fAOTD TWO DIXIT CAPITAL JOlTSVil. SALES, REG!, SATUEDAI, lijiuuvmi. BACK TO' THE Pastor Russell's Sermon PASTOR RUSSEtf OH MARS HILL Frsacfiss tQ tli3 Athenians and Ccrlnthlans. THE MESSAGE OF ST. PAUL - Raaffirme th ApestU's Argument Ood Offered Forgivanats to All Who ' Would Btllav In Jua Mankind Hal Mad 8rl0ut Mittaktt Ra.pact Ing th Divina Purpot Reward For Thoa n Harmeny With God. Corinth, Greece, March lO.-Tbe I. Ii. S. A. Missions Investigation Coin mlttee 1 hen. Pnstor Russell, It Chairman, deliver ed nn address In our largest Audi torium. Rev. Bos Unynnnes served an Interpreter. Ms text vsm "God bath appointed a , Day In tlie wbleb ne will Jude tho world." (Act xvll. 81.) lie mid: I'nrouto to your city, I visited Atta int). Aa 1 stood upon Mara Hill and nmdo a abort address, my mind revert ed to t lie account of Balnt I'nul'a preaching there, and I have cboHen anma of IUi wordH on Hint occasion ni my text An tit. Paul mudo no Impres sion there It U quite luiprobnblo Hint 1 made any. Indeed, the city todny mlKht well bo described In the Inn-r-ukko of eighteen centuries ago, as wholly given up to Idolntry. True, It In not todny ftiHhlonnhle In civilized roniiiitinllte to worHblp Inl aws; and yet lu muilher sense it Is allll fnohlonnlile. There Is still a grent worship of mini throughout the civil ized world, hut In a illfferent form from thnt of old. No Innp'r do wo bow before wooden hnngcs. but before in wnrd Iniiit'cN -tlia IniaAcs of our minds, our nionl ill aspirations w Ml aomo, wenlih mid fume; with others, ense and pleftHiire. and wllh mill others, the creed Idol of our forefathers, mlsern blu misrepresentations of the true God. Tli Day of Judumant. Hnl nt I'm ill on Mars 1 1 1 1 1 preached Jemm and Iho resuirectlmi Jesus an Iho Iledeemer from Hie death sentence, niiilJug pnHxildn the remirrectlmt of the (lend by Hilkfylnu iho ileiiiiinil of Di vine Law iiunliiHt Hie sinner tho resur rection tin Hie men in or agency through which Ihu blessing of the Hiivlor's dentli will reach Adiini and all the fiinillles of the eiulll. Aa we follow Sulut Paul's thought we will sorely be bleiised by bin view of the Gospel. Addressing tlio Goul Ilea, the Apos tle explain Hint for a long time Uod bail "winked" lit rolytheltmi and Image Worship, "but now," he any a, "Uod oiiiiiiundctli all men everywhere to re jieut." Let us note the inclining of these word, How did God "wink" at aln and Idolntry T And does lie atlll "wink" at 11? And why did Ho change and when did Ilu begin to command all uieii to repent T The answer U Hint for four thousand year Idolatry prevailed and God "winked" at or took no notice of It. ne did not "wink" at the Idolater' dy ing In their lgnoraiu'e and any to the devils, "Take these poor creature who Unmv nn b!(r! liwtrt them to all elernltyl" Nothing of the kind. Our forefather merely Imagined thnt and I V false reasoning convinced them selves, and twisted some text of Scripture, which they did not. properly understand In aupport of this theory; and then tbey linndcd It down to Ua to our perpleilty and to tho tenting of our faith lu God. God "winked" at Idolntry and ln for four thousand yenr In the sense of not noticing It, milking no comment nn It. anndlng no reproof, leaving the heathen In their Ignorance, The only except lou to this wan God' dealings with the little uatlon of Isriiel. To the Jews lie gave a Law Covenant, which offered eternal life on Ihu condition of their thorough obedience to the Ilvlue law. the measure of a ptrfn't man't vUilltt, which they were unable to coin ply with; mid hence they died tho same ns did the heathen. All went to the Itlble hell-to Hie tomb to aaeul, lo lr. the shite or condition of death au uiieiniaelon slate, a "sleep." Jaaua the Rdmr. . God waa in uo hast to send tb Re deemer: 412S years elated before Jemis waa born, and thirty yenr more before He began III ministry. Itail It Ik- ii true, a soma aver, that mil Hons, for all those ranturtea wor blind ly stumbling