. - - iwaaAtn SALEM, OREQOS. SATURDAY, MARCH 23. 1912. l ' tmmmm-m . ...... . "p fc M M w m mmS I mini I i iiinmluM- II ! I I I rITV I II I 'If 1 M m T M I T Pastor Russell's Sermon Children Cry for Fletcher's VVxx jJSSUL.. ( r A XN COLONIST FARES ) a TO ll POINT IK OIIIOON, DAILY fJ , A MARCH 1 TO APRIL 15, 1912 g OVM, THS SOUTHERN PACIFIC Jrr FAR I rHOM Vrt u ' i i chicoo $33 00 " v,X T.LOUIS - - 3200 ff omaha moo Mrf: f T .(JAv KANSAS CITT - -00 If , 7 1 fT T. PAUL 18.00 I , I V MOM OTHKR ClTIM OOnHUfONOtNOLV LOW l J OolonirtFswi aw WFNT-HOrNDonly.bat v.v ' 7 l they okb be prepaid from anv point, if you V, -i 'J i haT8 frlemli or n'lutlvet In the RBt who X V"."' , tire to "Get Hack to the 'nriii," joh van ' ' k- 1 dt'ponltthe farewith your local agent and h Pi will be tul paraph td to any uddrenti de- ft lifltill on the andersignod Tor good In- I Vl 1 ilvelUerkturetosendjZaat. I , seen, bttfii rwcuv Art nrilwd, mum C ?J , C07JSANGU1N1TY OF HUMANITY Bibla and Science In Accord on This Point. ALL NATIONS OF O'iE BLOOD, S At m Pastor RumiII 8howt th Futility of Trying to Provo Human Evolution In Conflict With th Declaration of Soriptur God Cratd Man In Hit Own Imago and th Protont Divoral. tits of Degradation Aro All Roaulta of Adam's Fall From Divln Favor. London, March 17. London Taber nacle was crowd ed today to greet rastor ItiifiKoll. lie occupied tbe pulpit und behind blni on tbe rostrum were tbe nil otlier mem bers of tbe Foreign MlHHiona InvostlgB 1 1 o n Committee, viz., Gen. W. P. Hull, United Btates Army; Prof. P. II. Iloblson, Dr. L. W. Jones, Mr. J. T. D. I'ylos, Mr. B. W. V. Koelm and Mr. It. It. Maxwell, all of the United States. Pastor HuhhoII opened bis address liy remiirklug that although tbe Interna tional Illble Students Aosoclutlon, wbkb apolnted tbe Committee of wblcb be was Cbnlrumn, beld a Urltlub Charter und might be supposed by some to make a full or partial report In London of lis findings, he regretted that they would be disappointed. Tbe Commltteo felt that It should make but one report, and advice received In dicated that considerable preparation had been tnado for tbo Committee's re ception lu New York City on Sunday, March 31. However, said Pastor Itusacll, things are marvelous today, and with the wonderful facilities for communica tion, llrltlshci's, as well as tbe peoplo of the United States and Canada, will receive the report at practically the same tlmo through hundreds of their prominent newspapers. Very Significant Text, Ills text was this: "God bath uiudo of oue blood nil tuitions of men, for to dwell upou the face of the earth; and bath determined the times before ap pointed and tbe bounds of their habita tions, Unit they should seek tlio Lord, if haply they might feel after Illm and Und Mini." (Acts xvll. 20, 27.) He sflld:- Our text Is taken from Saint Paul's addrexs to the Athenians, whom ho found so religiously Inclined that they bad erected an Idol to every known deity, and then oue prominently "to the unknown iud." The words of my text Jiare been repeatedly borne In upon my mind lu my sojourulngs of the past four months. I marveled as I perceiv ed tbe thorough nous of the division of the human family as a result of the confusion of hiiniuii language. Time and again tho Apostle's statement that (led bad "determined the bounds of their habitations" Impressed mo. Our text explains the mutter; It was of Uod; and we w ill doubtless yet see more particularly than now bow It worked somo good for all-staying the downward tendency of sin. Of On Blood All Nation, My wider contact with humanity Im presses the Apostle's declaration that our various nationalities are all of one blood--or lire of one original parent age. And In this scientists, usually wholly out of accord with the Itllilo, agree. They do not claim that our rc evolutcd from many monkeys, but merely from one pair. It seems strange Indeed to mo that some of these learn ed gentlemen so persistently bend their efforts to antagonise the llllile-eu-doavorlng to prove a human evolution In conflict with the lllhlo declaration that Uod created man In 111 own Image llkeness-and that the present diversities of degradation are all ro suits of Adam's fall from Mvlue fa Tor, through disobedience, under the aeuteuc of death. Even If somo divisions of our race do bear a Stronger resemblance than others to the ape, this Is surety not scientific proof that they evolutcd from the ape. Just as reasonably might wo argue the reverse, that they are a more depraved section of Immunity. Hut wo do not so rate It. On tho contrary, the most Ravage peoples seem to havo mental organism rnpablo of quite a considerable development Under favor able conditions, eveu of a few year. Indeed, when we consider the In ferlor station of icemen lit all th heathen tuitions, and the blaiikuess of tbe mother's mind snd her dejection and hopelessness and tho tendency of tbeao to mark hcr nfTspi'lug, w do Dot wonder at tho sad faces of many of heathen lam), both male and fcuial. Indeed, ou (lie contrary, we ar astou Hi ml ut we compare some of th low est