TGt TWO. BAM C1FITAI JOUETAt, 8 ALII, OEEGOX. TrESDAT, KABCB i, tilt. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HCFEH, Editor and, Proprietor. R. M. HOFER, Manager wimnt Nrwapuxr Drrotnl to Anxrinn Principle tod th Prweu M Davalopmant of All Oro raNWuri ar Even1; Except Bandar, 8lra. Or. ('rCaiPTION BATES! UnvarUbly is Advance) DaJTj. bf Carrier, per aaar flt.OO Vet month- ftajDr. by Mail par rar , 4.00 Pat month , .. Va.prrmr IM Bit month. . FULL LEASED WUUS TELEGRAPH REPORI VOLUNTAR YPETITIONS FOR ROOSEVELT. Roosevelt Petitions Keep coming in from all parts of the state and they are voluntary petitions. A number of counties have completed petitions, and they are filed with the secretary of state. There is no chance whatever but that the name of Theo dore Roowevelt will go upon the presidential preference primary ballot. It Bhould be remembered that the machine in Oregon is all for Taft and the machine press is all for Taft, and that all Roosevelt sentiment is suppressed, even his speech at,the Columbus, Ohio, constitutional convention, and that only one newspaper in Ore gon in any city of any size has even been willing to allow his petitions and utterance to go before the people The Capital Journal there keeps growing a sentiment favorable to him not only in this state but all over the nation. Why do the machine papers and the machine politicians fear even the mention of the nnmo of Roosevelt? He is not a perfect man by any means, and ho has made mistakes. Rut he is his own boss, and that is what the people demand in. a president. For instance, in one county where the county clerk very haughtily returned the Roosevelt petitions, and wrote an insult ing letter to this paper because it merely suggested that the peo ple had a right to have an opportunity to express themselves for Roosevelt, if they desired to do that, and in a week he was hauled up for not turning in game and fishing license fees for three years. In that same county a prominent business man wrote him for the Roosevelt petitions to circulate, and he wrote him that he had given them all out, (which was a lie, as he re turned them to this office), and now asks this office for blank petitions. That is the way the grafting element hates Roosevelt, and will do all in his power to keep his name from even getting to the people. But the peopl will win out, and the delegation from Oregon will be instructed for Roosevelt at the direct pri mary, which the machine is trying to set aside. EX-ntERIDENT ROOSEVELT AT COLUMBUS. The Public, which is Democratic and progressive and is never neutral, and which is, editorially, probably the strongest paper in the country, has the following editorial concerning Roosevelt: "Mr. Roosevelt's speech last week before the congressional convention of Ohio in session at Columbus, was an event of first importance. No man in American public life possesses in so great a degree as Mr. Roosevelt, or uses so freely and acutely the fuculty for catching and reflecting public opinion. He seems never to reason out his convictions, but always to get them from public opinion by some sort of chameleonic instinct. Wasn't this so with him at the time of the Cuban war, and again during the dreadful era of imperialism ?Vasn't it so when Big Business was in the ascendant in public opinion, and so again when public opinion began to find Big Business out? It is this instinctive faculty of his and his habitual use of it with the narrow per fections that characterize all instinctive processes that give transcendent importance to Mr. Roosevelt's Columbus speech. "Mr. Roosevelt has not been known heretofore to have had pronounced convictions favorable to the initiative, referendum and recall ; and he gives now only verbal testimony to convictions thoughtfully arrived at on that subject. Plainly, his Columbus spewh is an instinctive reflection of public sentiment. It is, too, unusually definite for him. There are no 'weasel-words' on that subject in this speech, as there were, for instance, in his wo man suffrage editorial. Although there are spots in it which look like traces of a tendency toward 'weasling,' the wensel words, If they were ever in the manuscript, were blue-penciled out of it before, its delivery. Mr. Roosevelt's declarations for the initiative, referendum and recall are unqualified and definite. His speech Is, therefore, of the highest importance as a sign of favorable public sentiment. It proves better than newspaper ed itorials can, almost as well as a census on the subject could, or an election at which it was the dominant issue, that the people of the United States demand the initiative, referendum and