i l A . ' vf f IR mot on M A d ' 1 jOL. XXII. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 12. 1912. NO. FEME! PODNDINfi II II II I I F 1 urn mm POLICE HA flBPUT ED HEDGE CLASHES SITUATION G Prussian Senator Her Von Puttkamen, a Former Governor, Advocates the "Mailed Hand" Treatment of the Miners Fails to See the Handwriting on the Wall "That the People of the Civilized World Can No Longer Be Governed, Save With Their Own Consent"--lf This Policy Is Adopted It Means Revolution. CNITBD FRI9S tASD WIRI. Berlin, .March 12. Fierce clashes between the minors and the police to day marked the great coal strike. The most serious was at Haniborn, Dussel dorg, where the police charged a crowd and sabered a score of persons. The mines In Eastern Westphalia are completely tied up today. Speaking In the Prussian senate, Herr Von Puttkamen, former gover nor, bitterly attacked the miners, and endeavored to arouse feeling against and punish them. He demanded that the government end the strike, no matter how drastlo measures it had to adopt to crush the miners. fvlLEX HEIGHTS' CLUB I HAS MEETING TONIGHT Salem Heights Development league' Des Moines, la., March 12. Twen one of the most wide awake organ- ty-four of the 39 counties In Iowa izntions In the valley, will hold its tlmt nave hel(j Republican conven regular semi-monthly meeting In tlons, have decided upon solid Taft their hall at Salem Heights this delegations to the state convention evening at 7:30 and Invites all Salem at Qiar Rapids April 24, according folks who feel like taking a little t0 figures compiled here today. trip over the South Commercial line, Eight counties have named solid to come out and visit them. The Cummins delegations and one dele hall is within , a few yards of the gate Is instructed for RooBevelt. Two terminus of the track and Is a large, others have sprinkled Roosevelt men roomy, comfortable hall that will give you a surprise to Bee how pro gressive the Salem Heights people are. The hall was built for Just such purposes as the meeting of the club, and all other gatherings In the In terest of Salem Heights. If you can't go ymlght, take a run out any time and then "Watch Salem Heights grow." U. 3alem and Vicinity;" Prob ably fair tonight and Wednesday. H$rO X Eaaera- , willis u moore. aw. V nim-rvnl on Uikcn at 8 a. m.. .Mil menninn lime, Viwm- - of mual air pressure. Iwihenn. (duili'd lines) pos. ihrouuu rwlnu of equal lempcralure, O ; Q partly cloudy O cloudy; rain: anow; report mlsalnr Arrowa fly with tbe wind. Int flgurca. lowtu,m-H-rature past U honra; accond. preclplutlon of.Ol lucb or mors for pa.t 34 Hours; tulrd. maximum wind loclty. Forecast Till, 5 . m. 1Vdnedy. Oregon: Fair northwest, pccaslonal rain or snow south and east portions tonight and Wednesday. North fast to northwest winds, high along the coast. Shippers' Forecast Protect shipments as far north aa Seattle against minimum temperature, of about 34 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 24 degrees; southeast to Boise, 24 degrees; south to Siskiyou. 30 degree.. Minimum temperature at Portland tonight, about 36 degre.. Rlter Forecast The Willamette river at Portland will remain nearly .ta.lon.ry ''tw For.ca.ter. RBE GEIhI nEOFS WORD TO A! III ALL THE DISTRICTS SHOW IS OAIIGER0DS Herr Von Puttkamen declared that there were enough Btrike-breakers to work the coal mines If the govern ment would protect them. "Under the pressure of the Social ists,' said Herr Puttkamen, "Germany is rushing toward a revolution. The Socialists openly announce their de sire for a republic. Their demands are bringing the country near a state of terrorism. The time has come when the government must adopt the sternest measures,- and- the nation saved. Replying to Herr Putkamen, the So cialist members of the senate defend ed the right of the miners to strike. IOWA DELEGATION WILL BE FOR TAFT n their delegations, while four coun- ties failed to Instruct their delegates. j , The Color Scheme Did It. Portland, Ore., March 12. Because Perry Harvey, of Falrvlew, who has brown eyes, hair, clothes, and loves tho color, he is apt to get Into trouble. ' His wife charges he deserted her for c brown-eyed, brown-haired slator. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. WILLIS U MOORE. Chief. EXPLANATORY NOTKS. striker S GORE '. ''" , Presidential Primary. ' . Boston, March 12. Governor Foss today . announced that he would sign the presidential prl- mary bill which passed both houses of the legislature. The bill provides for a prl- mary at which the electors shall vote for candidates for preBl- dent, vice-president, for dele- gates to the national conven- tlons and for candidates for state offices. The vote on the presidential and vice-preslden- tlal candidates shall be binding on the Massachusetts delegates to the national conventions. IS AFTER THE SUGAR OFFICIALS UNITED STATES ATTORNEY DE MANDS THE IMPRISONMENT OF THE SUGAR TRUST OFFICIALS NOW ON TRIAL IN SEW YORK- New York, March 12. A direct de mand for the lmprisonmnnt of sugar trust officials, charged with crushing the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining company out of existence, was made In behalf of the government today by United States Attorney Wise. The sugar trust officials, after months of delay, went on trial yesterday before United States Judge Hand. It Is ex pected the trial will drag along for weeks. The defendants are Washington Thomas, president of the American Sugar Refining company; John Par- 8ona formerly legal director of the trust; Arthur Donner and George Frazler, directors, and Thomas Harned, a Philadelphia luwyer. The accused men were Indicted June 19 190!). Adolph, Segal, an alleged victim of the trust wil be the gp,vormnent'e chief witness. point d I'xf. ,,,. . frpiiin. up n drawn ouly for ro, rree.ing. wr, an. 1 ' Coal Miner May Strike, ' . ' New York, March 12. Mine owners of the - anthracite fields tomorrow will formally reply to the demands of the miners for Increased pay and better work- Ing conditions. In response to a general belief that their answer will be unsatisfactory to the men, a general advance In coal prices went Into effect today. It Is believed a strike - la almost sure to come. .'' 1 Wind Is Terrific and in Some Places Is of Hurricane Pro portions, Doing Great Dam age to Orchards. LOS ANGELES IS DELUGED Streets Are River, and Ituln Keep Falling Same Story Come. From All Parts of Southern California Damage Done Is- t'ounterlioliioeed a Hundredfold br the Immense Benefit of I'nexpected Rain. (ONIT.0 PRIMS LEASED WIRH. Carpenterla, Cal., March 12. A hurricane swept Carpenterla today, wrecking a score of small buildings and uprooting several hundred fruit trees. The damage aggregates sev eral thousand dollars. No lives were lost. In Santa Ilarliini. Santa Barbara, Cal., March 12. The mobt terrific wind of the season is sweeping Santa Barbara channel today. Minor damage hits been done In the city, and oichards have suf fered heavily. A driving rain fell throughout the morning Itulu lit Sun I'edro. Sun Pedro, Cal,, March 12. With the barometi-r constantly fulling here, storm warnings were sent out today. Few TmBeU ventured outside the hmtior. A steady rain foil through out the mornliiL'. Seafaring men predict the heulest Hlorin of the year. Streets Are Rivers, x) Angeles, March 12. Deluges of rain throughout the early part of the day made Impassable river, of the streets In the business section of tho city. Traffic on many side streets was ImpoxHlble. Conditions Indieaeted rain throughout the night. CloiidliurNt at Ventura. Ventura, Cal., March 12. A cloud burst that flooded scores of home, and stores here today caused damage estimated at 125,000. Three Inches of rain fell In three hours In the hills near Ventura. Flood at Oxnurd. Oxnanl, Cal., March 12. The low lands around Oxnard are threatened today with a flood that would do Im- mense damage to crops. The Southern Pacific railroad tracks between Ventura and Norhnff are reported washed out In two places. Torrents of rnln are fulling The Santa Clara river Is rising rapidly; bridges are being strengthened along Us course. o- , Rebels Are Runt. frXITKD PI:rH I.RASKD Willi! Nogales, Ariz., March 12. A large