Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 30, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Shoes for Men, Women and Children at Reduced Prices
Splendid values combining shoe durability, comfort and style
John Kelly's
1 rr if ff u
All Haill To the
1912 Spring Hats,
They excel all other
models previously
shown, and
excels all other hats
in the 1912 market
' AT T-'Spy- I
Notice of Intention to ('(instruct Lnt
enil Sewers In LiiUt.iI Sewer Dis
trict Jio. IS, Salem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given: That the
common council of the city of Salem,
Oregon, deems and considers it neces
sary and expedient and proposes to
construct a system of loteral sewers
as a part of the North Salem sewer
system in and through certain streets
and alleys In North Salem Addition,
Highland Avenue Addition and
Broadway Addition to Salem, Oregon,
as a part of the North Salem newer
system. The cost of the same, to
gether with five per cent for engi
neering and other incidental ex
penses, to be assessed on the prop
erty directly benefited by such sew
ers and drains, which system of lat
eral Bewers shall be known and
designated at Lateral Sewer District
No. 15, the boundaries of which are
as follows, towit:
Beginning at the Intersection of
Broadway and Spruce streets; thence
easterly along Spruce to a point 120
feet east of Cherry street; thence
southerly parallel with Cherry street,
to center line of Highland avenue;
thence westerly along Highland Ave
nue, to center line of Hazel street;
thence southerly along center line of
Hazel Btreet to a point 332 feet south
from the center line of Academy
street; thence westerly to center line
of Jtfaple street; thence southerly
along Maple street to center line of
South street; thence southwesterly
midway between 6th and Cottage
street to Jefferson street; thence
westerly on Jefferson street to center
line of Broadway -street; thence
northerly on center lino of Broadway
street to place of beginning; all sit
uated In the city of Salem, Oregon.
The Bald system of lateral sewers
shall be constructed In accordance
with the amended plana and specifi
cations for the same heretofore
adopted by the common council on
the 29th day of April, 1912, and on
file in the office of the city recorder,
reference to which for a more de
tailed description is hereby made,
and the said plans and specifications
are herby referred to and made a
part of this notice.
The said sewers -are particularly
described as follows, to-wlt:
An eight (8) inch concrete or vitri
fied sewer pipe shall be laid com
mencing at a point In the alley be
tween blocks No. 1 and No. 2, Broad
way Addition, said point being 12J0
feet Bouth from the manhole in the
sewer constructed in Spruce street;
runnlqg thence southerly through the
said alley in blocks numbered One
(1) and Two (2) Broadway Addition;
blocks numbered One (1), Eight (8)
and Six (6) of Highland Avenue Ad
dition, to the manhole In the trunk
sewer In Spruce' street.
Also from a point in the alley east
of Broadway street, said point being
384 feet north from the south line of
block numbered Two (2), Broadway
Addition; thence southerly through
blocks No. 1 and No. 2, Broadway
Addition; . thence southerly through
blocks numbered 43 and 44 of North
Salem Addition, to trunk sewer in
Jefferson street.
Also commencing at a point in the
alley between blocks No. 3 and No.
4 in Broadway Addition, said point
being 1300 feet south from the trunk
sewer at Spruce street; running
thence north in said alley between
blocks numbered three (3) and four
(4), in Broadway Addition, and'
through blocks numbered two (2),
seven (7) and ten (10) of Highland
Avenue Addition to the trunk sewer
in Spruce street.
alley in block fourteen (14) Highland
Avenue Addition, GO feet north of the
south property line of said block;
thence north In said alley to trunk
sewer at Spruce street.
Also commencing at a point In the
alley in block numbered fifteen (15),
Highland Avenue Addition, 50 feet
north of the south property line of
said block; thence north in said alley
to trunk sewer in Spruce street.
Also commencing at a point in
Cherry avenue, Highland Avenue Ad
dition, said point being '50 feet north
from the north line of Highland ave
nue; thence north on Cherry avenue
to trunk sewer In Spruce street.
Remonstrances may be filed against
the construction of said proposed lat
eral sewerB and drains at anytime
within 10 days from the date of the
final publication of this notice.
This notice Is published for a per
iod of 10 days by ordijr of the com-
Also commencing at a point in the ! nion council of the city of Salem, Or
alley eaBt of Currant street, said Jegon, the date of the first publication
point being 325 feet north from south being the 30th day of Aprils 1912, and
line of block numbered three (3),
Broadway Addition; thence southerly
in said alley to South street; thence
through blocks numbered fifty-two
(52) and fifty-one (51) of North Sa
lem Addition to trunk Bewer in Jef
ferson street,
Also commencing at a point in the
alley in the acreage north of block
numbered fifty-three (53), North Sa
lem Addition, said point being 1380
feet south from the trunk sewer con
structed in Spruce street; thence
the final publication being the 11th
day of May, 1912.