re call, demand them all, demand them in their fullncs, and demand them now." o BAY OCEAN SUMMER RESORT. The Surf, published by the Totter Realty Company, 720 Cor bott building, la the exponent of high class summer homes at the oomw. The Surf is the only paper published at Bay Ocean, and It is a booster publication, with a live commercial club bnck of it. A number of Salem people have become interested in Bay Ocean, and those recently returning from there speak highly of the place. Send for h free topy of the illustrated "Surf," which will give you a fine Idea of the Play Ground of tlv iVifie. . : fj "Molly Make-Bdieve" makes herself believe she wants Taft. puM'c expression, and the pooploclnred for Taft in advance of public expression, an dthe people nretnot even to 1h asked who they prefer, Tho reporters who send in the pro-Taft reports are not for Taft. But poor old Molly has her way. She has hnd It bfore, and tho Democratic pnrty managers just love old Molly M.xke-llt'liove. Children are much more likely to contract Ilia contagious tltvanaxH whfii they have rulila. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and ronsump llon am diseaae that are often ,con triri"( tin Hi child tin a mid That U why all medical authority sy beware of cold. Kor the quick cur of colds you will find nothing belter thun Chamberlain's 1'annh Remedy, It ran always ha depended upon and la pleasant and ssf to tuk. K'ir nulx bv ell denier v Wc take pleasure in announcing that Mrs. K. C. Bcnniori an expert from the Pictorial Review Co., New York, will be at our ttorv ' ' tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6th. ' She will be pleased to explain th ; ; use of the Cutting and Construe tion Guide, furnished only with ' Pictorial Review Pattern. We cordially invitt all the ladies to visit our pattern department ur- " ing this demonstration. Golden Rule Bazaar Mrs. B. T. Swart, prep. 271 Com'l I :: Ml X-RAYS AND SMILES. Surgeons In New York City have already been paid $19,000 for attend ance on Mayor Gaynor. when he was shot not long ago, and one of them, who was paid $2,500 for 11 hours' at tendance. Intends suing the mayor for $13,000 more. The surgeons say the fees are fixed by the Importance of the Individual and that Is one of the reasons the horse editor cannot afford to get sick. Last y-ar trades' unions In the United States distributed $7,000,000 In sick, and death benefits, which shows that In spite of the assertions of some rabid employers. It Is doing considerable besides "going on strike and 'holding np the poor capitalists. " Everything else having been turned over to the school children to set the example, some wise one has now submitted the presidential preference as between Taft and Roosevelt to a straw vote. This should settle It. The eating of the .bark of young trees has been ascribed to bears, porcupines, squirrels. In fact-about everything from a wampus to a wat er snake. The real truth Is, there were no trees, they didn't have any bark, and the bark was not eaten "by nothln' nohow." D. A. Hatfield arrested tn Seattle for selling forged titles to lands, Is a hustler. He continued bis work and kept on doing business Just the same, selling many pieces of land that he did not own, while confined in the Jail, o Liberty and l'rlngle Not. Mr. John Drone Is busy training his loganberry bushes. George Wllkenlng Is now plowing for Mr. Wain. Mr. Wain visited this neighbor hood Thursday. Mr. Albert Hilflker is plowing bis father's orchard. Mr. Uriah Nelderhelser made a trip to Portland Monday, returning Tuesday. Mr. Edd Westenhouse has gone to 8herwood for a week. Mr. William Westenhouse, of Lib erty, Is spraying his orchard. Mr. Boone Is doing some clearing on his place. Miss Bcrdle Houffman and Mr. Ray Gilmor are attending Business col lege In Salem. Lee . McAllister Is plowing for his father. Mr. and Mrs. Reece visited Salem Tuesday. Mr. Dodge and daughter, MlssLeda Dodge visited here Tuesday. Mr. J. C. Tompkins, of Hopewell, Is visiting his brother, F. A. Tomp kins, of this neighborhood. Mr. Ireland's folks, who resided near Prlnglo, have moved to Salem. Mr. Joe Westenhouse visited Salem today. Mr. Fox, while hauling brush from H. O. Flyng's orchard, had a runa way; one of his horses was cut up pretty badly, No other damage. Mr. Jesse Wilson United Salem yesterday. names of aitoistees abe jiot made public After this book agonts desiring to present arguments In favor of the text-books they present to the state text-book commission will be com pelled to do so through Governor West, for the governor while nam ing the commission, Is withholding the names from the public and main taining the