PAUT CAPITAL JOURJAL, BAUSM. OBEtrOil, TYEDytSBAY, MAT 8, 1812. FAGX OTZ. Sunburst Window Drapery Guaranteed not to fade $1.50 value, 98c Women's Tailored Suits at Reduced Prices See Our' $15.00 Suits FOR MEN Extra good quality Men's Suits, $10 to $30 35c New Neckwear Collars, Jabots, Fancy Bows, Roses, for a few days 25c Pretty Lingerie Dresses Less One-Fifth i Men's Dress Shirts See our Commercial street window 68c Each A large, new and hand some assortment of Dress Goods 10 per cent less Women's Summer Knit Vests 9c' Shoes for Men, Wo men and Children at Reduded Prices All of our 25c Ribbons Taffetas Messalines Heavy Satins For a few days only 19c per yard 00 RIOTING IS STARTED AT POTTSVILLE Pottavllle, Pa., May 8. Seven po licemen participated in the rioting here today, which started when Super intendent Kaiser, Burroumled by the police, escorted a number of firemen to the Pinehlll plant to make repairs In the mine. Some one In the crowd bounced a rock off a policeman's head, and a shower of missiles followed. Kaiser and the firemen rushed through the mob, the policemen covering their re treat. There were Beveral shots from the mob, and the police fired Into the air. The mob then fired again at the police, but missed, and the officers fired polntblank Into the crowd. A troop of state police are now pa trolling the district. There never was a time when peo ple appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This Is shown by the in crease In sales and voluntary testi monials from persons who have been cured by It. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold, give It a trial and become acquainted witu its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. W. W. Watenpaugh, a pioneer, was stricken with paralysis at his home last Friday. STOP HAVING AND INDIGESTION ENJOY WHAT YOU EAT To enjoy food and at the same time derive proper benefit therefrom, your stomach must be In a healthy condi tion. If your stomach Is upset and out of order half of the time, choice foods will fall to tempt you. A bad out-of-order stomach Is a forerunner of many serious diseases. When you feel run-down and half sick, have bad taste In the mouth, coated tongue; whpn you are droopy, nervous, feel bloated after eating, and your food lies like a heavy lump in your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is one cause fermentation of undigested food. Prove to yourself after taking a lit tle Cooper's New Discovery, that your stomach Is as good as any and that there Is nothing wrong with it. Stop this fermentation of food and be gin eating what you want without fear of Indigestion. Cooper's New Discovery tones up the Bystem, puts the digestive organs in a healthy condition, helps the liver and kidneys and makes life worth living. You can get a bottle today at J. C. Perry's store. To Core a told In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 26 cents. The Wonder drygoods store stock at Pendleton burned last night; loss about $25,000. T A if :2010 o r d e rs Quick, courteous service day or night. Stand Hotel Marlon Salem Taxicab & Transferee I. I). UNDERWOOD Manager. U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. WILLIS L MOORE, Chief. Salem and Vicinity: Fair ' tonight and Thursday. Ai V Westerly winds. Vi EXPLANATORY NOTEa. Ohsorvmlonii Uiknn at R ft. tn.. IMh meridian tlraf. Air pri-uurt rltired to " IpcI. Iwtmn (eoutlnfloni II(,m) pm throucn polna of iunl air pressure. Iotliorm Ulutlcd lines) pnsj tlirougb polnu o( equal leraperauire; drawn only for aero, froejlng, IW, and MP, O clear; Q partly cloudy; cloudy; ralu; mow; report mlwlng. Arrowa fly with the wind. First Biuret, loweat tem perature pnat 12 hours; second, precipitation of .01 Inch or more for past 24 hours; third, maximum wind Telocity. " Forecast Till S p. m Thursday. Oregon and Washington: Fair tonight and Thursday. Westerly winds. Shippers Forecast, Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against minimum temperatures of about 48 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 40 degrees; southeast to Boise, 35, south to Slilyou, 45 degrees. Minimum temperature at Port land tonight, about 60 degrees. Hirer Forecast The Willamette River at Portland will fall slightly Thursday, remain nearly stationary Friday, and rise slowly Saturday and Sunday. . . K , EDWARD A. DEALS, District Forecaster. KNOX SEES OIG TRADE WITH SOUTH San Francisco, May 8. Urging the people of the Pacific Coast to prepare now for the trade opportunities In Central and South America which the, opening of the Panama canal will bring them. Secretory of State Knox, in an address here last night at the annual banquet of the California De velopment board, declared that three duties confronted the people of the west: To strengthen their commer cial standing in the countries of the Caribbean through the efforts of cap able represntatlves; to provide trans portation facilities for the expected increase of trade, and1 to hold up the hands of the present administration in its efforts to develop the resources and commerce of those countries by placing them financially up on their feet While painting a bright picture of the potential richness of the country to be brought by the canal to the doors of the Pacific ports, Secretary Knox warned his hearers that so long as political disorder prevailed' in those countries, It was not to be ex pected that a commercial develop ment could be forced upon them. Strife Parnlyjes Industry. "In those countries of Central America where fraternal strife has left Its scars," he said, "we find prac tical paralysis of natural