PAGE SETEN, 3f Summer Vacations Pastor Russell's Sermon Children Cry for Fletcher's TIa the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAT 4 1912. HOW JESUS PREACHED TO SPIRITS IN PRISON Who They ire and M Was Their Offense. "CAST DOWN TO TARTARUS," Paator Rustall, at Qeorgia'a Capital, Talli How Angala Onoa Matarializad and Took to Thamaalvaa Wivaa From Among tht Daughtara of Man Now Impriaonad In Earth'a Atmoaphara. Atlanta, Ga., April 28.-"Chrlst also batb once suf fered for sins, the Just for the un JUBt, t b a t He might bring ui to God, being put to dcatb lu tbe flesh, but quickened In tbe spirit, by which two experi ences death and resurrection He preached unto tbe (PASIOR RUSSELL) spirits In prlson.M-I Peter 111, 18, 19. This text, 8ii Id Pastor Russell, has been made the basis for some peculiar presentations. From It some have de duced an Intermediate state touting between death and the resurrection. Others have claimed It as an authority for the doctrine of Purgatory. The difficulty In every case seems to be the failure to remember that the Bible al ways and everywhere teaches that the dead are really dead, that they know nothing, and that,. therefore, It would be Impossible to do any preaching to the dead humans. Undoubtedly the theory that people are more'allve after tbey die than when tbey were alive Is responsible for nearly all of the fool ish things which we have all at some time professed to believe. ' Before dismissing tbe thought that these "spirits In prison" are human spirits, let us note the fact that to say, "human spirits," Is an absurdity of it lielf, because human beings are not spirits and spirit beings are not hu mans. "Who makctb His angels spir its," Is tbe Scriptural proposition. True, we do sometimes speak of hu mans as possessing a spirit of life, but by this we merely mean that be pos sesses the power or energy of life, and the same would be equally true of the lower orders of creation, beasts, fish, fowl, etc. Again, we sometimes speak of the Cburcb as spirit beings begotten of the Holy Spirit. Thus the Apostle speaks of tbe natural man In contrast with the New Creature, n spirit belug. To appreciate this statement we must remember that the Church class re ceives tbe begetting of tb Holy Spirit to tbe end that, If faithful, they may attain unto a spirit resurrection and become spirit beings, like unto the an gels and like to the Redeemer. But we are not spirits yet. xcept by faith by hope. However, the context shows that the Apostle bad no reference to the Church, either: we were not In prison; we received the Mexsnge of sal vatlon through the Apostles. Spirits Onoa Diaobadiant. The spirits to whom the message was given had proven themselves dis obedient, says 8t Peter, lie even tells us the time of their dlsobcillence, namely, that It was "In the days of Noah, while the ark was preparing." Surely, If noticing these particulars mentioned In the context, no ono would be excusable for misunderstanding this Scripture and considering It lu any way applicable to humanity of our day or to humanity In generul. However, It Is helpful to us to learn the full par ' ticulars of the matter. What wus their disobedience, and when and how were they Imprisoned? Turning to Genesis vt, 1-5, we find there the cause of the disobedience of those angels, who for a time bad been permitted to see what they could do for the uplift of humanity, or, rather, permitted to demonstrate that tbe downward tendency of sin is Incurable except lu the manner which God has , already arranged for through Messiah V. snd Ills glorious reign of a thousand years. Instead of those angels helping man kind out of sin they helped themselves Into sin, and by so doing tbey Increased the depravity amongst humanity uutll the astounding record Is that "the wick edness of man was great in the earth, and that every Imagination of the thought of his heart wus only evil con tinually." The particular sin of those angels was that when they were grant ed tbe privileges of materializing of taking human bodies for the sake of helping and Instructing mankind tbey misused this power and took to them selves the daughters of men for wives. Thus these angels came gradually to prefer to live as men amongst men and to rear earthly families rather than to abide In tbe condition In which they were created-splrtt beings, higher than bumnns. Not only was this Wrong In tbe sense that it was taking course lu opposition to tbe Divine arrangement, but It was wrong also because the thing was done for tfio cultivation and gratification of lust, and it led to their own moral defile ment as well as having a baneful In fluence upon humanity; for we can readily see that for the angels, of su perior powers, and Intelligence, to be come leader In lustful practices would mean great Influence upon mankind toward sin and defilement of mind and tod. We are particularly told that the off-, spring of this Improper union between tbe angels and the daughters of men were giants, both physically and men tally superior to the fallen human fam ily "men of renown." And this state ment, that they were "men of re nown," was at a time when manhood's estate was reached at a hundred years, and implies that God did not Interfere to binder or stop tbe progress of sin for perhaps several centuries. In the meantime the race had become so cor rupt that apparently only Noah and his family were uncontamlnated all others had more or less come under the Influence, directly or Indirectly, of these fallen angels or their giant sons. Hence, of Noah It was written (not that he was a perfect man, but), "Now Noah was perfect In his generation" (uncontamlnated) and his family appar ently tbe same. Hence these alone were saved in tbe ark, while all tbe re mainder, more or less contaminated, were destroyed by tbe flood. "In Chains of Darkneaa." It was then and there that God im prisoned those spirits, angels, who kept not their first estate, and are therefore called fallen angels, devils, demons. They were not imprisoned In some far, off world called bell, nor are tbey en gaged there In stoking fires for the tor ture of poor humanity. Following the leading of the Scriptures we find that when the flood came tbey were not de stroyed because, while their fleshly bodies which they assumed might in deed perish, yet tlupr would merely de materlultze, or assume their spirit con ditions again. The, record is that God cast them down, that He condemned them to an overthrow that they might not any longer assoclute with the holy angels, but must be reserved in tartarus our earth's atmosphere. Here they were Imprisoned, not in a special place, but In tbe sense of having their liberties restrained, "in chains of darkness." Tbey were no longer permitted to ma terialize and thus to associate with hu manity. These things are distinctly told us by St. Jude and St. Peter (Judo 6; II Peter 11, 4, 0) an explana tion in full harmony with the Genesis account of their full. Onca Diaobadiant Still Diaobadiant We of course cannot know that all of those fullcn angels are still In a dis loyal condition of heart. On the' con trary, in harmony with our text, we may suppose that some of these fallen angels have since repented of their wrong course and It would be none too strong a way to.Btate the matter that any such repentant ones would surely have terrible experiences as a result. To be obliged to be In close touch and relationship with the more evil and malignant ones and to have knowledge of all their evil designs and efforts would be a terrible experience and, besides this, we may be sure that the -rebellious would not hesitate to persecute the repentant ones In every conceivable manner, as they would be lawless, regardless of the Divine will. On the other hand, the repentant ones would be obliged to restrain themselves and to not render evil for evil, knowing that this would be con trary to the Divine will. In other words, repentant ones amongst those fallen spirits, Influenced by tho preach ing of Jesus or otherwise, would have a kind of purgatorial experience, and the very thought calls forth our sym pathy. When Imprisoned or cut off from the privilege of materialization, many of the fallen spirits, we know not what proportion, continued their active op position to God, after tbe manner of Satan. Hence they are spoken of as his angels, his messengers, his serv ants add he Is spoken of as Beelzebub, the Prince of Demons. Satan, who sinned uiiich earlier than the others, and In a different way, tbe Scriptures tell us was an angel of a higher rank, or n higher nature, and this superiori ty of his has made him the Prince or ruler over the hosts of fallen spirits. Fighting Agalntt God. Tbe fight of Satan and his fallen an gels Is against God, against all who are In harmony with Him, against all the regulations of righteousness, and against ull tbe channels and servants whom tbe Lord may use. St. Paul's words along this lino are forceful; be remarks that. God's people contend not merely "with flesh and blood," but also "with wicked spirits In high positions," and tho question arises, "Who is suffi cient for theso things?" The reply is that none Is sufficient; without the aid of the Redeemer His church would be quite overcome and vanquished by evil. Likewise, without the Redeemer's aid through His Kingdom, without the binding of Satan, without our Lord's releasing of tho world from the bond age of sin and dentb, there would be no hope of the world's recovery from Its present bondage. But with the Apostle we exclaim, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Romans Till, 31.) Through Madlume and Obiatilona. Satan's original plan of attack was to bring our race under his Influence by uittireprescritiitlou-by putting durkness for light and light for durkness-for lu ll a nee, the tcinptatlun under which Mother Eve full. Sutun there repre sented himself as Eve's friend, giving her sound udvlte. He represented God as having a selfish motive behind His command that our first parents should not eat of the tree of tbe knowledgo of good nnd evIL Satan declared that God bad told an untruth when He said thut the penalty for sin would be death. Satan declared that man cannot die. And has he not since kept up the same line of falsification? And has he not deceived the whole world upon this very subject? Do not all peoples In every land believe that when a man dies be docs not die. but gets more alive exnetly Satan's lie of the first Instance? How few have believed God, even amongst His people who truly love Him, and who truly desire to believe the teachings of His Word! We have all been under a kind of "hoodoo." "The god of this world Satan hath blinded" our minds on this subject We are now coming to see that death Is the penalty for sin and that the resurrection Is the salva tion which God has promised and will provide. Satan has had powerful allies and servants In the fallen angels, and It Is through their persistence that his lie has triumphed over the Divine Word of truth "Dying, thou shslt die." These fallen spirits have made various manifestations In every land for centuries, and thereby have ap parently substantiated the theory that a dead man Is more alive than when he was alive. Knowing that mankind would have nothing to do with them If their real personality were known they hide their personality and repre sent themselves as our dead