Into etemiil torture for lack of Ilvlnt rvltlou. w may be ni a Hint our gracious God would not have left them without It Who can think or a Just and loving t)oa as rfifno at the going of tulllloua of Ills tretiturett to eternal torture? Hut alnce they men ly "Ml asleep" In death. lie mild very well "wink" at the matter In view of III future plaua, which we will consider shortly. The fuel la that no real offer from ?e'th oniid possibly lie made until the Iteileieptl iii price bnd been provided for tlie original (In under which they were condemned to death. This at the A"tle' ariimnent. via., that "now God roiiiniuiii'etb all men everywhere tore- pent." The no Impllee that He did not command men prenlmiNtT to re . pent: and Hi tuuio why lie iV.il not do so IsTmanlfest, for all the repentlBf they could do and all the righteous Uvlns possible to them would P"t have saved thorn they would have died any way. Hence there could have been no message sent to them, for if the mes senger had come and had said. "Re pent, and llvo contrary to your fallen' tastes and appetites," the people might properly enough have said. "Why, for what reason should we practice self denial, self restraint? Would It bring us any blessing of everlasting life or harmony with God?" The truthful an awer would have been, "No, because yon are already under a death sen tence and alienated from God aa sin ner." Hence. God merely overlooked or "winked" at the Ignorance and super stition of the period from Adam to tbe close of the 4101 years. Hut as soon as Jesus bad died, "tbe Just for the un just," to make reconciliation for lu lqulty Immediately the message went forth-rGod offered forgiveness snd reconciliation to those who would be lieve in Jesus and would accept the Divine terms. Such have their sins forgiven. Such may come back to fel lowship with God. And, In tbe next Age, such may eventually attain full human perfection by restitution proc esses, up, up to all that was lost In Adam and redeemed at Calvary. Qod's Appointed Day, Let ua note carefully what tbe Apos tle says respecting God's appointed Dny for tho Judging of the world. He says thnt tbe command to repent now goes forth to all men everywhere, "be cause God hath appointed a future Day, In which He will Judgo the world." The Apostle does not refer to that Day as already begun, but as merely ap pointed or arranged for In advAnce. He means thnt In arranging that "Jesus, by tho grace of God, should taste death for every man," God wns arranging that every man might have a Judgment or a trial, to determine whether or not he will bo worthy of this blessing which Jesus' death provides him an opportunity to secure. The Dny wns future In Saint Taul's time, and it la atlll future, because God has other work which Ho proposes shall be ac complished drat, beforo thti world's Day of Judgment or trial ahnll begin. Tho world's trial Day or period of Judgment, or testing ns to worthiness or uiiworthlneHg for everlasting llfo, will bo ono of tho thousand-yonr days mentioned by Kiiltit I'eter, who said. A dny with tho Lord la as a thou- amid years." Tho snme period Is call ed elsewhere the "Day of Christ," tho Day or period of Messiah's glorious reign. Ily tho righteous ruling of Ills Kingdom, by the suppression of Sntnn and alu and (he scattering of dark ness, ignorance and superstition, by the shining forth of the Sun of Right eousness with tieallng In lis beams. that glorious Dny will bring blessing to tho world In general opportunity for each Individual to como Into Judg ment or trial, tho result of which will bo either tho reward of life everlast ing or tho punishment of death ever-lnstlng-"overltistlng destruction from the presenco of tho Lord and from tho glory of Ills powor." Thnt great thousnndyenii Dny Is still future; and, meantime, the Apos tle's words respecting mankind are still true: "Tho whole creation gronn eth and travnlleth In pnln together" "waiting for tho manifestation of the sons of