Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 09, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    V.KCS eight. .
p.':,::.r.,zr:r... "rrrnr."..! rzr:r;rrrzz:.i mm mmm '-
yer's Store News
Specials for
At Salem's Pig
The Houss
$1.75 Kid Gloves 162-3c ZepiiyrGlgjg;hains
today, Ql-39 pr today 12 l-2cyd
A fine soft, pliable kid glove, ! cllfl';,Jn contains dainty
f-r auto or atreet wear. Tans, Plald, 8"1 9leck ln a11 the
Urowna and Iteda. These are popular colorings of Tan,
very seldom sold for less, hut IF,rown: 1 '"l18' Gn an(l
we otter them special to Batur- Lavender: JO Inches wide. Your
shoppers 11.7S quality, choice today.
$ 1 .39 a pair 12 l-2c yd
Jergen's 50c Toilet Eatire Stock of Lace and
Water, today 39c Net fartaias, today less
Here's n well-known toilet prep- 20 pCf CCllt.
ration at a price that should , , , , , .
prompt you to supply your 1nl l,fl;1"' offorlntc Includes
need, hone and Violet odor. ev,'ry n"-'"!" I" both ecru and
Large fc al7. white. Our showing utters a
' wide ejection and price rango
Today 39c Jr 7SC 10 "H,r-To,lHy
. - Less 20 per cent
Ladies' $3.50 Shoes , . c..
T; : Ladies $1.25 Silk
today2.45pr Hose today 89c pr
f'nf out colt leather, bluchnr ' '
ehoe; (lomlyear wck sola mill- A flnfl , Wlk 8K.k(ngll ,
dry hoel; a snrvlroah la .(,11k!, ,.,., wh ,j , "
ah.m. Specially priced for to- Bml ,,,. Well-wov..;, Hale heel,
day t (hopper! , ,, gHrr to) A rKor
T AT U5 duality. Today only ,
PcrprC'2.45 89c pair
Underwear B0TS' Cloth Hab and
today 79c a Suit Caps, less 20 p:r cent
A fine cotton medium weight , ,
garment in cnt color; two- or ri,ny "ly w" ,)ffer ,,le"e
pieces; all ilma. These are a popular cloth styles In Had,
Rood 11.00-a-ault kind, Special, Vv"7 "ll"'k; 6W ,0
today onlv . V Your choice nt a reduc-
, tlun of
79c Suit 20 per cent
far l" re in Krla'a Ihle-
A fulcm (-ntiirw at the Oiiind to
ull.lit Oregon In ii ( Ultra nt, S7I Mtale
Hcivca Kiiuday rlilckeu dinner.
Mumm Hroa., proprlelora.
Mill HMiik Timlulil-
W. II. Mi-t'iiiren, of Cortland, will
Hpi-nk nt thii City MlHHion tonight and
alwi tomorrow H 3;:ui and tomorrow
ennliiK. .
The A. t. V. W.-"
And U-gTi-M of Honor will have an
i'l-n im-i-tlim Mumliiy mi-nlng,
M rrh llth. Mi-mliiia and fi li-nilK In
K''d S-H-t
It l!ip Cruiul -
(!(! hill of l n ph'tun-a to-
oscjd nryiecll LSCEie
X V''""m I""'", '"' 8 111 ,,,t l''"atlrti. liniKt be sold at mce
I I'rlcn J:i"io, half raalt, luilaiicii K per Cent.
Ten. acre (nt, all rleiu, In f'.n locality on macadam ii-ml J'rlce $tfil)rt
I ..V'"'"'? (T",,-1S, '"' Italian prunes. 12 years old. In fine con-
j rli.l.,n; a in Itultuu i-nmrt year old, balance gunl.-n.
I ,N"" 4 ",wm h,""- ,ICW l"r- 1 "'He to depot. a.-hiH.l. mare and
J chun li. I'iIih ,s;,iiii.
Hv ai-iea. all clear, r.O tie.a. tamlly oicluiid, i iiill.-a fiv.m rllv"
Close ttl Hrtioill. llnw. fi. riutm It.ku ...... , i. ....
ct.ineiy 1 none 3 yeaia old. 4 lielfeia. chickens, cream separator,
etc. price I.Vhu.
