Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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T " i
Children Cry
Til A ITinil YM. VTr,rA at -
l aJ JJUURUl, ana Which ha liarll
to me for over 30 years, hasSoWethe Snatwe ct
SI? ,V7 , ; ' fnd ?ms bee niado under his pcr
Bonal supervision since Its infancy.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH. Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It is pleasant
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcott"
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Won
and allays Fevcrlshness. For more than thirty vears lfc
has been In constant use for the relief of ConRtirof
riatIllcncy, Wind Colic, all TrthlSfflKSwS1
llarrlioea. It rcKulates the Stomach and iowoU
Bears the
The Kind You Dave Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Privacy and Safety
Boxes Rent for
Sure to please the lovers of a
wholesome beverage.
A Iways an invigorating, pure
f and delightful drink,
Lends strength to the weak and
wearied physique,
ffects a soothing cure for the
nervous ills of life.
akes life more pleasant and
cheers the
rings good
who partake
nlivens the spirit of the down
cast and disheartened,
ndows existence with hopes
. and aspirations
estores man to fulness of
strength and activity,
Read The Journal For News
Capital City Steam Laundry j
Our Wagons Go Everywhere
n u r
for Fletcher's
v . . ...
Signature of
OUR Safe Deposit Boxes
are guarded by Yale
Double Cylinder Locks
This system gives the rent
er double protection, tbere
being two locks on every box
We also eliminate the dang
er of duplicate keys. Would
be pleased to have you call
and look Uiem over.
$3.00 a Year
heavy heart.
fellowship to all
in moderation.
16 5
only Is used to make the flour which
goes Into our bread. And tlio very
best methods only are employed to
produce both the flour and the bread.
You'll like the looks of our bread
when you se? It. You'll like Its tnste
still better when you try It.
439 Court Street Phone (64
High School Student Body Affairs Given a Thorough Over
hauling by Report of Auditing Committee The Student
Body Management for the Past Two Years Shown to Have
Been Composed Mostly of Iregularlties -Committee Re
port Shows Trust Was Violated.
By a vote of 4 to 2, the executive
committee of the Salem High School
Student Body yesterday adopted the
report of the auditing' committee of
that body, appointed some time ago.
The report was a very lengthy docu
ment, and It went Into the transac
tions of the committee's work In great
detail. It is dated April 2, 1912, and
would have been submitted at a meet
ing held several days ago, but for the
fact that there were a number of
newspaper men and outsiders there at
that time, and it was hoped to spare
undue publicity for some of the inter
ested parties.
The report was called for by a res
olution adopted by the school board
last Saturday night. The committee
is composed of Clifford Farmer, Geo.
L. Schrelber and Kenneth Moores. Mr,
Farmer made a few Introductory re
marks regarding the condition of the
affairs of the Associated Student
Body, In which he stated that the ac
counts were kept In a slipshod man
ner. The report shows a shortage In
the accounts of Prof, R. L. Kirk dur
ing the summer of 1911 of 118.85. It
states that Mr. Moore Incurred expen
ditures of over 300 as faculty man
ager of the football team for which
he has no vouchers, and refused re
ceipts of any kind. Mr. Kirk ques
tioned the right of the committee to
Investigate his actions during the
summer season, when the student
body was not in existence, and main
tained that the board Of education
alone had the authority. Mr. Kirk
asked If the committee's report cov
ered the expenditures of the debating
manager, and was referred to the re
port. . Mr. Davis wsb asked It his ac
counts as treasurer of the student
body had been audited, and he replied
that they had not. Two unsuccessful
attempts were made to adjourn the
meeting, but failed. It was neces
sary to resort to Robert's Rules of
Order to settle some points of order
at different times. During the pro
ceedings a motion .was made that
when the meeting adjourned It ad
journ to meet next Friday afternoon,
which carried. At that meeting It Is
likely that the report will have furth
er consideration.
The report cites innumerable Irreg
ularities In the management of the af
fairs of the student body, nearly all
of them irregularities, derelictions of
duty and improper acts. Prof. Kirk
says that he Is fortified with the nec
essary vouchers to account for the
shortage, and will submit them when
called upon to do so by the proper au
thority. Mr. Moore told the committee
he once had vouchers for all his ex
penditures, but they had disappeared.
In the adoption of the report, those
voting aye were: Clifford Farmer,
Geo. L. Schrelber, Kenneth Moore and
James McClelland. Those voting no
were Ilnrpld E. Kakln and Prof. R. L.
Discussion of Report.
