Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 27, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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'More gifts claimed yesterday -i in our
GiftS win Event. Remember, change
of numbers every Monday, Wednes
day and Friday. Visit the store often
and bring your number with you.
Oar Great As
sortment of
Spring Suits at
20 Less "
Tbe styles are here the fab
ric and colorings are the latest
Why bay elsewhere whoa you
can Mtfl from 15 to 110 oa a
new snlll
Every day bring new ship
ments for our LAdles' Ready-to-Wcar
Section; and tills depart
ment la one of the busiest apota
In the big atore, Balem'i beat
dressed women alwaya look to
Meyer' for the latent fashion
Idea. Tbe new style are varied
showing ao many weave end
colorings that It la Impossible
to describe tboni. We are aure
that a visit to thin section will
be very Interesting to you, and
It will give ua an opportunity to
show the many different style
to you. We've also some splen
did new coat models to show
New Royal Waists I
The collection of new Royal Waists for
Spring and Summer far surpass the
showings of previous seasons. Every one
is a dainty stylish conception and will
please the most careful dressers.
A great variety in both lingerie and
tailored styles in an almost endless array
of patterns.
We've arranged a large window display
of these and it will be worth your while
i to stop and see them.
Liberty street side
To Speak at Mission
MIm Rlone, o( the Willamette law
atluiol, will Hk at ths pity mission
toil I lit.
Supreme Slams
We ar selling these well known brands of cord Hums knd Hacon
to a multitude of people In our city. They have built up our Ham
buslnesa to where It Is. Second to none In our town. Titers Is no
use dodging the Iue. We claim Supreme and Sinclair Hams are
the pht of all Hums less salt, better cured, better flavored, and
as tender a chicken. The Price Is Klahl IKe per pound tor the
rhob-est. Not seconds. A now shipment In today.
Supreme Pic 1'jcs
Just a few left
Supreme Ham Rolls, natons
These are very choice
Our D
If you are In nevd of a iiulck lunch, we are at your dlpoal witti
a quick delivery. F.gitut, well cooked and prepared Sausages,
lloef, Ham, Ralad. ett, etc. Everything comes to yon la the mosl
utnltary way,
h Grocery Co.
'A;,!i '
mmlm .
It. fcAlNS I V VZ Ml
If mi
law ' lawr' i'WMi j
ft atifVjiailgaYiSbi
Funeral Yesterday
The fuiural of Kd. Iterren, who
died February 21, 11)12. at Tucson.
Arltona, waa held from the under
taking parlors or W. T. Itlgdon at 2
o'clock yesterday, undur the auspices
of the folks UkIkb of this city, of
which bn waa a member. Interment
was In City View cemetery.
A Socialist Fgg k. i '
R, R. Ryan says b bas ben that
bas laid an egg 7 Vi in. by 9 In,,
weight one-quarter ' pound. This
beata the Black Minorca story of yes
terday. ,1'
Interest Keeps l'p
Interest still keeps up In the meet
ings at the Y. M. C. A.; conducted by
the Municipal Improvement League,
and at the meeting today there were
60 church workers present to take
part In the discussion and partake
of luncheon.
Will Harry
A marrlHKB license was burned at
the county clerk's office yettterday to
lwla W. GuIks,' sge 60, of Wood
burn, and Mrs. Clara Evelene Thomp
son, agnd 60, of the same place, The
wedding will take place on February
7, 1912, at Woodbtirn, Oregon. ' "
Appointed Guardian '
An order was made yesterday In
probata court, appointing Veronla
Cadwell guardian of the person and
estate of Percy Cadwell, an Insane
person. Tbe bonda required are $250
and Frank. Smith, Frank Mann and
W. Hlrons a appraisers of the prop
erty, ' . '
Got Ms Tricycle
The tricycle which Mrs. R. L. Har
rls reported to the police Saturday
as lost, was recovered yesterday by
Chief of Police Hamilton from a lit-
tie boy on State street, who said that
It had been given to blm by (t small
boy in the down town district Satur
day evening. ,.
Made Administrator
N. B. Cole was yesterday appointed
administrator of the estate of Ralph
T. Preston, deceased. Mabel Pres
ton, 16 years, Cora Preston, li years,
and Maud, eight years, all of Port
land, and half sister of the de
ceased, are the heirs at law. Prop
erty to the amount of $200 Is to be
divided among them.
lliiiiKcr flros. Move
Ilauser Brlthers have been busy
the last few days moving Into their
now store Just south of the old loca
tion. This room has been recently
remodeled and altered and a large
brick addition built at. the back and
now the above named Arm has one
of the largest. If not the largest,
store In the state devoted to the sale
of sporting goods. Ilauser Bros,
also have a store In Albany.