Tweiitv lvio aces In atiimi-a and tiniah, close to echo,.! J miles
fioni city, eiml; a jicat snap. Price .';!i"),
SI. S. CilLLC & CO.
Today Only
Department Store
of Quality.
For Si-miiiir
Waller M. I'lm ce, or Hot Uke, and
O. I'. t'oHhnw, of Honiihiirg, Demo
eratic rnndlilali-a for the I'nllcd
SIMea artiHle, are In the city ai-i-lng
thflr fripnda.
I'er 'oiiuiiInIimi(t .
Ili-n 10. Itohertaon, of Turtn-r, U in
th city today looking niter hhi can
dlilacy for county coiiunlsHliiiii-r. He
him hi-i-n a fanner and rond builder
nil his lire.
Tu lli-autlfy Depot tiremidn
Wi-Mt St.iyton will obiwn. Arlmr
ly by pluming in-H und ahrubhery
at Hut iIi-hii. China for the week
have bwn drawn and It la purHwed
lo make It one or the preltleat di'imt
groiinda In the atate.
Ilaie Year Spring Suit
or coal tailored to order by the
American l.dloa' Tullorlng Co., Chi
cago. Mil. Klelier. room 7, Mct'ornack
block, will ahow you atylea and fab
lica. SiittHfactlon giiMniiitmd. CrU-ei
T onisfht
Four good reels of
Moving Pictures
Featuring "Far From
Erin's Isle" and "Hogan's
To fillip Body Eiiat-
The body of William Dugan. who
died here March 2, 1912, wan shipped
from the Cottage undertaking parlors
today to Salem, Mass. A brother of
the diceaawl arrived yesterday from
Ludlow, Calif., and arrangement
were thon made to have the body
ahlpped east.
Hollla File
Judge Hollla, who waa a member of
the house during the. last session of
the legislature,-today filed with Bec-:
retary of State Olcott bis declaration
of Intention of becoming a candidate
on the Republican ticket for atate sen
ator. He resides at Grants Pass.
Send Out Poultry Car
Announcement has been made by
the Southern Pacific Railroad com
pany that April 7, It will send out a
poultry car from Corvallls, and which
will be placed on exhibition In vari
ous towns In the state. The car will'
be under the supervision of men con
nected with the college, and its first
place of exhibition will be Grants
Church Notice
Central Congregational church, cor
ner Nineteenth and Kerry streets. Rev.
O. A. Htlllman, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Morning services at 11
o'clock. Junior Endeavor at 1 p. m.
Y. P. 8. C. K. at 6:45 p. m. Kvenlng
sorvlces at 7:30 p. m. A cordial Invi
tation Is extended to Btrnngers.
Krentano for Leglidtilure
John P. Theo. R Hrentauo, of St.
Paul, la in the city today and an
nounce that he will he a candidate
for nomination on the Democratic
ticket for repreeentntlve. He will
favor Statement No. 1 and bcllevi-g
In carrying out the direct primary to
the lettor of the law.
K n rm II mine Rurglurlird
The sheriff's office has received
word that the home of J. P. Iuret
en three miles mat of Salem was
broken Into yeeterday and $17 In
money and a gold watch valued at
about $15 wore stolen. The family
waa away from home and the theft
was not discovered until some time
later. The officers are keeping
sharp lookout for the thief and It la
believed he will be apprehended. , i.
Ten. Day Campaign -
Rev. W. O. MacLaren, of Portland,
began a 10-daya" campaign at the
C'omniona Mlaalon laat night. He gave
a very Interesting talk. If you want
to hear a man among men, don't fall
to hear Mr. MacUrn, Sunday, at 3
o'clock and every night at 7::i0. i
lliirn-lt In 1'iiroU-d-
t'harlea A. IJarrett, who recently
made a aenaattonnl confession - to
Governor Went as to the bullion rob
bery on the steamer Humboldt In
lit 10, was paroled by the governor
yeaterdny and turned over to the
I'nlted States government. Steve
Connell, aecrot m-rvh-e szent. will
I hav Immediate supervision of liar-
rett. Connell, Prank O. Taylor, of
the Firemen's Fund Innurance Com
pany, and a poatollU-e Inspector,
whose name ivaa not given, were here
yeeterday and took llarrett to Port
laud, 1
Pa jea knew It Is anareesaary
to iHtfcr after meali 1 have
a jtoor a pjictlte flogged bow
Stomach Bitters
has bcnilltled IlioUMndl (
auiTi-rera will aid jeu, too.
