Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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i - - . ,
Speaking of
As a reminder we wluli to Im
pres the Importance of buying
your glove lit the
Where variety, quality and low
price are paramount
169 Doz. Gloves.
Were received tlili week con
latins of abort and long Mule
Chamofaette, 811k and Kid
Special Offering of
16-Button Lerlfa
Lisle and Characis
ctte Gloves.
The very neweet for this ea
aon. They are in Chamolae col
or, black and white.
A full window display of them
SOc pr.
Swc atcra
Good welKht, well woven sweat
er for children In white, car
dinal, Davy and gray. ' .
Regular $3.50 and $2,H5 qualities
i: I ru Special
Salem's Big
Department Store
Special meeting of Pacific
I-odge, No, r.0. A. F. & A,
M luiiHirrow at 1 : 110 o'clock
to attend the funeral of our
lute biolher, Alotir.ii (ies-
Vlnltlng brethren welcome.
I.titllr, Step!
' At Mis. IV R. Pullerlnn' Millinery
I'lirlurs nt 170 N Commercial street,
the newest New York styles In
cihiIm and suits; special showing for
the ni'xt three day.
Delicatessen Department :
Ficsh Cooked Brisket Corned Beef.
Mcttwest Jellied Pigs' Feet.
Jellied Tongue
Cooked Head Cheese
Sarciellon Liver Sausage,
Goose Liver Sausage
Shricp SalaJ Lcbslcr Sahd-Crab Salad
Chicken Salad-Potato Salad.
AH our goods aie absolutely handled in the most sani
taiy manner, and in no way do we send you anything,
but what is pine, clean and wholesome. .
Supreme Hams
A new shipment comes in this morning, Pi ice always
low, per pound 18c
Special A Snap
500 pounds fancy Bieakfast Bacon, sold everywhere
at 2fc-20c pound; Utc by the piece. Come and see for
Roth Grocery Co.
Tday ! Lzi'.t ' Ssy r
Special ahowlng of coata and aulta
for three day Thursday, Friday and
Saturdayat Mr. P. E. Fullerton'
Millinery, 270 N. Commercial atreet
Bid Wanted
On the excavation for basement on
corner of High and Court streets,
81x90, up to Saturday at 6 o'clock p.
m. Will receive bids at Derby &
Co. 'a office, U. S. Bank building.
tnraen vegetal)
Are coming In. The best and
freshest at J. M. Lawrence', 197 So.
Commercial street. ' Call up Main
311 for quick rvlea.
Appointed Omirdlan
Judge - Bushey . today appointed
Marlon L. Porter, or Turner, guar
dian of Loren D. Porter, a minor.
Property to the amount of 1000 be
longs to said minor child.
.Vis Smith at FulterWt
Miss Smith, representing J. F.
Goldstone, of New York city, will be
at Mr. P. K. Fuller ton's for the next
few days, demonstrating the line of
suit and coat.
Left for Home'
D, S. Klmsey, wife and daughter,
Grace, of Antelope, left yesterday for
their home after a vlt of several
daya at the home of J. B, Ashby, on
Nineteenth street. Mr. Klmsey I
sister of Mr. Ahby,
Will Be Prosecuted
Extensive poisoning of valuable
dogs at Oregon City will be taken be
fore the grand Jury and aa attempt
will be made to secure an Indictment
for that crime agnlnst the poor ca
nines, Some valuable bird dog and
shepherd dog were lost.
To Conduct Campaign
Bev. W. O. MucFaren, of Portland,
general uperinlemlent' of the Com
mon Missions, will conduct a cam
paign at the Mission, 241 State street,
for the next 10 days. If you have
never heard Mr. MacLaren, don't
mlna the opportunity; '7:30 every
evening. All weledme.
Funeral Today
The funeral of Mr. Mary Barker, of
Maine, Oregon, who died In Salem
March 4, 1912, wa conducted from the
undertaking parlor of Clough & Leh
man thl morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs.
