PAGI SIX DAI1I CAPITAL JCUR1CAL, SALE, 0REG05, SATURDAY, JL XE 1, 1912. SlEWPflilT ihves each year FAMOUS BEACH BESORT COMING TO THE FRONT AS XOT 0LI OXE OF THE FIXEST IX OKEUO.N, BUT OX THE WHOLE COAST. I Visitors to Newport this season will find many welcome changes. There have been many improvements fin ished and others are under way. One of the greatest Improvements for the town of Newport Is the plank ing on Front street. This will make the street passable In all sorts of weather, and will be a great comfort to the great crowds on excursion days. All the business houses are being op ened up, and the Abbey hotel, which lias remained open all winter, already houses quite a few guests. A con crete bank building Is In course of construction, and several other build ings of good size are nearly com pleted. Half way over the hill to Nye Beach a large Odd Follows hall is' going up, the lower part of which will bo used for store rooms. The top of the hill has been leveled and a new walk built, the grade being materially less ened In consequence. At Nye Beach all is In roadlness for the coming of the tired city people. All the hotels and boarding houses are already open, and many cottages are being built. The plunge opens tomor row and has been completely renov ated. The Hotel Nicolai Is nearly fin ished, and Munager Anderson is now In Portland buying furniture. Newport people predict tho most successful year of all for Oregon's most famous summer resort and Pres ident Blanchard of the Commercial Club says that ho fully expects to see Newport and Nye Beach come fully Into their own this year. Proposals for Supplying the State Institutions. Sealed bids are Invited by the Plate Purchasing Board for Supplies and stores for the Oregon State lu Hlltutlons, for the six months ending lu cember 31, 1912. Illds will be opened at 2 p. m .Tune 2( th. Lists, with instructions to bid ders may be secured by calling on, or addressing C. 1). Frnzer, Secre tary, Salem, Oregon." 0-1 -fit-nod I NATURE'S ESSENCE.. "Extracted From Forest Plants. Nature's lw. are perfect, but disease follow, if these law. ere not obeyed. Go straight to nature for the eure, to the forest; there are mysteries here that wo eon fathom for you. Take the bark of the wild-cherry tree, the root of mandrake, tone, Oregon drape root, queen's root, bloodroot and golden seal, make seien ti&o, Don-alooholio extract of them with just the right proportions and you have Doctor Pierce's Goldeu medical Discovery. It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists, eight years of hard work experimenting to make this pure glyceric extract and alterative of the greatest efficiency end without the use of particle of alcohol. -j Just the sort of remedy you need to make rich, red blood, and cure that lassitude and feeling of nerve exhaustion. ' n. PU..'. tl..i-n M.J!oal niBnw.rv Kur. ,V.m .tamn nf Public: Approval and has sold more largely in the post forty years than anv other blood purifier and stomach tonio. "Some 'time aqro I got out of health my stomsch seemed to be the test of the trouble," wrttoa Mr. Kzka Williams, of Belleville, Kino. " 1 commenced to doctor with all the doctors at home as well a with other .peciallita on stomach and digestive organs. None seemed to do any gwl In fact most of the medicines did me harm. Finally, I wrote to Dr. fierce, Buffalo, N. Y., who replied, stating that I had liver eom- Slalnt with indigestion and constipation, and advised Dr. Pierce'. Goklea edlcal Dlicovery and 'Pleasant fellets.' ',yMt-$t 'I X lne uiecovery una reueu, nave put me on my leei egmin if souaed to be just what 1 needqd. 1 cuukl nut have recovered without them." E. Wuxuau, Bet, fJ Pierce ai PImimI Pallet are tmr Ilrtr lilt a- - 'I Tarrjr THE TURKISH BATHS III AMERICA JIudame Qulvlllii will be glad to answer any questions pertaining to womauly beauty, l'ersonal replies will be glyen If n stamped nnd self-addressed envelope Is enclosed. DISCUSS THE V OF MILL CREEK A meeting of much Importance to people living along the banks of Mill creek was held last night In the coun cil chamber of the city hall, at which the matter of deepening the channel and raising the banks of the creek were thoroughly gone over, and It is now believed that active steps will be taken so that in the future that stream will not overflow Its banks. The meeting was called by Governor West, at the Instance of a large number of property owners along the line of the creek. John H. Albert was elected chairman of the meeting and William Brown wag choBen secretary. Gover nor West, In calling the meeting to order, stated his purpose In calling It was to devise means of preventing the Inundation .of a large area of country and some of the city by Mill creek, and to co-operate with the city with a view to deepening the channel of thnt