PAGE EIGHT. 0AI1T CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALES. OREGOS, SATURDAY, JOE 1, 1912. ma MEYERS MEYERS MEYERS ' Save Money on White Goods Attend Meyers' Original Joime White iSlIl(S THE WHITE SALE OF THE SEASON Attractive Specials for Today's Shoppers Ladies' $4.00 Tan Shoe, Today $2.89 A neat, stylish shoe in a lace model the special attraction today in our shoe section, Only $2.89 a pair $2.00 Corset and Drawer Combina tions, Today $1,39 Here's a muslin wear opportunity' Linen lace trimmed, all sizes. Today, only $1.39 White Crocheted Hand-Bags Today 69c These are very popular now, so bfjy one today, at this low price, Only 69c Ladies' 35c Summer Union Suits Today 29c These are low neck; no sleeves, and are lace trimmed, Special today 29c $2.00 Princess Lace Collars, Today $1.29 Very dainty and suitable for either a dress or coat collar. Today, $1.29 each Reduced Prices Today on Mattress Protectors and Material in the Piece Mattress protectors, sizes 45x76 and 27x34. Pro tector material by yard 36 and 62-inch width. All Reduced Today Supply Your Needs at Meyers WHAT SAVED JJER LIFE Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. Rlvesvllle, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, In a letter from Rlvesyllle, writes: "For three rears, I suffered with wo manly troubles, and had pains In my back and Bide. I was nervous and could not sleep at night The doctor could not help me. He said I would have to be operated on be fore I could get better. I thought I would try using Cardul. Now, I am entirely well. I am sure Cardul saved my life. I will never be without Cardul In my home. I recommend It to my friends." For fifty years, Cardul has been re lieving pain and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will surely help you. It goes to the spot reaches the trouble relieves the symptoms, and drives away the cause. If you suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardul. Your druggist sells and recommends It Get a bottle from him today. . N. B. Wrilttn: Ladles' Advisory Dpt., Oitt noDga Medlclnt Co., Chattanooga. Tenn.. for Special Jnttrnctionl, and 64-paga book. "Horn. TreUMa4 (or Woman," Mot ia plain wrapper, on requeau Vnn I j me Duirk b II CITY NEWS. ('mint Out Sunday Klngwood Park, Join our free picnic. Fireman I(hIkiih Ivan Wood, a hoseman of the Eust Salem fire deportment, has ttmdered Ills resignation, to take effect Imme diately. It Is also understood thut fumes Giillck, who has boen acting us a supernumerary. bIbo Intends resign ing from tho fire service of the city. The "Utile" Little Car Sol Anderson Is driving around In his little "Little" car. It is a line looking machine, and will undoubted ly be a big seller. Mr. Anderson is the ''Little's" local agent. Yes, 'Lit tle" is the name. Watch for the lit tle gray "Littlo" roadtiter as it pass es on tho street. Only $795 delivered In Salem. Ciinin Out S n ml n r t Klngwood Park. Join our free picnic. Will Probated- Probate Judge DiiBliey yesterday admitted the will of M. C. Simpson to probate, She died April 22, 1912. leaving three heirs to her eHtate. The heirs are: W. B. Simpson, her, husLnml; Thnuins K. Simpson, a son, and Mrs. Zulelma C. Hohannon, a daughter. Ceme Out Sunday Klngwood Park. Join our free picnic. The Orcgonii.n Itestiuiriiiit Will Berve chicken dinner Sunday Manus Bros., proprietors. Come early. Miss Dorothy Gibson 1 i A Survivor of the Tllnnlc it (he Reporter Is Slow It doesn't speuk well for a news paper reporter's ability to gather in the news Hems when he gets run over by an auto and falls to get the story In his own paper the day the accident occurred. Ask Iing about iU Tomorrow mid roiitlimliijr nil- II . BLIGH Come Out Sunday Klngwood Park. Join our free picnic. A Good Place To get your Sunday supplies Is at J, M. Lawrence's grocery at 197 South Commercial street. The best of everything at right prices. Mrs. George lsbell Dead Mrs. George- lsbell, of the Fair grounds, died this morning at 10:10 o'clock after an Illness of about