Try It.
A. McCulloch
" ' J
with couileous treatment to
all. Wo recommend ejasses
only where an examination
shows the need of them, and
wo make no charge unless
you are convinced that the
glasses are needed,
A. McCulloch
Mo. S9I ri Cewaiertlsl ftt,
(Croaad Heer.t
Gul o2 Sorts?
Lots of discomfort the
blues and many serious
sicknesses you will avoid if
you keep your bowels, liver
and stomach in good work
ing order by timely use of
Sold TOTy whara
ft!rs. Martin Tells About a Painful
Experience that Might Have
Ended Seriously.
Rlvesville, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin,
ln a letter from RlTesville, writes:
"For three years, I suffered with wo
manly troubles, and had pains ln my
back and aide. I was nervous and
could not sleep at night
The doctor could not belp ma. Us
said I would have to be operated on be
fore I could get better. I thought I
would try using CarduL
Now, I am entirely welL
I am sura Cardul saved my life. I
will never be without Cardul ln mj
borne. I recommend it to my friends."
For Dfty years, Cardul baa been re
lieving pain and distress caused by wo
manly trouble. It will surely help you.
It goes to the spot reaches the
trouble relieves the symptoms, and
drives away the cause.
If you suffer from any symptoms ot
womanly trouble, take Cardul.
Your druggist sells and recommends
11'. Get a bottle from him today.
K. 8 Wrili to: UdlM' Advtjofy Dn OiH.
aoori MxIklM Co., Chaitanonfi, Tnn.. for fipanot
Jmtructuma, and 64-pig tauk, "Home TrutoMol
tar Wmaa," mm la puia nrrippw. a nqiutt.
Chicken Dinner
Sunday at Elite Care, 3.'c.
Cull nt I.nnge'a Hut Shop
And be hatted in one -of the popu
lar Regtna hats.
Fix I'p the Office
The county recorder's office is to
have some new fixtures, including a
vault, the county court having let the
contract for the work, which will cost
Chicken Dinner " "
Sunday at Elite Cufe, 3'ic.
Sorlb Salem Work
Mr. 1 O. Harrold, of the ; Ill-Concrete
paving company, has a large
force of men working digging ditch
and lnylng sew er ln the district in the
vicinity of Hood and Cpmmerclnl
streets, North, Salem. He has a good
sized contract In North Salem and It
will require conalderablo time yet to
complete the job as at the present
the ground In moat of the district is
too wet to work. He Is working on
what is known as sewer district No.
It Mas Kasy Money
Deputy Sheriff William Each
leaves today for Hood River to bring
James Fuller to 8ttlem. Fuller Is
charged with obtaining money by
false pretencea. About four months
ago Fuller Issued a chock on one of
the Portland banka for $115 and It
waa ciiHlied by Kd. messing at his
place of biiKlneas on State street.
When the check wsb preaented at
tile Portland bnnk for payment In
the regular way, payment was re
fused for the reason that there were
no fiimla. The case was referred to
the nlllcera and Mr. Ksch was de
tailed to handle it. About three
weeks ago he got trace of Fuller nt
Portland and from there he was
traced to North Yakima and then
back to Hood River, where he is now
under arrest.
Center Street Pnilng
There will lie a meeting of the
property owners on Center street at
7:30 at Ryan's hall on Commercial
and Center Mtrcets for the purpose ot
discussing the merits and com of the
different kinds of pavements, which
have been propoaod for this street.
It Is expected that all persons Inter
ested on that street will be present
and express their views ontliemibjcct.