- CHAS. P. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, deems it expedient and proposes
to improve North Twenty-fflrst street
from the south line of Center street
to the north line 6t State street with
Dolarwny pavement, at the expense of
southerly in said alley through above the adjacent and abutting property
mentioned acreage nnd through within said limits, In accordance with
blocks numbered three (3), six (6) plans, specifications and estimates for
and eleven (11), of Highland Avenue the improvement of said North Twen
Addltlon to trunk sewer In Spruce ty-flrst street from the South line of
atreet. Centerstreet to the north line of State
Also commencing at a point in the street, a sheretofore adopted by the
aller east of Kim Rtreet. Hnld nnlnt common council and on file In the of-
Vancouver, 13. C, April 30. After
the best wrestling bouls ever staged
at a local tournament, grapplers
wearing the winged 'V" of the Van
couver Athletic club, wrested the
Canadian titles In every class at the
big show last evening.
The biggest surprise of the evening
was when George Walker won the
Canadian heavyweight title from Da
vlscourt, of the Multnomah A. C, of
Portland. George had previously
wrestled George McCarthy, also ot
the Rose City, for the middleweight
honors, winning after a hard tussle.
115 pound class Dan Southerland,
V. A. C. won from M. McLean, V. A.
C. Final: Dan Sutherland, V. A. C,
won by default from J. Miller, of Tor
125 pound class Edgar Thompson,
V. A. C, won from Clarence Hatch,
V. A. C. Harry Hatch, V. A. C, de
feated Fred Richardson, Victoria
Final: Harry Hatch, V. A. C, de
feated W. Thompson, V. A. C.
135 pound class James White, un
attached, won from W. Wright, unat
tached. Fred Smith, V. A. C, de
feated D. Malm, V. A. C. Jack Talt,
J. B. A. A., won from W. White, un
attached. Semi-final: Fred Smith,
V. A. C, won from J. Tait, J. B. A. A.
Final: Fred Smith, V. A. C. defeated
James White, unattached.
145 pound class Al Hatch, V. A.
C, won from' Norman Goertz, unat
tached. Fred Smith, V. A. C, de
feated Tom Hope, Revelstoke, Y. M.
C. A. Final: Al. Hatch, V. A. C, de
feated Fred Smith, V. A. C.
Middleweight George McCarthy,
Multnomah A. C, won from Al Hatch,
V. A. C. Final: George Walker, V.
A. C, won from George McCarthy,
Multnomah A. C.
Heavyweight George Walker, V.
A. C, defeated Max Martin, V. A. C.
Final: George Walker, ,V. A. C, de
feated N. Davlscourt, M.. A. C. . .
Engfanj Revolts
Tali Machine.
States Regarded ae Conservative
Stronghold Hava Plainly Demon-
v atrated That Thay Ara Against tha
Candidate of Big Business Stagger
ing Blows to 8tandpatism.
Genuine Good Remedies
Cost Less Than Counterfeits
being 245 feet north from the Dona
tion Land Claim line or South street;
thence southerly in said alley to
South street; thence southwesterly to
Sixth street; thence south on Sixth
street to trunk Bewer in Jefferson
Also commencing at a point In the
alley east of Maple street, said point
being 1480 feet south from the trunk
sewer at Spruce street; thence nor
therly in said alley through the acre
age north of blocks numbered sixty
five (65), North Salem Addition,
blocks numbered four (4), five (5)
and twelve (12), of Highland Avenue
Addition to trunk sewer in Spruce
Also commencing in the alley in
block numbered thirteen (13) High
land Avenue Addition, said point be
ing on the south line of block num
bered thirteen (13) of said Addition;
thence north through said block to
trunk sewer In Spruce Btreet,
Also commencing at a point In the
flee of the city recorder, which are
hereby referred to for a more particu
lar and detailed description of said
Improvement, and are hereby made a
part of this notice.
Written remonstrances against the
Improvement proposed herein may be
made within ten (10) days from the
final publication of this notice In the
manner provided by the city charter.
This notice ils published for ten
(10) days pursuant to a resolution of
the common council and the date of
the first publication thereof Is the
30th day of April, 1912, and the date
of the final publication will be the
11th day of May, 1912.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, Recorder.
President Campbell, of the V. of O.,
does not favor a merger of the O. A.
C, as has been reported.