six months. Mrs. lsbell was preceded to the grave about six years by her hus band, who died from Injuries re ceived from the kick of a horse. The funeral will be held Sunday, but all arrangements have not been made at the time of going to press. Mrs. ls bell has resided In Salem over 20 years, her residence during all that time being Just north of the state grounds. To Play Wooilbiirn The Hauser Brothers' baseball team will go to Woodburn tomorrow to cross bats with a team from that plnce. A good game is promised as both teams are strong. . Estate (o He Settled The estate of Mary P. llerschber ger. who died nt Hubbard. July 7, 1908, was brought to probate yester day on petition of Levi P. Hersch berger, her husband. The estate is valued at $2,000, of which there are elgbt heirs, as follows: Levi P., .Noah L Lee !.., Daniel V and John A. Herschhergcr, of Hubbard; Sarah Miller, of Hubbard; Peter L. Herseh berger, of Woodburn and Mary Ann Murdoch, of Zlon City, Ills. - STATISTICAL BORN. w CRESOR At the family home, corner of Eighteenth and Oak streets Fri day, May 31, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. George Cresor ,a 10-pound girl. DIED. CLARK. At the family home, 2305, North Liberty street, this city, May 81, 1912, George Edward Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Clark. Death occurred at 8:30 yesterday morning, and was from spinal meningitis. FARRIXGTOX. At the family home about two miles south of Salem on the Turner road, at 5:10 a. m May 31, 1912, Frank P. Farrlngton, Jr., aged 17 years, 8 months and 29 days. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon a't 2 o'clock at Rlgdon & Richardson's undertaking parlors, Rev. R. N. Avlson officiating. Burial will be In City View cemetery. h a it in i: i. LA BRANCH-KING At the resi dence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Father A. A, Moore, Saturday, June 1. 1912, at 11:30 o'clock a. in., Miss Mabel King to Alfred La - Branch. The young people live east of the city a few miles, where they will con tinue to reside. Sh'ctect1cutie0 Get the Original and Genuine I0RLIGIC8 MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. For Infants, InvaliandGrowingcydren. PureNutriUcfl,upbuildingthewnolebody. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. Rich mil malted grain, in powder form, A quick lunch prepared in a minute. He no substitute. Ask for HO RUCK'S. ffof fit Any Milk Trust BASEBALL Sues for-'Dlvorce Salome Strawn has begun a suit In circuit court to annul her mar riage to George W. Strawn, which took place In Wayne county, Ohio, September 3, 1898. She alleges de sertion since 1903 as well as gross and habitual drunkenness as grounds for the action. Auto Bid Not Hurt Him Walter Bates, the young man who was struck by an automobile near the circus grounds lasf night about 10:30 o'clock, was not seriously hurt. He was thrown some distance by the force of the blow, but escaped with but slight., bruises and a slightly sprained ankle. The name of the driver of the auto could not be learned ns on account of the dark ness It was Impossible to get Its num ber. That the machine was going at a high rate of speed, Is reported by those who saw it. The Sunset (Jim A thrilling war drama by the Edi son company, at the Grand tonight. John Runny . John Hiinny is always funny, but he is at his funniest in the comedy, "Diamond Cut Diamond." At the Grand tonight only. Amoldo Have you seen the act beautiful? Amoldo and his troupe of perform ing leopards and panthers, at the Grand tonight only. Columbus Club Grays vs. Salem League Team League Grounds Tomorrow 2:30 p. m. NEW TODAY. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent 1201 South Commercial street. 6-l-3t FOR RENT Two furnished housekeep lug roomB, suitable for one or two persons. Phone, light, etc., 818 N. Liberty. 