typca of Christendom with some of the degraded types of heathendom surprised Unit the difference Is not greater. The explanation for It all ta that w hav not had the tmo typ of Christianity. Our Christianity has been so mixed with superstition and o liitprt'giHtled with error that Church Isnltv. tuken na whole, lu th four bundled millions vf Christendom, Is a hybrid tliHiK- a slander tiKitt th nam ChrlsllHit ami upon th teaching of Christ. A.uJ, by the way, 1 remind you i Balnt Paul's explanation of the degra dation of the beatheo. us set forth In the first chapter of his Kplstle to the Ilomans. He tells us most distinctly, the Old Testament does, that man originally knew ills Creator and was In fellowship with Illm. but that he fradunlly slipped away from this Into (reuter and greater depths of degrada tion, mental, moral and physical. Let roe read Saint Paul's words: "When they knew God, they glorified Illm not as God, neither were thankful, but be came vuln In their Imaginations and their foolish heart win darkened. Pro fessing themselves to be wise, they be came fools, und changed tbe glory of the Incorruptible God Into an Image made like to corruptible man, and to birds and four-footed beasts and creep Ing things. Contrary to Divine In structions they, imagined that the rec ognition of God In all these various creatures would Increase their rever ence and make them better and more thoughtful of the lower creatures. But herein they were foolish.) Wherefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness, through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. And even as they did not like to retain God In their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprohato mind, to do those things which are not proper." Rom. 1, 21-28. "Fl After God and Find Him." But the feature of our teit which most, particularly impresses me Is Saint Paul's declaration that God de termined and appointed In advance the lima of theso nations when they should be brought in contact with the light of Divine Truth, to tbe Intent that tho reverential quality, Inherent in the race, might exercise Itself and feel after the true God and haply find Him. We see that In Divine providence th torch of the Gospel, first lighted In Pal estine, spread westward and north ward, through Europe, aud still west ward to America. It, lndoed, has been the torch of civilization. No other pow er In tho world possesses the dynamic force of tho Gospel Message. In pro portion as it Is received In Its purity It breaks the fetters of Ignorance and su perstition. It sets men free. It de clares, as does our text, tho oneness of tbe human family that tbe entire hu man family are by nature brothers. It tolls that God is no respecter of per sons and that the same laws of right and wrong apply to king, and princes, bishops and clergy, that apply to tbe humblest mombers of tbe race, and that all must give an account to the great Creator sooner or later. This feature of tho Gospel Message has been the Igniting spark for all our clvlll'.allon. Hut, alasl the combina tion of this clvlllr.ntlon with the Innate selfishness of (ho unregenorate pro duces a human type which Is danger ous, because of Its higher Intelligence and unrest rained sweep of ambition and Imagination combined with a fnlleu nature, born lu sin and sbapen lu Iniquity and continually tending to word selfishness. . In other words, a man wholly ruled by Bclflshncss is dan Borons (o bis fellows In proportion to his education and enlightenment lie knows, better than his heathen neigh bor, how to take advantugo of tbe clr cumstunces and conditions of life, for ho is lifted mentally to a higher plan. Condition Now Changing. Saint Paul In our text declares that God has predetermined "flinn" asso ciated with Ills dealings with tho na Hons and in bringing to them tho Gos pel. We havo already considered the Dlvlno order and tlmo in association. with (ho call of the "elect" Churcb-a "little flisk"-cnlled out of every n' tlon, people, kindred and tongue, to bo the Redeemer's associates In tbo Messianic Kingdom which Is to bless Israel and nil tho nations. Wo be lieve that this election of the Church class Is about complete and that soon thereafter God's Kingdom, the reign of righteousness, (he world's Judgment Day, will begin. It should not surprise us, therefore, to find great changes Imminent amongst the peoples of the wbolo world. The bounds of human habits Hons and the barriers of language are rapidly yielding because of the othor limes of Divln appointment which have beeu reached, vli., the period mentioned In Daniel's prophecy as "the Time of tho Kud." (Daniel ill, 1.) And hero we must remind you afresh that the Time of tho Knd doe not mean the end of time. It merely slg allies the time for th ending of tbe present order of things, (hat a new or. der of thluga, the Messianic Kingdom, may be substituted. Twenty-five cen turlca ago God determined this time and appointed It and gave us four very Important proof by which (o Idenilfy It. Let us exam Ins these. (1) The (list sign of tbe Time of the