3 i IX A- " rure-veletabl 14 "I Y CAPIT?! "PlttAI, SALEM, QntGOS, F RID AT. XARC1I 1, 1912. "There's no 'Squeal' in Cottolene Madam" e ProducL COmeS from nnrk IS Simnlv finer fat Tf U inaigesuuie. iuu iaKe your chances. Qtofe is made from the purest vegetable oil; it contains ho? fat and never makes food greasy and indigestible. It is heaffl and wholesome, and is economical because one-third less fa quired than of eite butter or lard. &ySH &e ater-pangs of mdigestion, by placing Cottolene in y&ktota for all frying; and shortening purposes. aen -Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANIC rnMPAMv Shortens Your Food-Lengthens Your Life SEVELT HAS MORE THAN ALL (Kansas Weekly Star.) '; ixw City, Feb. 24. It makes no :?irence whether the Weekly Star '. all brings In two hundred or two ' Md or ten thousand votes In the '& of presidential possibilities, the sit li always the same Roosevelt in more votes than all the others to fltr. This ratio has prevailed day t hy from the very beginning. J II It remarkable also that the same Milage In Roosevelt's favor Is not ; atj found In Missouri voters and lu "a Kansas voters, but also In ' the j-afrom other states. For Instance, lour mail last night there were 431 . Of the 36 from Kansas, 20 of a were for Roosevelt. Of the 30 li Missouri, 18 were for Roosevelt. jMB remaining were miscellaneous i in even 200 of them, were for :ffelt. Be itandlng up to last night fol- iwielt i'k.. ..' ' in a Toilette 'ill ' r'm ,. '. '1 'to MOM ,. binlni Arwood h Altering 84,732 1S.G71 16,535 9,621 7,511 8,847 7,898 3,963 2,786 1,220 C90 115 ' 2,309 m 164,898 1 Kt'gloct a Child's CoiirIi.' "Child's Welfare" movement challenged the attention r of ww people everywhere. Moth ?w natural supporters, and will " Foley8 Honey and Tar Com most valuable aid. Coughs ,,ht unchecked lead to bronchltlR and pneumonia yield ; Mo the hoallng and soothing Zlf Jolry's Honcy ail Tar 2 i JCon,!llllB 110 llatpB and 'S Nn,K8' 18 ft medicine, not Pharnmcy''Se 8,ll)sUt"tl'9- Rt'(I .Children Cry U F0R FLETCHER'S SiST O R I A ;j THE OPEN FORUM !! The Capital Journal Invites pub- '. ' ' Ho discussion In f hln H - blllcilL I Let hnth o an nl -II T . . . . wi an umuers oe iuiiy nroueht nntTt a .t the purpose of this newspaper to f uu uiu uiinKing ror its readers. I Hn HH Ed. Journal: Since Teddv bIiIm! hi- hat Into the ring It has caused Borne newspapers, as well as some of our statesmen to get up lu the air for fear the "Kernol" will do something to the old constitution framed by the federal convention In Philadelphia on s,.. tember 17 1787. But not Rn Mo lino been tried and found not wanting so far tiR tllfl uhnla nan,ln . jtuiuo tti b uuncei neu, Fearless and aggressive he did his duty as he saw It. He probably made some mistakes, but most of them were on the right side. . It seems there Is somethine wrone. and how to right that wrong Is the question; not by adhering to old prac tices and theories, but by up-to-date plans and specifications. California was. In very bad, politically, but new plans and specifications were drawn. The people accepted them, and such a house cleaning. The old state breathes easior today, freed from graft and cor porations. Under the leadership of Governor Johnson tho goods were de livered, and the more we have of It the butter we like It. It seemsniost to be In the man. agement of public affairs by public officials. Is It policy, policy to do this, Is It policy, to do that, even it it Is right to do my duty; Is It policy. That, as you all know, Is the burden of and passed a day at the Hotel Medford before the public was annrlaed ,.f h fact. She was accompanied by her manager and 18-year-old son, Fred erlck. v "Dear old Teddy " she repeated with a smile of motherly affection. "I have sung for him, and I will sine hi praiBes from one end of the country to tno other. He stands for thoBe things that go to make un the wholn some American home, the home with children, with ideals, and yet with t practical view of Bajvlce." "What do I think of woman auf. frage?',' Mine. Schumann-IIelnk 11 VP a dramatic shudder. "No, no. The place for woman is In the home. The women of California tried to convert me, but I know too much of life and affairs. Politics Is bad. Women wnnlri not lift politics up. Politics would