Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rOB TWO.
t. HOFER, Editor and Proprietor. R. M. HOFER, Manager
MIM ftdent N.w.pp Devoted to Amertcmn Principles and
the Proem, mnd Development of All Oregon YimrV&v.
nutobad Kn Evenlnf Except Sunday, Salem, Ore. ,' I W
it ' " v'
(Invariably In Advance) W 'SVi
tWir. b Carrier, per year 6.00 Per month 60c U VaJ2fcSiCT
BaDy. by 1UI1. per year 4.00 Per month 86c T
Weakiy, by Mail, per year . LOO Bui month. We
"Who will be Wiley's successor?" is a question that is stirring
up no little agitation in the political camps.
Will Taft, in the face of the stinging criticisms that have al
ready been launched at the administration in this matter, ap
point a weak-kneed, subsidized automaton who will do the food
dopers' bidding?
Or will it be a man of backbone and grit?
There is much favorable talk concerning H. E. Barnard,
state food commissioner of Indiana, an uncompromising enemy
of the drugged food interests, as an ideal successor to Wiley.
The urgent question is will Taft act now instead of letting
the matter hang fire until after the convention?
And will he clear himself of criticism by appointing a man of
Barnard's integrity and strength of purpose?
Politicians who know say that the chances of President Taft
for renomination will be seriously affected by his action in this
People are still talking of the action of the master of chan
cery in the Indiana benzoate of soda case, which was a direct
slap at Wilson, McCabe and the anti-Wiley element.
Although the administration went so far as to provide wit
nesses to testify in favor of the use of benzoate of soda in foods,
and attempted to throttle Wiley thus coming to the rescue of
the manufacturers, who were seeking a sale of benzoated foods
in Indiana the district courts of the United States were in
voked, and Wiley was made a witness.
The finding of the master in chancery upheld the state's right
to prohibit the sale of drugged foods; affirmed that the non-injurious
quality of the drug benzoate of soda was far from
proved; and particularized on the filthy methods and rotten ma
terials that could be covered up by the use of this pernicious
coal tar drug.
When it comes to food, they are not going to have "theirs"
with benzoate of soda in Indi ana, and the other states are be
ginning to question why should there be need for this special ef
fort to gain simple health protection, when there is supposed to
be a national food law for that purpose.
The question is up to Wilson and McCabe.
It is also up to Taft!
The University of Idaho will solve the dairy question for the
farmers of the state if proper support is given a plan recently
authorized by the board of regents.
Funds were recently made available by Dr. W. L. Carlyle and
Professor Ellington to visit the dairy sections of the Middle
West and purchase three carloads of high bred dairy cattle of
established records and these cattle will be brought to Moscow
and sold at public auction.
A letter received from Dr. Carlyle stated he and Professor El
lington will depart for the Middle West within a short time and
the cattle would be collected and brought to Moscow the latter
part of May.
It is expected that the auction sale will be conducted about
June 15.
Suggestion is made by Dr.Carlyle that if the plan is given
proper support by the farmers, other shipments will be made
and the sales held at various points in Idaho, in order that the
farmers may be saved from the local freight charges in getting
the cows home.
A movement was started several months ago by the Lewiston
Commercial Club looking to the organization of just such a plan
as has been launched by the university, and at the present time
a special committee is engaged in securing data to show the cost
of placing the valuable dairy cattle on the Idaho farms.
Statement is made by Dr. Carlyle that full information as to
breeding, amount of butter fat production and cost will be
made public as soon as the dairy cows are landed in Moscow,
and the sale will be given wide publicity in all sections of North
Washington, Mny 4. Emphatic do
nlal (lint the order sending tho com
pany of United States infantry from
Monterey, Cal., to Yinna, Ariz., pres
aged American Intervention In Mex
ico, wag made her today by tho war
department. Tho troops were or
dered to YtiniR, tt wan Mild, merely
to appease tho lcnlro of the resldnts
of that section for a strong guard to
prevent the depredation of Mexican
No. 152. Fine, largo lot close In
on State street. Several bearing
fruit trees on lot. I'rlce Including
paving and all assessments for Bhort
time at flKOO.
No. 150, 24 acres four miles east
of Salem. Seven room house and
largo barn. 20 acres are In cultiva
tion and four acres timber on hack.
