanford students to morrow night by Miss Crania. Sons of Veterans . ('uphill, John Huntington, of Port land, will be lu the city Saturday to otganl.e it cHinp of Sons of Veterans, a patriotic order that Is subsidiary to the (Irand Army of the Republic. The Indies of the (Irauil Army have Inter ested themselves In this organization, und It Is expected to organize here Saturday ev-tili TERRIFIC FIRE RAGES III FOREST SLOWLY DRIVIXG BACK THE RANGERS FIGIITIXG IT THE FIEKCE BLAZE SWEEPS IS'TO THE YIB.GIX TIMBER OF BEAR YALLEY. CSCLE SAM LASDS MARINES. (Continued from Page 1.) UNITED PRISS EJ0A8KD Willi. San Bernardino, Cal., June 5. Steadily forcing back a detchment of forest rangers, who battled Its ad vance throughout the night, a terrific forest fire penetrated Into Bear val ley today, and Is threatening the fa mous Plue Knot hotel. According to brief reports from the mountains at noon, a shift of wind direction only can save the building. The fire Is raging In a virgin forest, and unless checked may sweep thou sands of acres of giant pines on both side of Bear valley lake. Additional rangsrs will be sent to the scene. PORTLAND HAS DOILER EXPL0SI0I1 ONITBD PS1SS UASID WIXB.J Portland, Ore., June a. One man was severely injured and the west bound train of the O.-W. R. & N. nar rowly escaped being wrecked today when a boiler used in the construction of a bridge over Sullivan's gulch ex ploded. Wreckage of the engine and boiler was hurled across the track In front of the incoming train, and the engineer stopped the train baroly in time to avoid a collision. The In jured man was Bert Webb, engineer in charge of the work. A number of oth er persous were knocked down by the force of the explosion. One man was raised from the ground and deposited In a deep pool of water. the control of President Jose Gomel. The dispatches state that Captain Kline, of the Quantanamo naval sta tion, has distributed the marines to guard American Interests near that port, following the demand of the Americans for protection from the Cuban government, which they failed to receive. Consular reports from all parts of Cuba indicate that the rev olution has 'reached proportions with which President Gomez is utterly un able to cope. The rebels are threatening a gener al nttack on American property around Santiago, It Is reported, and marines probably will be landed from the cruiser Paduchnh there this afternoon. Pressure Is being brought to bear on the administration here to land the entire 3,000 United States marines now In Cuban waters. Cuban minis ter Rlvero conferred with Major General Leonard Wood, chief of the staff of the United States army, for an hour here today. M. H. Lewis, president of the Guan tnmao and Western railroad, Informed General Wood and Secretary of State Knox today that the United States may protect the railroad or President Gomez will not have all hlB troops free to meet the rebelil. The Addition of Character KINGWOOD PADF V Salem's most beautiful resi dence district, Streets, water mams and sidewalks in and yuiu iui. oi U te Dill d ncr TERMS TO SUIT EVERY ONE lots $300 and up. g $15.00 Bargains in Homes $1600 buys a splendid, five room cottage, well built, conveniently ar ranged, on gcod street, on a corner lot, 66x132 feet, bearing fruit trees, gcod bam, place fenced, In fact a real fine place for the money. Is worth at least $2000. If you want a place that is a rca' bargain, see this property, which la wc'l located, be ing .close to school, churches and stores. WII.SOX CAriTKKH SOI Til IMKOTA Sioux Falls, 8. IV, June 5. Victory for Woodrow Wilson In the South Dukotn primaries was Indicated by nil available returns late this after neon It appearing that the New Jer sey governor lias captured the states 10 delegates to Baltimore by two to on over Clark. Sterling, progressive) also has de feated Gamble, standpatter, for the Republican senatorial nomination. Roosevelt's plurality over Taft la now Indicated as being about 15.000. The Pender Murder Trial. St. Helens, Or., June 5. Attempts today were made by the prosecution fr. the trial of J. A. Pender, charged with the murder of Mrs. Daisy Wehr nian and her four-year-old boy to prove that the defendant, though al though already possessed of a shot gun, borrowed a revolver on a pre text and that this