D111T CAPITAL JOUBKAL, BALKS, OKEGOH. 8ATCRD4T, APRIL 27, 1912. PAGE ma BABY IS Lion BORN IN THE CITY BABXES' SHOW HERE YESTERDAY CLEAN AND GOOD BABY LION BORN AS TRAIN CAME INTO CITY IS NAMED SALEM. The 1. 0. Barnes' animal shows, which gave two performances In Sa lem yesterday, Is certainly as clean a bunch of show people It has ever been the good fortune of Salem peo ple to witness. A representative of The Capital Journal made the rounds of the different departments of the show, and says that the conditions warrant the above statement. The kitchen and dining departments are clean and neat, the service is good, as well as the quality and quantity of the food supplied. The actors and actresses are all ladles and gentle men In every sense of the word, their conduct being such that no objection could possibly be made to the con duct or actions of any of them. Among those participating In the per formances Is a daughter of the pro. prletor, who Is certainly a great credit to the show business. The show Is mainly a wild animal show, as adver tised, although there is the usual bunch of funny clowns, as well as the bucking donkeys. The Shetland ponies are a fine lot, and show good keeping, as well as do all of the horses and other animals. We feel safe in making the statement that there never has been such a complete group of Hons and tigers as was pre sented by this show. The work of Miss I?arnes with the large group of Im mense Hons, was very cleverly and completely done. As Is the usual ex perience with handling wild animals, some difficulty Is experienced in get ting them to do the stunts assigned to them, but Miss Barnes succeeded In accomplishing every feat with re markable exactness. The little lady who did the dancing act in the lions' den was a clever and entertaining per former, and deserves much praise for her clever act. The herd of five pure bred Arabian horses attracted much attention and favorable comment, their trainer handling them with a de gree of perfection bordering on the extraordinary. The band was good, and rendered its part of the enter tainment to the entire satisfaction of all. It is very seldom that a show comes to Salem that there is not ninny com plaints to the police department re garding fakes and other infractions of the law, but the Barnes show is an FREE TO YOU MY SISTER Free to You and Every Slater 8uf erlng from Woman's Ailments. I mm . woman. I kuosr woman's affarraga, 1 have found tile core. I will mall, frea of an? eharga, my htm irtti- si with full uwtrnolloiu to any suttnrer Irum woman a ailments. 1 want to Ml til worn ali.U this our-M, my readw, for TouraeU, lcmr daughter, your mother, or your sistiT. lwai:i 10 cu juu uvw w euro yourrioiTMi at nouu w llL out the help of adootor. Men ctassl uudnr H 1 1. women's sufferings. Whatwewoiuen knew Iron usarisacs, we know bettor than any divlcr 1 know that my'hom treatment Is wife ami trre cure for lascarrstss sr Whltlia flichariai, Ulcaiatioo Oil licinl tr raUia ,1 Ilia Whii, Prolan, Scuil, r PiioM hrloti, MtilM at OnrlM Turns, or 6rawld; slit pain lo Ut4, took aisl knali, kaaiinf im lnlmn. Hrnoinaii, cntalof loalkii n taa aaist, atlascM,, Ssilit Is in tot flatlMa, mtrlMii, ldri. ui kliddar Iroablti ahirt tiuiii It oakootMa aciiliar to our sex. I want to tend you cMilttt ,a der'a tititmsl tiraty trot to prore to you that you can cure yourself at Dome, eaatly, qnlcklv and Jtirslv. Bemembar. that.il will rail mm mJuhi.. w ah to oontlrme, It will oott you only about Uopnta a week or leas than two cents a rlny. It will not interfere with your work or oooupatlon. Jnl tsisj M rnr ass mt sUrais, tell me bow you suffer If you wish, aad I will lend you the treatment for yourcasn, entirely free.in plain wrap PtT.'uJ f m m?".. 1 wili lao send you fist at cstt, my book-u0l.ri HEDICA1 IDVISEs" with explanatory Illustrations showing why women suffer, and how ther can easily cure themselves pt home. Every woman should have it, and learn to thM for smalt, then when the doctor aavs- ou must have an operation," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have ciiri d themselves with my home remedy. It cures all oW tr nasi, Ts Molstn Oi.rkttrt, I will explain a siinjile noma treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhoea. Oreen Siclt mue oi.d and health always ramus from Kr" r Irre'ul,r Menstruation in young Ladies, Plumpne .ii n,rX!"r you live, I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will plarlly tell any sufferer that this Mom Tnalswal really tarts all women's diseases, and makes women well, tronsr, plump and robust, lull itsf a, rosr sMmi, and the free ten dav's treatment Is yours, also tlio book. Write tOKlay, as you may uot see this offer again. Address MRS. M. summers, BoxH --Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A. road commlBBlon that If state lines are not followed the valuation can not be Segregated, which is necessary. The plan of seggregating It along state lines is universally favored by those conversant with the sltuntlon. SELLS-FLOTO CIRCUS TO Bh HERE MAY 30 The first really big circus to arrive here this season will be the great Sells-Floto Consolidated Show, which Is booked to appear in this city on May 30. For many years now this popular priced attraction has been coming back greatly enlarged In every way, and positively giving more for the money than any . kindred attraction touring the country. This season the management announces that they have added many novel and Bpoclal features to those which are consid ered a part and parcel of the con ventional circus. Among these are several European novelties which have never before been Been In this country, the wonder of It all being how Sells-Floto people can give such a marvelous performance at such a small price. That they are able to do bo, how ever, Is proven by the fact that for three years now they have cut the time honored price In half, and made money by doing so, all of which goes to show that even In the circus world, and where dally expenses run up Into the thousands, the theory of popular prices Is practical. Two performnncs will be given here on the day the circus arrives. exception In this line. Inquiry at the The grand street parade will, as usual, be a spectacle of more than ordinary magnificence. police department elicited the state ment from the chief that not a Bingle complaint had come to his department about the show or Its management, or about any one connected with the show. Just as the trains carrying the show arrived In Salem yesterday morning, a baby Hon was born to one of the lionesses of the agregatlon. The mother Is very proud of her young, and, upon being asked what name the young chap wan to receive, Mr. Barnes, with much pride and satis faction said, "we shall call him 'Sa lem.' " Ileal ENlnt Transactions. Andrew J. Patton and Mabel Pat ton, n '4 sw Vi of sw 14 of nw 14 and lot 4, sec 2, t 8 s. r 1 e; w d, $1. J. E. and I-ottle Smith to Electa Wllman, 55x100 feet In block 3, Capi tal Park add to Salm; w d, $600. Myrene Miller to Inez, .B Miller, land in Sllverton; w d, 1100. E. C. Plank to O. H. Weaver, n 14 of ne 14 of nw 14 and n 14 of nw 14 of nw 14 of sec 18, t 8 s, r 3 w; "W d, 3000. Mr. and MrR. C. L. Knnpp to D. M. Jones, 5.50 acres In t 7 u, r 3 w; w d, $1500. David H. and Anna W. Eastburn to Mary L. Vaughn, 10 acres In t 8 s, r 1 and 2 w; w d, $1000. Andrew Lucas to Jesse and 'Wil liam E. Lucas, lots 7 and 8, block 4, Capitol street add to Salem; w d. A. Z. and Melissa Noiton to Vera Amy Norton, lots 7 and 8, block 47, North Salem; w d, $1. Clarence W. and Pearl E. Roberts to E. A. Rhoten, 48 by 100 feet In lots 1 and 2, block 17, George H. Jones add to Salem, w d, $10. Paulina and J. W." A. Moyer to Mat- al valuation of the railroads In the thias doodle, one-third Interest in 30 THE PHYSICAL VALUATION OF RAILROADS Believing the making of the physic-J lot 1, block 14, Highland Avenue Add to Salem; w d, $10. C. T. Zosel to T. N. Abbott, 6 acres In Sunnyslde Fruit Farm No. 3; w U, $950. Sylvester Peterson to Edith Peter son, 8.46 acres In t 7 b r. 2 w., w.d. C. A. Houser to J. A. Bishop, lot 6 plock 2, Bishop's addition, w d, $10. J. A. and Flora Bishop to C. A. Houser, lot 7, block 2, Bishop's ad dition, w d, $300. E. C. and Emma Mlnton to J. S. and Annie McKinney, lot 4 and south half of lot 3, block57, North Salem, w d, $1200. . Eva Qulnn to George W. Anderson, one-third interest In lot 10, blockl, Gates, w d, $1. Win. McGllchrlst Jr. to Elmer Bur rel, lot 1, block 1, Salem Heights, w d, $500. Vlnne and George D. Simmons et al to Andrew W. Hagely, 9.98 acres In section 36, t. 5 s., r. 3 w., w d, $1. Matthiat Cooley and Wlllamina Cooley to C. J. and Uzzle Cooley, land in sections 14 and 15, t. 6 s., r. 1 w., w d, $12,000. Jennie and A. M. Bolter to R. E, Waldorf, 5.75 acres In Marlon county, w d, ?750. Albert Williams to Sarah J. Will iams, lots 30, 31, 32, 33, 52, 53, 54, and 55, Hampden Park, w d, $1. Roy Tolman to Cynthia S. Dunlap, 80 by 96 feet In block 19, Capital Park addition, w d, $10. Charles S., Jennie J. and Edward N. Thomas to Charles H. Wheeler, 14.98 acres in Salem, w d, $2400. C. H. and Anna Wheeler to Salem Hospital, an incorporation, lot 1, block 1. lots 1, 2, 21, 22, block 2, Glen Oak addition to Salem, w d, $2000. William E. Savage to Alwilda Sav age, 10 acres In t 7 s, r 3 w, w d, w$2,000. Henry and Mary Burning to Mathlas and Susanna Beyer, 30 acres In section 3, t. 6 s., r. 1 w., w d, Lavina Jane and J. F. Davidson to Altha E. Roberts, lots 13, 14, 23, 24 and 2j, block 13, Scotts Mills, w d, 3u. John F. Flook to -Charles W. and William N. Thomas, 3 acres in section 27, t 9 a, r 3 e, w d, $100. Alice BnrkhurHt to M. W. and Ruth Barklnirst, 40 acres In t 6 b, r 1 e, w a, Charles and Mary Kuenstlng to Nikolaus Becker, lot 1, block 1, ad dition a to woodburn, w d, $10. William H. and Luclnda Holer to Stephen Porter, 3 acres In sections 15 and 16, t 6 s, r 1 w, w d, $7. John Mlnto to Bucna H. Wetherbee earn half of southeast quarter of sec tion 16, t 11 b, r 7 e, w d, $1. United Brethern church to H. L. Barclay, land In Bectlon 1, t 8 a, r 2 w, w d, ji. G. W. and Sophia J. Plumer to A. A. Englebart, lot 6, block 28 and lot 6, block 27, Capital Park addition to Salem, w d, $2500. CASH WILL FIGHT THE RECALL That District Attorney Cameron, of Multnomah county, Intends bringing suit to resist the attempt being made to recall him from the office became evident yesterday afternoon, when a deputy called upon Attorney-General, Crawford, and consulted him In re lation to the subject. According to the information ob tained, it is the Intention of Cameron to Institute a suit to enjoin the sec retary of Btate from calling the spe cial election, the law providing that one must be held within 20 days after the petition is filed. That he will not be barred from bringing it by reason of the supreme court decision In the Oregon Univer sity case Is evident, as he will be In jured by the act of the secretary of state In calling the election. The court held In that decision that Friendly could not bring injunction proceedings because he could not show wherein he was Injured. A ques tlon as to the constitutionality of the law will also probably be raised, among other questions. In the suit. PRESENTED THE PLAY- AT PENITENTIARY RANGES RANGES L I j-CfCSEENil'l j) .Wins . I r . rnn-yaW- 1 1 DIP Of t . II .. .... I Special Prices For a Few Days Only fr- fgfl United States should be along state lines, the Railroad Commission has directed a communication to the Ore gon delegation In congress, asking It to amend a bill now pending In that body authorizing the Interstate Com merce Commission valuation. Th econtontlon Is made by the rail' acres In sec 7, t 9 s, r 1 e; w d, $1. John and Alice R. English to Wll llas English, 15.96 acres In sec 16, t 6 s, r 1 w; w d, $1000. J. D. and Rosa Rodgers to W. W. Dlnwlildlo, 6.51 acres in Woodburn; w d, $3000. .1. D. and Cnrrln M. lloldim fn M. to make such a n Brown, 15 acres In t 6 s, r 1 w; M. D. Boardmaa, 673 W. Main St., Helena, Mont, gives an Interesting ac count, of nil Improved health through the nse of Foley Kidney Pills. After giving a detail account of his case, he says: "I am almost 79 yean old and I have spent hundreds of dollars for medicines, but find that I have re ceived more benefit from Foley Kidney Pills, than from all other medicines'. Further particulars sent on request" Red Cross Pharmacy. Last evening in the chapel of the pnitentiary, the juniors of Willam ette university uresented their latest college play, "Thompson of the Var sity," to an Interested and enthusias tic audience. The play teems with the college life spirit. SceneB fol lowed each other quickly and the ac tion was rapid and carried along In n, regular professional manner. Each actor Beemed to have mastered his or her particular part and there was not a stutter or a stammer in the en tire performance, though this Is the first time the players have appeared before an audience. Parts taken by the pretty college co-eds were particularly, pleasing and often the speakers were forced to wait for the hearty rounds of ap plause to subside 80 that they could be heard. Among the characters In the play, are a real live football hero who eventually r.'ks his life to save the man who has nearly ruined his reputation; a town constuble who would grace even the Salem police force; a football coach who could put vim Into a team of clams; and a love-sick swain who fears that every one is trying to rob him of his life's Joy. Preparations have been completed to stage the play In the opera house on the evening of May 1st, and plans are ubder way to make