Marker leaves, beside her husband,
two sons, at Haines. Oregon, who
(were unable to be present at the fu
neral on account of Illness. Interment
wa In City View cemetery. .
The Annual Meeting
I Of the Baptist Woman' Mission
Circle, will be held In the Baptist
I church tomorrow (Friday) afternoon
and evening. The afternoon aesslon
, will begin at 4. Supper will be
served at 6:30 p. m. and cordial In
vitation Is extended to both men and
women, An inspirational meeting
will be held in the evening for
which a good program Is provided,
including an address by Rev. W. R.
Mnnley, of India. Newly elected of
ficers will be Installed. You are wel
come. The Hrlieol Fair1
Walter M. Smith, superintendent
of aehools of Marlon County I. still
working on donation to the prlie list
. for the Marion county school fair,
! which is to be held In connection with
the state fair In September. He has
received prlxes from Woodlumi to the
amount of $3, and the list continue
to grow. Mr. Smith will continue to
receive donations for another week,
,and at the end of that time he will
have the list of prise published, so
that proper publicity may bo given to
'all who desire to compete.
Member Canton
You will be present Saturday
evening to meet Major Williams, of
Eugene, Saturday evening, March 9.
All new member attend. J. A. Mill,
To Democrats . '
Mr. James E. Godfrey is circulat
ing the petitions, gratuitously, for
Champ Clark, Woodrow Wilson, all
the candidates for C. S. senator, and
several of the candidates for dele
gate to the National convention, and
It is requested that every Democrat
whom he neglect to call upon, make
themselves known to him and sign
the petitions, 3-7-2t
File Declarations
Fred Oettens, of Marshfleld, and
John T. Long, of Roeeburg, today
filed nominating declarations with
the secretary of tate. The first
want to be senator from the eight
senatorial district, and the second
prosecuting attorney from the third
prosecuting attorney district.
Appeals to Circuit Court
H. Bchollmeyer has served notice
on the board of control that he In
tends to appeal from its decisions
with relation to his application for
the appropriation of the water of
Bob Creek. The board of control
gave preference to the application of
the town of Nehalera.
Regular Open Meeting
Of the United Artisan on Friday
evening, March 8, 1912, will be one
full of Interest to all artisan and
their friends. A fine program has
been arranged and, together with the
refreshments, this will be one of the
best meetings of the year. Don't fall
to be there. 3-7-2t
Burglary at Jefferson
Word has been received at the
sheriff's office of a burglary at Jef
ferson In which two stores were en
tered sometime after midnight last
night and considerable good stolen.
The stores burglarized belong to
Smith & Fontaine and A. C. Tucker.
Two revolvers, four safety razors,
16 knives and a lot of cheap Jewelry
were taken. Other articles than the
above were taken but a complete list
cannot be gotten at this time.
Filed Mechanic Lien .
8. O. Rice has filed mechanic's
Hen' In the county clerk's office
against the Black Eagie Mining and
Milling company, of the Gold creek
mining district Mr. Rice alleges
that an agreement was entered Jnto
to do labor, furnish material and do
freighting and packing for the min
ing company between May .9, . 19 10,
and January 7, 1912, and that there
Mtill Is due and owing him tl.3G7.Ci
The Hen covers the Black Eagle,
Black Eogle No. 1, Falrvlew No. 1,
Falrvlew No. " and Alto mining
Wants Ills Brother
Chief of Police Ira Hamilton has
received the following letter,, which
explains Itself;. "Us Angeles, Cel.
Dear Sir: I am going to ask you If
you will kindly assist me in finding
my brother. He will more likely be
found working on a ranch, lie Is 29
years old, about six feet tall, weighs
ubout 180 pounds and has blue eyes.