Id all probability representatives of
the different kinds of paxements pro
posed for this street, will be there
to answer any . iiiiestions aud take
part In the illHi-uKlon
Atl Make
. lidl.l.KHH
See me t-efura you do anvthing.
C. M. L0CKW00D
I'Bone Main 9SH
tH-tiH V. ConimeiriHl. Sulcm. Orema,
Listycsr f:rras
with us as we
have several ap
plods for
Beautiful Dress Hats '
Are open for the ledles. Do not
miss seeing them at Langcs.
Beat the Street Car
Vettie Lindsay had a race with the
Englewood street car last evening.
The stakes were. $5, and Lindsay, to
win, had to beat the car to the end of
its run and back, on foot, or, in other
words, make the round trln quicker
than the car. The race proved an
eflav nna for ih CT f!CT thS tl"S
and Lindsay came home under double
wraps street car behind the distance
K(iiul Suffrage Society
The Salem Equal Suffrage Society
had a call out for a meeting today at
2 o'clock, to effect a permanent organ
ization. The meeting was held at Mrs.
Engrlght's home, but Tho Journal's
early press hour prevented any state
ment of the results accomplished.
Lady Gut the Malls--
A novel sight was witnessed on the
streets today, in which Miss Ruth
Bayes, who, by the' way, has made ap
plication to the circuit court to have
her named changed to Howard, was
the principal factor. Misa Hayes, or
Howard, waa acting In the capacity of
collector of mall from the down-town
boxes, nad she performed the service
with a dexterity not possessed by the
male sex. '
Moved to Engene
C. J. Daniels, formerly proprietor
of the blacksmith Bhop at the corner
of High and Ferry Btreets, has moved
to Eugene, where he has gone Into
partnership with hla' father, J. H.'
Daniels, of that place. Cheater, as
he is better known, has juat re
turned from Portland, where he pur
chased a new automobile to use In
connection with their insurance busi
ness. The Messrs. Daniels are agents
at Eugene for the McMlnnvilla Fire
Insurance association.
Around the World
Mrs. John D. Turner and her
mother, Mrs. Waugaman, of Pitts
burgh, leave today for a trip around
the world. Mr. Turner, the well
known Salem attorney, expects to
meet them In Europe next December.
They sail from Seattle for Toklo and
thence westward and around the cir
cle. ,
The question as to how long you
are going to continue a mifferer from
indigestion, dyspepsia or out-of-order
stomach Is merely a matter of how
soon you begin tuklng some Dlapep
sln. If your stomach Is lacking In di
gestive power, why not help the
stomach to do ' its work, not with
drastic drugs, but a rt-enforcement
of digestive agents, such as are nat
urally at work ln the stomach.
People with weak stomachs should
take a little Dlapepsln occasionally,
and there will be no more Indiges
tion, no feeling 'like a lump of lead
ln the stomach, no heartburn, sour
risings, gas or stomach or belching
of undigested food, headaches, dizzi
ness or sick stomach, and, besides,
what you eat will not IHrnient and
poison your breath with nauseous
odors. All these symptoms resulting
from a sour, out-of-order stomach
nnd dyspepsia, are generally re
lieved In Ave minutes after taking a
little Dlapepsln.
Go to your druirirlHt r.ml vat n r.rt.
cent case of Papa's DlapepBln nrrw,
and you will always go to the table
with a hearty appetite and what you
eat will taHte good, because your
stomach and Intestines win iw i..
and fresh, and you will know there
" noi going to be any more bad
nights and miserable davs for you
They frcHhen you Bn, ,ake yo f j
like life Is worth living.
o .
WHEN It la tamales or lunches, get
them nt the Madison saloon lunch
wagon, where they know how.
. 3-7-2
TOR RE.Vr-Kurnlshed rooms near
cltv hHl Tf'.e. v u ...
Main 4.
".-.. in nigii. i-noiie
MILLINERY - Excellent materials,
nobby French designs at U and $:,
we have astonished and delighted
many. Our plnn is new. The Co
tivDate Remodeling shop, i6.-, n
WANTED Roller-top desk, small
Iron ears and Remington typewrit
er. hee C. E. Anderson, 247 N
Commercial street. 3-8-3t
KSS WVTi-n . ..
