Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 12, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PkC.K SIX.
The Monmouth Normal and
the Excellent Work It Does
(Written for The Capital Journnl by
Queen C. Lynn.)
The movement of induBtrlal educa
tion la becoming general throughout
the V. S. and wo are beginning
to realize the truth of Dr. Clackston's
statement "It Is better to do things
than to read of other doing them."
Domestic science and Manual training
have been Introduced In the major
ity of our schools and Agricultural
education has been made compulsory
In the elementry schools of fourteen
states. In Oregon It Is not compul
sory but Burkett, Stevens and Hill's
Agriculture Is used as a toxt book
in reading In the upper grades, thus
giving the student some practical
knowledge along this line. Few teach
ers, however, stop here but supple
ment the text with the practical work
suggested in the course of study, and
many more would If they had the re
quisite knolwcdge. TlfiB agricultural
work In our schools Is essential be
cause, as Americans, wn have wasted
tho rich heritage we rocelved In our
fertile lunds. We have been content
with taking the products of the soil
hii ! putting nothing back, till now
wo realize that 'something must be
done to prevent tho Impoverishment
of the farming districts. Hence has
come an appeal to lessen this great
waste 'by Introducing agriculture In
the schools. The trouble confronting
us at present is the scarcity of teach
ers who are trained for this work.
The Page bill, Introduced by Senator
Page of Vormont, provides for the
appropriation of one million dollars
annually, to be used for the exten
sion of this phaso of education In
Normal schools. This bill is of great
Importance, for we look to the nor
mal schools for our teachers, who
must take up this work, Our super
intendent of public instruction, U K.
Alderman, has formulated plans by
Plan Your Vacation Now
to the
East Seashore
Southern Pacific
Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal cities ol
the East, going or returning through California or via Portland with
golnK Unit 15 days. Final return limit. Oct. 31st.
April, 25-26-27.
May, 2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18
June, l-fl-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19
Imperial Council Mystic Shrine, Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4th
Offers many advantages for a seashore outing. Ixw fares front all
points In Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor amusementB and all
the delights of the seashore.
Tillamook, Garibaldi (I)ayocenn), llrluhton, Manhattan and ltockaway,
Ijike Lytln, Ocean Lake Park, Twin Korku, Tlllumook lleach and Day
City will open a new field for a summer outing. Low Round Trip
Fures from all points In Oregon.
Cull on our nearest Agent for full Information as to Kast Hound Ex
cursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or write to
JOHN M. HCOTT General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Eat California Rnlslm. Raisin Day April SOtli.
No. 103. Klglit room bouse In good
condition,1 less than four years old,
on corllne. IM 110 ft by LID. Fin
est garden loll. Good barn, Price,
Nd. 101. Five room modern bun
galow. Finished strictly up-to-date.
Ksst front, on good street. I.ot 50x
l.'iO. Price Is only $1800.
No. 70. Six room house and lot
f.OxlOO on lillh street, IS blocks
from Plate, Uits of fruit trees.
House In fine condition. Full base
ment. Price $1000.
No. 81. New 5-room bungalow, In
good location. This Is a good looking,
modern, up-to-date bouse. You will
like It If you lee It. Price only $Hi0o.
Terms $700 cash, and balance to suit
No. 128. Vt acres 3i miles south
Just off from Jefferson road. Fines',
red soil, lth gentlo slope and one
213 S. Commercial Street
tt a f n i V m rKtmlUm tlnait - V. 1 - j I
mi i.v..v,
ft-uia' Folr Kidner PilU
which children are encouraged to
bring vegetables they have raised to
the fairs and receive prizes which
are given by different men of Ore
gon. These prizes, which consist of
Shetland ponies, calves, sheep, etc.,
as well as money remunerations, are
creating much excitement among the
children throughout the state, and
people are recognlzng the practical
good which must arise from the
awakened Interest In the resources of
our country. The Oregon Normal
school Is plunnlng to extend Its
course in agriculture throughout the
school year, giving practical work In
school gardening, thus fitting the
teacher for this phase of modern
education. Much has already been
accomplished In this line, the class
In agriculture having done actual
work In grafting and dairying. Gar
dening has been taken up In connec
tion with the training school and the
studentB have an opportunity to see
practical illustrations of the work
Much interest bag been taken In
student affairs of the last few weeks,
not the least of which was the Tri
angular debute of the three literary
societies. The question debated was:
"Resolved, that American Municipal
ities Own and Control Their Water,
Light and Transportation Systems."
After the decision of the Judges was
rocelved, tho faculty, Judges and the
winning society, tho Vospertlnes,
were given a banquet by the Del
phlanB and Normals, the two losing
The Oregon Normal school was
well represented at the Oratorical
contest at Forest Grove, on the ninth
of March, about 25 students accom
panying our representative, Miss I-or-ralne
Johnson, of Moro, and mani
festing the school spirit by their yells
and songs. Miss Johnson's subject,
or Mountains
August, 1-2-3-0-7-12-15-10-22-23-
Bcpt, 4-5-6-7-8-11 -12-30.
of best pieces In tho district. Part
cultivated, part timber and part old
stump, eaNlly cleared. Several acres
of richest kind of low garden Inn 1.
This is an Ideal piece for berrloj.
fruit, and general truck gardening
Price only $2500.
i No. 138. 20 acres lift miles east of
center of town, good Improvements, 6
acres lioarlng fruit trees, 3 acres lo
ganberries, In finest condition; 1500
straw berries; balance In Ri'aln. This
Is a high class district, but the price
Is right.
No. 1"!. 10 acres, 2ft miles from
Salem, lu Polk county, 3 acres bear
ing fruit. Several acres small trees
ami strawberries. Houso and barn,
horse, wagons, chickens and all equip
ment go with place. Place Is In best
of condition, with large patch of putt;
toes and other crops nil In. It la a
flue little home, paying a good divi
dend. Price $L'S00.
...!, luut; vi uiiuucr uuuuic. nu urinary irregularities.
ara tonic In action, quick in
i n i:m)s PHAeM':T.
which was "The Cry of the Children,"
yaa well handled, receiving so much
favorable comment that we feel she
will yet crown the Oregon Normal
school with success.
The assembly periods this semes-
kor have been very entertaining as
well as profitable. Two members of
the faculty, Mr. Evenden and Mr. Os
tein, gave practical addresses. Mr.
Evenden's subject was, "The Psych
ology of Failure," and Mr. Ostein's,
"Orientation." The first member of
the senior class to appear in assem
bly was Miss Stark, whose oration,
"Art Education," was an Inspiration
to all and her appeal for the Intro
duction of the beautiful Into our
practical IIvcb was most helpful. Mr.
Seymour, superintendent of Polk
county schools, visited the normal re
cently, and expressed his interest in
what we are doing, and told us of the
interest of other schools In the work
of the Oregon Normal school. Mr.
Starr, secretary of the state tax com
mission, was a most interesting
speaker In assembly. He gave a
lucid explanation of the system of
taxation, Its laws and methods.
However the chapel time has not
been confined to the purely practical
and educational matters. The reli
gious side of life has been presented
to us by Reverend Gueffray, of the
Kvangellcnl church, who spoke on
"Success," and by Reverend Hilton,
of Forest Grove. Mr. Ilolton's sub
ject was "a Voice or an Echo." MP.
Darby, a vocalist who is assisting
Reverend Hilton in the revival ser
vices here, entertained the assembly
with two solos. Miss Elizabeth Fox,
btudent accrctary of the Y. W. C. A.,
visited the normal recently and
talked to the girls at the regular
meeting of the society. Several new
members were added to the associa
tion roll and a pleasant social hour
followed. A most Instructive talk on
ths effect of alcohol was given one
afternoon by Mrs. Scovllle, a repre
sentative of the W. C. T. U. From
this account of the various speakers
at the normal, It is evident that
every student has received something
In tho way of Inspiration or practi
cal knowledge.
The department of music under the
direction of Miss Harlan Is doing
splendid work In many ways. The
Glee club were guests of the teach
ers at Dallas, and sang at the Insti
tute which was In session there. The
students of the normal are planning
to give the mimical comedy, "Pina
fore," In June and al are working
hard to make this performance n
successful example of what musical
training can do. Miss Harlan has
not confined her Interest to the Glee
club and Normal orchestra, but she
has organized an orchestra from the
children In the training Bchool, which
entertained us In assembly one morn
ing, and won much praise and ad
miration for Its work.
The Lyceum course has been well
patronized by nil. We have hud two
conceits recently. The Dudly Duck
company gave a varied entertain
ment, calculated to please all, and
the Gainblo Concert company pre
sented n most excellent program.
The work of the violinist being es
pecially worthy of mention.
There has bei'a play as well as
work at the Oregon Normal school,
these past few weeks and tho social
functions have been most enjoyable.
In the way of phiy, was the hilarious
I farce whlcl the Juniors gave as their
.class program. These Juniors were
no respecters of persons, and stu
dents and faculty were caricatured to
the amusement of their friends. The
Normal society gave a dancing party
on the evening of Washington's birth
day and It was said to be the most
successful party of its kind, this
year. Two afternoons were made
pleasant by the meeting of the Entrc
Club club. Miss Itrentiin, the art
teacher, told us of the art galleries
of New York city at the Hi st of these
meetings, and one of Shakespeare's
historical plays, Henry VIII., was the
subject of the second.
That the functions of the Normal
school are always up to date was
evident last Saturday evening, when
the Delphian Literary society enter
lalneil the students and faculty at a
St. Patrick's parly. The decorations
of green and white paper festoons
and quantities of daffodils were as
beautiful as the entertainment was
unique. We were all taken for a
trip on the St. Patrick's Laughter
& Smiles railroad ami visited the
way stations, where special stunts
were given by different colleens and
gossoons. We visited the theater
and witnessed a photo production of
Macbeth, explained by Miss Panott.
The kissing of the lllarney Stone by
the gossoons was only equaled In In
terest by the delicious refreshments
which were served at the Irish ''Har
vey eating House."
The reader may plainly see that we
are a busy people at the Oregon Nor
mal, but all our "business" has Its
profitable aim and result.
LI I . . .
remit. Refuse aubstitutea.
AL Barnes' Auiiual Circus.
A novelty of any description Is thor
oughly appreciated, but more espe
cially so In the amusement line, of
which there are only a few. The one
that enjoys the distinction of possess
ing really more novelty and interest
ing features is Barnes' big three-ring
animal circus, which exhibits In Sa
lem under monster tents on Friday,
April 26. Ilarnes' big shows always
have something hew to present, and
this year is no exception to the rule.
In fact no other tented organization
In America has as many sensational
The press of California pronounces
names' circus the best ever In the
West, and their tents were packed In
all tho leading cities. In addition to
a number of special attractions, over
350 wild animal and domestic animals
from all parts of the world are pre
sented In sensational and thrilling
acts, under the direction of male and
female trainers In three rings, steel
arena and on elevated stages, all go
ing on at the same time. You'll see
lions ride horseback, sea lions that
play on musical instruments, play
football and do other funny stunts;
Persian leopards, tigers, lions, pumas,
jaguars drilled by lady trainers, per
forming wonderful tricks and unheard
of feats, that hold the audience spell
bound; Siamese elephants that display
human intelligence, which act alone
Is worth the price of admission. Over
150 ponies, dogs and monkeys lire
presented In new and novel acts.
The Barnes circus has a reputation
of being one of the brightest, clean
est and most sensational shows, and
gives the most enjoyable performance
ever seen.
Assistant. Attorney-General Van
Winkle rendered an opinion today in
which he declares that mutual benefit
associations, which make a practice
of protecting with benefits such as
are Its members do not come under
tho provision of the fraternal associa
tion laws, nor general Insurance laws
of the state.
The kind of associations with re
gard to which ha was asked to fur
nish an opinion wob those taking In
employes of soriia certain company r.s
members for a certain fee, and In re
turn for that fee a certain per cent of
the wages drawn by the employe dur
ing the time he is ill is paid, and also
sick benefits.
In order to bring such an associa
tion within the general Insurance laws
says the assistant attorney-general,
It Is necessary for It to isBiie policies
which, In contemplation of lnw, it
does not."
Here Are Facts We Want You to
Prove ut Our Risk.
When the roots of the hair are en
tirely dead and the Mres of the
scalp are glazed over, we do not be
lieve that anything can restore hair
grow tji.
But, when Hie hair roots retain nny
life, we believe there Is nothing that
will so surely promote hair growth
as will Rexall "1)3" Hair Tonic. To
prove that statement, we promise to
promptly return all the money you
pay us for Rexall "A3" Hair Tonic,
should It not please you.
Rexall "M" Hair . Tonic destroys
the germs which are usually respon
sible for baldness. It penetrates to
the roots of the hulr, stimulating and,
by promoting circulation, nourishing
Rexall "ftU" Hair Tonic helps to re
lieve scalp Irritation, to remove dan
druff, to prevent the hair from fall
ing' out, and to promote, an Increased
growth of hair. It comes In two
sizes, prices 50 cent's and $1.00. Re
member, you can obtain It only at
our store The Rexall Store. J. C.
Perry, Druggist.
All patent medicines or medicines ad
vertised In this paper are for sals at
Drug Store
Salem, Oregon
Dr. Stone's
For the cure of Weaves ailllctlng the
horse. A liquid medicine, given on
the teed, which the most fastidious
horse will not refuse to eat. Front
one to tlx bottles given at directed
win eur ma moat stubborn case.
Price. $100 per bottle or tlx bot
i .j
AT, APRIL 12, 19192.
A Rati Hack Is Always Worse In the
Homing Salem People Are
Finding Relief.
A back that aches all day and
causes discomfort at night is usually
worse in the morning. Makes you
feel as if you hadn't slept at all.
Can't cure a bad back until you
cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney
Pills relieve sick kldneyB make you
feel better work better, rest better
and sleep better.
The follow-big statement proves the
merit of Doan's.
Isaac B. Smith, Thurston street,
Albany, Oregon, says; "For a long
time I was bothered by my back and
kidneys. I felt lame when first get
ting up in the morning , and was of
ten so stiff and sore that I could
hardly work. At last I heard about
Doan's Kidney Pills and got a sup
ply. They helped me at once and af
ter I had used two boxes, I felt, bet
ter than I had before in a longtime.
I can highly recommend Doan's
ney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. PrI.
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Hi:
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Effective Home Remedy
for Tuberculosis
It t s serious mutter wlien the lumcf
are sITectcd. A trip iiwny or tu units
tortuiu li uot only tremrndouily eipfti
slve, hut It involve cpnrntlnn from tioma
and frlenilK. Some are benrlltcil hut
unue cuu mifely return. Kekinan'i Alter
ative la effective nu leaving home uect-a-miry.
For vinmple:
11 S. Atlantic v IliirtdminVhl, N. J.
"(li'iitlcint'ii: In the full of MoR I run.
traded a very nrvcre mid, which art! led
on my Iuiiks. At hint I bcgim to ralne
sputum, and my nhyalrlRit Ihi'ii told ut
I must so to California linumllntrly. At
tlil time I Win advlKpd to take Kck
man'i Alterative. I stavwl at home and
iummiMUTd tnklnic It the lant week In
OiidliiT. I Im'iikii to Improve, and the
Brat week In January, iihkI, I remnant
uiy rrituliir o-oiitlon, havlnit gnlued M
pound, fully restored to health. It la
now five yenra uluce my cure haa heou
effected, and I rannot pnitae Kckman'R
Altemtlve too hlKhly. I hare reeom
Uleudeil It Willi eliellent reauln."
iSlirnedl V M. TATKM.
