PACK TWO. BirtT cifital jorxiiL, balkx, omcoj, ttesdat. march 12, isis. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFER, Editor and Proprietor. K. M. HOFEH, Manager idant Nwapapr Onoted to American Principle tad ti Pimiw and Development of All Oregon naaaftal Bran Errata Except SuixUr. 8aJn. Or. ""fCaiPT10N RATES! (Jnrariablr In Advance) Datr. fcr Carrier, par yr . (.00 Per month Daflr.b Mall per rear-- 4-00 Pet month Mail, ear yew 1.00 Six monUi-. FULL LEASKO WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT toe t "Tr-4- FOOLISH CITY BUILDING. The mistake of laying cheap pavements on principal streets of Salem will be paid for dearly. A bad pavement stops improvements, and all advance in the value of property. How much will property advance on Mission street, with its deep macadam mud? No good improvement will be made on a street that has con crete that is crumbling. Ninety cents a yard will not build a good pavement, as prop erty owners will learn to their sorrow. The fly-by-night, non-resident contractor has no reputation to maintain, and gives no bond. When smaller cities are laying only the best standard pave ments, the beautiful Capital City must have the worst. o THE RECORD OF THE COUNTY COURT. When all other taxing bodies have gone the limit, the county court has held back. Marion county has the lowest county levy of any valley coun ty, and the court Bhould be sustained. Judge Bushey and Commissioner Beckwith should be renom inated. With a reckless county court our taxes would have gone to 40 mills this year. If the farmers and the small property owners do not sustain this county court they will pay dearly for it. The banker and business man can make back the high taxes they pay. The laborer and the man 'ho tills the soil must dig for their money direct. If they desire they can uphold a conservative court, and they should do it. Elect a city lawyer to the of lice of county judge, and the first demand will be a higher salary. The high salary does not insure good government, but higher tf.X'f), The Capital Journal has done its duty in warning the people against higher taxes. If they turn down the men who have made a good record for low taxes, they deserve no sympathy. o rUBLIC DOCKS AT SALEM. The greatest need of Salem at present is public docks. Salem is getting railroads and is growing in business import ance. Salem is bound to become a great distributing center for the Willamette valley. Snlom is bound to build up a great deal of manufacturing. With railroads running east and west and north and south, with trans-continental lines and interurban lines, Salem is sure to be a jobbing center. With the establishment of free locks and canal at Oregon City the entire Willamette valley will become a manufacturing re gion. Now is the time for the city to take up the securing of publicly-owned docks on the river. With three railroads operating on Front street, the time has ome to secure dockage that shall be open. to the people. Mayor I-nchmund gave this matter some attention, and the t it v council turned down his plans of procedure. The matter should be taken up again, and water frontage and public docks should now be acquired. TUP TEXT- BOOK COMMISSION ' The last text-book commission just about doubled the burdens of ihn people fo: school books. Children staggered to school with an armful of expensive school books and contraptions. . The most outrageous job ever put up on the people was en acted by the school book commission. The people had supplied their children with good new books but a short tme before. The chldren and teachers were just becoming used to them, when they were mostly changed. ' No one asked for the changes, but the school book manufac turers. The merchants had to lay in enormous stocks of the new books and tho additional books. The poorer clnss of people had to pay the bill. There is no recall on the text-book commissioners, and Gover nor West should not reappoint them. It would be a shame to name these men to the public, they rnicht do them injury. But the new text-book commission ought not go in to rob the jieople for a lot of cormorant publishers. Thero ought also to have been a little regard for the fact that children ought to learn the common branches. o- THE FREE RURAL MAIL, Salem business men are not opposed to a limited parcels post on the rural free delivery route?. Such a system as is outlined in tho resolution below would in crease the business of local merchants ten per cent. It would be a great accommodat ion to the public living on the frw rural mail routes, and would earn money for the govern ment. Out of 400,000 free rural routes established in this country only 100 of thim are carrying full capacity, '!'