force of rebel. Is todoy encamped at Carroaziila, near here, and Is planning an attack upon Mexican Nogales. It I. rexirted that the rebel leader will demand the surrender of th city March 15. But 75 federal defender comprise the garrison. B 6 Silly VISITS THE FRUIT GELT PfliMO BY VM , GIG SOP MTU m CF 37 69100 TO PIECES 4 . Miijr End the Strike. ; Lawrence, Mass., March 12. With a committee of strikers 4 conferring In Boston with Pres- 4 4 ldent .Wood of the American Woolen company regarding the 4 4 ending of the big textile strike, 4 4 absolute quiet prevailed here to- 4" day. , The striker, momentarily 41 expect word from the commit- 4 4 tee that the differences between 4 the owners and operatives have 4 been amicably adjusted. 4 4 It "was announced today that 4 the Btrlke committee would Is- 4 4 sue a report soon showing the 4 4 receipts and the rellof expendl- 4 4 tures made during the life of 4 4 the Btruggle. 41 4- 4 4 -I' 4 444 4 WILL OPEO SOfl NICE LAW POIIITS IF STATE OF NEVADA FO It KIDS AITKOPUIATIOJr OF WATEU FOR OREGON LANDS, LOUIS KILL WILL GET A JOLT FROM ORE GOX. Being advised that the state of Ne vaila Is Inclined to deny to E. B. Hill the right to appropriate water within It. boundary line for the irrigation of land situated in Oregon, Engineer Lewis today today stated that, should It finally decide to do so, that he will retllate by declining to grant to Hill the right to appropriate wuter In this state to Irrigate land located In Ne vada. Prior to the lust session of the leg islature It was Incumbent upon tho engineer to grant applications for the appropriation of water as long as It was regular, whether the lund was lo cated In Oregon or any of the adjoin Ing states. The legislature, however, passed a law giving him the right to reject applications for appropriations of water to Irrigate lunds In other states, unless the states in question would reciprocate, and this may ha the first Instance under the lnw where the engineer will avail hliriBelf of the right to exercise the authority delegated htm by statute. WILL CHECK RAPACITY OF INVENTORS UNITSI1 I'llKHS I.KAHKTt WIIIK.) Washington, March 12. With the design of meeting the situation created by the United States supreme courts decision of yesterday which practically places all Industries of the country at the mercv of nnten- Ue.)reB,.ntnt,ve Murtn Utt,l(m Is to Initiate congressional action lit omu, Littleton will introduce a bill In the house amending the patent laws by limiting the restrictions pat entees may place upon the use of tho Inventions they control. o American Aristocrats, San Francisco, March 12. The 12 Sun Franciscans put In the charmed list of American aristocrats by Nich- oil. are: Mr.. Win. II. Crocker, Mr. and Mr. Peter I). Martin (Neolrlch), Mr. and Mrs, Clisrle. Templeton Crocker, Mis. Jennie Crocker, Mr. and Mr.. William R. Crocker, Ml. Kthel Crocker, Mr. and Mr. Theo. Roosevelt, Jr., Mr, Brugtile Reame Louis. WITIliU GALLIHG OF SHORE BUT BEY000 HID THE mm FIGHTS FOR LIFE Men on Board Have Shouted to Sailors Have Been Swept Overboard, and the Vessel Is Pounded Full of Holes 0th er Vessels First Reported in Danger Are Standing by to Give All Asistance Possible Looks As Though There Was Little Hope of Saving Any of the Crew. ' nNITSD FRIB. UCiSID WIRI.l Gavlota, Cal., March 12. Jammed against the rock within shouting distance of the shore, the Associated Oil company, steamer Rosecran. I. being pounded by heavy sea. today, and her crew Is In grave danger. Men on the stranded . vessel' have shouted ashore that two cjf Ihelr num ber already have been Vwaahed Into the sea and drowned. Their name, could not be understood. ; The crew Is working valtantly to keep out the wuter'. that Is pouring In at a dozen holes torn by the rocks. Seamen here doubt It the vessel can be saved. The associated OH' full-rigged ship Fall, of Clyde, which attempted to rescue the Rosecrans, came perilous ly near following the larger ship on the rocks. She was saved through skilful seamanship. An unidentified steam schooner, an swering the Rosecrans' call, for help, arrived, off Gavlota