resources. The native agriculturist dares not produce more than the amount actu ally necessary for his own consump tion, or at the most that of his near est neighbors, for the fear of con scription in times of war and the subsequent inevitable destruction or appropriation of his property, stares him In the face. Regions of incal culable fertility now lying Idle will soon hear the stimulating call of im proved transportation facilities for their products, if only domestic tran quility and financial stability enable them to heed that call. "Foreign merchants resident in theBe countries cannot, in the face of Impending revolutions, with prudence commit themselves to mercantile pur chases for future delivery which may arrive when the country Is in the throes of such conflicts. Their trade is, therefore, limited, their negotia tions relatively small, and their credit, under such " conditions, seri ously affected." Sun I)omliifo Helped Practically. As an instance of the difference be tween the commercial value of a country swamped with Indebtedness and a country made financially sound Mr. Knox stated that the commerce of the Dominican Republic, since the! United States had helped it to rid It self of foreign indebtedness, had trebled, though thnt assistance was given less than a decade ago. With this policy pursued where needed In the countries about the Caribbean, and with the added Im petus given to trade by the opening of the Panama canal, Secretary Knnx prophesied a similar development of markets for the products of the Pa cific Coast. The foreign commerce of two of these countries, which by the opening of these canal will become commercially tributary to the raclllc Coast ports, Colombia and Venezuela, he placed at over $.15,000,000. The opening of the canal, declared Mr. Knox, will give the Pacific Coast an Immense, Immediate market In Cen tral and Northern South America for wheat, flour, lumber, petroleum, ma chinery and dry goods. AN ECHO OF THE PUTER LAUD FRAUDS An echo of the Puter land frauds of 22 years ago"was heard yesterday af ternoon at the state house, when Hor ace Stevens, an attorney of Portland, appeared before the board and advised it that he knew that certificates Is sued by the state for about 5000 acres of timber land In Southern Oregon were forged. He asked to be given the privilege of beginning suit against the com pany, that he be compensated for his services, and that certain clients he reppresented be given a preference right to purchase the lands, should the suit be successful. He declared that he could prove that not only did the state . land board know when it Issued the deeds on the certificates that they were forged, but that the purchasers knew It, and that the transaction was Invalid. Inclined to believe that back of It was the fine Italian hand of S. A, Put er, the board declined to entertain the proposition. The members, however, referred him to the attorney-general, and, should he consider the evidence sufficient, he will begin action, and Stevens be retained as associate coun sel. His clients, however, will not be given a preference should the suit he successful, but the lands will be sold to the highest bidders. SAN DIF.CIO WILL FIRE I. W. (Continued from Page 1.) W'S SaMa" V" Was il..i J . it i 0 Lili BAKE. Economizes Butter, Floor, Ecus; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar KNOX GETS WELCOMED A Kidnaping Story. frwiTen miss i.sakhd winit.l San Francisco, May 8. A squad of policemen scoured the city for a week for two men alleged to have kidnapped 11 -year-old Margaret Mey er and robbed her of $4.50. Then the child confessed she had Invented the story because she was afraid to tell tcr mother sho had lost the money. rtop rnur bud lirmih wlta Dr. Ittiot ATTENTION LAWYERS We publish legal notion aa required by law, furaUMng affidavit and proof of pub lication. Fine Brief Work la onr specialty. Let ua figure with yon on your text caae. Capital Journal SALEM, OREGON had searched the house had found guns and locked them up In their lock ers at the station, to be used as evl. dence. Meyers said he knew nothing of a report that nitroglycerine was found In the cellar of the building. None of the police place any credence In this, and It was genemlly regarded as a fake. ' Van Illbber, secretary of the cooks' and waiters' union, Is declared by the police to have been Implicated In the I. W. W. movement. He Bald he mere ly represented the Federation of La bor, and that there are no l.W. W's In the federation. "If we let an I. W. W. In," he do- clared. "we would lose our charter." Van Illbber was told that he might be run out of town with the rest. He was not held In the same room with them, however. Attorney Roblilns, who has repre sented the I. W. W's, and who was thought t.o have been kidnaped lust night was located today. He said he was at homo last night when the trouble occurred. Itobblns called nt J the police station today and aBkcd for a list of the men who had been arrest ed. Tho officers refused to divulge the names, saying no charges had been preferred. They declared they had a right to hold the men 24 hours, and at tho end of that time they might give Robblns the information. Attorney Fred Ford, who, with Roll bins, has represented the I. W, W's, refused to make a statement today. He said ho knew nothing of last night's affair. Large quantities of I. W. W. lltcra tuer were found in the K street house. There was also much of this on the 1. W. W's arrested today. The men taken Into custody today wero not so defi ant as the others had been, some seem lug to be