God." (Rinnans vlll, 2', 10.) If the nineteen centuries' delay In the Introduction of this great Dny seem long, let us not forget that It Is less than half aa long aa tbe period which preceded tho period prior to the com ing of Jesus and nis dying, "the Just for the unjust." Nor Is tho entire pe riod long from the Dlvlno standpoint for as the Prophet declares: "A thou sand years lu God's sight are but as yesterday," or evsn niiwler, "n a watch In the night" The six grent Dnya of a thousand yenr each, In which aln and death have relgnod, are to be followed by a grent Sabbath of rest from evIKa thousand years of refreshment, relnvlgoriitlon, upbuild ing, restltntlon.-Acta III. 1112,1. "The Mystery of God." The purpose of the nineteen centU' rh- between the time when Jesus died a man's Itedeemer nud the time when Ha will take Ills Throne as the Re storer of Adam and his race la spoken of a a Mystery, because the great work of grace herein accouip'islied Is measurably hidden from the world, The Jew do not undertand It; they expected that Messiah's Kingdom mid their owu nntli, , nl exaltation would have come long ago. They cannot tell now why they hav been for eighteen centuries outcast from the Divine fa vor. It la a mysteiy to them. The Scripture tell us who may know or tiiulerstaiid this Mystery and when It will be tlulslied. They say, "The secret of the Ird is with the in that fear Ulin. and He will show them His Covenant" They tell us that In the days of the voice of the Seventh Augel, when he shall begin to sound, tbe mystery of God shall bs finished," which II hutb kept secret from the foundation of the world. Saint Tsui refers to tbl mystery, saying that It was "bidden from past Age and Dis pensations." snd that It "I now re vvaled to tb saints." He explain what It Is. namely, that w should be felluw-blr and of the sam Body with our Redeemer- Kpheslans III, 0. This clearly means that the entire Church class, sometime called "the Ilody of Christ, which Is tb Church." snd sometimes styled "tbe Rrlda, tbe Lamb'a WIT." la to be sharer with Hi Itedeemer In Hi sufferings of the pres ent life and lu tbe glories of th fu ture. The nearly iiluctceu centuries of this Age. therefor, according to the Scripture, have been for the purpoae, uot of giving the world Its trial for vorlnsHng llf or dtmth, but for th t' J in, letting, tb lctlug or s!ctUig of the Church, and ber perfecting with ber Lord as sharers in "HI resurrec tion." "the First Resurrection." fblllp plans ill, iu; Eeteiatloa x:, 8. We have In the past made two seri ous mistakes respecting tbe Divine pur poses. One was that we assumed with out Scriptural authority that the whole world la now on trial for eternal life, falling to see that it Is merely tbe elect Church, the consecrated cjass. The other mistake Is thut we reasoned us though the Church were port of the world and, therefore, that the trial of ' the Church meant tbe trial of the world. But hearken to tbe Scripture respecting the Church: "T are not of the world, even as I am not of tbe world;" "I have chosen yem out of the world;" and again, "Let iour light so shine before men that they, seeing your good works, mny glorify your Father which is. In heaven" "In the day of ilr tIar(on."-I Tetcr II. 12. Two Different Rewarde. We should notice also the wide dif ference between the rewurd promised the Church and that proffered tho world. In both cages the reward will be everlasting life. In both cases this will mean full harmony with God. be cause "All the wicked will God de stroy." And again we read that "Who soever bath the Son bath life, and whosoever both not the Son shall not see life." So, then, the attainment of everlasting life, either by tbe Church class or by the world, will mean com ing into full harmony with the heaven ly Father and with tbe Lord Jesus, by tbe merit of Christ's sacrifice. It will mean a full turning away from sin and a full devotion to God and to right eousness. Tbe difference will be as to