My dear sir, you would grant me a
great favor In helping me to find my
dear brother. Thanking yon in ad
vance, I remain, yours very truly,
Mrs, Maud Collin, 331 B, Flower
etreet, m Angeles. California. My
brother's name Is Pect McDonald."
The Will Hled-
The will of J. E. Ferris who died
at Shaw, Oregon, November 9. 1911,
was admitted to probate yesterday
by Judge Bushey. Proerty to the
amount of $;ir.00 was deviaed by the
will and the appralaers are Harry
Ferris, John Amort and William
Daualngbury. Harriot L Ferris, 'vl
dow, Is made the executrix. Besides
the widow, of Shaw, the heirs are:
Mrs. Uura Hatch, of Portland; How
ard Ferris, of Green Acres, Wash.;
Lura Purcell, of I.os Angeles, Calif.;
Amy Mnnsnrva, of Urn Angeles, Cat.;
Mls Edna Ferris, of Shaw, and Har
ry Ferrts, of Shaw.
Ill.h Wanted
On the excavation for basement on
corner of High and Court slreis.
SlxftO, up to Saturday at o'clock
p. m. Will receive bids at Derby A
Co. 'a office. V. S. Hank building.
Friday and Saturday
nights. Four good iccls of
Moving Pictures
Featuring "Fnr Frnm
t Ei id's Isle"' and "Honan's
f Alley."
I New Musical Art
n o
"Where Everybody Goes"
New Program
The best obteinable in Vaude
vi'Se, Song, Pictures and Music
Will Lecture
Prof. Ave B. Milan, of the exten
sion division of the O. A. C. will de
liver a free lecture at the high school
tomorrow morning at V o'clock on
domestic science and all ladies of
the city are Invited to attend.
Funeral of Alomo flesner
The funeral of the late Alonzo Ges
ner, who died yesterday, will be held
from the Rlgdon undertaking parlor
tomorrow, Friday, afternoon, at 2
o'clock, under the direction of Pa
cific Lodge No. 60, A. F. t A. M., of
which he Is wa an honored member.
Mr. Downing: Here . '
Mr. E. N. Downing, of Portland, Is
In the city, having been called aa a
witness in the case of Perkins and
Downing vs. Miller. She will return
to the metropoll thl afternoon.
A Filthy Street
Attention of the proper city officers
is called to the attention of Chemeke
ta atreet between Commercial and
Front streets. It seem as if thl
atreet 1 used a a dumping grounl
by penon doing business In that, vi
cinity, as ari e and almost every kind
of refuse I deposited. It appear that
one reaaon for the accumulation of re
fuse in the city is the fact that the
people of whom a piece of ground was
purchased or leased for dumping pur
poses will hot allow It to be used on
account that the necessary ' papers
have not been drawn up, although t'is
council authorized the committee to
enter Into a contract about a month
Jtude In a Night
Workmen were busy most of last
night In converting an old building
on the north aide of Court street, be
tween Commercial and Front, Into a
poultry, market The work on the In
side wa done In the day time, and
under the, cover of night the side of
the building was cut out and screens
Inserted, so as to make the building
suitable for a market.
If you really want what you want
you will put a want ad In the want
column of the Wily Capital Journal.
- Dr. Mltra' Antl-Paln Pills for sciatica
115 Liberty St.' Phone Muln 119
Watch and Jewelry Repairer
Your patronage solicited
Sattxfuctloa guaranteed
With Capital Drug Store
Salem Oregon
A. McCulloth
witii courteous treatment to
all. We recommend glasses
only where an examination
shows the need of them, and
we-make no charge unless
you are convinced that the
glasses are needed.
A. McCulloch
So. 291 ortb Commercial St,
((iround floor.)
1'hnne 8-Ji. Otike Hours.
V - 1
List yonr farms
with ds as ve
have several ap
plicants for
::;::::i!REAL estate bulletii
DAl'E-FLAKE At the parsonage of
the First Christian church, at :830
p. in., Wednesday, March 6, 1912,
Miss Addle B. Flake, to Elmer A.