Two acres fine bearing orchard.
I-nrgo patch of berries and small
fruits and garden, Woven wire fenc
ing. Within quarter-mile of school,
church and store. Complete.' stock
goes with place, Including throo
horse tnd flno Jersey cow. Also
household gods. This place Is a
snap as It Btunds for (0000.
2.1 acres finest land Just north of
Salem, Nearly all In cultivation.
Stato sewer rum through property
with drainage prlvllcgo Into same.
Good house and barn; sit cows and
all farm Implements and equipment
go with place, All but several acres
cleared and cultivated, Including 7
acres finest bottom onion land. This
land and location Is cheap at $8,023.
213 S. Commercial Street
bandits. It wan also denied by war
department officials that troops sta
tioned at Fort Sill, Okla., bad been
ordored to get Into readiness to leave
for tho Mexican border.
Poor appetite Is a sure sign of Im
paired digestion. A few doses of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will strengthen your diges
tion and Improve your appetite
Thousands have boon benefited by
taking these tablets. Bold by all
No. 147. 86 acres near Rosedalo on
rock road. Nice laying gentle slope
and situated Just right for a line or
chard site. At present It Is nil in
grain except 15 acres of good fuel
timber, i'rlce with the crop Is only
$1)0 per acre.
LAltliK FA It MS
We have all kinds of largo farms
and can show you the best Willam
ette Valley lands at prices that are
No. 149. 20 acres four mile east
of Salem. Fine black land. Seven
acres orchard. Good hoiiBe and barn.
Store on place rents for $12 a month.
Church and school Just across the
road. Price, $0250.
10 acres, flue black toll, near Salem
House and barn, About 45 small ap
ple trees and soveral bearing apple,
pear and plum trees. Large patch
each of loganberries and raspberries.
All cultivated. Horse, cow, chickens,
wagon and all equipment Included, for
only $3000.
In an attempt to raise their bid for
Installing heating systems In the two
new school houses now under con
struction In this city to the extent of
$200, the heating firm of Burkhart &
Weaverson, of Portland, met with
considerable opposition by the school
board, and those who submitted bids
for the same work. The board turned
their proposition down flatly and no
tified them by night letter by wire
that If they would Install a five-horse
power motor and 110-Inch fan that
they would be awarded the contract
at the price of the original bid, 3785.
The work on the new biuldings has
progressed so rapidly that some of
the roughing In for the heating must
be done soon, and on that account the
above contracting firm was notifed to
appear Tuesday night to sign the con
tract. If the bidders do not accept
the terms given by the board It will
become necessary to award the con
tract to the next lowest bidder, The
Pacific Engineering Co., of which P.
A. Williams Is the representative.
Georgia wants Underwood to have
the Democratic nomination for the
presidency and gave him almost a
unanimous vote, but It Is again fight
ing for a "lost cause."
Strawberry shortcakes are begin
ning to get ripe, and they are "Made
in Oregon" strawberries, too.
Wappensteln is a memory at Seat
tle but he Is a number at Walla Wal
la, "6539" which Is exactly 503 times
"13" and that Is surely unlucky
enough for anyone.
About three times a week the dis
patches announce that President Taft
has paid a tribute to Butt. He should
get the bill paid off some time, and
take a receipt to prevent having to
pay it any more.
"Yamhill profile met Saturday and
nominated a full ticket," says a dis
patch, Rather a bad break for pro
hibitionists to make,
Von Are Shown the U'uy Out
Mrs. Lydla V. Craft, Second and
Ellsworth streets, Albany, Ore., says:
"I Buffered from a lame back and at
times it was very hard for me to at
tend to my housework. I got but
little rest at night and felt tired all
the time. Soon after I commenced
taking Doan's Kidney Pills, I no
ticed a grntlfylng change for the bet
ter and I continued tnklng this rem
edy until my condition improved in
every way. Doan's Kidney Pills de
serve my hearty endorsement."
(Statement given February 6, 1906.)
On November 13, 1909, Mrs. Craft
was Interviewed and she said: "My
former endorsement of Doan's Kidney
Pills Btlll holds good. This remedy
helped me In every way and 1 have
been in good health since using It."
For sale by all dealers. Price, 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Iluffalo,
New York, sole agents for th el'nlted
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
The Mny Woman's Home Companion
The Mny Woman's Home Companion
contains a moat interesting account
of the recent dramatization and stag
ing of Louisa M. Alcott's "Little
Women." It is quite a remarkable
story how Miss Alcott's heirs have
objected for years to putting the story
on the stnge, but how at Inst they have
consented. Among the other articles
In the number aro the following: "See
ing Kuropo on $3.50 a Hay" "A Mother
Account of the Effect of the Boy Scout
Movement on Her Son", "Women
Writers as Humorists", "How to At
tract Hints" and the first of a new
series on the American girl by J, Nil
sen Laurvlk.
On the fiction side, the leading con
tributions aro from Kathleen Norris,
Susan Glaspell, Annie Hamilton Don
nell and Mary Heaton Vorse.
In the practical dressmaking, house
keeping and entertainment depart
ments appear many Interesting con
tributions, among which are articles
on "Sensible Shoes", "The Healthy
llnby", "The Practical Kltchon", "How
to Make a Sun-Dial", "How to Make
a Summer Shack", "The Appetlilng
Beefsteak" and "A Doien Good Des
serts." I'nts End to llndj Habit
Things never look bright to one
with "tho blues." Ten to one the
trouble Is a sluggish liver, filling the
system with bilious poison, that Dr.
King's New Ufe Pills would expel.
Try them. l,ct tho Joy of better feel
ing end "the blues." Best for stom
ach, liver and kidneys, 25o at J. C.
A busy man never has time to argue
with his wife.
Is a very effective medicine
for the complete purification
of the blood and the complete
renovation of the whole sys
tem. Take it this spring.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sartatabi.
By the death Saturday afternoon at
5:30 o'clock of Mrs. Zerelda Gibson.
Hayden, Salem loses another vener
able and well-known pioneer. Mrs.
Hayden, who was the widow of the
late Ben Hayden, died at her home on
North Fifteenth street, after an Ill
ness of about six monthsi at the age
of SI years. Her husband died about
two years ago.
Mrs. Hayden was born In Pike coun
ty, Mo., March 21, 1831. She was mar
ried to Ben Hayden in 1852, and
crossed the plains the same year, lo
cating in Polk county, where she re
sided for a number of years. Later
she moved with her family to Salem,
where they have since resided. She
was the mother of several children,
only two of whom, McClelland and
William, survive. She was highly es
teemed by all who knew her.
The funeral was held from the late
residence, 574 North Fifteenth Btreet,
at 2 o'clock this afternoon, May 6,
1912, conducted by Rev. Barr G. Lee,
of the Episcopal church. Interment
In Odd FellowB' cemetery.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County, ss.:
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In
the City of Toledo, county and state
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use
of Hall's Catarrh cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D., 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for con
stipation. JIDGE XAKQl'AM HAS
Judge Philip A. Marqunm, one of
the foremast builders of Portland In
its early days, who was reported as
seriously 111 Inst Sunday, was stricken
with apoplexy yesterday morning, and
has been gradually sinking since.
Early this morning It was thought
he would not live through the day.
Since he was stricken he has been
unconscious. Ills temperature Is iyt
great, but his pulse Is running high.
He Is In his 90th year.
At 11 o'clock last night his temper
ature which had been practically nor
mal during the day was somewhat In
creased, and registered 99.4 At the
same hour his pulse wos 105. He Is
constantly attended by his son-in-law,
Dr. Charles Hill, and surrounded by
most of the members of his family.
Perhaps many a wife thinks she is
chained to the missing link.
Few men are capable of putting up
a good bluff Just before pay day.
Clu.lt, Pihodr ft Co., Troy, N. Y.
With our assurance that we are
able and willing to take care of
it, we solicit your Hanking Ilusi
ness. 0en an account with us,
and we will extend you every
favor consistent with good bank-
Ing principles.
Cemor Stale and Liberty Streets
J. U Abler, President
W. O. Enst, Cashier.
S. 8. East, Vice President
Dr. U a Sleeves, L. H. Robert.