stream. Governor West, William Steiuloff and Russell Catlln were appointed a committee to ascertain the power mid liability of the power company main taining the ditch, nnd William Brown, A. Whitney and Thomns B. Kay com prise a comniitteo to Investigate a drainage district plnn. T. B. Kay ad dressed the committee, in which he stated that the overflow was caused by the surface drainage, and not from nny water taken into the creek from the Santlam, as during the rainy sea son the gates are all closed so that no water enters the creek, except what falls in Its basin. County Judge Bushey spoke favor ing the strengthening the channel. While Dr. R. E. Lee Stelner and W. J. Culver spoko on the question of drain age and developing of the land as the reason for the surplus water during rainy seasons. Another meeting will be held June 8. at which time the two committees will make repoiU and further plans will be discussed and adopted for pre venting further overflow and damage. Mini Coughs and Breaks Ribs. After a? frightful coughing spell a man In Neenah, Wis., felt bad pains in his side and his doctor found two ribs had been broken. What agony Dr. King's New Discovery would have saved him. A few teaspoonfuls ends a late cough, while persistent use routs obstinate coughs, expels stub born colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure It's a God-send to human ity," writes Mrs. Effle Morton, Co lumbia, Mo., "for I believe I would have consumption today, If I had not used tills great remedy." It's guaran teed to satisfy, and you can get a free trial bottle or 50 cent or $1.00 size at J. C. Perry's. Polk county will, within the next two years, spend $145,000 in bettering nor roads. Each age of our lives has It joys. Old people should be happy, and they will be if Chamberlain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular. These tab lets aro mild and gentle In their action and especially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale by all dealers. The Russian bath differs from the Turkish In being a vapor bath, in principle the same as the primitive baths first described; while the Turkish begins with exposure to dry heat at a temperature of from 120 degrees to 150 degrees Fahr. The efrect of both is much the same, and when many bathers gather at the same time in a Turkish bath, the air becomes quickly charged with vapor, it is thought by some that the Turkish bath favors reduction of flesh and the Russian Increases; but both have been used with equal ben efit In curing obesity. When taking a Turkish bath In this country, you don a loose cotton chemise of simplest form, end en veloped In an ample sheet, enter the Budatorlum, where your attendant Beats you comfortably in a reclining chair, binds a wet towel about your forehead, and gives you a glass of cold ' water. Your attendant careful ly watches the effect of the heat, sup plies more drinking water If needed, and leaves you for a longer or short er time, according to the response of the perspiratory glands. When 'the sweat starts freely from every pore, you go Into a still hotter room and recline on a marble couch, which stretches round the sides of the apartment. A fresh wet towel is bound about the brows, more water drunk, and you lie here till as wet as if dipped In the swimming pool, and altogether the sensation is de lightfully soothing. You feel as if a lot of depressing, clogging products were being coaxed out of you. Some times there' Is a progression through several of these hot rooms, at In creasing temperature up to 210 de grees Fahr.; or, if you are alone, the temperature Is raised in this second one, tho attendant adjusting It ac cording to the effect upon the bather. After this you are taken to a mar ble cabinet, where, reclining on a marble couch, 5-011 are lathered and shampooed, while hot water Is freely poured over you. The needle spray very delightful follows, and after It, If you choose, two or three quick clips Into the cold swimming pool. Some women are too timid to ven ture upon this, and If there is weak action of the heart, It Is best not to; otherwise an enjoyable part of the bath is missed. After friction with Turkish towels, there is another shampoo with alcohol, If desired; and then the bather Is enveloped In a fresh sheet nnd tucked upon a rest ful couch in the tepldarlum for a half-hour's rest; and, If she wants It, has a cup of tea or coffee. Could those good people who nur ture a virtuous feeling of pride In their state of superior cleanliness pioduced by a regimen of dally cold baths and one warm soap-scrub per week, see, Just once, tho amount of dead cuticle and actual dirt that rolls away under the influence of the shampooer's kneading and lathering, they would be convinced of the makeshift character of such baths a mere-sop to the Idea