.5 DA11T CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM. OBEQOlf. WEDNESDAY, MAT 8, 1912. PAGE EIGHT Today-Our 585th Wednesday Surprise Sale $5 Novelty Enbroibercd Robes, Special at' $2.98 The newest Idea for Spring and Summer Dresses. Fine sheer mate rial; with a pretty embroidered design I I yards of 44-Inch flouncing! t yards of Insertion to match, and SU yards of plain material. A i-o.Vlcte dress. Today only See Window Display Special Green Tag Sale of Children's and Misses Coats ii ' " i -ta-ffl white Geat resented. Sizes, 4 to 12 years Priced to $12.50; your choice Less 20 per cent (SKE WINDOW LIBERTY STREET) The House of Service and Satisfaction CITY NEWS. Free Call at C. T. Poineroy's Jewelry store and get your birth stone card. Demonstration Of Wear Ever aluminum nt lturen & Hamilton's all this week. "lint Point Day May llth" Welch Electric Co., 2U North Com mercial Btreet. Electric linn. Guaran teed,. Only $2.25. B-7-2t The Capital City Equal Suffrage club will meet Thins day Hflernoon at the Ramp Suffrage hall, Commercial anil Kerry streets. (let One of the Nnerlnl Wear Ever Aluiiilnuiu sauce piiim. Regular fi." This week Mold at 27c. Ilurcn H llniullliin. Found The ilaco to Ret my watch repaired. C. T. Poineroy's, lis South Commer cial street. "Hat Taint lay May llth" 1-eave your order now. Welch Elec tee Co., 2(!4 North Comniurclal street. B-7-2t Free Tickets Any hoy or girl under 15 years of age can learn how to get a free ticket to the moving picture show by calling at John H, Scott's office, over tho Chicago store. C-7-tf Reduced the Rates Lumbermen on the Wendllng In-such of the Southern l'aclflc will be able to ship their lumber to Califor nia at Just the nunc rates charged by the Southern l'aclflc for shipping lum ber on the main line, from now on, for the Railroad CoiuiiiIhhIoii made an or der today reducing the rates 25 cents a ton. Notice . As bills and other dcbls have been contracted lu my mime against my hop yard (known as the Wing Slug's yard!, at Brown's Island, without having been authorized by me, I here by notify the public that I will not be responsible for any purchase or other cunt men unless same are authorised In writing by me. )ated at Salem, Ore., May (1. 1912.. Selil Hack, 1108 First street, I'ortlaud, Ore. (i-7-flt lloaril of Trade Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Salem Hoard of Trade will be held at the rwni this evening, and very member Is urged to bo present, as there Is Important business for consideration, Jos. II. Albert, presi dent; A. F. I Infer, secretary. Every one Reduced in Price Buy a coat now and get an early choice from these as ortments, for they are sure to go rapidly. Serge, Covert, Rajah Cloth. Shepherd Checks, etc. navy blues, black, tans, cream, i and mixtures are rep- One assortment II Is Because Our customers got the bast the niur Uel affords, they are so w)ll satisfied, 'hone Mala 141, and give the uiie! gnitci ,"ui next or In-. Tiy out h.ead. Sure Burgnln Made to your order harness lasts the longest and gives tho best satis faction lu the long run. Made to order Is a bargain every time. F E Sbafer's, 187 South Commercial Btreet, They Are At It Hill & Hansen lire supplying their customers with the. best of meats. Capital market, 121 South Commercial street, l'bone 2 Hi. Ilrjan Is Picked As winner by the Democrats, 'Crls- petto" is sure a wlnenr wll'i all that try It. Sol.l everywhere l.i snnltarv ,"s packages. Licensed to Hurry A marriage license was Issued to day to Dennis Saunders, age 2ii years, of Salem, and Nina May llardner, age 111 years, of Turner. The wedding Is to take place In Turner on May 22, l12. A Horse on the Hikes This morning as a man by tho mime of Hart was driving along State street Just east of Commercial street, leading a horse, the unlnial became frightened at the street car and made a jump for safety. It landed at the curb, against which a number of bicycles were leaned, dam aging two of them to such an extent that they are a total loss. EYESTRAIN AMI nillNhl.ES (in Together Until are brought on by at tempting to read or work Willi-, t out Glasses when Mamies are f necessary. We run lit you with becom ing Eye-glasses that will enn- t hie you to see clearly without I eye-strain or wrinkles. Let us supply the glasses to day. A. STCl'LLOCH Optometrist. SOI North Commercial St. (Ground Floor) Vhone I2S Office Heart till t I wimirptit,rta ji o o of. TESTIMONY IS PRETTY TOUGH Oil ARCHBALD UX1TBD FSISS LS1SED WIRI. Washington, May 8. The Archbald Investigation was taken up again this morning. Judge Archbald and his two sons attended the hearing. The Judge refused to comment on the charges against htm. Chairman Clayton announced that Attorney Worthlngton, representing Judge Archbald, will be allowed to cross-examine the witnesses. Elward Williams, of Scranton, Pa., testified that Judge Archbald had a half Interest