DAILT CAPITAL JOPRffAU 0ALEH. ORBROK. MOXDAY. MARCH 4. 1918. - , : pins vim Superb Spring Showing of New Good s Is attracting universal attention arid daily eliciting many exceedingly complimentary comments. We have combined hard work and ready cash to secure for you the BEST QUALITY BEST STYLES and BEST VALUES to be found in America. MAKE THIS YOUR STORE-REMEMBER YOU ARE WELCOME WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. You may be sure 1912's BEST VALUES are and will be here. " Our OUR WW. V,. 1 j n j idiiuicu oiuiy FOR WOMEN Have been surprising and pleasing to the most particular women in Salem, The quality, lines and excellent values have been especially remarked about Many stout ladies Who have never before been able to pur chase a suit in. Salem have" not only been satisfied .with our suits but exceedingly pleased. We have studied the suit ques tion from every standpoint and feel that we have been suc cessful in securing The Best Suit Values. The Best Suits Obtainable , See our great suit values in the Court-street window, at $17.50 Suits from $7.00 to $50.00 ' lis : IE NOW DRESS GOODS GALORE New Serges, Whip Cords, Basket Weaves in white, mixtures, double faced goods, etc. , v . . 1912's SHOES that you buy of . Stockton will WEAR WELL, FIT WELL AND LOOK FINE Prices most reasonable Nobby Hats for . Dressy Men ALL PRICES ALL STYLES We carry the best hat in America the Gordon hat i fi Do You Want a New Suit .THAT YOU WILL BE PROUD OF 9 - Then buy here. We can certainly please you from our fine, large stock of new clothing, A visit to our store will convince you that our suits are miles ahead of ordinary suits, and as smart as any shown in the Willamette valley. Indeed, we are satistied that our 1912 Spring Suits cannot fail to suit the hardest man to suit, whether he be hard to Dlease from the stand point of Quality, Design or Price. LET US SUIT YOU XESSX3SC INDEPENDENCE INTERURBAII '.MOTOR USE At 9 e'elOCk this morning the new intorttrban service from Alrlle via Monmouth and Independence, was ln Btalled. The coach and engine reached West Salem promptly on time, and a delegation from the Salem Board of Trade and Business Men's League were there at the station to meet the delegates from the Polk county mo tors, and the whole party was escorted to the Marlon Hotel, where arrange ments were made for a fine bualness men's lunch at noon. General Super intendent D."W. Campbell wired that he had been suddenly called, to Ban Francisco, and John M. Scott, general nasaena-er aa-ent of the Southern J a cific lines", would be present In his stead. The visitors Included the fol lowing: " A. B. Muir, president Dallas Com mercial club, and proprietor of the Dallas tannery, who was present 42 years ago at the laying ot the corner Btone of the Chcmeketa hotel. W. L. Toose, Jr., secretory Dallas M MM Foster j cS: 'Maker':: GROCERIES I Do you wsat good coffee at reasonable price! Try euf "Best Bulk Blend" at S5o per pound. We also have coffee I at lea price and the tbree J pound cans at 11.10 rr Our tea are the best blend at price that r low for such rood quality. Cheese, full cream ....... . Brick Cbes 5c Swiss Chees 30o t Grape Fruit, special, per-, A W do. Sweet Orange .....tie to lOe Our new Garden Seed art now on sale; let us ha v your oraer lor mem. Remember, we dsllver any place, our auto delivery will get your order out quickly. 3J K. fevmcrtUL Fm til HmHHHHmfmTtWv commercial club, and attorney for the Salem, Dallas & Falls City railroad. J. R .Craven, mayor of Dallas. General Manager Hinshaw, of the Salem, Dallas Fall" "railroad".' S...T'i0r jone8i superintendent Sa lem. Dallas & Falls City railroad. Jos. Hlrachberg,, president Salem, Independence, Monmouth & Alrlle In terurban railroad. D. B. Flske, editor Itcmizer, Dallas. H. M. Browne, editor Eenterprlse, Independence. J. S. Cooper, president Independence Commercial club. J. G. Mcintosh, secretary Independ ence Commercial club . The party were met by Pres. Jos. Albei