nee SIX DAILY CAPI TAI JOBBIfAL, SALEM. OKEGfr.V TUESDAY, APRIL 80, 1912. T7 T7 173 h r3 I 1 'sBliBsK li il IGAGO TOr F IW '.Li Salem, Oregon The Store That Saves You Money A Woederful Showing of New Spring Wash Goods Not between Sacramento, California, and Portland, Oregon, is there any such a wonderful stock of foreign and domestic wash goods shown as at the big Chicago Store, Salem, and every article and piece of goods sold in this great stock sold at a big saving to our customers, direct from the mills to the consumers. Thousands of yards of the daintiest Spring and Summer wash goods now on display and ready for your choosing. No matter what class of wash goods you may have in your mind you can find them here, and at prices that defy competition. It Will be a Pleasure to Show You Through This Great Stock of Up-to-Date Goods Spring Wash Goods at Bargain Prices 15c fancy Dress Ginghams, yard 81jC Fancy Lawns and Dimities, now per yard 5c, 6!4c, 8VjC and 10c Pretty Parisian Challies, now yard 4c Standard Percales, now per yard 5c, 81jc and 10c Muslins and Sheetings at mill prices Summer Wash Goods at Bargain Prices 15c, 18c and 25c India Linons, a very fine qual ity, now yard 9c, 10c, 12 1-2c, 15c Silk Mercerized Poplins, all colors, now yard 18c, 20c and 25c Fancy White Wash Goods, Dimities; checks and stripes; yard 8 1-3c, 10c and 12 1-2c 500 yards beautiful fancy Cretons, 10c and 12Vac quality, now yard 8Vic Drapery Scrims at Bargain Prices 12'sc and 15c Dotted Swisses, 36 inches wide, a very fine quality, now yard 10c 25c and 35c fancy 'Bordered Drapery Scrims, a great selection; now yard... 1212c, 15c, 18c Remnants of fancy Curtain Goods and Silkolines now half price . Fancy Dotted Swiss, yard ..12y2c, 15c and 18c We do the business in Ladies' Coats and Suits, Come here and see how fast we sell them, Style, quality and low prices is what moves them out fast. We are slicing the m'ices down MWl Stylish Spring Suits and Coats Ctf(t 'fwvm ow 011 sa'e at lemai kably low prices, Our New York buyer tM'J is certainly sendng us now cracker jack values in Ladies three and four times a week, What ever day you call will be sure to see new arrivals, The garments we are showing in Coats and Suits are voiy nifty white serges, navy serges, whipcords, Scotch tweeds and lots of others. Every Suit is silk lined, man tailored, thoroughly finished through out; all suits remodeled, free of charge, by expert tailors, Values up to $15, $18, $25 and $27.50 Now on Sale for $8.50, $9.90, $10.50 $12.50, $14.50 Domestics at Bargain Prices 18c Gaiatea Cloth, now yard 12y2c 75c Bleached Sheets, big-ones for the double beds, now only 48c White Honey Comb Bed Spreads, big ones, now on sale for 69c, 75c, 98c and up 8'iC Heavy Crash Toweling, now pard 5c 45c Bleached Table Damask, now yard 29c Extra Special NOTION BARGAINS Sans Silk, all colors, special price, ball 3C Best Sewing Silk, spool ...4c 8c Hair Nets, now only 4c Hooks and Eyes, 2 doz, for 2c 15c Dress Shields, now 8'3c Children's 10c Hose Support - . ers, pair 5C Ladies' 25c Hose Supporters, pair ........ 