drag women down. No, I never want to vote. My life Is for mv art nml mv eight children." -'- o Notice lor Scaled Rids. Notice Is hereby given that the com' mon council of the city of Salem, Ore gon, Invites sealed bids for the making of an Improvement of North High street from the north Hue of Court street to the north curb line of Division street, in said city, with Ultullthlc pavement, Light Standard Ultullthlc pavement, Heavy Gravel Ultullthlc pavement, Light Gravel Ultullthlc pave ment, El-Oso pavement No. 3, El-Oso pavement No. 4 or concrete pavement, In accordance with the plans, specifi cations and estimates on file In the of fice of the city recorder of said city, which are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. some of our public servants' troubles. ,, S IT . . n r a"er A great question Is before the people d,Ryjf March 1912 at or abo"! inio,, t .i... ...u..i . i.i . J 7 1 3 0 o clock p. in., In open council nt iii.. , , , , meeting, In the city hall In Salem, Ore- cost Of livllie. scarcity of work In Hnnie cost of living, scarcity of work In some localities, strikes and boycotts; noth ing but fight! fight! fight. It seems all our able statesmen at Washington have done In the last half century was to tinker with the tariff, and under that tinkering some have become quite wealthy, while the whole people paid for the music, and the band plays on. JOHN SILVKRTON. She ('ould Eat Him. (UNITED MESH IJtAHKD Willi".. 1 Medford, Ore., March 1. "I love Teddy Roosevelt; I could eat him; I wish he would be president all the time," thus spake Ernestine Schu-mann-Helnk, the world-famous con tralto and prima donna, last night, when asked for her opinion of the po litical situation. The diva slipped In to Medford last night unannounced, gon. Each bid submitted must be ac companied by a certified check equal In amount to ten . per cent of the amount of tho bid. The city of Salem reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This notice Is published for five successive days In a dally news paper published In the city of Salem, Oregon, the date of the first publica tion being February 27, r912. CHAS. F. ELGIN,' 2-27-Ct City Recorder X-RAYS AND SMILES. Madam Schumann-Helnk ti, w phenated songstress, at Medford. the statement that she "loved Teddy nooseveit, and would like to eat him Just Imagine some of the extra hich notes she would reach with the stren uous one In her little tummv. kioHn against being digested. ' If Madame Schumann-Helnk reallv wants to eat Teddy, the horse editor can point out a gentleman from Ohio and another from Wisconsin who will furnish all the salt, pepper, mustard J -it. ' iiu omer condiments to make the reed a hearty ode, and enable her tn clean up the dish. W. J. Bryan enthused the Demo crats at Portland last night In a two and a half-hour sneenh vta ion thused the stand-patters by roasting Roosevelt, even stirring the Oreisonlan up to words of praise for him. The English coal miners' ntrll-A demonstrates that, coal miners doing nothing, can render the celebrated British navy harmless putttn them. as President Cleveland bo eplgramat- icaily put It, In a condition of "In nocuous desueteude." John Shaw, of Boston, 65 years old. has the Jail record, havlne been thrown In 204 times, most of them for drinking not wisely but too much. Still with all those years a man who reauy wanted a record could (ret drunk oftener than that. The police must have been derelict In their dutv. or the record would have been great er. Mrs. Jack Cudahy, of Chicago, has bought a revolver to protect her home from burglars. Jack Bhould increase his life Insurance, and double that on his wife. . It looks as though Roosevelt might hit the coffe pot for a third term A Texas Jury praying for divine guidance In reaching a Jury and this from Texas Is about the limit. Congress and the judiciary keep probing Standard Oil, but they cvl dently do not hit the oil. The probe doesn't go deep enough to start a leak. A Civil War veteran, who stole a mule nearly 60 years ago, has sent a draft of $200 to tfle secretary of war rAGE THREE. "to pay for the same and ease his con science." A man who can stand a full grown mule on hi conscience for 50 years is both tough and gritty, but the case Illustrates the truth that "conscience