? rer.t are only currying 25 per cent of what they might carry, and could handle parcels lioth ways with present equip ment. Following resolution was offered by editor of The Capital Journal, and will bo further discussed: "Resolved, That we endorse the limited parcels post with a maximum weight of 11 pounds and a maximum charge of 25 cents, to Iw confined to business originating on rural mail routes and ro delivery beyond the route itself, the minimum charge to be 10 cents for the first five pounds and 5 cents addition for each two pounds or fraction thereof." o . ' ' ' BUSINESS MEN FOR ROOSEVELT. It wn a surprise that out of thirty Salem business men only twelve should have been for Taft, ten for Roosevelt and three or La MMte. It was an unexpected development of the progressive and in digent strength in tho stronghold of Taft sentiment, the state capitol. It seems the free rural mail carriers are pretty strong for Roosevelt, according to their paper, the R. F. I). News. As a matter of fact, the only candidate for whom laboring men, regardless of politics, have any enthusiasm is Roosevelt. The rest of the Republican and Democratic candidates belong to the professional and exploiting class. DOCTRINE IS FAR REACIIIilG AND DANGEROUS Minn rim uud wiu. Washington. March 11. What Chief Justice White, of the United States supreme court branded as "far reach ing and dangerous doctrine," was de livered today by the United States su preme court when It dealt a severe blow to "cut rate' stores by holding that the sale or use or patented ar tides contrary to the license restric tions prescribed by the patentee is in infringement of patent JusUce Lamar, and Hughes, as well as the chief justice, dissented to the majority opinion of the court, which was delivered by Justice Lur- ton. The opinion was rendered In the case of the Dick company, mimeo graph manufacturers, against Sidney Henry.'a sale agent who was alleged to have used on Dicks machines ink manufactured by a rival, which was contrary to the Dick license. The court ruled: "Patents are a statutory monopoly and congress alone is empowered to change law limiting a patentee's rights." Chief Justice White in dissenting said: "This majority opinion curtails the right of society. Everyone knows there is now widespread limitation to use and price of patented articles. I bought a razor recently and found I had infringed on the patent, accord Ing to this decision, by paying the price asked which was below that prescribed by the patentee. Who can predict how far this practice will spread with the sanction now given Dy tne court?" In his opinion Chief Justice White Bald In part: "The ruling now made In effect Is that the patentee has the power by contract to extend his patent rights to bring within the claims of his pat ent tnings not embraced thereln.thus virtually legislating by causing the patent laws to cover subjects thev could not otherwise reach. The re sult Is not only to multiply the mo nopolies at the will of the interested party but to destroy the Jurisdiction of state courts over subjects which nave been within their rights. "The patentee Belling a patented engine now has the right, by con tract, to bring under the patent laws all contracts for coal and electricity uhpq 10 airera power to work his ma chine. Take patented cooking uten sils. The power is now recognized to bind by contract on who buys a utensil to use It in connection with no other food supply but what the patentee sells. My nund cannot stave off a dread of the vast extension of such practices which must follow." I hose