Will Probated '
The wltl of Isabel M. Kwlng was
Med in probate court February 26,
1U12, In which property to the
amount of $1500 was bequeathed to
her son, U-wls U. Jackson, who was
made executor of the will without
bond. The appraisers named by the
court are 0. M. Fry, John Scholland
M. B. Kromllng. All the parties ar
from Hubbard, this county.
The Wheels Skidded
Quite a bit of excitement was
caused on Stule street yesterday by
line stunning or an automobile. o
I car Johnson was driving "Ills Over
hand west on State street opposite
I the court house, and attempted to
l make a complete turn in the street
I The street at this point was very
I slick and the back wheels skidded
and threw the machine, against the
curb In such a way as to completely
demolish one of the rear wheels. No
one was hurt and Mr. Johnson con
siders himself as fortunate that the
accident did not result more serious
A .Hitter Car Service
It Is reporl'Kl on good authority
that a motor car service will com
mence March 1. 1912, from Alrlle to
Palem. The route chosen Is by way
of Independence and Monmouth and
Dairy, over the a P. lines. There
will be two round trips dally, but the
schedule Is not available at this
Outlook Is (Joed-""
A. K. Klnley, the Center street
plumber, returned yesterday from
OorvHllU, where ho bas an Interest
In a sand, gravel and cement Indus
try. Mr. Ftnley reports everything
In a prosperous condition there and
looks for a good business for his
company this summer.
Ilroke Ills Wrlsl
Ul evening about t o'clock, as
Mr a Joseph Hauiuaardnet' and some
other ladles were driving along Court
street opposite the court houie, the
horse slipped and fell in auch a man
ner as to be unable to rl. In
(ileaMon. who was helping do aome
surveying nir there tor the city
caiue to the rescue of the ladle as
the horse was struciillng to arWand
as Mr. (ilcason look hold of the
bridle, the horse made a lunge,
throwing Pan In such a way aa to
break his. wrist, nr. Clay waa called
and reduced the fracture, ao that lie
Is now resting easily. In all proba
bility ltoa will not be able to resume
his duties with the c!ly for some
time. He Is employed In the engi
neering department. The horse was
gotten on Ita feet nd that art of
the trouble ended happily.
It Is the peculiar quality of a fool
to percelva th faults of others, and
to foi'.t bis own.
The new atore recently opened by
Mrs. P; B. Fullerton at 270 N. Com
mercial street, Is a model millinery
emporium. Salem ladies are enthu
siastic In their praise of tills new es-
tablishment Everything Is arranged
so the customer can see It to the
best advantage. The entire finishing
of the store is moat artiutlc and dig
nified, the woodwork being solid oak
finished In a delicate gray.' '
The clothing cublneta as well as
the cases for millinery and accessor
ies; are absolutely dust-proof; and the
front consist of full length French
yljite glasA mirrors. The carpeting
is a rich green, and harmonizes w ith
th" light gray of the woodwork. j
Mr. Fuli'.Tton returned only a few
days ago from his New York trlp.ori
wfilch. be selected personally all the
coata, suits and waists for his atore.
Many of , the ''suit wero made to bis
special order, with a view, to giving
the 'people of Salem' exclusive Styles
and patterns. ' '
As the exclusive agents . for the
Faultless Flskhats, Mrs. Fullerton la
showing the very newest spring mod
els In millinery.
The combination of first class
clothing and ' millinery will prove a
welcome addition to the list of 8a
lent's stores, and Mrs. Fullerton will
be very glad to welcome all old and
new customers. '
Has Appendicitis
'esley Parry, a bartender of the
Dick Madison saloon, waa operated on
yeaterday at the sanatorium for appen
dicitis. The operation waa successful
and the patient ia now on a safe road
to recovery.