of cleanli ness. It Is a great pity that the advant age of these baths is not more wide ly appreciated so that through gen erous and large patronage their price could be reduced; for, under existing circumstances they are quite beyond the reach of a large class of overworked people, whose sedentary occupations produce the very conditions which are most promptly alleviated by them. Very many, however, of this very class, do spend hard-earned dollars for patent nerve-tonics, which would return to them a hundred-fold more benefit If they paid for baths instead. Yours for charming womanhood, MADAME QUI VILLA, 614 Oregonlan Building. Portland, Oregon. GRADUATIONS ARE III EXCESS OF THE NORMAL Reports from all the counties In the state, save seven, show that 259S pupils were successful In passing the recent eighth grade examinations. It Is estimated by the Btate superintend ent of public Instruction that In the other seven counties 393 will be suc cessful, bringing the total up to 2991. He declares that about 20 per cent of those taking the examinations failed, which Is a splendid showing, when compared with the number of failures in the last examination. The counties which have submitted reports show the following have pnssed In each: Baker 57, Benton 40, Clatsop 36, Columbia 43, Coos S3. BEWARE OF SUDDEN ATTACKS THAT MAY PROVE DEADLY. IT L hi 'K.w-o?rii 1 V T.l YOU CAN SOON REPEL THE MOST DANGEROUS WITH BM. KING'S NEWPSSCOVEtHY THE MOST INFALLIBLE CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS WHOOPING COUGH ' AND ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR THROAT AND LUNGS PRICE 50c AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY 1333 1. C. PERRY. INCREASED TENSIONS FOR G. A. U. VETERANS. The new general service pension bill became a law Saturday, May 11, hist, when the president signed the bill. After granting $30 per month to all soldier's wounded In battle or do ubled by disease contracted in line of duty and Incapacitated for manual labor as a result thereof, the bill combines age with service In the allow ance of pensions from the date of applications therefor as follows: Age-r 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 1 Yr. 2 Yrs. 2 Yrs. 3 Yrj 62 years S13.00 ilS.C.O $14.00 $15.00 $U..r)0 S16 CVO (i years 15.00 15.50 10.00 17.00 18.00 1900 70 years 18.00 19.00 20.00 L'3.00 24.110 25 00 7i. years 21.00 22.50 24.00 30.00 30.00 30.09 This provision will afford a substantial measure of Justice to many thou sands of worthy veterans throughout tho country, and while It will not fur nish all the relief for which they have struggled, It Is a decided Improve nient over existing law. Crook 38, Curry 12, Douglas 120, Gil liam 18, Grant 30, Josephine AG, Klam ath 45, Lane 162, Ilncoln 43, Mini 134, Malheur 30, Marlon 95, Morrow 25, Multnomah 823, Polk 75, Sherman 36, Tillamook 33, Umatilla 107, Wallowa G5, Wasco 38, Washington 131, Yam hill 223. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Helped to Keep Down ExpentiM. Mrs. J. E. Henry, Akron, Mich., tells how she did so: "I was bothered with my kidneys and hud to go nearly dou ble. I tried a Biunple of Foley Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I bought a bottle and they saved me a big doctor's bill." For weak back, backache, rheumatism, urinary and kidney troubles, use Foley Kidney Pills. They help quickly. Dr. Stone Drug Co. Journal "Want Ads" Bring Result NEWPORT UNSURPASSED AS A SUMMER RESORT Newport has every advantage the pleasure seeker or the person wishing rest and quiet might desire. Here you can find the gay life of the summer resort with all its attractions and excitement, or if you wish rest and quiet, you can find a secluded spot where the only sound to break the stillness will be the cry of a seagull and the distant beating of the surf. There are the mountains for the man who wishes hunting, trou t streams for the lover of the fly and the deep sea fishing for the person who craves a little more dangerous sport. Ac commodations can be had of every description, hotels, cottages and tents. The Southern Pacific Railroad furnishes first-class service from all points, and the best wagon roads to the Coast come into Newport. For informotion write the Newport Commercial Club, or any advertiser on this page ; we recommend them. a, ,'.''' ' . ''"v, .. !. -ftt.... VIEW ON THE BEACH AT NEWPORT 0 L G n ADVANTAGES AS A HOME CITY To the man who wishes to make a permanent home and settle with his family, Newport offers many advantages. There are openings here for a number of different lines of business. It is an ideal country for farming and dairying, and there is a ready demand for all produce raised. From a social standpoint Newport has all the advantages of a larger city. It owns its water system, which supplies the city with pure mountain water. A