Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 15, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(DN1TBD rnKHB MASltD m(.)
San Diego, May 15. Miss Goldman
and Reltman came here from Los An
geles yesterday nftornon. They had
announced that they had engaged the
floclnllKts hall for MIhs Goldman to
deliver two lectures on the drama,
but when the arrived, the Socialists
declined to let them have the hall.
Miss Goldman was hooted by a
crowd of nearly 1,000 when she
stepped on the Grant hotel bus at the
Santa Fe station, but got to the ho
tel In safety. Manager Holmes as
signed her a room, He said later
that he did so more to prevent vio
lence than anything else.
At 8:30 p. in. a crowd of about
1,000 inarched Into the hotel, waving
American, flags, and demanded of
Holmes that he send the anarch I at
speaker and her manager away. , He
raid that he would gladly do so.
About 2 o'clock in the morning,
Miss Goldman was quietly escorted to
the train by two bell boys, having
been taken out at a side door. A
crowd, hooting at her, bad waited In
the street nearby for some hours.
Miss Goldman was badly fright
ened by the demonstration against
hor, and when Chief of Police Wil
son visited her In her room at the
hotel, she was shivering' pitifully, It
Is said.
The police made no effort to quell
the demonstration ngalnst her,
probably thinking It would be use
less to do so. Tbey had warned her
not to come her.
A. total of $6,435,000 rental for 99
year was the sum named In a lease
recently executed for Mrs. Hetty
Green In Chicago, the rate being $65,
000 a year (or the use of a strip of
land 46 by 190 feet In the business
t district. A milling company will re
place the building with a modern
structure 10 stories high at a cost of
about $1,000,000 which of course will
add that much to the value of Mrs.
Green's land. This lease has been
taken as a horrible example of the
present syHtem of taxation, It being
urged that tho social growth of the
city has given tho present value to
the real CHtate but that the Incre
ment has gone to the land owners
and not to the public. "Private own
ership or possession of land Is con
ceded to he essential," a bulletin of
the American Economic League de
clares, "but when we permit such
ownership as that of Mrs. Green to
Include not only results from Indi
vidual effort, but also tho result of a
community's enterprise, does It not
appear that we go far toward con
doning a violation of the eighth com
mandment?" According to this view
the cout of living has been advanced
about 50 per cent by the policy of
u7 ,W
Haleni and Vicinity:
Showers tonight or
Thursday; cooler tonight
L 1 ror
rVsA IV v, w
X A.. 4
. - r i ;i i i -w i i i i
iilisorvnllonK Inken at S . m., "Ml. nirrhllnn Urn. Air irur rmturmt to m level. I)lmr umiilliidnnt lli.ml pM thmui!h pom
i.r .iul !' irre. lnilhirii. liluluil llm'.i (ium il.rouuli pulnu ol kiu1 iiiiiit rHir(i; ili.vtu only for irro, fieojli.it. IW', tai lur.
Q cler: Q irily cloudy; O rliiudy; (JJ ruin; 'iow: tvvon nilsnlng. Armwi fly with th wind. First nuure, lowest tern-iH-rntiir
t 12 bmtra; wcund, preilplutlon of .01 Inrh or nioro for put M bour; tlilrrt, mulmura wind wlocliy.
ForwnHt Till fi p. m. Thursday.
Oregon and Washington! Showers toulght or Thursday; cooler tonight encept coast Westerly winds.
Shippers Fondant '
Protect shipments ' tur north bs Seattle Hgnlnxt minimum temperatures of about 42 degrees; northeast to
p,.ol.iine, .40 degrees; southeast to Poise, 34; south to SUklyoti, 36 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland
(mil). (it, jtbout 42 degrees.
Mm Forecast. , '
Tl.e WlllaiiHttn River nt Portland will rise steadily for tho next few ilityst snd rch ft sUgtVof 13 feet Frl
(t'.iy find '13.2 fe!t Batunlwy.
EDWARD A. PKAL3, District Forecaster.
Absolutely Puro
The only Daking Powder mado
from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar
exacting revenue from Industry In
stead of land values. The census of
1900 showed that 250,251 persons are
possessed of $67,000,000,000 of the to
tal of $1)5,000,000,000 of the nation's
wealth, or in other words, that three
tenths of one per cent of the popu
lation possess 71 per cent of the na
tion's wealth. It Is said that the late
John Jacob stor, now a British sub
ject, receives a revenue of $10,000,000
over here for allowing American cit
izens to transact business on Man
hattan Island,
Norwalk, 0., May 15. Declaring
that the Democratic leaders In con
gress dread his position because they
feel sure that It will mean his elec
tion next November, and that prac
tically all the Democratic papers In
the East are Democratic in name only,
and are both openly and Indirectly
supporting tile candidacy of President
Taft, Theodore Roosevelt addressed a
large gathering of voters here today.