6-1-tt Land Bargains 40 APlfvu on the famous Howell prau. uuuul cultivation and i, crop; well Improved, good 7 house; burn; all kinds of beJT, fruit trees and berries. M) ? rtnon hi-.. !..... . "til, best. buys in the valley. Good June 10th. Price. Iktsh. ...... " , , . cash balance Blx per cent. 100 ACRES on famous Howell prairie, fioo Mr acre; 30 acres under cultivation- u acres In hops; balance, timber' t'ru $100 per acre. Terms. 820 ACKESriiora ACRE Mr. Investor, look tills up; this the best propsltlon offers ..,. jG acres, heart of the prune belt; vrv unaer cultivation, bulanct timber and pasture; loo acres of the best timber anywhere near; fair btffld. lngs. Don't overlook thin ..." 1 Might consider some city property or iuii imy. jiBBy terms If wantM VACANT LOTS We have some choice barnlnt 1. vacant lots In all parts of tlw city. Some are close In on State. fnnrt and other streets. . HOUSES We make a specialty on close In and on easy payment plan. We write Insurance. Money to loan. If you wish your property sold list .with BECIITEL & UYXOX 347 State Street ) WANTED Teamster. Inquire at 170 South 15th Btreet or phono 1419. 6-l-3t FOUND. A black leather pocketbook. Owner can have same by proving and paying for this ad. G-l-3t FOR SALE $1250, House, barn, good lot, east front, on car line two-thirds of a block to pavement, fine garden 15 large fruit trees; terms. Phone 2197. fi-l-St FOR SALE Cheap, new modern bungalow, cabinet kitchen, ce ment basement, furnace, etc.; good location; terms. Inquire 27!) North Commercial Btreet. Phone 813. 6-l-3t MM am Come O11I Sunday Klngwood Park. Join our free picnic. Ill Wednesday Matinee Every Day SPENCER HARDWARE COMPANY Hose! Hose! Hose! 1-2-inch and 3-4-inch Rubber and Cotton Hose 50 feet 1 -2-inch rubber hose with couplings, Price $3,75 50 feet 3-4-inch rubber hose with .couplings, Price . $4,50 50 feet 1-2-inch, 7-ply rubber hose with couplings, Price $6.50 50 feet 3-4-inch, 7-ply rubber hose with couplings, Price $7.50 50 feet 1-2-inch warranted cotton hose, Ri ice $4.50 50 feet 1-2-inch crack-proof rubber hose, Price $9.00 50 feet 3-4-inch crack-proof rubber hose, Price $10.00 This hose wll not kink and is the most reliable hose on the market, Couplngs, bands, menders, hose nozzles, etc, Lawn Mowers Sprinklers ink. X "IK X K 3, 4, 5 cutting blades, 12, 14, 10, 18 and 20 Indies In length. Plain bearings priced up from $2.50. linlt bearings, priced up from $4.00 Crass catchers, r,0o to $1.00. Sickles', 25c, Site. 40c and 4',p each. Garden tools, tie to 50c. Makes, shovels, hoes and garden acts. 25c to $ 1.25. We have many kinds to select from Maresco The best and most easily applied sanitary kalso niliie on the market ; works equally well on Iron, wood or plaster; no laps or creases shown. Price per 5-lb. pkg 50c Full line of Builders' and Shelf Hardware Spencer Hardware Company 466-472 State Street Phone 19 XEW I'ltOliKAMS Ye Liberty A Seiil Itccliiliiied S. and A. The (.renter I.ovo Vllnnrnph Scenes of Kirypt Kulem Itiineli Wilis ' on n ltmnpniu' Knlcin Wexford From (he Sawyer's Window l'ul lie .V ItonmiU'c of the Ice Fields Killson The Man t'uder the lied ' Vltugrnph ( H AXiK OF I' TOMORROW I Sight is Priceless And once destroyed cannot be restored. If your eyes trouble you at all. you should call at my office nnd have them exam ined in the most scientific man ncrll to learn If your sight can be Improved. If glnRHes nre nwded, 1 can fit any kind want ed to correct your sight, be they single lens, Toric or Kryptok . My new eyeglass mountings hyhl gently, yot firmly, with out Injury to nose or rye and equal our spectacle frame In steadiness of vision. My prices nre wry reasona ble, as fltllng glasses Is my specialty, and you get tho ben efit of my SO years' experience by consulting me. I friiiiriiiitci) satisfaction In nery reaped. No extra charge for examina tion. 1 am located In the lulled State National llnuk Imlldliiit, rooms 310-211, Salem. Office hours from 9:00 to 12 a. m., nnd from 1 to 5:30 p. m.; by special appointment even ings. D. M. P. MOPKLSOHX I)r. of Optics (;radiiH(f of Hi'IdelbeiTf, Or- man. HOME ltKAIUX) To he thoroughly enjoyed should not lire the eyes uud he followed with ii dull lien due he. If when rending, your eyes blur, tire or ache, ooine to me for a pair of Reading (ilnsses made for your special use, only after an expert examination of the Eyes. How do your ')cs feel tndnyl A. MTILLOCH f Optometrist. X Ml North Commercial St. X (Ground Floor) Phone fl-jr, 01ire i01rs 9 to 6 rOH SALIC Dry wood. Phone 1SS8 or 1419. 