the scenic effect one of the most representative of college life ever presented on a Salem stage. The play In the opera house will come as the last event in a great May Day celebration, which is being planned at Wlllameete. Big. Iw d, $10. '.' Edgar L Martin to V. Rose Pratt, For30Yeara the Standard Remedy for Disease of Mucous Membrane Bipcrimttsl pliirmarliti trill tell ym Big G tl Dm accepted standard remedy far diseases of n tons membranes discharges from tin nose, throsl slid urinsTT orf int. Avoid subatilutes. To sips, rlment is dsnavrons. Big C, Bted everywhere tines DirH), has proved safe snd relistile. Non-potsoaout, antiseptic snd tonic in lit properties, containing bo U Mi(l n. .1..V. -I- L..I. ..1 ! snv narcotic. It msj be utM full strength with- out rear, wny not cure ymiraeiir bold by drug. fiats: or are snip express prepaid, tjpon receipt of I. Fall psrtirulsrs enclosed with earn botua at snsDed acsled In plain envelope en reuuest. Ibi Etui Cbankai U Clatlmtt, Ohio, til Good Tailoring The Distinctive Kind The sort of clothes that give you the appearance of being absolutely well dressed. IN SHORT--THE TAILORING AND THE CLOTHES That ( 4S6 COURT ST. tORtjr MERCHANT TAILOR Turns Out See His Made in Oregon Woolens That He Makes Up; For $30 rile Cured la m in 14 Day. Tour druggist will refund money If Pazo Ointment falls to cur any case of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles In six to 14 day. SO cent. CASTOR I A lor Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear th Signature 14 inch Crescent Range, Regular $40.00 Special Price $33.50 16 inch Crescent Range, Regular $42.50 Special Price $36.00 18 inch Landy Choice. 18 inch Landy Chief. These ranges are guaranteed to be perfect in every re spect and first class bakers. Being a little over stocked we are making an effort to reduce on these sizes, as we need the space in our ware house for a car of ranges now on the road. Only a Few Ranges to Sell at the Above Prices. B uren & w tr H amnion For Women Who Care Of course you uso an antiseptic In your family and In the care of your own per son, and you wiint the best. Instead of what you have been using such as liquid or tablet ant'iM'ptics or peroxide, won't you plowta try I'axtlne, a concentrated antiseptic powder to be dissolved In water as needed. l'axtine Is more economical, more cleansing, more pcrniicltlal and more healing than anything you ever used. rr1 3 ANTISEPTIC In the toilet to cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, destroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keepartihclnl teeth and brldgework clean and odorless, To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspira tion odors by sponge bathing. An a medicinal Agent for local treatment of feminine ills where pelvic catarrh, inflammutlitn and ulceration exist, nothing equals hot douches of Paxtlne. For ten years the Lydln E. I'iukham Med Co. lias been regulurly aulviHiog their patients to use It because of its extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal power. For this pur pose alone Pax tine Is worth Its weight In gold. Also for nasal catarrh, .ore throat, Inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds. All druggist, 25 and 110 cents a box. Trial lxtx ami testimony of 31 women free on nMiticHt. THE PAXTON TOILIT CO., Boston, Msas Notice of Intention lo Construct Lat eral Sewers In Lntcrsil Sower !! trlrt '. 17, Sulem, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given: That the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems and considers It nec essary and expedient and proposes to construct a system of lateral sewers as a part of the North Salem sewer system In and through certain streets and alleys In North Salem Addition, Highland Avenue Addition, and Broadway Addition to Salem, Ore gon, as a part of the North Salem sewer system. The cost of the same, together with five per cent for engineering and other Incidental ex penses, to be assessed on the prop erty directly benefitted by such sew ers and drains, which system of lat eral sewers shall be known and dslgnated as Lateral Sewer District No. 17, the boundaries of which are as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point In the al ley In block numbered two (2) Olen Oak Addition to the city of Salem, Oregon; said point being five (5) feet east from the west line of lot numbered Slxtoen (16) In aforesaid block and addition; running thence westerly In said alley, through block numbered two (2) in said addition, continuing thence westerly through block No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8, Bur lington Addition to Salem, Oregon, to trunk sewer In Drey's avenue, In the city of Salem, Oregon. The said system of lateral sewers shall be constructed In accordance with the plans and specifications for the same heretofore adopted by the common council, and on file In the office of the city recorjor, rcforence to which for a more detailed descrip tion ln hereby made, and the said plans and specifications are hereby referred to and niitde a part of this notice. The suld sewers are particularly described as follows: to-wlt: An eight (8) Inch concrete or vit rified sewer pipe shall be laid, com mencing at a point In the alley In block No. two (2), Olen Oak Addition to the city of Salum, Oregon, said point being five (li) feet east from the west line of lot sixteen (10) In said block; running thence westerly In said al ley, through block No. two (2) In said addition, .continuing thence westerly through the alley In blocks No. 8, Nn. 7 and No. 6, Ilurlington Addition to Salem, Oregon, to the trunk sewer In Drey's avenue, In the city of Balem, Oregon. KemonHtrances may be filed agalnat the construction of said pro posed lateral sewerB and drains at any time within 10 days from the date of the final publication of this notice This notice Is published for a per iod of 10 days by order of the com mon council of the city of Hulem, Oregon, the date of the first publi cation being the lfith day of April, 1912, nnd the final publication being the 20th day of April, 11)12. C1IA3. K. ELGIN, 4-16-llt City Recorder. Win. L. Cook, Prop, the Bee Hive Store, Nelhart, Mont., say the Belt canon running from Belt to Nelhart Is the most picturesque spot In all Montana. He writes, ,"I recommend Foley' Honey and Tar Compound to all my customer and am never disap pointed. It give the best result for coughs and colds of anything I sell." Red Cross Pharmacy , The first ship of the Tortland-Alas- ka line, will leave Portland May 25. II. McOowan, 1218 W. 2d St., Little Rock, Ark., ays, "I suffered with se vore pain across my back and the kid ney action was Irregular and very painful. After taking Foley Kidney PilU for a few day, the pain left my back and the kidney became normal. I can gladly recommend Foley Kidney Pills for I know they helped me." Red Cross Pharmacy. PTT1 P O 1 -20105 Quick, courteous service day or night. 1 Stand Hotel Marlon Salem Taxicab & IT Transfer Co. II J. B. UNDERWOOD ai-1 Manager. THE BIGGEST ASD BEST IN THE WORLD Is the loaf of bread bought at this bakery. Try a lo at and you'll say you never tasted better and seldom as good. And you'll marvel how we can give so much for so little. You certainly cannot bake at home so economically, CAPITAL BAKERY 4R Court Btreet Phone OR REAL ESTATE BULLETIN E. HOFER & SONS INVESTMENTS No. 143, 11 V4 arres all In cultlva- No. 149. 20 acre four miles east tlon about 3 Vi miles from center of of Salem. Kino black land, Seven town. Two acres orchard. Finest acres orchard. Good house and barn, black soil. On good main road. Store on place rents for $12 a month. House and bnrn are not very good, Church and Bchool Just across the but the property Is cheap at $2200. road. Price, $0250. No. 140. One block of ground In lN'- 138. 20 acres Vt mile east of South Salem, only a block from Lin-, cc'ter of town, good Improvement. 8 coin school. Flvo room cottage with acre bearing fruit tree, 3 acre lo modern Improvements and barn. K"burrlB, In finest condition; 1500 Ix)ts of bearing fruit treeB on place, xfawberrlcs; balance In grain. This I'rlcn, $3800. is a high class district, but the price ! Is right. 23 acres flnost land Just north of Balem. Nearly all In cultivation. I 10 am'H' flne Dlllck n" Sulom State sewer runs through property House and burn. About 45 small ap wlth drainage privilege Into same, pie tree and several bearing apple. "My llttlo son bad a very severe cold. I was recommended to try Chamber lain' Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle was finished he wa a well a ever," write Mr. II. Silk, 29 Dowllng street, Sydney, Australia. This remedy Is for sale at Perry' Drug Store. Oood hoiiHo and barn; six cows and all farm Implements and equipment go with place. All but several acres cleared and cultivated, Including 7 acres (Incut bottom onion hind. This lund and location Is cheap at $8,625, penr and plum trees. Largo patch each of logiinborrleB nnd raspberries. All cultivated. Horse, cow, chlckuus, wagon and all equipment Included, for only $3000. E. HOFER & SONS 213 S. Commercial Street