alarmed. Many people crowded around the police station to day. Automobiles were donated to the police by citizens, In which to round up the men. They were mostly driven by their owners. The police suld the lime had come for action Instead of talk, and all were evidently determined Many rifles were In evidence. IN FRISCO San Fianclsco, May 8. Secretary of State Philander C. Knox, who is hers on a few days' visit, spent today In looking over the site of the Panama Pacific International exposition. He was driven over the grounds In an au tomobile, under personal escort of President C. C. Moore, of the exposi tion, and accompanied by the directors of the exposition and a nuumber of prominent citizens. The secretary ex pressed himself as much Impressed with the beauty of the grounds. League club tonight, will conclude the day for the visitor. GRAY WILL SUCCEED LOUIS HILL DNITID PBJtSS UUSHD WIRR. New York, May 8. James J. Hill todny confirmed a report recently current that Iouls Hill, his son, will retire from the presidency of the Great Northern railroad in favor of C. R. Gray. J. J. Hill refused to dis cuss a report that he will resign the chairmanship of the Great Northern board of directors in favor of his son. A I'lngnrlst. rjNITID PBK8S LIASCD WIKC. Oakland, Cal., May 8. Police here are searching for a ''literary burglar" Late this afternoon Secretary Knox who stole 112 pounds of books from was the guost of honor at a military Oscar Kenyon. The loot Included a review of 5000 troops at the Presidio, ' 28-volume encyclopedia, valued at $150 drawn up for Inspection and an exhi bition drill. The spectacle is the most I Grants Pass Is to have a rose festl- elaborate at the Presidio since days of , val and b'8 tlma generally lu June. the Spanish-American war. Next to running the government as Later receptions, at the University It ought to be run a man Is seldom club in the evening and the Union quite sure what he could do best. THE FRIDAY, MAY lO Special Matinee at 3:30 Leon W. Washburn Offers STETSON'S ORIGINAL BIG DOUBLE "Uncle Tom's Cabin" With all the added features thut has made this conipnny famous STETSOVS .MII.1TAIIY BAND AM) COLORED IHll'M CORPS 2 FUNNY TOPSEYS o ECCENTRIC MARKS & firniid Transformation Scenes anil Meclumlcnl Effect Jubilee Singers, Cakewalkers, Duck Dancers, Hloodhounds, Cotton Picking Scenes, Floats and Tableaux drawn by Small Shetland Ponies' WATCH FOR THE IIKJ PA HADE IT HEATS A CIRCUS Matinee prices, 2,c and Mr. Evening Trices, 25c, 60c and 75c MAY DAY IS WELCOMED. (Continued from page 1.) though, Is tho fact that there are some pasted on the side of thn girls' "dorm" nearly up to the roof. Now how these could have got thera Is a mystery to the ordinary outsider, although they seem dangerously near the drain pipe, The Pacific University crowd arrived In force, and will prepare to tear un the track this afternoon. There should be a good crowd out, Including all the students, providing that they can scare up ambition enough to drag them selves away from the enchanting i shade of the historic pines. The Y. j W. C. A. girls responded nobly to their :aft of the program, and began sorv lug breakfast nt 6:30 Thero was Quite a fair crowd out, and the girls took In imnolhlng over $"i8. Things will begin to rake on a mu'i ambitious aspect this ft rrnonn wiu-n the For est Grovo LgjitfRtlon us'imbln on the field and the lovely and frothing var.i'7 fans wake tip to the fact that a real live meet i In p o grcss. The freshmen also n hopes that they may he able to rclttllnte for last night's unpardonable insult by dragging the sophs arrosi the mill rite this afternoon In th.i tug of war Albany has a unique display, It be ing 440 water color pictures painted by pupils of the city school. REAL ESTATE BULLETIN No. 152. Fine, largo lot close In on Btate street Several bearing fruit trees on lot. Price Including paving and all assesumcnts for short time at $1800. PRISE LAND No. 147. 80 acres ncur Rosodale on rock road. Nice laying gentle slope and situated Just right for a fine or chard site. At present It Is all In grain excopt 15 acres of good fuel No. 1.16. 24 acres four miles east of Sulem. Seven room house and large barn. 20 acres are In cultiva tion and four acres timber on back. Two acres fine bearing orchard. targe patch of berries and small j fruits and garden. Woven wire fenc-' Ing. Within qunrtcr-mlle of school, church and store. Complete stock goes with place, Including three ' horses and fine Jersey vow. Also i household gods. This place Is a snap as It stands for $6000. ! 23 acres finest land Just north of Salem. Nearly all In cultivation. State sewer runs through property with drainage privilege Into same. Good house and barn; six cows and all farm Implements and equipment go with plnce. All hut several acres cleared and cultivated, Including 7 acres finest bottom onion land. This land and location Is cheap at $8,625. timber. Price with the crop is only $90 por acre. LARGE FARMS We have all kinds of large farms und can show you Hhe beBt Willam ette Valley lands at prices that are right. No. 149. 20 acres four, miles east of Salem. Fine black land. Seven acres orchard. Good house and barn. Store on place rents for $12 a month. Church and school Just across the road. Price, $0250. 10 acres, fine black soil, near Salem House and barn. About 45 small ap ple treea and several bearing apple, penr and plum trees. Large patch each of lognnberrlos and raspberries. All cultivated. Horse, cow, chickens, wngon and all equipment Included, for only $3000. E. HOFER & SONS INVESTMENTS 213 S. Commercial Street