He said:
"The newspapers which helped
Parker In 1904 the New York Sun.
World, Tlmee, Herald and Evening
Post, and the Springfield Republican
are practically all Taft organs now.
They Are Democratic only nominally.
They are Interested most In reaction
ary principles. They are doing the
bidding of Wall street
''It la a curious fact that, the news
papers which are supporting Presi
dent Taft In the EtiBt are thoBe which
are nominally Democratic.
"The Democratic leaders In con
gress also are working In every way
to prevent by nomination, fearing
that I will win It nominated, and part
ly because they don't like my style,
New Orleans, May 15. At the of
fices of Wolls Fargo & Co., here to-
day, It was admitted that the bandits
who hold up the Queen and Crescent
j limited near Ilattlesburg, secured
$35,000, Five Plnkerton detectives
; were rushed from here to the scene
of the robbery In a special train.
S. Department of Agriculture.
V7.fSr 4f
ar v
nmiiD rur.ss lcabed wins.
I Zanesville, 0 May 15. Declaring
that the "money powers" of the na
tion is against and not for him, as
claimed by Colonel Roosevelt, Presl
' dent Taft bitterly arraigned Dan R.
SHanna, an alleged supporter of Roose
' velt, together with George W. Parkins
i and Frank A. Munsey, in an address
to the voters of Roseville today.
The president declared that Hanna
had opposed him ever since the hit
ter's Indictment for rebating. The
prosecutions of the trusts by the
Taft administration, the president
said, had arrayed the powerful mon
eyed Interests against him in his fight
for a second term. .
Boston, Mass., May 15. The Rev.
C. V.' T. Rlcheson must die for the
murder of Avis Llnnell. This was
definitely settled today by the state
executive council, which met here
and after a brief session adjourned at
1:45 p. m. without receiving any pe
tition of leniency for the doomed pas
tor from Governor Foss. '
(Jots Ills Xerve Ilnok,
Boston, May 15. His attitude calm
er than It has been In weeks and his
nerves apparently much stronger,
following a night of sound slumber,
the Rev. C. V.' T. Rlcheson, slayer of
Avla Llnnell, spent a quiet day today
in tho death cell at the Charles town
state prison, where he was taken
yesterday to await electrocution at
midnight Saturday. i
The doomed pastor arose at 7
o'clock nto'a hearty breakfast and
employed his time reading newspa
pers and magazines containing ac
counts of his case.
The realism of Eliza's flight across
tho ice In Uncle Tom's cabin pre
sented here Friday, was somewhat
marred when one of the hound pups
cluiBlng the girl caught up with her
squatted on his haunches, wagged
his tall, and played good dog Kener
ally. The S. P. Is acquiring the right of
way from Eugene to Coos Hay.
1 k
united miss leased wmx.l
Indianapolis, May 15.-Only a per
sonal appeal from Congressman Vic.
tor Berger, of Wisconsin, the only So
cialist representative In congress, pre.
vented today the Socialist national
convention from telegraphing to Pres
Ident Taft and Governor Johnson, of
California, demanding protection for
the I. W. W's in San Diego.'
Both Berger and' John Spargo de
clared that Biich action at this time
would merely enable President Taft
to Interfere In a local matter, and aid
him from a political standpoint.
Berger pacified the delegates by
promising that the national committee
would act Immediately for the protec
tion of Socialists and I. W. W's now In
San Diego.
London, May 15. King Frederick
VIII, of Denmark, died suddenly this
morning at Hamburg.
Dispatches ' received here today
from Hamburg say that a passerby
stumbled over King Frederick's
corpse in a side street near Goose
Marble. The pedestrian summoned a
policeman, who sent the corpse to the
harbor front hospital. .
Tho king's private ship Danneborg,
was ordered today to proceed Immed
iately to Hamburg to receive the re
mains. Christian X. was proclaimed king
of Denmark, while thousands of his
subjects gathered about Aiiiallenborg
cnsUe singing the national anthem.
The new king amj queen appeared
for a moment on the balcony, Chris
tian plainly showing In look and man
ner that he wrs suffering deeply over
the death of his father.