All business men Interested, and
also all members of the Salem Horse
Show organi'tton, will please attend
tho meeting at" the Board of Trade
rooms on Tuesday, February 27, .at
7:30 p. m., to select a date for the
horse show. - r
Superintendent J. W. Powers
Will read a paper on "The Home
and the School" beforo the Salem
Slit O'clock club, Monduy evening,
March 41 h In the First Methodist
VMtlng I'urenls
''D. GateB Cochran, bookkeeper for
the Hoover Lumber company, of
Hoover, Oregon, Is at the home of his
pafenta on Chemeketa street, having
stopped on his way from Portland,
where he has been In the Interests of
lila rompanv. Mr. Cochran will go to
Hoover In a day pr two.
Youth ia alK.t the only condition
that time Is certain to cure.
Bronchial Troches
a remislrof minnrlur merit for CmiifluL Hoarte-
nou ami Irrllntloii of tlm.iit, (lhu wmiilirfiil
rellar In l.ung Timlbloi, tin 1011k Slid Ailluns.
Ytr from nat ur Hiiy li irmliil iMgntlieul,
Sold only In bcnon. H:iuile limlleil In-e. '
.miiN i. meows ti SDN, n..in, Mum.
The best In motion plcturea, songs,
acta and orchoatra music. A good
program today and tomorrow.
Oailug, beginning next Saadsy
Far and Near Vision
properly corrected by
Kryptok Lenses
la a pleasure enjoyed With no other
Itntken lenses replaced while you
wait We grind any I cos made. In
our shop; no wait longer than a day.
Chas. H. I fees
'x'''-- ' '
Prize Winnisg Recipe for Raula Cfti
Bosh one yeast cake In 1 11 cups of
potato water; mix In enough flour to
make stiff batter; beat five minutes.
Let stand over night In the morning
scald, two cups sweet milk. Into which
put rounded tableepoon cottolene,
1 tal.lspoon salt, I tablespoons sugar.
When- milk Is lukewarm mix with the
yeats add enough flour to make a stm
batter; beat about ten minutes; let rise.
Wheii aufllciently raised add two cups
of eeerted or seedless raisins; mix; add
more flour snd knead until dough Is
smooth; let rlee. Make Into loaves and
bake one hour. 'W hen baked wet top
of loaves with sugar and hot water to
nrii-nt the rriint hecnmlng too hard.
This recipe won the grand prize in
the. California Raisin Growerj' bread ; T
contest. The me of Cottolene M short
ening is significant
If yon are subjec to frequent colds
or If you have any of the distressing
symptoms of catarrh, such as stuffed
Ui ieelius in the bead, profusj dis
cbarge. from the nose, sores in tbe
nose, phlegm in the throat causing
hawking and , spitting, dull pain in
the head or singing in the ears, just
annolnt the nostrils or rub the throat
or. chest with a little Ely's cream
Balm, and ae bow quickly you will
get relief.
In a few minutes you will feel your
bead clearing, and after using the
Balm for a day or ao the nasty dis
charge will ba checked, the pa'n,
soreness and fever gone, and you will
no longer be offensive to yourself
and your friends on account of the
constant hawking, spitting and blow
ing. ' Shake off the grip of catarrh be
fore It destroys your sense rf taste,
smell nd hearing and poisons your
whole system. In a abort time you
can be completely cured of this dis
tressing disease by using Ely's Cream
Balm. This healing, antiseptic Halm
does not fool you by short, decep
tive relief, but completely overcomes i
the iIIhaaha. If rlpnra tliA firtfin hoail I
and throat of all the rank poison,
soothes, heals and strengthens the
raw, aore membranes, making you
proof against colds and catarrh.
One application will convince you,
and a BO-cent bottle will generally
cure the worst case of catarrh. It
druggist today.
Visiting Schools-
County Superintendent of Schools
Walter M. Smith is in the north end of
the county this week visiting schools
and attending to other matters In con
nection with his office.
umngi ivnL,
RKKD-TRACY At the minister's
house in Salem, Oregon, February
26. 1912.
Rev. P. 8. Knight performed the
ceremony that united as husband and
wife James Reed, of Chtckamaa coun
ty, and Acenath Tracy, of Marlon
county. Their residence Is near Mt.
M'DONOCGIl At the family home
near Liberty, thlc county, February
26, 1912, Mra. Estella Mi-nonough.
wife of Charles McDonnugh, sited 2!t
years, 5 months and 17 days.
8he leaves, besides her husband, one
son 10 years of age and twins aged
two years.
The funeral will be held February
-s, at 2:30 p. m. from the Cottaite nn
dnrtaklng parlors, Ilev.,lr. Jasper of
flclntlng. Interment will be in the
I. O. O. V. cemetery. .
' (Continued from rage 1.)