t and Secretary Hofer, of the Sa lem Board of Trade, and motor cars belonging to Jos. Albert, Paul Wal lace, E. Hofer and others were pres- out to bring them to the city. At noon the entire party sat down to a fine business men's lunch attend ed by about 100 of the Salem busi ness people, who extended a cordial welcome to the visitors from Polk county. '.. " The Intcrnrban Lunch. Jos. Hirschberg was given three cheer at the opening of the banquet. as the man who had put on tne new Interurban service. He made ft neat and hearty response. Manager Hlnshaw, of the Salem, nnii A Falls City line, responded for his corporation, and said they whnld do their best to put on first clas service and build a bridge and be In Salem within ft year by rail. Maror Craven spoke of breaking Hn.n immunity walls. It meant ner ter store fronts and better stocks or at Dallas. He spoke of the growing friendly feelings between the two cities. Pnwldent Mulr. of the Commercial club at Dallas, spoke of the new life of that town, with manufactories ftnfl railroads. V. P. Flsk. of the Itemlser, spoke or th. nit condition at Dallas. Walter L. Toose. Jr.. secretary oi ,y. ,mmrclal club, spoke of the necessity of more cordial boosting re- between all the lalley cine He rave a hearty Invitation to baiera hn.iAMis men to visit Dalle. n,.Mrlntndent Jones was happy in .rka and touched off Jenkins. of the B. P. Co. Both got ft good round nf nnlanee. w T. nuchanan spoke on inter ,... line a city-tmllder. Devel nmnt was hastened most rapidly oy transportation facilities. There was ir.nn ftftO.OOO Invested In electric une pw cities. Indianapolis Detroit, Co lumbus. Los Angeles, had grown more ,.mw than any other four cm Each had hundred of mile of such line. All town on interurban grew more rapidly than on steam roads. Portland has 641 miles of Interurban lines. Realty values were stimulated (n city and country. Quick transit and quick business transactions made property valuable. One dollar out of five of taxes was paid by these corpor niions. He snoke of the value or tne Oregon Electric as a developer of values. It would add $100,000,000 of wealth to this valley th five years. H. E. Brojrne, of the Independence Eenterprlse, spoke of tbe value of east and west lines across the Wil lamette valley. Better transportation would benefit both Salem and Inde pendence, and they were working for their own tntereat when working for Salem. President Cooper, of the Independ ence Commercial club, spoke of Sa lem as the railroad center of the Wil lamette valley. Secretary Mcintosh, of that city, said his town was on the up grade. In place of two hours each way on the river, they could now come In 30 min utes. Judee Kelly, of Albany, said there was but one sentiment In Linn county toward Interurban the utmost good win and aunreclatlon. This valley had outgrown narrow Idea of conservation and this was now the paradlso or pro gress. , Like the others. Judge Kelly , was hourtllv annlauded. A timetable of the S. P. lines snowea is trains oDerated dally In Western At this point Goneral Pai T.er John M. Scott was Introducea had seen wonderful changes in Oregon In five year. President Sproul had become a friend of Salem ana me vaiiev He announced the construc tion of 100 mile of electric line on ... nr- aiita within a year, 'mere IMO " ... new era for all Western Or gon. It was friendly and constructive h Honied the report that mere woo.u . . -v,... in summer rate to oe uj vuugv u..mrf finnlause). l-i-V"- . ... i , i h rVArcv cloeod we wpvwu program with one of hi eloquent and whole-hearted talks. ' The whole affair wu very enjoyable ana aooui 1AA MttmnAoA . iw - wjinvinr lelexram wa receiver from Goneral Superintendent Camp bell, of th Southern Pacinc. Portland, Or., Mrcn t, mi. E. Hofer, suit. Or. Th.nk vou for your letter March 1st RegM my Inability to b pre- ... w imnortint matters require my presence here today. Mr. Fields will attend a my represent. The affair wa presided over