makes cowards of us all." though during the Modoc war some one said It wag "Sconchins." . o v WILL IIIVITE GRAND -LODGE TO CEREMONY The Elk's Lodge at meeting last evoningr For sale by J. (!. Perry. n k 0. mm rwim Rtnm fur HtimtMn MiMerauATtu. !r I Htlt- NiVEH KNOWN TO f Ait. " 8i.!j-ih. fiviK.ii iuriM-d r Huny Krfuitdiil. H--(it frp rtif I.0U pri Iiok. Will Mlit ibruM) irlol.t" ! jl! Vhrfi f iltif4. Hwiiplw Vn. If jrwttl dfugKlal m bt ih-m wui Joui rkr M ItM iiL,tin MtM.ii-AL CO. jm ttt. LmeaiTfa. I Soli In Siltm by Or. 5. C. Stont iSS3CiKjxs.VgJrrrr"Tl'.j!il.il 11 1 r t'fn& r wrvm moo Hg;if.j1,t.ll,"'-''g-'g"!IBW SALEM BANK & TRUST CO. GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS With our assurance that we are ablo and willing to take care of It, we solicit youf Banking Busi ness. Open an account with us, and we will extend you every favor consistent with good bank ing principles., WE PAY FOI'R l'K It CENT OX 8AYLN0S Corner Slute and Liberty Slrcefs J. L. Ahlers, President. W. O. East, Cashier. S. S. East, Vice President. Dr. L. B. Sleeves, L. H. Roberts, Directors. SPECIAL PRICE for a Short Time Only 'G-in-Wood-S Load Orders $1.75 '6-in. Wood-Sinelc load orders . . $2.00 ilace your order now for wood you will require this summer and fall fte Chas K. Spaulding Logging Co. rer' ni 1 CTfl E I II I Its regular took a'lonK stride toward the consummation of Its new building project. A resolu tion was adopted pledging the re sources of the lodge to whatever amount may be necessary for the erection of an up-to-date Elk's build ing. Among otber things they fixed the date for the laying of the corner stone during the sessions of the Grand Lodge at Portland the second week In July. This means a new building that will rival the Masonic Temple which Is now under construction on StAte and High streets. ' It Is everywhere conceded that the location of tho Elk's site on Court and High streets Is oncof tlie very finest. In th pitv for this purpose, and will make a most desirable corner for business rooms and offices as well as for lodge purposes. The greatest lmmediute point gained by the Elks In their action last evening Is the securing of rocog nltlon from the Grand I-odge for the laying of the corner stone. . This means that tens of thousands of vis Itlng Elks from all 'points of the compass will come to Salem upon that occasion. An Invitation will Im mediately go out tc the Grand Lodge oincials to take charge of the corner stone laying ceremonies, and the af- I iii i . .. . . mir win do pui on tno oillcial pro gram, which alone is worth a great deal to the Salem Lodge as well as to the Capital City. o . - Notice for Seadd Bids. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Ore gon, Invites sealed bids for the mak ing of an Improvement of Center street from the east line of Liberty street to the west line of Fourteenth street. In said city, with Bltullthio pavement, Light Standard Bltullthio pavement, Heavy Gravel Bltullthio pavement, Light Gravel . Ultullthlc pavement. El-Oso pavement No. 3 ,El-Oso pave ment No. 4, concrete pavement or Hassam pavement, In accordance with the plans, specifications and esti mates on file In the office of the city recorder of said city, which are here by referred to and made a part of this notice. Said bids will be opened on or after the 4 th day of March, 1912, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m., In open council meeting, In the city hall In Salem, Ore. gon. Each bid submitted must be ac companied by a certified check 'equal In amount to tfti per cent of the amount of the bid.' Thui notice Is pub llBohd tor five successive days In i daily newspaper published In the city of Salem, Oregon, the date of the first publication being February 27, 1912. CHAS. V. ELGIN, 2-27-6t City Recorder rt ?. The New Gloves for Women and Children, in a RemxrU- ably Complete Gathering of styles, quality and Sizes. ; Whether you'desire gloves of silk, kid or fabric you will find them in our large yid comprehensive glove stock in every desirable color and in every size, The careful selection ex ercised in choosing has made it possible for you to buy gloveS here with ev ery assurance that you are securing gloves irre proachable in style, fit ' and quality, Only repu- ' table manufacturers have been