names of the members secret from Ute other. The members while appointed yes terday, will not assume ofhYe until the first of the year. The action waa taken by the governor to pre vent the member from beln- nagged by book agents as roon as they should assume their duties, and also for th puriHMies of giving them prior to assuming their office an opportun ity to Investigate the subject of text books quietly and be prepared when the time came to act Intelligently. Wist 1Ye Sever Forget, Bocordltig to science, are the things associated with Our early home life, such as Uucklen ' Arnica Salve, that mother or grandmother used to cure our burns, bolls, scslils, sores, skin eruptions, cuts, aiinina nr l.ri.l.u. F'orty years of cures prove Its merit. I'nrlvaled for piles, corns or cold sores. Only 28s at J. C. Perry's. " Fake effort never won fair reward. Do ths big thing. I Skin ct Beauty is a Joy Forever D 1 T. FLUX GOLM'D'S CKirXTH cms c? kagjcai BUfunnt tt Mil PlM Oot.vtl.i4i. I Hvrtl stt.lx ' v !, V. t A. Mr Hl tu ft UlV 4 kt. Us. r tsMsst a. a,V . ' l"fJ"Mt J t t at .U. A,.,. ..a sul r ... ciTxiar-.K i? td s'.rt isu is 1 Ar-SaW CHICAGO TOE House of Bargains I Quality Variety and Low Prices T 3W -4V re the great attraction of . y riiin Thousands of Yards of the newest weaves. Rich, radiant Silks for the new '1912 Waists and Dresses. Foulards in new de signs and beautiful color combinations. Elegant black fancy Silks, thousands of yards at Bargain Sale Prices. If you have a principle, stick to it, you will be commended for doing so. You will not be c o m- mended though for sticking to your old Hat when the latest Hats are offered at our prices IT'S GOOD POLICY to look around and compare prices with quality. If you And any lower prices than ours, you are sure to find the quality not up to standard. Every store has Its hobby. Ours Ib to undersell every one else and we generally succeed. Come! Investi gate our goods and prices and you will wonder why you didn't come HERE. EXTIU SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY Bed Spreads 89c Standard size, Wednesday only DRESSES Ladies House Dresses, Wednesday QQr only . . . -.OL TAPESTRY 56 inches wide Turkish Tapestry, 1 CJp tH Wednesday only JJ;U m To Dress Neatly is an art, but it doesn't take an artist to appreci ate the quality, style and fit of our Suits, Coats S and Dresses of Serge, Messaline, Mix tures, Tweeds, All-Over Lace, etc. We undersell all others. ,VHY? Be cause we buy in large quantities and sell for a small Margin of profit. DRESS GOODS Spring Dress Goods that the Chicago Store advertises today other stores adver tise later. The most remarkable bargains in Dress Goods that have ever been of f ored in wool goods, in cotton goods and half wool Serges and Silk and wool goods. Before purchasing get our prices and ex amine our goods. You cannot afford not to do so. 4- CAXDIDATES' ANXOCHCEMENTS - For Assessor. I am a candidate for the Republi can nomination for county assessor, subject to the Direct Primary. JOHN F. DAVIS. Paid adv. 2-10-lmo QUICKEST AND SAFEST WAY TO CURE CATARRH For County Clerk. The undersigned hereby an nounces himself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for clerk of Marlon county, subject to the Direct Primary. MAX OEHLER. Paid adv. J-9-2m Candjdute for Justice of the Feaee. Roy Morgan, admitted to practice law In Oregon and Washington, can didate for Republican nomination Justice of the peace, Salem district Paid adv. . 2-l0-17apr For Sheriff. I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for county sheriff, subject to the direct primary, IRA HAMILTON. Paid adr 2-21-lm For County Commissioner. The undersicned Is a candidal foe renomlnatlou, on a platform of care- rui nusinees administration of coun ty affairs as I have tried to give the people In the past. J. T. BECKWITH. Paid Adv. j-17-td The quickest, best and safest way to cure catarrh or a cold In the licnd Is by using a remedy that will "touch the spot" and do Its work quickly without leaving any bad effects. Ely's Cream Balm, which Is applied to the nostrils or rubbed on the throat or chest gets right at (he root of the trouble and Instantly relieves even the worst case of catarrh or cold. A few minutes after applied you can feel a loosening up In the head, the pain and soreness are gone, the sense I of taste, smell and hearing come back, and you feel like a different person. I Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, heals .and strengthens the Inflamed mem branes, takes away that stuffed up I feeling and dull pain in the head, relieves the throat soreness and stops the nasty discharge which Is the cause of the