Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 04, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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to. HOFEK, Editor and Proprietor.
R. M. HOFER, Manager
idant Nawiiwper Dnotad to American Principle, and
tha hwiw and Development of All Oregon
milium Kfenr Evenfn Except Sunday, 8aleu, On.
(Invariably la Advance)
VtBj. bj Carrier. per 7 ear e.00 Per month 60c
Daly, by Mad, per year 4.00 Pel month 86c
Weestr. by Mall, per year . .- 100 BU month. 60c
The public is interested in the status of the campaign to se
cure foreign immigration.
The legislature passed a bill appropriating $25,000 to print
pamphlets to secure immigration.
It was given out that the governor had vetoed the bill, so far
as the $25,000 was concerned, but let the law stand.
Some time ago it was given out that he had only held it up
conditionally, and the fund was released.
The Portland Commercial club took up the matter, and it is
said to be preparing for expending the money.
This state could use thousands of Germans, Scandanavians,
Swiss and the better class of European immigrants.
If the money is to be expended for that purpose direct, some
good will be accomplished for development.
But there is a tremendous quantity of Slavic and South Euro
pean immigration Oregon does not want.
Many Good People
This Spring
"Cannot afford to be sick." Their earnings are
so small they must be careful to keep their ex
penses down. They know by experience the great
usefulness of Hood's Sarsaparilla in preventing
'disease by building up the system, and they show
"common sense" in taking this great proprietary
medicine for their run-down condition at this time.
Thousands find Ilood's Sarsaparilla perfectly
satisfactory in the treatment of impure blood, lack
of strength, that tired feeling, loss of appetite,
scrofula, eczema, rheumatism and catarrh.
Take Ilood's Carsaparilla this spring.
The Oregonian shows how the principal nominations under
the direct primary law are r on minorities.
It sensibly contends for the second choice law that was enact
ed by the last legislature.
It was vetoed by the governor on some political theory, and at
the time the Oregonian rather applauded the veto.
But it is the only remedy for the evil that exists of making
important nominations by minorities.
The Oregonian also deserves credit for demanding that the
presidential preference law be respected.
The delegation from Oregon belongs to Roosevelt, just as he
says the Massachusetts delegation belongs to Taft.
But the people should have a second choice even on President,
and the time will be when that Recond choice will be respected.
In Oregon the result might have been materially different if
the people had been privileged to express a second choice for all
offices from constable to president.
"My daughter was confined to
her bed for seven or eight weeks
with fever, and after the fever
left her aha was troubled with
sores In her mouth and stomach,
and a painful swelling on one of
her limbs. She was also very
weak. I concluded to give her
Hood's Sarsaparilla, as I had
done once before. She soon be
gan to Improve. The severe
soreness and cramps In the
stomach left her. 1 cheerfully
recommend Hood's to build up
the system." D. W. Seay, R. F.
D. No. 8, Lebanon, Tenn.
"I had a severe attack of the
grip which settled In my back.
I soon became so weak I could
hardly walk across the room. I
began taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and after the use of a few
bottles I began to get better, and
am glad to say that In due time
I was well as ever. More recently
after my baby was born, I was
again troubled with weakness,
and my husband got me another
bottle of Hood's. After taking It
I was In good health again." Mrs.
Gertrude Johnson, Box 36, Cul
verton, On.
Th,ere is some justice in the claim of the I. W. W. orators that
laboring men are robbed under the present system of employ
ment. An employment bureau at Portland or Seattle gets a fee from
two to five dollars for directing laborers to Salem for employ
ment. On their arrival, and after paying railroad fare to come here,
they get a few days' work, and are turned out for new arrivals.
They are taxed $5.50 a week for inferior board and the privi
lege of sleeping in bunks filled with straw like cattle.
If they secured Rteady work they might put up with the fees
and the treatment, but the wrong comes in the short employment
Laborers have come to The Capital Journal office in bunches
of two to five who paid their fees at Portland and got no work.