drawn upon for our supply, And "if your gloves wear, . tell your neighbor; if they don't . tell Shipley," No mnttpr what nrio wnn pay, you always get 100 cents worth of value for every dol lar you spend, These items give a hint of the superior values and choice allowed, , Kayser's 2-clasp silk gloves, double woven finger tips, Black, white and aO popular colors, 50c 75c, $1.00. Kayser's 16-button silk gloves, double finger tips, Black, white and colors, Ai $1.00, $1.25. Alexandre kid gloves In piaue and 'over-seam stitch. All leading colors $1.50. nr-s.....',: .i! Choice selected lamb skin gloves, All leading shades, $1.00 Pacmo Cape gloves, $1.00, $1.50 Dent's 2-clasp Cape gloves $2.00 Dent's children's gloves, $1.00, $1.50 Alexandre black suede gloves, 3-clasp $1.75. Quality mnuwMWf U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 North Liberty Street Between Suia and Court Streeti, SALEM, OREGON Popular PrlMi HALF A LOAF may bo "bettor than no bread", as the proverb goes, but half a loaf of our broad Is only bh aggravation. For It is so light and toothsome, so "morelsh" In flavor, that even a whole loaf goes a vory short way In satisfying the wants of those who try It. If you would know what per fect broad Is, try some of ours. CAPITAL BAKERY 439 Court Streot Phone 954 T Office- Hrnn r nnrl Frrv fit Phone 1830 jr" backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularitiei. FoIy Kidney Pill are tonic in action, quicJc ia remit. Refuse substitute All patent medlclnts or medicines ad tertlsed In this paper ar. for sal at DR. STONE'S Drug Store Salem, Oregon Also Dr. Stone's 1IFIVP TtRAPfl For the cure of Heaves afflicting th norse. A iiquia meuicme, giroa on the feed, which the most fastidious bone will not refuge to eat. From one to elt bottles given ae directed will cure the moat stubborn caaa. Price, $1 00 per bottle or six bob tlci tor fS .00. Notice for Sealed Illdn. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem In vitee sealed bids for the making of an Improvement of South Fourteenth street from a point 24.5 feet north of the south line of State street to the north line of Mission street. In said city, with Illtiillthlc pavement, light Standard Ultullthlc pavement. El-Oso pavement No. 3, El-Oso pavoment No. 4, or concrete pavement, heavy grav el Ultullthlc pavement, light gravel Bltullthio pavement, In accordance with the plans and specifications and estimates on file In the office of the city recorder of said city, which are hereby reforred to and made a part ol this notice. ' Said bids will be opened on or aft'ir m iu day or March, 1912, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m. In open council meeting In the city hall, In Salem, Ore gon, Each bid submitted must be ac companied by a certified check cfiial In amount to ton per cent of the amount bid. The city of Salem re serves the right to reject any and all bids. This notice Is published for five sncceaslve days In a dally newspaper published In the city of Salem, Ore. gon, the date of the first publication being February 27, 1912. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 2-27-M City Recorder. You ludie a ninn not liv whnt hu promises to do, but by wfiat he has done. That Is the only true test. Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy Judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of It In the highest terms of praise. For sale by all dealers. 0 CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Thi Kind YaaKavs AIw3js Bought Bears the Signature of Better Pianos " AT This Columbian "Favorite" t With 24 Selections Including nigoieiie- ana . "juucia Box tette. $59.00 Three days FflEK trial. Smaller Cost Wo sell on the "Ono-Honost-Prlce-to-all" system consequently our customers flifd satisfaction In the X absolute knowlodgo that they pay no more for a pluno than any one f else would pay. We muke tonus to suit every- X one. ;! Tlie Wiley B. Allen Store 247 N. Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon l 8 Special oaiuraay mis I Sheet Music 5c and 10c iMM.MM,M t 1 TP W ffh Ask Your Grocer for it - '' "- '- " r t - , I'm mit KM .- ! mm .!- ,i , , il , . j , 1 II . I Capital City Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN k lGSs Our Wagons Co Everywhere , K t-LI LhU.-o rnnlVlHw i .