TAGS FCCX 1HI CAfl TIL JOCR!AU 8ALEM. OREGON SATURDAY JUNE 1, 1812. 'Take-in Time the proper help to rid your system of the poisonous bile which causes headaches, flatulence and discom fort By common consent the proper and the best help is BEECHilM'S AatofflobileMotor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem POIDTEHS FOR EVERY MOTORIST Simonton Motor Company 151 HIGH STREET, SALEM, OREGON Overland Mode! 59 T APPERSON 8. P. ANDERSON, Also Agent for lteo and Michigan Great Western Oarage l N. uigk i SOVERLAND MODEL 59 : MODEL 69.T FIVE-PASSENGER, FORE-DOOR TOURING CAR, $1100. Wheel base 106 Inches; motor 4x4; horse power, 30; Splitdorf magneto; transmission, selective, three speeds and reverse; F. &. Hall bearings; tires, 32x3 Q. D.; 3 oil lamps, 2 gas lamps and genera tor. Complete set tools. Top, top hood, windshield and speedometer. Sub Agents : L. C. Eastman, Silverton H. B. Looney, Jefferson auiuuti Four-legged chickens are getting common In Oregon Mrs. 8. D. Fish er, of Mosler, has one three weeks old, and healthy. George Sh&rtel and' WIsley Hat field, both of Chetco, were drowned In the breakers at the mouth of Pis tol river Thursday. Pleasant Hill Is boosting for an electric road from Eugene, 17 miles. A blaze In the Brownsville Woolen mills Thursday afternoon caused a damage of $1,000. Master has a new sawmill, which I began operation) Thursday. F. A. Robertson, Stayton Robert Green, the 16-year-old son of S. R. Green, of Oregon City, was seriously wounded Thursday by a bullet from a 22 rifle. The bullet struck the water and glancing up, struck Green just below the heart. The wound Is dangerous. Journal Want Ads Bring Results ONE THING LACKING H Is not usual to draw attention to a lack or deficiency In a prop, erty offered by n Real Estate man or un owner of It; but It Is admissible nt all times, especially when the property h In nil other rejects very desirable. He have Just tills things A seven mom nnd fine reception hall, practically new modern house, well built, on one of the best streets In Salem, two blocks north of the Capital building, and surrounded by fine Improvements. The luck suggested above Is the smnllncNg of the lot, be in only 00 feet depth, and while that feature cuts It out of consldcra. Hon for a good ninny people, it ought to suit lib" lit one-hnlf of the pro plo Unit want such u house of Itself. There ARE those who can't use to advantage a larger lot, and ran use the additional value cost that would ensue on a larger piece of land In the district, to better advantage. That Is the party we are looking for. We run say In addition that the owner who removed from the city on health grounds, will sell at nn actual Hiierlflc. We know Just exactly what the owner paid for It, nnd she bonght direct from the owner, for all cash. It ought to bring $4200. One third to hnlf rush. If this catch the eye of nnyone who win use the above, don't fall to see ns nt 143 So. liberty street l'hono 10115 fan give Immediate possession. In fact lite owner Is holding It vacant (In or der to facilitate the selling) nt a cost of $1.00 a day. The Fleming Real Estate Co. 143 So, Liberty Street THE MICHELIX UNIVERSAL RE PAIR KIT ONE OF THE BEST ADDITIONS TO THE MOTORISTS ACCESSORIES. A very compact but complete tire and Inner tube repair kit has just teen added to the wide variety of ac cessories supplied by the Mlchelln Tire company, Milltown, New Jersey. The substantial metal containing box measures only 6x3x3 1-2 inches, yet a liberal supply of repair materials Is Included, such as 2-ounce cans of Mlchelln Mastic and Cement; an en velope containing six assorted red I'ara Inner tube patches; an Inside envelope or "blow out" patch, and a gcod-slzed piece of emery cloth as well as a box of Mlchelln Talc. A feature of this new repair kit Is a very complete 32-page Illustrated booklet full of practical instructions for making all sorts of quick and per manent repairs to envelopes and In ner tubes. This booklet also contains suggestions that have developed dur ing Mlchelin's long experience. Mlchelln Mastic, one of the acces sories In this new repair kit, is a p.ulck-hardening plastic cement for filling cuts in envelopes and repair ing punctures in inner tubes. It Is not simply an adhesive but is a plas tic compound or filler which replaces torn rubber, making a perfect repair as It practically renews the injured parts. Mlchelln pure gum cement is also particularly adaptable and is an enduring adhesive. The red Para patches supplied with this new kit are of standard Mlchelln quality, beveled at the edges to prevent curling when cementing. STOVE WORKS PLANT MAY GO TO EUGENE la boiM lot IS. Whether the Northwestern Stove Foundry remains at Salem and 1b operated with free lnbor by Loewen- berg and Stelner Is an open ques tion. Since the matter was before the Salem Board of Trade, the gen tlemen who have bought the plant, have received propositions to locate the Industry all the way from Cal gary, Canada, to Eugene .Ore. The Eugene Commercial Club has the matter up with its Commercial club of raising a $10,000 bonus to take the industry there. . Messrs. Loewenberg end Stelner have been invited to meet with (he manufacturing committee of the Eugene Commercial club, as they consider the proposition favorably. The plant is nearly all dismantled aDd a great deal of the machinery is boxed and ready for shipment. If It remains in Salem, it will have to be loaded on cars and taken down into the city on the penitentiary switch. Hon. T. B. Kay has Interested him self In a site, a block of ground on the penitentiary switch that can be har for $1200. Mr. Kay may bring the matter up again at the meeting of the Board of Trade Monday even ing, when the Cherry Fair commit tees and the Manufacturers associa tion meet. J. L. Ahlers, of the Sa lem Bank and Trust company, spent Friday afternoon at the stove works, plant and was surprised at its mag nitude. He says unhesitatingly thSt this city should do something to keep the plant here. Mr. Ahlers says any manufacturing business in the hands of practical men, who can find a market for their output, Is worthy of encouragement, nnd says he Is ready to do his part If a site can be secured. He thinks the money for the buildings should be raised among tho business men and the plant could be moved In and In operation Inside of 60 days. PERSONALS. Governor West and state superin tendent of Schools Alderman went to Spring Valley, Polk county, this morning to attend closing exercises of the school there. State Engineer Lewis Is in Eastern Oregon on business. T. B. Kay 1b In Portland. Labor Commissioner Hoff is In the East In attendance at a convention of lnbor commissioners of the United States. B. S. Quinn, of Donald, Is visiting at the home of A. Eugene Aufrance. W. E. Ashcroft, for a long time bookkeeper and assistant manager of the Warren Construction Co., left yesterday for Tillamook, where that 'company has a large paving contract. AUBURN W. 8. FITTS, Agent, Also Agent for Mot. 418 Court Street ihone 21I BUICK OTTO WILSON Also Agent for the Chalmers Phone 220 Cor. Comerclal and Center E-M-F E-M-F MOTOR SALES CO. E. M. F. "30" Flanders "0" C. L. Rose, Mgr. 2t0 8. Com'l gt FORD FORD AGENCY, E. II. Whiteside, n Also Agents for It C. 11. and Loilei 124 N. Liberty St. Phone SJ7 HUDSON TICK BROS. AlsoAgents for Elmore and Hupmoblk Capital Garage Phone m ATrF A AT MOTOR PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. 1 j on KiifTcr Irnm bleeding, Itching, Wind r ritnilliit I'lTvit, aeud me your uiUIivsm, nnd I will it'll you bow to cure yourself nf home by the new absorption treatment ; h 4 will ulo wild Borne of thin borne trcHini five for trial, with reference from ju. nwu locality If requeatefl. InimcOlnte re J Iff tnl HrniHiient cure anniiret'.. Send in money, but tell oilier of tit lit offer. Wrl today to Mrn, M. Nmniii'Tw. Ho P. CYCLES WATT SHII'P Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Etc North Commercial Street Phone t, MAXWELL The Car Thnt Always Runs GEO. N. WILLS Capltul Garnge I'lione 7fi OVERLAND SIMONTON MOTOR CO. Also Agent for Mitchell rhone 13!) 161 North High Street HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTOR CYCLES IIAUSER RROS. Anto and Motorcycle Supplies ids Minneapolis Motorcycle VULCANIZING Salem Vulcanising & Rubber Co. Retreading, Section Work, Pntchlnn. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 810 Center, AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE and TOWING Bret Western Garage C. W. II (hi re. Telephone Main II, OHIO Lo -',,Ie Kelly Truck Emhry nnd Company Caw for Hire Phone Main 880. 21(1 State 81 Move on Now! says a policeman to a street crowd, and whacks heads If It don't. "Move en now," says the big, harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffer ing follows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gent ly persuade them to right action, and health follows. 25c at J. C. Perry's. T. B. Klllln, aged "0, died at his home In Oregon City Thursday. "Pent" Klllln was widely and favor ably known all over the state. Makes the Nation Gasp. The awful list of Injuries on a Fourth of July Rtaggers humanity. Set over against It, however, Is the wonderful healing, by Bucklcn's Ar nica Salve, of thousands who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet rounds or explosions. It's the quick healer of bolls, ulcers, eczema, sore, lips or piles. 25 cts. at J. C. Perry's. I Mrs. Lela Love, wife of Wllev Love, a farmer living near Covena, Ga., says I "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills anil find them all that you claim for them They gave me almost ItiHtant relief when my kidneys were sluggish anil Inactive. I cheerfully recommend them to all sufferers from kidney trou I bles." Foley Kidney Pills are as care- fully made and ns scientifically com , pounded as any medicine your home doctor can give you. Thoy act direct ly on the kidneys and bladder. Dr. J Stone Drug Co. It Is expected 2,000,000 pound of wool will change hands at Ontario June 10, when the annunl sale Is held. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR A 1 Dem M&i rsi it no El of v03 i Yl o iiS n The Time, June 3--June 7 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock daily The Place Bttren & Hamilton 340 Court The Girl Mrs. Henrietta A. Strickler M : .' p1 I vJ ; Phone Main 85 2)