weapon was the oiie with which the crime was committed. Printer Elect . Officers. Indianapolis, June 5. The official vote In the recent election of oflkers of the International Typographical President James M. Lynch, received 21,040 votes and Barker, 19,100. For vice-president Duncan received 21,437 votes and Tracy 20,503. John W. Hays was re-elected secretary treasurer by a plurality of 4,723. Drain is' waking up and getting ready to welcome the advent of a rail road -any old rallrond will do. MS "TH t iif-v :: . ii j WHILE OLD AND YOUNG Alike often require glasses each should ' be supplied with a lens suitable to correct any defect of the eye. Without an examination of the eyes by an efficient Opto metrist, no one can. supply glasses that will overcome your eye trouble. Don't experiment for rella- ? bio aid, visit t A. M'CI'LLOCH I Optometrist. f 21)1 Sorth Commercial St. f (Ground Floor) t Phone 0'J. Otllce Honrs 9 to ( f44- Good Fruit Will Make Dollars To get the fruit, you will re quire the services of The Sher-wlu-WUllaiiii one-man, spray, pump now on exhibition at FiVs Drug Store Com a4 hi. 1 $2"iH) will buy a good house of six rooms, barn, about 60 benrlng fruit trees, windmill and tank, three large lots, BOxliiO feet, all street and Bewer assessments paid. Has east front, close to carllne, stores and school. Tho lots alone are worth $750 each. This Is a rare bargain and worth more money by far than Is asked. Cnn be bought on reasonable term. 1 $3500 will buy one of the finest houses built this season. The house has eight, large rooms, an extra large sleeping porch, full cement busement, pantry, bath, porches, electric light and fixtures, modern plumbing upstairs and down, fire l.lace, walls will be tinted to suit, cement walks, curbs, beautiful loca tion. This house Is In beautiful Kingwood Park. The new bridge is new building and property values there are now on the Increase. We write Insurance. We rent Houses. We Issue Surety Bonds. 1IECHTEL A BY.NOX 547 State Street. Tel. Main 452 I First Class l'liino at Public Auc tion. Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, June 17, 1912, at 2:30 p. iu. of aald day, the undersigned will sell nt public auction to the highest and best bidder, nt the late residence of George L. Pugh, deceased, three- fourths of a mile north of Chemawa station on the Oregon Klectrlc Rail way, for cash, one Crown upright piano, solid quarter oak finish In first cluss condition. Anyone desiring a good Instrument will do well to Investigate. GKORGE H. Ml'DGK, Administrator of tho Kstate of George L. Pugh, Deceased. fi-5-10t Fairmount Park Snap If you wish to buy In the coming exclusive district of Salem, see my modern house In Fulrmount Park on one of the finest view lots; looks straight down Conimerclnl street, so that, with good field glasses, one can sit on large airy front porch and watch the moving pnnorama of tho business section of that street. Grand and unobstructlble view of moun tains, river, city and valley. Lot Is 75x150. Five rooms down-stairs, be sides reception hull and Inrge bath nom, Up stairs, lingo enough for two good rooms. Is not finished; but floor Is laid nnd Is used as bedroom, two 6-foot width windows sweep the view. Well built mnw; no biisn nent. Good buck porch, screened nnd IntttVod. Bedrooms and bathroom linlshed In white enamel; rest of house hardwood finish. Hot and cold v ater In bathroom, kitchen and back lurch. Wash trays, c.ood water pressure all summer from Fairmount Park water tank. The Improvements on this place cannot be duplicated for l.ss than 12200. Bare lot next door, trine si., beld at $2500. Price for this house and lot. $3,000. This Is a sacrifice price, but owner must sell, he Is going east. Call Star Gro y. Main 145B. 6.4.,m0 BOWLING New location, 379 State 8trcet In rear of Shining Parlors Open Dally Everybody Invited, ladles especially FREE! hocT'1' pizes for the best Kodak picture of King- food Park; contest ending June 25. Make your appoint ment with us and bring your Kodak, and let us show you the Addition of the Hour at our expense. KINGWOOD PARK CO. Gibson & Hill, Selling Agts. 212 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg, Njajn 2275 BSB5LS PERSONALS. , Mrs. A. M. Clough has returned from a two-weeks' visit In Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Rex. Bishop. W. A. Taylor, of Macleay, Is In tho city. Mrs. K. L. Brewer and daughter, of Chemawa, are In the city. J. T. Heckwith, of Jefferson, Is In the city In attendance at the commis sioners' court. ' Mr. C. P. Slnde, bookkeeper at the Woolen Mills Store, 1b In Silverton on business. A. Yuhl, wife and daughters, of Piedmont, Cal., stopped In the city night. They are making a motor car tour of the Pacific Northwest on pleasure. STATISTICAL. MAKKIKO. JORGKNSEN LEWIS. At the resi dence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. P. S. Knight, June 4, 1912, Miss Conle Lewis to Ira Jorgensen, both of Salem. Mr. Jorgonson Is proprietor of a blacksmith ship on South High street, and Mrs. Jorgenson wag a stenographer of the city for a num ber of years. Both 'are well nnd fa vorably known here, where they will make their home. They left for the north on a wedding trip. MAR III EI). YATKS-M'FKRON In Salem, Wed nesday, June 5, 1912, Miss Ida B. McFeron to Grover 11. Yates, both of this city. The young people will make their home at Salem. Mr. Yates was formerly an employe at the Elite Cafe. NEW TODAY. FRED! Fred! Fred! Corner Com anu oiate street In Front the Madl 8on' ' 6-5-41-- MONEY TO LOAN TIIOS. K. FORI) Over Idd and Bush Hank, Salem, Or NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY RCRGIIARDT A SIERKDITH Resident Agents S8& State Street WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company, 279 North Commercial street. Phone Main 813. MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate secirlty. BECIITEL BOOK SI 7 State Street MONEY, TO LOAN On farm and city property. John H Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or- egon. Phone 1552. Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdon Residence Main 111. RHiDOJf.RICIIAKDSON CO. Funoral Directors and Undertakers 252 N. High Street. Japanese Hand Laundry and Dry Cleaning Works ( lean nnd sanitary, all work done by hand. Jio machinery to tear Nnd wrr out delicate fabrics. Work railed' for nnd delivered trial will nuke yoa a steady patron. 0 Kerry Street. Those Mala tiii FOR SALE CHKAP-Nearly now fi passenger, roredoor E. M. F. 30, ex- 1 cellent condition, Including wind shield, speedometer, five lamps, mohair top and side curtains, full' set repair tools, brass pumu, etc. Will teach you how to operate and take care of car. What have yon to offer In exchange The National Brokers, 135 S. Commercial. NEW BUNGALOW close In strictly modern, four blocks from biislnei! section; $200 down, balance month ly. See Homer H. Smith, McCor nack building. Phone 96. 6-2l-t(- MEN WANTED for mill and yard work. Phone 02 or call 34n South 12th street. 6-l-tf- FRED Is not guilty. If you tliluk that Fred fry Bandwlches In grcace I bet you $100 you come and try one for your self. ' AGENTS MAKING $10 dally nellln? "Titanic Disaster" book nnd "Roosevelt and Ills Policies." Prices $1.00 and $1.50; GO per cent commission; 60 per cent to general agents; freight paid; credit given; outfits free. International Bible House, Dept. P., Perry Bldg., Phil adelphia. . 6-3-tt' FOR SALE Four good lots, large uew house, 00x40 feet, 3 blocka to Went Salem school. Price $M0, $.',00 cash, balance In 5 years. See John Van Laanen, 273 State street. 6.5-31 FOR SALE Good brood sow and U pigs or .will soli pigs. Phone Farmer 95. 6-2;"3! FOR SALE OR RKNT Peanut and popcorn roaster. HCO Ulghltnd nvenue 6"J"J' WANTED AT ONCE, woman com Florence Hotel, 6-5-Jt FOR SALE CHEAP-Our Mitchell demonstrator, Model T, 35 l"rr power, recently overhauled painted. Car guaranteed " new. Slmonton Motor Co. OHTKOPATHIC" PHVSIIi.OS DR. O. F. 1IEISLKY and Dr. S. Ktt Helsley. general osteopathic lw tit loners. Also hydrotherapy electric light baths given extra charge for rheumatism, kid ney and liver troubles. The "f cess In these treatments l W to going to the hot lake- c"' flnement cases and female troiil a specialty. 205 and 20 P. 8-"'k building. Phones:- Office, N" 618; residence, Main 21KL CAROLINE ELINOR HAINES COSCKItT I'lAMST PJano Instruction. Write for circu lar. Studio 491 North CottaS' street. TYPEWRITERS All Msles HOI (HIT SOLO RESTED Ki:rAir.ni . liinnoss i HOLLER 81TFI.I5S Sea ma befora yon do anyt C. M. LOCIW003 Tina Wall .,,, til JU X. Commercial. )" 0