That is an open and flagrant deception,, and the government
that tolerates such abuses is naturally antagonized to laboring
How can these men stop this systematic swindle unless they go
upon the streets and voice their protests publicly?
While on this subject, we would like to inquire what has be
come of the city charter amendment to protect resident labor
ers? That is as much a part of the city charter as the provisions
creating the police or fire department.
An ordinance should be drawn up to put that provision of the
city charter into effect.
palf?n. Mark Is the solid American
Mark Hanna type of man. He Is big
hearted and' generous to a fault and
made only one bad break of political
Judgment In my opinion he supported
what the Oregonian oalled "that un
speakable Hofer" for governor at the
primary of 1910.
Gideon Stolz of Salem Is one of the
pioneer manufacturers of Oregon. He
has established three Industries and
two of them are running at Salem
the pickle and vinegar factory and the
fruit spray factory. A factory Is run
ning at Portland founded by him and
was only taken away from Salem be
cause Salem people would not tone
stock in the same. All three Indus
tries founded by him are making money
and he has been a public benefactor
to that extent that he has created an
opportunity for others to find employ
ment and has added to the wealth of
the state every day In the year. For
be It known that a manufacturer al
ways adds to the value of the material
he handles and turns over.
e e
Salem will have an opportunity to
sceure one of the best manufacturing
plants In the state if a Bite Is secured
for the Northwestern Stove Works
plant, which will be removed from the
Oregon state prison about June 1st
Messrs'. Loewenberg and Stelner are
on ordinary gas and gasoline lamps
for the past twelve years. They make
about two million mantles a year. The
Portland Gas company alone uses 200,
000 a year for their maintenance de
partment, and the factory is the third
oldest In America. At the head of the
firm is L. A. Klein, who also handles
a line of Imported and domestic glass
ware and fittings for lamps. To show
the competition such a firm has to
meet, the Welsbach mantle corporation
which is their principal competitor for
the Oregon market, spends thousands
of doll n m to educate the people and
the dealers to buy the Welsbach man
tles. By chemical analysis the sodium
mantles made in Oregon are better
than almost any mantle sent to Ore
gon to be sold. This is an old truth,
that the home manufacturer must put
the best material Into his product be
cause he is nearer to his trade. The
best eggs are those consumed nearest
to the hen that lays them.
The Chapln-Herlow Mortgage Trust
Co. gives a monthly dinner to its em
ployes in the real estate line. About
thirty young men sat down to the din
ner at the Commercial club Tuesday
evening and it was a squab-artichoke
affair as fine as anyone could wish
for. From two men at desks in a one
room office, this company has grown
to occupy nearly the whole th'ird, floor
of the Chamber of Commerce, and pub-
V New Spring
Suits and toats
NOW ON SALE at prices that will surprise you. No old
SUITS OR COATS at this store offered at half price,
but new Coats and Suits now on sale at less than you
have to pay for old stock elsewhere. Every garment In
our big cloak and suit stock Is like the pictures; bought
for cash in the best markets of America. White serges,
midnight navy serges, whipcords and fancy mixtures. All
man tailored, silk lined and perfectly finished through
out Small prlfts is our motto. Come and see the
money we can save you.
Suits and Coats up to $25
Now on Sale for
$7.50, $8.50, $10.50,
$12.50 up
Characteristics of Live Oregon Men
and Women as Chronicled
at Portland
(Editorial Correspondence of The Dally Capital Journal.)
General Superintendent Campbell of money In politics and not bo a crook,
the Southern Pacific Linos in Oregon and bo ho will not follow the gnme,
parted with precedents the other day but will keep an eye on the political
by appearing boforo the city council situation Just the same. During his
commlttoe on franchises, and thresh- Incumbency as mayor no debt was cre
Ing out a matter with those gentlemen ated against the city but $10,000 of
direct. He told them It was a business bonds to extend the water systom. Ho
proposition In which they were all ran the city on a low valuation, about
called upon to act for the welfare of. throe millions and a five and a half
tho community ho as well ns tuny, mill tax levy, mat. is a pretty goon
He had not come before them with a
staff of legal advisers prepared for a
battle over technicalities. If they had
any use for lawyers, Supt. Campbell
said, It mlglit be to draw up some
papers, hut not otherwise. Ha got along
first rate.