modern electric light plant furnishes electricity at a moderate cost. It has fine schools and churches, Its merchants are enterprising and carry the best of stocks. It has two news papers, modern hotel accommodations and banking facilities. In fact Newport as a city is one of the most enterprising and best little places in Oregon. For further information address the Newport Commercial Club, Newport, Oregon. THE OSBURN Under the Personal management of Mrs. Gertrude Osburn ONLY FIRST CLASS NVF RFATH FAMILY HOTEL AT MIL DLAXLII Entirely renovated and refurnished Flrstclass service in every respect and the best Of meals nnd beds Only one block from Nye Beach Bath House and the Ocean 1 New Management Ideal locution Irvin Motel NYE BEACH Rates $1.50 per day: $10 per week. All while help Fine tents In connection N. P. WIBERG, Proprietor The Tent City GROl'ND ILLUMINATED I1Y ELECTRIC LIGHTS CITY WATER Everything stilctly sanitary Iloth houses and tents for rent, furnished. 'y week or day For terms write to A. J. Van Wassenhove P. O. Hox & Newport, Oregon NYEBEACH VIEW LOTS HAVE I'l'ltE MOUNTAIN WATER ELECTRIC LIGHTS AMUSEMENTS CON V EN I ENC ES Let us show you RICKMAN & SMITH Thomas Mock Nye Reach Blakely, Taf t & Co. Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAMP SUPPLIES Furniture, Hardware Stoves, Groceries, Etc. NEWPORT, OREGON NEWPORT STEAM LAUNDRY HIGH-CLASS WOltlv AT . CITY PRICKS WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED LC.Hockett H.D.Watson Ocean Wave Roller Rink ON HILL HALF WAY I1ETWEEN NEWPORT AND NYE I1EAC1I FINE VIEW OF PAY AND OCEAN ADMISSION FREE A. C. FORD, Manager THE NEW A B B Y lU'ILT OF CEMENT HOT AND COLD WATER IN EVERY ROOM STEAM HEAT THROUGHOUT ROOMS WITH PRIVATE HATH STRICTLY FIRST CLASS , SERVICE SECOND TO NONE NEWPORT BEACH Natatorium Purdy & Hoselton Owners and Managers Warm Sea Water Plunge and Various Amusements LOCATED AT NYE REACH NEWPORT, OREGON The Hot Sea Baths MASSAGE AND HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WeBt Ariics and Cliff Streets Nye Heach, Newport, Oregon L. E. Brower, Manager Drs. H. J. & Gertrude Minthorn, Practitioners ROYAL THEATRE LICENSED FILMS You can always spend a pleasant evening at this charming little the atre. The program 1b us gool as any you will find In Portland or Salem. Located just north of the boat landing near Fall street. , BE SURE AND SEE IT THE Copeland Newport's Most Comfortable Itonmlmr House Large parlor with plate glass front overlooking Yaqulna llav. Also parlor on second floor over looking bay. WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON OUR BEDS Ieggctt springs use) exclusively, and hot nnd cold running water; them all, with woolen blankets. Every room has electric lights anl hot and cold running water; absolutely the moBt modern and comfortable rooms in Newport. Everything new and clean. Don't fail to see us, as we can deliver the goods One block townrl ocean from boat landing. For Information aldreBs MRS. C. G. COPELAND NEWPORT, OREGON BideAWee LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Quiet and homelike Ono block from the Reach Mrs. J. H. Grimes, Proprietor NEWPORT, OREGON NEWPORT CANDY FACTORY HOME-MADE CANDIES COMPLETE LINE POST CARDS HAVE THE Capital Journal Sent to your summer address. No extra cost. Phone office, Main 82. MAIL YOUR ORDERS TO ELMER PATRICK DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND HE WILL DO THE REST All goods guaranteed Newport, Oregon Hotel Wakefield AND ANNEX European and American Plan Popular Summer Prices Special Winter Rates Comfort Guaranteed Superior Rooms Make reservations by mall. July, August and September Captain nnd .Mix Wakefield, Props. Iletween both lloat Lanllngs Front Street Newport, Oregon 5, 10, 15 AND 25 -CENT - COUNTERS Ilargaliis on rvery table In connection with my new stock of HARDWARE I have counters on which will be found Screw Drivers, Tack Ham mers, llrass Hinges, Knife Sharp eners, Pancake Turners, Kettle Covers, and all articles Indlspen slble to campers. O. A. AKONSON A HK.U Tin 1, LOT AT Stackers' Market NEWPORT'S SANITARY MEAT MARKET When you are In Newport uiul aut GOOD MEATS. JH'TTfiH. FRESH EGGS, VEC.ETAHLES, Ett See us Ed. Stocker & Son Newport and Nye Heach The New Cliff House AT NYE PEACH Next door to the lint ',,ll'h Near swimming pool. 1 ,h. view of beach and breakers. i ing beach Immediately ' fl0lU the hotel. W. D. WHEELER, Proprietor NEWPORT. OREGON AGATE OX EASY TERMS' BEACH Most Beautiful Site Near Newport Naturally Sheltered Sunny Slope Every Lot Has Unobstructed View Salem's Summer Home A WOOD lSVESTMEYT Best Surf Bathing, Sandy Beaches, Rocks and Cliffs, Mountain Trails, Fishing and Huntina. New Modern Hotel AGATE BEACH LAND CO., 212-213 Board of Trade, Portland c HOFFR A cnW on mmmnmal. Salon rosHBjanscasRBEacffis&ri -flSg1-