in an option on a pile of culm coat belonging to the Erie railroad, which road was Involved In cases then pending before the com merce court. He deelard that the judge gave hi ma letter of recommen dation to negotiate with the Erie road, with the understanding that Archbald was to get a half Interest in the option. Judge Archbald furnished no money for the deal, the witness said. Ife testified that he later tried to sel his property for $35,000. Williams testified that he took a promissory note of $500, which Arch bald had signed and went to C. C. Boland, of Scranton, Pa., to discount It. He said that he knew Boland was a defendant before Judge Arch bald, "but did not think anything of It" The witness admitted that alter a certain demurrer had been decided against Boland, he told Boland the case might have gone differently if he had discounted Archbald's note. Williams said he told Judge Archbald that he intended to get Boland to discount the note. LOOKS LIKE THE FELLOW WAS LYING ONITKD MESS I.RAHSD r. IIIS. Chicago, May 8. The man recently operated on In a hospital here for aphasia, who clulms to be George Klmmell, of Nlles, Mich., who was believed to have been killed in an Or egon forest, received the newspaper reporters todny. He declared Mrs. Klmmell, mother of the long missing man, had recognized him privately as her son but said she could not afford to recognize him In public because this would mean a refund to an In surance company of the benefit paid at Klmmell's supposed death. Fish Prices Go I'p. Log Angeles, May 8. Because of a shortage of fish along tho Southern California coast, wholesale prices have taken a Jump of nearly 50 per cent within the past few days, and may go higher. Fishermen who have been in tho channel for 30 years say the only reason they can give for the short age Is that tugs flBhlng with seines a mile long have destroyed many small fish and much Bpawn. Wear Ever Aluminum utensils sold nt special prices this week. Huren & Hamilton. liim-rnnr Will Speak At the Hoard of Trade meeting to night (iovernor West will be present and take part lu the good roads dis cussion. A Fist Eight A warrant wag Bworn out In justice court yesterday by a man of the name of Evans for Thomas Dutton, who lives some distance north of the city near South Prairie. Dutton seemed to be the aggressor in a fist right, which resulted In the wnrrnnt for assault. A flue of 120 was Imposed by Judge Webster, which the defendant prompt ly paid. Track Laying Resumed After a suspension of about 10 days, on account of the strike and the con ditions of thf weather making the grade soft, track laying on the Salem Albany extension of the Oregon Elec tric railway was resumed yesterday forenoon. A crew of SO men, almost a full crew, began work, and every thing moved off all right. The num ber of strikers In the city Is gradual ly being reduced, the men finding work at other occupations, and some of them leaving the city. The 1. W. W. hold nightly meetings on the streets and In the hall on the vomer of Commercial and Center Btreets, where good order prevails, and no trouble Is anticipated. Ha M il pert Funeral Tuesday Several reports have been made as to the burial of the body of the late Homer C. Davenport. It Is now defi nitely settled that he will be burled at Sllverton, the funeral to take place next Monday at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The body was shipped from New York City on Tuesday of tills week. Homer C. Davenport, the oldest son of the famous cartoonist, will accompany the body west. Visitors from Canada Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter, of Ouelph, Canada, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lamport. They have been visiting the Northwest Coast for some time and will toon go to California. MM) ACCUSES Flndlay, Ohio, May 8. William J. Bryan sprung a big sensation here this afternoon when he dlrecly charged that Judson Harmon's friends had "tried to purchase the delegates Instructed for Bryan In 1908." Bryan said that if Harmon denies that such an offer was made, he will produce a letter In which Harmon and his friends made the of fer. It Is understood that a resident of Cincinnati wrote the letter. Harmon Denies. Columbus, Ohio, May 8. Flat de nial of charges made at Flndlay to day by William J. Bryan that friends of Governor Judson Harmon had "tried to purchase delegates instruct ed for him (Bryan) in , 1908" was voiced here this afternoon by the Ohio governor. Harmon said: "I deny emphatically that any one au thorized to act In my behalf or with my knowledge or consent, offered to purchase delegates In 1908 or at any other time." UNITE WITH METHODIST CHURCH SOUTH Minneapolis, May 8. By a rising vote here today, the quadrennial gen eral conference of the Methodist Episcopal church declared In favor of union with the Methodist church South. While the delegates stood, Bishop Warren led In prayer of thanks. The adoption of the union resolution Is believed to end the pos sibility of a negro bishop being elected. ' Tho Rev. Dr. F. M. Thomas, of Louisville, fraternal delegate from the Methodist Church South, was ap pointed to bear the resolution passed by the conference to the Southern churches. t TilI,lTicsf I BORN. STRICKLER in Portland, Ore., Sat urday, May 4, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Strlckler, a daughter. Mrs. Strlckler was formerly Miss Ruth Gray, of this city. HORN. STRICKLEH To Mr. and Mrs. How ard Strlckler in Portland, Saturday, May 4. 