Chas. A. Johns, who was mayor of
Baker City four times before tho name
of that town was chanced to Itnkor.
has opened law offices In the Yeon
building, and Is doing a general prac
tice In the Portland courts, llfl Is 55
years old, and In the prime of life, and
ho Is not trying to do nny crooked law
business, but has a high class of cli
ents. He was for elghtoen years on
the school board of ltaker district, and
iult with three years to serve. Mr.
Johns tried for the nomination for gov
ernor In 1910 and found out that he
was not cut out for the political game.
In fart ha says a man can't make
record to quit on.
m e
Geo. McCord, private secretary to
Mayor Rushlight, has been In the
newspaper and political game all his
life. So far ns known no one so far
has slipped anything over on the pub
licity end of the city administration.
If Mr. McCord continues to mako good
In his present position he will become
a factor In the game of state-wide pol
itics. Hn Is nn Irish-American who
has drunk In the history of both coun
tries llko hlH mother's milk, and enn
think, write and talk clearly nnd con
vincingly. Mark Woodruff Is another nowspa
per man who has won golden spurs In
the recent primary campaign and they
may be Bet with the diamonds of suc
cess In the coming election of lien
Selling as Tutted States senator. He
managed Mr. Selling's primary enm-
itn irnmiif ivtnrt nttli-l tlflira til a Itr fl lt I Pfl 1
knowledge to conduct that enterprise , lng Its own newspaper.
and make It a success. Both have ft
grown up In the business, and are en-l ..,. . .
ergetlc, hard-working young business THE ROUND-Ur
men, with a knowledge of the tech- i
nicai ann me commercial sines oi me
stove business. Oregon-made stoves
will take the market on the Pacific
const because the fuel conditions here
are so different from the east. The
Anderson Steel Furnace company Is
mnklng a great success of Its business
for tho same reason. They build a
furnacec suited to the fuel and to the
climate of this country. Honce wher
ever they are Introduced more of them
are wanted,
At the Albany Made In Oregon Ex
position one of the surprises was the
display of leather mado by tho Albany
Tanning company. They mnke a spe
cialty of saddlery leather and their
product is shipped from Calgary to
Mexico. Tho funny thing about saddle
manufacture Is that a great deal of
the Albany leather is mado in Grant
county. I). W. Horner of Ileppner haB
mado about 2500 saddlcB that are In
use among the rattle men In Montana,
Idaho and Wyoming. The Albany sad
dle leather Is sold nt 30 to 4H centii a
pound. Thirty men are employed at
the tannery and from 25 to 50 are sent
to the woods every summer to cut
hemlock tanning bark.
The sulphur match 1b slowly going
out. The fact Ib, It is too slow for the
people of this day nnd age. They want
a match that lights and bums quicker.
Honce the old-fashioned sulphur match
Is sold only In the Blower plnres, and
where n very cheap nintch Is used,
like mining and railroad ramps, fish
ing towns nnd nt small places. The
parlor match, as It Is called, in many
different styles Is taking the market
of the world.
The Latest Creations
Now on sale at prices bo low
that buying will be a pleasure.
Stylish trimmed hats like the
picture, the latest New York
models. A new shipment juRl
received is now ready for your
choosing. Come here and save
money on your millinery pur
chases. Values up to $6.50,
$8.50 and $10.00, now only
$2.50, $2.95,
$3.25, $3.50 up
Extra Special
18o Galatea Cloth, all colers,
yard 12 He
MlBsee' and Children's Shoes,
all sizes, worth to $1.25, now
pair 69c
Ladles' odd size shoes, values
up to $2 and $2.50, now . .