No.' 143. 11 acres all In cultiva- No. 149. 20 acres four miles east
tlou about 3 miles from center ot of Salem. Fine black land. Seven
town. Two acres orchard. Finost acres orchard. Good house and barn,
black soil. On good main road. Store on place rents for $12 a month.
House and barn are not very good, Church and school just across the
but the property la cheap at $2200. road. Price, $6250.
No. 146. One block of ground In No. 138. 20 acres 2H miles east of
South Salem, only a block from Lin- center of town, good Improvements, 6
coin school. Five room cottage with " bearing fruit trees, 3 acres lo-
m).rn imnrnv.m.nt. .mi hrn. ganberrles, in finest condition; 1600
Lota of bearing fruit trees on place, strawberries; balance In grain. This
Price, $3800. la nigh class district, but the price
23 acres ' finest land lust north of
Salem. ' Nearly " all In cultivation. 1 10 acrM' flne bIttck ,o11' near Sa,em
State sewer runs ' thrbugh property House and barn. About 45 small ap-
wlth drainage privilege Into same, pie trees and several bearing apple
Good houBe and barn; six cows and
all farm Implements and equipment
go with place. All but several acres
cleared and cultivated, including 7
acres fineBt bottom onion land. This
land and location is cheap at $8,625.
pear and plum trees. Large patch
each ot loganberries and raspberries.
AH cultivated. Horse, cow, chickens,
wagon and all equipment Included, for
only $3000.
213 & Commercial Street
Oregon shlppors get the benefit of
the decreased rates on wool to all
eastern points, the law going Into ef
fect Wednesday.
For Women Who Care
Of conrse you use an antiseptic in your
family and In the care of your own per
son, ana you want tne best.
Instead of what you have been using
such as liquid or tablet antiseptics or
peroxide, won't you please try I'axtine,
a oonoentratea anuauptio powaer to ne
dissolved in water as needed.
Paxtine ia mora economical, more
cleansing, more germicidal and more
healing than anything you ever used.
In the toilet to cleanse and whiten
the teeth, remove tartar and prevent
decay. To dlBlnfect the mouth, destroy
disease perm a. and nurlfv the breath,
To keep artificial teeth and bridgeworlc
clean and odorless. To remove nicotine
from the teeth and purify the breath
after smoking. To eradicate perspira
tion odors by sponge bathing.
As a medicinal agent for local
treatment of feminine Ills where pelvic
catarrh, Inflammation and ulceration
exist, nothing equals hot douches of
Paxtine. For ten years the Lydla E.
Pinkham Med. Co. lias been regularly
advising their patients to use it because
of its extraordinary cleansing, healing
Department No. 2 of the circuit
court convened yesterday afternoon.
In the cnBe of John C. McCrea and A.
E. McCrea against John Doud to quiet
title to land In the northern part of
the county, a decree of default was
entered yesterday by Judge Galloway.
A decree was entered by default In
the case of Inez B. Miller against the
Fischer Flouring Mills Co., of Sllvr
ton, which forever estopped said mill
from asserting any right, title or claim
to certain lands described 'In the com
plaint and being situated In Silver-
A settlement having been effected
out of court of the differences of Wil..
Ham Balzhlser and C. A. Parvln, et
al., the case was dismissed without
either of the parties to the suit being
awarded his costs or disbursements.
A divorce was granted to Rosa B.
Pauls from Herman H. Pauls, on ac
count of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, the plaintiff being permitted to
resume her maiden name of Banner.
Ruth L. Frederlckson was granted
an absolute divorce from Julius E.
George H. Colgan began suit yes
terday against the Farmers & Me
chanics' bank of Woodburn for an BC'
counting. It Is alleged that the plain
tiff sold 20 acres of land near that
city to the bank on contract, and that
the bank took Immediate possession
of the property and collected the rents
and appropriated the profits to Its
own use. The amount of money In
volved is $2669.40.
Werner Fennel has brought suit for
divorce from Ilertha Fennel, to whom
he was married In Albany, Ore., on
May 5, 1910, alleging abandonment
since May 24, 1910. All property
rights of the parties were settled be
fore the commencement of the suit.
The trial of the case of Dora B.
Shreve against A. L. Shreve will be
on trial commencing at 9 o'clock to
morrow morning, probably consuming
more than a day to complete it. This
Is a suit for an accounting between
the parties, as well as Involving the
respective rights of the parties to cer
tain property rights In lands near
Stayton, as well as ditches and water
and germicidal power. For this pur
pose alone l'axttoe Is worth It weigni
In gold. A1bo for nasal catarrh, sore
throat, Inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds.