nature. The reward for the world will be earthly nature, human nature, with everlnating life In an earthly Paradise or Eden world-wldo. Mankind never lost a spiritual or ben-'enly condition' through Adam's disobedience, nor in any other manner. He never had such a condition or nature, or a right to It. that be could lose It He was made man, "a little lower than the angels." His crown of glory and honor wns an earthly crown. His dominion was over the bl'ds of tbe nlr. over cattle and over the flail of the sen. This which be lof Jesus paid tho redemption price for nt Cnlvury; and these things lost nro the very things which Jesus nnd His elect Rride will reslort to mankind during tho thousand years of the Mes sianic Kingdom. Thus we rend: "The Son of man cnino to seek nnd to save tnil which tcu losf." Psrtakere of tha Divina Nature. Tho reward of the Church, eternal life, perfection und harmony with God, will bo on the spirit plane wholly different from the hiiniiin. Man lu perfection will again be a llttlo lower than the angels; but the Church, us tho Ilody of Christ, will share with ber Lord lu His exaltation, "fnr above angels, principalities nnd powers and every mime that Is named" tho divine nature. This reward comes to the Church under n special coveunnt of sacrlllce, which the llllilo specifies. This Church class, like her Lord, must sftcrliloe the earthly nature, earthly Interests, hopes and alma, aud must be begotten of the Father to a heavenly, spiritual nature. In order to be a sharer In the First Resurrection; and alio must enter Into her reward be fore the Messianic Kingdom can be es tablished for the blessing of mankind In general the saving of the world from sin aud from death. Thus the Apostle wrote that the groaning creation "waits for the mani festation of the sons of God." (Romans vlll, 10.) "Now are we the sons of God, but It doth not yet appear what we ahnll be (bow glorious, bow greuti, but we know that wh'eu He shall ap pear we shall be like Him." Our res urrection change will make us like the Savior; as It written, "We bIiiiII all be changed, In, a moment, In a twin kling," been u so "flesh and blood can not nlieiit tho Kingdom of heaven." "Commandeth All to Rpant." Como buck ngnln to Saint Paul's words. Hu does uot sny that God commiisaVd the Church to anrrllce, for If Biicrllloo were a rommusd It would cense to bo a sacrlllce. Nowhere lire God's people commanded to present their bodies living sncrlllces, nor to walk lu the footsteps of Jesus, nor to take up the cross nud follow Ulin. To the saintly these sncrltlclng features are set forth u n piii ileint-as an op portunity. If they do the thlugs Hie Divine arrangement Is that through the Imputation of Christ's merit their sacrltlco will be holy and acceptable unto God, nud they will IV granted m share with the llcdfcmcr In Ills tilth exnltntlon-the reward of sncrlhVe. of self denial, of loving, voluntary serv ice to God. tbe truth and (he brethren. Rut to the world lu general the Lord Issues a command, vtt., I!ent; turn from your sins; coin back to Me: seek My face; seek to kuow aud do My will Tbe basis of this command Is the Di vine declaration that Uod' grnce baa provided redemption In the blood of jeans, n. rciieiiiHMoj throusb Wirt blood, and that by nnd by the wool world will J on trial tor lif or death everlasting. In great Day of trial, whh Uod has ordained and over I which Christ and th Church will u perils, aa Judges. Whoever come to a knowledge of this great Dlvlu arrangement through Christ baa an Incentive to 1U right eously, aoberly and godly lo this pres ent time. Whoever hears and heed this command la laying up for himself a good treasure of character and prep aration for his life or death trial lu the great Judgment Day of th Mcfdanlc Kingdom. Whoever tguores this knowl edge and "sow to th flesh" will find hliiKelf reaping to the Uwh further weakueMS. further degradation nnd se verer itrlpe or punishment lu that I ml UiouMiid )r