by nni ir vrm. nresident. of the Bust nes Men s league, who ctd as toastmaster. SAGE RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL COLOR a Aautof in nrniwrvA thfl Color Of the hair than to restore It, although It is possible to do both. Our grand mothers understood the secret They made a "sage tea," ana meir aar inn? nftw middle life was due to this fact Our mothers have gray hairs before they are &u, nut thov in twirlnnlnir to aoDreclate the wisdom of our grandmothers In using ' Bage tea ror weir nair auu aro iubi. following suit. Tha nriunt. neratlon has the ad vantage of the past In that It can get a rtwwW-tn-unA nrftnarstlon called wth'i Rairtt nnA Riilnhur Hair Remedy. As a scalp tonic and color restorer, this preparation Is vastly ' superior to the ordinary "sage tea" The growth and beauty of the hair depends on ft neauny couuimuu m .n Wvlh'i Rnirn and Suluhur Hair Remedy quickly kills the dan druff germs which roo me nair oi Its life, color ana lustre, manes uie scalp clean and healthy, give the hair strength, color and beauty, ana makes It grow. fit . r.ni-pnt bott e rrom your druggist today. He will give yous- money back If you are not sauuneu after a fair trial. J. C. Perry, druggist. OAKLAND A RIVAL Of LAWRENCE (Continued rrom pag 1.) X-RAYS AND SMILES. T. C. Knapp, of jhe Peninsular Lum ber company, and president of the Portland Chamber of Comerce, asserts, and shows by figures, that the value of the timber on the average section of timber land In Oregon, when cut Into lumber, Is $600,000. Knapp should know, and this statement should be a hint to the assessors, who are Just be ginning their labors, as to valuation to be put on lumber land. FEW RETAILERS in this country have found out that EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING, cum ulative in results, means much more than merely quoting "sensational" prices for a day. t Others, and they are overwhelmingly in the major ity, can't see anything in advertising except the imme diate sales it creates. We believe they misjudge the intelligence of the buying public. Our advertising has but a single purpose to arouse you to a sense of the value of this store to the trading public. We want you to know that RELIABILITY is the backbone of our business. Our prestige rests on your faith fn our-statements, A careful study of style tendencies has enabled us llsemb,e a magnificent line of .the STRICTLY COR RECT FABRICS FOR LADIES' TAILORED SKIRTS AND SUITS. Our new mannish Scotch Suitings and Coating berges have sufficient body to them to "hang righr for tailored garments. They ae from 50 to 54 inches wide so that only a very small yardage is required. Notice how perfect our PURE WHITE COATING SERGES are. They're the pride of their makers, for only a very few mills are equipped to make satisfactory This is to be a great Silk Season and we're prepared accordingly. NOVELTY - BORDERED 42-inch SILKS . NOVELTY CHIFFON TAFFETAS NOVELTY FOULARDS NEAT HABUTAI SILKS, 32 inches wide PLAIN CHIFFON TAFFFTA. PI AIM MFSSAI IWFQ AND PONGEES Big Line of Colors of SKINNER'S STANDARD LINING SATINS Just opened NEW SUMMER WASH GOODS NEW LACES NEW EMBROIDERIES , All Spring Lines are now complete, "Credit Stores" can't match our prices There la a strange lawsuit at Albany where a real estate firm has sued a in an who had promised to buy a farm, If the real estate men could find him wife. This the firm alloges It did, but the man. after getting the wife, re fused to purchase the farm. Maybe, he got leary of the dealers on account of the first deal. Commissioner Turner made a state ment today saying the police will en force the traffic ordinance, which elves them power to break up all street gatherings. He assert that the I. W. W. has nsver had a legal permit, but was working under a blanket per mit of the Socialist party. He claims tn have received a number of com nlalntaof vulgar language used by the I W. W. street speakers. He refused to make any statement on the raid oi