End wss to be, "Many ahull run to and fro." How wonderfully this prophecy 1 fulfilled before our eyes today! Its fulfilment baa teen In progress, espe- dally for fifty year. And It Is less than eighty year since the first loco motive mi built The nations, first separated by diverse languages, kept well wit hlu the bounds of their hsblta tlon for many centuries until now and now suddenly we have a ruunlug to and fro In fulfilment of thl propb- cy which Is nmnalng. Th various na lions snd languages ar being scatter ed all over th earth. (?) The next step In th prophecy marking tbe Tim of tbe Kud of this Age la, "Knowledge shall be Increas ed." This general Increase of educs Hon amongst all classes la a logical re sult of th commingling of humanity aud the lesson of comparison and competition being learntd. Suddenly, a though In otlleii-e to th Divine com ina ml, nation after nation has mad schooling fm; and not cocttut with this, ha mad U remeiilMfy; aud I this spirit Is spreading to Oriental lands. The whole world la waking npl Personal rights and national rights are everywhere being discussed. The schools of India are said to be turning out ft million graduates In tbe English language every year. Tbe Chinese also are Introducing English schools. What will be the results? Enlightenment? Yest Godliness? No! Contentment? No! Dissatisfaction, war, strife, an archy, are coming to the world by leaps and bounds, as a result of gen eral education, and the breath of Lib erty, because not backed by reverence for God and a knowledge of aud sub mission to His will. Japan, China und India seem merely waiting for a tpark to start a conflagration anarchy. Dtruotlvn of Higher Critioitm. And a for Europe and America, the conditions there are tbe same, for what faith the musses did have In God and In the Bible Is being rapidly un dermined by tbe theories of Higher Criticism and Evolution which are ad vanced from the colleges and semi naries and pulpits, and are Invading, not only tbe public schools, but also tbe Sunday Schools. Evidently any system of knowledge which denies or opposes God and the Bible Is an in jurious education harmful to the last degree. However, by now this God- Ignoring education has so fastened It self upon the world as te be Impossi ble to shake it off. (3) The third Item Indicative of the Time of the End of tbbi Age is that "Tbe wise shall understand;" not the worldly wise, but those wise toward God. And so we find It today. While the great and the learned and the masses are rapidly drifting Into heath enish darkness, away from the Bible, God's saintly few, of every nation and of every denomination, are gradually seeing more and more clearly the teach ings of the Scriptures, and ridding themselves more and more of the creeds of men which for centuries have helped to blind and to stumble and to make the Divine character and the ui vino Word appear Inconsistent and un reasonable, and to separate God's cbll dren Into six hundred different sects and parties. These creeds are now bo lng seen in their tme light by tho saints and are being discarded smashed. (4) As a result of the fulfilments of Nos. 1 and 2, we see nearlng us, or tentously, No. 4: "There shall be a time of trouble such ns never was since there was a nation." That time of trouble, as already Intimated. Is now looming up on the horizon of every nation. It comes In the wake of on un sanctified knowledge. It. would mean the utter wreck of all of our clvillza tlon were It not for the Interposition of the Kingdom of God's dear Son. for which we have long waited and pray od. "Thv Klmrdom come: Thy will be done on earth as It Is done In heaven." Our Lord, speaking of this trouble. declared, "Unless those days were shortened there should no flesh bo saved; but for the elect's sake (hose days shall be shortened" because of the "elect," and the Kingdom wiilcti they will establish, that great "time of trouble" will be cut short It will not be nllowcd to work out the terrqr at first apprehended. The Hope of the World. I am returning from heathendom fully convinced that tbe hope of the world Is exactly what God's Word de dares, namely, tho Mosi-lunlo King dom. Unless that Kingdom comes, and comes soon, the world will be lu tbe most terrible plight It has ever known. But my confidence In the Word of God nnd lu I he promise of tho Kingdom "under tho whole heav ens" crows Blronger every day. The Bible, once a sealed Hook, once appar ently contradictory, once assumed to be In harmony with the creeds, and their very foundation, I now see to be the most wonderful Hook In (he whole world. I( merely needed (he light now due to God's people to shine upon Its pages, to scatter, our night and enable us to truly sing, "Wonderful things lu the Blblo I see!" The three wonderful things of the Bible which I would wish to Impress upou you at this tlmo are: The Jus tice of God, In permitting n death pen alty to come upon our race as a pun lihmeut for aln; (2) The Mercy of God, like tbe wldeuess of the aea, which is making provision for Adam and every member of his race lo