All druggist, 9S and SO cents a box.
Trial box and testimony of 81
women free on request. ..
Washington, April 18. New England,
so confldeutly claimed as Taft terri
tory, has shown conclusively that It
wants Colonel Theodore Roosevelt' iim
Its candidate for the presidency.
Up to date twenty delegates have
been elected from this seetiou. Of
these fourteen are Instructed for Colo
nel Roosevelt nnd six are unlnstructcd.
There remain sl::ty-elght delegates
to be elected from New England. Of
these New Hampshire will contribute
eight, Rhode Island ten, Connecticut
fourteen and Massachusetts thirty-six.
Governor Bass of New Hampshire
signed the call to Colonel Roosevelt to
accept the presidential nomination if
offered and Is confident that his state
will Instruct solidly for Colonel Roose
velt. Massachusetts realized that if it
failed to have a presidential prefer
ence primary Its delegates would be
named by the Taft machine politicians
and the Republican voters would have
absolutely nothing to suy about it. Pub
lic Bontiment was aroused, with the re
sult that the primary law has passed,
In spite of the opposition of the Tuft
leaders, backed by the president him
self. Mr. Taft was urged to support
the movement for a popular test, but
refused to do so. After the law was
011 the statute books he gave it lip
loyal approval.
Lining Up For T. R,
Tn view of the fact that the law was
passed as the result of the Insistence
of the Roosevelt forces It Is easy to
realize that the movement for the colo
nel has tremendous strength. There Is
every reason to believe that Massachu
setts will give him the same rousing
majority that Illinois gave him a few
days ago. in spite of the machines in
operation In Rhode Island and Connec
ticut and the fact that no fight what
ever has been made In either of these
states for the colonel's candidacy there
Is u great deal of Roosevelt Hentlment.
The New England situation Is highly
satisfactory from tho Uooseveit point
of view ttufl equally unsatisfactory
from the Taft standpoint. Tho six
greut states of the northeast, with the
except lou of New Hampshire woro be
lieved to he the stronghold of conserv
atism, and Senator Oallinger, the ally
and supporter of Senators Penrose,
Crnne and Lorlmer, was coufident that
New Hampshire could be brought into
line for Mr. Taft. Senator Dillingham,
who also belongs to the senate ring and
who for the second time has vindicat
ed Lorimer. assured the president that
Vermont would cast its vote solidly
for him. Vet Mr. Taft has obtained not
single Instructed delegate from Ver
mont. If it had been suggested Bever-
Bl weeks ago that Colonel Uooseveit
would carry Maine aud that the presi
dent would uot get u single Instructed
vote from that state nor the state of
Vermont the man responsible for tho
suggestion, if living In Washington,
would have been conveyed at once 10
an insHue asylum. Yet Muine and Ver
mont Jiave refused to place a single
delegate lu the Taft column.
8tranflth With Voters.
The streusth of the Roosevelt wave
will be realized when attention Is call
ed to the evidence furnished by action
taken in different part of the couutry.
Oklahoma would have gone solidly for
the colonel hod not the Taft forces
called a convention before It was defi
nitely known that Mr. Roosevelt would
accept tho nomination if It were ten
dered to hlra. As It was, ne(has got
all but two of the delegates from that
stnte. Illinois, In which a presidential
preference prlmsry occurred, gave the
colonel fifty-six out of Its fifty-eight
delegates, with a tremendous majori
ty In the state at Ian-re of 13(1.000 over
Taft. To prevent Colonel Uooseveit
from celt her delegates frauds have
lioen perpetrated In Indiana, Michigan,
Kentucky and other states, especially
In the south.
The Illinois vote may properly he
taken as an Indication or Colonel
Roosevelt's strength with (lie votr.
It Is local In so far as the number of
delegates elected Is concerned, but If
Is country wine lu Its proof of what
the people will do If they can express
themselves. It Is. of course, Impossi
ble to wall up sentiment within the
boundary lines of s state. The Amer
ican people are a unit, swnyed by the
same Impulses and moved by the same
Judgment. It Is axiomatic In politics
that when there Is a pronounced move
ment In one part of the country It Is
bound to show In other sections. The
extremes of Maine and Illinois are In
It mar be safely predicted tnererore
that New Hampshire and Massnchu
setts will Instruct their delegates for
Colonel Roosevelt nnd that some re
suits will t obtained In Rhode Island
and Connecticut. In this event the
territory which was Mleved tn be nh
oiutelr nts'i'1 nnt ami upon "hkh the
president i1 his ain'le-a depended
Will (""""eii I" 1''" ""llM
convent1 ' '"Incntes,
The Famous Original Herb Medicine
Hollister's RocHy Mountain Tea Sells
Everywhere at Only 35c a PacKage.