the Socialist hall by bis men. wv.i W Wever Ferret, according to science, are the thlnge .i-t...i .iih nnr aarlv home Hie, such a Ducklen's Arnica Balve, that mother or gmndmoiner w " " our burns, bolls, scalds, sores, skin it..... Au.a inrtlm or bruises. .ruin.uun, - , ,t Forty years 01 cures jiru- for niiea. corn or cold l Ul I T .v . - .. i tore. Only zic at j. u. -. n l.i,.iu.m much more likely to contract tb contagious diseases when ..' i.... m. Whooo inr cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consump tion are diseases inai y .u .. . . (k mm haa a cold iraciea wi.u - , - ,r,M That 1 why au meaicai .".' v.i,i Vnr th aulck W -in find nothing Cure 01 emu. - ,: .... than tnamDer.B.u. nemdr. It can alway. b deeded .-A ! niMiant and fcl Wiaae. For aale by an aeii. The Portland man who, being forced to choose between his wife and a bull nun. mado the choice of the pup, may not have been so foolish a he seems. It Is a matter he may probably be bet ter Informed on than any other person, and fair-minded critics will concede that, In order to Judge fairly, one would have to see and understand tho social qualities of both the pup and the woman.' There are all kind or women and two kinds of pups The Chinese tong war Is on again In Portland. It should either be stopped by the authorities or all restrictions be taken off and the gang compelled to murder one another until one party was exterminated or all of them. . The London shop keepers grin now when the husky lady suffragettes throw chunks of en. through their plate" glats window. The coal Is more valuable than th wlndow-or soon will be. , Prettv nearly all th Jol, from farmln down r already placed, or soon will t In th eharg of the chil dren "Mad In Oregon" product are the bos. . o lew Has Tall firaiptems. The De Molnen, Iowa, Capital Journal e-6enator Uf Young, edi tor, ha been running a straw ballot, with the following result up to ren- ruarv 28: Tart. 3,780; Roosevelt, 1124; U Toilette. 1": Cummin, i Rtwlde Oil, county after coun ty In Iowa I Instructing IU dele gate for Taft Bevlval Services at the Leslie M. K. Church, In Bouth Salem. Every night this week . Services be gin at 7:30. The meetings were welt attended last week, and there were a number ot conversions. The cottoge prayer meetings for this week are at the following homes, be ginning at 10 p. m.: Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. B. Alford, Fir and Laffelle streets. Mrs. A. Ackley ,on IUck street. Mrs. Effle Ireton, 1047 Bouth Com. merclal street. r. August Fisher, 1230 8outu High street. Mrs. A J. French, Second street. Mrs. A. Harck, 1180 South Commer clal street Mrs. James Shlpp, between High and Liberty, on Hoyt street. Thuindny and Friday. Mrs. A. Kooreman, 1G8 High stret. Mr. IT C fltlllmnn nnmnr Tlnah mil Liberty. . Mrs. C. T. Mclntlre, South Commer cial and Lincoln streets. Mrs. Fry, Judson street Mrs. L. Abrams, corner Wilson and fir. Mrs, M. Bowman, 1294 South Lib erty. A cordial Invitation 1 extended to all to attend these services. Come. We need your help and your prayers. 8XAP Modern six room houso, cement basement, modorn plumbing, eloctrlc lights, sewer In, good location. A real good place. Only $2,000; tonus. Ht( IITEL BYNON o Journal "Want Ads" Iirtng Results. Look to Your Shoes iw. thiui B0O0 traction engine are rain miA In Canada, and w Kill vvj ii a " - wonder If the day of the gawune horse will ever arrive! ARE you wearing shoes that are worth what you paid for them? Do they wear as well as they look? Are you rea2y satisfied with them? We want to leff you in this ad whereto get shoes that wiil satisfy you as to looks, wearing quaHties end price! QUE! shoes ore sofiJ from JJeginning -to end! They are built to give the wearer satisfaction! We guarantee ywi tatisf action in every respect! Wt only want a singfe trial !o prove that we handle only the best shoes at the most reasonable prices! :: 175 Wii Q)lMJQlsm& :: i (!f yctieQ -jtb tywis, ITS SO) Ti f 1 5 r- x e-""