The Capital Journal printed a sum
mary of the report Wednesday. That
report was called for by a mandute of
the Board of Education. When It was
moved to adopt the same and spread
It on the records, Mr. Klrk objected
on the grounds that the auditing com
mltee hnd no authority to Investi
gate the accounts of the student body,
that It was the province of the execu
tive committee. The spokesman of
the student body replied that the au
diting committee had been properly
created by the executive committee by
unanimous vote, In which Mr. Klrk
participated. The executive commit
tee could dnlegute this work of audit
ing Its accounts to any one of Its
members. Mr. Kirk's objections were
overruled. Mr. Klrk then Interposed
some technical objections, none of
which were sustained.
A Peculiar Ruling.
On motion to adjourn to Friday the
decision Btood 3 to 2. when Chnlrman
Slmpklns surprised all present by de
ciding to vote with the negative, and
made It a tie, and then decided the
motion lost. There was general
amusement In the Tunk and file of the
student body of the high school, who
seem to have a little parliamentary
Intelligence. Hut It whs generously
passed over.
Chairman Farmer's Statement.
Clifford Farmer, as chairman of the
auditing committee, prefaced the pre
sentnt'nn of the report by saying that
It was based on the records of the ex
ecutive committee, that the commit
tee had been adverse to giving the
report publicity, but, notwithstanding
this, there had been all sorts of ru
mors circulated which wholly misrep
resented the findings of the auditing
committee. Mr. Farmer further ftated
that It was not the report of Mr.
Schrelber and the auditing committee,
but of the whole committee, to which
each member assented. He added
furthermore, all newspaper reports
to the contrary, that every one Inter
ested lu this investigation had been
given a full opportunity . to give , the
committee whatever reports or docu
ments they might have to assist in
checking up the accounts.
Mr. Kirk's Explanation.
In explaining his failure to account
for the deficiency of $18.80 Mr. Klrk
declared that the sum of $106.25 had
been given by the student body Into
his custody as principal, and that he
did not recognize the right of the
auditing committee to examine into
his acts as principal, stating that, as
principal, he was solely responsible
to the Board of Education, and not to
the auditing committee, that he re
turned $97.40 and could show, If any
member of the student body properly
called upon him, what he did with this
money. A member of the auditing com
mlttee challenged his statement, Bay
ing that the moneys of the student
body did not belong to the school
board, and were not Mr, Kirk's pri
vate property, that the students hav
ing paid In' this money themselves
could not be deprived of their prop
erty rights, that the constitution re
quired an explicit accounting, not on
demand, but as a matter of account
ing. A Question of Trust,
"The students reposed a truut In
Mr. Klrk, as head of the student body,
and had a right to have this trust re
spected. And furthermore Mr. Klrk
Is responsible, not to the Board of
Education, as principal, so much as to
the Associated Student Body. He had
been asked for whatever records he
possessed, and had answered that all
the records he had any knowledge of
were on file with the secretary of the
student body."
. Report Goes to Board.
The previous question was moved
after further discussion and the re
port adopted by vote of 4 to 2, and or
dered spread on the minutes of the
student body. Mr. Klrk moved that
the proceedings of the executive com
mittee be reported to the school board
Mr. Schrelber moved to amend that
the report of the auditing committee,
as read and adopted, be- Incorporated
In the report to the Board of Educa
tion. The motion, as amended, was
adopted, and the executive committee
adjourned to Friday next.
The "Oregon Almanac" will a.lver
tlBe all sections of Oregon.
"Got My Sore Foot
in It Right! TIZ"
"A TIZ Bath, Mr Boy, a TIZ But hi
Yon Can't Beat It for Sore Feel,
Corns and Bunions!"
Is this man a tender-foot? No,
He Is a Joy-walker one who uses
TIZ and gets from the feet a happi
ness one never felt before.
WA "Sunt t V.. TIZ
HZ Etmt Tin for
Amt Foot TroubU."
When your feet are so tired they
feel like stumps, when they ache bo
that they hurt way up to your heart,
I when you shamble your feet along
'and It seems as though all the mis
ery you ever hud has settled In your
feet, look nt the happy TIZ man In
the picture.
You can be happy-footed Jimt the
name. If you have corns and bun
ions that everybody seem to step
on. Just think of IIiIh happy TIZ
man. He had corns and bunions,
too. This man used TIZ, and now
he has no more tender, raw, chafed,
blistered, swollen, tired, smelly feet,
corns, callouses or bunions.
As soon ns you put your feet In a
TIZ bath, you fee' the happiness
soaking In. It's like mountain ozone
to lungs.
Nothing else but TIZ can glvoyou
this happy foot feeling. Don't ac-
'rp.it onv miKuf l,,,(u '
TIZ, 2," cents a box, sold every
where, or sent direct, on receipt of
price, by Walter Luther Dodge &
Co., Chicago, III. Recommended by
all drug stores, department and gen
eral stores.
I Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
Remote. Tan. Pimple,
freckle., loth r.lche;
, ib uieeaeea.
auu every DietulMO
on bctulr, mil Ul-
flN d.t4CtlOQ, (t
hu ituu4 the tert
' Tr, uid
u ,0 htrmlei wt
1 properly mul.
Accept no oouoler
(tlt of elmllu
nun. Dr. L. .
8vr Mid to a
l4r ot lb But
ton (a patient):
"Al you ladle
will nu k,
'O.Nrnael'a P ran m' u
I reoommiia
th teatt harmful of all Iba
akin preparation,." For tale
uwrtt iMin is (hi UalUd
otataa.Uauada aod tunpa.
rntXT.HOPaIK.rros, 37 Great tan Strut IrwTtd
To the Voters of Oregon:
Casting aside every political or sel
fish reason, It "la Imperative that a
man be nominated and elected to the
office of state dairy and food com
missioner who will make the office
mean what it should to the people of
this state.
After canvassing all candidates
that have offered themselves we find
ourselves in a position to recommend
one. The record of J. D. Mlckle Is
such that we are convinced if he Is
lected to the office of dalrv and fund
commissioner, he will honestly and
Impartially serve the interests of the
whole people producers, consumers
and distributors.
We believe we will seek by practi
cal and effective methoda to advance
the dairy Industry In this state along
progressive lines.
We believe he will encourage the
manufacture of "Made In Oregon"
food products. i
We believe he will enforce the
pure food and pure milk laws In a
way that will benefit dairymen, man
ufacturers, middle men snd consum
ers alike.
J. D. Mlckle Is a practical dairyman
at Forest Grove. Last year his cows
earned for him $128 a head. He has
tried the tuberculin teBt and finds
that It weeds out diseased animals
and makes his herd more profitable,
as well as Insuring that milk will
be produced that will not menace lit
tle children that drink It.
He Is not a theorist, but a practical
example of the methods and policies
that, applied to the office of dairy
and food commissioner, will cause it
to render greater service to the peo
ple of Oregon than ever bofore. We
have not been able to find a flaw In
Mr. Mlckle's record. So rarely do
such men as he offer themselves as
candidates for ofllce, and so Impor
tant Is' It that we protect ourselves
and our children In health and pock
etbook that we solicit support for
him at the primaries April 19th, and
at the eloctlon in November, If he re
ceives the nomination.
Yours very truly,
An Offer That Involves no Money
Risk If You Accept It.
We are bo positive our remedy will
completely relieve constipation, no
mattor how chronic It may be, that
we offer to furnish It free of ull cost
if It falls.
Constipation Is commonly caused
by wenkness of the nerves and mus
cles of the large Intestine. To expect
a cure you must therefore tone up
and Btrengthen those organs and re
store them to healthier activity.
We want you to try Koxall Ordor-
lles on our guarantee. They are eat
en like candy, and ure particularly
good for children. They seem to act
directly on the nerves and muscles
of the bowels. They apparently have
a neutral action on the other organa.
They do not purge or cause other In
convenience. We will refund your
money If they do not overcome
chronic or hablluul constipation and
thus aid to relieve the myriads of as
sociate or dependent chronic ail
ments. Try Hexall Orderlies nt nr
risk. Three sI.oh, ioc, 2'.c. and GOc.
Sold only at our store-The Hexall
Store. .1. C. I'errv.
Ilenjiiniln E. Itobertson for County
I oiiiinlsHloiier of Murlen County,
lien H. Robertson, of Turner Is n
candidate for the Republican nomin
ation for county coiuiiilsHloner. He
was born In Indiana and cams to Or
egon In 1873 with bis p,irentH. They
located at Turner, whne the nine
brothers grew to manhood. Mr. Rob
ertson Is a farmer, has 110 acr.'s of
land on which ho puyg $111) taxes.
He has served the county muny y..rs
as road supervisor and has hud tl.e
oversight and construction of many
bridges. He thinks thtit the boiiCi
west corner of the county across the
river from lluena Vista bus had it
monopoly of that ofllce long m.ui:h
and believes the honor sl oulil go far
ther east about Turner.
Puts Ento Bad Habit,
ThlnRS never look bright to one with
'the blues .' Ten to nna Ilia Imnlil. I.
a sluggish liver, filling the system
wiui unions poison, that Dr. King's
New Life pills would expel. Try tliiu
IM the loy of better feellnei nrt "lha
blues." Best for stomach snd kldnevs.