friends who desire to Bpealc with us, either di rectly or through mediums. A further desire of these angels is to obsess or to get possession of a hu man being. Being chained or restrain ed from the privilege of materialisa tion, the next most desirable thing In their estimation Is to gain control over a human being and to use his body Instead of tbelr own. This Is styled obsession, and persons so afflicted to day are sent to an Insane asylum where, It Is estimated, they constitute at least one half of tho entire number. In the days of our Lord these were not mistakenly supposed to be Insane, but rightly declared to bo obsessed. All remember the New Testament ac count that our Savior and His Apos tles cast out legions of fallen spirits from humanity. "Know Ys Not That the Sainta Shall Judge Angala?" We need not discuss this question with Bible Students, for it Is too well recognized to be disputed. We sug gest a topical study of this subject by all of our hearers. See how many times Jesus and the Apostles cast out demons, and note tho particulars. Al though wo still have with us spirit mediums and many obsessed, we can not know whether the proportionate number Is greater or fewer than In our Lord's day. Since the world's pop ulation today Is so much larger, the same number of evil spirits (which do not Increase) would show proportion ately less. But, however that may be, we may assume that some frultngo resulted from the great sermons preached to theRe In connection w!th the death and resurrection of, our Lord, respecting which St. Peter tells us In our -text. Additionally, St Taul remarks. "Know ye not that the saints shall judge angels?" (I Corlnthlnns vl, 3.) We do know that the holy angels need no Judging, no trial, hence the Apostle must In some way refer to a trial or Judgment or testing of these spirits In prison who were once disobedient, In the duys of Noah. And If the judgment or testing Is a part of the Divine plan, It Implies a hope for them, and In con Junction with St Peter's statement In our text Jt gives the reasonable In ference that the preaching which Je sus did to them was not wholly In vain. How Jsaua Preached In Death, Here arises another question: If Je sus was really dead, as the Scriptures declare, If "He poured out Ills soul unto death," and "made His soul an offering for sin," nnd Ills soul was not raised from the dead until tho third day after His crucifixion, how could no In tho meuutlmo preach to spirits In prison, of to anybody else? We reply that He could preach In the same way that the Apostle refers to, saying, "Ho, being dend, yet speak eth" (Hebrews xl, 4); and again, In the same way that tho blood of Abel Is said to have cried to God figuratively. Of ond thing we are sure, namely, that Jesus gave no oral address while no was dead. He preached In tho way we sometimes refer to when we say, "Actions speak louder than words." It was the great object lesson which tbe fullen angels saw that constituted to them the great sermon that gave them a ground for hope. On several occasions the fallen spirits, when com manded to come out of human beings, declared that they knew Jesus. In the long ago tbey bad known HI in. when, us the Only Begotten of the Father, and Uls Representative, He had ere uted them and ull things thut are made, and was also the mouthpiece for all Divine orders and regulations. Tbey realized that He bad come into tbe world to bo its Redeemer; they per ceived the great stoop that He had made from His lofty position on the heavenly plane to the servant position on the human plane, They nilinli-cd His loyalty and faithfulness to God, but doubtless believed Illin to be fool ish; they never expected Him to arise from the dead. But when they per ceived Ills resurrection on the third day to glory, honor and Immortality, "fur above angels, principalities and powers nnd every name that Is nam ed," His sermon to them was complete, namely, that "the wages of sin Is dentb," but that "the gift of God Is eternal life." (Romans vl, 23.) And as they realized thus the Power of God aud the Love of God for Ills human creatures, tho Apostle's words Imply fiat this constituted to the in a mes sage of hope. Perhaps If they would show full contrition God eventually would have mercy upon tliem, even as He had had mercy and bad provided for humanity. The lesson is one for all. God's pow er Is Infinite, so Is His love, His met- cy, Ills goodness. Nevertheless, every , wilful sin will have its punishment, Just recompense of reward, and only the willing nnd oliedlcnt shall have the Divine favor and everlasting life. Let each apply the lesson to himself. 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Phona 761 Low Round Trip Rates On dittos given below round trip tickets will be sold to the points In the East shown below, nnd many others, at greutly reduced fares quoted: y www I V uium I y Atlantic City $112.50 Colorado Springs 56.50 Kansas City 61.50 New York 110.00 St. Louis 71.50 Baltimore 109.00 Chicago 74.00 Duluth 61.50 Montreal 106.50 Pittsburg 93.00 Washlngtoi DATES OF HALE. May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 29, 1912. June 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 1912. July 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 1912. August 1, 2, 2 6. 7, 12, 15, 16, 22 23, 29, 30, 31, 1912. September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30, 1912. Stop-ovors and choice (if routes allowed In each direction. Final return limit October 31, 1912. Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished n request. W. E. COM AN, Oen. Frt. & Pass Agt., Portlund, Or. C. E. ALUIN, Agent, Salem, Ore. 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