-ffY mtlt iii 1
Chicago Store
Notice of Intention to Construct Lat
eral Sewers In Lateral Sewer Dis
trict No, IS, Salem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given: That the
common council of the city of Salem,
Oregon, deems and considers it neces
sary and expedient anil proposes to
(construct a system of lateral sewers
as a part of the North Salem sewer
jgystcgi In and through certain streets
and alleys in North Salem Addition,
I Highland Avenue Addition and
Broadway Addition to Salem, Oregon,
as a part of the North Salem sewer
system. The cost of the same, to
gether with five per cent for engi
neering and other Incidental ex
penses, to be assessed on the prop
erty directly benefited by such sew
ers and drains, which system of lat
eral sewers ehall be known and
designated at Lateral Sewer District
No. 15, the boundaries of which are
as follows, towlt:
Beginning at the Intersection of
Broadway and Spruce streets; thence
easterly along Spruce to a point 120
feet east of Cherry street; thence
southerly parallel with Cherry street,
to center line of Illghlnnd avenue;
thence westerly along Highland Ave
nue, to center line of Hazel street;
thence southerly along center line of
Hazel street to a point 332 feet south
from the center line of Academy
street; thence westerly to center line
of Maple street; thence southerly
along Maple street to center line of
South street; thence southwesterly
midway between Gth and Cottage
street to Jefferson street; thence
westerly on Jefferson street to center
line of Broadway street; thence
northerly on center lino of Broadway
street to place of beginning; all sit
uated in the city of Salem, Oregon.
The said system of lnteral sewers
shall be constructed In accordance
with the amended plnni and specifi
cations for the same heretofore
adopted by the common council on
tho 29th day of April, 1912, and on
file In the office of the city recorder,
reference to which for a more de
tailed description is hereby made,
and the Bald plans and specifications
are herby referred to und made a
part of this notice.
The said sewers are particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
An eight (8) inch concrete or vitri
fied sewer pipe shall be laid com
mencing at a point In tho alley be
tween blocks No. 1 and No. 2, Broad
way Addition, said point being 1200
feet south from the manhole In the
sewer constructed in Spruce street;
running thence southerly through the
said alley In blocks numbered One
(1) and Two (2) Broadway Addition;
bloeki numbered One (1). Elirht (It)
and Six (6) of Highland Areou Ad
New Spring
Suits and Coats
NOW ON SALE at prices that will surprise you. No old
SUITS OR COATS at this store offered at half price,
but new Coats and Sulfa now on sale at less than you
have to pav for old stock elsewhere. Every garment In
our big cloak and suit stock is like the pictures; bought
for cash In the beat markets of America. White serges,
midnight navy serges, whipcords and fancy mixtures. All
man tailored, silk lined and perfectly finished through
out. Small prifts 1b our motto. Come and see the
money we can saTe you.
Suits and Coats up to $25
Now on Sale for
$7.50, $8.50, $10.50,
$12.50 up
The Latest Creations
N Vnnr nn anla at nrlnna an lnar
r flint hm-lm u-111 lio a nlenant-p.
LJL., 1ID11 IWlllllll'U unto linu IIIC
picture, the lateBt New York
models. A new shipment just
received Is now ready for your
choosing. Come here and save
money on your millinery pur.
chases. Values up to $6.50,
$8.50 and $10.00, now only
$2.50, $2.95,
$3.25, $3.50 up
:: The Store That Saves You Money ::
dition, to the munhoie In the trunk
sewer In Spruce street.
Also from a point in the alley east
of Broadway street, said point being
384 feet north from the south line of
block numbered Two (2), Broadway
Addition; thence southerly through
blocks No. 1 and No. 2, Broadway
Addition; thence southerly through
blocks numbered 43 and 44 of North
Salem Addition, to trunk sewer in
Jefferson street.
Also commencing at a point In the
alley between blocks No. 3 and No.
4 in Broadway Addition, said point
being 1300 feet south from the trunk
sewer at Spruce street; running
thence north In said nlley between
blocks numbered three (3) nndfour
(4), In Broadway Addition, and
through bloekB numbered two (2),
seven (7) and ten (10) of Highland
Avenue Addition to the trunk sewer
In Spruce Btreet.