Two yonng men, Eveeett Fleck and
Ray Henderson, of Portland,, passed
through the city this morning on
their way from Eugene to Portland,
mounted on motor cycles. They left
Portland Monday for Eugene, making
the trip easily In half a day. The
trip from Eugene to Salem was made
In about three hours, the distance be
ing about 70 miles. From : here to
Portland the young men expect to
take their time and expect to arrlvo
In Portland early this afternoon.
They report the roads very good, ex
cept one place of about two miles
near the state training school, where
repairs are being made.
DMiran press learid wide.)
New Orlealns ,May 15. Two masked
bandits held up the New Orleans-New
York limited near Hattlosburg, Miss.,
early today. After dynamiting the ex
press car safe the outlaws escaped.
Marshfield is to have a pulp and
paper mill.
Very Serious
It Is very serious matter to ask
tot one medicine and have the
wrone one riven you. For this
reason wo urr;o you la buying to
be careful to get tho genuine
Liver Medicine
The reputation of thij old, relia
ble medicine, fcr constipation, in
digestion and liver trouble., is firm
ly established. It does not imitate
other medicines. It la better than
others, or it would not be the fa
vorite liver powder, with a larger
ale than all others combined.
Instead of Liquid
many pcoplo are now using
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
The new toilet germicide powder to be
dissolved In water as neelod. t
For all toilet and hygienio uses It It
better ami more economical.
To cleanse and whiten the
teeth, remove tartar and
prevent decay.
To disinfect the mouth, ile-
Btroy disease germs, and
purify the breath.
To keep artificial teeth and
brldirework clean, odorless
To remove niootine from the treth and
purify the breath after smoking.
To eradicate perspiration and body
odors by sponge patlunr.
The bost antiseptic wash Known.
Relieve and strengthens tired, weak,
Inllnmedeyes. II ealBSorethroat, wounds
and outs. 23 ajnd 50 ot. a box, druggist
or by nmll postpaid. Sample 1' roe.
Indianapolis, May 15. The United
Press dispatches telling of the tarring
and feathering of Dr. Ben Reltman
and the treatment to which Emma
Goldman was subjected In San Diego
were read to the Socialist convention.
These were followed by private tele
grams to Job Harrlman, of Los Ange
les, telling of last night's riot, and
charging the San Diego police with
refusing td protect laborers.
Delegates Margaret Prevy, of Ohio,
and Mrs. Sadler, of Washington, en
tered Into a bitter denunciation of
California officials, especially Gover
nor Johnson, whom they charged with
falling to protect citizens. The events
occurring In San Diego overshadowed
In Interest anything else at today's
An Immediate meeting of the na
tional executive committee was called
to consider means to relieve the sit
uation at San Diego.
Portland, Ore. ,May 15. Formation
of the country's largest creamery,
butter and egg 'combine Is being com
pleted in this city, says the Portland
Journal today. The combination will
Include Portland, Spokane, Seattle,
Tacoma and other coast cities- as well
as Butte. Mont
The exact details have not been
made public, but the totul of the cap
ital of the company will reach several
million of dollars, and affiliated com
panies in the East are likely to show
much' larger sum.
The Portland end will be known as
the Hazelwood company, and the old
Hazelwood company of this city and
Klock Produce company of Seattle and
Portland are Included as the home
Carl Schalllnger, who has been head
of the Hazelwood company of Port
land for some time, and R, A. Good
hue, recently an official of the Klock
Produce company, of,, this, city, will
act as heads of the new concern here..
While no definite announcement Is
made as to who holds the controlling
Interest, It Is generally thought that
F. W. Hennlngsen, the Butte produce
man, will control the new concern,
and will conduct various branches
from Butte.
-nnt "Want Ads" Brine Results.
30 Acres
A beautiful home site on the main
Dallas road Just across the river
from Salem. Land is choicest cher
ry, berry, and general fruit land.
Running stream through property.
Would muke fine poultry and small
dairy proposition. Building site over
looking river and mountains, cannot
be beat for A BEAUTIFUL COUN
TRY HOME. Less than two miles
from Commercial street. See us In
regard to price and let us show the
place to you.
' InveNtinents.
( 213 S. Commercial Street
All patent medicines or medicine ad
vertised In this paper are for sal at
Drug Store
The only cash druar itorn In Oriarnn
owes no one, and no one owes It,
carries large stock; its shelves,
counters and show cases are loaded
with drugs, medicines, notions, toi
let articles, wines and liquors of all
kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr.