Judgment Day. . I its ' r :fzrr ALCOHOL 3 PEN CENT. AVcgclabtePrcpanaionrorAs similatdig trteFoodamJRctjiita lingUicSioiinriisaiulliOTclsi Promotes DigpstionflicerfJ ness and RestontaLi; neiUvr OpiimtMorphine nor Mineral. NOT NAIIC OTIC. Atyimtdidiksammm jtUSmta JkUltUtt- UiatmikSiii Ane rfeel Remedv forCoreflpt- Hon , Sour Stoinach.Dlarrtaw WorrasfonvulswnsJevtns ness arulLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of . NEW YORK. 3 Exact Copy of Wrapper, s ure to please wholesome A Iways an and delightful drink, L ends strength wearied physique, ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, E 'akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart. M rings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation, E E nlivens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened, ndows existence with hopes and aspirations sstores man to fulness of strength and activity, Pianos and Organs from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. 1 GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. GEO. C. WILL SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW. General Grocery Store W also carry a full Un of drugs and stamp. For Infants and Children. aa a 1 lie iiuu luu Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature 'of Use For Over Thirty Years th.e lovers of a beverage, invigorating, pure to the weak and A AV In VHI ITU MKMUt, tW TOSS CtT. HMtH MltllllHIDHHtu,,; Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking Machines A full stock of Records. CEO. C. WILL latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. j GEO. C. WILL 4m, M cigar, tobacco, candy, palnta, Phone 761 1 1 f V T t tt . T-V--l sJ ssV ri ' ' I" ' " 'rTMSwasjcfc,. COLONIST FARES TO ALL POINTS IN OStSON, DOILV MARCH 1 TO APRIL IS, 1912 oven THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC FARM FROM CHICAOO ST. LOUIS OMAHA KANSAS CITY ST. PAUL - $53.00 31.00 ss.oo 89.00 10.00 fflOM OTHU OITIM OOHRsWONDINGLT LOW Co I on lit Famarr WINT-HOtM)onIv, but they i-nn h prepaid I nun ny point. If joo liure frin(ln or n'lntlvun in the f, nt who d iro to "(iet Hark to (he Farm," you con dcpmlt the fare with nur local Bcnt nn) ft ti-kit will t telnriihi'd toanr atltlnHH rlo lirtMl, TCnllon thu atnle migned for good in it ructlve liter Atar to Head Kat. m l m, bti rwniv Ait rORIUNB, ORKOH iMM V When at Go to BOWERS rV w : ebb !" y -.- rr M m m m Sv-.nw wl i ' ' F. P. WILLIAMS, Low Colonist Fares Daily March 1 st Anromis on urcgon Liecmc itaiiw y PROM Chicago ClnclnnaU Milwaukee St Louis New York...' Detroit St. faul , ... 25.00 Kansas City 25.00 Omaha 25.00 From other eastern points in proportion. Tell your friends in tho East of this opportunity of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great Northorn and "North Bank" and Oregon Electric Hallways. You can deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in tho East. Details will be furnished on request. W. E. COMAN, Gen'l Frt. & raw. Agent. C. .E. ALBIX, Portland, Ore. Gcn'l Agent, Salem, Ore. Buy Your Watch! from a Reliable Jeweler It la an easy matterto buy a watch but to the ordinary man It la not w easy matter to buy a GOOD watch. Nine times out of ten a man buys the watch the Jewelor tries to sell him. Therefore U should be the care of every man when he wishes to purchase a watch to go to the beat jeweler In town. ' It you are In doubt as to who it the leading Jeweler In Salem, ask any of your friend. Vi ask a number of them "ho they think la the beat Jejweler In town-90 per cent of them you will find will answer , BARR3-Well, come here and buy your watch. Barr's J ewelry Store V .1 M?M M Portland the Rates $1,00 up, Break fast and' lunch 50c, Din ner $1,00, Also a la Carte service in grill, One block from Oregon Elec tric on 11th and Wash ington streets, Salem make our house their headquarters, formerly with Marion to April 1 5th, to t $33.00.. 37.90 31.50 32.00 60.00 38.00 Dea Moines 27.85 Indianapolis 35.65 Denver 25.00 4Mt4 fl