Also commencing at a point In the
alley east of Currant street, said
point being 3:5 feet north from south
line of block numbered three (3),
Broadway Addition; thence southerly
In said alley to South street; thence
through blocks numbered fifty-two
(52) and fifty-one (51) of North Sa
lem Addition to trunk stwer In Jef
ferson street.
Also commencing at a point In the
alley In tho acrengo north of block
numbered fifty-three (-,3), North Sa
lem Addition, said point being 1380
feet south from tho trunk sewer con
structed In Spruce street; thence
southerly In said alley through above
mentioned acreage and through
blocks numbered three (3), bIx (C)
and eleven (11), of Highland Avenue
Addition to trunk sewer In Spruce
Also commencing at a point in the
alley east of Elm street, said point
being 245 feet north from tho Dona
tion Land Claim line or South Btreet;
thence southerly in said alley to
South street; thence southwesterly to
Sixth street; thence south on Sixth
street to trunk sewer In Jefferson
Also commencing at a point In the
alley east of Maple street, said point
being 1480 feet south from the trunk
sewer at Spruce street; thence nor
therly In said alley through the acre
age north of blocks numbered sltv.
Ave (65), North Salem Addition,
blocks numbered four (4), five (5)
and twelve (12), of Highland Avenue
Addition to trunk sewer In Spruce
Also commencing In the alley In
block numbered thirteen (13) High
land Avenue Addition, said point be
ing on the south line of block num
bered thirteen (13) of said Addition;
thenc north through Mid block to
trunk wer la Bpruct tret
Extra Special
18c Galatea Cloth, all colers,
yard 12 He
Misses' and Children's Shoes,
all sizes, worth to $1.25, now
pair C!)c
Ladies' odd size shoes, values
up to $2 and $2.50, now .,
$1.00, $1.25, MM
Standard 12 He and 15c. Dress
rHllfrhnnia Dnjactnl nrlfa vnr.1
81- 1
Mens 40c Balbrlggan Under
wear, special now only..2."c
714 c and 8 l-3c Persian Chal
lies, fine cloth, dainty pat
terns, yard 4c
Ladles' 20c Mercerized Lisle
TTnaa 1,lnnlr on1 tan nnti Ifti
13.00 White Embroidered Linen B
Parasols, slightly soiled, now
only ","(C
If you want to save money on
Purchase, come here
Also commencing at a point In the
alley In block fourteen (14) Highland
Avenue Addition, 50 feet north of the
south property line of said block;
thence north In said alley to trunk
sewer at Spruce street.
Also commencing at a point In the
alley In block numbered fifteen (15).
Illghlnnd Avenue Addition, 50 feet
north of the south property line of
said block; thence north In Bald alley
to trunk sewer, in Spruce street.
Also commencing nt a point In
Cherry avenue, Highland Avenue Ad
dition, said point being 60 feet north
from the north line of Highland ave
nue; thence north on Cherry avenue
to trunk sewer in Spruce Btreet.
Remonstrances may be filed against
the construction of said proposed lit
eral sewers and drains at any time
within 10 days from the date of the
final publication of this notice.
This notice is published for a per
iod of 10 days by ordr of the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Or
egon, the date of the first publication
being the 30th day of April, 1912, and
the final publication being the 11th
day of May, 1912.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, deems It expedient and proposes
to Improve North Twenty-fflrBt Btreet
from the south line of Center street
to tho north line of State street with
Dolnrway pavement, at the expense of
the adjacent and abutting property
within said limits, In accordance with
plans, specifications and estimates for
the Improvement of said North Twenty-first
street from the 8outh line of
Center street to the north line of State
street, a sheretofore ndopted by the
common council and on file In the of
fice of the city recorder, which are
hereby referred to for a more particu
lar and detailed description of said
Improvement, and are hereby made a
part of this notice.
Written remonstrances against the
Improvement proposed herein may be
made within ten (10) days from the
final publication of this notice In the
manner provided by the city charter.
This notice Is published for ten
(10) days pursuant to a resolution of
the common council and the date of
the first publication thereof Is the
30th day of April 1912, and the date
of the final publication will be the
11th day of May, 1912.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, Recorder.
Now Is the time to got rid of your
rheumatism. Yon can do It by ap
plying Chamberlain's Liniment and
massaelne the nrt fritelr at each
application. For sale by all ooal-