Daue. Rev. Davis Errett perform
ing the ceremony.
BROWN-NILES At the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Ida L. Nilee,
425 N. Winter street, Wednesday
evening, March 6, ViYL, Miss Belie
F. Mies to C. Leroy Brown. Rev.
Henry T. Babcock officiating.
odist parsonage, by Rev. R. N. Avl
son March 6 1912 at 7:30 o'clock
p. m. Miss Gertrude Litchfield to
Iawrence Scott both of Salem.
VAN FLEET At the family home at
Stayton, Oregon, at 9 o'clock,
March 7, 1912, Wesley Van Fleet,
aged 87 years.
He leaves the following children:
Mrs. H. H. Vandevort, Salem; Mrs.
Alice McKever, of Palmyra, Iowa;
Mrs. Fred Harrold, of Spokane,
Wash.; Mrs. Archie Kaspe'I. of Stay-
ton, Ore. V
The funeral will be held at the res
idence of H. H. Vandevort, 435 N.
Winter street, March 8, 1912, at 3
o'clock, p. m and will be conducted
by Rev. R. N. Avlson, of the Method
ist church. Interment will be In
Lee Mission cemetery.
i o
FOR RENT Newly furnished front
room, walking distance. I-ady or
gentleman. 431 N. Caplol street.
. 3-7-3t
FOR RENT Five room house. Close
In. 605 N. Winter street. 3-7-31'
FOR SALE Ten acres nearly all
clear; good new house, large
chicken house; near R. R. station
and school. Price, $1650. $3,r0
cash, balance $10 per month; no
Interest in four years. See John
Van Laanen, with Oregon Realty
Co., 275 State Btreet 3-7-3t
FOR SALE 22 acres or good land;
14 acres of good beaver dam, all
clear and drained ami tiled; eight
acres up-land; a cheap tour room
' box house; two big onion houses;
, plenty good water and wood; two
tulles to Qulnby Oregon Electric
station. Price, $4,400; terms. See
John Van Laanen, with Oregon
Realty Co.. 275 rState street. )
FOR SALE Five acres of good fruit
land, hilly; 150 cords of wood; five
miles out, near R. R. station and
school. Price, $750. $50 cash;
balance, $5 per month, no Interest.
See John Van Laanen, with Oregon
. Realty Co., 275 State street.
A. 3-7-3t
Vacum Cleaner will clean your car
pet and keep them clean runs easy,
very durable can refer you to 204 of
Salem' best homes. Demonstrations
free In your own home. ,1. M. Royd
son, Btlgh Hotel. Phone 742.
FOR SALE 38 city lots, all m'ar the
new Highland school house, now
In building. Nearly all these lots
will retail at from $200 to $400
each. A good many corner lots.
Price for a'1. $4600 on good term.
See John Van Uanen, with Oregon
Realty Co., 275 State etreet. 3-7-3t
All Make
See me before you do auythlng
Phone Main WW
214-il8 X. t'ominere lal, Salem, Oregon.
We publUa legal notices a
quired by law. furnjhlng
affidavit and proof of pub.
Fine Brief Work
I our specialty. Lt us
figure wlta you on your aeit
Capital Journal
No. 124. 130 loot front on improved
street. Two buildings, . Including
new modern bungalow style cottage
and good newly remodeled two story
store building with $500 stock. Large
rich garden tract. Business is pay
ing well wRh first class district to
draw from without competition.
Close In, within the mile limit to
center of town, and In one of the
best residence section where prop
erty values are high. Must sell
quick, we can tell you the reason.
Price Includes stock and everything.
Only $3600. Give good term.
No. 122. Eight room modern house
almost new. Two 45-foot lots on
corner Fifteenth street, near State.
AH modern Improvements. Fruit and
shade trees. . Price $3500.
Two lot on Chemeketa street,
close In for $2,500.