10c and 15c 200-yard Spool Cotton, price per spool 2c BUTTONS The most complete stock in Salem; every class and kind is shown, Price per doz, 1c, 3c 5c, 10c,' 12i2c, 15c and 25c BEST ELASTIC Yard ...2c, 3c, 5c and 8'jC We guarantee our pices Salem's Millinery Shop is the Chicago Store. Come here and see how fast we sell Trimmed Hats, Shapes, Flowjsrs and Fancy Feathers, Small prices is what does the work, Stylish Spring Millinery Now offered at tempting low prices, No mil linery shop prices here it is selling we are after; a big volume of business and low prices. Every millinery salesman on the road says we do the biggest business in this line between San Francisco and Portland, The ladies of Salem ought to be proud of the Chicago Store, because we try always to do better for you than elsewhere, BIG BARGAINS THIS WEEK , TRIMMED HATS worth $5, $6.50, $8.50, $10, now on sale for $1 .95, $2.25, $2.50 $2.95 and $3.50 We show a wonderful stock of Umbrellas and Parasols, all marked at low prices PARASOLS Now on sale at prices that will surprise you, $3 White Parasols, slightly soiled, now only 75c. $1,50 and $1,75 new Pongee par- nsnls nnw QRn. UMBRELLAS now only 49c, 75c, 98c and up ' yy SI Big bargains in Ladies' Silk Petticoats Silk Underskirts Now on sale, A lucky pur chase enables us to offer you great bargains; $4.50 values, colors and black, now on sale for $2.95 IF YOU WANT TO BUY SILKS RIGHT, COME TO Salem's Silk House We never had the pleasure of offering before to our customers such a com plete stock of Fashionable Silks,' Everything that is new in the Silk lino is here. In the history of our store we never sold so many Silks, This is the proof: Price, per yard - 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and up km m ll. i r I Stylish Afternoon AND Evening Dresses For ladies and misses, now placed on sale at very low prices, If you want up to the minute garments, both in ma terial, style and finish, come here, We are selling lots of them, Values up to $12,50, $18,00 and $23.50, now only $4.95, $7.50, $10.50, $12.50 Lace Curtain bargains the best we ever offered Lace Curtains Now on sale in white and ecru, A great assortment at bargain prices, A pair 49c, 65c 75c, 98c and up Come here for big Shoe bargains We can save you money SHOES Shoes like the picture now on sale at bargain prices, Come here and see the values we are giving in stylish Shoes. Price, a pair $1.98, $2.50, $2.75 and $2.95 BIG HOSIERY BARGAINS The Chicago Store is the recognized headquarters of Salem for Fine Woolen Dress Goods, Come and get our prices, Woolen Dress Goods stock to select from and Second, bJSl . not beat our prices, Only the newest goods shown Sale price, per yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c, 85c and up 1 If vim want to 1111 vi' money, don't liny Hos iery or Vntlerweiir mull you look 1 li ion k h mil' big Hosiery dock. Unites' 20c Utile Hone, nnw 10c ladles' Hummer Vest now Ne, 10c, I '.c, I So, mid 11 i Hundreds of yards of ilalnty Km broideries now offered nf small rleen. EMBROIDERIES Now on Sale Morn .von rnn find any class or kind of Embroidery yon may want mid Rt prices low enough to please yon. Special rlre, yard Sc, 6r, BUr, 8 Ulc, UHr, mid no Thousands of yards of the latest and newest Uices hIiowii. Prices very close. v LACES Now on Sale We show the greatest stock of Ijtces sod Dress Trimmings In Sa lem all the very Intest MACRAME AND VKN1SR HANDS, l'rlce .... per yard l.'.c, i.",c, S.",e, and up Come here for the very latent In LA OIKS' HAND BAGS We nie now showing the new Btyles In leather, silk and linen, nil the popular shades, shown In plain and crochet effects. Special prlrM Mr, 6Jc, and HSc Come here for the best values In Salem In ladles' Stylish . SHIRT WAISTS We show a complete line, nil the new purchases. $198 .Mannish Shirts, now $3.93 Silk Waists, now fcUJ (The latest styles) Lingerie Waists, now only Mr, Tic and 98c Dig values now offered In Ladies' Muslin Underwear PRICED AWAY DOWN Some are a little soiled -you get the benefit. 8"'C Muslin ('.owns ,49c Ss miisun Drawers 23c "c Corset Covers .2:c