advocating the doclslon had a majority of only one and as one seat, that of Justice Day. was va cant, the majority decision was real ly rendered by a minority of the en tire court. Attorney General Wloker sham, In commenting on the decision, said: "It opens the possibility of a pat ent monopoly beyond anything I ever inougnt was in its soopn. It Is most drastic In Its administrations of the patent law, one of tho most lmDort- ant, and which affects the entire pub lic. ENDS INDIGESTION STOMACH MISERY OR THE DYSPEPSIA Nothing will remain undirected or sour on your stomach If von will inU a little Dlaimpaln occasionally. - This poweriui digestive and antacid, though as harmless and nleajuuit candy, will digest and prepare for assimilation Into tho blood all the food you ran eat Eat what your stomach rnvu without the slightest fenr of In ill na tion or that you will be bothered with sour risings, belching, gas on stomach, heartburn, headaches from stomach, nausea, bad breath, water brash or a feeling like you had swal lowed a lump of lead, or other dis agreeable miseries. Should you be suffering now from any stomach disorder, you enn get relief within live minutes. If you will get from vour nhnrnm- clst a 60-cent case of Tape's Dtapep- sm you could always go to the table with a hearty aimetlte. uul vnnr meals would taste good, because you would know there would be no Indi gestion or sleepless nlKlits or head acho or stomach misery all the next any; nnd. besides, you would not ued laxatives or liver pills to keep yoitr stomach and bowels clean and fresh. Tape's Dlapepsln can be obtained from your drugKiHt, and contains more than sulllclent to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or dyspepsia. There is nothing better for gas on the stomach or sour odors from the stomach or to cure a stom ach headnch. You couldn't kCCD a hamlUr nr imr useful article In the house, i Don't Kevlert rhlld's Congo. Tho "Child's Welfare" movement has challenged the attention of thoughtful people everywhere. Moth ers are natural supporters, and will find In Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound a most valuable aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bronchitis and pneumonia yield Quickly to the healing and soothing qualities ot Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no opiates and no harmful druRS. Is a medicine, not a narcotic RnftiM uhatiiutM ii-i Cross rharmary. Qui . Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chatnrwrlaln'a Liniment. Not one case of rheumatism In ten requires anr Internal treatment hit. rer. This liniment la for sale hv all dealers. TESTIMONY OF FJVEVOMEU Proves That Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound Is Reliable. Beedville, Ore. "I can truly recom mend Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all women who are passing through the Change of Life, as it made me a well woman alter surf enn? three years. Mrs. Mary Booubt, Reedville, Oregon. New Orleans, La. "When passing through the Change of Life I was MriM,Roryi troubled with hot flashes. 1 weak and dizzy spells and backache. 1 was not fit for anything until I took Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound which Proved worth its weight ftT. ! ,J . tf w m ,;vv' J ingoiu tome. -aini.vjAa-lJ'ZA TON BLONDEAU, 1641 Po- lymnia bt, New Orleans. Mishawaka.Ind.-" Wo men passing through the Change of Life can take nothing better than Lydia B. rinKnam s vegetable Compound. I am recom mendingittoallmy friends ruMUMaa ef wVinf it Vina tMi 1 done forme. "-Mrs.CHAS, U 'i I Bauer, B23 E. Marion St, misnawaKa, ina. Alton Station.Kv.-"For Ife'J" I offered from b" ' i -fj troubles in consequence of my age and thought I could not live; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me well and I want other suffering women to know about it Mrs. Eh ma Bailey. Alton i fctation, Ky. ucisem, no. Dak. "1 was passing through Change of Life and felt very bad. I could not sleep and was very nervous. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health ana i would not be without it" Mrs. F. M. Thorn, Deiscm, No. Dak. fe MnOn BKvrJS Kit M Thorn J THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION.' Much Sickness One to Bowel DIsor dors. A doctor's first question when consulted by a patient is, "Are your uoweis regular?" Ho knows that 98 per cent of Illness Is attended with Inactive bowels and torpid liver, and mat tnls condition muBt be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall Orderlies are a positive. pleasant, and safe remedy for consti pation and bowel disorders in gen eral. We are so certain of their great curative value that we promise to return the purchasers money in every case when they fall to produce entire satisfaction. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, they act quietly, and aid In producing a soothing, strengthening, healing Influence on the entire in testinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence, ex cessive looseness, diarrhoea, or other annoying effect. They are especially good for children, weak persons, or old folks. Three sizes, 10c, 2iic and 50c. Sold at our store The Rexall Store. J. C. Terry. KILL ELK ON THE WAY TO OREGON DNITBD rRKSS LIARID WIM.) 8t Anthony. Ida.. March 12Th only two full-grown bull elks ever snipped out of the Jackson Hl country are now speeding on their way to Oregon. Thev nr tii era ot the herd of 15 selected by nuuo uaiue n anion w. J. Flnley, for Wallowa county. Neither of them has tnWn win.n. to the treatment to which they have oeeu suujocted since they were en ticed Into a corral, then fareed lnlr narrow crates on sleds, hauled 80 miles over the roughest mountain pass in tne west to be loaded Into a box car for the next to the final ion of their long Jurney. Dccause one of them Is always belligerent and grits his teeth, he has been dubbed Roose velt. His more peaceably inclined brother Is known as Taft Ohildron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A If you keep your mouth Bhut you won't have to eat your own words. u Consumption Anyone liitcreatt-tl In Hie cure of Con' mnpll.iM hiiilil get one ( the booklets tolling of I'eooverlea by the ue of Kt'k Diiin'a Allfintlve. 1'ouitli. tiliililiom (Villi slid Pneu monia uiy he. the beulnuhiu of more lotion Ironhlen-Krkimin'i Alterative U the elTiM'tlve. remedy. Iejul Mr. Kannly's tnlo.iii-nt: MurntouA, N. i. "Ilentlemen: For five or till years I wni tronliled with enntfh nnd expootorn. tlon. I nIko hml a liluli fever. My rnne " (leehireil l'imilnillon by lllv pliynl clmi. 1 wn nlven Coil l.lver Oil, Crennute ami other nieillelne. all without tionetlt. "At t'lirlHlnma time, ltM), I wit not Fliireteil to live. CiiIIIiik lir. it 11. Mo 'nhy, he nilvlneil the ne of K'kmmi'i Al'e-tle, which 1 took with excellent re nltfl Mm! wn entirely enreil. "Inirlng the ptml year 1 have gained 15 lb I no out In all wenthein anil have had no eonuU or eolil whatever. I slve tlieiie fiii-1a to encourage otuvra to uae Ki-knnin'H alterative," IMIsneil AttMavlil JAN. W. KANAI.Y. KrkinMn'a Alterallvo la effective. In Itron. elmia. Alhina, H Fever; Throat ami l ulls' Tnittlilea. ami tn tiibitlhllu the ?rs'."'-. !vrrs act rrrtr,!!: ,nte or hahlt-foruilng itniKa. Ak for' booklet of cured cae ami write to Kckman Ijllwatorv, I'hllaili'lphla, l'a . for wore evt-eeoi-e. Kor nalt by all leadlaf (lru-(laU aid J. C. Perry. GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, If ARCH 1JTH JOK WEDER PRESKNT9 The collosnal triumph ot ths past Tear In Pari and N'ew Ymk Geo. V. Hobart's English Version ALMA? lflM a.. V Where do you live o Dy Paul Harve. Music bv Jean Drluuet. With Charles A. Murray, NannetU Hack, Aubrey Yates and a Great Oast rrlce-0r, 11.00, $U Boats on Sale Tuesday, March 11. ' Anyway, the Democrats feel cer tain of electing the delegates to the national Democratic convention though the chances are that some of these elected will be like Saxe's vir gins at the masquerade ball only half of what they represented. Knthtnir Anntr In fha matter nt Scott discovering the south pole. He oas not claimed to nave rouna it, dui his friends maek the claim for him. Is he in the Cook class? The Astorian has an editorial on the "nerverted rvne " We nlvnvit knew there was something the mat ter witn tms type but tne newspa