,, , ni ..nee hi me
Cottage hotel. Phone 209. 3--3t
" 8A,-,K KAP-Nirly new wa-
back. Oliver chilled plow
north SVrT' " ,hlrd "
writer Tim r,"al"e ln'e
Titer with executive ability A
tTL !T'llH, for J Lrl
hu . no an, ,1 better
hi" present ron.ll.l.,, ...
wlih r.,f. Auuress
with reference. " nur,.
'"-' wood. ,.hon. l8-
wll hi ,ar,,,8hw ,,or'- h-ra he
3 Mt
h, UHekee 7n "lr"ly f,'lh'M
ni ..H.kee,,lng rnoma. Call M 32ti
North Commercial stfeet. 3.
' h,!h w""ol Huctlon-o,
ho h., nad ,om, MpertaB(-
Uworic. prefer,,,. WrUo
13H. Salem. Ore. 3-2-tf.
UV :
nr fj
(tifcr a w
Makes delicious hoinc
biked foods of maximum
quality at minimum cost
Makes home baking a
The only Baking Powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
I f!o Alum No Lima Phosphaias , . ' j
Evangellrnl Association,
Seventeenth and Chemeketa streets
F. M. Fisher, pastor. Phone 1129.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mission
Band at 3 y. m. Young Peoples Al
liance at 6:30 p. m., with Rev. Jacob
Stacker as leader. This is the an
nual Day of Prayer for Missions.
Representatives of the Women's Mis
sionary Society will address the
Sunday school and the Y. P. A.
Topic of sermon nt 11 a. m., "God's
Time and Plan." At 7:30 an Inter
esting program will be rendered by
the Women's Missionary Society. All
are cordially invited.
Card of Thanks,
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the many friends for their
kindness during the death and burial
of our beloved husband and father,
Martin Stutsman.
Death loves to enter where he Is
most dreaded.
75c per setting of 15; unfertile re
placed. Also thoroughbred hens for
sale. Jas. N. Olmsted 1213 N. 6th
street Phone Main 1207. 3-7-tf
115 Liberty St. fhone'Maln 119
Watch and Jewelry Repairer
Your patronage solicited
Satisfaction guaranteed
With Capital Drug Store
Salem Oregon
Notnlng beautldes or improves the
appearance of a dinner or luncheon
table as does a piece or set of care
fully selected cut glass.
For many, many years, this store has
mjoyed the reputation of carrying
none but the choicest and most ex
clusive patterns in Cut Glass and we
"till maintain this supremacy by of
fering at the present time many beau
tiful pieces that can not be dupllcat
fd elsewhere.
The wen known "Barr" guarantee Is
tack of every article we sell and you
w"l at all times find that our prices
lower than you can obtain else
w here.
u,'i my nr ee. w.
"X doing so. Tf you ar. Z,7 yoU Mva mn
thl. spring pLntlnr ae? Kn,f T"" U
WK which l , n clS ' ' A1 I-foot grade
charge to pSot TT f ' f
NWy l0cated one-h.u mil. et of aay.um.
Change of Street Car Schedules.
Beginning Sunday, March 10, the
cars of the Yew Park State street
and Chemeketa street lines will leave
State and Commercial streets and the
ends of the lines at 10 minutes past
the even hour and every 12 minutes
thereafter, as follows: At 10-22-34-46
and 58 minutes past the even hour.
This change Is made so that the
Yew Park cars will make better con
nections with the Southern Pacific
In any quantity. Prompt delivery
our specialty. Falls City Lumber
Company, 279 North Commercial
street. Phone Main $13.
On good Real Estate secarlty.
847 State Street
On farm and city property. John H.
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or
egon. Phone 1G5J. .
Over Ladd and Buah Bank-, Salem. Or-.
Resident Agents SS5 State Street
Established 1893 I
" i.
t ' ul'1 " li N. liberty But-et
. Wlgh ln,., f . M- Royd-
.. , uun
.. . I
Saleaj, Oregen