1912, a daughter. Mrs. Strlckler was formerly Miss Ruth Gray of this city. High Price for a Switch. San Francisco, May 8. The price of a woman's hair Is $10,027.50, ac cording to Mrs. Agne. Rose, who Is suing Melanle Block, a hair dresser for that sum. The dresser ruined her hair and burned her scalp, she says. Don't Experiment If you want results use S1IER-WIN-WILLIAMS 1AINTS none better. A complete line for all purposes nt Fry's Drug Store 2S0 N. Commercial Street Fry's Headuche Tablets will cure, price 2.1c WEST SALEM TRANSFER Passengers Baggage Connecting with all train at Weat Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 12 ni., 1:05 p. ni. and 4 p. m. ev ry day except Bunday. Also for Independence, Mojiuoutb and McMlnnvllle, Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1.00 p. m. and 5:15 p. m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office tuy day but Sunday. Pbone 13. NO ORDERS TAKEN FOB CALLS MOKE THAN THREE BLOCKS FROM CORNER OF STATE AND COMMERCIAL STREETS UNLESS AR RANGED FOB IX ADTAXCB. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. Looira GIFT II oust rjNiTSD rasas uisan wiri. San Francisco, May 8. Testimony of the early life of the late Caroline H. Bainbrldge, in which she Is al leged to have amassed her fortune of $94,576 In the underworld of Port land, Or., Is being given In the super ior court here today by Mrs. Mary J. Mayfield, niece of the deceased, in contesting the woman's will, which leaves a good part of the wealth to priests, Judges, lawyers and charita ble institutions, and to Mrs. Mayfield only $1000. During the latter years of her life Caroline Bainbrldge owned and con ducted the Oregon hotel here. The residuary legatee Is Eugene Francis McCarthy, who gets $05,000 by the terms of the will. Mrs. May field claims McCarthy held undue In fluence over the woman, who was 73 years old at the time of death, and that the woman was of unsound mind owing to excessive use of Intoxicants. The will was made out five days be fore death. Among those remembered In the will are Douglass Ladd, hotel clerk, Portland; $1000; former Superior Judge Senaca Smith, Portland, $1000; Superior Judge John B. Cleland, Portland, $2000; Ftremans Relief Fund Portland, $2000; Grand Lodge of Masons, Oregon, $500; Roman Catholic orphan asylum, Beaverton, Or., $1000, and many others. All bequests were made because of some service rndered the deceased or because of personal admiration or ap provnl on her part. CAPTl'RE A GANG OF WIRE TAPPERS Alan, Idaho, May 8. A gang of wire tappers, alleged to have been operat ing a telegraph station and tipping winners of the Alan races through a complete system of pool rooms throughout the country was captured two miles from the track today. It Is aa yet Impossible to obtain the names of the alleged wire tappers. According to officers of the racing association, the gang hag cleaned up a large amount of money. Poor appetite la a' sure sign of Im paired digestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your diges tion and Improve your appetite. Thousands have been benefited by taking these tablets. Sold by all dealers. COMPLETELY REFITTED. All Invited lo Opening of the Spa To morrowProprietors Want to Meet Patrons, In order to bring properly before the nubile tho fact that we have com pletely refurnished our store and In stalled a modern sanitary soda foun tain, the Spa will entortaln Wednes day; and we Invite everyone to call and see us between the hours of 2:30 to 10:30 p. m. It will be a great pleasure to us to show you our clean and neat fountain service and nsk you to have one on us. Music both afternoon and evening. The orches tra will have that famous cellist player, Frederic Konrad, of Portland. The Spa Confectionery, 382 State street. W. W. Stolz, F. 0. Myers. ' 5-7-2t Notice to Property Owners on N. 12th Street. The property owners on North 12th street, Court to Marlon are requested to meet with the street committee at I the council chambers on Friday even ing nt 8 o clock, May 10, to ascertain and determine the kind of pavement to be laid on North 12th street, Court to Marlon. ('HAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. ,r-7-3t SALEM EISII AND I'Ol'LTRY MARKET. 