disgusting hawking, spitting, blowing of the nose and foul breath, Hay fever victims who are iade mis erable by flu of Bneezing, coughing and wheozlng get instajit and perma nent relief by the use of this simple remedy. Don't suffer another minute. Ely's Cream Balm will relieve you Imme diately, and a 60 cent bottle will more than likely work a complete cure. All druggists sell It. For Jnstlce of the Peace, I am a candidate for nomination to th office of Justice Of the peace for th Salem Justice's district, on the Re publican ticket, at th approaching primary election. DANIEL WEBSTER. Paid adv. 2-15-lm For County Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy foi the Republican nomination to the of fice of county aasosor. ALBERT II. GILLE. Paid ad 2-16-lm FOR WRIXKLED FACES SIMPLE HOME REMEDY The Men Who Sncceed as heads of large enterprises are men of great energy. Success, today, de mands health. To all is to fail. It's utter folly for a man to endure a weak, run-down, half-allve condition when Electric Bitters will put him right on hlsvfeet in short order, "Four bottles did me more real good than any other medicine I ever took" wrlteB Chas. B. Allen, Sylvania, Ga. "After years of suffering with rheum atism, liver trouble, stomach disor ders and deranged kidneys, I am again thanks to Electric Bitters, sound and well." Try them. Only GOc at J. C. Perry's. I Ye LIBERTY The Broken Spur Sellg The Chocolate Revolver . Vita. Duet De Lux ...Trax & Harris Army Aviation "ovelty A Mid-winter Night's Dream Lubin A dandy comedy Mid Sun and Snow. WEXFORD I j time iTt-rnj, xiu. ii snowing all the events of the week a picture for all. 2-C00D S03GS-8 That funny Comedy, Bunny and the Twins. SLEEP on a Candidate for Representative. Dr. A. E. Wrlghtman. of Sllverton, Oregon, announces himself as Re publican candidate for representative for Marlon county. Paid Adv. 1-Jl-lmo For School Superintendent. Clarence Phillips, outside of Salem candidal for county school superln tendoot 2-28-lra Paid adr. For Sheriff. "I will serve the people to the biwt or u.y ability. WM. ESCH. Republican! Candidate for Sheriff. Paid. Adv. S-J-lmo Candidate for Representative. D. C. Thorn, of Jefferson, announces himself a candidal for nomination for representative from Marloa coun ty. S-3-lm Paid adv. Candidate for Keprenenlutlve. I hereby announc my candidacy for the Republican nomination for representative. Paid Adv. DR. C. II. BREWER. Appreciate the JoirosL Mr. Kdltor: W ha been a read er of your paper sine coming to Sa lem and will sivy the editorials of the Journal are th bent by far of any of a large number of paptr that we lead and we appreciate the stand the Journal takes on the side of the manses of th peopl on all public questions. Very truly, J. S. HENDERSON. (From Popular Monthly.) Thousands are spending fortunes In frantic efforts to remove the slims of premature age from their faces Such women willingly pay almost any amount of money for worthless wrinkle removers, of which there are many. If they only knew It, the most ef fective remedy Imaginable Is a sim ple, harmless face wash which can be mado up at home in letts than a minute. They have only to get an ounce of powdered saxollte and half a pint of, wltrh huiel at the drug more and mix the two. Apply this dully as a refreahlng lotion. The ef fect Is almost niaxloal. Kven after ue nrst treatment a marked Im provement Is noticed and the face has "mug. firm feeling that Is most pleasing. A Physician's Report ca Tiibcrculosls Medicine 'Hn oal Erkman'i Altcrallre In TZV J?!" 0,,","'l" Haii'la of tha Mck, with cllent rvaulta rr time. In one ca t ma .. tot th. kl m?. ." '.I !L " ,,nUI ,h "uld .r tlma ta nparaw,.n waa not bmM i I mid. You know hi fnltti In It." tkma I Alt,rallv. I. ,rt-iiT In oth. A...) . J',l '"alia. Iclho. -wmiamas: I haia ralnnl la.n'r.m pound. ,w !l,n',p, i n L ,.I U In narfaot bfal.b. Hh, I. ' f ' .T. w..,;L,,,h" r" """'" lonr. 1 am now Onln, all . 1 ,,V l eouiili or rata, inhln, at a V 1 L fn1 Afll.latltl MKS VI II OARVTV .tTTn.,n5 rwS "he r for NvkVt SEAL TUFTLESS MATTRESS 'HIS Mattress is guaranteed not to be come lumpy or bunchy in 20 years use yet it needs no' tufts to keep it in shape, because it is made of PURE long fibrel'cotton formed into one big bat by the Sealy Pneumatic Process. The Sealy Mattress is like a big billowy pillow that conforms to every curve, every position of the body and gives you the kind of sleep that you haven't had since you were a boy. We are sole agents for the Sealy in this Territory. SEE THE ONE IN OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. J. (X Terry. Toil curt i n . Journal "Want AdV' Rr.n,"Re,utu !