Fkmnn'a Alterative la effeeilve In Bron
chitis. Aithnm. Hay Fever: Throat and
I. u oi: Troubles, niol In uphnlldlnK Iho
syslein. Inea not contain polnons, opiates
er liulilt formliis druus. Ak for booklet
of eured caaea and write to F.t'kman
laboratory, Philadelphia. Ph., for more evl.
dem-a. For aale by ail leaillnj .Iru-lsti and
J. C. Perry.
One of the must stnrtllmr chimin..
ever seen In any man, according to W.
U. Ilolsclaw, Clarendon, Tex., was ef
fected years ago In his brother. "He
had such a dreudful cough," he writes,
"that all our fninlK- tb,,,..i,i i,
, ........... ur- wun jit.
lag Into consumption, but ho began to
use nr. rung s .New Discovery, and was
completely cured by ton bottles. Now
he Is sound and well and weighs 218
pounds. For many years our family has
used this wonderful reniedv for couchs
and colds with excellent results." It is
mu ck, snie, reliable and guaranteed.
Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free
at J. C. Perry's.
"My little sun had a verv severe cold
I was recommended to trv Chamber
lain Cough Kemedy, and before a
small bottle was finished he was ss
well ss ever." writes Mrs. II. Silks 29
Powllng street, Svdney, Australia. This
remedy is for sale by all dealers.
Journal "Want Ads" nrlng Results
r .
Children Cry
When a man feels the necessity of being In two places at the same time
he goes to the nearest telephone and sends his voice.
It Is not exactly th same thing," but when a man talks hundreds of
miles In opposite directions from the same Bell TelepLone It Is about aa
In the dally use of the telephone aman travels all over town by wire In
a few minutes. It Is Just as easy too travel all over the ulate and other
states by means of the universal Long Distance Service of the Bell System,
There is no reason why you should
always be a slave.
If you are deslous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk
ard's grave, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered
at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug
habit. Hot Lake mineral baths prepare the body for the treatment
and then sooth the nerves and actually remove the desire for the
liquor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes In Oregon and Washing
ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot Lake treatment
One week will In most cases effect a cure. Sometimes longer is re
quired, but not often. The best of care Is given the patients. For
full Information, address
Hot Lake Sanatorium, fSwSe
AutomobileMotor Cycle and
Accessory Dealers of Salem
A PPERSON Also AgentFforNtetIand!fMlrIilKaB
" "'tWVif Great Western (iarage 147 N. High
A 1 1RIIPN w s FITTS' Agent
UmJJ11 V , 418 Court Street. Phone 211
Ufrrjr ottowilsox
O II 1 1. IV A,s0 Agent for the Chalmers
w w Phone 2'.'0 Cor. Comerclnl and Center
CADILL.A C JMachlr?eAShopR
w Chemekcta St, Just east ol Commercial
mlVImP M "3" Flanders "20"
(VL. Hose, Mgr. 248 S. Com'l St.
CaO D Fs r0I AGENCY, E. II. Whiteside, Mgr.
f JtIJ Also Agents for K. C. II. and Lesier
124 H. Liberty St. Phone 867
LJT rri CiO AT VICK B,tos-
1 J JLJtJ Also Agents for Elmore and Ilupmoblle
, Capital Garage Phone 788
HyLIAlM rvri rc Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Etc
--'J North Commercial Street Pbone SM
MAXWELL The K a Kuns
Capital Garage rhone 788,
C VERLA N U a'uo Agent fw Miehell'
rhone i:ii HI North High Street
HARLEY-DA VIDSON haisek nitos.
MOTOR CYCLES Au, nA rryre Supplies and
Minneapolis Motorcycle
ill J1 CYCf nicyeles, Sundries, lAe.
Coyirt Street Phone 8(18
rJO'f SELF lL ,V MASOjr Distributor.
ijLL CT PTCD 8ro ,,,,, S,'"-Starter on Hudson Car.
JiAKiCK fapu,tl CarMgPt Snlcmt 0rc.
iVI II fANI7INsC VuIcanUIng & Rubber Co.
JLV.rl 1 li I VJ KotrMdIn, Section Work, Patching.
L Satisfaction Guaranteed. 819 Center.
and Mgr.
FOR HIRE l""1 Western G a race
tle! tor IJW.
t . n. .noore.
Telephone Main 41.