It is not eurprising that during tha
more than thirty years that Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea has been tha lead
ing, time -tried and dependable family
medicine of America it has had nearly
one thousand imitators. If it was not so
good a medicine) it would not have had
so many imitators. And these so-called
"mountain herbs," "root and herb rem
edies," "vegetable tonics," etc., ara some
times sold for as high as one dollar a
But these counterfeiters did no more
than imitate the appearance, for they
were and are ignorant of the original
blend of roots, herbs and seeds that make
the combination in Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea so wonderfully effective
in action upon a dyspeptic stomach, a
torpid liver, or deranged kidneys.
Rocky Mountain Tea
stands absolutely alone, today as in the
paat a mild, soothing and healing spe
cific for Constipation, Indigestion, Liver,
Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Pimples,
Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath,
Sluggish Bowels, Headache, Backache,
Dizziness, etc.
It is tha good old-fashioned remedy
of our forefathers improved by expert
nee, science and skill until it is as near
parfect as can be. Tha genuine, original
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is sold
by all druggists, at 35c a package.
A package will make 10S cups of
health-giving tea that will put the bloom
of health on your cheek and happiness in
your heart. It will keep tha whole family,
from baby to grandfather, in the pink ot
condition hale, hearty, sturdy and strong
Trmlm and bur paopl can g-st the Tea
In ubUt form. JSC a box. If they ask ths druggist
fur Holliaair'g Rockr Mountain Ta Nuiu.
day" each year to boost the California
product ' was Inaugurated several
years ago in Fresno the chief raisin
district ot the state, and has been
steadily growing.
Clatsop county shows a gain of
more than 500 voters since the elec
tion in 1910.
San Francisco, April 30. Twenty
thousand pounds of raisins are being
given away here today, on the occas
ion of "Raisin Day". The feature of
the celebration was lui automobile
parade of boosters from the San Joa
quin valley, who glided through the
busiest streets, throwing packages of
raisins to the crowd.,
Celebrations are being held In a i
number of California cities today, and
everywhere California raisins form
the chief article on thousands of
menus at hotels, in restaurants, fam
ily tables and at banquets. In east
ern cities, exiled Callfornians are
getting together to hold ralBln ban
quets. The custom of holding a "raisin
Coob Bay people subscribed $2009
stock to assist In boring for oil In
that section.
BITTERS to your weak
Btomach can
be found in
t h Hitters.
It tones and
1 n v 1 g orates
the entire
fry.-" m
Eugene Odd Fellows celebrated the
93d birthday of their order In grand
shape Friday.
Eleven of the 14 Justices of the
peace in Linn county were renorain.
ii The Lowest Prices l
, ,
" MsiasM .wiiiiss a i 1 1 i i a i ' ' 1 ""
. -
on Jewelry, Always
It is the boast of this store that, quality considered, we
always offer to the buying public the lowest prices on
Jewelry that can be obtained in Salem, No matter what
article you want if this store has it you can come here
and purchase it with the assurance that nowhere else
can you get as large a selection or a greater range of
prices, And the great variety of merchandise that this
store offers is your protection that the article purchased
will be the latest and most, correct in design,
We always carry a large stock of the following lines;
Diamond Jewelry
Gold Jewelry
Gold-Plated Jewelry
Sterling Sets.
Sterling Table Ware
Sterling Novelties
Silver-Plated Sets
Silver-Plated Ware
Cut Glass ' Art Brass
Silver Mesh Bags
Watches Clocks
; Barr's Jewelry Store
Oregon City boosted Saturday, and
If people did not get tired trying to
see all there was to see, tbolr capac
ity Is unlimited.
Corvallls Just belonged to tha vis
itors from Portland and. elsewhere
; Huic Wing Sang Co.
Large Stock Fancy Goods and Dry Goods i
f'JiS Lingerie Waist now fl.SO
Wrappers $1.00, $1.25, $1.40, flO, $1.75, $2.00 and up
fS-IO Ladles' Linen Dusters, sule $2.00 ruch
$1.25 Ladles' Dress Hlkrtn, now '. $2.90
Ladles' Black Petticoats Mr, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 nnd up
Silk und Wool (ioods In assorted colors, all prices.
$!U0 Men's Punts Ie .' $2.75 a pair
Men's Working Hhlrts , 85c, 40c, 50c and np
We have lowest prices. Come buy goods here. This
store saves you money.
325 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon