fage eight. DAttT CAPITH JOFBNAL. 8 ALEX. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APBI1 10, 1012. n n m 1 in. TT evers store iev TODAY OUR 581ST WEDNESDA Y SURPRISE Dp rea CIS Extra Special $1.19 A cood Quality, 'crotcheted spread and good size, Regula $1,50 Quality, Supply you needs TODAY at this price each ...r... ...J None sold before 8:30, ' III H no No phone orders M eyers' Great Gift Giving Campaign JUST TWO MORE DRAWINGS; new num bers today and new numbers Friday, ... Every present replaced and ton new ones added; making 45 presents in all, ' This is the most successful event we have ever handled; over one hundred and twenty- five gifts valued from $1 .00 to $50,00, have been given away, . . . took up your folder number, visit the store ( and see if your number .has won a gift. Every present absolutely free; you don't have to purchase a cent's worth, . 0 Join the merry throng at the Big Store," The House of Quality 7i a! 1 New to Jacob Togf ' Big line of men's and boys' elkskin shoe. 220 N. Commercial street Special Easter Dance Tonight At D'Arcy hall. Peerless orchestra. To the Horse Editor What Is the organlaztlon of I. W. W.T Does It mean Ill-natured, or Infernal Weary Willies? A Reader. Ion tan Be Sure Of courteous service, dependable groceries, fair prices and promptsde llvery at J. M. Lawrence's, 197 S. Commercial street. New I'lpe Organ The new pipe organ for the Pres byterian church has arrived and Is being installed by the manufacturer In pernon. It was made at Westfleld, Mass., and Is said to be 40 per cent larger than any pipe . organ In the city. i For the Primaries The oflice force at the county clerk's office is kept busy now get ting the supplies ready to send to the 52 voting precincts of the county. There Is a large amount of supplies to be distributed and everything will be In readiness for the sheriff to be gin the distribution of It on Monday of next week. The official and sam ple ballots are being printed now that the official ballot has been made up. Installing Factory A. J. Darling, who. has moved hlH furniture factory to Salem from Es tacada, il unloading and putting Into position a carload of machinery at the Pugh building at North Mill creek on Capital street. He will manufacture mInslon and oak furni ture at Salem, sb well us library ta bles and cabinet work of all kinds by machinery. Mr. Darling was a sup erintendent with the Oregon Chair company, of Portland, for some years and thoroughly understands bis busi ness. He would like to rent a Ave room cottage somewhere In that part of the city for his family. 9 CITY NEWS. Special meeting of Pcl6c Lodge No, 60, A. F. 4k A. M. this evening, Work In the M. M. (legreo. Visiting brethren welcome New Fainter Bonnets Will be worn at D'Aiey hall tonight. llclmiriiut Do (iiiml HuhIiicss When using Grand I'nlun Teas ami coffees. Phone 90 or store, 214 N. Commercial street. O. M. l.ockwood, agent, linker's Bread - Thiit Is tiuide In n bakery that Is as clean as your parlor should be appro elated by all. Phono Main KM, The riiiiiset grocery. Ladle Nulls Tan He kept llko new, by our French Dry cleaning department. Learn by a trial Just what this servlci will do. Phone us uml a messenger will cull promptly. Modern Electric Cleaners and Dyers. Phone Main 3ti0. end-It r V Purchasing Glasses is baying sight if Ihey are right. Our Madc-.o-ortkr Glasses satisfy the most critical. A. McCULLOCH OPT0WKI HINT. m Nerth Commerdiil St. (Ground Floor) Phone iJ Quire Honrs I t I Hate Cup of Tea I And see the duluty articles on sale I Thursday, April 11, at the rectory, 2X3 North church street, at 2 o'clock, by ludles of St. Paul'l (iuild. FUli Are Pnlhiiu- t T. til.,.Lf Itt.l.iUM Kr.,ilit Kltt's market, Chinook Klc, Bteel heails 2c, liiillbut 10c. 4-10-3t lloiiHcvi'lt Wins Outiln Illinois and Is giilnlng votes every day. "Crlspette" sales are In creasing dally and In popularity. Is liked .wherever tried, Made by the Wonder Kuiuly Kitchen, l.lce Killer- " That will exterminate anything In Unit line Is what you iieeil this time of year. F. 10. Bhafer, the saddle anil harness mini, IK7 South Commercial street, handles the bent oil the market. I Ti v II - j ... To Speak Tonight I'rof. K. 8. Hammond will speak ut the Coiiimoiis Mission tonlKht. Prof. Iliiiiimiiiiil Is a teacher of MieoloK.v and luti'iesteit In all lluea of nilnsliinary work, e,ei'lally aniiiUK the men. Itev. V. S. Lawrence, of the lliiptlet church, nMik last nliilit to an appreciative audience. Those that failed to hear him mlssi'd a rare treat. The public Is Invited to all the services. Here is I a good opportunity for young minis- tell and students Interested III the up- lift of humanity, mid a work that Is , helpful to all. t'clcliralcd lllitlidii)- I i j A very plensitiit dinner was held at !the Hotel Mailon last iiIkIiI In honor of the M birthday of Dr. Handier. w ho Is prominent In the booster work for Willamette Vulverslty, The gth jcrliiK was of an Informal nature and J the fact that It was to he a birthday I anniversary was not made known un til all the party had gathered. An Impromptu piogrniue whs rendered, consisting of short speaehes and re cltuls by the Invited guests. Those present were: Dr. and Mi's. Handier, Mr. and Mrs. IHii'ton Heck, of Port land. President and Mrs, tlomail. Dr. and Mrs. Avtson, Vice President aud Mrs. Todd and Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Kisher. Plenty of Opium. JDSITSO PHSSS IJISD W1IIS.1 San Francisco, April 10. Five nun died thousand dollars worth of con trabanded opium now believed to be stored In bonded warehouses In San Francisco Is expected to he BOlzed and destroyed by the state board of phar macy, as a result of a decision ren dered today by Collector of Port Stratton, that' the United States gov eminent has no right to Interfere with the seizure of the drug. The decision followed the rolusal to turn over $21,000 of opium here to ofllcers of the state board of pilar macy on Tuesday. 01 " " Hicks Trial Ends Tonight (imD rssns uursd wisa.l Portland, Or., April 10. Arguments consumed the entire day In the trial of Hurt Hicks, open shop l"nililrie works oerator, charged with the murder of W. A. Wortnian; union picket. Attorney Logan for the defense bit terly denounced Prosecutor David, who In his. argument had said that Ixigan had used Improper methods In his conduct of the defense. The case will go to the J.i' till evening or tomorrow. o Oregon City Is to put In a "lift" to carry people up and down the bluff In that two-storied city, Hascliall PoNtponed. I'NITKII ISKMS IJUHICII WIKS 1 Uib Angeles, Cnl., April 10. The opening haBchalt game of the Vernon ios Angeles series was again post poned today because of rain. SHE GAVE IIP ALL HOPE Physicians Failed To Help Mrs. Green, But She Finally round Relief in Cardui. Meetie, Va. Mrs. J. C. Green of this place, says: "I suffered with womanly troubles so that I could hardly sit np. Two of the best doctors In our town treated me, and I tried different medi cines, until I gaa up all hope of ever getting well. One day, I decided to try some Car dui. It did so much for me that I ordered some more, and It cured me! Today, I feel as well a I ever did In my life. ' The pains and the trouble are all gone. I feel like another person In every way. I wish every sufferer could know what Cardui will do for sick women." ,.s A few dosea of Cardui at the right time, will save many a big doctor bill, by preventing serious sickness. It tones np the nervous system, and helps make pale cheeks fresh and rosy. Thousands of weak women have been restored to health and happiness by using Cardui. Suppose you try It. It may be Just the medicine you need. N, D."" r rile IO, wum nu''r x nooht Mdkin Co.. Chatunooa, Tenn., for bp'nal ifutrwivmi, fiaw-pane wok, nw br ffOMD. Mot In plain wrapper, on requtsU STATISTICAL BOR.V. STEPHENS To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stephens, at iheir home In Tilla mook, Or., Saturday, March 30, 1912, a six-pound daughter. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs, Stephens was formerly Miss Jessie Beauchaiup of this city. MOORE. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Hantu, In this city, April 6, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, an 8 pound son. o PERSONALS. Watch Carelessness Nobody deliberately allows his watch to fallor Inten tlotially abuse il. Hut thousands allow their watches to run, or THY to run, when they ought to be laid up Tor repairs. what is Hie result? Permanently Injured watches We malutaln a perfec equipped department here. It Is no trick at all for us to bundle all kinds of re pair work. We run start working for you almost any minute you Samuel A. .'Hughes and .las. G. Httltzel, candidates for nominutln for representative, went to .lefferson to day. A. F, Blackerby, candidate for the nomination for county clerk, Is in town. Arch, German, former manager of the Salem baseball team, was In town today, in speaking of the baseball gaine'scheduled for next Saturday, lie says that t' 8 'lummer' SALEM GETS YET ANOTHER FINE FACTORY The flrm of liarnum Brothers and Simmons Cement Block Construction company has located In Salem. They manufacturer all kinds of cement blocks, using the Murray system of wet block re-lnforced concrete. ' The company will erect all kinds of buildings, but iiiulic a specialty of business blocks and dwellings. All their buildings are guaranteed to be water proof and that the walls are never damp. The firm keeps their plant In continual operation. The cost of one of their cement block buildings is but a small percentage above wood construction and Is con siderably cheaper thnn hrlck nnd much more durable. A sample of their work can be se.m on State street. Just east of the Salem Hotel, They have at the present time sev eral buildings under construction. This new firm will undoubtedly do a big business In Salem the coming year as they have a good product and do good work. IDE CITY . OF BUTTE , BUBIG FIRE BROKE OUT AT XOOX AXD WAS SOOX BKYOSD COJiTUOL WIJfD IS BLOWIJiG ASD (IT! MAY BE WIPED OFF THE MAP. tJXrrXD PRESS LEASED WI1I6.1 Hutte. Mont., April 10. Fire starting In the wholesale district of Butte shortly after noon today caused a loss of more than $1,000,000, and Is spread ing Into the business section. All of the fire fighting forces of the city are attempting to check the flames, but have not yet succeeded. The fire, fanned by a high wind, spread briskly northward toward the center of the city. Four business houses and 30 residences are on fire. Hundreds, of volunteers are aiding the regular, fire fighting forces. Dynamit ing of some structures to save others may be necessary. The, cause of the fire Is unknown. ' o COULD NOT BREAK THEIR DADDY'S WILL UNIT1D FHE8S IJCIIIED W1BO. San Francisco, April 10. John D. and Adolph Sprecklcs lose their long fight to break the will of their father, the late Claus Spreckjls, Involving the disposition of property valued at $10,000,000, by a decision of the state supreme court today, reversing the action of Superior Judge Coffey, who on February 15, 1910, rendered a de cision setting aside the trust clause in the will. , '. When Claus Spreekels died In De cember, 1908, he left a will decree ing that his estate be held In trust for his widow and two sons, Rudolph and Claus A. John D. and Adolph were ignored In the will. They con tested the will and succeeded In get ting the ruling from Judge Coffey declaring the trust clause Invalid Claus and Rudolph Spreekels. then brought an appeal to the state suT preme court. During the pendency of the matter In the supreme court. Judge Coffey has frequently threat ened to distribute the estate to the heirs at law, Including John D. and Adolph, but did not do so upon the presentation of petitions by the dis inherited sons that he defer action until the supreme court hud disposed of the appeal. Thinks His Boils Beat the Record "I believe I had the most painful boils that ever afflicted a human being. They were big, came one after another, and held on a long time. I had read so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla for the blood that I was ready to try it. Inside of a month it seemed to me I had jumped from torture to bliss. I realized to the utmost the good of the best medicine, and I think the only medicine that would cure me. I recommend Hood's for the blood." Geo. N. Milli gan, 181 Winthrop St., Boxbury, Boston, Mass. , NEW TODAY. TEAM MVORK WANTED Phone 1722 . 4-10-4t FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for hatching from best strain In the state. $1.00 for 15. Phone Main 1099, or call at place, corner Mar ket and North 4th streets. 4-10-2t CAPITAL CITY equal Suffrage club will hold a meeting Thursday af ternoon at Mrs. Alice England En wrlght, 340 N. Liberty street. FOR SALE Five acres of fine gar den land, two miles from Brooks. Five room Iioubo and outbuilding, good well, 2'4 acres clear and In fruit and crops, 2 Mi acres of bea ver dam. Price $800; $600 cash, Address John Van Laanen, Salem, Ore. Route 2. Box 105 B. 4-10-3t IF YOU ARE Interested In the 5-10- and 25-cent variety business, let me know at once. I have an A No. 1 location In a good live town. C. K. Y., care of Journal. 4-10-3t Died Pre m Operation. lOSITlO rilll UASED Willi . Helena. .Mont., April in. Following an operation for cancer, Flnlny Mcltue, grand treasurer of the Fraternal Or de rof Kugles, nnd secretary of the stato Democratic committee, died here today. McKua was a native of Scot laud, but spent most of his life In Montunn. Mike Krlkson, working on a stump puller In Polk county, was killed yes terday when the stump broke, and a piece of It struck, him on the bend, killing htm Instantly. Test our ability to you good service. render Barr's . j Jewelry Store j , killed In Sewer. (DNITSD rSKSS LS1SKI) KIRK.1 Portland, Ore., April 10. John Pti pura was killed, and Mike 'lluzurra was seriously Injured here today when a sewer In which they were working caved In. Both men were burled be nenth a pile of rocks, dirt and tim bers, and Pupnra was smothered to death. Inside the Limit. TnNiTBD rRKfln makid wirs Washington, April 10. Account of the expenditures of Stephen Lowell. I'nlted States Senator Bourne's rival in Oregon, was filed today with the sennte. The senate shows that Ix)well expended $1,020. He received no con tributions. o JUST TRY A 10-CEIIT BOX OF CASCARETS BIG GAME BASE BALL Saturday, Apr. 3:00 p.m. k Porilan J N. W. League vs Senators Salem win be strengthened by several biz leaguers. No Headache, Illllniisness, I'pct Stomach, I.asy I.lver or ( oimtl listed Bowels by morning. Are you keeping your bowels, liver and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway through these aliment ary or drainage organs every few days with Salts, Cathartic pills, Cas tor Oil or Purgative Waters. Stop having a bowel washday. Let Cascarets thoroughly cleanse nud regulate the stomach, remove the un digested sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and cary out of the system all the decomposed waste matter and poisons In the Intestines I and bowels. j A Cascaret tonight will make you ; feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken or cause any Inconvenience, and cost only 10 cents a box from your drug gist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and i never have Headache, Biliousness, coated tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipated Bowels. jCascnrets belong In every household Children Just love to take them. FOR SALE Edison phonograph, four-minute attachment, five dozen records, practically new, bargain. Blind School, Phone Main 21. 4-10-3t FOR SALK Two stoves, range and heater, practically new, only used four months. Phone Main 2154. 4-10-lwk FOR SALE 30 acres of land 10 miles northeast of Salem, also house and lot in Sllverton, well located. Easy terms, would take gr.od mare as part payment on house nnd lot Geo. W. Dunn & Son, Gervals, Or. Route 1. 43-lmo FOR SALE A bargain, White steam er, two-passenger auto. See Ben nett at repair shop, Nineteenth and State. 4-10-3t WEST SALEM TRANSFER Passengers Baggage Connecting with all train at West Salem for Dallas, Falla City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 13 m., 1:05 p. in. and 4 p. in. ev ery day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Moiimouth and McMlnnvllle. , Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1.00 p. m. and Ei:15 p. m. Calls t hotels on request. Telephone or leave order at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday. Phone 82. NO OBBERS TAKEN FOB CALLS MORE TIIAJf THEEK BLOCKS FROM CORNEB OF STATE AND COMMERCIAL STREETS UNLESS AR RANGED FOB IN ADVANCE. J. B. Underwood. Mgr Coos and Curry county have united for the purpose .of holding annual fairs at Myrtle Point and an option on 17 acres of land has been secured. MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. John II. Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1552. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery dur specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. . 279 North Commercial street. Phone Main 813. MONEY 10 LOAN : On good Beal Estate Mcvtty. " BECHTEL BTN0N. 147 State Stcwit FOR SALE Box tent, 14x20, for sale cheap; a bargain, 857 Broadway. 4-10-Ut FOR SALE $1250, cottage :il 30, wUh six rooms, corner lot 50x100, cement walks, woodshed ami all as sessments paid. Terms $750 cash, balance $10 per month. Cherry" City Land company. 4-10-lt WHITE LEGHORN Eggs 75c per setting or 15 -unfertile replaced, Also thoroughbred hona for sale. Jas. N. Olmsted, 4th and Hick ory street. Phone Main 1207. 3-7-tf WANTKD AT ONCE We have an Eastern colony representing 100 families who wish to locate in or around the Willamette valley. They are working people on the co-operative principle, and are seeking lib eral Inducements for a tract of land large enough to accommodate all. What have you? Olve full particu lars, location and price. Cherry City,l company. 4-10-lt OVER 1100 of Salem's largest homes have a Goldenrod Vacuum Cleaner. Every home needs one. Price In reach of all. Free demonstrations at your home. Royedon, agent. Illlgh Hotel. Phone 742. 4-9-tf STENOGRAPHER Wanted at Homer Smlth'sofflce, Room 5, McCarmack Hldg. 4-8-31 COMMENCING APRIL FIRST The Peoples Cash market, 173 S. Com mercial Street will sell all meats strictly for cash. No deliveries made, nor telephone orders tnken. This Is a big Item of expense in the meat business and all meat cut enters will get the benefit by buy ing their meats at this market for cash. 4-1-tf MONEY TO LOAN TH OS. K. 1'ORD Over I,sdd snd Hush Bank. Salem. 0 FOR SALE Thoroughly modern five room bungalow, five minutes' walk from State and Commercial streets, small payment down, balance monthly. See Homer H. 8mlth,the Insurance man, McCornack build ing. 3-12-tr Office Phone Main 183 , Rlgdon Residence Main 111. liI(iI(.llICllAI(ISO CO. Funeral Directors and Undertaker 252 N. High Street. THE NEW SECOND-HAND CLOTHING STORE We have a good line of Clotlitng ' and Shoes Highest prices paid for Second hand Clothing and Shoes' -SI2 N. Commercial SU Salem, Or. 4-1-tf 115 Liberty 8t. Phone Main 119 KARL KEUGKBAUEB Walch and J.enclry Repairer Your patronage solicited Satisfaction guaranteed With Capital Drug Store Sulem Oregon TYPEWRITERS All Makes 1I01GIIT SOLD RENTED REPAIRED RIBBONS HOLLERS SUPPLIES 8oe me before you do anything. C M. LOCKWOOD Phone Main 0(18 214-Jlfl N. Cemnifrrlal, Salem, Oregon. STATE NURSERIES, Established 1893 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BrKRHARDT KFItEDITH RetUenl Agent Hi state Street GROWER OK GENERAL M'ltsrnv STiirr Will contract for prunes for this fall delivery at the following price .......... . ,--, , j,,, o u, (J II. Bl Italian Prunes, 1 yr 4 to 6 ft. at Italian Prunes, 1 yr., 3 to 4 ft at a'M'ostt of in per cent must accompany each order as antee of good faith. Have a complete !, f Apple Pear Ynttr.K MnJ ......It .... m ,.. ,, on wnlC, l ,)tJ I)leaS(j t0 tfJ price. A Nursery located one-half mile east of asylum. A. FREDERICK Phone Suburbs 60. ,. Am- lie 10c guar-Cherry, you