Jackscrews running lu value from
n.r.O to each. This furnished
food for the argumentative council
men and the discussion began. Be
coming tired of the subject, the mav
or ruled the motion allow int the hill
out of order, and said he would en
tertain an apiieal from the derlsum
of the chair. No one was In a mood
of appealing and the discussion came
to an end, and once and for all. an
far aa the council Is concerned.
-' n
When a man tells you he hu n. ..,
provai or his conscience for a certain
act It la a aafe bet that he has no oth
er approval.
A man's got t0 mf ninrn titan
money ia be broke.
Resident AgeaU 1st State Street
All .Hakes
8 me before you do anything
MMM . t Mrriil, Sale. 0reg.fc
t' H"2 'I. it'' n il. hi'fl a t
Ve have just
. ,J r
i f If A if I ft V- N
II B'l Bf R . Xiw
1 11 ART
ment of the famous neywooa Drctners
& Wakefield Co's". Art Reed Goods.
The assortment consists of . serving
tables, library tables, comfort chairs, rockers,
fnof tnnle fir. These nieces are finished in
a beautiful tone of brown. The chairs and j
rockers are upholstered in genuine leather
and in tapestry of artistic designs and
harmonious coloring.
Art Reed furniture combines beauty, comfort
and durability and is the furniture par ex
cellence for the living-room, library or den.
FOR RENT Furnished house, no chil
dren. Inquire H. W. Thlelsen, 151
N. High street. Phone 139 or 1321.
FOR SALE Two Duff Leghorn cock
erels and some nice pullets, also one
No. 8 rook stove and one heating
stove. Call at 151 Columbia street.
WANTED Flret-clnss skirt makers
and skirt and coat finishers at
once, 421 Court street. 2-27-St
01 RL WANTED At Owl Rooming
House, Commercial and Ferry
street, for chamber work. 2-27-3t
FOR RENT Large seven room house
with basement; modern conven
iences. Inquire SCO N. High street.
El'RNISHED ROOMS-ailti N. High
street, near city hall. Phone Main
FOR SAI.E-One lot and big build
ing turee blocks from P. 0. for
$800. Also one lot 50x100. Pave
ment and street assessments all
paid; Just of State, for $600. $150
down, balance on easy terms. In
quire 120 N. Liberty street.
t-a--oKcr light car In best condi
tion; 19U model. j,lst repainted
and overhauled. Will stand sever
est mechanl.al examination or
demonstration. An economical car
that will do the work. Price cheap,
fall at E. Ilofer & Sons. Real Es
tate 213 S. Commercial street.
(i t mr n , , ,,tERAL M'KSEUf STOCK
by d ol I' MS yo"r order. -v. money
for this ZJ Mg ,n3r Prun M Loa P
e ! I' ngl fet bus' -I Tour order Have
.-"i pir rt 1115 Mch-,-e,iTcr frMof
Nur-nv, located one-half mil, east of asylum.
- ;
received a large ship-
Iff in .1
. . ...
FOR SALE Rubber . tire buggy
good as new. A snap. Phone Main
188. 2-27-31
TO LET on shares, about 40 choice
ewes. Inquire A. J, Egan, Gervals,
Route 2. Phone Farmers 3G. ,
Runs easy, very durable; price in
reach of all. Demonstrations free
In every home. J. M. Roysden,
Hllgh Hotel. Phone 742. 2-23-6t .
WANTED Young lady wishes place
to work, In small fa'rlly and uso
of piano, wages small. Address
Postofflce Box No. 94.
FOR SALE 10 acres of good fruit,
and dairy land, seven acres In cul
tivation; three acres good timber,
six miles out, near school and car,
line. .Price, $1,250 on very easy
terms. No Interest for years. Ad
dress, John Van lanen, Fair
Grounds, Oregon. 2-27-31
In any quantity.; Prompt delivery;
our specialty. Falls City Lumber,
Company. 279 North Commercial
street. Phone Main 813. '
On good Seal Estate seenriry. 1
147 State Stmit
On farm and city property. John H.
Scott, over Chicago Store. Salom, Or
egon. Phone 1552.
TH08. K. 1'ORD
Over Ladd and Hush Hank. Salem. Or.
Established 1893
' rre-SljM Pptvlall4
Net door to U. 8. Bank DuUdtag.
Salem, OiMgen