0-l-.1t WANTED Direct from owner, sever al lots In residence district, also houses nnd lotB. Prices must be renBonable; state terms. Address "M.," Journal. 6-1-lt DID YOU SEE Last evening that young man with big straw hat In town. Do you konw who he is I bet $10 that Fred, In front of the Madison, have hot chicken tamales made for your wife. WANTED TO IIOHROW At once 2, .r00, 2 years, 7 ier cent Interest, best of real estate security. "C. D.," care Journal. 6-1-w FOIl Q11CK SALE My corner Leslie nnd University. Price right. Phone Main 1U8I. J. E. Scoft. 6-1-tf FOR RENT Three furnlBhed houBO I keeping rooms, lllfl Court Btreet. Plume 209. fi-l-llt FOR SALE Young Jersey cow; test 5 2-10. Address IMfi North Fourth street. (l-l-Ht FOI R ROOM HOUSE Tor sale or rent. Enquire of O. W. Johnson. 5-31-3t FOR SALE Comparatively new up right piano In good condition. Verj cheap. Call 975 Center street. 5-28-5t V e t e r i narlan. Graduate Mc Kllllp College, Chicago, 111., which enjoys lurgest practice ' In Ihi tt'nrl.l Lameness, dentistry and diseases of the foot a specialty. Phones: Resi dence, 1961; office, 278. Ofllce and feed barn, 420 S. Commercial street. m NEW BUNGALOW close In strictly modern, four blocks from business section; $200 down, balance month ly. See Homer H. Smith, McCor nack building. Phone 96. 5-24-tf The artisans are to have a big time In Dallas Saturday. Among other things there will be a big parade, floats by business houses nnd allied by the "biggest goat." Journal "Want Ads" Hrlng Results. Now for the Seashore ! VIA THE t Season Tickets on Sab June 1st I w) SUNSET I lOGDENiSHteTAl I 3-Day Tickets on Sale Saturday and Sunday to TILLAMOOK AXD NEWPORT REACH EN. bSs'ras 'follow'sr1"0""11 B,nt1""8 ' NeW"01t Tillamook From Portland Oregon City Salem Albany Corvallls Eugene Roseburg Medford Ashland Tickets To Newport Fare $ 6.25 0.2.-, 5.1 r, 4.00 3.75 5.80 8.75 12.00 12.00 To Tillamook lteaches Fare I 4.00 4.70 6.00 7.30 7.10 9.00 12.00 17.20 17.75 . i,. , . ' .. l' M A EX('lltSIO. TRAIX OX THE C & 11 it j ,v . foml last 4ine to Seplember. I NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BCRGHARDT & MEREDITH Resident Agents S85 State SlrH THE NEW SECOM)-IUD ' CLOTHING STORE We have a good line of Clothing and Shoes. Highest prices ;iaitt for second-hand clothing and shoM. 8(2 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or. CAROLINE ELINOR HAINES CONCERT PIANIST Piano Instruction. Write for circu lar. Studio 491 North Collage street. BOWLING New location, 379 Stato Street In rear of Shining Parlors Open Dally Everybody Invited, ladles esnecWIf Salem Fish and Poultry Market 173 South Commercial street. Tele phone Main 2125. Fresh vm, ClamB, Crabs, Poultry and US' Prompt service. , 6-3-lm H .0. I1Y11F.1UW Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdon Residence Main HI RIGDOX.RICHARDSON CO. Funeral Directors and Uwlertakeri 252 N. High Street. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North CommercUl street. Phone Main 813. MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate leciritr, BECHTEL A BTNOX 8(7 StJite Street MONEY TO LOAN TIIOS. K. F0IID . Over Ladd and Bush Dank, Salem, Or. MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. John H. 8cott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1G52. Japanese Hand Laundry and Dry Cleaning Works Clean und sanitary, all work l,y hand. No machinery to near out dellriile filrlt. "or called for und delivered promptly. trial will make you a h'"'J l"l,r0 m Perry Street. Phone Mill' TYPEWRITERS All Makes noroiiT S0,D IIE.MED ; j i RKPAIBS" . t KII1II0SS I V 3 B01MW 8iriLis 8e ms befor you do snytWot C. M. LOCKW00D tH-tlt If. CsmstercUI. Sal". VTT