No. 79. Six-room house, with full
basement and lot 50x100, Just off from
State street Lot of fruit All as
sessment paid. A bargain at $1600.
213 & Commercial Street
WANTED Stenographer who ha- at
least a high school education one
who ha had some experience in
law office preferred. Write box
188, Salem, Ore. 3-2-tf
TOR SALE The best 150 acres of
river bottom land (i'or the money)
In Oregon. A bold statement; but
let me prove It. Address "Owner,"
Journal. 3-5-3t
A VALUABLE LEASE for a small
bonus. Premises suitable for pub
lic gurage or storage purposes.
Apply at once to William Fleming,
496 State Btreet. 3-6-2t
FOR SALE White Orpington pen of
five hens and cock, very fine Kel
Ierstraii8 strain. 727 Union street.
CHEAP AS DIRT 358 acres, 250 In
cultivation, one-half the crop goes
with the place, 100 acre oak grubs,
good soil for fruit or grain, ltt
mile from railroad, Polk county,
price, $55; good buildings, plenty
of water.
156 acres, 100 acres in cultivation, bal
ance timber and pasture; several
good springs and well, good family
orchard, good buildings, Polk coun
ty, price $55 per acre.
46 Vi acres near a good town and rail
road, new 7-room house, strictly
modern, good barn, fnmlly orchard,
running water pair of fine mules, 3
cows, 3 cslvea, all farming imple
ments, price $6500. Olmsted Land
Co. 3-4-4t
Rich Sparkling
Nothing beautifies or improves the
appearance of a dinner or luncheon
table as does a piece or set of care
fully selected cut glass. '
For many, many years, this store has
enjoyed the repututlon of carrying
none hut the choicest and most ex
clude patterns In Cut Glass and we
still maintain this supremacy by of
fering at the present time many beau
tiful pieces that can not be duplicat
ed elsewhere.
The well known "Barr" guarantoe Is
hack of every article we sell and you
M at all times find that our prices
are lower than you can obtain elsewhere.
I CT T-.-.
croRSERIES' ErfaMirfied 1893
! hU. 7J 1 1? ln.8 :.'.'"' tr. and Logan tip.
several hundred of English "" 8end ln ,0,,r order' HaT8
tailed, which I am "ear-old of the 2-foot grade
from'lortiTtc e.rchrUnM ' 'r thl8 fa del1" P"
N.ery locate(l one-half ffi.l. ,.,t of asylum.
Inene Sihtrtiai sili n
No. 121. 155 acres finest prune a
orchard land, on main Rosedale ro;
Part In bearing orchard, good hour
barn and outbuilding. Spring wai
piped to house. A splendid opport
nlty at $90 per acre.
Mr. Investor: Now Is the time ;
buy Aeap dairy land in LInco
county In the Yaquln and Siletidi
trlcta. We have It from $10 an ac
No. 74. Corner on Capitol street '
xl25 feet and 6-roora house. Bearii
fruit trees. Large barn. Price $12;.
No. 125. Modern hotel In sma
town on Santlam. Good business, a
paying well ; 16 bedrooms, Bteem he!
and water In room; lease also 1:
elude 80 acres of land; four-yet
lease at very low price. Thia payli
business with complete furnishing
and equipment can be had for $2000.
List your property witn u for n
75c per setting of 15; unfertile re
7 , nor ,al.lnr nf IE, I M
placed. Also thoroughbred hens fo
sale. Jas. N. Olmsted 1213 N. 6t'
Btreet. Phone Main 1207. 3-7 -t
In any quantity. Prompt deliver
our specialty. Fall City Lumbe
Company, 279 North Commercln
street. Phone Main 813.
On goed Real Estate leearlty. ;
117 State Street
On farm and city property. ' John B
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or
egon. Phone 1&5Z. ,
Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Or
Resident A (rents 884 (State 8treet ,
TTTTTtttttHHt t