2(io st J. C. Perry's.
Great Clean Up Sale
of Party
Regular (rices from $17.50
to $21.55, your choice
This includes all of oar
Afternoon and
Evening Dresses
in chiffon, messalins and
crepe de chene, pinks and
bine raais, lavender, black
and trimmed dresses. Yen
can not afford to let this
opportunity pass. No reserve.
Your choice
2 U, G. , Shipley Co. "?
V " 145-147 fforth Liberty Street
BatwMa 3tt aod Court
Notice of Intention to Improve South
11th Street.
Notice Is horeby given that the
common council of the city of 8alem.
Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve South 14th street
rrom a point 24.5 feet north of the
south line of State street to the north
line of Mission street with concrete
pavement at the expense of the adja
cent and abutting property within
said limits, In accordance with the
plans, specifications and estimates
for the Improvement of said South
14th street from a point 24.5 feet
north of the south line of State
street to the north line of Mission
street as heretofore adopted by the
common council and on file In the of
fice of the city recorder which are
hereby referred to for a more partic
ular and detailed description of
said Improvement, and are hereby
made a part of this notice.
Written remonstrances against the
Improvement proposed herein may be
made at aur time within ten flO)
days from the final publication of
this notice In the manner provided
by the city charter.
This notice Is published for ten
(10) days pursuant to a resolution of
the common council und the date of
the first publication thereof Is the
3d day of April, 1912, and the dnte
of the final publication will be the
13th day of April 1912.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, Recorder.
The Banger After Grip
lies ofton In a run-down system. Weak
ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, en
ergy and ambition, with disordered liv
er and kidneys often follow an attack
of this wretched disease. The greatest
need then is Electric Ulttera.
lous tonic, blood purifier and regulator
oi siomacn, liver ana Kidneys. Thou
sands have troved that thev
fully strengthen the nerves, build up
me system ann restore to nenlth and
good SltlHtS after an nttn'lr
suffering, try them, Only 50 cents.
doiu ana perieci sutisiuctlon guaran
teed by J. C. Perry.
It Looks Mke a Crime
to Semirnte a bov from s. Inv nf rtiu.ir.
Ion's Arnica Salve, His pimples, bolls,
Buruicnes, snocKS, sprains and bruises
demand It, and Us quick relief for
burns, scalds or cuts la hla rli-M K tin n
It handy for boys, ulso girls. Heals ev
erything neaiauio. and does It quick.
I'ncquullcd for pies. Only 25 cents at
J. C. Perry's.
Just receivedeverything
in the Artist's Line. Also
Mouldings for Picture
Framing, and some beau
tiful ready-made pictures
4MB I'Ot'llf BTRKKT.
Phone Main 485,
dim f
JiP fin
r jjp
prompt!? ebtetnod OB VO FZ1. TrtdtvMirki,
CftVMti. Coprrtprhu nt rtRUuiwt.
TWENTY TKA&8' THAOTIOB. IligliMtnfcranottt.
(had wll, katgh or photo, for ttm nport
n ptfltu0iiur. ah miaitMi ouonaeitviavu
HAHD-BOOK fill. KirUlnnoTerjlJituf . Toll
Hoif to OltUln tnd Ml toUuiU, What UmbHoM
Will Par, How to (Jot ft lartnor, tiptaiai best
i aMbtnloat moTMntata, and ontaiiu -109 othsif
I tvbjHUoUmportanoo tolBTaaton. JfjdroML
u r w can ?. rn .pt
mtn H
L lot KIH WIIim Bldr. WASH WON
Don't be surprised If you have an at
tack of rheumatism this spring, Just
rub the affected parts freely with
Chamberlain's Liniment and It will
soon disappear. Sold by all dealers.
For sale by J. C. Perry,
Made by the
Sydney, Oregon
Hade for Family Use
Ask your grocer for It. Bran
and Shorts always on bind.
F. D. WALLACE, Agent
With our assurance that we are
able and willing to take care of
it, we solicit your llanklug llusl
ness. Open an account with us,
and we will extend you every
favor consistent with good bank
ing principles.
Corner Stule snd Liberty Streets
J. L. Abler, President
W. G. Kaat, Cashier.
S. 8. Kast, Vice President
Dr. L. 11. Steeves, L. H. Roberts,
Speaks for Itself
Thousands of satisfied cus
tomers are my bust adver
tisement. Tinning, Sheet Metal Work,.
Lighting Plants and Fur
nace. My motto "If my work Is
not right, I will niaks It
rtioM 155. 858 Stats St.
Ira c' tf'lP'fhiw i