return to Di vine favor and everlasting life, If they will otherwise, to be remanded Into Deuth-"everlastlng destruction." (3) If there could be a more wonder ful thing than the general provlslou for humanity, restitution lo humuu perfec tion aud an earthly Eden and ull that was lost by Adam and provided for In th redemption at Calvary --that slill more wonderful thing Is "the exceeding riches of God's grace In Ills kindness toward ui lit Christ Jesus." Ah, what wondrous love God Is manifesting to ward this sKHially culled class. Invited to become (he Ilrldo of Christ! Truly, "Eye bath not seen, nor ear beard, nei ther have entered Into the heart of man the things God hath In reserva tion for those who love lilui; but God hath revealed them unto us by Ills spirit; for the spirit seurcbeth all things, yea, the deep thing of God." This wouderful provision for the Bride, th Lamb's Wife, is glory, hon or, . Immortality Jolnl -heirship with her Lord lu Ills glorious Station, and association with Illm In Ills glorious work of blessing, first, th nation of Israel, and, secondarily, through them, all th ontlous of the earth, according to th Divln promise. 1'or such a hop, surely, "we may trials well en dure:" For such a glory surely w may well. If necessary, "will through bloody seas!" For such a crow n surely w may well count all earthly advan tage and good thing, privileges and opportunities and honors, but as low nd dro, "that w may win Chit said be found Id Him" 'A 7iVX t.WVtvhsXV.VXxVtV.Vvww'i The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inlauts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it bas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, glvinpr healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears tbe Signature of Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TNC CtNTaja C0MS1ST. TT MUSaSV ITMIT, SIW VOSS CfTY. ' ''"'.""'.' v tzm.Tn!iJLzJTm s A L E M ure to please the lovers of a wholesome beverage, ways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink. ends strength to the weak and wearied physique, ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, B E E R "akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart, rings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. livens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened. ndows existence with hopes and aspirations estores man to fulness of strengtli and activity, SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW, General Grocery Store We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugs and stamps. Phone 761 HMMMMIIimMMIIHI)MMMHMHMMMimHH4 --M Pianos and Organs from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO! C. WILL Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. GEO. C. WILL Edison, Victor and : Columbia Talking Machines A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines i Latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. GEO. C. WILL Low Colonist Fares ' Daily March 1 st to April 1 5th, to All Points on Oregon Electric RailwV y. FROM XX Chicago $33.00.. 4 Cincinnati 37.90 omcok V Milwaukee ' 31.50 X wiSr St. Louis 32.00 I I Y New York 50.00 l"'i"ii'iiml Detroit 38.00 St. Paul 25.00 Des Moluns 27.85 Kansas City 25.00 Indianapolis 35.65 Omaha 25.00 Denver 25.00 From other eastern points n proportion. Tell your friends In the East of this opportunity of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great Northern nnd "North Dank" and Oregon Electric Hallways. You can deposit with me and tickets will be furnished peoplo In the East. Details will be furnished on request. Yi. E. ('OMAN, Gen'l Frt. & Pobs. Agent. C. E. ALBIJf, Portland, Ore. Gen'l Agent, Salem, Ore. MH4WHWHHWv4Ht When at Portland Go to the BOWERS J j. -...Crf-fcs Bee i: -3w'' y i.. t r-. 4, hi mm m i i ETERI LOAF ALIKE In freshness, crlsnness. lightness and tootheomcness. No disappointments our bread aa there are In home hMn- w n1 see hy any wo man should worry over a hot Ure with results always uncertain, when we will do her baking better and cheaper. Vo you; SIlBO CAPITAL BAKERY Court 8trwt Phone 954 Rates $1,00 up, Break fast and lunch 50c, Din ner $1,00, Also a la Carte service in grill, One block from Oregon Elec tric on 11th and Wash ington streets, Salem people cordially invited to make our house their headquarters. F. P. WILLIAMS, formerly with Marion MHmH4HHWH4mwmHHrmHHM SAVE YOURSELF There is no reason why you should always be a slave. " you are dealrous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk- ,t SuVe' 7U Cannot afford t0 overlook the opportunity offered hit, t9 , Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug 3 it n'lneral baths prePare tlie body for the treatment Manor Hth th9 DerVe8 and actually remove tbe desire for the tnn .Lr u' I,undrd8 ' happy homes In Oregon and Washing 0 3 ,,ne" t0 the efflcly of the Hot Lake treatment ouired ? . m8t a8es effect cure- Sometimes longer Is re- fullTnf , ?,(t teB' The bMt of care S'n the patients. For tun Information, address Hot Lake Sanatorium, I8J0 WALTER M. PIEBCK Pres. and Mar. N itiliAl, A .... . 3