$1.00, 91.3a, U5
Standard 12 Ho and 15o Dress
Ginghams, special price, yard
8 1-Sc
Men's 45c Balhriggan Under
wear, special now only. .25c
7'4c and 8 l-3c. Persian Chal
lies, fine cloth, dainty pat
terns, yard lc
Ladles' 20c Mercerized Lisle
Hose, black and tan, pair 10c
$3.00 White Embroidered Linen
Parasols, slightly soiled, now
only 5c
If you want to "save money on
Purchase, come here
Chicago Store
:: The Store That Saves You Money ::
Why Women Arc Not RICH. w
M.n is a mllliun.ira many time, over in the po.ie.tion ol blood celll. Woin
n li not quite o rich, fur teienti.t. h.v. proven thai Hie norm.l man ha. Ave Bill
lioo the woman only (our and a hull million to a ouhio millimetre ol blood.
A deoree.e in number ol red blood corpu.olce and a per.cn " look, pale -In
bot, la anaemio, the blood doea not ,et tha ri.ht food and probably the stomach la
Dr. K. V, Pieree found yeere atfo that a (lyoerlo extract ol (olden seal and
Oregon grain root., queen'a root and bloodroot with black eherrybark, would help
lit. a.iimilation o( tna lood In the atomach, eorrect liver HI. and In Nature', own
way Increa.a tha red Mood oorpu.olea. una medicine na
died Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medical DLcovery. By aiilml
latinf tha lood aalon tho .y.tein i. nouri.hed and tha blood
tukr. on a rich red color. Nervoiunw. 1. only " tho ory
of Ilia .tarved nerve, for food," and when the nerve, are
led on rloh red blood the perton loote. tho.e irritable feet
initi, deep, well at niht and i. relre.hed in the morning.
"Uu IUrkl with a wvere nervnu. riliMue, Wnlrh "I failed t
a dlnor.li.MMl l.muwh ami liver," writ. Ma. J. I. Ijvai.t, of h.
burn, Tonn.. Hint. i. Iloa l. AU n I rtamll thought I wouM die i4
the beet phyiU-lane t"v iim i. I wee edvl.nl to try lr. '"J
(ioMen Mnlliwl I rterovery, .ml Jertwl murh riwtH from eente. Mr
mm hwl run kinir, it hru! txvome to rhnmID thet nothln wmiw effert
a permanent rum. hut lir. 1'lerve-e mHi'ln Km dim. much for me ami
I Whir rMHmmtmt it. I heer tlly IvImi H. um ae a tprtna torlc, and
o n b r m luii. th.t than U aa .hue U be mrad.
IV. rieroe'e M.dloel Adviwr, 31 .tempi, to p.r lor wrapping aod maillot only.
I fa yp
Pendleton doesn't know whether or
not It will celebrate July 4; but
thinks she will.
. a
Baker City will hang up $7,000 In
purses at the fair there this fall.
Two fishermen at Oregon City
caught a ton of salmon from 7:30 p.
m., Wednesday, to midnight, and It
netted them $14(1. This gives each
$70 for four and a half hours' work
a a a
Julius M, Glesy died at Aurora
Monday morning after an Illness of
several months. He wns (lputy in
spector of customs nt Portland.
Donald has organized a conimerclnl
club and the first thing it did waB to
arrange for a big ' celebration and
barbecue July 4.
The big dreilgo in the Adams canal
at Klamath Kalis burned last Sunday.
Loss, $1500 not counting the delay.
Klamath Fulls Is to have a Chau
tauqua assembly following on the
heels of a big rodeo.
It Ib Interesllng how Industries grow
and become successful. Before they
finally succeed, men must get hold of
them who have mastered all the prac
tical details of the Industry and also
understand the trnde or business end
of the Industry. Thnt Ib the history
of (he Portland Klectrotypo nnd Ster
eotype company, 92 Front street. P. A.
(lay, the president, was with the Amer
ican Type Founders compnny for 20
years. He learned his trade In San
Francisco and has been an electro
typer all his life. He united with Ed
ward Kraenlck In 1907 In the present
corporation. Mr. Kraenlck la a German-American
who learned his trade
as storeotyper on the Oregonlnn force,
where he worked for aeven years. That
makes a team that is building up s
flue business, and employing a good
a e e
Kx-MBvor Pohlman of Baker banes
out at the Imperial hotel when lu the
city. While he got Ills start In the
meat and cattle business, he has now
gone Into electric properties and has
his eye on anything In thnt line In the
state that can be picked up and devel
oped. In enterprise he Is ready to try
anything once. Pohlman Is one of the
best-known men In Eastern Oregon,
and not many ride a bncker, rone a
hunrh-grnsser or brand a maverick In
politics with more neatness and dis
patch than Bill Pohlman of Baker,
a .
It Is the lltt'e things that count. For
Instance, the Western Mantle romnanv
I at rum nn n nits neen manurncturitif
I the sodium gaa mantle that ii burned
"Just Say"
It Maans
Original and Genulm
Tha Food-drink for All Ages.
More healtliful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with (he weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted pain, powdct form.
A quick lunch prepared in minute.
Take no substitute. Atl for HORLICK'S,
t" Others are imitations.
With our assurance that we are
able and willing to take care of
it, we solicit your Hanking Busi
ness. Open an account with us,
and we will extond you every
favor consistent with good bank
ing principles.
Corner State an4 Llbr rty Street.
J. L. Ahlera, President
W. O. East, Cashier. .
8. B. East, Vice PresldonL
Dr. L. a Steevea. L. II. Roberts,
Jiotlce of Intention to Construct Lat
eral Sewers In Lateral Sewer Dl.
trlct o. 1.), Kiilem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given: That the
common council of the city of Salem,
Oregon, deems and considers It neces
sary and expedient and proposes to
construct a system of lateral sewers
as a part of the North Salem sewer
system in and through certain streets
and alleys In North Salem Addition,
Highland Avenue Addition and
Broadwny Addition to Salem, Oregon,
as n part of the North Salem sewer
system. The cost of tho same, to
gether with five per cent for engi
neering and other Incidental ex
penses, to be assessed on tho prop
erty directly benefited by such sew
ers and drulns, which system of lat
eral sewers shall be known and
designated at Lateral Sewer District
No. 15, the boundaries of which are
as follows, towit:
Beginning at the Intersection of
Broadway and Spruce streets; thence
easterly along Spruce to a point 120
feet east of Cherry street; thence
southerly parallel with Cherry street,
to center line of Highland avenue;
thence westerly along Highland Ave
nue, to center line of Hazel street;
thence southerly along center line of
Hazel street to a point 3.12 feet south
from the center line of Academy
street; thence westerly to center line
of Maple street; thence southerly
along Maple street to center line of
South street; thence southwesterly
midway between 6th and Cottage
street to Jefferson street; thence
westerly on Jefferson street to center
line of Broadway street; thence
northerly on center lino of Urondway
street to place of beginning; all sit
uated In the city of Salem, Oregon.
The said system of lateral Bowers
shall be constructed In accordance
with the amended plan nnd specifi
cations for the same heretofore
adopted by the common council on
the 29th day of April, 1912, and on
flic In tho office of tho city recorder,
reference to which for a more de
tailed description Is hereby made,
and the said plans and specifications
are herhy referred to nnd ninde a
part of this notice.
The said sewers are particularly
described as follows, to-wlt:
An eight (8) Inch concrete- or vitri
fied sewer pipe shull be laid com
mencing at a point In the alley be
tween blocks No. 1 and No. 2, Broad
way Addition, said point being 1200
feet south from the manhole In the
sewer constructed In Spruce street;
running thence southerly through the
said alley in blocks numbered One
(1) and Two (2) Broadway Addition;
blocka numbered One (1), Eight (8)
and Six ($) of Highland Ateuu Ad
dition, to the man'noie In the trunk
sewer in Spruco street.
Also from a point In the alley east
of Broadway street, said point being
384 feet north from the south line of
block numbered Two (2), Broadway
Addition; thence southerly through
blocks No. 1 and No. 2, Broadway
Addition; thence southerly through
blocks numbered 43 and 44 of North
Salem Addition, to trunk sewer in
Jefferson street.
Also commencing at a point in the
alley between blocks No. 3 and No.
4 In Broadway Addition, said point
being 1300 feet south from the trunk
sewer nt Spruce street; running
thence north In said alley between
blocks numbered three (3) and four
(4), In Broadway Addition, nnd
through blocks numbered two (2),
seven (7) and ten (10) of Highland
Avenue Addition to the trunk sewer
In Spruco street.
Also commencing at a point in the
alley east of Currant street, suld
point being 325 feet north from south
line of block numbered three (3),
Broadway Addition; thence southerly
In said alley to South street; thence
through blocks numbered fifty-two
(52) and fifty-one (51) of North Sa
lem Addition to trunk sewer In Jef
ferson street.
Also commencing at a point in the
nlley In the acreage north of block
numbered fifty-three (53), North Sa
lem Addition, snld point being 1380
feet Bouth from tho trunk sewer con
structed in Spruce street; thence
southerly In snld alley through above
mentioned ncreage and through
blocks numbered three (3), six (C)
nnd eleven (11), of Highland Avenue
Addition to trunk sewer In Spruce
Also commencing at a point In the
alley east of Elm street, said point
being 245 feet north from the Dona
tion I.nnd Claim line or South street;
thence southerly in (aid alley to
South street; thence southwesterly to
Sixth street; thence south on Sixth
street to trunk sewer In JcfferBon
Also commencing at a point In the
alley eoat of Maple street, said point
being 1480 feet south from the trunk
sewer at 8pruce street; thence nor
therly In said alley through the acre
age north of blocks numbered Blxty
flve (65). North Salem Addition,
blocks numbered four (4), five (5)
nnd twelve (12), of Highland Avenue
Addition to trunk sewer In Spruce
Also commencing In the alley In
, block numbered thirteen (13) High
land Avenue Addition, said point bo
lug on the south line of block num
bered thirteen (13) of Bald Addition;
thence north through said block to
trunk sewer la Spruce street.
Also commencing at a point in the
alley In block fourteen (14) Highland
Avenue Addition, 50 feet north of the
south property line of Bald block;
thence north in said alley to trunk
sewer at Spruce Btreet.
Also commencing at a point In the
alley In block numbered fifteen (15).
Highland Avenue ' Addition, 60 feet
north of the south property lino of
said block; thence north in said alley
to trunk sewer in Spruce street.
Also commencing nt a point in
Cherry avenue, Highland Avenue Ad
dition, said point being 50 feet north
from the north line of Highland ave
nue; thence north on Cherry avenue
to trunk sower In Spruce street.
Remonstrances may be filed against
the construction of said proposed lat
eral Bewcrs nnd drains at any time
within 10 days from the date of the
final publication of this notice.
Tills notice is published for a per
iod of 10 days by ordr of the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Or
egon, tho date of the first publication
being the 30th day of April, 1912, and
the final publication being the lltb
day of May, 1912.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, deems It expedient and proposes
to Improve North Twenty-fflrst street
from the south line of Center street
to the north line of State Btreot with
Dolarway pavement, at the expense of
the adjacent and abutting property
within said limits, In accordance with
plans, specifications and estimates for
the Improvement of Bald North Twenty-first
street from the South line of
Center Btreot to the north line of State
street, a eherotofore adopted by tho
common council and on file In the of
fice of the city recorder, which are
hereby referred to for a more particu
lar and detailed description of said
Improvement, and are hereby made a
part of this notice. .
Written remonstrances against the
Improvement proposed herein may be
made within ten (10) days from the
final publication of this notice In the
manner provided by the city charter.
This notice Ii published for ton
(10) days pursuant to a resolution of
the common council and the date of
the first publication thereof la the
30th day of April 1912, and tho date
of the final publication will be the
11th day of May, 1912.
CHA9. P. ELGIN, Recorder.
Now Is tho time to get rid of -Vour
rheumatism. You can do It bj ap
plying Chamberlain's Liniment And
massaging the parti, freely at eafh
application. For sale by all deal
ers. I