173 South Commercial Street Telephone Main 212.1. Fresh Fish, Clams. Crabs, Poultry and eggs. Prompt service. S-3-lm H. C. HYIIEE, Prop. Croquet Sets Jnst Received r'onr Rail Six Ball Eight Hall fLV to l.0t) Hauser Bros. Automobile Supplies Foot Luxury MEANS P ho e n i x The guaranteed silk Hosiery For Men and Women 50c for Men NEW TODAY. FOR SALE 90 head of young ewes and 8o spring lambs. Inquire of, W. T. Given, Vi miles southeast of Turner, Oregon. 5-8-4t FOR RENT Modern six room bun galow on Waller street, near 12th. Phone Bechtcl & Bynon. 5-8-3t FOt'ND Pair nose glasses In Marlon Square. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. 5-8-3t BOARD AND ROOMS with private family. 30,1 North High street. Phone Main 1016. 5-8-1 w FOR RENT Cottage furnished com plete for housekeeping. Inquire 1770 State street. 5-8-3t STOLEN From front porch of resi dence, 1094 Court street, night of May 7th, a man's Raycycle, No. 35,200. Liberal reward for Infor mation leading to recovery of same. Phone Main 99t or Glover Main 23. -7-1 1 FCRXISHED housekeeping rooms, 336 North High, near city hall. 5.7-:it DRESSMAKING Upstairs, 240 State street. First class work at reason able prices. 5-7-3t FREE TICKETS. Any boy or girl under 15 years of age can learn how to get a free ticket to the mov ing picture show by calling at John H. Scott's office, over the Chicago Store. 5-7-tf FOR SALE Thoroughly modern Ave room bungalow, five minutes' walk from State and Commercial streets, Binall payment down, balance monthly. See Homer H. Smith, the Insurance man, McCornack build ing. 3-12-tf FOR SALE Do you want a bargain In a Bulck four-passenger automo bile, top, curtains, chnliiB, tools, lamps, etc. Phone 92. 5-6-lm-eod NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BTRGHARDT ft MEREDITH Resident Agents 185 State Street Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide many peoplo are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to lie dissolved iu water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses It Is hotter and more economical. J.0 cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy discasa germs, and purify the breath. To keen artificial ttt, nr.A brldirework clean. nilnrlftLii To remove nicotine from tho teeth and puriiy me breatli after smoking, lo eradicate perspiration and bodv odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, Weak, i-iflamedcyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggists r by mall postpaid Siunple Froo. PXTON TOILET CO..BMt.s.M.... Very Serious It Is a yery serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you n buying to bs careful to jet the gonuine BUcT-draught Uvcr Medicine Ths reputation of this old, rtlla 5 medicine, for constipation. In. digestion snd liver i,..k . ! Otber m,lirina i.i. . mi " " "r than SS?iiCt U WOuM n(othefa. Toiite liver iyij.. i.t . . . 1It other, eombme(1 ul a TOWN WfcwJL 75c for Women For Pressing and Cleaning Phone 47 EMJBMISBnim ANIMALS NOT BADLY TREATED The humane officer was advised that there were being worked at the excavation of the state library and su preme court building, on the state house grounds, a horse that not suit able for such work. The officer visit ed Bald place nnd observed the work of the team for an hour, and, while there are teams UBed thut are not suitable for that kind of work, he saw no cruelty or any signs of cruelty to said horses. The work was not heavy only for two or three teams, which were good teams. But the officers would like to protest agalnBt any two horses pulling a load of sand contain ing two yards, especially up the first bench from the river. MONEY TO LOAN On pood Real Estate seeirlty. BECHTEL BTNOX (47 State Street MONEY TO LOAN TUOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem. Or. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company, 279 North Commercial street Phone Main 813. MONEY TO LOAN On farm end city properly. John H. Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1552. THE NEW SECOND-HAND CLOTHING STORE We have a good line of Clothing and Shoes Highest prices paid for Second hand Clothing and Shoes 842 X. Commercial SI, Salem, Or. 4-1-tf 115 Liberty St. Phone Main 119 KARL XEUOEBAUKB Watch and Jewelry Repairer Your patronage solicited Sntlsinctlon guaranteed With Capital Drug Store Salem Oregon Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdon Residence Main 111. RltiDON-RICHAIiDHON CO. Funeral Directors and Undertakers 22 N. High Streot. W. J. PATTERSON, M. D. T, . Veterinarian. Tr VAV- G r a d u ate Mc flTLkv! Kllllp College, jfNjlMll which enJoy LijJjSET ' largest practice " In the world. Lameness, dentistry and diseases of the foot a specialty. Phones: Resi dence, 1961; office, 278. Office and feed barn, 420 8. Commercial street. TYPEWRITERS All Makes RO I (JUT SOLD RENTED 1 REPAIRED . RIBBONS I ROLLERS I SlPfLIES 8ee me before you do anythln C. M. LOCKWOOD " v Hreasii WW ZU-ZTf N. Cesiraerclsl, galea, Oregst.