shortly before noon, and Btood by to render any pos sible help. A heavy sea Is running and a driz zling rain fell throughout the morn ing. The barometer Is falling, and It Is feared that a storm Is coming In from the sea. Went on Rocks Early Today, Santa Barbara, Cal., March 12. One member of the crew Is known to have perished when the Associated Oil com pany's steamer Rosecrans went on the rcfiks off Gavlota, SO miles northwest of Santa Barliurn, at 4 o'clock this morning. Messages from Uuvlota calling for aid were caught by the United States torpedo boat squadron, which wns ly ing off Santa Barbara, and the entire fleet started at full speed for the seeno of the wreck. A special relief train also started to the scene of the wreck from Sun Luis Obispo . Train Rushed to Aid. Sun Lull Obispo, Cal., March 12. A special Southern Pacific train I en route from San Luis Obispo to Ga vlota where an Association Oil steam er Is on the rocks. The train car ried half a huudred men and all ap paratus from t lie San Luis Obispo Southern Pacific yards that might be of use In aiding the stricken ship, The steamer Rosecrunts reported wrecked off Gavolta formerly wns the United Btute. army tmnsport Rose cruns. Thirty-Seven on Hoard. San Francisco. March 12. The Roue T A I O r d e 2010 r8 Quick, courteous service day or night. Stand Hotel Marlon Salem Taxicab & Transfer Co. 1. D. UNDERWOOD Manager. - DISTANCE Those on Shore That Six cran. loft San Francisco Sunday for Gavlota to load with oil. She carried a crew of 28 men and the following of- -fleer: . Captain Earl F. Johnson, First Mate J. A. Johnson, Second Mate F. Mulling, Third Mate H. Tofte, Chief Engineer C. Husar, First Assistant Engineer J. Gilmour, Second Assistant engineer H. H. Eulsch and Third Assistant Engin eer H. Theman. From Gavlota the vessel was to sail for Honolulu with a full cargo of oil. Klx Already Drowned. . San Francisco, March 12. Official of the United Wireless .Telegraph company stated today that they had caught a messago received by the United States naval wireless station at Mare Island Baying that six men -had lost their Uvea off Gavlota In at tempting to land from the Rooecrana. They snld that they were not In di rect communication with the wrecked steamer. Story Is Conllrmed. Mare Island, Cal., k March 12. A wlrolCBS .messago received here to day from Point Arguello, say that six men attempting to land In a small bout from the Associated Oil company's steamer, ' Rosecrans, wrecked near Gavlota, Cal., were drowned toduy. o COLLEGE STUDENTS WED AT LOS ANGELES The Los Angeles Express, of March 8 has a front pngo story, with plo turcB of the contracting parties, tell ing of the marriage of Miss Isldora Wlnans to .1. Stanley Robson, the brldo a senior, and the groom physi cal director and member of the Jun ior claBS of tho University of Cali fornia. There was much subdued excitement In college circles over the event, which Is the first of tho year. The young couple, after a few days' honeymoon, will return to the col lege and complete their college terms, and their education, In so far as a college can couipleto It. o "RECINCT OFFICERS FILE DECLARATIONS K. L. Pound, of Aumsvllle, has filed his petition and declarations of In tentions to be a cuniiiunre for noinl nulion of the Republican ticket for Justice of the peace of Aumsvllln precinct. II. 1). Mars, of Gervals, has also flh-d his Intentions to bo a candidate on the Republican ticket for Justice of the peace of the Gervals precinct. II. C. Porter, of Autnsvlllo, has filed Intentions to be a candidate for nomination on the Republican ticket for precinct committeeman of Aums vllle precinct. o An I'nsufe Rank. ICKITin I'RKRH I.SASRD WITH.) Sun Francisco, March 12. Enter prising hurglurs entered the home of John P. Amos, and lipped up the cur pet In their search for coin. Thjr got $102. Did He Convert Hhnl f ohitsd ramus ijiasid wiaa 1 Oakland. Cal., March 12. Only one. of hi flock went to church, but Rev. E. W. Coffman addressed hi remar'i to him, and delivered a two-hour sermon. L-im m ......... builhudlou (Juuiuuti t jr""4li( Ci Hi