Stone Is a reeulnr irnihmtft in morii.
clue and has had many years of ex
perience in the practice. Consulta
tions ar free. ProRerlntlnna
free, and only regular price for med
icine, ur. btone can be found at hi
druf store, Salem, Or. from 1 In the
morninc until 0 at nlrht
Commercial street, Salem, Oregon.
i a.v.
Summer Hats are now supreme
We carry the newest and
most favored styles
$1.50 to $5.00
SalemW oolen Mills Store
New York, May 15. Announcement
was made here today that the execu
tive committee of the Wright Aero
plane company, ' the $1,000,000 cor
poration organized three years ago,
has voted, for the third time an an
nual dividend of 20 per cent.
The corporation has , now. but 16
stockholders, among whom are Cor
nelius Vanderbllt, Delancy Nlcoll,
Andrew Freldman, Allan A. Ryan and
other prominent financiers. .
Journal "Want Ads" Bring Results.
We publish legal notices a
required by law, furnishing
affidavit and proof of pub
lication. Fine Brief Work
la our specialty. Let ut
figure with you on your next
Capital Journal
No. 152. Flue, large lot close In
on State street. Several bearing
fruit trees on lot. Price Including
paving and all assessments for short
time at $1800.
No. 156. 24 acres four miles east
of Salem. Seven room house and
large barn. 20 acres are In cultiva
tion and four acres timber on back.
Two acres fine bearing orchard.
Large patch of berrlPS and small
frulta and garden. Woven wire fenc
ing. Within quarter-mile of school,
church and store. Complote stock
goes with place, Including three
horses and fine Jersey cow. Also
household gods. This place Is a
snap as It stands for $6000.
No. 162. 30 acres across river Just
two miles from corner State and Com
mercial streets. Beautiful site on
main Dallas road. 10 acres cultivat
ed, balance pasture. Runnlne
stream through place. This would
make one of the finest close In dairy
locations. Price for whole, J8O00.
213 S. Commercial Street
- - ijont.
Poor appetite Is a sure sign of Im
paired digestion. A few doses of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will strengthen your diges
tion and Improve your appetite.
Thousands have been benefited by
taking these tablets. Sold by nil
Puts End to Bar! Habit
Things never look bright to one
with "the blues." Ten to one the
trouble is a sluggish liver, filling the
system with bilious poison, that Dr.
King's New Life Pills , would expel.
Try them. Let the Joy of better feel
ing end "the blues." Best for stom
ach, liver and kidneys, 25o at J. C.
For Women Who Care
Of course you use an antiseptic In your
family and In the care of your own per
son, and you want the best. :
' Instead of what you have been using
Bucu as liquid or tablet antlBcpticH or
peroxide, won't you please try Paxtine,
a concentrated antiseptic powdor to be
dissolved in water aa needed.
Paxtine is more economical, more
cleansing, more germicidal and mora
healing than anything you ever used.
In the toilet to cleanse and whiten
the teeth, remove tartar and prevent
decay. To disinfect tho month, destroy
discaae germs and purify the breath.
To keep artificial teeth and bridpewoi k
clean and odorless. To remove nicotine
from the teeth and purify the breath
after smoking. To eradicate perspira
tion odors by sponge battling,
As a medicinal' Agent for local
treatment of feminine ills where pelvic
catarrh, inflammation and ulceration
exist, nothing equals hot douohes of
Paxtine. For ten years the Lydia E.
Pinkham Med. Co. has been regularly
adviBing their patients to use it because
of Its extraordinary cleansing, healing
and germicidal power. For this pur
pose alone Paxtine Is worth Its weight
in gold. Also for nasal catarrh, sore
throat, inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds.
All drutrglsts, 25 and BO cents a box.
Trial lntx aud testimony of tfl
women free on rvqucKt.
Or can give attractive prices on parts
of this tract separately.
No. 147. 86 acres near Rosednle on
rock road. Nice laying gentlo slope
and Bltuated Just right for a fine or
chard site. At present It Is all In
grain except 15 acres of good fuel
timber. Price with the crop Is only
?90 per acre.
, We have all kinds of large farms,
and can show you the best Willam
ette Valley lands at nrices that are
No. 149. 20 acres four miles east
of Salem. Fine black land. Sevno
acres orchard, Good house and barn.
Store on place rents for 12 a month.
Church and school Junt across the
road. Price, $C250.
No. 1G5. Five good lots between
Capitol and Summer streets, within
one block of street car. Four room
house, barn, and good .well. Price
for Bhort time only at $2200.
& S