per men use descriptive language to descriha tho maastiv thlno-o that sounds like Moses breaking the tab lets or stone. Selling's petition is larger than Bourne's, but so far the proceedings are only in the straw ballot class. Mr. Fields, of Multnomah county, who has held the office of county Clerk for 10 veAra hellevea In rota tion In office as applied to himself ana wouia rotate into the secretary of state's office. The horse, editor, realizing that there are not offices. uuuurs ana emoluments to go round, somehow feels that the nolltlenl in cubator Is entitled to fresh eggs oc casionally, and that there are some who have not held office 10 years or at all who might beglven a chance. Mr. Fields Is popular, and no aouot emclent, but has given enough of his life to the state. e The horse editor suggests that owners of vacant lots especially in the BUbUrbs. allow thnaa In Snlom who care to do so, to raise garden siun on the lots. It would not harm the property, but would make It more sightly. , Round triD to Run Franelaen IK and the glory of helping select the site for Oregon exhibit at the Pana ma exposition tickets good until April 1. Sav It's rheAner Minn staying at home. If the paper did n. M 1 1L . 1 . uui. uwu me norse euitor s services, he would be temnted tn en If h had the price. Mrs. Carter snvs ahn la onmlnc tn the coast again. If she does, It is sincerely hoped that she will have some kind of play that doesn't ex ploit the selacious nnd nenmv nlilo nf life, and that she tern some atten tion to tne artistic requirements of the play, Instead of devoting it to Studying OUt new noses fnr illanlnv. Ing her figure. eat Mrs. Carter savs she does not renrl the unfriendly criticism of her act ing, ii sne am, sue might profit thereby and improve her parts though it Is hard tn tench nn nlil dog new tricks. 0 CASTOR I A for Infanta and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of &fiffl&fa r x I Salem Fence Works 1 Headquarters for WO YEN mm FENCING HOP WIRE BARB MIRE i POULTRY NETTING SHINGLES HALTH0ID ROOFING P. B. and READY ROOFING t ah at the lowset prices i CHAS. D. MULLIGAN t 2i0 Court Street Phone. 101 J -MMM -MM. .....(i HH, Hi. , COLD DCSTFIOUR Vd by the SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon Made for Family Use t Ask yonr grorcr for It. Bran I and Shorts always on hand. i t . P. B. WALLACE, Agent I TOME IN REACH yHyiij -..-' I n 1 1 sr IVX ' 1 AND SICKNESS DON'T CHUM TO DE HAPPY KEEP WELL USE ONLY DR. KING'S NEWDISCOVERYbrougiitI TO CURE 1 JOY COUGHS AND COLDS T0 whooping cough Millions AND ALL DISEASES OF THROAT AND LUNGS Prlc 50e and $1.00 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY i. U fJSJUil. BACK TO THE 11 j5 'if COLONIST FARES TO u poisTa in oacaoN, daily MARCH 1 TO APRIL 18, 1912 OVM THK SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33.00 32.00 26.00 25.00 2S,00 CHicaao ... ar. louit ... OMAHA .... KANSAS CITT . T. PAUL ... (Vilonl.t Fun n. Wr-:sT-llorM,,. bnt tlioy can bo prepaid fmm any pi.lni. fr01, h,"".'r '.,;Vl"".r rt-ltlvw lnII,i.Fltw"o'.l," Cructlvo I ll eralnro to uad Ka.t. wit i won, fawii fmnur A(iit, rSRnxw, (mm t HIIMIIItlllttllHtttMlltMHtHltllMIIIIMtt SAVE YOURSELF There is no reason why you should X always be a slave. If you are desirous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk ard's grave, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug habit. Hot Lake mineral baths prepare the body for the treatment and then sooth the nerves and actually remove the desire for the. Hiiuor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes In Oregon and Washing ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot Lalw treatment One week will In most cases effect a cure. Sometimes longer la re quired, but not often. The beat of care Is given the patient. For full Information, address , Hot Lake Sanatorium, "tig WALTEB M. PIEBCE Pres. and Mgr. mMutiittmti i.itt,a HrfHrM t The Fuel a ivy USEW1VES ATTENTION! Question onteJm0W lllal nei IT ol coke cmt on heat a, IS" " " Cal anJ Do vou also realize how much cleaner it is and more tee, i, desited. . sh.w yC ft tTJ"tt PortlandRajlwayLight& PowerCo. mmTTTTHHHTTTTHf